I Am Georgina (2022): Season 1, Episode 3 - Familia, viajes y trabajo - full transcript

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-Mom! Where are you going?
-I love you.

Come on, give me a kiss. Just a kiss.

-Where are you going?
-I'm going...

I'll be back soon.
I'm going to get a Kinder egg for you.

I love you, my love.

Mom will be right back, okay?

The European Championship is starting
and Portugal's pulling out all the stops.

-Good morning, Ms. Georgina.

Where are we going?

We're going to Budapest, right?

-Are you ready?
-So ready!

I'm Toni and, first and foremost,
I'm Gio's friend.

I trust her completely.

She's been there for me
when I've needed her most.

I consider her a great friend.

Maybe I'll be a bit cheeky,

and ask your dad to keep the jersey.

So he can give it to me.

What do you think, Gio?

-I'm talking to Cris.

Telling him we're
on our way to the airport.

Tell him to ask Mbappé for his shirt

for Cris at the end of the game.

Okay, but when we get there.

Because if I keep reminding him,
he'll get annoyed.

Cristiano, in the run-up to the Euros,
is super concentrated and focused.

Guys in the back, women up front.

Okay, we're on our way, guys.

We should make a bet.

But the thing is,
I can't talk about today's bet.


Well, Gio wants to go on a beach vacation.

Nana and Miguel Paixão...

Paixão is Cristiano's best friend.
He's like a brother.

They've known each other
since they were 12.

They met in the Sporting Academy.

He's very important to Cristiano,
and to me too.

He's always been very good to me.

You see, he's...

He's super...

He's breaking all the molds in soccer,

because normally
you retire at 33. Or at 30.

Cristiano is 36 years old,

but you'd think he was 24 or 25.

There are lots of young guys who are not
lucky enough to be in his shape.

It's not luck, it's hard work.

-He has sacrificed a lot in life.
-It's his day-to-day.

You know, after a game,
we're young, we have money,

we could be like,
"Let's get on the plane and go to London."

"Or Paris, for dinner and a concert."
But we don't.

We go home, to our kids, eat and rest.

Soccer takes over your life, right?

People can say,
"Players earn so much money," and so on.

But in reality, our life is very limited.

Really limited.

As I'm totally dedicated

to keeping myself in shape,
physically and mentally,

I go that bit further.

It's not just about a day's training.

Efficiency, for me,

I won't say it's 24 hours, but...

you dedicate many hours during the day,
to your body, your mind...

You're committed to your work.

We have to talk about something.

-Do you remember...
-The wedding?


-There's a company...
-If only it were up to me!

...in a castle.
They sent you a wedding planning brochure.


Really, I don't think
it would change things that much

because I feel really loved.

I have what matters most with Cristiano,

our wonderful children,

and the love he gives me every day.

I don't have any room for rings.

Do you remember when I did that
and they said he had proposed?

They're always joking about the wedding.
"When is it?"

Ever since Jennifer Lopez
put out that song about the ring,

they've sung it to me so many times.

But it's not up to me.

I always say to her,

"When it just clicks."

Like lots of other things in our lives,
she knows what I mean.

It could be in a year,
or in six months or in a month.

I'm 1,000% sure that it will happen.


It's so hot!

-How was your flight?
-Fine, thank you.

How are you, Mom?

That's a cool birthday present.

Great, we've just arrived in Hungary.

Damn it!

We're gonna celebrate the Cup!

We're with Portugal!

All my friends are crazy about soccer.

They go wild.

They live and breathe it.

Can you bring the pink bag?

Put on the air conditioning at full blast.

I could take a good nap.

-You would?
-Go to sleep.

Yeah, ten minutes. Or five.

My name is Julia, a friend of Georgina's.

What time is it?
I've no idea. How long do we have?

-It's 6:08.

I don't see her a lot,

so when I'm with her,
I make the most of it.

Whether it's going for a burger,

or laying on the couch,
chatting and laughing about stuff.

-They can start getting ready.
-Wake me up at 18:55.

We don't need much time.

We're the most...

If worse comes to worst,
I'll have a spit bath.

Top and tail.

-Top and tail.

Top and tail is when

you wash this, this and this.

-What was that one?
-Helen, the top and tail?

-What's that?
-I'm taking a shower.

Crotch, butt, and armpits.

