In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 1, Episode 24 - Jake and Amy: Week Five - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "in Treatment"...

A liar shouldn't expect
their word to be worth anything.

I'm gonna start some real lying
to teach you a lesson.

You said that when you saw Jake
for the first time,

- you thought he was sexy as hell.
- He was beautiful.

Amy has a strong need to have a career.
That seems to make you jealous.

That in turn makes Amy secretive
and she lies.

- Stop calling me a liar!
- Stop lying!

- Stop it!
- You're a fucking liar...

- God damn it! Stop it!
- You are a fucking liar!

You're a quitter. He's a winner.

If you had a quarter of Ben's strength
I'd be interested in you too.

You psychopath.

Have you ever recorded
your arguments with her before?

I just want to understand
what's happening to us.

What's up?

You fall asleep?

- How long have you been here?
- Five minutes.

- Should we go in?
- There's someone in there.

Can I sit?

What time is it?

Five to.


Well, what?

Are you gonna be like this
in there too?

Like what?

I don't know.

Season 1, Episode 24.

Week 4, Session 4.

Sync by: michvanilly, Gaillots, Anyone.

So how are you both?



Before we begin,
I want to talk about last week.

I can tolerate
yelling and outbursts

that result from your arguments
but I will not,

absolutely not,
tolerate any physical violence.

- Do you understand that?
- It's OK. We separated a week ago.


I'm sorry to hear that.

So it's a little late
to start setting up ground rules.

- Hope you don't feel like an idiot.
- That's what you would want, I suppose.

Why would I wanna make you look
like an idiot?

- Because it makes you feel good.
- Wait, did you hear what I just said?

Yes. You said that you'd been
separated for a week.

- Would you like to tell me why?
- He threatened to kill me.

You're smiling.

You're taking on
a huge responsibility.

- What responsibility?
- You act like you aren't concerned.

You don't think he's capable
of doing it?

- He could be perfectly capable of it.
- Then why are you smiling?

I've had patients over the years
who've had their lives threatened.

You just brought this up
like it was nothing.

- Well, I'm not into this.
- What's the matter?

Can't you hear
how he's talking to us?

What the hell is wrong with you?

- Why are you being so hostile?
- That's what it feels like to you?

Very much so.

- OK.
- What?

I have to put up with you both
being hostile to each other and to me

- constantly.
- That's why we pay you.

The money isn't really important to me.
I have other patients.

I don't understand. You say
you don't wanna treat us anymore?

Do I want to treat you?
That's a tough one, actually.

This is what therapy would be like
if nobody respected boundaries.

It is chaotic, it is disrespectful
and it's unproductive.

Do you understand that?
Is that what you want?

Can't even get couples therapy right.

Our own therapist doesn't want
to treat us anymore.

Why don't you just tell me what happened
after the session last week?

I took Lenny
and went to my mother's,

and then Jake showed up on Saturday
and wanted to take Lenny home.

- Before they poisoned him with sugar.
- Please.

You should see the crap
they force-feed him.

Don't do that. Anyway,
we went to the bedroom to talk,

one thing led to another
and we ended up having sex.

How did one thing and another
lead to the sex?

- You want some details, bro?
- Whatever you'd like to tell me.

Things that dull at home?

I'm interested in your sex
because it's part

of your dialogue as a couple.

So how did it go from sex
to a murder threat?

He had just finished coming.

He was still lying on top of me.
He was still inside me,

and he whispered in my ear
that if I left him, he'd kill me.

He didn't even bother pulling out.

I was disgusted.

That's an unusual reaction
to somebody threatening to kill you.

- What was it that disgusted you?
- Let me tell you what disgusts me.

Watching her and her mother
shove junk food down my son's throat.

It's a miracle
the kid doesn't shit Twinkies.

- What does Lenny have to do with this?
- No, what you do to him disgusts me.

- He's 9 and he weighs 100 pounds.
- He doesn't weigh 100 pounds.

So, is Lenny overweight?

He's a child.

He'll grow out of it
when he hits puberty. I was the same.

You were overweight?

My dirty little secret.

- She had issues with food.
- I was thin by the time we got married.

Who cares what I weighed
when I was 5?

- You never mentioned that before.
- We never spoke about it

'cause it's irrelevant in this context.
This is couple's therapy, right?

- When did you lose the weight?
- In my teens. Just melted off.

So does it bother you
that Lenny is overweight?

Please stop saying that.

I don't like referring to him that way.
He has a little baby fat,

- he'll lose it.
- 30 pounds of it.

Her mother lets him eat candy,
drink soda, play Xbox...

- He doesn't want him to see my mother.
- He'd be better off on the streets.

- He's got the genes of an athlete.
- I saw it coming.

It's my fault he's fat.
I passed down shitty genes.

We can't talk about Lenny
without me being blamed

for the terrible genes I gave him.

So the fact that you were overweight,

that does come up
in arguments between you?

Don't you think
it's a relevant subject for therapy?

No, I don't understand
why we're going in this direction.

Yes, he wants to talk about
our fat little boy.

Why don't we talk about
how Jake's screwing Lenny up?

She means
I'm screwing him up socially.

- Lenny hits.
- Because he gets laughed at

for being fat.

No, Lenny hits
because Jake teaches him to hit.

He gets bullied at school,
so I taught him to defend himself.

It's normal. Besides, you were the one
doing the hitting last week.

You convinced Paul
it's gonna escalate to murder.

You're the one
planning to kill me, remember?

I would gladly
but I'd feel bad for Paul.

- We already ruined his couch once.
- Right.

Can you see the pattern here?

What you do to each other?

You take the most sensitive subjects,
you just toss them away carelessly.

