In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 1, Episode 14 - Jake and Amy: Week Three - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on In Treatment

We were watching TV and I said,

"I don't think this pregnancy's
worth fighting over."

And I said,
"I think I might want this baby."

I don't know if I'd ever
be able to get pregnant again.

Amy, let me in.

What happened?
What, she had a miscarriage?

I'm seeing someone.

Who the fuck is he?!

What really gets me

is that you can go to this guy's place

and then you can come home here all

wet and flushed and excited and horny

and you can sit down with our son
and do his homework.

How does that make you feel?

It makes me feel like shit.


- how are you feeling?
- Fine. Thanks for calling.

No Jake?

Remember, I told you both

at the beginning,
that in couple's therapy

we don't meet alone,

unless the third party agrees.

What if I want private sessions?

You mean you want to begin
individual therapy?

I think it would be better
if it wasn't with me.

- Why? You afraid of Jake?
- No

Should I be?

Why then?

It's like three friends,
who go to a restaurant

for dinner and then two of us
decide that we gonna go to a movie

without telling the third person.

You ask me to a movie?

I think we have to agree that
Jake can hear everything

- that we say here.
- Okay, fine.

It's couple's therapy.

Jake's entitled to hear
whatever we say. It's great.


How do you feel?


- Were you worried?
- Yes.

- Very.
- Really, you worried about me?

- Are you surprised about that?
- It's nice to hear.

- Did you worry about Jake too?
- I was worried about you both.

Who'd you worried about more?

See, he... He is here.

Actually I worried about you more

because you are the one
who went through it.


Actually, I feel great.

I feel too good.

- Too good?
- I feel really really good.

And that's...

- That's not good?
- I feel happy, I feel

like I have energy, I feel like
doing things, putting on make-up,

and going out dancing.

- You think I'm a monster.
- No.

- Just a little bit.
- No, not at all.

Jake hates me.

And you too.
He thinks we conspire against him,

- and will never come here again.
- Did you tell him you are coming?

No, he doesn't want me coming here.

Do you feel the need
to hide things from him again?

I... I don't have the energy to argue.
I don't know,

he probably wants me to feel awful
after what happened

and he knows that you'll help me
not feel like that.

Is that what you want?

For me to help you not to feel awful?

Actually, no. Just the opposite.

I came here
because I'm not feeling bad enough.

And you feel bad about that?

I'm a woman who loses a baby.

She'd feel grief, right?
That's what expected.

Or perhaps

You just feel relieved.

- After all your concerns and all the...
- I had no concerns.

I didn't want it.

So what is feeling good surprise you?

It isn't surprising as much
as it's disturbing. You know I mean...

What's wrong with me?
Don't I have feelings?

Why are you silent?

You think I don't have feelings?

No, I...

That's a very serious accusation,

That is not what I think.

But you are silent,
and I ain't believe you.

Are you trying to pick a fight with me?

'Cause sometimes I feel

you need to be defiant,
that you need to oppose and

- be opposed...
- Opposed what?

I don't know. Your husband, me.

A society that decides a woman
should desperately want a child,

that decides a woman
should mourn when she miscarries.

It's a little embarrassing,

you know,
when you start playing the shrink.

You suddenly got all chatty. It's very

Very un-alpha-male of you.

Does it bother you
that I'm un-alpha-male?

It should bother you,
doesn't bother me.

That's too bad actually
'cause you could

look pretty good.

I mean, under the right circumstances,
you could be handsome even.

Under what circumstances?

I don't know, on a desert island,

when I'm unconscious.

I'm just kidding.
You're very handsome.

Is it Jake?

Where does he think you are?

I don't know, maybe fucking Reeves.

Your boss?

That's alright, I don't think that.

Is he attracted to you, Reeves?

- Why wouldn't he be?
- What about you?

Doctor, I'm a married woman.

So why is Jake so worried
about you and Reeves?

He's scared.

What about you?

What about me?

What do you think about me?

I think you're flirting with me.

Why on Earth would I do that?

I don't know.

Maybe keep Jake on his toes.

Like with Reeves.

I was just kidding.

Are you annoyed with me?

I don't feel anything, remember?

I thought maybe I upset you,
that's all.

I'm not upset.

I'm just...


Where's the stain?

I saw it when we left. You must
have scrubbed the couch like a lunatic.

Actually, it came off quite easily.

I'm surprised, I...

I actually thought you'd have
been down in all foes

scrubbing away and your wife standing
over you shouting instructions and

You wiping the sweat from your brow,
saying "it's not coming out,

"I don't know what to do.
My next patient'll be here any minute."

I didn't think it would
come out that easily.

Did you want it to still be there?

Yes, I was very attached to it.

Have some sense of humor, come on!

Yes, I...

I don't find it so funny.

I think you're disappointed.

Why you making such a big deal
out of it?

What were you expecting to feel
when you saw it?


No sadness?

No grief?

Over a stain?

Over the loss of your baby.

Maybe you wanted
to see that stain because...

you needed to accept it.

And all the...

the mixed feeling you have about it.

Hello, Jake.

Don't mean to interrupt.

What you doing here?

It's couple's counseling, isn't it?

I thought you said
you weren't coming back.

We weren't coming back, remember?

I just wanted to talk to Paul alone
after what happened.

Were you following me?

You think I was following you?

Should I be following you?

So what were you just talking about?

I didn't say a word to him last week
while we waited for you.

