In Therapy (2005–…): Season 2, Episode 32 - Episode #2.32 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
So, what, he's coming to my school?

I can't lie to you, he'll
come when he wants to.

Then tell me.

Don't worry, I won't tell you.

I'm leaving school.

You're going to send your
sister to the hospital today?

What, you're going to send me there?

You know what that is?

Come on, you're going
to tell me what it is?

You know what it is?

Maybe he'll come to school,
maybe he'll go to a back school.

So, running is a solution.

To whom?

There are other options.

I don't know, maybe he'll
move to another apartment.

I'm not sure what he thinks.

Okay, where?

I don't know, maybe Haifa.

Haifa... They said he
was lost there not long ago.

What's Haifa?
Is it connected to your company?

It doesn't matter what company it is.

It matters that you're
taking a trip to the problems

of my wife, that I'm
not giving you a ticket.

And that you're telling
me he needs a change.

Do you know her?

I told him there was such a
possibility, why did we talk about it?

I didn't ask him what he thought.

Yes, but that's not the question.

What's the question?

The real question is who you choose.

Your father or your mother.

This question remained when
I told my wife about the trip.

I couldn't read it, Torma.

I don't know how you can stop me.

In what way can you stop me?

Aren't you going to school?

I'm going, so it's clear.

Is Edel dating you?


Did you talk to him?

Did you talk to him?

I think so.

So what?

I broke up with him.

Did he?

I don't know, I think so.

And then?

What was it?

You're sitting next to the bus, huh?


Why are you smiling?

Edel is not smiling at you.

And you're sitting next to the bus.

Don't you want to?



Sorry, God forbid.

I'm sorry.

There's no way I'm going to Haifa.

Or what's her problem there?

She said you're coming?

Next week she said
she's going to pay for it.

She paid for it.

Did you tell her how you feel?

I'm not talking to her.

You love her?

Then why aren't you talking to her?

She's a Muslim.

What, she's stupid?

She doesn't know I want to come?

How would she know if you don't tell her?

She's supposed to know by herself.

That's what a mother is for.

Why would you think she'd
do something like that?

She knows you don't like going to school
and that you don't get along with people.

That's why I want to go to Haifa?

Why, would it be better in Haifa?



What's there in Haifa?
I don't know anyone there.

You can know.

I don't care.


Like this.

Are you afraid they'll get mad at you?

Will you be closer to your child?

At least I know your child.

I have the strength to start again.

If you don't want to come, I
think you should tell your mother.

She won't help.

She'll do anything she wants.

I think she's very interested in you.

What do you think she wants?

I don't want her to get mad.
Will she help me?

No one asked me.

I'm like a little girl.

I'm fine, I don't get mad.

What's so interesting about me?

It's really not bad.

But you know what?

I'm glad to see you like this.


I'm scared.


Because you're scared
instead of feeling bad.

It's new.


Is it better to be scared than to be angry?

I don't know. What do you want from me?

Do you know what's the difference
between being scared and being angry?

Being scared is a feeling that comes out.

Being angry is a feeling that stays inside.

It's like being angry
that stays inside you.

It's like getting angry at yourself.

So I'm glad you're not
angry at yourself anymore.

I'm afraid my mom will move me to Haifa.

What's the point of being angry?

Your mom is a good person.

Take her there.

It won't help. It'll only hurt her.

It won't help you to care for
your mom and dad's feelings.

Their feelings aren't yours.

You're angry, you'll hurt them.

Why do you want me to hurt them?

What's the point of it?

I don't want anything from it.

But maybe you'll feel it.

Maybe you'll change your mind.

What if I don't?

If you don't, then at least your
mom and dad know how you feel.

It's important.

"I don't want to be angry
with myself anymore.

I'm afraid my mom will move me to Haifa."

I don't want to move to Haifa.

I know it's not interesting
to you, but if you

feel it's not something
you do, you need to ask me.

I'm going to go out now.

Wait, let's talk about it.

Why aren't you talking to me?

Let's talk about it.

Why do you think you have a good name?

Why do I have a good name?

A new place, it could be fun.


New friends.

I'm looking for one.

You're not.

You're always looking for one.

Why are we even here?

So you can make yourself
feel better every week?

What's the point?

In the end, you do what you want.

Do what you want.

I'm going to go to the bathroom.

I'm going to the bathroom.

It's time to take the opportunity to go.

I'm going to the bathroom.

You can do it, it's
what you think, right?


You're looking for someone to ask you that?

Yes, I really like people
calling me by my name.

Maybe it's something you
feel like you'd rather come out.

When it comes out, I
don't think about myself.

I don't think about
myself, that's what I think.

At least he said
he feels something.

What do you feel?

I don't need to think.

I'm trying to see myself,
even Michael, to see myself.

But I don't need to see myself all
the way, I don't know what to do.

I know I can't do it that way.


Like this, like it's now.

What's now?

I don't know.

Once I knew where I was.

My life was my family's life.

To talk to myself, to talk to Michael,
to sleep with Michael, to talk to myself,

to sleep with Michael,
to sleep with Michael,

to talk to myself, to talk to
Michael, to talk to myself.

Now you don't need to talk to yourself?

Now I don't want to talk to him anymore.

I want him to stop.

I'd rather Michael talk to himself.

I don't know why Michael's
love and his feeling are

more important to him,
but I feel it's like that.

Maybe it's because he's
suddenly happy about it.

He doesn't enjoy the feeling that he
hopes that you'll be Michael, at last.

You mean it's like it's new that I
like him, that I'm still loving him?

I think it's new that he feels it from you.

But it's not new.

Okay, it's not new. What does it mean?

He prefers you.

He prefers the two of us.

