I Love Lucy (1951–1957): Season 1, Episode 30 - Lucy Does a TV Commercial - full transcript

In this classic "I Love Lucy" episode, Lucy angled here way onto Ricky's special as the show's pitch girl. She advertises a medicine called "Vitameatavegamin." Believe it contains vitamins,...

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Hi, honey.


What are you doing?

Darning your socks.

Well, good for you.

I didn't know you
knew how to darn.

Oh, sure, there's nothing to it,

especially if you
have a darning egg.

Boy, you should have
seen the hole in this one.

It's taken me half
an hour to sew it up.



Darn it, I sewed up the top.

Oh, Lucy, you're amazing.

Oh, well, I'll just
have to rip it out.

No, no, don't do that. Why?

I can use it as a blackjack.

Oh, give me that.

No, I've got to fix it.

Oh, dear.

Honey, where are you going?

I'm going to rehearsal, honey.

Again? You've been to
rehearsal every day for a week.

I know, but I can't help it.

Wouldn't it be easier
to get good musicians?

Please, no disparaging remarks.

I'll get it, I'll get it.


Oh, hello, Jerry.

Well, my goodness, Jerry,

there must be millions of girls

who want to take this job.

Oh, look, Jerry, don't
I have enough trouble

putting the whole
television show together

without having
to look for a girl

to do the commercial?

Uh... uh...

Cuantas veces ha dicho

que no me llame a la casa?

Never mind, never mind.

I know what
you're talking about.

What about a
television show, Ricky?

Wait a minute.

All right, Jerry.

I'll get the girl to
do the commercial.



Well, I'm going to
do a television show.

That's all.

And you cannot be on it.

Oh, Ricky, please?

Just let me do the commercial.

Nothing doing.

Why not?

Look, honey, this is
too big a chance for me.

I need someone with
a lot of 'sperience.

Well, I've had "'sperience."

You never even been
on a television show.

Well, maybe not, but
I've watched them a lot.

There's a slight difference.

Oh, now, Ricky...

I'm sorry, honey...
I got to go now.

I'll see you later.



Hi, Lucy.


Need any work done up here?

Ethel's gone to see her
mother for a couple of days

and I got a lot of time.

Ethel's gone and
you want to work?

Yeah, it seems
loafing isn't any fun

unless she's nagging at
me to get some work done.

Well, there's
nothing to do up here

unless you want a job knocking
some sense into Ricky's head.

What's the matter?

Well, he's going to emcee
a big television show

and they need a girl
to do the commercial.

Now you know how
good I am at that.

Oh, sure, I've seen you do

a hundred television

Well, I would be good

if somebody would
ever give me a chance.

Now, why don't you just relax

and forget the whole thing?

Gee, if there was only some way

Ricky could see
me on television.

Well, now, maybe you'd
qualify as a lady wrestler.

Wait a minute, wait
a minute! I got it!

I know what I'm
going to do. What?

Well, listen, when Ricky
comes home tonight,

I'm not going to be
here, but you are.

Oh, I am, huh?

Yeah, and you're going to
turn on that television set,

and you know who's
going to be on it?

Well, I can only hope
it's Faye Emerson.

No, no, it's going to be me.

Well, how are you
going to work that out?

Never mind, you
just turn on that set

and leave the rest
to me, okay, buster?

Oh, hello, Fred.

Oh, hi, Rick.

Where's Lucy?

I don't know.

I came up to watch
your television.

Ours is on the blink. Oh?

And there's a wonderful
show coming on just about now.

At 23 minutes after 4:00?

Yeah. Now, sit down there.

I want you to watch it.

You'll enjoy it.

Call... for... Philip Morris!


Look, look, Rick, that's Lucy.

She's on television.

Yeah, how about that?

I can't get over

how clear the picture is.


♪ Da-da ta-da-da-da! ♪

Well, what do you know?

Third-dimensional television.



