Hunters (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - The More I See You - full transcript

Regan (Britne Oldford) learns that she was not told the truth about her father's disappearance. Meanwhile, Flynn (Nathan Phillips) and Briggs (Mark Coles Smith) race against the Hunters to acquire a scientist critical to "The Purge."

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Hunters"...

Agent Regan was taken.

Agent Briggs, you wrote that Agent Regan

appeared to be a willing passenger
in Musa's helicopter.

Yes, ma'am.

I know you killed my parents.

Is that what the humans told you?

Are they still alive?

The ETUs know more than I do.

Hunters have been seeking
access to lithium mines in Romania

from as far back as 1989.

Raw materials for thermonuclear weapons.

She'll be ready for the Purge.

Your mom and dad aren't
your real family.

They were assigned to you.

Like you to Flynn?

They said I'd gone
native, but I refused to come in.

Even if it meant being someone

I never really was, I wanted you more.

They need to think that I put up a fight

and that's how you escaped.

Shoot me.

Do it!

Regan's not the mole.

Jules ran the diagnostic.

Told her she made the calls to McCarthy.

And he knew about talking on Columbia.

Good luck finding somebody
else to spy on citizens for you

and order drone strikes for
you and torture people for you.

There's just one
more thing you need to do.

What happened?

I got away.

Flynn, are you awake?

Yeah. I'm awake.

We have to leave in 12 minutes.

I know.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Why are you breathing so hard?

I'm fine.

Let me get dressed.


Will you put on some coffee?


Finnerman thinks you
went with Musa willingly.

She would think that.

- Agent Regan...
- What?

No Alison anymore?

I'm going to need to
know everything that happened

during your captivity, and
I mean every last detail.

I'm not gonna tell you
shit until you tell me the truth

about what
happened to my parents... sir.

Your parents?

What did you do with my mom and dad?

Oh, nothing.

Who told you we had anything
to do with them?


Well, he's lying.

You saw the Quins capture them.

If Musa had my parents,

he would have used
them to try and turn me.

Regan, I honestly don't know
what happened to your parents.

Musa might be a monster,

but at least he told me the truth.

Okay, bring her in.

That's it, okay, a little more.

This place is impressive.

Looks like things are
really getting organized.

I heard things got gnarly at
the old hospital in Circleton.

We got most our gear out

before the ETU raided
us, but it was close.

Jules didn't exactly
give us a lot of time.

There was no leak from outside?

No, we were never breached.

ETU must have caught a break.

They're nipping at our heels

and now we've got no one on the inside.

He was eliminated, wasn't he?

Yeah, Jules was taken in the Great Hunt.


He'd served his purpose.

We're moving ahead with it, then?

Everything's on schedule.

The Purge will take
place exactly as planned.

If you're reading this, it
means I'm no longer with you.

You're on your own now and
you have to be strong.

This is what we are.

Ones we can't trust, they're here.

Come on.

No matter what you
do, I am your father.

And you're my little girl.

And I'll always love you.



I heard you saw Abby.

Is she all right?

I'm okay. Thanks for asking.


I'm glad you're back, really.

Yeah, I saw Abby.

Did you talk with her?

She tried to brainwash me.

Called it deprogramming.

Deprogramming from what.

Human life.

Abby told me they did
the same thing to her,

probably why they got
her to try and turn me.

Didn't work.

You came back.

And Abby did not.

I guess it worked on her.

She let me escape.

Why would she do that?

Don't know.

Maybe they didn't want me.

Are we responsible for
Regan's parents' disappearance?

That's just Musa manipulating her.

Regan was on the inside.

She had direct contact with Musa.

She has vital intel,

intel we have no other
means of acquiring.

Well, if she's refusing to talk,

we do have options.

Put her in the chair?

Use her own treatment against...

The Hunters are mining

raw materials for WMDs

and you're concerned
about her discomfort.

We will do whatever it takes.

She will cooperate.

Only if we give her what she demands.

That's not unreasonable.

If you know anything
about Regan's parents,

now would be the time to tell me.

We've shut
down the breeding camp

and the Columbian operation.

All other loose ends need to be tied.

There's nothing else outstanding.

Except Regan.

The reprogramming was unsuccessful.

Hers or yours?

