Impulse (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - State of Mind - full transcript

After a visit with a neurologist, Henry hopes her new meds will fix everything. Meanwhile, Bill Boone attempts to identify his son Clay's attacker.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ I would walk 500 miles,
and I would walk 500 more ♪

♪ Just to be that man
who walks 1,000 miles ♪

♪ To fall down at your door ♪

- ♪ I was a fool ♪

♪ To ever leave your side ♪

♪ Me minus you
is such a lonely ride ♪

♪ The breakup we had has
made me lonesome and sad ♪

- Hi, Doc.

- I was just a fucking kid
when you people...

- I didn't know
what they'd do, I swear.


- God damn it,
I have a family now!

We deserve a chance
at a normal life.

- So, I hear you have a son.


- Oui.

- Dad!

- Hi.

H-how did you...
- I don't know.

- How are you here?
- I... I don't...

Fuck, I don't know.

- Did Lucas drop you off?

- I don't think so.
- Well...

- Is there anybody here?
- What the hell happened?

Are you okay?
- He was...

I was in his trunk, and then...
- What?

- I had... yeah, I had,
like, a seizure,

and I, like, blacked out and...
- Henry, Henry.

- Fuck, I don't know.
- Henry.

- I don't know what's
happening to me!

- Okay, well,
we gotta call the police.

- Jenna, we cannot
call the police!

Do you think that I can
explain this to the police?

I can't explain that.

- It's your mom.

- Oh.

Oh, fuck, I have an appointment.

- You should tell her, okay?
- I cannot... I can't tell her.

- At least about Clay.

- I have to go.

- What're you doing?

- Uh...

Sorry, I... I...
I was just, uh, um...

- Did you get in an accident?
- Uh, no.

Not really, I... I... I...
- "Not really"?

- Okay, there...
Okay, okay, there... there...

There... there was this girl,
and she was with Clay

before his wreck, and I thought
she might know something,

but she... she wouldn't
even talk to me, so I... I... I...

Okay, I put her in the trunk
of the car, and then now...

- You put a girl
in the trunk of your car?

- Yeah, I... yeah, I know
how that sounds,

but I didn't have
any other choice.

- Stop, just stop.
- Look, Pop.

I will get her to talk,
just give me another chance.

- I don't give a shit
about some girl.

Your brother is in a coma,
for Christ sakes.

You saw his truck.
No girl did that.

It was those fuckers up north.

- The Millers?

- We lost their product
at the border.

That doesn't come
without a price.

- Well, then let me help.
I can go to Canada, I...

- No.

You wanna help?

You stay with your brother
in the hospital.

- Yeah, but...

Okay, yes, sir.

- No, no, no.
Oh, God.

These red lights. Ugh.

I can't believe Gregg would
only give me an hour break.

He knows how important this is.
He has kids.

Do you know he spells
his name with three Gs?

Gregg, with three Gs.

One in the beginning,
two at the end.

Who does that?

Someone you can't trust,
that's who.

At least
we got into this doctor.

There was like
a crazy long wait,

I could barely get in,
you know...

Henry, are you okay?


- Honey, you're sweating.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm just...
I think I need some air.

I was just wondering
if certain things can...

trigger seizures.

- Like what?

- Um...

Like, if...

Like, if somebody
gets close to me,

or if I'm in a confined space.

- I'm... I'm sorry, I don't think
I understand what you mean.

- It's just that I've had se...

Two other seizures since

I went to the ER, and they f...

Felt pretty different
from the others.

- Different how?

- Like I blacked out
or something.


Or at least that's
how it felt to me.

Like I...

Like I lost time.

And then when I came out of it,
I was in a different place.

- First of all, there is no
scientific evidence to suggest

that claustrophobia or touch
can incite seizures.

I believe that what you have
is called

mesial temporal sclerosis,
or MTS.

It's a very common condition,

which causes
a variety of symptoms,

one of which is mild
memory and time loss.

