In Contempt (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Burned Out - full transcript

Gwen's commitment is put to the test when she defends a man accused of setting his girlfriend on fire. Meanwhile, Bennett learns to cope with Gwen's work-first mentality when she moves into his condo.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "In Contempt"...

There's obviously unfinished
business between the two of you.

I want you to finish it.
I'm giving you 30 days.

Pack a bag.
That 30 days starts right now.

- Wanted to hear from you first.
- Blackburn had it coming...

I'm promoting Charlie
to supervise her.


- No gloating?
- I'm gonna gloat. Just later.

No need to discuss,
discourse, dialogue.

Are you off your meds?

This must be your fiancée.

So you think you can just...

- end this.
- Sugar, I just did.

Now we're getting somewhere.

So, which is it?
Your place or mine?

Well, hello, spa queen!

You all cleansed
and karma-balanced?

Nope, but I made you this.
It's a dream-catcher.

Honey, that looks more
like a dream-killer.

And please tell me there was
more to your romantic getaway

- than arts and crafts.
- It was great.

Had its ups and downs but...

Bennet and I
might be moving in together.

My, my! Three days of Gwen
and Alison eats a TKO.

Okay, not so fast! Bennet got us
an apartment together,

we're more like co-relocating.
In 27 days

we're either be together
or the lease will be up.

Either way, I will not leave
you high and dry.

I'm not worried about that.

But one weekend away together
and suddenly you're shaking up?

- That's not healthy.
- There's nothing else to do.

We just got to play house
and hope it works.


Don't you have
a murder trial starting?

Have you told him
about Trial-Gwen?

- No, but...
- 'Cause it's is a challenge.

Well, well...

When the cat's away
somebody gets laid.

Derek, Gwen. Gwen, Derek.

- Hi, Derek.
- Good morning.

- Derek has to go.
- Um, thank you.

But do you want
to get some dinner tonight?

- Not really. I'll call you.
- Okay.


- It was very nice to meet you.
- Yeah.

So, what does Dodson think
about Mr How-Did-You-Do there?

I gave Dodson
the old Alabama slammer.

Okay, I need to look that up
in the Urban Dictionary

- and never say that again.
- I mean, we're done. For good.

Couldn't handle
the commitment, huh?

Okay, look.
So, let's just agree that,

in the future, you'll stay away
from men of married persuasion.

Says the woman moving in
with someone's fiancée.

That's just totally different
so you can come back

and get this mic
you just tried to drop.

- She should be here any minute.
- It's a death card.

- I'm sorry, what?
- My tag. I saw you wondering.

Sorry I'm late.
Did Vanessa catch you up?

Yeah, we was just
getting' acquainted.

Okay, so here's the deal:
20 years is the lowest

- the DA's office will go.
- What happened with motions?

The prosecution can bring in

all your prior
domestic violence.

That is why the offer is 20.

No, you've got
to get me something better.

I'm not going to be able
to do that, Justin.

They have no motive
to offer you anything less.

You're sitting here on bail
you can't make and...

Your girlfriend
was burned alive.

- Plus, there's your sheet.
- The two drug sales,

- robbery, and you're on parole.
- So you think I did it?


You ever even do a murder case?
How old is she?

Old enough to be your lawyer,
and I'm old enough to tell you

- to shut the hell up. Clear?
- Look at you.

Twenty years. Flat.
Out in about 17.

Do you want it, or not?

Twenty is not an offer.
Just roll the dice.

- You can breathe now.
- Why doesn't he take the plea?

He's not wrong.
They don't have much of a case.

Would you take 20 years based on
the evidence you've seen so far?

- I would if I did it.
- But you're responsible person,

and responsible people
don't light people on fire.

- So you think he did it too?
- Maybe.

Probably. Doesn't matter.

If our guy wants a trial
and his decision is rational,

then we fight like hell
for him at trial.

You wanted more serious cases.
Here's more serious cases.

- He give me the creeps.
- Uncle Ruckus himself!

Thanks for stalling
on the discovery, EJ.

Was that your junior varsity way
of trying to irritate us?

Believe it or not, the world
doesn't revolve around you.

Oh. wait. Are you sure?

I have bigger fish to fry
at the moment.

