I Love Lucy (1951–1957): Season 4, Episode 13 - First Stop - full transcript

The when the gang is traveling through Ohio, the stop at a diner and motel run by a man who takes advantage of them.

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Gee, this is
interesting country.

I didn't know there were
so many farms in Ohio.

Oh, sure.

Are you sure this is Ohio?

Well, it'd better be.

We just left Pennsylvania

and we're headed for Indiana.

"50 Miles To Aunt
Sally's Pecan Pralines."

Well, we're closing in on her!

The first sign we saw said,

"200 Miles To Aunt
Sally's Pecan Pralines."

I'm surprised she has time

to make pralines;

she's so busy making signs.

You know, I've been thinking

about those pralines
for so many miles,

I just got to have some.

How about something
to eat? I'm hungry.

Oh, we've got to get
more mileage today, Fred.

"Got to get more
mileage today, Fred!"


Honey, we're all hungry.

Well, there'll be plenty of
good places to eat up ahead.

"49 miles To Aunt
Sally's Pecan Pralines."

Is there anything left

in that lunch basket, Ethel?

A stale sandwich and a grape.

Let me have the grape.

Honey, when are you gonna
stop and get something to eat?

We're hungry.

I'll stop at the next
decent town we come to.

Oh, you've been saying
that for the last hour.


I don't think I'll make it.

Me, either.

Hey, we still got
that stale sandwich!

Don't bother looking in the
cupboard, Mother Hubbard.

It's bare.

Fred, when did you
eat that sandwich?

When you were taking that nap.

Oh, honestly, it's getting so

it's not safe to shut
your eyes around here.

Wait a minute.

"One Mile To Aunt
Sally's Pecan Pralines."

That's where we're
gonna have dinner!

Oh, I can't make a meal
out of pecan pralines.

Well, we can at least
buy a bag to munch on

until Mr. Mileage here
decides to stop for dinner.

Well, that's a thought.

Anyway, we just got
to drop in on Aunt Sally.

I feel like she's an old friend.

"300 Yards To Aunt Sally's"!

"200 Yards!"

"100 yards!"

"Just Around The Bend!"

"You Have Just
Passed Aunt Sally's."


Where was it?

I didn't see a thing!

Stop the car, Ricky, back up!


Must be that shed over there.

There's a sign on the door,

but I can't see it from here.

Drive on.

What did the sign say?

Out of business.

I knew Aunt Sally was spending

too much money on those signs.

Hey, I think I see some lights.

Oh, I hope it's a cafe!

It is!

I hope it's a nice one.

Well, we're gonna stop
there no matter what it's like.

Really, Ricky?

That a boy! Yeah.

I'm hungry, too.

Boy, this place doesn't
look any too hot, does it?

Well, we're here now,
so let's give it a try, huh?

Oh, yeah, food, food.

Oh, at least they've got

a great big selection of food.


Hey, I know what I want.

One of those steak sandwiches

with some French
fries and coleslaw.

Oh, a steak sandwich!

Hiya, folks!

Welcome to One Oak.

Welcome to One Oak.

Cabins and Cafe.

Yes, sir.

George Skinner at your service.

How do you do, Mr. Skinner?

Hello. How do you do?

What'll it be?

Well, I'll have the
steak sandwich, rare,

with the French fries.

Uh, steak sandwich.
I'll have that, too.

I'll have the same.

Me, too.

We're all out of
steak sandwiches.

Oh, you are?

Gee, I had my
mouth all set for one.


Well... well, I think I'll have

the roast beef, rare,

with a baked potato, then.

Roast beef, that's for me.

I'll vote for that.

Make it four.

We're out of roast beef, too.

Let me see here.

Hey, that fried chicken

with biscuits sounds good.

Any point in running that
chicken around the table?

All out.

Well, look, we're going
at this thing all wrong.

Why don't you just
tell us what you have

and then we'll order.

All righty. How about
the specialty of the house?

What's that?

A cheese sandwich.

A cheese sandwich?

Is that all you've got?