So essentially everything
that you described is normal,

for patients with MTS.

- Oh.

- So, uh, what...

What's next?
What do we do?

- Well, we begin
with new medication,

something that
will actually manage

your seizures and blackouts

and get your life
back to normal.

How does that sound?

- Yeah, that sounds great.

- Okay, um...

Hope this'll be enough.

Why don't you take that?
Now, just go ahead

and take all this too, okay?

- Yeah, that's fine, I'm sure.
Thanks, Mom.

- I'm sorry I don't have time
to go in with you.

- It's just a prescription.

- Hey, wait, are you hungry?

Do you wanna come
by the diner for a snack?

I can make you maybe
a Shirley Temple.

Remember how you
used to love those

when you were a little girl?

- The pharmacy's
gonna close soon.

- Okay.
- So...

- Yeah, okay.

All right, well, just, um,

remember Thomas will
come and pick you up.

- Okay.

- Hey, this town's
not so bad, right?

- Sure.

- I read somewhere that
happiness is a state of mind.

- Okay.

- What do you mean, "Okay"?

I don't know, I've gotta go.

- ♪ You got me one way
turn around ♪

♪ You remind me
of our son ♪

♪ All brought up on my own ♪

♪ You make me other ways ♪

♪ You burn the eyes
on my aura ♪

- Hey.
- Hey, Henry.

- My mom told me that
you'd give me a ride home.

- How was your appointment?

- Fun.

- Uh, all right.

Uh, I got a pin stuck
on lane eight.

Do you mind giving me a hand?

Come on, then we can go.

Lane eight.

Can you pass me that
little wrench in my toolbox?


Deputy Hulce paid me
another visit.

She's got it in her head
that you called in

Clay Boone's accident
from the scene.

- That's...

really weird.

I have no idea why
she would think that.

- I told her the same thing.

I also ditched all those car
parts I found in your closet.

I hope that's okay.

Were you hurt?



Bill Boone is not somebody
that you wanna mess with.

He's gonna do whatever it takes
to protect his family.

Do you understand?

- Sir, you got a minute?

Uh, I wanted to talk to you
about Eddie Max.

A number of witnesses confirm
he was at The Lodge

the night
of Clay Boone's accident.

- You know,
the dressing just sits

right on top of the lettuce.

The doctor says
I got gout, you know.

No more red meat.

- Have you tried shaking it?
- Hmm?

- If you close your lid
and shake your salad,

the dressing will mix right in.

- No shit.

- So, I took it upon myself
to check

Henry Cole's cell phone records

and cross-referenced them
with cell towers.

- Yeah, don't... don't, uh...
Don't do that.

- Excuse me?
- Don't take it upon yourself.

It's not that I don't
appreciate your tenacity.

I mean, you're a real
modern-day Angela Lansbury.

You know who that is?

- I... I do, yeah.
- She's a very talented woman.

She'll probably outlive us all.

But I said that the case was
closed, and I meant it.

I suggest

you put more energy into
making friends around here.

That'll serve you better.

- Hey.
Is my dad coming in?

- Um, no, he just dropped me.

Have you eaten anything yet?

- I've...
Made myself soup.

- Who makes themselves soup?

- People like me, I guess.

That's so weird, Jenna.

Did you talk to the doctor
about what's been going on?

- Yep.

- So what'd he say?

- Basically that everything
is normal, you know,

for someone with
my condition anyway.

- Even the blackouts?

- Yeah, he's got me
on these new meds

that are gonna fix everything.

- Just like that?

- Just like that.

- Did you talk to your mom?

- About what?

- Clay.

- No, Jenna, I did not.

- Look, if you don't wanna talk
to your mom, or me,

Planned Parenthood has
a hotline you could call...

- What're you doing?

- I'm trying to help you.

- Don't.

- Henry.

Henry, you were
sexually assaulted.

- I liked it better
when we didn't talk.