So, did your client
tell you all about

how he set his girlfriend
on fire?

In gory detail.
Right after we donned

our Satan's capes
and sacrificed small children.

Do you have the discovery?

- What about the photos?
- You sure you wanna see these?

Oh, no, it might be
too much to bear!

- Give me that.
- Enjoy!

Alright. I need three full sets
of these all collated.

And don't forget to use
the yellow tabs every time

you see the complaint,
green for the arresting officer,

and purple for any
inconsistent statement.

- Right, you said it.
- Make sure you get it right.

I need something when
I'm crossing the witness.

I got it. Really.

- What?
- They're not pretty.

That's for sure.

Number 13 is super nasty.

- Oh my God. I'm sorry, I just...
- No, they're horrible.

And that's covered
by co-counsel privilege.

- Thank you.
- Okay. When you make copies,

make sure they're collated
by exhibit number...

You coming?

Make sure they're collated
by exhibit number.

Your diet's finally
getting to you.

That, or you're finally
sick of Vanessa.

- Vanessa's great. Lay off her.
- Sugar, I don't have to pretend

to like people I don't like.
That's not mean. That's honest.

- She's trying.
- No. She's snotty,

she's weak,
and she's pretentious.

And you should have never
taken her on a homicide.

Cut her some slack.
She'll be fine.

- Tracy knows, I'm just saying.
- It must be nice to be so wise.

Sergeant Jacob Lockman,
a 14-year veteran with the NYPD,

was killed during
a chance encounter

- with a teenage skateboarder...
- Please, God, not a black man!

Suspect in custody,

but not additional
information is being released.

Tracy! I have to go prep
and Franklin's here.

- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you.

Gwen's on trial, Franklin.
She can't talk to you right now.

But I need
to confer with counsel.

Have you been protesting
the library again?

Gwen already told you:

their late-fee policy is not
a form of discrimination.

Are your working for the man,
or for the people?

Man's always makin' up rules.
You can't even talk your mind.

Are you going to be silenced
by the man?

Honey, there's not a man alive
who can silence me.

You know what I think?
I think you're a legal saboteur.

I'm not a saboteur, Franklin.
I'm Gwen's office mate.

Honey, are you off
your meds again?

Those pills have
a radio transmitter.

Okay, you know what? Why don't
we take a trip downstairs

- to social services?
- This whole building is bugged.

- Tell Gwen I need to see her.
- Okay, sure thing.


- Can I help you?
- Nope, I'm done.

- Doing what?
- As your new supervisor,

it's my duty to prepare
your performance review.

Oh, please. No.

Tom usually just lets me
write it and then he signs.

Well, new sheriff in town.

Oh. You really need to work
on your client sensitivity.

- Wow, Bennet! This is great.
- We have here...

Some clothes, work,

and the two essential
food groups:

Flamebolts and barbecued chips.

Well, you said to make myself
at home, and I'm on trial.

And I meant it.

You know I really love
that you're here, right?

- Everything okay?
- Everything's fine, it's just...

- Sorry, it's my case. Homicide.
- Say no more.

- What do you want for dinner?
- Oh, I'm good.

I was thinking, how about
we order something great?

- To inaugurate the place.
- I'm not really hungry, but...

You shouldn't be
drinking too much of this stuff.

I know. And I will quit
right after my trial.

- Promise?
- Yes. I promise.

How about we agree to take
90 minutes tomorrow night

for a romantic, just us
in-our-cool-new-place dinner?

Sounds great, but right now,
I've got a horrible case,

an inexperienced co-counsel
and crime scene photos

that will literally
make you barf.

Did I mention that my client
lit his girlfriend on fire?

- Shit.
- Yeah.

The more awful the case sounds,
the harder I have to work.

- You get that, right?
- Loud and clear.

Just promise me
that you'll get some rest.

I promise.

Vanessa, it's me again.

It's 4:15.
I really need that research.

Can you call me
as soon as you can?

You do know most people
actually sleep, right?

I've heard talk.

Could you just come to bed
for a few hours?

Why don't you just let me work

so I can spare my client
life in prison.

Is it possible that your client

might do better
with a well-rested lawyer?

Remember the part about
"the more awful the case,

the harder we fight"?

