I Dream of Jeannie (1965–1970): Season 5, Episode 18 - Mrs. Djinn Djinn - full transcript

Djinn Djinn arrives for a visit and this time he is not alone as he brings his mate with him and she is pregnant with a litter of puppies. Jeannie decides to make her as comfortable as possible by blinking in a bassinet as well as doggie pregnancy vitamins. Unfortunately, Roger sees them and jumps to the conclusion that it is Jeannie that is pregnant. Roger then tells Tony who rushes home only to find out that it's not him that's going to be a father but Djinn Djinn, who still hasn't been broken of the habit of shredding uniforms, nor his mate for that matter. However, Roger soon blabs to the NASA staff that Jeannie is pregnant and soon Dr. Bellows and General Schaeffer are planning a surprise baby shower just as Mrs. Djinn Djinn goes into labor. Now, Jeannie, Tony and Roger must prepare not only for a litter full of magical puppies to arrive, but keep Djinn Djinn out of the living room unless they want a living room full of shredded uniforms.

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is that you?

You stop it this instant,
you naughty dog.



Oh, you adorable little puppy,

I am so happy to see you.

But you will not be able to stay

if you insist on attacking
my master's uniforms.

Djinn-Djinn, where...?


Oh! Djinn-Djinn,
what is the matter?

Are you attacking me now?




Stop it.


Oh, hello, darling?

Hi, uh, I forgot that file
I was working on last night

and I was wondering if you'd...?

Oh, oh, oh, yes,
of course, master.

It is in the bedroom.
I-I will blink it to you.

No, no. No, no.
Don't blink it to me.

I'm in the conference room.

Uh, I just wanted to tell you
Roger's gonna be by

and pick it up in a few minutes.


Uh, what's that noise?

Oh. Heh. Oh, well, it, uh...

It is a friend who... Who dropped
by to say hello to me.

A friend? What do you mean
"a friend"?

Uh, major, excuse me,
is that, uh, Jeannie?

I'd like to talk to her.
Jeannie, this is Dr. Bellows.

I just wanted to tell you

that your dinner
the other night was marvelous.


Uh, uh, Jeannie,

I-I know who the friend is

and I want him out of the house
by the time I get home, huh?

And hide my uniforms.

But master, he is a sweet...

No. That's final.



What's the matter with Jeannie?

She positively barked at me.

She's not feeling
very well right now, sir.

Shall we get on
with our business?

Djinn-Djinn, I am sorry,
darling puppy,

but I am afraid you are
going to have to go home.

I am talking to you.

What is it,


What is the matter,

Do you wanna go in the bedroom?

Okay. Let's go.


Oh, I do not understand.


Oh, Djinn-Djinn,
how marvelous.

You are going to be a father.



Just dog vitamins
and that is all?

Oh, thank you, doctor.
Thank you very much.

Oh, no, no, no.
Please do not bother.

I shall get them myself.

Thank you.


These are for you.

Now, let me see.

Oh, that box will never do.

There, that will do for a start.

Yes, Mommy.
Now, let me see. What else?


There we are, blankets.

Come, Djinn-Djinn.

I think we should let
the expectant mother

get some rest, hm?



There you are,

Well, expectant fathers must
keep up their strength too.


Oh, Anthony will be so pleased.

I hope.

Jeannie, you home?

Oh, come in, Major Healy.

[SIGHS] Major Healy.

Oh, did, uh,
Tony call about the file?

Yeah, file.

Oh. Oh, oh, y... Yes.
It is in the bedroom.

Oh, yeah, thanks.
On the table.


Oh, I am worrying for nothing.

Anthony could not possibly
turn out an expectant mother.


Hm. Pretty.


"Vitamins for Pregnancy."

Oh. Vit...



I'm gonna be an uncle.
I'm gonna be an uncle.

Oh, that Jeannie. Ho.

Did you see?

Oh, did I see.

Oh, congratulations.
I'm so happy for you.

Oh, thank you.
It is wonderful, is it not?

Oh, wonderful.
It's the most exciting news

I ever heard in my whole life.

When's it gonna happen?

Well, I'm not sure, exactly.

