I Love Lucy (1951–1957): Season 6, Episode 9 - The Ricardos Visit Cuba - full transcript

The Ricardo's and Mertz's visit Cuba to visit Ricky's family. Lucy is told to impress Uncle Alberto because he is the one that wanted Ricky to marry a Cuban woman. Lucy cannot seem to do anything right.

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It's the "I Love Lucy" show,

starring Lucille Ball

and Desi Arnaz.

And brought to
you by L... I... L... T.

New Lilt.

The only home permanent
with squeeze-bottle magic.

Oh, Lucy, isn't this exciting?

In a little while
we'll land in Cuba

and you'll meet Ricky's family.

Well, to tell you the
truth, Ethel, I'm scared.


Well, weren't you when
you met Fred's family

for the first time?

After marrying Fred,
nothing could scare me.

Oh, I sure hope they like me.

Honey, they'll love you.

What if they don't?

Well, so they don't.

What are they going to do

start another
Spanish-American war?

Honey, stop worrying.

They'll love you.

Oh, just think...

you'll be visiting
your relatives

in a foreign land.

Sometimes I wish
I'd married a Cuban.

That makes two of us.

Oh, go back to sleep.

Ricky, what are you going to say

when you meet your grandmother?

Buenos dias, abuela.

Very good, very good.

What are you going
to say, Mommy?

What, dear?

What are you going to say
when you meet my mother?

Oh, um...

Bonus dies, madry.

Bonus dies, madry?

Honey, it's buenos dias, madre.

I don't think that's very nice,

making fun of my Spanish.

Well, you've been
making fun of my English

for 15 years.

Well, that's different.

Spanish is a foreign language.

Well, English is a
foreign language to me.

Well, the way you speak it

it is to me, too.

I don't know why
you're so worried.

After all, Ricky's
mother loved you

when she visited
you in New York.

Well, I'm not worried
about his mother.

It's all those
other relatives...

His aunts, his uncles,
his nieces, his cousins,

his great uncles,
his great aunts.

Oh, now, honey,
a big family's nice.

You don't know
how big his family is.

Let's see.

There's Uncle
Pedro, and Aunt Rosa,

and Uncle, uh...



and Aunt Sylvia and Aunt...

Maria Pepa.

Maria Pepa.

Uncle Jorge.

That's Uncle George.

Nandine, Manuel, Amberta...

Guillermito Menendez.


That's another uncle.
Guillermito Menendez.

That's another one.




Eduardo. He's the judge.

The twins.

The twins. If you ask me

you did not leave the
island of Cuba voluntarily.

You were squeezed off.

Now look, honey, I told you

that the only one that
you got to worry about...

And remember,

the only one that
is really important

is Uncle Alberto.

Yeah, Uncle Alberto.

He's the head of the family.

I remember that.

That's right. He
practically raised me.

You make a good impression
on him and you're in.

Well, I shall certainly
try, you know that.

Now, I just want to warn
you; it's not going to be easy.

Uncle Alberto's the one that
wanted me to marry a Cu...

What were you saying, dear?

Oh, uh...

I-I was saying
that Uncle Alberto

is the one that
wanted me to marry

a cute, red-headed American.

You were not.

You were saying
that Uncle Alberto

was the one who wanted
you to marry a Cuban girl.

I didn't say
anything of the kind.

But you were going to say it.

How do you know?

I might not be
able to understand

what you say when you say it,

but before you say it

I can understand what
you're going to say perfectly.

No wonder Uncle Alberto
wanted me to marry a Cuban girl.

So, you admit it.

But I didn't marry a Cuban girl.

I married you.

Daddy, I'm glad
you married Mommy.

Well, you and me both, partner.

And I'll bet that Uncle Alberto

will be glad, too,
when he meets you.

Oh, I hope so, dear. Sure.

Our clipper will be landing
in Havana in 15 minutes.

Oh, dear, do we have to?


Yes, dear?

Honey, did we have to
have this family reunion

our first night in Havana?

Couldn't you have
made it some other night?

Well, honey, you know that

we're only going to be
in Havana two nights.

And tomorrow night,
they've asked me to appear

at the Casino Parisien
here at the Nationale.

So, what other night is there?

Well, I was thinking about
some night next year maybe.

Now, honey, you'll
get along just fine.

Oh, I wish Fred and Ethel
were going to be here.

Well, you know, we invited them,

but they felt it was
a family reunion;

they didn't want to barge in.

Well, I feel the same way.

I think I'll join
Fred and Ethel.

Now, Lucy, come back here.

Daddy, when is abuela
going to get here?

In a few minutes, son. Who?


It means grandma.

