In Plain Sight (2008–2012): Season 4, Episode 8 - Kumar vs Kumar - full transcript

Mary is in charge of a Hindu family with strong traditions. In order to keep everyone safe, she counsels a divorcing couple in WITSEC. In the process, Mary learns about Hindu tradition so that she can bring the family closer together rather than apart.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Well done.
Well done.

Now, for this next dance,

which my daughter
and her family

have been eagerly awaiting

for the last ten years
of her life,

Deepika will now perform
the culmination

of all her teachings,
the Varnum,

where she will cross
the threshold

from student
to professional artist.

The Varnum
is the most challenging

in the Bharathanatyam recital.

Now, it represents the, uh...

The dedication of the dancer
to her craft.

So we will now take
a brief intermission,

after which we will return
and enjoy the Varnum.

Thank you.


Not today, Amit.

I have business to conduct.

But it is
your daughter's arangetram,

the pinnacle moment
for her as a dancer.

This is business.

Thank you so much for coming.

My pleasure.

Good day, my friend.

Dr. Kishore.

Your daughter must feel
like a princess.

This is the arangetram
of the century.

Yes, everything is perfect.
We are most proud.

There you go, my friend.

Thank you for everything.

Not bad...

On a doctor's salary.

If you'll excuse me,

I should get back
to my daughter's performance.


[Classical Indian music]

♪ ♪

FBI! Nobody move.

Put your hands up.
[Agents shouting]

Nobody move, I said!

Nobody move.

What is the meaning of this?

Dr. Kishore,
you are under arrest.

[People gasping]

How dare you?

What is going on?

Come on.
Let's go.

Come on.
This way!

Make room!

Look out.

[Calculator beeping]

So who's throwing
the baby shower?

I don't know, Delia.

Who's pregnant?
Oh, come on, chief.

She's been busting buttons
for weeks now.

Has she told you
she's pregnant? Hmm?

Have the actual words
passed over her lips

and into your ears?

No, but--

Until she does,
we stay out of it.

Don't tell me you're scared
of your own inspector.

Ellen Demayo.

Excuse me?

When I was in high school,

Ellen Demayo was dating
Vinnie Archuletta, right?

And everybody knew
they were, you know--

[clicks tongue]
You know, they were--

- Doing the nasty?
- Yeah, that.

Anyway, Ellen kept getting
bigger and bigger in the--

in the waistal region, right?

So finally one day
I went up to her.

I was like "Ellen, whoa.
Look at you.

When are you due?"

- Oh, you didn't.
- Yeah, I did.

- Mm.
- I did that, yeah.

Turns out she was just
very happy

to be dating Vinny Archuletta

to the tune of, you know,
a couple,

three, four cannolis a day.

And so--
They do add up.

- Oh, yeah.
- Seriously, chief?

Our Mary's having a baby!

Okay, okay.

That's something to celebrate.
I'll get the balloons.

No--let's just put a pin
in the balloons, okay?

I'll talk to her.
It's all in the timing.

This is unacceptable.

A two-bedroom apartment
for a family of four?

That will not do.

Remember that part
where you conspired

with the Indian mob to rip off

millions of dollars
from medicare?

Pretty sure that's when

you forfeited the dream house.

I can't believe
we will never return home.

Will we have jobs?

Proper medical care?


it'll all be taken care of.

Now, I understand this
is very difficult for you,

but you're gonna have to create
a new home.

Perhaps I went about it
in the wrong way.

But everything I did,
I did for my family.


I do not expect
someone like you

to understand my culture.

Someone like me?

Sorry, last time I checked,
you were--

A cooperating witness
in a federal case

against a vast crime syndicate.

And for that, our government

is extremely grateful,
Mr. Kumar.

Grateful, yes.

That's the word
I was looking for.

You do run this office,
do you not?

Yes, I do.

Then you must understand

I do not deal with underlings.

Say "underlings" again.

I am one
of the top neurosurgeons

in this country.

I want the very top man.

Good. Then I got here
just in time, didn't I?

Kurt Gaffney,
U.S. attorney.