Yeah, well, if there's
anything old Roge can do,

be sure to just...
Just ask me.

Oh, how about that guy?

Sly old dog.

Oh, ho, ho.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.

Well, Djinn-Djinn
is not so old.

Now, before we go
any further, gentlemen,

I've had a request from
the public relations people.

They'd like us to give
this project a name.

Isn't that a little
premature, sir?

No, no, they want to start
briefing the news agencies

on what we're planning.

Now, uh, ahem, any suggestions?

Well? I have one.

Since this is to be the most
far-ranging of our probes,

how about calling it
"Operation Pluto"?

I think that's
very appropriate, sir.

Thank you.
Thank you, major.

Ahem. I've, uh... Heh.

I've always
had a flair for names.


Oh, thanks, Roge.

That's okay, "Dad."

Dad, Daddy, Da-Da.

I'm partial to Da-Da.

What are you
talking about, Roge?

Have you decided on a name yet?

Mm, yeah, were gonna
call it Pluto.

"Pluto Nelson." Yeah.
Well, it's different.

Uh, here you are, sir,

I wish you'd, uh...
Would you hand those out?

Gladly, major.
Thank you.

Uh, would you mind
explaining yourself, Roge?

You wanna make
the announcement now?

What are you talking about?

You know: You,
the baby and Jeannie. Heh.


Uh, sir,

would you excuse me
just a moment, please?

I have a kind of
a personal matter.

Dr. Bellows,
when did Major Nelson

have his last checkup?

Two weeks ago, sir,

and I'm beginning to believe
he's due for another one.

Sir, may I have permission
to be excused, please?

Permission denied.
I wanna talk to you.

Sir, all the information is
in the fathers... Files. Files.




Major Healy, for heaven's sake,

would you kindly tell me what
you've just told Major Nelson?

Sorry, sir.
Oh, nothing, sir.

Actually I think he would
rather tell you himself.

Dr. Bellows,
are you sure Major Nelson's

in condition to handle Pluto?

About that name, sir, don't you
think a more appropriate name

would be James or Tom or...?
Or maybe even Seymour?

Major Healy, the United States
is not sending out

a space probe called
"Operation Seymour."

Haw about "Irving"?

Jeannie? Darling?

Oh. There is Anthony.

Now, you two stay here, uh,
until I explain everything.

All right? Stay.

Hello, master.

Hello, darling.

How are you feeling?
Are you well?

Are you all right?
Oh, I'm feeling just fine.

But there is something
I wish to talk to you about.

I know, I know.
That's why I brought you these.

Oh, they are beautiful.

Thank you, darling.
Oh, you're so beautiful.

I... I guess it's true
what they say about women.

They're so beautiful when...
Did you say you knew?

Yes, Roger told me.

Oh, and you're not angry?

Angry? Oh, I'm the happiest
man in the world.

Oh, well, I am so relieved.
Ha, ha.

Do you want me
to get you something?

Get you something to eat
or drink or anything?

Well, I-I was going
to blink up some dog biscuits.

Dog biscuits?

I-I thought you'd
want some pickles

or ice cream or something.
Ice cream and pickles.


Master, there is something
I must tell you.

Oh, and I can't wait to hear it
from your sweet little lips.

Tell me. Go ahead.

A baby!

A dog?

A baby!

Oh, Mrs. Djinn-Djinn
is going to have puppies.

Yeah, not in my house,
she's not gonna have them.

Darling, I have enough trouble

with one lunatic mongrel around
shredding all my uniforms.

Where'd he go?


My uniforms.
My uniforms!

Do something!


Oh, everything
is all right now, master.

It is not all right.

It's not even beginning
to be all right.

I-I-I can't have two
magical mutts in this house.

Wait a minute, uh,
she is magical, isn't she?

Forget I asked.

Master, I cannot believe

that you would send
an expectant mother

out into the cold, cruel snow.

It is not snowing.

It will be if you send her out.

Now, Jeannie. Now, look,
I-I am not a heartless monster.

I like animals.
I like 'em a lot.

But I can't afford to have
two of these things around.

Just think: Warm, cuddly,
darling little puppies.