- ♪ Married into this family ♪

♪ And I'm datin'
a bunch of outlaws ♪

♪ Even the children
drawing guns ♪

♪ Out of little crayon box ♪

♪ Playing with scissors ♪

♪ Cuttin' straight
to the point ♪

♪ Don't need to beat
around the bush ♪

♪ We takin' shots
to the groin ♪

♪ I take what I want ♪

♪ Take what I need ♪

♪ And do it all
with dignity ♪

♪ Say what I want,
say what I mean ♪

♪ And I don't need you
to agree, yeah ♪

♪ I don't spit
before I fuck it ♪

♪ Got a hand on my pistol
in my pocket ♪

♪ I don't play nice ♪

♪ I'm not a shit-talker ♪

♪ I'm a straight shooter ♪

♪ Now just give me the money,
honey ♪

♪ Now just give me the money,
honey ♪

♪ Straight shooter,
now just give me the money ♪

♪ Got a hand on the pistol
in my pocket ♪

- Shit.


- What're you waiting for?

Come on down
to Bill Boone Motors.

We've got the best deals
in town.

In fact, we will...

- Oh, God, yeah.
- Out-beat our competition.

- Oh, yes.
- I guarantee it.

- When we say we have

what you're looking for,
we mean it.

Oh! Fuck, Bill, yes.

Oh, yes.

Bill, fuck yeah.

- What're you waiting for?

Come on down
to Bill Boone Motors.

We've got the best deals
in town.

In fact, we will out-beat
our competition.

I guarantee it.

When we say we have
what you're looking for,

we mean it.

Just hold up,
I wanna get you something.

- Listen, I can pay my own rent.

It only went up a little.

- It'd make me feel better

if I could help, Iris.

- Thank you, Bill.

Don't mention it.

- So how's Clay?

- Uh...

Uh, listen, we should go.
Now, honey, come on.

- What is this?

- Oh, um...

It's paint.
It's spray paint.

- Mm.

Have I seen your work?

- I don't know.


- Are you cool with this?
- Yeah.

- ♪ I don't need
your good advice ♪

♪ I can do this by myself ♪

♪ You're just trying
to be nice ♪

♪ But I'm all right,
don't need your help ♪

♪ I don't need
your good advice ♪

♪ I can do this by myself ♪

♪ You're just trying
to be nice ♪

♪ But I'm all right,
don't need your help ♪

♪ Doot de do do do,
doot de do do do ♪

♪ Doot de do do do,
doot de do do do ♪

♪ Come around and
put me down and ♪

♪ Tell me how
I'm doing it wrong ♪

- I like that shirt.

- Whatever.

- ♪ And move along ♪

- Cool.

- ♪ Should be walking, should
be runnin' out of town ♪

♪ Be dronin' ♪

♪ Bitch and moanin' ♪

♪ I can't even,
not right now ♪

♪ Doesn't mean much to me ♪

- ♪ All the noise
you're making ♪

♪ And I can't get back ♪

♪ The time
that you're wastin' ♪

♪ Doot de do do do ♪

♪ Doot de do do do ♪

♪ Doot de do do do ♪

- He's an amazing guy, you know.

He just doesn't deserve this.

- Patty, Clay cheated on you.
Like, a lot.

- Jesus, Jenna, I know that.

But he's on life support
or something.

Have a heart.

- You're right.
I'm... I'm sorry.

- We need to get
our stories straight.

- About?

- What you did the other day.

I don't wanna get you
in trouble.

- What're you talking about?

- The event.

Principal Paige wants to talk
to us about what happened

in Dr. Gibson's class.

- Mister.
- What?

- Nothing.

- It's important you know
I would never reveal the truth

about your telekinesis.

- Townes, I've...
- It's true.

I have nothing to gain
by exposing your secret.

I come from an
upper-middle class family,

so the undoubtedly hefty
financial reward

for selling you
to the government

or some nameless, faceless
multinational corporation

doesn't interest me.
- Townes, stop.

I just get seizures sometimes.
I mean...