You can look it up
and see what a "top and tail" is.

What should I wear, hon?

This never-worn five-years-old dress.

You'll need a top and tail
every five minutes.

-You're gonna sweat all through it.
-I will, right?

Not really. I think this one is worse.

I mean, this one is corduroy,
and it's 98 degrees...

Hon, it's summer velvet.

It's spandex.

Or this one.

It might be too provocative.

I brought a selection of dresses

and everyone's like,
"Wear that one. Wear the denim dress."

I was thinking,
"I'm going to wear a super sexy dress,

I'm in the stadium,
I haven't seen my guy in ages,

and he'll be all distracted
and then it'll all be my fault."

Not to distract him,
just so you look attractive.

-Should I?
-We better not lose!

The makeup's in the bathroom.

Take out the Louis Vuitton if you want.

And that's it. We're off.

Okay, this dress...

-Whose mask is this?

-How are you?

I think we're going to win
and Cris just might score some goals.

Not one. A few.

Have they arrived yet?

Are the guys warming up?

When do they get here?

Twenty minutes before.

When I go to the stadium
to see one of Cristiano's games,

I always pray that God will protect him,

inspire him, and help him to win.

What a wonderful atmosphere
in the Puskás stadium with 60,000 fans.

The teams are on the field.
Rui Patrício for Portugal in goal.

Bernardo Silva and Diogo Jota,
on the forward line.

The captain, with number seven
on his back, Cristiano Ronaldo!

Let's go!

I feel like Portugal is my second home.

I feel so loved by the Portuguese,

and I feel as if it's my country too.

I feel I'm a citizen of the world,

but above all of Portugal,
Spain and Argentina.

Cristiano Ronaldo is off!

He's scored three goals in the Euros.
He wants the fourth to be a "Pichichi."

He wants the 108th.

The Puskás stadium roars.
Cristiano shoots...


Cristiano is clearly
the best player in the world.

I think he'll be a hard act to follow.

Game over in Hungary!

France two, Portugal two!

It ended in a draw.

A great result against France
as they're one of the strongest teams.

Next stop, Seville.

Belgium will face Portugal.

-All right...

We get different types of access
depending on the country or stadium.

In Hungary, we didn't have direct access.

What does that mean?
Cristiano's partner and his son going...

It's a bit overwhelming.

We're losing them.

Ronaldo Júnior! Ronaldo! Cristiano!

There's an avalanche of people.

You get scared sometimes

because you never know
if a fan wants a photo

or some lunatic wants to hurt you.

Georgina. Georgina and Cristiano.

Where's Julia?


I get really scared,
and even more so when I'm with my son.


Are you on vacation yet?

-Not yet, right?

-No, we're going to Seville.
-To Seville.

We met up with Cora, Benzema's wife.

He was Cristiano's teammate
at Real Madrid.

I remember meeting her in the box
after she just had her baby.

Cris, take a photo with him.

-Take a picture. I'll take it.

I loved bumping
into her again at the stadium.

You're so cute.

-I have two girlfriends for you.

-Two. Eva and Alana.
-At the same time.

He's saying yes.

We've arranged to meet with the kids

because her son is gorgeous and I know...

He has the same hair as Alana!

I know they'll all get on really well.

Let's go.


Thank you.

I have to say

with this dress on, I think I was like a...

What? No.

-A queen.
-I didn't see her.

Cris always takes cares of me.
He's a real charmer.

Gio said to me,

"Do you think if I make a heart
it will be too cheesy?"

I was like, "Well..."

I wanted to make a heart for him
during the anthem,

because he waved to me,
and I was going to make a heart,

and I said,
"Will it look okay or will it be cheesy?"

She was like,
"It'll be cheesy, but not if you do it."

I'm like, "Okay."

I'm just thinking how proud I am of him
before I go to sleep.

Get married already.


No, Alana.

When school's out,

I try to bring in a tutor
in the mornings to stimulate the kids,

and I have time to work out.

A teacher takes Júnior
for some extra classes

to help him with homework.

Good morning.

This one's for Mommy.

My kids are wonderful.

Cris is like the perfect eldest son.

He's the best companion I could ask for.

My loves!


-For you.

That's so nice.

Mommy, what do you have here?
Can I see?

Eva is shyer,
much more sensitive, and very close to me.