When the D.O.J. Said

you'd be gracing us
with your presence,

I thought they were kidding.

Well, I like to keep you
on your toes, Stanley.

I hate to overstep.
Oh, not at all. Please.

I'm just surprised
you didn't send one of your--

what'd you always call them?

- [Laughter]
- Minions, underlings.

These two were made
for each other.

Well, like the man said,
this case

deserves the very best, right?


Let's cut to the chase.
Not mince any words, shall we?


Look, we're on the same team.

But you
really need our help here.

You were in bed
with bada rajat,

A.K.A. The U.S. cabo
of the Mumbai mafia,

the largest Indian crime
organization in the country.

And we got fraud,

money laundering...

There's a little something
for everyone in here,

Mr. Kishore.

Dr. Kishore.

Actually, it's Mr. now.

And Kumar.


Give that gentleman a cigar.

Thanks, Gaff.

Hilder academy.

My father says Hilder

is the best private school
in the area.

They have a Bhangra club.

Bet those girls got to finish
their arangetrams.

You two sure you're
smart enough to get in?

I placed first

in the New Jersey
robotics regionals.

First? Wow.

I got bounced
at the city finals.

Messed up the servo overheads.

My Waterloo.

Championships are next month.

For everybody else.

Yeah, dad kind of blew it
for both of us.

Maybe it's not too late.

Geography is irrelevant

when it comes to
high-end robotics.

I guess.

Only those who can see
the invisible--

can do the impossible.

An Einstein devotee.


What's this for?

If we're gonna build a robot,

we're gonna need a list.

You're in good hands,
Mr. Kumar.


Chief McQueen here
will make sure

this office is on its game.

Right, Stan?
That's right, Kurt.

So, Stan and Gaffney.

Questions, comments,
thoughts, concerns?

I don't know,
but something tells me

this isn't their first date.

Okay, clearly

we're under the microscope
on this one.

Yeah, what's with
the angry polite?

What's the story, Stan?

The story is do your job.


Maybe see
about getting Mrs. Kumar

a little mainstreamed.

Already on it.

Carry on.

Right here.

I think I want to adopt Vik.

He has parents, Marshall.

Plus, two nerds
don't make a right.

I know, it's just--
hanging out with him,

I can't help thinking
about what it would be like.


Speaking of which, you know

you have to tell mark
about this stuff, right?

It was a one-night stand.

I don't have to tell
my ex-husband anything.

That's what one-night stands
and ex-husbands are for.

So, what are we doing here

I don't know.

Maybe something
a little less Indian?

A little more
red, white, and blue?

You think, Sudha?

More American, yes.

Exactly what I think.


I want a divorce.

Since 1970, the federal
Witness Protection program

has relocated
thousands of witnesses,

some criminal, some not,

to neighborhoods
all across the country.

Every one of those individuals

shares a unique attribute,
distinguishing them

from the rest
of the general population.

And that is
somebody wants them dead.

A divorce?


I don't believe you.

I know it's hard to hear,

but it's true.

Excuse me, Marshall.
Sudha's here.


Your hair.

What have they done to you?

It was my decision.

To divorce your husband?

Ruin our lives?

Take it easy.

Let's just talk this through.

Talk what through?

All that we hold sacred,

I will not let you do this
to our family.

I will not allow it.

You are the one
who has ruined our family.

I forgive you, ashok.

But our marriage is over.

[Elevator pings]

Stan, this is dead serious.

This could pull the rug out
from under my witness,

not to mention my entire case.

If the defense finds out

that Kumar's wife
wants a divorce--

They could call her
as a witness.

Get her
to impugn his testimony.

- Yes.
- Kurt, we've done this before.

We know the drill, all right?

Just give us a chance
to get it under control.

Why didn't you two
catch wind of this

in the intake interview?

Oh, I don't know,
I guess she played her cards

pretty close to the sari.



Yeah, that's cute.

Look, Inspector, I don't know
if you're aware of this:

We're in the business
of convictions.

No, you're in the business
of convictions.

We're in the business
of keeping people safe.

P.S., who cares
if she wants to divorce him?

The guy's a douche.

Hell, I want to divorce him.