Where is she? I've got
to figure out a way to keep

these horrible photos
out of evidence.

- Can I help?
- Yeah,

you can go back to bed
and let me think.

I'll be there when
you wake up, okay?

Oh, my God! I am so sorry!

I didn't get your messages
until this morning.

It's okay, but I really need you
to be more responsive.

- You got my paperwork?
- We just have some photos.

No discovery yet,
but we'll get it soon.

All rise!

I understand the Defense
has a motion.

We do. We move to preclude
all the crime scene photos.

That's ridiculous!

- The photos are evidence.
- Prejudicial evidence.

They show exactly what
defendant did to his girlfriend.

Judge, this is textbook example
of how evidence

is more prejudicial
than probative.

They'll literally
make the jury sick.

Oh, come on!
How bad can they be?

Okay. They're nauseating.

But so was the crime, Counselor.
I'm not going to exclude them.

Then we ask that you limit
the scope to three-four photos.

Anything more than
that is overkill.

That's a reasonable proposal,
Mister Duchay.

Three photos should do it.

And I'll ask that photos
10, 13 and 15 be excluded.

As much as Miss Sullivan
would like

to make our decision for us,
that's not how it works.

Photos 10, 13 and 15 are
the very three we intend to use.

I'll let the People choose
their evidence, Miss Sullivan.

10, 13 and 15 are in,
the rest are out.

Why are you smiling?
We just got played.

No. Photographs 10, 13 and 15
were close-ups of the body.

They don't show the front door.

What's wrong
with the front door?

It's what's not wrong with it.

The lock on the doorknob
is in a locked position.

- So there was no forced entry.
- Which means...

The killer had a key
or the victim let him in.

Which means she knew the killer.

If Duchay knew you wanted
those photos out...

- He'd fight to keep them in.
- Sweet.

We need to clean you up.

- Oh, don't let me interrupt.
- Later.

Nah, I'm good, honey, thanks.
I'll catch the next one.

Let me guess.

- Performance review?
- In a way.

It's Natalie
from the PR firm upstairs.

A little lunchtime lovin'.
Her performance? Stellar.

If you know what I mean.


I keep thinking about how,
without the photos,

the jury will never know
the door was locked.

- Yeah, good for us.
- I know, it just...

- seems dishonest.
- Not dishonest. Tactical.

Believe me, Duchay
would have done the same thing.

But do you really need
to go the extra mile

- for a case like this?
- Yes, we do. Always.

How come you lied to Justin
about not having the discovery?

They have a witness.
A bodega owner who says

he sold Justin lighter fluid
the day before the murder.

Do we know who it is?

They redacted the name
and address.

Wouldn't Justin
still know who it is?

- Yeah.
- You think if he knows

who the witness is,
he might do something?

We don't have a choice.
We have to give that to him.

You can't turn it over if he
might intimidate the witness.

If Duchay was worried,
he could have asked the judge

for a protective order,
and then we wouldn't

even be able
to show this to Justin.

Then tell Duchay!
Maybe he just messed up.

We can't throw our client
under the bus.

We can't broadcast
to the prosecution

they made a mistake and make
the case harder for our client.

Besides, maybe the witness
is wrong or biased,

or maybe he made
the whole thing up.

Maybe Justin could actually
give us good information

- that we don't know about him.
- There's got to be another way.

This guy burned
his girlfriend alive

- and then watched her die.
- Allegedly.

- Gwen, we know he did it.
- How?

How do we know exactly?
This is what you signed up for.

So are you going to be able
to do the cross of the officer?

- Because this is murder trial.
- Yes. Yes.

- He, uh, looks... different.
- I think "great" is the word

you're looking for.
We need women jurors.

- So you got my paperwork?
- What we got is a problem.

- Lighter fluid. What?
- Do you know this guy?

Does he have anything
against you?

- I don't know him.
- Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.
How come she never believes me?

Can you think of any reason
why he would say this?


Justin, I don't need to tell you
that your calls are recorded.

Your mail is read.
So, no calls to your boys.

- No kites, no nothing. Got it?
- I hear you. Yeah.

I mean it.
Just let me do my job.

We arrived on the scene
right after the fire department.

The victim, Cecilia Duncan,
was already dead.

Her body was badly charred.