-Mommy, I'm gonna do something.
-Can you open it?

I'm gonna make a very pretty rabbit.

Mateo is very loving.

He's really good at sports.

He's very sensitive.

He's a good kid.

He's so good.

Look, the triangle.

I did that.

That's so pretty, Mateo.

-You have to share with Mommy, Alana.

No, because you don't...

-Mommy doesn't share things.

You don't. You don't share things.

That's a lie.

Cris, Mom shares everything with Alana,
doesn't she?

She does.

Can I have the purple?

No, you're bad. Very bad.


Alana's a happy kid.

She loves being the center of attention.

She's very talkative.

She was the first of them to talk.

She's great fun. A daddy's girl.

I can't go near her dad.

I can't kiss her dad.

She does everything with him.

Let's say goodbye to Nikki
and say thank you.

Say, "Thank you, Nikki, for everything."

I shouldn't say this,
but they're perfect children.

They're a dream.

Let's say goodbye to Nikki
because we're going

on vacation and we won't see her.

The whole summer.

I've stimulated them a lot
from a very young age.

We're going to ride a pony, guys.

-Who wants to try?

Cris is the only one
who hasn't been on a pony.

Yeah, 'cause the pony would fall over.

I want to instill in my kids
the same things my mother instilled in me.

Being in the country,

being at peace, being at one with nature.

It's good they get
their hands dirty, touch trees,

that they're not always
surrounded by buildings,

traveling, cars, planes...

Luxury is within everyone's grasp.

It's nature and we need
to look after it, and enjoy it.

Hold on tight.

Okay, let's put Eva up.

Mateo, on the small pony.

-Hang on to the saddle.

-You're coming with me.


Eva and Alana are very brave,

they're go-getters.

Mateo's more cautious.

I couldn't get him to ride for a year.

-Touch his head.
-Hold on.

Look the way... He has hair like Alana.

Almost curly, but not really.

His name's Mateo, like you.

Okay, let's go?

Hold on, Alana.

Hold on tight. Let's go.

Is it a male? Or Lina is with...

-What's his name?

Ah, two females.

Mateo will get on later.

He says he wants to get up on Eva's.

Why don't we change?

Change? Okay, hang on.

-Come on.

Okay, Mateo.

Wait, don't tie it at the back.

He's very hairy.

Mateo and I were saying

he has lots of hair. Like you.

You have lots of hair.

He's like me.

Okay, let's go.
Alana, grab hold of the saddle, love.

I'm still afraid of horse riding.

When we put the babies on ponies,
one girl goes to their left,

and I go on the right.
They're fed up with me.

They say, "Let him go." "No."

I want to be by their side.

You never know,
because in the end, they're animals.

I've fallen from a horse,
a horse has bit me...

I can't leave my kids alone, for now.

-Here, a horse bit my nail.
-Oh, no.

It was like...
I didn't want to look at my finger.

-I was bleeding.

Luckily, it was a gel nail.

And it... What a fright.

But it's perfect now.

What's life like from up there, Cris?

Great. You can see the whole of Turin.

He's tall, right?

Cris, trot a little bit.

You just need to do this.
Hold on tight with your legs.

Eva, come here.

Good job, Cris.

I wish my kids lots of good health.

That's what I pray to God.

It's a calm horse, okay?

Okay, you're fine.

-Come on, trot.

I wish them happiness.
I hope they're strong,

that they're happy
and, above all, good people.

So, what's the plan?

We're going to see Eugenia.

-You met her in San Remo, right?
-Yes, I did.

My friend Julia and I are going to Milan

to meet my friend, Eugenia.

She's a jewelry designer.

Will you be wearing her jewelry in Venice?

She's going to show them to me.
Yeah, I'll wear hers.

When we get there,

you can go to Monte Napoleone
and pick up some things I've ordered.

I'll catch up with Eugenia
and we'll meet later.

I'll pick you up.

Julia's great fun.
She makes everything so easy.

She helps me switch off.

She makes work fun.

She makes it...

entertaining and less stressful.

How does one know
if they've won the lottery.

If you go into your bank account
and it's gone up...


Here, look at this.

I play the Primitiva, Euromillions,

everything like that,
and I share the winnings with my friends.

The ones who have an account on the app.
They always share their tickets.

Helen said, "When you play, we always win,
even if it's only a few cents."