You failed.

She spent so long as a human.

You failed.

Where is she now?

Let me answer that question for you.

She's back with the ETU.

Full of information about
us, spilling everything.

You're in charge of her during the Hunt.

Alison ran off before the kill.

Alison? Why would she do that?

I guess she got spooked.

You lost a Seraphin to
the ETU, now Regan.

Despite this, Musa still
seems to think you're an asset.

But I beg to differ.

He's dying.

It's the reversion process.

The shell hasn't taken.

It isn't working.

Stuck between Hunter and human.


It's the only way.



Before I say anything, I need to
know you're gonna talk to me.

Holding out is just
gonna make things worse.

Worse than you lying to me?

Are you gonna cooperate?

Guanos are after a human.

Sterling Martinez.

Lives in Baltimore.

Don't know why they want him.

It has to do with
something they called the Purge.

Sounds ominous.

Your turn.

I don't know
anything about your mother...

But your father, we have him.

You have him?

What does that mean?

Finnerman has him at a secure facility.

For how long?

How long?!

He hasn't been at that
site for long, but altogether,

he's been held for six years.

I'm sorry.

I want to see my father.

You deceived me, Ruth.

Agent Regan is our best asset, or was.

I don't know if
she'll ever trust me again.

You and I
go back three decades.

There is no one I trust more.

Which is precisely
why I didn't tell you.

To protect you.

Protecting me does not help Agent Regan.

She's in a very vulnerable state.

If Agent Regan is
medically unfit for work,

she will need to
provide a report to that effect.

She gave us what we wanted.

Now it's our turn.

Once Flynn and Briggs

have found this Martinez

and we can establish
that the intel is legitimate,

then we can move on Regan's request.

No. I'm not lying to Regan.

I made a deal with her.

She will see her
father without waiting on

what happens to Martinez.

Matter of fact, I'll take her myself.

All right, we
gotta move fast on this.

Sterling Martinez, 37.

Martinez is a former
scientist with Wexxler-Kline,

a Belgian pharmaceutical.

As far as we can tell, he
retired early, aged 30.

Big time farmer.

Probably cashed in
after inventing a pill

that makes modern life better.

Oh, you'd know.

Martinez appears to live modestly.

Jules' replacement can
scour his financials to find out

what he's been hiding.

Stephanie Le Guin,

meet Agent Briggs, Agent Carroll.

The muscle.

Oh, Miss Congeniality.

Steph's a cryptographer,

Finnerman brought her
in to continue working on

decoding the Hunter language.

The Hunters have their eyes on Martinez.

This is coming from Regan.

How do we know it's not compromised?

We don't.

This is where he's
holed up, Fells Point.

Musa is casting a line.

Let's reel Martinez in first.

We've tried everything to
make the process work.

Without the
reversion, there is no Purge.

Losing the Coahuila cell set us back.

Ted alone cost us a decade of research

and then McCarthy and his antics.

Maybe it's time you bring in the human.

We rely on them too much as it is.

But he's made a breakthrough.

And we have no other options.

Abby's right. Bring in Martinez.

I can't. I have to meet with Karp.

He'll only deal with me.

I'll go.

No, definitely not.

I've already been in touch with him.

I can handle it.

As well as you handled Regan?

Abby can take care of it.

Thank you, Musa.

Do not disappoint me.

I won't.

The Feelers will go with you.


All clear.

Looks like
Martinez didn't retire after all.

No, he took up
fishing or he's opening a Red Lobster.

No, he's studying this stuff.

Carroll, take a look at this.


He's working for the Hunters.

These are dated ten years ago.

If they are baby Quins, then
they're all grown up now.

That's a comforting thought.

Lots of stuff on a bone disease

called craniodiaphyseal dysplasia.

Says here it causes bone
defects in the skull and face.

Well, what do aliens
care about a calcium disorder?


The hell are you doing?

Collecting evidence.

Don't pull that shit.

How you gonna watch my
back if you're tweaked?

- I'm not tweaked.
- No, not yet, maybe.

It's for the pain.

My legs have been
screwed since the prison raid.

Not your leg. Try your head.

If you can't handle this...

I can handle it just fine.

Sterling Martinez!

Please don't shoot me.

Just take it one step at a time.