- All right--
- Mary, please. Enough.

Like I said, Kurt,
it's under control.

Call in Dr. Finkel.

She's logged plenty of hours
helping families

transition into WITSEC, okay?

Get the Kumars in here
for some counseling asap.

Good enough?

Yeah, well...
Better be.

All right, who snatched Stan?

What is going on here?

I did some digging.

It turns out he and Gaffney

were in the same class
at Fordham.

Friends? Rivals?


Aw, crap.

[Cell phone rings]
I just grossed myself out.

This is Mary.

Hey, it's Brandi.

I'm not home right now,

but if you'd like
to leave a message--

- you'll what?
You'll still not call me back?

I've left you six voicemails.

We need to talk
about the rehearsal dinner.

I know you're there.

I can hear Marshall.

- Thanks, sling blade.
- What?

Look, Brandi,
I am really sorry, okay?

I've just been so busy.

God, don't you ever
get tired of saying that?

We're all busy, Mary.
Everybody's busy.

But we're family.

We live three miles away
from each other.

Sue me for wanting to see you.

And I want to see you too.

Honestly, I just--

oh, man. Darn it.

I--look, I really gotta take
another call.

I'll see you soon.
I promise.

You haven't told her yet?


Phone acting up?

No, Mary is.

I know she's not exactly
a social butterfly,

but this is out of hand.

I think
she's actually avoiding me.

Why would she do that?

I don't know.

I mean, this might sound...
Crazy, but...

Maybe she's jealous?

Doesn't sound crazy.

I mean, think about it.
I found a great guy.

Oh, good.
You've been getting

my reminder post-it notes.

I'm getting married.

I have an awesome job.
I'm happy.

I don't know,
maybe she's a little resentful?

You sure it's not just
her usual spunky charm?

I'm serious.

I know she can be prickly,

but she's my sister, and...

She doesn't want to see me.

Before I met Ashok,
I was admitted

into the very elite
Madurai Kamaraj university

in India.

In secondary school,

I was first in my class
in science.

I dreamt of being a chemist.

What girl doesn't?

I could have been a scholar,
like Deepa.

Look, I understand,
but, I mean--

living in a beautiful home
in the suburbs,

raising two kids--
brilliant kids,

a lot of women dream of that.

They'd say you're lucky.

I was lucky.

Being arranged to Ashok
was lucky.

He was a doctor.

He had a visa to this country.

As in arranged?

I can't expect you
to appreciate

5,000-year-old customs.

Well, I appreciate customs.

I just appreciate
free will too.

We believe marriage
is a sacred bond.

Not just between two bodies,
but two souls,

extending beyond one life.

It's a partnership
based not just on feeling,

but commitment.

Here I was thinking commitment

meant letting him stay
for breakfast.

All these things
I have left behind.

So many dreams.

If only Ashok would listen
as you have.

There's one way to find out.

I don't know why we're here.

Ashok, please.

Many consider
marriage counseling

to be a useful tool
for illuminating

the root of a couple's problem.

weak-minded people.

A lot of
highly accredited people,

doctors included,
go to therapy.

Your wife's been
extremely isolated.

Perhaps we should allow her

the chance to express herself.

I know my wife
better than anyone.

The things she's been saying--
utter nonsense.

Maybe we should let her
speak for herself.

Sudha, can you talk

about your decision
to ask Ashok for a divorce?

This is ridiculous.

I tried to tell you.

Old candy from the bottom
of the beauty shop bowl?

Never a good idea.

What? No, not this.
That. Them.

All that dialoging
and navel-gazing.

You don't think
therapy's helpful?

I guess. I just think
instead of always

running off
to Dr. Freud and friends,

why not sack up,
strap on some sneakers,

and just run somewhere else,

like around the block
a few times?

Cheaper than psychobabble
at 20 bucks a minute.

At least
you drop a pound or two.

I don't know, Finkel helped me.

And I'd say
the therapeutic value

of clinical intervention

in resolving
interpersonal conflicts

has been proven over time.


Is this caramel or superglue?

I was listening.

Well, score one
for psychobabble.