Most of the flesh from her skull
was burned off.

The apartment smelled strongly
of lighter fluid.

Officer, did you have
any previous contact

with Cecilia Duncan
before you found her dead body?

Yes. I previously responded
to a domestic violence call

- at the same address.
- What happened then?

I found Cecilia with
a black eye, a head wound ..

She said the defendant attacked
her so I arrested Mr. Wilson.

He was then convicted
of assaulting her.

Thank you.
No further questions.

Officer, when you arrested
Mister Wilson, did you find

any evidence of lighter fluid
on his clothes or his skin?

No, but Mister Wilson
evaded us for the first...

- Your Honor!
- Sustained.

You know how to do this,

We didn't arrest the defendant
until 24 hours after the fire.

He would have had time to shower
and change his clothes.

Right, but I'm asking...

If he changed his clothes,
we wouldn't find lighter fluid.

My question was did you?

And my answer was
maybe he showered.

That or he didn't have
anything to do with it.

Who's doing the questioning?

Counsel wouldn't have to
if the Officer would just

- answer the questions.
- Sustained.

Actually, Judge,
I'll take it from here.

Officer, yes or no.
At the crime scene,

did you find any evidence
that anyone

other than Miss Duncan
had been in the apartment?

- No.
- So the crime scene tells us

only that something horrible
happened. Not who did it.

- That's right.
- No further questions.

It feels a little
like we're hitting a wall.

Just bounce on the ball.
It helps you think. Bounce!

Justin's girlfriend

is a crucial witness
we have to undermine him.

We still don't have a solid
theory about why she's lying.

Do you think it could be because
she's just telling the truth?

I really need you to focus.

It's midnight, Gwen. Can't we
just continue this tomorrow?

The witness testifies tomorrow,

Fine, forget it. I'll just
see you tomorrow at 6 a.m.

Where were you? We had a plan.

- I had to work.
- I know. But you promised me

90 minutes to be together.
Just us. To forget about work.

Bennet, I have a client
who's facing life in prison.

The one who lit
his girlfriend on fire.

- Don't do that.
- Do what?

Make me feel bad for choosing
to spend time on my work.

It's just that I shouldn't
have to be a felon

to get a chance
to spend some time with you.

Okay, you know what?

Let's just hold the feelings
until my homicide trial is over.


Good luck in court tomorrow.
I'm sure you'll do great.

When he found out I was pregnant
Justin promised me

he would break up with Cecilia
so I can move in with him,

but he never did.

And did he say why he hadn't
broken up with Cecilia?

- Objection, hearsay!
- Goes to show state of mind.


He said they had
a business together.

She said,
if he broke up with her,

- she'd take everything.
- And what kind of business?


- Withdrawn. No more questions.
- Were you promised anything

in exchange for your testimony
here today?

I got arrested for shoplifting.

The prosecutor said,
if I cooperated,

they would take it into account
in my case.

And if you go to jail,
you lose your baby, right?

- Objection!
- Sustained.

Miss Malbon, you must have been
pretty angry to find out

that Justin
was still with Cecilia.

- He wasn't with her.
- Oh!

"Shameless hoe trying to hold on
to a man who doesn't love you".

Isn't that a text
you sent to her?

- Yeah, but that's 'cause...
- "I'm gonna F-you up

if you don't get
the hell out of Justin's house".

Wait. I didn't kill her.
She was a drug dealer.

She probably got high
and set herself on fire.

- Objection, Your Honor!
- Sustained.

Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury,

you will please disregard
the witness' last statement.

- No more questions.
- Then Court is now in recess.

Pass me the victim's rap sheet.

I want to see which officer
arrested her for the drug sales.

- I don't see why it's relevant.
- I asked you to yellow-flag

any mention of her.
Do you have it?

- Yes, but...
- Then hand it over.

I understand tactics,
but are you really going

- to go after the victim?
- If that's what we have to do.

I'm sorry, but I am not
comfortable with this.

We have a client to defend.
And, honestly, Vanessa,

I'm more concerned about
winning this case

than I am about your comfort.

What is going on with you?
You won your last case,

you made supervisor,
why are you doing this?

- What are you talking about?
- I don't know.