♪ Da-da ta-da-da-da! ♪

Philip Morris, America's
most enjoyable cigarette,

presents the Lucy Ricardo Show.

♪ Da-da ta-da-da-da! ♪

I don't think this is
such a hot show, Fred.

I think I'll get
another station.

As our first offering
this evening, we...

Stop that now! Go
back and sit down!

That's very funny.

Now, come on out of there.

As our first offering this
evening, we present...

Lucy, I said come
on out of there.

As our first offering
this evening, we present

that inimitable personality

that talented performer

that versatile entertainer...

Lucy Ricardo!

Ricky! Ricky!

What are you trying to do?!

Are you crazy or something?

What are you trying
to do, barbecue me?

I'm sorry.

Are you really sorry?

Of course I'm really sorry.

Are you truly sorry?


Well, are you sorry enough

to let me do the commercial?


Oh, why not?

Look, honey, even if I wanted
to give you the job, I couldn't.

I already hired another girl.


Say, what did you
do with all the works?

I took them out.

Well, I can see
that, but where is it?



The chassis slides right out.

All in one piece?

Yeah, all in one piece.


What do you mean, "eww"?


Lucy, what have you done?

Well, I didn't know it
all came out together.


So, I took it out
one piece at a time.

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Lucy, I've got to be at
a television rehearsal

in half an hour.

Is my breakfast ready?

Are you still not
speaking to me?


I don't care if you don't
want to talk to me or not,

but please get up
and fix my breakfast.

I need my strength.

Lucy, are you going to fix

my breakfast or not?

What do you want me
to do, starve to death?

Would you, please?

Look, I had a perfect
right to bawl you out.

Putting that
television set together

is going to cost a
fortune, maybe more.

I'm glad it's broken.


Yes, now I won't have to look

at your silly Cuban
mug on that show tonight.

Ay, que barbaridad.

No se lo que le
paso a esta mujer.

Cada vez, cada semana

se pone peor y peor la cabeza.

Yo me voy a ir de aqui.

Esta completamente
equivocada de todo.

No se lo que le paso.


Oh, Fred, could you come
up for a minute, please?

Señora Ricardo and I are
not speaking to each other,

and I'd like you
to do me a favor.

Thank you, Fred.

Hi, Rick, what do you want?

Oh, listen, Fred, I got to
go to rehearsal right away

and I'm expecting a
very important phone call

and Lucy's mad at me.

So would you please stay here

and give someone a message?


Well, the girl

that is gonna do the
television commercial

is going to call.

Now you tell her to be

at Studio 10, Television Center,

at 1:00 this afternoon.

All right.

Thanks a lot, Fred.

You're welcome.

See you later.

Oh, hello, Fred.

What are you doing here?

Oh, hi, Ricky asked me

to wait here and take
a telephone message.

He told me that you two
aren't speaking to each other.

Oh, well... I'll
take the call, Fred.

It's silly to have
you wait up here.

All right, it's from the girl

who's doing the commercials

on Ricky's television
show tonight,

and he wants her to be
sure and get the message.

Now, you won't mind this, Lucy?

Oh, no, not at all.

Television center,
Studio 10, 1:00.


Hey, how did you know that?

Oh, well, that's
where Ricky does

all of his television shows.


Well, I'll see you later.





Oh, no, Mr. Ricardo isn't here.

Oh, yes, yes, he wanted
me to give you a message.

He said to tell you
that he's very sorry

but they've already
hired another girl

to do the commercial

and they won't be
needing you after all.


♪ Deedly deedly dee,
deedly deedly dee... ♪

Okay, Joe, I'm ready to
rehearse the commercial.

Where's the girl?

She's studying her script.

She'll be right in here.

This the new sponsor?


Stuff any good?

Well, it ought to be.

It's got everything in it...

Meat, vegetables,
minerals, vitamins...

Wonder where she is.

Alcohol 23%.

Alcohol 23%?!