Looks like things went well
in there?

They did.

I'm getting a divorce
and taking the children.

You were saying?

So, no hope for reconciliation?

I don't know.

It's not our job.
What do we care?

No, we do.
Okay, on this one, we care.

All right.

Is something on your mind?

- It can wait.
- Oh, okay.

Well, if it was
such a bad marriage,

why wait till now
to ask for a divorce?

Divorce is still pretty taboo
in Indian culture.

If she'd left back in Jersey,

she would've been ostracized
by the entire community.

Then again,
what culture doesn't love

a good old-fashioned
money motive?

Alimony laws are far more
generous in New Mexico.

Or, who knows.

Maybe she calls the guys
he's testifying against,

gives up his location.

Three days from now,

some granola-head,
hacky sack hiker

finds his body
up in Boca Negra canyon.

Sudha walks away
with all the assets

and not just half.

You really think she'd do that?

I don't know.

Everybody's got their secrets.

That they do.

Anyway, I should go.

I've got this, um...
This appointment.

Oh. Oh.
You've got an appointment?

Oh, well, you should--

you should do that.
You should go.

Appointments are...

Something on your mind?

It can wait.


See you later.

Drive safe, Mary.

See ya.
What was that about?

[Cell phone rings]

Nothing, why?

It's about nothing.


- Marshall?
- Vik?

Marshall, get over here fast.
I need you here.

I can barely hear you.

Please, Marshall.

I'm on my way.

How dare you do this to us?

You okay, Pal?

Yeah, yes.

- Where are your parents?
- In the living room.

- What's going on?
- Be quiet!

Just sit tight in here.

I'm gonna talk to your parents.

It's gonna be all right.

I told my son not to call you.

We can handle this ourselves.
He is lying.

Ashok won't stop
threatening me.

I warned you.

Hey. Easy.

We're gonna talk about this

Have a seat.


You want to tell me
what happened, Sudha?

I attempted to have
a civilized discussion

with my husband
about the future.

What future?

Our family has no future
because of you.

I politely asked

that he make plans to leave us.

I explained that this
is no longer his home.

She has no right

to speak to me in this manner.

I am still
the man of this house.

Ashok, I understand

how stressful this is
for all of you.

But justified or not,

your behavior
is scaring your children.

She is the one
who is causing--

- right now,
the best thing for everyone

is for you to come with me.

I'll find you
another place to stay.

No, no, no.
If I go, she wins.

This isn't a competition.

And that wasn't a request.

I'll help you pack a bag.

Come on.

I see you hit
the hardware store.

Bought some gear for the kid,

keep his mind
off his parents' drama.

So Ashok's out of the house?

"A-shook"? "A-shock"?
"A-shake"--what is it?


Like, uh, Otto Von schook,

the 18th-century tinker?

You making that up?

Anyway, I put him in a hotel

and made it clear
he shouldn't be in touch

with Sudha for the time being.

So much for getting things
under control.

We'll tell Gaffney
we did our best.

It's not Kurt
I'm concerned with.

- No?
- Ah.

We got a witness whose wife
just gave him the boot,

took his kids, and could be
conspiring against him.

It's less than ideal,
I'll grant you.





Oh, dear.

You wanna give us a minute,


Hey, Mary.
Everything okay?

Yeah, sure.

Mary, I've let this slide
long enough,

for the exact right moment

to bring up the elephant
in the room--

I did not just say that.

It sort of seems like you did.

So, anyway.
It's true?

You cracked the code.

Well, Mary, that's wonderful.

I had sex.
It worked.


Well, you know the regs.

And if you don't,
we'll get you a copy

of the medical evaluation,
physical requirements forms.

- Sounds hot.
- First three months,

normal duty.
Second trimester--

- I'm 18 weeks, so.
Welcome to the party.

Second trimester, you can't
take the lead in any cases.

Okay, now third trimester,
you're gonna--

- Right. I know.

I have to ride
the freight elevator.

I'll have you
take a look at it.

Meantime, uh...
Can I get you anything?

You can get your hand
off my back.

That was a shock.

- What was a shock?
- On the phone.