And magic.

Squiggly, wiggly little puppies.

Magic puppies.
Oh, puppies.

Oh, when I think of
eight or 10 magic puppies,

I can't believe it.


Hi, anybody home?

Uncle Roger's here.

"Uncle Roger."
Ha, ha, ha.

Is he in for a surprise.

Finish it,
Mrs. Djinn-Djinn.

Remember, you are
eating for two. Ha, ha.

Or four.

Or eight?

Hi, Roge, what you got?

Yeah. Present for the little
mother. Where is she?

In the kitchen,
eating her horse meat.

Oh. Horse meat?
Horse meat?

Boy, I've heard of cravings,
but horse meat? Whew.

Roger, I don't want
to disappoint you,

but we're not having a baby.

You're not?

No, we are having puppies.


No wonder you kept it a secret.

No, Djinn-Djinn.


Oh, he really is magic.

Oh, Mrs. Djinn-Djinn.
Is it not wonderful?

Yeah, wonderful. Well, I, uh,

hope she likes
chocolate-covered cherries.

Roger, nobody's
to know about this.

Uh, Mrs. Djinn-Djinn is just
as magic as Mr. Djinn-Djinn.

Mum's the word then. The thing
is there's some blabbermouth...

I'll get it, I'll get it.

You go in the kitchen
with the dogs.

I didn't say anything, but...

See, somebody at the office...

Oh, major, congratulations,
We just found out.

I think it's wonderful.

Mrs. Bellows, I... I...

Oh, don't call me Mrs. Bellows.
Call me Auntie Amanda.

Oh, I just love
the sound of that.

Well, the only one who's allowed
to call me Uncle Alfred

is the little one, uh,
when he or she arrives.

How about "Uncle Ruff."


I-I think there's been
a little misunderstanding.

Oh, Alfred, how adorable.

Uh, uh,

Mrs. Bellows.

How about "Uncle Bark"?

Oh, marvelous.

Yeah, Mrs. Bellows,
we're not having a baby.

This is... This stuff
is just a gift for our friend.

Hello, what's this?

Well. Ha-ha. "For pregnancy,
one tablet a day."

Are these for a friend too,


I'm afraid your secret's out
and were all very happy.

Uh, Mrs. Bellows,
it's not what you think. Really.

Where's Jeannie? We'd like
to congratulate her too.

Oh, she's in the kitchen, Dr.
Bellows. Roger!

Uh, Jeannie,
the Bellows are coming.

I mean, they're here.

Oh, well, Dr. and Mrs. Bellows,
how nice of you to drop by.

Jeannie, you look marvelous.

Positively radiant.

Well, heh, I do?

Uh, Roger, what if Mrs. Bellows
and Dr. Bellows see those two...?

Don't ask me to get rid
of the dogs.

What do you mean, don't ask you?

I mean, don't ask me.
Hey. Hey, they're here.

Help me get rid of 'em, will you?

One of them's gone already.

Where'd he go? Djinn-Djinn?


The uniforms! Go! Hurry!

[RIPPING] Whoa, whoa!


You don't have anything to worry
about, Mrs. Djinn-Djinn.

Would you mind just...?

Mrs. Djinn-Djinn?

Well, at least you don't have
anything about uniforms, huh?

Waagh! Ah!



What on earth
was all that racket?




Uh, the neighbors.
The neighbors.

They... They are very noisy.

Dr. Bellows, Mrs. Bellows,
please, you must believe me.

Oh, Jeannie we will believe
anything you want us to believe.

Now, Jeannie, you drink
plenty of fluids

and stay off your feet.
Yes, and say goodbye

to Major Nelson and Major Healey
for us, won't you?

Oh, certainly.
Come, Alfred.


My feet?



Jeannie, help us, please!
What's going on...?

Master. You should not play
with Mrs. Djinn-Djinn like that.

She should not exert herself.

Who's playing with Djinn-Djinn?

I had her horse meat. That's
why she was having a panic

or something.
And him with the uniforms.

Alfred, what...?
What do you think?

Perfectly common
first-child syndrome.