Are you the young lady

that's going to do
the commercial?

Yes, sir.

Well, I'm Ross
Elliot, the director.

How do you do? How do you do?

I'm Lucille... McGillicuddy.

Ricky sure knows
how to pick them.

Oh, thank you.

You know your lines yet?

Well, I think so.

Well, let's run through it.

All right.

Now, you stand right over here.

Yes, sir.

Now, let's try it once,

and remember, be
bright and vivacious.

Yes, sir. All right.

Maury, will you stand
by with the script, please.

All right.

Hello, friends.

I'm your Vitameatavegamin girl.

Are you tired,
run down, listless?

Do you poop out at parties?

Are you unpopular?

The answer to all your problems

is in this little bottle.

Now you pick up the bottle.


Little higher.

That's right.

The answer to all your problems

is in this little bottle...

Vitameatavegamin contains

vitamins, meat,
vegetables and minerals.

Yes, with Vitameatavegamin,

you can spoon
your way to health.

All you do is take a
tablespoonful after every meal.

Now you take some.


It's so tasty, too.

It's... just like candy.

No, no, no, no.

Look, you're supposed
to like the stuff.

You've got to smile, be happy.

Now, try it again.

Yes, sir.

It's so tasty, too.

It's just like candy.

Nope, once more.

It's so tasty, too.

It's just like candy.

That's going to be fine.

You, you just go ahead.


So why don't you join

the thousands of
happy, peppy people

and get a great big bottle

of Vitameatavegamin tomorrow?

That's Vita-meata-vegamin.

Oh, that's fine, fine.

Now you've got the feeling.

Now I'd like to
try it once more,

only this time
faster and brighter.

Faster and brighter. Yes, sir.

Hiya, Ross.

Oh, hello, Ricky.

Hiya, Lucy.

I want to see how that...


And what, may I ask,
are you doing here?

Well, she's going to
do the commercial.

She's going to do
the commercial?


What did you do

to the girl that was
supposed to be here?

Now, Lucy, I told you

you couldn't do the commercial.

Now, what's the big idea?

Lucy, what have you
got to say for yourself?

Hello, friends, I'm your
Vitameatavegamin girl.

Are you tired,
run down, listless?

Never mind, never mind.

Do you poop out at parties?

Never mind that.

Now, come on, you're going home.

Now, wait a minute, Ricky.

It's too late to
get anybody else.

Besides, she's pretty good.

Oh, sure, sure.

No, I mean it, listen to her.

You go ahead, Miss McGillicuddy.

Yeah, go ahead,
Miss McGillicooddy.

Hello, friends, I'm your
Vitameatavegamin girl.

Are you tired,
run down, listless?

Do you poop out at parties?

Are you unpopular?

The answer to all your problems

is in this little bottle...

Yes, Vitameatavegamin contains

vitamins, meat,
vegetables and minerals.

Yes, with Vitameatavegamin

you can spoon
your way to health.

All you do is take a big
tablespoonful after every meal.

It's so tasty, too.

Tastes just like candy.

So why don't you join the
thousands of happy, peppy people

and get a great big bottle

of Vitameatavegamin tomorrow.

That's Vita-meata-vegamin.

See what I mean?

All right, you
can do it tonight.

But only because we're in a spot

and it's late, understand?

Yes, sir.


Pardon me.

You'd better be good, too.

I'll go see about
that number, Ross.


Now, I'd like to
do it once more,

this time from
"it's so tasty, too."

It's so tasty, too.

That's right. Yes, sir.

It's so tasty, too.

Just like candy.

You know, this stuff
tastes pretty good

once you get used to it.

Yes, I know.

Now, would you go ahead, please?

"It's so tasty, too."


It's so tasty, too.


So, uh...

I don't know where to start
unless I begin at the beginning.

All right, start
at the beginning.

Oh, thank you.

Hello, friends, I'm your
Vitameatavegamin girl.