That was a shock.

- Ashok.
- Whatever.

He's on his way up.

- How'd he sound?
- How do you think?

He sounded arrogant.

Like he's better than everyone
and right about everything.

Yeah, but I really am.

What's up, ash...
What's up?


I must speak to you at once.

It's very important.

What, room service
not up to par?

Actually, it was
quite deficient.

But that's not why I'm here.

There's something
I need to tell you.

About Sudha.

Imagine our surprise.

She is unfit to take care
of the children.

They must be removed
from her care immediately.


I had not wanted
to humiliate her,

but I have no choice.

Sudha cannot be trusted
to be alone with the children.

She has been abusing drugs.

Wow, lobbing the first grenade
in the custody battle

with a wild accusation.

I'm stunned
and a little impressed.

It's more than an accusation.
It is a fact.

You're telling us
your wife, Sudha,

is a drug addict.

And I can prove it.


She goes through one of these
each week.

I-I can explain, but--

- no but.
Explain first.

The children.

What is going to happen?

We need a minute.

[Softly] Thank you.

What do you got?


160 milligrams each.

Sudha is literally feeling
no pain.

She's not showing
any overt signs

of substance abuse.

Functional abusers are experts

at hiding their addiction.

So the straight-laced
Indian wife's

a first-class pill popper?

Ashok is right.

If she's abusing
pain medication,

we can't leave deepa and Vik
here with her,

no matter how good a mother
she appears to be.

She needs help.

Shame we're not allowed
to foster our witness's kids.

You could've put 'em up
in that dork-a-palooza

spare room of yours.
That's my home office.

Well, either way,
the kids are coming with us.

Welcome to fatherhood.

For now,
a claustrophobic hotel suite

with their father
will have to do.

I'm gonna stick around,
get 'em settled in.

Anyway, I don't mind
hanging out with vik.

Of course you don't.

He's a pint-sized you
with a killer tan.

Good one.


My children.

Are they all right?
They are.

Don't worry,
Marshall's great with kids.

So, Sudha...

How long you been
chokin' down the meds?


Three years ago,
I had back surgery.

It was excruciating.

I took the pills for the pain,

and then I realized
that they were starting

to make the pain of my life
go away too.

I never said anything,
'cause, well--

you didn't have to.

You had a husband
with a blank prescription pad.

In our culture,
what is private is private.

- [Scoffs]
- Please do not pretend to know.

Look, here's what I know.

A stay-at-home mom
gets depressed because

her husband treats her
like an indentured servant.

He prescribes pills
without regard for the law

or the fact that his wife
is quickly becoming an addict

because hey, every night,
the dinners

keep comin' like clockwork,

and what's private is private.

Did I miss anything?

I am not an addict.

I was in pain
and in an unhappy marriage.

And the pressure of knowing
what my husband was engaged in.

So you knew.

For how long?

A year.
Maybe more.

A year.

Which is when you doubled down
on the painkillers

instead of calling
the authorities.

I would never betray his trust.

He's your enabler, Sudha.

It is not his problem, please.

It is mine.
I will stop.

- How's my wife?
- She's safe.

We're gonna get her
the help she needs.

She was under a lot
of pressure even before WITSEC.

We, uh...
We made some bad investments

and lost the children's
college fund.

Is that when you got in bed
with the mob?

There were mistakes made.

By everyone.

Inspector Parmalee's
on her way over.

We could give you a break,

maybe take the kids out
for a bit.

No, they have studying to do.

Of course.

This would be educational,

Vik could enter his robot
in this competition.

There would be exhibits,

must be completed first.


Hey, Vik.

I was looking online
at that robotics competition.

Oh, yeah, I've been
on the threads all day.

One school built a digger
that can excavate

1,000 pounds of regolith
in an hour.

Oh, and the winner

of the NASA lunar regolith
excavation challenge

is gonna be there,

so bring a pen for autographs.


What about you, Deepa?
You up for it?

I'm up for anything

that gets me out of the room,

But I think
my father needs me here.

- You sure?
- Duty calls.


Come on.

That it for today?

Yeah, just the check.