Oh. I'm so nervous I can't
remember my own name.

It's Mommy.

Thank you very much.

Oh, they're not going
to understand me.

I'm not going to be
able to understand them.

Now look, honey, they
speak a few words of English.

You speak a few
words of Spanish...

Oh, I've forgotten my Spanish.

Well, you took it in
high school, didn't you?

Don't you remember anything?

I remember I flunked.

Well, look, all you have to
remember is just a few words.

If I help you, maybe
it'll all come back to you.

All right.

Say hello. Hello.

No, in Spanish.

How you gonna greet
them when they get here?


Uh, bonus dies.

No, no. No, dear,
it's not quite that.

It's not bonus dies.
It's buenos dias.

Oh. Bonus dias.

Buenos dias.

Buenos dias.

That's it.

Oh, but you can't
use it now anyway

because it's night outside.

You've got to say noches.


Buenas noches. Buenas noches.

That's right. Good.

Now, how are you?

Fine. I'm a little nervous.

Honey, in Spanish...
how are you?

Oh, how are you? How are you?

Now, don't tell me.

¿Como esta usted?

Hey, I could have
used you in high school.

¿Como esta usted?

¿Como esta usted?

Please... Por favor.

Por favor.

Thank you... Gracias.


Thank you very much...

Muchas gracias.

Muchas gracias.

There you go. Now, listen...

Oh, por favor, adios...

Yeah, well, listen, honey,

just make sure that
you muchas gracias

Uncle Alberto
all over the place.

He likes that.

Stand up.

Come on, son. Fix his coat.



Mi hijo!

Que gusto tengo de verte.

Mira a Lucy.

Hi, Mama.

Lucita, dejame verte.

Thank you.

Look! Look at your grandson!

Buenos noches, abuela.

Buenos noches, hijito.

Aqui, aqui vengan todos.

¿Como esta?

Hi, how are you?

I want you to meet my family.

Pepe, Enrique, Rafael, Josefina,

Alberta y Sylvia.

This is my wife, Lucy.

Bonus noches.

What did they say?
What'd they say?

They say they're
very glad to meet you

and that they like
you very much.


And this is my son.

This is Ricky.

Buenas noches.

Uncle Alberto!

¿Como estas?

Hay esta.

Este era para ti y
ahora es para el.

Ah... Thank you.

Uncle Alberto, I want
you to meet Ricky.

Buenos noches, Uncle Alberto.

How about that?

Listen, look what Uncle
Alberto brought you.

This is my drum
when I was a little boy.

Muchas gracias, Uncle Alberto.

What do you know about that.

He looks like a Ricardo.

Say, I got an idea.

Would you like to play the
drums with me tomorrow night?

Oh, boy!

Okay, we'll practice tomorrow.

Alberto, quiero que
conozcas a mi senora.



This is Uncle Alberto.


What's this "hi" business?

Quiere decir "hello."

¿Como esta usted?

Es una muchacha muy bonita.

How's that?

I was saying, you're
a very pretty girl.


And where did you get

that beautiful red hair?

Oh, I get it every two weeks...


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Uncle Alberto.

I'll buy you a new one tomorrow.

I'm terribly sorry.

Everybody... let's
have some punch, huh?

Un ponche.

Alberto, tome un buen ponche.

You look well.

Tu muy bien tambien.

Muy bien. Muy bien.

You see, she was nervous.

You know, she was
nervous meeting you.

Te debias haber casado
con una muchacha Cubana.

But I wasn't in love
with a Cuban girl.

You'll love Lucy when
you get to know her.

You really would.
Dale una oportunidad.

I'll give her, I'll give
her... Very well, very well.

Honey, come on. Come on.

Oh, I'm so sorry.
I was so nervous.

I made a terrible
impression on your uncle.

Honey, no, no.

Why don't you tell him it's
an old American custom.

Oh, now... What?

When you like somebody,
you break their hat.

Now, honey, I
had a talk with him

and everything's smoothed out.

Now, you just go
over and talk with him.

Oh, do I have to?

Por favor. Please.

What will I say?

Well, let him do the talking.

Oh, okay.

Uh, Uncle Alberto?

¿Si, querida?

Would you care for some punch?

Si. Macho grasa.


Macho grasa.

¿Que modo de
tratar el tio son esas?

What did I say? What'd I say?

What? What did you say?

He asked me if I
wanted some punch.

I said, si. Macho grasa.

¿Macho grasa?

Oh, dear, it's muchas gracias.

You just called
him a big, fat pig.

Oh, no!

Say you're sorry.

That you didn't know
what you were saying.

Uncle Alberto...