It's such a big event
in their lives,

they don't know quite
how to handle it.

Alfred, of course.

Like when you proposed to me

and then made me promise
not to tell anybody about it.


Oh. Alfred,
I've got a marvelous idea.

Why don't we throw them
a surprise baby shower?

Then that way they'll know that
all their friends want to help.

You know, Amanda, sometimes
you're positively brilliant.

We'll invite the whole base.



Extraordinary, isn't it?

Here, the man has been
to the moon and back

and yet he's afraid
of a perfectly normal thing

like having a baby.

I assure you, general,
it's quite typical.

Well, now, I'll tell you,

I think this surprise
baby shower is just the thing.

You know,
it'll give him confidence.

Well, it wouldn't a bad thing
for the space program either.

Put some heart into it.

Uh, be sure the public relations
people are there.

Excellent idea, sir.

All right, now, let's see.
We have Commander Spencer

and Major Eastlake,
and of course, the Johnsons.

Oh, and we won't
tell Major Healey

until the very last minute.

Oh, he's so close
to Major Nelson

he's sure to spill the beans.

Uh, get some of the congressmen

from the appropriations

One thing they can't say no to
is motherhood.


Goodbye, husband.

Have a good day.
Any idea how soon?

Not yet. But I do not think
it is very far off.

She is very listless.

You call me if anything happens.

Oh, I will.




Amazing, general.

Heh-heh-heh. Well, I didn't
major in physics for nothing.


Quick, everybody,
Major Nelson's coming.

Hide. Hide the...

Hurry, hurry.

Come on.


Oh, I'm sorry, gentlemen,

I didn't know
you were having a meeting.

Oh, that's quite all right,
major. We were just, uh... Just...

just discussing the, uh...

The moisture condensation
control filter

of the new KR3 space helmet.


I do not know what is wrong
with Mrs. Djinn-Djinn, master.

She has not eaten
a thing all day.

Yeah, well, I think I know
what's the matter.

I'll bet you by tonight

we hear the pitter-patter
of little paws, huh?

Oh, master.

Hm-hm. You know,

if the way you've taken care
of Mrs. Djinn-Djinn

is any indication,

one of these days you're
gonna make a great mother.

You mean I will have puppies


Our rendezvous
will be at 1840 hours

around the corner
under the elm trees.

Oh, uh, by the way,
has anybody briefed Major Healy?

Oh, there's no need, sir. He'll
be there for dinner anyway,

Good, he can
be surprised too then.

Uh, Lieutenant Hoffman,
you all set?

Uh, yes, sir.

Gentleman, the first wave
of shower guests

will hit the doorstep
at 1900 hours sharp.

Now, synchronize watches.

Boy, I can't take
much more of this.

When do you think it'll happen?

How should I know?
I never had puppies before.

Oh, I think it's happening.

What's going on?
Not yet.

Hey, maybe we better get
a vet, huh?

Oh, great idea.

"Uh, doctor, this is
Mr. and Mrs. Djinn-Djinn.

They're genie dogs
from Baghdad."

Well, I could call in
Louis Pasteur

or Florence Nightingale.

Yeah, well if they're vets,
maybe we better call 'em.


Oh, Djinn-Djinn,
do not worry.

Everything will be all right.

I will be right back.

Boy, I've... I've never had a dog


[WHISPERING] All systems go.

Five, four,

three, two, one.





Are you surprised, major?

Oh, you might say that,
yes, sir.

Well, uh, wh...?
What's this all about?

It's a baby shower,
old father-to-be.

A shower, oh.



Hey, Jeannie, you're gonna have
a baby shower.

Not now, Now now, Major Healy.

Mrs. Djinn-Djinn is going
to have her puppies.

Thank you very much. I can't
tell you how we appreciate...

Oh, don't thank us, major.
We're a team at NASA.

All for one, and one for all.

Oh, now tell me where is
the darling mother-to-be?

In the kitchen washing dishes.

No, no, not in the kitchen.

Oh, I bet we caught her
with her oldest dress on.

She's in the bedroom changing.

Well, tell her to take her time.

I'll tell her.
I'll tell her.

Just a minute, major.

