Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ (2001–2002): Season 1, Episode 13 - Hyakujû sentai Gaorenjâ - full transcript

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(HyakuJuu Sentai Gaoranger)

The GaoEgg

Has fully absorbed the GaoSouls.

The new life greatly inspires them.


It's about time.

It's going to be born.

Is this little guy the GaoHeart?

Is this for GaoLion to eat?

Oh, oh, ouch!

I am just joking.

It's still an infant,
it can't be the GaoHeart yet.

We have to wait until it's grown up.

So cute!

The infant bird will regard anyone
whom it first sees as mother.

That means it regards
Red as its mother.

Then I'll be its father.

I am its sister.

Quest 13
The First Cry of a Newborn Froze!

Org Master, please forgive us!

Org Master is very furious.

Because we failed to destroy the GaoEgg.

We have to succeed this time.

We have no way out.

We've got to defeat them

Before they are fully grown.

Follow me.

Good boy, eat more.

You are responsible for helping
GaoLion and GaoKing.

That is very delicious.

Infant birds don't eat
that kind of food.

Hold on.

I am an animal expert.

Hold on.

Let dad hold you.

The chick has no name.

How about Pyo-chan?

That's an ugly name.

Ah, Pyo-chan is sleepy!

Okay. Good...

Sleep, sleep.

Sleep, you are sleepy.

I am a good baby...

I want to sleep...

What's wrong, Pyo-chan?

Is it Org?

It's not the Org.
This is stronger than ever.


Don't be afraid, Pyo-chan.

Tetomu, I'm leaving it to you.

Let's go.

I'll show the humans how
powerful the Orgs are!

Stop it, Shuten!

Gaoranger, you are finally here.

I'll have revenge for all the
humiliation I've suffered.

You finally got out from
the black leather valley.

You are very courageous
to dare to come out.

Fighting you five by myself
is just a piece of cake.

No bad. See how I am going to bomb you.

I'll let you see my strength.

You should at least warn us before
taking action.

We don't need to show
any mercy to you either.

Let's go, everyone!

Gao Access!

Summon, spirit of the earth!

Blazing Lion!


Noble Eagle!


Surging Shark!


Iron Bison!


Belle Tiger!


Wherever there is life,
there is a roar of justice.

HyakuJuu Sentai...


I am tired of your nonsense.

I have to defeat you today.

It's the opposite, you are
the one who will be destroyed.

We Orgs' pleasures are
to destroy the world.

Anyone who obstructs our
pleasures will be killed.

Building your pleasures
on other's pains...

Such people are the most
unforgivable humans.

Unfortunately, we are not humans.

We are Orgs!

Shut up! Go!


Go to hell.

The pain of Gaorangers are the most
delicious dishes of ours.

The most delicious dishes?
Why don't you try some first!



Lion Fang!

Blazing Fire!

Eagle Sword!

Noble Slash!

Shark Cutter!

Surging Chopper!

Bison Axe!

Iron Blocken!

Tiger Baton!

Belle Crashes!

We did it!

Now you see our strength!

This is just to test the
levels you can endure.

This kind of attack won't
harm me at all.


Red, the hearts of five warriors unite into one.


Crushing evil, HyakuJuuKen!

Evil, dispersed.

A year from now will be the
anniversary of your death.


The Haja HyakuJuuKen
didn't work at all!

Freezer Org!

Leave it to me.

As long as Shuten-sama
gives the orders,

I'll take care of
defeating the Gaoranger.

Gaoranger, I have to kill you.

Instant frozen.

It's been frozen.

Our bones will be frozen soon!

Never give up!!

Freeze the five all together!

Here I go!

Go, kill them all.

Why did you call me an old lady last time?

Watch how I am going to kill you!

Not bad, old lady.

Don't you know it.

Shuten-sama will look up
to me if I kill you all.

It's impossible. You should try to
find a lover, that'll be easier.

Shut up!

You are a cursed bitch, no one would
like you whom only think of men.

How do you know.

Ah, got you.

Thumbs down.

Not bad.

It's a pity for you to stay
with the Gaoranger. Join the Orgs.

Is this some kind of joke?

Damn it!

Red, are you alright?

Instant freezing.

We'll be frozen to death.

Three snow men are finished.

Three snow men are finished.





You bastard!

How dare you trick me!

You use the ice strategy.

We'll burn you with
our furious hearts!

Gao Mane Buster!

Normal mode!

Final mode!

Evil, dispersed.


Freezer Org!


Org seeds,

Please allow the fallen to
Regain their enormous wicked power.

Demon inside, hatchling outside!


I am full of energy!

It's now to show off the real
strength of Freezer Org.

Instant freezing.

Blue, White!

Hundred Beast Summon!

The sword and the soul's
jewel combine into one.

As the sword's melody reaches up to the sky,
the holy spirits who protect nature

Descend the road of the light
that shines onto the ground.

Okay, GaoGorilla!

Banana bomb!

This banana is so big...

GaoBison, fight!

Damn it.




Hundred Beast Combination!

As the five warriors' hearts become one,

The Power Animals unite with GaoGorilla

And the strongest warrior is born!

GaoMuscle is born!

Instant freezing.

You are the cheerleader.

Unmatched strength, Muscle Lariat!

We did it!


What's going on?

I'm even more powerful!

What's going on?

Freezer Org has become stronger
after absorbing my strength.

I'll show you!

Bison Kick!

Come on, come on, come...

Okay, Muscle Bear Hug!

Right into our trap.

Go, Freezer Org!


Unbeatable cooling.

Nice job, Freezer Org.


What is this about?

The Freezer Org exploded and
seal the GaoSouls!


The jewels are all frozen.

So are my GaoTiger and GaoElephant jewels.

So are GaoShark and GaoGiraffe!



I can't hear GaoLion!


The jewels have frozen.

The Power Animals cannot
hear the Gaorangers.

The evil spirit of Freezer Org

freezes the motions of
the GaoSouls.

The Gaorangers' strength disappears as well.

The GaoSuits!

The G-Phone can't function at all.

Even the infant bird is affected.

This is...

You have a very low temperature.


Big trouble!

The infant bird is not doing well.

If this continues...

What do you say, Pyo-chan is!?



All GaoSouls and
Gao no Houjyu are frozen.

How are you going to move?

You only can wait for your deaths.

We can't transform back to
Gaoranger with the G-Phones frozen!

Let's retreat.

Hold on, we can't go back like this.

That's right.

We have to free the frozen



Let's go!

You'd better wake up.

We are still the Gao Warriors
even without Gao Access!

That's right! We will
always be the Gaoranger!

Stop playing tricks.


How can you still fight like this?

If I lost to you,
my father would laugh at me.

Is that so?

Damn it, never give up! Blue!

Yeah, I won't either!



The Power Animals,

And your hopeful GaoEgg.

Will lose all of their strength,

And then die little by little.

Pyo-chan is our hope.

We won't die,

And Pyo-chan won't die either!

Shut up!

What's wrong?

Doesn't hurt at all.

Is this all of your power, Highness Duke?

I'll make you unspoken but dead.

I won't lose to you.


If the Gao Access would work,
that would be good.

Can we just lay here
and wait for death?


Answer me!

I can't hear you!

All GaoSouls are frozen.

The Gao Warriors have to
fight with their bare hands

Under the furious attack of Shuten.

Will the Gaoranger die?

(To be continued)


I won't let a evil guy like
you harm the earth.

The warriors resolutions have turned

out to be leathers to
rush into the sky.

Quest 14
Soul Bird Cries