Sometimes you laugh,
sometimes it hurts you.

But don't you feel that it makes it
much more difficult to get

to the bottom of
your real feelings?

You think I find it funny
that he's threatening me?

Do you mean it
when you say these things?

- What you gonna do? Call the police?
- Possibly.

- Aren't there laws against that?
- Against threatening to kill somebody?

No, laws against telling other people
what your patients tell you.

They don't apply to serious crimes.

Just letting you know.

But at least you are calling
yourself a patient.

- That's progress, Jake.
- So fucking condescending.

Somebody should really
teach you a lesson.

What is that, another threat?
So many threats flying around the place,

- I'm having trouble keeping up.
- What's going on with you today?

I'm trying to get you guys to listen,
really listen, to what you're saying.

Let me ask you something. Has Jake
threatened you before, physically?

I didn't really mean
I'd kill her, OK?

- It just came out.
- How did you put it, exactly?

He said:
"If you leave me, I'll kill you."

- Did you mean that?
- Of course not.

I'm not gonna fucking kill her.

This week.

What's that supposed to mean?
What are you trying to say?

And you said you weren't afraid, Amy,
but you felt disgusted.

- Yes.
- What does that mean, "disgusted"?

What do you think, Paul?
Tell me what you think.

He'd just come inside me and then
said that he wanted to kill me.

What do you think
disgusted me about that?

Jake, do you understand the severity
of what you said, that threat?

You realize she could get a restraining
order against you, don't you?

I think you understand
what I'm talking about.

"If you leave me,

"I'll kill you."

We've been concentrating
on the 2nd part of that sentence,

but let's look at the first part of it.
"If you leave me."

That says to me that you're afraid.

You're afraid of what will happen to
you if Amy leaves.

The fear that you would cease
to exist maybe.

That you...

would die.

Let's just leave that for a moment.

I'd like to go back to something
that we talked about earlier on.

Would you like to talk about
your memories of being a child?

Being overweight?

I don't think about that.

I live my life moving forward.

And does that need to be analyzed?

Would you say that you were
a confident child?

Not really.

I would say I was overweight and shy
but I grew out of it and I'm fine.

Actually, I'm more than fine
and Lenny will be fine too.

Last week you said
Jake and his friends were pathetic.

Yes, they are that.

Maybe it's convenient for you
to think of Jake as being

pathetic, as you say,

being an underachiever.


Perhaps because it helps you avoid
seeing your own insecurities.

I think that when he threatened you
in bed, he revealed how

desperately he needed you,
although he did it in a very scary way.

But that was Jake
at his most vulnerable...

Which I think you associate with him
being pathetic.

And you don't want that.

So you're saying
that I'm with an underachiever

- because I lack self-esteem?
- Perhaps that's a way for you to avoid

dealing with negative feelings
about yourself.

I want a divorce.

Fine. I'm taking Lenny with me.

You think I'm just gonna let him

go with you so you can turn him
into some fat-ass couch potato

- because you wanna make a change?
- I don't want to make a change.

I want my life. Lenny needs me.
He should be with me.

He needs me too.

Fuck, Amy, what do you want from me?

What do you want from me?


Let's just try and do this nicely,
Jake, please.

What the fuck's so nice about it?

I happen to know this couple

who went to therapy after they'd already
decided to get divorced,

and they made a decision in the end

to stay together.

That's not gonna be the case here.

The only reason I mention it
is because I want you to know

that even when divorce becomes
a possibility, it isn't always...

so final.

- Are you trying to change our minds?
- Your mind.

This particular couple had problems.

They couldn't even hold
a civil conversation with each other.

- They slept in separate bedrooms...
- Why?

- There'd been an affair
- Who cheated?

That's not really the point.

There's been no infidelity
in our relationship.

I'm not inferring that, Amy.

I guess what I'm trying to say
is that I know what it's like.

You know, sometimes people have
to get to this precipice

to understand what they really mean
to each other.

I can't do this anymore.

Don't you think there are still some

very positive aspects
to your relationship?

Like what?

The murder threats, the suspicion,
the recordings, the stakeouts, what?

I see it in the way that you look
at each other sometimes,

The way you make each other laugh.
And you've...

You've been working
on your relationship pretty steadily

by coming here every week.

Are you cheating on me?

So why did Paul just tell us
about that other couple then?

- Was that story about you?
- No...

Of course it was.
That's not the point.

She told you she was cheating
or not?

- I must hear everything, remember?
- I'm not cheating.

Neither of you is opening up here.

You're both too busy attacking
each other. I want you to listen.

I want each of you to examine
your own culpability here,

not continuously looking
for what's wrong with the other person.

- And not to be so on guard all the...
- On guard?

Are we playing poker or something?
I come here to save my marriage

- and you tell me she's has an affair?
- He never said that.

- So you are here to save your marriage.
- No, because I got a thing for you.

You're here to save your marriage,
you just said it. Now say it to Amy.

Jake, look at your wife

and tell her.

Jake, we're constantly fighting.

We'll stay together
and then we won't fight.

If we stay together, we won't be
able to stop. Even Paul said so.

What was all this therapy for?

I don't know what to do.
Paul, what am I supposed to do?

Talk to your wife. Say it to Amy.

- Amy, I want to tell you something.
- Jake, stop, please.

Listen to me,
I wanna tell you something.

I don't want you to leave me.

I don't want to lose you.

I don't want you to leave me.

I haven't slept in, like, a week.
I can't sleep, I can't eat.

I don't know what to do.

But I really...

I don't want you to leave me.

Please don't leave me.
Please don't fucking leave me.

Please don't leave me.