In Treatment (2008–2010): Season 1, Episode 1 - Laura: Week One - full transcript

Laura reveals a sexual transgression. When Dr. Weston challenges Laura's reason for her actions Laura confides a secret she'd been withholding for nearly a year.

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Saison 1 - Episode 1
Week one Laura.

- Synchro by : ?AkaZab? & Kasius

I told you.

Told me what?

That you'd be sorry you ever encouraged
me to cry here.

I'm not sorry at all.

You didn't expect it to be like this,
I bet.

Like what?

You know what?

It's disappointing.

I thought I'd feel better,


I thought it'd be a lot more fun.

And it isn't?

No, it's horrible.

I don't know if I'm able to talk today,

I shouldn't have come.
I should have just.

I should have just called it off.
I'm sorry.

Are you all right?

- Yeah.
- Sit down.


You know, I've been sitting
out in the park about four hours.

- Out here?
- Yeah.

I wanted to call it off,
the session, but...

I wasn't
sure i'd be able to make it home alone.

I took a cab here.

My car's at home.

God, at least I think it is.

Yeah yeah, my car's at home.

My god, it's freezing.

I came this close to knocking
on your door and asking for a sweater.

When was that?

I don't know. Maybe 5:00 or 6:00,
I can't remember.

It was still dark.

I waited for the sun to come up.

I've never waited

this long for a sunrise,

except maybe on a camping
trip in fifth grade.

Thank you.

You know what I did?


It felt like forever for one minute
to turn into the next.

I thought to myself,

"how stupiis this,

dying on the street like roadkill
outside your therapist's office?"

I'm sorry, Paul.

I should have called it off.
I shouldn't have come.

You should have come here.

What happened last night?


what didn't happen?

The long version or the bottom line?

Because the bottom line is very simple.

My life is over.


you'd better tell me the long version.

I left Andrew.

We had a

big blowout.

Screaming, crying. The works.

And at some point i,

I called Alona and

we went out for a drink.

We had a few drinks.

Listen, I'm not here. I'm.

I'm so totally not here.

You are very much here,


No, it's not me that's here.

Believe me, you'd be shocked
to know the person that's sitting here.

I did some.

I did some terrible things last night.

I feel sick.

But I don't wanna throw up.

It doesn't matter, it's no big deal.

What do you mean?

It's vomit. I'm not gonna

vomit all over your rug.

It's a cheap rug, Laura.

Let's talk about what's

really going on here.

It's Andrew.

He knows i'm here at this time.
Why is he calling me here?

Maybe he's worried.

- You were out of the house all night.
- Yeah, right.

If he really cared,
he wouldn't have started with his shit.

Start what?

At the club, this guy.

Oh my god.

He had corduroy pants on,

Preppy Sweater.

A republican, probably.

You know can I just step out for a
second and let him know I'm here I mean,

I can't concentrate with this shit.

- Just a sec.
- Laura, the call can wait.

Andrew gave me an ultimatum,

either we get married or we split.

He said he wants an answer in a day
or two at the most or else he's out.

He said he can't take it anymore,

that he loves me,
that he doesn't believe I love him.

Not for real,

that it's been two years
already on and off.

Blah blah blah.

I don't know why, all of a sudn

he just started ranting and raving.

We've talked about this stuff before.

But it was all in theory,
if we stayed together.


And suddenly, out of the blue, I

I can't even remember
what we were doing.

We were watching Tv.

All of a sudden he just,

gets off the couch and grabs the remote
and turns off the Tv

and he turns to me and he has tears
in his eyes and he says,

"that's it. I can't take it anymore."

So out of line.

Promised he'd lay off
the subject for awhile

and all of a sudden he's on this
crying bullshit.

He actually burst out crying.

I've never seen him like that before.

And to tell you the truth,
it really scared me.

- No, it made me angry.
- Why?

Because he's trying to manipulate me
with these. These cheap chick tricks.

Maybe he thought he would
break my heart or something,

appeal to my.

Shit, you know, forget it. I don't know.

I threw a tantrum

like a three-year-old.

Screamed, cried,

told him to fuck off.

I told him he was

a little piece of shit for doing this

to me when he knows that I'm working
double shifts at the hospital this week.

I slammed the door,

smashed his laptop on the floor.
I killed it.

I ran out and I called Alona.

She dressed me in this outfit.

It's, it's not mine.

We went out for a drink

at a club that she likes on chester st.

She tried to calm me down,
put things into perspective.

