Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ (2001–2002): Season 1, Episode 44 - Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ - full transcript

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(HyakuJuu Sentai Gaoranger)

If you saw the Gao's Rock

In the dark sky,

Please don't make a fuss.

Those who don't have dreams

Couldn't see the Gao's Rock.

Orgs shouldn't be able
to see it, either.

That's fine.

We're sorry to trouble you
when you're not so well.

They wouldn't find us here.

Tetomu, thank you.

Go take a rest.

Ok, I will.

Is Tetomu really alright?

Rasets tortured her very badly.

Especially when we were in hell.

Darn it.

That Rasets is too much.

That guy... I'll get him!

We'll get vengeance in the next battle.

That's all for tonight.
Let's get some sleep.

So it is.

We didn't have the Gao priestess's cooking
after all.

To have the greatest cooking,

We should set the last trap
and get rid of them.


Please allow me!

Please give me a chance
to save my honor!


I'll destroy

The Gaorangers' dream.

Then the Orgs' time will come.

Quest 44
Gao?s Rock Falls


When are you going to wake up?

This is your last morning.

W-w-what is it?

I don't know.
But Gao's Rock is under attack!


It's not supposed to be found.

It is no time for this!

Guys, let's go!

Everyone, be careful!

Who is it?

Who's there?



There's no escape now.

This is your burial place.

Don't joke!

We should make you...

A grave.

That's the last of your bluffs.


I'll get you.

Let's go!

Gao Access!

What's happening?
What is it?

That's my double.

Your double?

That's right, GaoRed.

You gave your G-Phone
to Christmas Org once, didn't you?

This is the symbol of our friendship.
Please take it.

That's great, GaoRed!

My double snuck
into your phone then.

That's why you know our location.

That guy damaged our G-Phones.


What could you do
without the G-Phones?

We can't beat him
without Gao Access.

Don't be so negative.
We have to hold on, never give up!

Even though we can't transform,
we're still Gao Warriors.

As long as we unite our will,
you won't defeat us.

Look at our spirit.

We're full of motivation!

This guy!

Even though we can't transform,
our will to fight is one!

You can win over us as long as
you have one will, huh?

What naive thinking.

Let me go!

If the Holy Spring is destroyed, we
couldn't go to the Sky Island anymore.

Your lives...

I'll eat them with your dreams.

Guys, leave it to me.

Saber Mode!

I despise you even more
when you say "leave it to me."


You think you could defeat me alone?


Things from thousand years ago,

Gone just like that.

That's all your power?

You will die here.

I'll show you something interesting
before you close your eyes.


What's he doing?

Could it be... Gao's Rock...

Has fallen into his hands?

How could that be?

Stop it!

Tetomu's in there.

Tetomu, run!

I've waited forever.

Today, because of my double,

The Gao priestess will be
destroyed along with Gao's Rock.

Come back, my double.

Well done, my double.

You have done perfectly.

Can't we do anything?

We can't even protect
our home.

The place we shared memories with Tetomu.

Do we really have to give up?

Has it finished yet?

The finale.

I'll allow you to come back
to the mother body.

The abhorrent finale will continue
until each one of you die.

It's filled...
Filled with power!

My double gave me stronger power.

How could it be?

To destroy your last dream
is to destroy Gao's Rock.

I'll make you despair completely.

Humans cannot defy me.

Tetomu, run, if you're still
alive in there...

The ancestors' lives can't
be sacrificed so vainly, Tetomu!

The end of Gao's Rock has come.

Stop it!


I can't forgive this guy!

What are you doing, Red?

Let them eat us
if they want it so much.


I wouldn't quit
even if I were in his stomach!



Come and get it!

You want to be first, don't you?


As you wish.

Let me consume your little dream.





Here come the Power Animals!

Tetomu, are you alright?

Am I that easy to get rid of?

Ok, in that case,
let's make a big turn.

That can't be done.

Thanks, GaoLion.

You are really big!

Red, don't frighten me!

Tetomu, look at our G-Phones!

I know.

GaoDias, please!

The G-Phones are ready.

We did it.

Let's go!

Gao Access!

When the spirits of the nature
combine with the humans' spirits,

The six warriors who will protect
the earth are born!

Wherever there is life,
there is a roar of justice.

HyakuJuu Sentai...


Hundred Beast Combination!

When the Gao Warriors call,

The Power Animals
descend from sky.

To battle with the warriors,

They became holy spirit king.

Soul Bird!

Soul Drive, GaoMuscle!

GaoMuscle is born!

Hundred Beast Summon!

Hundred Beast Combination!

GaoHunter has descended!

You... Let me finish you once for all.

I'll start with GaoHunter.

Then I'll send you two to hell.

I won't let you have your way.

Muscle Lariat!

Heaven and Earth shake,
Beast Hurricane!

I see, GaoLion.

Use GaoKentarus for the last blow!

Hundred Beast Combination!

When the enlarged GaoLion,

Joins the holy weapon
with wings of fire,

The great hero
GaoKentarus is born.

GaoKentarus is born!

If I Highness Duke, Rasets,

Could rule the world,

Humans' dreams
would be in the dark.

I'll make their dreams
stay in the dark.

Ikarus Bind!

Ultimate sword technique,

Dance of the Beast King!

Do you see?
This is the sword of justice.

Is this the taste of failure?

I'm not willing hearted.

We did it!




We did it.

We've defeated
the third Highness Duke.


Gao's Rock is...

If we work together,
it can be restored.

So it is.

Let's do our best.

Thank you, Tetomu.

Yeah, the victory today
is all because of you.

But I never expected
that you could escape.

To Tetomu-sama,

Pulverizing the Org's scheme

Is very easy.


You're not fully recovered.

Thank you.

If everybody's in danger,

It's what I should do.


There might be a fourth
or fifth Highness Duke afterwards.

Let's battle together.

Of course.

It's snow.

Speaking of which,
today is Christmas!

I've forgotten.

Merry Christmas.

Ok, let's raise her up
and celebrate!


Merry Christmas...

(To be continued)

This year is over. Let's fight in
the geyser while celebrating.

You guys shouldn't look down on me!

I, Yabaiba-sama, am still here!

Quest 45
Fighting Until the End

Let's have a nice dance!