"Miss Campbell displays at best
a perfunctory amount of civility

toward her clients,
with a distinct dose

of disdain toward the more
recalcitrant individuals"?

What? You're trying stuff this
with SAT words?

Try again, sugar.

Also a problem area for you.

And you're late for court.

I'll have to add that
to your eval.

- I am not doing this right now.
- Use your inside voice.


According to sources,

the shooter's name
is Jackson Whitmore.

Sources say that he
and the officer struggled,

and that the officer
was shot with his own gun.

Witnesses, however, contend

that the officer
was choking the young man.

- This could get really ugly.
- Yeah, it sure could.

Officer Fisher, isn't it true
that in 2012 you had occasion

to arrest the victim
for selling crack cocaine?

I don't remember.

Perhaps this arrest report
will refresh your recollection.

I guess I did.

And did that arrest
result in a conviction?

Your Honor, may we approach?

Cecilia Duncan took the rap
for the defendant in this case.

The drugs were really his.

That's a nice theory, Judge,
but this is issue preclusion.

There's a certificate
of conviction.

We're not going to re-litigate
the issue of who owned the drugs

in that case, Mister Duchay.
You may proceed, Miss Sullivan.

Miss Duncan was convicted of
drug sales and served two years.

- Correct?
- Yes.

You also arrested her
for assault, didn't you?

Miss Duncan beat up a woman
to collect on a drug debt.

- Allegedly.
- Well, you arrested her for it.

- Yes.
- Pretty typical behavior

for a drug dealer
in that neighborhood, right?

- Objection!
- Sustained.

Fair to say that drug dealers
can have a lot of enemies?

- Yes.
- So Miss Duncan's death

could be a result of her
drug-dealing business, right?

- Objection!
- Withdrawn.

No further questions.

- That's got to feel good.
- I can't take this.


You need to take me
off this trial.

- Rookie, say what?
- I'm not ready.

- I thought I was, but...
- Okay. Whoa! Easy now.

You're the one who wanted
more serious cases.

I know, but Gwen calls me
like five times a night,

and she may be undead,
because she never sleeps,

and she acts like it's WWIII,
and she does horrible things,

and that guy
burned up his girlfriend!

And I know I'm not
supposed to care,

but I can't stop
thinking about it.

- And I'm freaking out.
- Freaking out is what trial is.

I can't do this. Please.
I'm asking you as my supervisor.

Okay. Okay.
Let me talk to Gwen.

But for now you stay on.


- Sullivan!
- What?

I'm on trial,
in case you didn't notice.

I can see that.
We need to talk.

Don't try on your little
supervisor shit with me.

You know what makes
a good supervisor?

Being empathetic enough
to know when not to talk.

- You're burning out the rookie.
- No. She's burned out.

- The rookie's fine.
- The rookie is not fine.

The rookie is distressed

because you're sucking her
into your orbit of crazy.

You know I'm working on
a really hard homicide, Charlie.

There's a reason we start
them off with misdemeanors.

They're not supposed
to just jump into murders,

not disgusting ones like this.

- She complained?
- Of course not.

- But I can see it.
- Bullshit, Charlie!

You haven't been able to see
past your own reflection

since you were six.

Aside from the fact that you
just insulted your superior,

as your supervisor,
I'm telling you:

burning out the rookie
is bad for us.

We need warm bodies around here.

Especially warm Caldwell
fellow bodies.

So don't burn out the rookie.
We cool?

- You sound like Tom.
- That's my job.

Oh, oh, wait!
Have you heard this song?

♪ You might be supervisor
but you are still a dick ♪

Flag the second page for me.
Oh, God, you again.

I was hoping
you were a hallucination

- that I only saw the courtroom.
- And I was hoping

that you'd fall in love
and move far, far away.

- What do you want, EJ?
- New offer.

I'll give your guy 14 years
right now.

Or we could start his funeral.

You're dropping this offer
in the middle of a trial?

My assessment of the case
has shifted.

My 98% chance of winning
just dropped to 94%.

That's funny. It sounds to me
like you're finally realizing

I've got your scrawny ass
on the ropes.

Tell you what? Why don't you
just call your next witness?

Don't you want to run it
by your client?

My client will believe me
when I tell him you're bluffing.