And she said.

She said I was Lucky,

that she wished somebody loved
her enough to give her an ultimatum.

And then we drank.


i drank.

And, there was this guy at the bar,

and at some point
Alona said that she was tired

and that she needed to go home.

And then that guy...

Moved next to me and,

you know what he said?

He said,

"you look so sad."

And I said, "really?"

And he said, "yeah, you do.

It looks good on you."

"Looks good on you."

I mean, whatever happened to
"do you have the time?"

Or "haven't we met before?"

I must be totally out of touch, Paul.

What do you think?
I mean, do I look good when I'm sad?


I don't think anybody
looks good when they're sad.

And then,

I don't know how much I had to drink
cause he was ordering for me, of course.

And then he,
paid the Bill and he asked me,

"would you like to go somewhere else?"
And I said,

"yes, I'd like to go to the bathroom."

So I stood up and I went
to the bathroom.

He follows me.

And you wouldn't believe it,
but these were unisex bathrooms.

Am I'm Lucky or what?

How do you mean, i'm Lucky?

Well, I'm,
I'm running away from a guy and I'm.

Yeah, you were trying to get away
from the guy.

Right. I mean,

I needed to pee, you know, by myself.
I've been doing that since I was three.

So I realized i needed
to make a decision.

By following me to the bathroom this guy
was also giving me an ultimatum.

I thought, "fuck,
out of the pan and into the fire."

I ran away from one ultimatum

and there was this guy with a
hard-on giving me another.

Suddenly I felt like doing it.

I never had sex in a bathroom before.

I mean, what?

I should go and Marry Andrew
without ever knowing

what a good bathroom fuck's all about?

It's part of a young lady's education,
isn't it?

So you wanted to do i

but not to get back at Andrew?

Just for yourself?

That's right.

A girl being forced into marriage.

What's she supposed to do, die ignorant?

So this guy
follows me into the stall and


I was horny.

Is hearing about this disgusting to you?


it's not disgusting.

Go on.

He unzipped,

pulled down his pants,

and he stood there with his


God, I felt like I was 16...

Touching it for the very first time.

I was really

surprised at how.

Warm it felt.

I mean, don't I know that already?

And then he...

turned me around
to face the door...

And he pulled down my stockings.

He lifted up my skirt,

put his hand into his back pocket
and pulled out a condom.

I realize this guy's very good at this.
He does this a lot.

He's a real pro.

And then this...

guy entered the stall next to us
and started peeing...

In gushes, full volume like a racehorse.

I thought of Andrew,

how he pees in the morning,

making the same sound.

My heart ached. I just...

It was so stupid, you know?
I just felt

so sad all of a sudden.

And he's behind me
and he's rubbing up against me

and he's feeling me up...

I thought to myself, "it's gonna happen
any moment." And I just...

I just couldn't do it.

I simply closed my legs shut.

I couldn't do it.
I couldn't do it to Andrew.

I just couldn't do it.

Seems like quite a night out.

Yeah, that's not the end of it

because this idiot...
I told him,

"I'm really sorry but I have
a boyfriend. I can't do this."

And he laughs in my face
and says "boohoo."

And he grabs my hands
and he says, "listen, cupcake,

you think you can leave me high
and dry like this?"

Pointing at his dick.

"The least you can do
is make it up to me."

I said to him, "what do you want?

You want some money?"

He said, "give me a hand job

and there'll be no hard feelings."

And I said to him, "what's the matter
with you? Are you crazy?"

And it was just getting really strange.
I mean, it was tense.

His tone changed.

And then I thought of you...

What you'd say about it.

I thought about us
going through this in therapy.

And what did you imagine us saying?

I imagined you not being
able to understand it...

That you'd be disgusted.

Is that why you ran over here?

To find out if...

I would be disgusted?

I didn't run.

I gave him the hand job.

Excuse me.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

Thank you.

We talked about what happened
at the club last night,

but we never got back
to actually talking about...

Andrew and that argument yesterday.

I don't wanna be put in this position.

I don't wanna have this power
to decide our future

for both of us. I just don't.

Do you have any idea
why Andrew chose this particular time?

- What do you mean?
- Do you think that

just out of the blue,

as you said yourself,

came up with this idea of an ultimatum?

Did you notice anything
over the last couple of days or weeks

that you think might have
brought this on?

Nothing. I don't know.
He just lost it.

I mean, shit, don't you know
that men are the new women?

Obsessed with weddings and children.