What's left now is the two of us.

If you go to the beach, he'll have you.

I'm a big kid, Michael. Don't defend me.

I know what's going on. He prefers you.

Are you dating Michael?

You were my biggest wish that
they'd have a good relationship.

And now you're not?

I don't know.
I want them to have a good relationship,

but it's harder for me
to explain it to Michael.

It hurts me.

I want him to prefer me, Ageli.

Do you feel that you're
hurting him, your daughter?

My daughter too.

Your daughter was always
unable to listen to you, your feelings.

Maybe the money he's spending now is
the result of his normal and healthy life.

Maybe you're wrong that
you understand it as a lie.

Let's say it's normal. I don't see that
something from the money will hurt Michael.

Maybe it's because you want it to change.

Why do you want to go to the beach?

I don't have a choice.

He already has. - I don't.

He can fix me.

What do you mean? You don't have a job?

He won't let me work anymore.

So he'll just fix you?


I'll be away for the rest of the month.

You have a lot of money.

You'll find a job in a second.

I found one in Haifa.

You'll find one in Tel Aviv too.

They're offering me a job.

You know what that is?

You know how long I've been
waiting for this opportunity?

A lot of money.

I can't give up on that.

You can't. You don't want to.

Okay, I don't want to.
Can you understand that?

Really? No.

I can't understand the
price you're willing to pay.

He's a kid. - So?

He might be good in Haifa
but he doesn't know it. He

never changes because
he doesn't know how to do it.

Maybe he'll be a monster.

Maybe he'll be a king of the universe.

Maybe he'll be a monster.

I can't give up on my child.

I'm not asking you to give up.
Just to get over it.

If he lives in Haifa and his book
is there and his friends are there

and his parties are there that
means I'll be less involved in his life.

And he doesn't want to give up.

He doesn't want to.

You can't give up on that.

He doesn't want to.
You have a seven-week romance.

So you'll get him to live in Haifa
as a monster that's good for me.

- No, I want to live.

Life is Haifa.

I don't know.

I hope so.

What's so special about Haifa
that's not here except for work?


What's so special about it?

It's not just what's not here.

It's what's here.

What's here?

I can't be close to Michael.

I can't see him much.

Meet his girlfriend and
kiss her when he takes and

returns with me to a place
that was once our other room.

I want to start over in a place
where there's no other Michael.

You won't understand it because
you're repeating your own cretorions.


You know that behind your neutral pose

you have very good ideas about
the role of a woman and a mother.

You know that.

What would you like,
Aona, for me to let you find?

Yes, why not? Because you're a man?

Because your child
didn't live with you and you

see him once in a while
and you feel bad about it?

Maybe I'm a father
who doesn't deserve you

and my daughter is
my best friend for that.

Maybe that's why I'm
more in love with myself.

Maybe that's why it's
important to me that he

doesn't pay the price
that we can't escape from.

So tell me.

If you think that it causes him to pay
a higher price why don't you tell me?

I don't know.

If it causes him to pay a higher
price why don't you tell me?

I really don't want to
compare his choices, Aona.

Like your choices.

But yes, I believe
that his brother is a

child from one of his
parents who is extreme.

He always wants to do
what he can to prevent it.

And I didn't succeed.

We're talking about getting away from him.

We're getting a bit far away, aren't we?

Far away.

Everyone's scared, trying to escape.

We're talking about every
weekend and free time.

How long are we going to
be fighting for him to kill us?

Every weekend and free time?

Take him slowly every weekend
if that seems logical to you.

[Ana's father is a lawyer]

You're starting a new job and
you're really thinking about it?

I don't want to think about him now.

I want to think about myself.

Maybe if we think about ourselves
it'll be easier to think about me.

Maybe I need to take care of myself
and then he'll stop taking care of me.

Why do you believe that
children want to live under this

heavy weight of parents who
are hurting themselves for them?

What's good about that?

You're so smart, Aona.

Another moment you're convincing
us about this theory that you built.

How do you manage to
organize it so that even when you

think only about yourself
you can think about yourself?

I can't think about myself all the time.

Get rid of me.
I don't want to think about myself.


It hurts me.

To see him, to see all the time
the exhaustion of our experiments.

You're like my shadow.

I'm walking around the house
and when the I feel like he hates me.

He hates me because of me, he hates me,

because of me he's fat,
because of me he's a kid.

When he and I are together
it's like we're with Michael.

It's like in that house that
he's thrown me out of the house

there's something about Michael
that he brings me home every time.


In the sixth grade, they go to his school for five days.

He can come to you Thursday at noon
and stay with you until Saturday.

[soft music].

What's okay?

That he'll succeed in what he thought
and he'll succeed at the end of the week.

He doesn't give up on
him and it's what he wants.

He'll succeed at the end of the week.

I don't know what I'm feeling.

I think about myself.

What does he think about it?

Does he want to stay with me?

I think about myself.

I'm capable.

It's hard to accept the ease
that comes with giving up on him.

I want silence.

And you with me?

Of course I want you with me.

[soft music]

Can you imagine
your life without blood?

I can imagine that I woke up in
the morning and didn't wake him up

for another day when he hates
me and I can't imagine that.

You tell him that he
hates you because of me.

Is that what you want?

What I want is a happy family that lives
together in one home, quiet and happy.

Can you give me that?

[soft music]

So I'll keep quiet

Can you look at the floor for a moment?

I think that the first
time I met you it seemed

like a real war between
us was finally over.

I'm not going to live here.

[soft music]

It's ok


[soft music]

Maybe he'll stay with you today or...

[soft music]



[soft music]

[soft music]


[soft music]

[soft music]

[soft music]


[soft music]

[soft music]

Thanks for watching!