Oh, I'm so sorry!

I'm so sorry.

I'm terribly sorry,
Uncle Alberto.

It will come right off.

It will come right off.

Let me get some cold water.

It will come right off.

Honey, please. Honey...

Lucy, sit down, darling.

I'll get a towel, dear.

My cigars! My cigars!

He should have
married a Cuban girl.

Now, honey, it couldn't
have been that bad.

Well, I ruined his straw hat,
spilled punch on his clothes,

crushed his cigars,

and called him a
big, fat pig in Spanish.

Well, that's pretty
bad, even for you.

After what I did last night

Cuba may cut off
America's sugar supply.

Oh, dear.

We've got to rehearse.

Hey! Hey!

Hey, where did
you get that drum?

Uncle Alberto gave it to me.

Yeah. It's the
drum I used to have

when I was a little boy.


Say, shall we tell
them the big news?

Ricky's going to
appear with me tonight.

Oh. No kidding.

Will you be there?

Will we?!

Why, we wouldn't miss
that for anything in the world.

My whole family's coming.

I got a big table reserved.

Yeah, you better reserve
one table for your family

and one for me.

Oh, now, honey, what
are you talking about?

After what happened last night,

Uncle Alberto will never
want to see me again,

much less sit at the
same table with me.

Now, that's not true.

Well, if the first
time I met you

I said awful things,
spilled stuff all over you,

and acted like a
first-class nincompoop,

what would you have done?

Just what I did...

Wait for my clothes to
come back from the cleaners

and then marry you.

Boy, he's got a
memory like an elephant.

Come on, partner, we
got to go to rehearsal.

Listen, after the rehearsal,

I'm going to take him over
to his grandma's house

and then I'm going
to see Uncle Alberto.

So I'll see you later. Okay.

Adios. Good-bye.

Adios. Bye-bye, dear.

Oh, come on now,
honey, snap out of it.

Let's all go shopping.

Shopping? Again?

Yeah, let's go shopping.

There's something I want to get.


A box of cigars
for Uncle Alberto.

I found out where
he has his made.

Maybe if I get some more for him

I'll get back in
his good graces.

Oh, sure you will, honey.

Come on. Oh, look at me.

Brown purse, blue shoes.

Heavens to Betsy.

I'll only be a second.

I want to get my other purse.

I'm going to get
my other wallet.

I left my money in this one.

Yeah, this is the
place, all right.

Oh, look, they
make cigars by hand.

Isn't that interesting?

Mm-hmm. Hey, how about that?

Honey, while you're
buying the cigars

I think I'll go buy
some more souvenirs.

Ethel, do you think
I'm made of money?

Oh, I just want to buy
a pair of those maracas.

Swell... then we can mambo

all the way to the poor house.

I'll catch up with you later.

Buenos dias, senora.

Bonus dies.

What can I do for you?

I'd like a box of
Corona Grande, please.

Por favor.

Aqui estan sus tobacos.

El mejor tobaco en Havana.

Ah, macho gra...

I mean, muchas gracias.

Quince pesos.

What's that?

15 Dollars.

15 Dollars?

Si, senora.

Oh, my gosh!

¿Que paso?

I forgot to put my
money in this purse.

I have some friends
right down the street.

I'll go get them

and bring the money back to you.

No money, no cigars.

What are you talking...?

Look what you did!

What do you mean, "what
I did," for heaven's sake.

If you hadn't grabbed
ahold my arm,

I wouldn't have dropped the box.

Si usted hubiera traido dinero

no pasa esto.

Now, you have to pay for this.

Well, how can I pay for them

if you won't let me get
the money from my friends?

You stay here.

Your friends come back for you.

But they're not
coming back for me.

Oh, then I call the
police right now.

What are you talking
about, for heaven's sakes?

Why should you call the police?

Me espera ahi un ratito.

Ahorita regreso, ¿eh?

Ah, Senor Don Alberto.

¿Como esta usted?

Muy bien, senor.

What can I do for you?

Well, I need some more cigars.

Tengo palmas

Corona Grande, Panatelas...
lo que usted guste.

Y me han dicho

que ha comprado usted una casa

en Santiago.

Bueno, una casa asi no mas.

No vaya creer que es
una cosa del otro mundo.

Este es un tobaco excelente.

Tambien aqui esta...

Mire usted, esto lo hemos hecho

de un tobaco selecto

para gustos delicados
de la aristocracia.

¿Que le parece?

Ah, que bien.

Este es una cosa excelente.

Hey ¿Donde esta?

La Americana loca
que ha venido aqui.

La turista.

I didn't see no one.

Dice usted que ha venido.