Like, it sucks, but I...

That's it.

There's nothing special
about me.

- What?

- This is exactly
what I'm talking about.

Every super-powered individual
experiences this sort of

pessimistic attitude
before they learn to accept

their powers.

But we still need to determine
whether you're a superhero

or a super villain.

- Bye, Townes.

It could go either way.

I got nothing to do
with this, I swear.

- You dumped hundreds
of thousands of dollars

worth of product down a drain.

- I had no choice.

Border Patrol was
inspecting the truck.

- You were bringing
a truckload of cars from Canada

into America without a passport.

- But I didn't hit Clay's truck.

I didn't do that.

- No.

You just caused our partners
enough money

that they felt inclined
to cripple my son.

Look, I'm sorry, Bill, honest.

But I would never hurt Clay.

I can make it up to you.

- Why do you think you're here?

- What?

- I want justice
done for my son.

You owe me.

- So, uh...

I don't know any good jokes.

You were always better at
remembering that kind of stuff.

But I should talk to you, right?

In case you can hear me.

Shit, you're a popular
motherfucker, that's for sure.

Dude, Patty Yang
still texts you?

That poor girl.

- ♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah,
ah-ah, ah ♪

♪ I want a noise ♪

♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah,
ah-ah, ah ♪

♪ I want it loud ♪

♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah,
ah-ah, ah ♪

♪ I want a noise ♪

♪ Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah,
ah-ah, ah ♪

- Henrietta Coles?

- ♪ I want it loud ♪

- You're the new girl, right?

- Yeah, I guess so.

- Bill Boone.

Nice to meet you.

I saw you walking
and I said to myself,

"I have to thank her."

If you hadn't called in
Clay's accident,

doctors might not have
got to him in time.

Say, what're you doing
right now?

I could really use your help
with something.

- You know,
I'm actually walking home.

I've got a lot
of homework to do, so...

Very sorry about Clay,
Mr. Boone.

- Hey.

Hold up a second.

You and Clay were close, right?

I mean, that's why
he helped you, isn't it?

You know this...

Baby runs pretty well,

given all the miles
you put on her.

It won't take long, you know.

I'll have you back
before you know it.


- Um...

Yeah, okay.

- Thanks.

Seat belt.

- Right.

- What're you doing here?
- Hi.

Well, I just figured,

even though you're working
late, doesn't mean we can't

enjoy a meal together.

And the food here sucks.
- Keep your voice down.

- All right, I can set up
a table in the back.

- Um, ok...

Iris, do you mind
if I take my break?

Just a little early? Okay.
- Go for it. I can take those.

- Um, okay. Thank you.
- Go. Okay.

- What is that?

- I tried to make a swan,
but I guess it, you know,

turned out more like a...
Like, maybe a duck,

or a... or a dog.
- I was gonna say llama.

'Cause of the...
- Well, yeah.

At least that llama
has warm bread inside.

- What?
- Yeah, buddy.

- Mmm.
- And...

I managed to snag us
a couple of beers.

- Good man.
- Here's to you.

- Oh.
Thank you for this.

- You're welcome, my pleasure.

- Is this sauce homemade?
- Um...

- You made this yourself?

- Well, Paul Newman
made that sauce.

- Oh.
- Right before he died.

- Oh.
Thank you, Paul.

It's good.

- Good.

- You know, Henry acts
like these new meds

are gonna cure her,
but the neurologist never made

those kind of promises.

And then I looked up
MTS on WebMD,

and it says that
it could get worse.

And if it does,
it could require surgery.

I mean, what if something
is really, really wrong

with Henry?
I don't know what I would do.

And then she... Henry just
acts so tough, you know?

She's always putting up these
walls, but I know she's scared.

I can tell it.
I know she is.

God knows I am, I mean...
- Cleo.

Whatever it is,
whatever she needs,

okay, we will take care of it.

Henry is in good hands.

- Won't be too long now.