And a sticky bun to go.

Or for here.
I'll just eat it here.

I don't need a knife.

Long time no see.

Really creepy.

We need to talk.

Yeah. First ditch the shades,


- Oh, my God. You're--
- [Shushing]

Yeah, okay.

I won't say it out loud.

So you ducking Brandi--

- she sent you to what,
to spy on me?

No, this is a solo mission.

But it's all starting
to make sense.

She doesn't know about your...

Growth spurt.

And now you're running around

like some sort of
munchkin p.I.

Because Brandi thinks
I'm mad at her?

Pretty much.

And you're here
of your own volition?

- Mm-hmm.
- She has no knowledge?


Sneaking around.

Keeping secrets.

Going behind my sister's back.

This brother-in-law thing
could work for me.

I could milk this.
No jokes.


Listen, Mary, you have two days

to divulge the bulge.

- Come on--
- After which,

not telling goes back on me.

In the meantime,

I was never here.

Don't I wish.

The woman's an addict.
We'll get her some help.

Couple that with the loss
of her kids and what she's got

on her husband--
Soon-to-be ex-husband.

And what do we got?

Unstable wild card
with an ax to grind.

Not to mention a pretty
sympathetic defense witness.

Okay, let me
paint you a picture.

Okay, a poor, abused immigrant

is forced to marry
a tyrannical doctor

up to his eyeballs
in corruption,

and keeping his wife
strung out on pills.

And all because you couldn't
keep my witness in check.

What can I tell you?

This is Ashok's volley
to get his kids back.

Great, so he's turning

the custody battle
into a full-on dogfight.

You know what this is?

Jeez, earth sciences
were never my strong suit,

but is that a piece of paper?

This is
the defense's witness list.

And right at the top there--

First one.
Ashok's wife.

Of course, spousal privilege
doesn't apply.

No, no, we can't keep her
from willingly taking the stand.

That's her call.
In ten minutes--

ten minutes,
my star witness goes

from kindly Indian physician--

- Kindly?
Have you met this guy?

To leaving his credibility

and my case
dead on the side of the road.

Her volley back.
Game on.

[Pop music]

♪ ♪

[Overlapping conversations]

My robot, optimus crime,

uses an accelerometer
and software

written in python
on arduino hardware.

O.C. Also uses
a chain and gear system

to move its arm
in a gripping motion.

Thank you.


And that was sixth-grader
Vik Kumar.


You have our thanks,
Mr. Kumar.

See that guy?

And, at the end
of our presentations,

we'll now present the awards...

I'm gonna check it out.

Excuse me.

Hold all applause to the end.

Third place, we have
optimus crime.

Second place goes to
genghis kron.

And the first place winner
is flobocopter.

Congratulations to...

Uh, excuse me.

Sorry. I...

It's nothing.
Where's Vik?

He's right over there.

Big Vik.


What are you doing, my man?

You scared me.


I was hiding.

Hiding? Why?


Third place.

I can't go home.

You have been
an excellent provider.

Protected our family.
Guided our children.

You see?
What did I tell you?

Go on.

Trust me,
he needs to hear this.

I-I can't.

- Yes, you can.
- You're instigating her.

You're hurting her.

Sudha, please make her
stop this nonsense.

It is you.

You are the one
who has hurt me.

Sudha, you're not well.

The medication,
it's clouding--

I took the pills

because of the pain
you caused me.

You're my wife.

I would never hurt you.

Since the day we were married,

I have tried to please you.

To be a good wife.

A good mother to the children.

To cook for you.
To clean.

To entertain your friends.
But it was never enough.

You are an excellent wife
and mother.

I don't want your praise.

I want your love.

Or your--
your interest, at least.

I want you to want to know
what I think.

Oh, my God.

I've hurt you.

How do I fix this?

You're asking me?

Sudha, Sudha.

This pain you have felt,

it was never my intention.

I am ashamed
of so much of my life.

I am ashamed.

And these things
you want from me...

I will learn.

I will study and I will learn,

and I will make you happy.


For what it's worth,
and it isn't much,

I bought it.

Defense is looking to play
hardball with our witness.