Me ha comprado cigarros.

Se ha ido sin pagarme.

Y ademas de eso los
ha roto y los ha pisado.

No hay derecho, pero... Angelo,

¿has visto a alguien
salir por aqui?

Maybe she went out this door.

No puede ser.

Senor Don Alberto,
I'm sorry for this delay.

Don't worry.

I am waiting for my
nephew right here.

Which one?

Ricky, the one that
married the Americana.

Oh, el maestro que tiene
una orquestra famosa.

Tendre mucho gusto en verlo.

If you think that
Americana turista is bad

you should meet
my nephew's wife.



¿Como estas?

Mi sobrino, Ricky Ricardo.

Mucho gusto.

An American ruined a
whole box of his best cigars.

Si, senor. Si, senor.


Si, una loca turista Americana.

Si, imaginese que
ha venido los roto

se ha querido ir sin pagar.

Sin pagar, senor!

Disappeared right
before his eyes.

¿Una loca turista Americana?

Loquisima! Loquisima!

No sabe donde...

Alberto, I just remembered

I got to be someplace
in ten minutes.

Look at that big
cigar they're making.

They don't make them like
they used to anymore do they?


That's the woman!

No, senor...

Ladies and gentlemen,
this evening, the casino

takes great pleasure and pride

in presenting a very
special attraction.

Some years ago,

a young boy left
Cuba to go to America.

The only thing that
he took with him

was a drum full of rhythm

and a heart full of hope.

He's back home tonight.

Let's give him a
real great welcome.

Ricky Ricardo!


♪ You see un hombre afortunado ♪

♪ Which means you're
looking at a lucky guy ♪

♪ In Cuba, I'm a Cuban ♪

♪ In the U.S.A., I'm a yank ♪

♪ Wherever I am, I'm
home, and I got you to thank ♪

♪ You never see me homesick ♪

♪ 'Cause from home
I'm never away ♪

♪ Wherever I am, I'm home ♪

♪ In Cuba or the U.S.A. ♪

♪ I've got two places
to hang my hat ♪

♪ Two verandas if we choose to ♪

♪ And in two languages,
a welcome mat ♪

♪ To say "hello" to my shoes ♪

♪ In New York or Havana,
people make me feel I belong ♪

♪ Wherever I am, I'm home ♪

♪ I can go, but I
can't go wrong ♪

♪ Just name me one other chap ♪

♪ With a girl like
Lucy on his lap ♪

♪ And a diet of hot
tamales and apple pie ♪

♪ You see un hombre afortunado ♪

♪ Which means you're
looking at a lucky guy ♪

♪ I'm a lucky guy ♪

♪ What a lucky guy ♪

♪ Yes, sir, you're
looking at a lucky guy. ♪

Here's your hat, Uncle Alberto.

Thank you.

Thank you very, very
much, ladies and gentlemen.

You don't know how wonderful
it is to be back in Cuba.

You know, I... I
left here alone,

but I didn't come back alone.

I'd like you to meet my
wife, a wonderful girl.


And I'd like to ask another
member of the family

to join me in the next number.

I'd like you to meet
my son, Ricky, Jr.

Say, "gracias."


Now, uh, even though Little
Ricky was born in America,

I want to prove to you

that there's a lot
of Cuba in his heart.


♪ Babalu ♪

♪ Babalu ♪

♪ Babalu ♪

♪ Babalu ♪

♪ Babalu ay-eh! ♪

♪ Babalu ay-eh! ♪

♪ Babalu... hey-yeah ♪






♪ Ole, ole, ole, ole! ♪

♪ Ole, ole, ole, ole! ♪

♪ Ole, ole, ole, ole! ♪

Ole, ole, ole, ole! ♪

♪ Ole, ole, ole, ole! ♪

♪ Ole, ole, ole, ole! ♪

♪ Arriba con la conga! ♪

♪ Arriba con la conga! ♪

♪ Arriba con la conga! ♪

♪ Arriba con la conga! ♪

Anyone who's the
mother of a boy like that

is all right with me.

Here we go.

Here we go.


And now a word from our
alternate week sponsor,

Instant Sanka.

Another fine coffee
from General Foods.

"I Love Lucy" starring
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

was brought to you by New Lilt,

the only home permanent
with squeeze-bottle magic.

The fastest, easiest
home permanent ever.

The part of Uncle Alberto
was played by George Trevino,

Mother Ricardo was Mary Emery

and Nacho Galindo was
the cigar store owner.

Eddie Lebaron played
the nightclub emcee

and Barbara Logan
was the stewardess.

"I Love Lucy" is a
Desilu Production.

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

will be back next
week at this same time.