Then I'll send you some tissue
when he gets life.

Are the People prepared
to proceed?

Your Honor,
I've been informed this morning

that our key witness, Mr. Khan,
the bodega owner

who sold the lighter fluid
to the defendant...

- Yes, Counselor, what is it?
- He's been murdered.

Oh, my Gosh.

You just tried
to sell me a plea?

Your scumbag client
had a witness murdered.

If you had proof of that,
you'd be arresting him now.

- Did you give him discovery?
- Of course, I did.

- He's my client!
- How could you be so reckless?

- This is on you.
- Don't you dare pin this on me!

If you had concerns
about your witness' safety,

you could have asked
for a protective order.

- You didn't, which is your bad.
- Counselor!

Did you have any specific reason
to be worried about the safety

- of the witness?
- Of course not!

We move to dismiss this case
for lack of evidence.

That's some cold-ass shit!

Without the witness,
there is no evidence

connecting my client
to the crime.

The motion is denied, Counselor.

Mister Duchay,
do you have anything else?

- No, Your Honor.
- Miss Sullivan,

- are you presenting a defense?
- Not anymore.

Okay, then.
Summations after lunch.

If that man's blood
is on your hands...

Tell yourself that all you want,
EJ, but in the dark of night,

you know this was your screw-up.

Don't start.

- Do we have a problem?
- No.

You sure?
'Cause I'm pretty sure

you asked Charlie
to take you off my case.

- I'm sorry. It's just that...
- I chose you.

I took you under my wing and
I chose you for a murder case.

I know. And I'm grateful.
I really am.

- But he is awful.
- We find for everyone, Vanessa.

- Everyone.
- Yeah, we say that.

But this psycho client killed
someone and he might go free.

- And he's guilty!
- What do you want to do?

You want to hold your own
mini-trial before you decide

who it is you're
going to represent?

We are supposed to be fighting
for justice.

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

The canons of ethics demand
that prosecutors pursue justice.

Our job is to fight like hell
for every single client.

Because it's not a fair fight.

It's just you and me
against them,

and their cops, and their labs,
and their corrupt-ass judges.

We're fighting for the underdog.
And you're damned right,

we fight to the death
for every single one of them.

Because if we can't win
when our clients are guilty,

but the case against
them is shitty,

we can't win
when they're innocent.

And if you don't like it,
it's high-time

you take your bougie-ass
back to Caldwell.

Now get out.
I have a summation to finish.

Have you turned in
my review yet?

Good. I evaluated myself.

I'm going to stick
with what I wrote.

Wow. Is this a bribe?
Actually, does it matter?

- So we'll go with my eval then.
- No. We'll go with mine.

This is better
than what I wrote for myself.

Thank you, sugar.
Why the change?

Something Gwen said
about being empathetic.

And I realized I might have been
acting like an asshole, so...

Is there anything else
you want to talk about?

Like what?

She won't know
unless you tell her, honey.

Natalie? She's just a girl
from upstairs.

I need to go file this one.
This is really nice.

Oh, yeah, it is nice.

- I'm keeping this.
- No!

Judge, I'm sorry.
I don't know where she is.

Unless she was going to deliver
the closing statement...

- No, that will be me.
- Then let's get to it.

You can fill her in afterwards.

Let's be clear about one thing
that matters in this case.

There is no evidence that
actually links Mr. Wilson

to the death of Miss Duncan.

Mr. Duchay will tell you all
about their history

of domestic violence,
but while that makes

Mr Wilson unlikeable,
it does not make him a murderer.

Mr. Duchay will also tell you
about Linda Malbon,

his ex-girlfriend,
who supposedly provided motive.

Except there are
plenty of other reasons

why Miss Duncan
might have ended up dead.

She was a crack dealer who lived
a life of crime and violence.

Who knows who she might have
crossed or shorted?

Any number of people
might have had beef with her,

including Linda Malbon herself.
The sad truth is this:

When you live by drug violence,
you often die by drug violence.

All the prosecution has
are theories and conjecture.

They certainly didn't bring you
any witnesses who provided

any evidence directly connecting
Mr. Wilson to the crime.

You swore an oath to do a job,
to follow that singular rule

of holding the prosecution
to their burden of proof.