Hoffman, get over here
with your camera.


It's good for the morale
of the base.

Left side, Hoffman.


What's the matter?

I think it is time, Major Healy.

What do you want me to do?

Uh, more hot towels, quickly.

More hot towels.

Where's Djinn-Djinn?


Oh, I think he's fainted.


♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪
No, please.

♪ Which nobody can deny ♪

Speech! Speech!
Thank you.

Just a moment, please.

Jeannie and I both appreciate
what you've all done.

And... And...
And believe me, if it were true,

I'd be the happiest man
in the world.

But right now,
positively, absolutely,

and I swear to this as a United
States Air Force officer,

that w-we're not
gonna have a baby.


Oh, hey, it's time.

It's time. It's time.
Jeannie says it's time.

Boil some water.

Don't touch me.
Don't touch me.

For what?
It's all right.

It's not what you think, sir.

It couldn't be time.
She doesn't even show.

Don't worry, son, we can handle
it. If they need boiling water,

it's too late for an ambulance.
Call a doctor.

No, no.

Yes, call a doctor.
Yes, call a doctor.

Alfred, you are a doctor.

Not that kind of a doctor.

I don't care what kind
of a doctor you are, Alfred,

go get your bag immediately.

I'm going to help Jeannie.
No, it's all right.

Roger's in there.

Major, what kind of a man
are you?

Your wife is in that kitchen
having your baby.

Get out of my way!
It's all right.

Roger's in there with her.

Roger isn't a doctor.

I know.

More hot towels.
More hot towels. Ah.

For heaven's sake, major,

didn't you know
your wife was this close?

She's not, she's not.


Oh, it's a male, it's a male.

She just went into labor
five minutes ago.

It's all right.
No, no, no, no.

You all stay right there.
Everything's under control.

There's no reason for anybody
to get upset.

It's all right, Jeannie.
I'm coming.

No, it's all right.

Number two, a female.

Twins, already?

Jeannie, I'm coming.

It's all right, it's all right.
Roger's in there.

Do you realize that your wife
is just having twins

and there's no doctor
in attendance?

It's all right.
Triplets, triplets!



What's happening?

It's all right.
I'd like to...

Listen, if you'll all be quiet,
I can explain the whole thing.

You see the babies...

The babies are beautiful,
all six of them.






You mean, I bought a teddy bear
for a dog shower?

Thank you.

Where's Djinn-Djinn?
Wait a minute, more hot towels.

What for?
Your face.

All over your face.
I've never been through

a thing like this in my life.
I'm excited.

Do you realize that there are
uniforms out there?

Don't worry about Djinn-Djinn.

He's so exhausted
from being a father,

he won't be able to pull
off any magic. Huh?

Wait a minute, wait a minute.
The whole side.




Mrs. Bellows, are you all right?

Hey. Hey, look at that, he's
acting like a regular dog.

I don't know
what I've been through.


Oh, aren't they adorable?

Oh, Jeannie,
may I have one, please?

Now, just a moment.
That's a great idea.

I'd like one too, Jeannie.

How about one for the base


Thank you very much.

It was a nice thought.
Thank you.

I-I'll return
those presents tomorrow.

Oh, darling,
why do we not donate them

to a children's hospital?
Oh, yes.

That's a marvelous idea,

Be sure to send a public
relations man along.

All right.

Good night.
Good night.

And thanks again.

Here. I forgot these.
Oh, sorry.

No more house calls.

Good night.
Good night.

Phew. Ha-ha-ha.

Darling, look,
a-about the puppies.

You can't give those people
a puppy.

I mean, it's impossible.

Can you imagine
what would happen...?

Oh, do not worry, darling.
It is all arranged.

Well, you'll just
have to unarrange it.

Can you imagine
what would happen

if we populated Cocoa Beach
with, uh, magic puppies?

Now, let's see.
This one is for Uncle Azmire.

This one is for Aunt Melama.
This one is for cousin...

No, no, no, no.
That's Azmire, this is Melama.

Uh, Cousin Ali, Aunt Fatima.

And this one.
This one is for...

Grandfather Ahkmed.


He has your eyes.