Still calling Sudha
to the stand?

First up.

You better hope your people
did their job,

or our case is sunk on day one.

Not our case, Gaff.
Your case.

And for the record, my people
went above and beyond.

They're not meant to be
marriage counselors

or day care providers--
they keep people safe.

You got that in spades.

What Mrs. Kumar does now
is none of our concern

and out of our control.

I wanted to thank you
for getting me into treatment.

Getting sober isn't easy.

No, but it is the right thing
to do for my children.

They need me now
more than ever.

We should go inside.


There's just something
you should see first.

Very good.
I'm very, very proud.

What is Ashok doing?

Something between a heimlich
and a hug.

But he's a beginner.

I'm so proud of you, my son.
So proud.

And I love you very much.

And can you describe for us

the emotional abuse
Amit subjected you to

for the duration
of your relationship?

My marriage to Amit is not...

Was not perfect.

He is not a perfect man.

But he is a good man.

But is it true,
Ms. Kishore,

that you are seeking a divorce?

My husband and I
are working on our marriage.

Whether we can save it or not,
time will tell.

But he knows the mistakes
he has made.

And he will fix them.

Nothing further, your honor.

Mrs. Kishore,
even in the best of times,

relationships are hard,
would you agree?

I would, of course.

And as woman who has endured
difficulty in her marriage,

you are now testifying
under oath

to Amit's upstanding character

as a husband, a father,
and as a witness?

That is precisely
what I am doing.

You know him pretty well,
don't you?

Very well.

I have no more questions.

This is a great day
for the department of justice

and a great day
for justice in general.


We run the race,
he takes the victory lap.

How long you known
this ball bag, anyway?

Too long.

You two aren't related,
are you?

Inbred in-laws
from feuding clans?

Come on, you're killing me.
Give it up, Stan.

I slept with his--

- Mother?
Sister? Say mother.

- Fiancee.
- What?

- Whoa!
- Stanley, up top!

Come on! No?

I mean, to be clear,

she is now his ex-fiancee,
all right?

And I had no idea
they were involved

when we got intimate.

Look at him, standing there.

Like we're just
gonna leave it at that.

- Adorable.
- Come on, Pal.

No more secrets.
I showed you mine.

You show me yours.

Okay. All right.

We met at a little dive bar
up at 187th.

She wasn't wearing a ring--
Uh-huh, uh-huh.

And we hit it off,
and then, uh...

Then you hit it off, right?

[Both chuckling] Come on.

She told Gaffney everything.

I was her excuse
to break it off with him.

I didn't know they were--
I mean--

I knew she had been
dating him in college, but--

right, revenge turned a six
into a nine.

Been there and been there.

20 years later,
it's still a mess.

- Where's he going?
- Hey! Stan!

Oh, look who's here.

Excuse me.

What do you think?

Happy ending
or hug good-bye?

I don't know and I don't care.

All I know is I finally
got his name down.

Not bad, right?

- Eh.
- Really?


Okay, everyone.
We're starting now.

Please take a seat.

Thank you so much
for allowing me the honor

of finishing my arangetram

for you and for my family.

[Classical Indian music]

♪ ♪

There are times in your life
when all you can do

at the end of the day
is turn out the lights,

flop on your bed,
and throw in the towel,

raise the white flag.

For some,
that kind of surrender

is hard to even contemplate.

And harder to accept.

And there's a dignity in that,

in fighting to the finish,

to the red-faced bitter end.

But in those moments in bed,
right when the lights go out

solace can be found.

The very act of giving up
becomes a starting point.

You clear your head.

You still your beating heart.

The navigate the rocky shoal
of setting out again.

Call it surrender or serenity.

It doesn't matter which.

Because the thing
you never thought you'd do

or say or ever have to face

becomes more than what
you have to do.

It becomes the way it is.

[Cell phone beeps]

[Deep sigh]

Hey, Brandi.
It's Mary.

But you know that
'cause the caller id

would say it on the thing.

Plus my voice.

Anyway, I'm having a baby.


Mom will get this message too,

That was officially
a pregnant pause.


Talk to you later.