I don't feel like a
cheese sandwich.

Well, now, come on,
folks, I can't wait all night.

What would you like?

The name of the
nearest good restaurant.

Lucy, please. Well...

Well, in fact, there is a
place ten miles up the highway

called "The Golden Drumstick."

The sign says, "Turkey
dinner with all the trimmings,

"dressing, cranberry
sauce, green salad

and homemade peach shortcake."

One dollar.

One dollar?

And only ten miles from
here, you said? Just ten miles?

Right on the highway,
you can't miss it.

Oh, homemade peach shortcake!

That's for me.

Thanks for telling us about it.

Thanks a lot, Mr. Skinner.

Gee, how can they afford to
serve all that for one dollar?

It's impossible.

That's why they went broke.

And there's not another
thing clean to Cincinnati.

Well, group, what do you say?

Well, I'm so hungry I
can't go another mile.

Oh, me either.

All right, Mr. Skinner.

Four specialties of the house.

Coming up.

Gee, I hope they're good.

Well, what can you do
to a cheese sandwich?

I, uh, hope you didn't
go to too much trouble.

Oh, no trouble.

I just buy them from the
salesman when he comes around.

That salesman hasn't been
around here lately, has he?

Let's get out of here, huh?


Uh, how much do we owe you?

Well, let's see.

That's four specialties
of the house.

Here you are.


Well, uh...

the sandwiches
are a dollar apiece

and 80 cents is the
entertainment tax.

Entertainment tax!


The whole show
is just about to start.

♪ Ah! ♪

♪ Baby dear, listen here ♪

♪ I'm afraid to go
home in the dark ♪

♪ Every day, the... ♪

I'll pay! I'll pay!

I'll pay!

I'll pay.

♪ ...and the YMCA ♪

I'll pay. Look, there you are.

Thank you very much.

There's your change.

Thank you, thank you very much.

Happy hunting.

Oh, dear.

What a character.

"Baby dear"! Yeah.

Oh, I sure hate think to drive

all the way to Cincinnati now.

Well, I'd take the wheel, Rick,

but I'm too sleepy.

Well, let me drive, Ricky.

Well, I don't know, honey.

Oh, go on, there's
no traffic now.

Okay. I'll keep an eye on you.


Next stop, Cincinnati!

Here we are. Wake
up, everybody, come on.


Wake up, we're here.
Come on, hurry up.

Everybody out!

Are we in Cincinnati?

No, sir. We're at the... Oh, no!

Uh, back in the car, everybody.

Back in the car.

Lucy, now, what
is... what's going on?

What are, what are you doing?

Well, I...

Oh, we're not back
in the same place!

We are unless there's a chain
of these across the country.

Oh, no.


Well, I was only trying to help.

I saw a sign that said,

"Good accommodations, good food"

and an arrow saying,
"Take this road."

And somehow I
wound up back here.

Well, as long as we're here,

we're in no
condition to continue.

We'll stay right here.


In Lower Slobovia?

Look, Fred, there's
one good thing

about this place.

It's here.

Let's make the
best of it. Come on.

♪ I'm afraid to go ♪

♪ I'm afraid to go ♪

♪ I'm afraid to go... ♪

Welcome back, folks.

I've been waiting for you.


That sign I put up
really works, don't it?

Takes you right
around in a circle.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Look, uh, uh, we decided
to stay here for the night.

We'd like a couple
of cabins, please.

Well, I've only got one.

The price is eight dollars.

You only got one left?

I've only got one.

That's all I ever had.

It'll sleep four.

Well, let's take
it. I-I'm tired.

Well, it's only eight dollars.

Well, it'll be 16.

Eight dollars a couple.

Eight dollars, $16, who cares?

Oh, he is tired!

Come on.

Well, follow me.

Go ahead.

Well, here we are.

Well, back in the
car, everybody.

Just a minute, just
a minute, honey.

As long as we're here,
we might as well stay here.

Sleep tight.


Who wants to sleep where?

It doesn't matter to me.

Me either.

Well, all right, all right.