And lately he's lost touch with reality.

Hehe thinks I'm seeing someone.
That's how this whole thing started.

- It's unbelievable.
- But I thought you said

it came out of nowhere.

You were watching tv, then suddenly...

Well, we were watching tv.
But before that

we were having dinner
and he had this look on his face.

He had this sad look
and I could just tell something was up.

I mean, you can just tell, huh?

And I said to him, "what's going on?"
And he said,

"I don't know what I want.
I just know I don't want

this on-and-off thing."
So I said to him,

"Sure, then let's just decide:
either we get married or we split."

So you were the one who came up with it.

- With what?
- The ultimatum.

No, he's the one. He had the problem
with the on-and-off thing.

- Not me.
- On-and-off can mean several things.

You were the one who made it specific...

"Get married or to split up."
That was your ultimatum.

No, he had this thing with the on and...

The ultim...

Yeah, okay,

I was the first one to say it,
you're right.

But he jumped all over it.
I said I didn't know what I want.

And he said, "you have a day
or two max to decide what you want."

And I said "fine."
And then he started crying

and blah blah blah.

The whole thing was really scary
to him, I think.

What about you?

Weren't you scared?

Of what?

Of splitting up.

I wasn't suggesting that we split up.
That's not the point.

So what do you think
was the point of this argument

that you may have initiated?

I didn't initiate anything.

You may not have meant to,
but you did.

It sounds like you wanted
to bring this relationship into...


I know you say
that Andrew hates uncertainties,

but perhaps you're the one
who can't live with them.

I mean, why did you choose
this particular time

to bring things to a head?

I did no such thing.

Why now?

Because he's right.

Andrew's right.

I am being unfaithful to him.

You mean what happened last night

at the club?

Not just last night.

I've been unfaithful
to him for a long time.

Why haven't we talked about this before?

I think we have.

It's been here all along.

You mean to say you've never noticed it?

You're surprised.

No, I'm not surprised.
I just...

I don't follow what you mean.

This isn't...

the reaction I was hoping for.

Not at all.

What was the reaction
that you were hoping for?

I had...

Two scenarios in my head.

In the first one you stand up
and you hug me...

And you say, "I love you.

I love you too, Laura.

I've been feeling this way
for a long time.

I just wanted you
to be the first one to say it."

And then we make love.

And the...

The second scenario?

It's like the first one but...

But without the sex.

We just sit here together.

You know, I'm embarrassed
to even talk about it.

I mean, you're sitting there
like a fucking buddha

acting like you have no idea
what I'm talking about.

It's humiliating.

How long have you felt like this?

A year...

From the first session.
I thought it would go away.

I thought it's just an infatuation,
that's all.

But it's getting worse.

You've become the center of my life.


I'm your therapist.

The parameters and the limitations...

Are established and ethically defined.

I'm not an option.

You may be

using me as a...

As an excuse

to bail from your relationship with...

With Andrew.

You know why I didn't fuck that guy?

Not because of Andrew.

Not because I didn't wanna cheat on him.
I do want to cheat on him...

But with you.

When I was sitting there
at the bar by myself,

I was thinking what would happen
if you were to walk in?

You'd walk in.
You'd sit next to me at the bar,

you'd order a drink.
I'd even...

I even tried to imagine
what you would order...

A shot of bourbon maybe,

something fancy.

Then we'd start talking...

What a coincidence
it is to meet like this,

how awkward it is to meet
outside the office.

And then, without words,

because we...
We talk enough when we're here,

you motion for me to follow you
to the bathroom.

And I do.

When I went into the stall
with that guy...

I imagined it was you behind me.

That's what made it so exciting.

Then that guy started peeing

and it woke me up
and I realized that it's impossible.

I know it, I understand it.

I tell myself that every time
I walk out of here. I know it,

I understand it but I'm not sure
that my body understands it.

I know it can never happen. I know it.

So don't worry.
I'm not gonna start showing up here.

I'm not gonna start stalking you

like Glenn Close in that movie.

I'm not gonna...

boil your kids' rabbit.

I'm not dangerous...

At least not to you.

God, how can I go back to my life,

to the hospital, to Andrew?

Not to Andrew, when the only thing
that matters to me is you.

Our time's up.

Yes, it is.

I feel like I came here in the dark

and I'm leaving into a bigger darkness.

What am I gonna do now?

We'll talk about it next week.


I'll call you a taxi.

No, I'm fine.

Are you sure?

How are you gonna get home?