And you're so happy to win a few cents.

I think one day I'll win.

I have that feeling.


-Good morning, love.
-Good morning.

How are you?

Good, and you?

Very well.

-It's so good to see you again.

Do you like what I'm wearing?

-It's not bad.
-Your creation.

I met Eugenia when I came to Turin,
when Cristiano was signed by Juventus.

That summer, I was invited
to the Venice Film Festival.

A few brands got in touch
with me and Ramón.


I was really drawn to Eugenia's jewelry.

I identified with her designs.

Have you seen how beautiful it is?

It's fabulous.

The last time I was here,
it was very dark.

It would be a beautiful place
to dance a tango.

-That's true.
-In the open air.

The lady of the tango.

I like tango.

One day I went to Milan
to do some shopping,

and I said, "Eugenia,
I'm in Milan, I'd love to see you."

So we had lunch.

She said to me at lunch,
"Gio, I pictured you

dancing a tango in San Remo."

You had a dream that I was dancing
a tango wearing your jewelry.

San Remo is so beautiful with music...

It would be fantastic

if there was a tango show in San Remo.

With you dancing, it would be wonderful.

Or another dance.
Tango, no, because you don't...

Since you're not a tango dancer.

When you said that,
I said, "I don't dance tango."

How am I going to do a tango?
I do classical ballet, not tango.

"Gio, it doesn't matter. Think about it."

I knew that San Remo is one of
the most important festivals in the world.

I said, "How am I going to show up
in San Remo if I hardly speak Italian?"

I said, "Yes, she dances the tango."

I thought you could dance the tango.

Then I said, "No, she can't,
but she's a fast learner."

The tango...
With that dance, you have to feel it.

She got her wish in the end.

I wasn't sure I could do it,

but if there's passion, energy and drive,
you can do anything.

It made a huge impact.

I'll never forget that experience
and I'll be forever grateful.

Here, this is another model.

Yes, one more.

So beautiful.

These jewels are so gorgeous.

I love emeralds, sapphires,

rubies, diamonds.

Which is cheaper? A ruby or a diamond?

A diamond, when it has this many carats.

It's more expensive?

It depends sometimes, but yes.

-The diamond in this size.
-It's more expensive.

-This one's in yellow.
-Yes, I've made them in three colors.

We have all...

This color is very popular now.

Yes, the one in yellow,
and you also have the white one.

It comes in every color.

-Yes, as well.

The first jewels I had

were heart-shaped diamond earrings

and a matching heart-shaped necklace.

Cris gave them to me for Christmas.

Wonderful. They suit you.

So beautiful.

-They shine.

When Eugenia shows me her jewelry,
I go completely crazy.

I'm like a kid in a toy store.

I'm sure Arab countries love this, right?

-This collection.

Gorgeous. Marvelous.

I can't stop myself trying it all on.

If we went to Venice,
could I use this collection?

Yes, it's lovely.

Years ago, I used to go window-shopping
on the Golden Mile,

and I dreamed of myself wearing
those jewels and those creations.

Yet again, dreams come true.

Shall we try Cavalli
for something for Cannes?

-Yeah, I want to get something for Cris.
-For the super festival.

Great. He'll love that.

We're going to Cavalli,
one of my favorite brands.

I'm still looking for my dress for Cannes.

One for the Cannes Film Festival.

This would be one and the other

we have ready in the changing room.

The back on this one is...

-That's the dress.

See, this is the dress, with the shoes.

You can always wear it
with one leg in and one out, right?

-Pull in your bum.
-Not happening.

You can have that wonderful bum,

after all those workouts,

and now it won't fit.

I can pull in my bum
because I don't have one.

I've got an itty-bitty one.

We chose some dresses I loved
from photos we'd seen.

Just my luck that some of them
wouldn't go over my knees.

We asked for the other dress.

-The other one?
-She's bringing it now.

Okay, perfect.

-The bust is a bit weird, isn't it?

It looks like your tit will pop out.

Just one moment, okay?

It doesn't fit, not even in the wrist.

Here it is.


Thank you.

-A smaller size?

I think so.

I wanted to touch the texture,

the fabric,

try everything on.

Do you want the seamstress
to measure you and we'll call you?

For Cannes. Whatever you prefer.

The problem is the years add up.
And then some.