- Mr. Boone,
I should probably get back.

Just 'cause I think
my mom will be worried.

- You call her if you want to.

Don't worry, I don't plan on
telling her what happened.

I was a teenager once too.

Smoking dope and having sex.

I get why you don't want anyone
to know you were with Clay.

Kind of a double standard
for girls, isn't it?

Oh, hold on.


You know, when Clay was nine,

he and Lucas were messing
around in the backyard.

Climbing that big oak.

Clay fell from one of
the branches, broke his arm.

It was gruesome.

I mean, the bone
was sticking out.

So I scooped him up.

I put him in the truck to
take him to Emergency, right?

Well, the kid won't shut up.

I mean, he is wailing
like a little girl.

So I stop.

I stop the truck.

And I said,

"Look at it.
Look at your bone."

You should've seen the
expression on his face.

Kind of the way you're
looking at me right now.

But I tell him,

"We're not going
to the hospital,"

"until you do what I say."

So finally he turns
and looks at it.

And again, he starts
screaming and crying.

But I say to him, "Clay,
underneath this shit",

"we're all just a sack of bones.

"Not a lot of people get to see
the stuff underneath.

"Now is your chance to take
a look at what you got

"and decide

what's gonna separate you
from the other guys."

He stopped crying
right then and there.

Nine years old and he got it.

That's strength.

- Stop!

- We're here.

- Mr. Boone, um...

- These men are business
associates of mine.

They sell me used cars
from time to time.

Stay put.

- Fuck.

- Okay, we're all set.

- Mr. Boone, I should
probably call my mom now.

- These men that
I work with are Mennonites.

I'm hoping you'll recognize
one or two of them.

- I don't understand.

- All you have to do is
tell me which one of them

attacked Clay.

And then we can go.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.

I... I didn't see
anything like that.

- It's... it's okay.
Calm down.

- I... I really didn't see
anything like that.

I don't even remember
what happened.

- Put your hood up.

- Mr. Boone, can...
- Pay attention now.

Procedures in place...

Of course.

- So?

- I don't... I don't know.

- Look, you and I,

we're on the same team.
You know that.

I'll protect you.
- But I d...

I... I don't...
I don't remember.

- Yes, you do.
- I really... I really...

- Yes, you do.

Look at me.
Look at me.

I know you're afraid.

So am I.
For Clay.

If I could talk to him, I...

If I could ask him
what happened, I would.

But I can't.

I can't because one of these
men put him in the hospital.

It's not Clay's fault.

My boy didn't do anything wrong.

It's mine. It's my fault.

And I need to make it right.

You care about my son, right?

So tell me which one
of these men hurt him?

- I...

- Was it the one with
the money bag, in the plaid?

Or the one with the black hat
in the center?

He calls the shots around here.

Look, you have to remember.

- I... I...
- You have to.

Come on.

- Um, I...

It could...

It could be the first one.
The... the... the young one.

The one in the plaid, but I'm...

But I'm really...
I'm really not sure,

so I can't be positive.

- But you think so?


we should keep this trip
between us.

It'd be better for everyone
involved, don't you think?

- You have any idea
how fast you were going?

- Uh, no, Officer.
No, I don't.

- It's just 'cause
you can go over 100

doesn't mean that you should.

- For some time now,
the science community

has known that genetic
mutations cause disease...

If we know what mutations...

- Fuck.

What're you doing?

Thank fuck.
- Where have you been?

- Get out of my room.

- Henry, you've been
gone for hours.

- Jenna, I can't right now,

- What happened?
Henry, tell me...

- Jesus Christ, Jenna, can you
just worry about your own shit

for one second, and just

fucking leave me the fuck alone?

Jesus, I'm sure Patty has some
dress that she's, like,

fucking dying to show you.

Yeah, she probably does.

- But I'm not leaving you
alone right now.

So, whatever you wanna do,
let's do.

- You don't smoke
that much, do you?

First time, mm.

- What?