Are you tired,
run down, listless?

Do you poop out at parties?

Are you unpopular?

The answer to all your problems

is in this bittle
lottle... uh, little bottle.



Vitameatavegamin contains

vitamins, meats,
vegesables and minerals.

Uh, yes, with Vitameatavegamin,

you can spoon
your way to health.

All you have to do is take a big
tablespoonful after every meal.

It's so tasty, too.

Tastes like candy... honest.

So why don't you join

the thousands of
happy, peppy people

and get a great big bottle
of Mitameatamigamin?

Remember that name...


Miss McGillicuddy...


Are you feeling all right?

Oh, I feel fine, but
it's awful hot in here.

It must be the lights.

Hey, Ross? Yeah.

The audio man wants to
get a level on her voice.


Miss McGillicuddy?


Would you mind doing it

just once more, please?

Oh, no, sir, it would
be perfectly all right.

Thank you. Okay
in the control room?

Yeah, go ahead.

Now, we're going
to time it this time.

You ready?


You know, you're awfully nice.

Thank you.

Would you go ahead, please?

Well, I'm your
Vitaveatavigyvat girl.

Are you tired,
run down, listless?

Do you pop out at parties?

Are you unpoopular?

Well, are you?

The answer to all your
problems is in this little ol' bottle.


That's it.

Vitameatavegamin contains

vitamins and meat and
megetables and vinerals.

So why don't you join

the thousands of
happy, peppy people

and get a great
big bottle of, uh...

meeny, miny, moe.

I tell you what you have to do.

You have to take a whole
tablespoonful after every meal.

It's so tasty, too.

It's just like candy.

So everybody get a bottle of...

this stuff.

Miss McGillicuddy?


Are you all right?

Oh, I feel fine, but you
know, it's hot in here.

Well, do you think

you'll be able to go
on with the show?

Well, do you?



I think you'd better take
a little rest until show time.

Yeah, boy, it
sure is hot in here.

Joe, would you take
Miss McGillicuddy

to one of the dressing rooms

and let her rest
until show time?

Oh, sure.

Come on, Miss McGillicuddy.

Joe, is it hot in here to you?

Pardon me.

Thank you.

You're very nice.

You've been a perfect gememan.

Come on, Joe.

Hey, Ross? Yeah.

Where's that girl that's
supposed to do the commercial?

I can't find her.

She's taking a nap in one of

the dressing
rooms No, she's not.

I looked in the dressing room.

Well, find her, and
get Ricky out here.

We're on the air in 15 seconds.

Okay, stand by,
everybody, 15 seconds!

Hey, Ricky, you're on!

Ricky! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come on, 15 seconds.

All right, all right.

A little further back, Ricky.

Further back, all right.

Little more. That's it.

Stand by, everybody!

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen,

and welcome to Your
Saturday Night Varieties.

My name is Ricky Ricardo,
I'm your host for this evening.

We have some wonderful acts,

and I think we're all
going to have a lot of fun.

So, if we may, we'd
like to start things off

with a little music.

Mr. Hatch, if you please?

Hey, hey, olé, olé, olé.

Viva españa.

Hey, boys, let's go.

♪ Dire la capa con... ♪

♪ Con gesto altivo... ♪

♪ Y descubriendo... ♪

Hi, Fred.

Hi, Ethel.

Hi! Hi!


♪ Pisa morena... ♪

♪ Morena. ♪

♪ Pisa con garbo... ♪

♪ Con garbo... ♪

♪ De voy a hacer... ♪

♪ De mi capote... ♪

♪ Y alla pisa... ♪

Olé, olé!

Olé! Olé! Olé!

Olé! Olé!

Very funny.

Hello, friends, I'm your
Vitaveatyvigyvat girl.

Are you tired,
rundown and listless?

The part of the director
was played by Ross Elliot.

Joe was played by Jerry Hausner.

I Love Lucy is a
Desilu production.