- 2 weeks ago.
- Whatever. Not a word in 15 min.

- You said you weren't coming, so...
- I know what I said. I'm here, OK?

What's that?

I'm not pregnant anymore.
Why does everything you say

sound like an accusation?

- Accusation?
- You interrogate me, and then

whatever I say or do, I'm guilty.
I can't win with you.

Doc, my wife's paranoid.
Can you treat that?

You're so crass it's frightening.

So how are you?

- I'm quite well. Thank you.
- That's great.

That's fantastic.

You're very quiet today.

Oh, that's right. I forgot.
You're here to just nod your head

and do a little damage
from time to time.

What do you mean "damage"?

I don't know. I wasn't here.
You were talking to Amy.

So you're here to survey...
the damage?

- I'm here because she's here.
- Not for yourself?

Does it bother you that I'm here?
I'm paying, so I don't care.

You got guts talking about money.

- It's not his money. It's mine.
- That's right. I forgot.

Everything is yours, right?

The money is yours, the pregnancy
and the miscarriage too.

Everything's yours.

Do you feel it's damaging for Amy
to talk to me?

Well, if she leaves our child
on your couch, it is.

How do you feel about what happened with

Amy's pregnancy, Jake?

I feel like shit.

Would you like to talk about it?

- I don't wanna talk if he's here.
- Why?

What do you got to hide?

You know you're insane, don't you?

What do you think I'm hiding?

Amy, do you see how your behavior

might sometimes encourage
Jake's suspicions?

Did she make a pass at you?

What if I did?

You're hitting on our therapist too?

You are fucking unbelievable. Why?
Because he's a doctor?

He could be your father.

- Sorry, Paul.
- Don't apologize for me, all right?

- Why are you so threatened by Paul?
- I'm not. He doesn't worry me.

- Your compulsion worries me.
- What do you mean "compulsion"?

- She knows.
- No, I'm asking you.

A compulsion to

come on to men.

And do you think that's a pattern?

- Why do you think she does that?
- Ask her.

No, I'm asking you.

Sometimes people behave like that
when they feel trapped

- in a relationship.
- Is that what she told you?

I'm asking you, Jake.

Why does she want to fuck Reeves?

- She loves authority.
- What about you?

You're not authoritative?

Authoritative and authority
aren't the same thing.

There must have been other bosses
before Reeves.

Was Jake jealous of them too, Amy?

- What's different with Reeves?
- It's not about him.

- It's about her. She's changed.
- In what way?

She didn't used to have
that look in her eye.

- What do you mean, "look"?
- That look.

Right there.

On the prowl.

She's out of control.

Is it possible that

Amy's pregnancy
was a chance for you to?

control her?

A pregnancy, a baby...
It's not that easy to get out

"on the prowl" as you put it.
She's much more restricted.

Perhaps like in the good old days
when Lenny was a baby,

- and she was more...
- House-broken, tamed, brain-dead.

I got pregnant a month after we met.

I gave up my freedom the day I met you.

I'd like to pay you. I don't think
we paid for the last two weeks.

We do have... a few minutes.

I'm leaving.
Shit, I can't find my checkbook.

- You're leaving without me?
- I came without you. Where is it?

- Where are you going?
- I don't know. Sorry, Paul.

- When will you be home?
- We'll see.

- How about Lenny's dinner?
- How about his loving father

- cooks dinner for him?
- I said where are you going?

You shit! What do you mean,
"on the prowl"?

What am I?
Some fucking animal in heat?

- I'm glad I'm not pregnant any more.
- Really?

- You're glad our baby died?
- Yes.

And I'm not gonna go around
looking sad for you anymore.

I didn't want this baby,
and man, fucking hell, I know why.

Was it three sessions?

It doesn't matter.
We can sort this out next week.

It's not a problem.

I owe you $80.

This has been really great.

Two more of these and we'll trade
you in for a good divorce attorney.

Maybe you should start coming here
before that happens.

As you said yourself,
you have been here for Amy,

not for yourself.

Maybe you should start
coming back here... for you.

Hey, I heard music. Are you done?

Are you going out?

Well, I'm going to Caroline's

because she asked me to come over
and give her some advice.

- They're redecorating.
- You got a new career.


She likes my taste.
Do you have a problem with that?

Is there anything to eat?

No, Paul, you can order in.

You're really losing it. You know that?

Because there's nothing for you to eat?

No, because you haven't been home
a single night this week.

- What about your kids?
- I don't know.

Maybe they'll suddenly discover
they have a father.

You're doing this for them?

You're having an affair so that
they can rediscover their father.

No, I'm doing it for me.

You know,
I came down here to tell you

that I'm not gonna be here next week.

- I'm going away for a couple of days.
- A couple of days?

Rosie won't be here, and I'll have
my mother come and help with Max.

What is this?

What are you talking about,
you're going away for a few days?

It's for a week actually.


With him?

Where're you going?



Rome? Of all the cities?


What is this, some kind of revenge?

No, Rome is completely coincidental.

It was some deal he got with work
or something.

Next to the passports,
there's some business cards

of our favorite restaurants in Rome.

Maybe I can book you two
into the... Il Palazetto, maybe?

- You know, all you had to...
- Why don't you just get out of here?

I don't intend to feel guilty, you know.

I'm not really interested
in what you feel.

- You have made that perfectly clear.
- Just close the door behind you.