Jenna, you've never smoked,
but you'll...

You drink this shit?

- Only sometimes.

It tastes like Pop Rocks.

- No, give it to me.

Ah, Flamingo Pink.

- Oh, and you're so cool?
Look at your stupid graffiti.

"Fuck this, fuck everything."

- Okay.

- You know,
this used to be, um...

This used to be
my mom's workshop.

She made all our
clothes up here.

She tried to teach me
to sew, but...

I thought it was stupid.


You know, like two minutes
after she died,

I threw up.

All over her bed.

I felt so bad.

She was... she was still
lying there, and I...

I just couldn't keep it all
in anymore, you know?

It was too much.

whatever Clay did to you...

- I...
- I...

- I don't really know
what he did, so...

- Okay.

Okay, but I...
I still think...

- And he might not even wake up.

You know? So...

Everything will just be...

I hope he dies.

That's fucked up.

- Not if it's what you feel.

Look, I know he's
in the hospital, but just...

Don't... don't let him
get away with it, okay?

No matter what.

- Ms. Coles.

- Oh. How embarrassing.
- Hi.

- I must look like
a total caffeine addict.

- If I don't have at least two
cups a day, I'm a monster.

Hey, do you have some time

to talk about Henry
and Clay Boone?

- Um, sure.

What's up?

- Henry.

Principal's office, I'm afraid.

- Right.

- I just went.
They didn't suspect a thing.

- They?

- Hey, hey, Clay, Clay.

Clay, hey, Clay.

- Uh, excuse me, hey,
my brother's choking.

I... I... um...
- Step outside, sir.

Step outside of the room.
Thank you.

- Excuse me, sir.

Got it?

- It must've been troubling

experiencing a seizure in class.

- It was pretty awful for both
of us, wasn't it, Ms. Coles?

But, outside of that,
you must admit

that you are a disruptive
presence in the classroom.

I... I do see potential
in you, though.

And I wanna help you.
I really do.

So, I'm sorry for any part I
may have played the other day,

but I believe that it
would be better for everyone

if we just moved on from this.

Don't you agree?

- Better for everyone.
- That's right.

- Um...

You know, I'm not really sure
if that's true.

'Cause I, for one, am not
really ready to move on.

Not since you inappropriately
put your hands on me in class.

Equally inappropriate was
the bullying of a student

with autism who doesn't know
how to defend himself, which,

since we're being honest,
is how this incident began.

- Excuse me, but...
- Dr. Paige, can I ask you,

um, how are we expected
to conduct ourselves

with an example
like Mr. Gibson,

who claims that
he has a doctorate

when he really does not?

- I swear to God...
You with this again?

Do you see what she's doing?
- I just have to wonder

what kind of example this sets
for the youth of America.

You know?

Lie and you will be put
in a position of power?

Take advantage of those
who you deem weaker than you

and you will be rewarded?

- Okay, this is absurd.
You're 16 years old!

- Mr. Gibson!
- What gives you the right

to come in here and...
- Please!

Thank you for your candor,
Ms. Coles.

And I assure you, appropriate
action will be taken.

- I appreciate that,
Dr. Paige.

Thank you for your time.

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ Come on and move yourself ♪

♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah,
ah-ah-ah-ah, ♪

♪ Get on up ♪

♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah ♪

♪ Got them shakin',
t-t-takin' it somewhere else ♪

- Watch it.

- Henry.

Clay woke up.

You okay?

I can't...
I can't... I can't...

I can't breathe.

Jenna, get back.

No, no.

No, fuck.

- What is this?

- Oh, um...

It's paint.

It's spray paint.
- Oh.

Have I seen your work?

- I don't know.


Hey, I think...

I think I should go.

Okay, yeah.


Yeah, I can take you home.

- Sorry.
- No, it's okay.

- You know, it's not that...

It's not that I, like,
don't want to...

- Yeah, no, no, no.
It's cool, I get it.

I've got my reputation
to protect anyway, so...