Yes, time, I know all about the years.

Years and food.

No. You look stunning.

These just happen to be unique pieces,
and they're quite small.

Look, this will match my outfit.

We can be matching.

That's cute.

-It's fun.
-It's interesting.

-It's interesting.


So, I bought a shirt
for Cristiano, and a dress for me

so we have matching outfits.

He wears short ones.


They'd have to be boxers, like these.

-If not, it'd have to be briefs.
-I don't think so.

When she says to me,

"Let's go in here,
I just want to take a look around."

In the end, we leave...
Well, she leaves with 350,000 bags.

I like this one.

I really like this one.

It's very popular right now.

-It's lounge wear.
-I love it.

-And this one?
-For chilling at home.

Really, it's such fun

because she says, "I like this one too,
let's get it for so-and-so."

The tailor was saying that this
was actually the original one.

This shows too much ass, you know?

A model's ass is not the same... as mine.

You know what happened? In Venice...

-...my younger self,

I was 22 or 23.

I was like, "Yeah, I'll wear a bodysuit,
make it revealing."

With black lace.

Then I saw a photograph and thought,

"Not for a red carpet. It's not classy."

"I can't be showing my ass."

This is really sensual.

It's very open.

I like the skirt.

I asked the guy for a shirt.

-This one. With that shirt.
-Perfect. Which one?

-The same print, right?
-This one.

I don't tend to buy a lot of clothes.

I buy a few pieces,
but they're good quality.

Okay, Georgina, here you go.

As we were saying,
two swimsuits plus the perfume.

Here is the shirt and the skirt.

The owner has told me this is on us.



-Well, thank you.

-So this time, it's on us.

Thank you.

I didn't know. If I had,
I wouldn't have got so many things.

Gosh, this is embarrassing.

Thank you so much.

I love it. Everything.

When I went to pay,

they told me it was on them.

I couldn't believe it.

Even if it's us and we have it all,

a gift or any kind of gesture
is lovely, right?

We love it.


Ramón gets in touch with brands,
through the agency,

and many get in touch with him
about taking part in publicity campaigns,

for events...

-Did you buy oat milk?
-I did.

I bought every type of milk.

Oat, soy, the lot.

-Just in case you'd changed your mind.
-Well, well! Amazing, Ramón.

-I'm getting chunky.
-Luckily it's not a swimsuit shoot.

No shit.

This morning, "Mom, where are you going?"

Running around...

Poor things.

I'm a very active...


All day,

I'm doing stuff with the kids.

They're like, "Mom..."


They know when Mom's at home,

it's party time.

When I set my mind on something,
I give it my all,

so it goes well.

I think I am a trendsetter.

Often colleagues of mine

who work in stores, in different brands,

say, "Gosh, Gio,
you posted this on Instagram,"

or, "You were in a magazine
with this bag, and now it's sold out."

With dresses, sneakers, shoes, jewelry...


Welcome to Pestana, ma'am.

Thank you.

I met Ali Karoui
for the first time in Cannes.

For the festival in 2018.

I loved him.

Since then, he's dressed me

for the Dubai awards for Cristiano.



What I mean is that this...

His designs work really well
for all body types,

from very slim bodies to bigger bodies.

They're suggestive.

-What's up?

It's important for the designer
to know you,

so that you save time
when choosing a dress.

And can get straight down to business.

It's like... This tall... It's...

-Don't worry.
-All this.

Yeah, and with...

He knows me and knows exactly what I like.

He doesn't try to change me.
He makes me feel confident.

The green one?

The thing is he's made a green dress...

And who wore it?

A Victoria Secret's Angel wore it.

It's why I want...

On a red carpet, okay,

you're dressed differently
than how you'd normally dress.

But it shouldn't be a costume either.

-We're sure.
-I like it.

I think so, right?

Or green.


I want sparkle.


What do you think?

I love it.

My leg of jamón.

-Iberian ham.
-Iberian ham.

Don't get too close, I have a dry skin.

Like this. It lengthens the beauty.

And for Majorca.


Finally, after a long year of work,

our vacation is kicking off in Majorca.

When we're on vacation, we try to do
what I don't do during the season.

I want to take it easy.

Do whatever

I want...

To be with the ones I love

and feel free as a bird.

To do what I want.

Subtitle translation by: J. Cameron