They must prove Mr. Wilson
guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Ladies and gentlemen, you don't
have to like Mr. Wilson.

But you must
find him not guilty.

Miss Sullivan says there is
no evidence in this case.

Well, you heard the evidence.
You heard it

from his current girlfriend,
the mother of his child,

tell you about his motive
to kill Cecilia Duncan.

How she threatened to take
everything if they broke up.

You also heard that
he was violent with the victim.

He had an ongoing history
of beating her up.

Now, Miss Sullivan
would have you believe

that it is a long road
from assault to murder.

It's not. And everyone
sitting in here knows it.

With domestic violence,
women all to often end up dead

at the hand of their abuser.

This man had motive.
He had opportunity.

And that is enough
to make him a murderer.

Ladies and gentlemen
of the jury,

I understand you have a verdict.

- We do, Your Honor.
- How do you find?

On the charge of murder
of the second degree,

we find the defendant,
Justin Wilson,

not guilty.

Nice job.

I always knew you was a winner.

All I've been able
to think about

is whether or not
I did the right thing.

She told me we had ethical duty
not to say anything.

But I should have
said something.

- I'm sorry.
- It's not your fault.

I mean, I messed up.
I should have asked

for a protective order,
and I didn't.

But Gwen shouldn't have given
the report to him.

I mean, she just wants to win.

She doesn't care
about the greater good.

I used to think that
I could do this job, but now...

But now you're starting
to see the truth.

That there's no difference
between the criminals,

- and the ones who defend them.
- And where does that leave me?

I don't know.
I guess you'll have to decide.

♪ God, give me the strength
To meet my life's demands ♪

♪ Help me to break the bonds
That hold me down ♪

♪ To things of a lesser cost

♪ Help me to climb
To greater heights... ♪


♪ Because my soul demands
that I must wait for it... ♪

♪ Wait for it, wait for it


- I heard you won your case.
- Yeah.

I also heard about the witness
and I... I'm sorry.

I am too.

You know you didn't do
anything wrong, right?

I know, but...

Someone's dead.

Look, I know me being on trial
is really hard to deal with.

You being on trial
is not the hard part.

It's who you become
when you're on trial.

And, I know you're
under a lot of pressure

and you have people's lives
in your hands, but...

It's not an excuse
to shut you out.

I know. And I'm sorry.

- I bought us a cake.
- A cake.

I don't cook and a whole meal
would have gotten cold,

so I ordered us a cake.
It says "home sweet home".

I'm in love with the worst
potential wife ever.

- Is that so bad?
- Uh-uh.

It's just going to take
a little getting used to.

Does that mean
you want some cake?

I want some cake.

It's good. It's chocolate.

Oh! I got you these.

I wanted to give them to you
during our celebration dinner.

A private tour

of the National Museum
of African-American history?

- Haven't you been already?
- Not with you.

Oh, Bennet.

Oh shit, that's the courthouse.
I... I have to...

It's okay.

Gwen Sullivan.

Yes, Your Honor, of course.
I'll be right there.

I get it. Go.

Come in.

Thank you for coming
on such short notice.

Of course, it sounded urgent.

You're aware of the cop
that was killed?

Yes, it's been
all over the news.

I want you to represent
the defendant.

Me? Why?

A white cop killed
by a young black man.

The witnesses say he shot
the officer in self-defense.

This case is going
to be bigger than Ferguson.

The prosecution
has been building a case

since the shot was fired.
The black community... no!

The whole city need to know.

This kid is going to get
a fair trial.

I can't think of
a better attorney than you.

I don't know what to say.

Right now,
you don't have to say anything.

But there is something
you could do.

- What's that?
- You could go home

and get some sleep.
You're about to be the attorney

in what could be
the trial of a lifetime.

Next time, on "In Contempt":

Jackson Alan Whitmore
of Washington Heights

is accused of shooting
officer Jacob Lockman.

Like so many other black men
in this country,

Jackson was aggressively
confronted by a police officer.

The prosecution is moving
to preclude self-defense.

Shouldn't you be sitting
at the other table, Counselor?

Miss Hastings recently
joined our office, Your Honor.

You don't eat well,
you don't sleep,

and you're addicted
to that shit.

I'm fine.

Officer, isn't...