We'll take the bunk.


Okay, we'll take the bed.


Maybe we'd better
take turns changing

in that room, huh?

Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, yeah. I'll go first.


I forgot my toothpaste.


Hey, honey, this bed
doesn't look too bad.

I hope it isn't hard.


Oh, fine.

Well, at least it's a bed.

This isn't a bed, it's a canoe.

Oh, no!

I don't believe this.

Come over here,
honey. I'll help you up.

What was that?


Ethel, are you all right?


Ethel, I can't sleep up here.

Why not?

You know very well that high
altitudes make my nose bleed.

High altitudes make him...

Oh, why didn't
you say so before?

Well, I wanted you to
warm the bunk up for me.

What a sneaky
character I married!

Come on!

All right, all right.

Get on... Get in there.

Can't get out under here.

I just don't like
you being so tricky.

Oh, Lucy, Lucy!

Oh, oh!


You okay?

You all right?


Ricky, what side of the bed
do you want to sleep on, honey?

I don't care.


Hey, get over on your
own side of the bed.

Well, that's easier
said than done.



What are we gonna do, honey?

I don't know.

It's another train.

It must be another train.

What are you doing over here?

Come on, let's
push the bed back.

Wait a minute.

Here comes another
train the other way.

It's coming the other way now!

Coming again.

I wonder if this bed
stops in Chicago.

Let's try to get some sleep.

Maybe that was the last one.

Where's my pillow?

Right here.



I can't sleep in this hole!

Rick, Rick, What?

Our mattress is just
like that at home.

We'll trade with you.

Are you sure?

Yeah, yeah, I know. Come on.

Come on, we'll trade.

Thank you, honey.

Thank you very much.


What's going on? What...

Get up, Fred.

What? Get up.

We're gonna trade with them.

Get up for what?
Come on, come on.

Oh... what... Come on.

You take the bed now.

Take the bed.

Lie down.

No, wait just a
minute now. Come on.

Now! Go!


You do that every night?

Yeah, but it took
years of practice.

Ricky... Ricky.


The baby's crying.

See what's the matter with him.

Okay, honey.

No... I don't know
what we're gonna do.

Hold on, everybody, hold on!

Here it comes, the next one.

Here it comes!

I don't know about you,
but I'm getting out of here!

Me, too, I'd rather
sleep in the car.

$16 down the drain.

Oh, no, I'm not gonna
pay him $16 for this.

I'm gonna sue him
for renting it to us.


You mean we're gonna
sneak out of here?

Yeah, he'll never know!

Come on, get your coat out.

Fred, wake up!

Wake up, Fred!

Fred, wake up! Fred!

Is it morning already?

No, come on.

How can he sleep
through all that?

Somebody tied
a string to the car.

What's the matter?

I don't know. Somebody
tied a string here.

Bust it.


It's all right, honey.

It's all right, honey.

Oh! It's all right.

He had a burglar alarm
hooked up in there.

I feel like I'm
breaking out of prison.

Let's get out of here.
Come on, let's go.

Yeah, come on, jump in, honey.

Oh, no. Huh?

What's the matter?

Our steering wheel is missing.

It's gone!

Our steering wheel is gone!

You folks lose something?

You give us back
our steering wheel!

Your steering wheel?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You do, too! You took it
off just to keep us here!

Well, you-you-you've got
an awful suspicious mind

to think that we'd
try to get away

in the middle of the night.

What kind of people

do you think we
are anyway?! Lucy...

Hey, hey, honey, honey, we..

Yeah, well... Oh, Oh.

What made you think
we'd sneak away?

Well, everybody does.

You know, if you
didn't like that cabin,

you don't have
to pay me the $16.

Really? Oh, well, uh...

Well, gee, that's
very nice of you.

That's a rotten shame

your steering
wheel being stolen.

You know, I just happen
to have an extra one here.

I'll let you have it for $16.

Mr. Skinner was
played by Olin Howlin.

I Love Lucy is a
Desilu Production.

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

will be back next
week at this same time.