I'll be close by if you need me.



Look at you all grown up.

Your hands, scars.

Who did this to you?

It's okay, it's okay, I'm not in pain.

At least it stopped me from molting.

I don't miss that.

Where's Mom? Is she here, too?


I don't know where she is.

I haven't see her in years.

I can't believe it's you.

It's me.

I didn't think you were still alive.

How'd they catch you?

I'm not a prisoner.

I work for them.

Look at what they're capable of.

I didn't know this place existed.

Hunters were killing people.

That's what I wanted to stop.

There's a lot you don't know.

Who are these kids? What's
wrong with them?

They were born with a
rare sclerotic bone disorder,

severe calcium buildup in the skull.

So they're human.

I don't understand.

He doesn't know.

You have a homemade lab.

You're conducting experiments.

Well, maybe you're cooking drugs.

Or bombs or worse.

No, no, it's just... it's just research.

I work for a pharmaceutical company.

We did a critical trial of a new drug.

There were some side effects.

They didn't show up until
some patients had children.

You caused birth defects.

Yeah, we did.

Hundreds of kids.

I took full responsibility.

I mean, that's why I
retired early, to try and help them.

I wanted to fix this.

That's what my research is about.

I just made what I think might
be a huge breakthrough.

I'm meeting with some
new investors this afternoon.

My last memory of you and Mom

is both of you being taken by the Quins.


Never heard that before.

The deformed Hunters.

The ones who attacked our house.

We call them Feelers.

They're Brother's
servants, like his bloodhounds.

Very dangerous.

How did you end up in
here if Musa took you?

You know Musa?

Brother number four.

We've met.

I know he's the leader of the Hunters.

Musa and I... we had a falling out.

Musa was becoming extreme in
his measures and I disagreed.

My life was in danger, so I left.

The humans caught me.

Here I am.

Finnerman did this to you?

So many over the years.

Not just me, other Hunters, too.

They're watching all of us.

I can't really blame
them for the experiments.

Humans are very curious, and
also easily frightened.

Quite nasty if you
don't answer their questions.


Was this man ever involved?

I've never seen him before.

A soldier brought me here.

Polynesian looking, had an accent.

This guy?

The one on the left?

He looks familiar, but I can't be sure.

Someone reached out to me
after I posted my results online,

but I never met them.

Oh, you
didn't think that was weird?

Random e-mail from a pharma exec?

Well, I vetted the
credentials as best as I could.

They're with a startup,
they seem well financed.

- And what do they want from you?
- Well, my research.

They have an interest in
skull and bone disorders.

They're on their way here now.

We need to roll, come on.

- Excuse me?
- You're in danger,

we're getting you out of here.

Gather your research. All of it.

There must be a
mistake, I'm just a retired...

Get your shit, now.

Flynn Carroll.

Flynn? It's me, Abby.

Hang on.

I'm in trouble.
I don't know what to do.

Just... just slow
down. Start from the beginning.

Musa wants me to do
something, but I don't think I can do it.

What does he want you to do?

Kill an innocent
person, and if I don't do it,

Musa will kill me.

What do you want from me?

I need you to come get
me, but it has to be now.

Abby doesn't want to turn herself in.

This is her play.

She's trying to lure you
away so she can snatch Martinez.

She sounded scared.

And Regan told me Abby let her escape.

And you believe that B.S.?

Man, we gotta strap you to the mast.

She was my wife. This is my call.


If Abby wants to come in, she will.

With or without you.

And if she doesn't,

you're not gonna have the
guts to do a thing about it.

Musa's planning something.

I'm worried a lot of innocent
people are gonna die.

There's innocents here, too.

I've been locked away a long time.


How many people are held here?



How many captives?

Just the one.

It would still be useful.

I don't know what to tell you.

Tell me about the Purge.

Nothing you should concern
yourself with.

Why are you still defending Musa?

He tried to kill you.

Your mother tried to kill me.

She's Musa's right hand.

She chose him over us.

The night the... Quins came,

your mother set us up to be captured.

Why would she do that?

'Cause Musa wanted me to
come in and I wouldn't.

I was planning to
leave the Hunters for good,

give you a new
life, free from all the...

Detour in the south hall.

Why didn't
Mom want to come with us?

To keep our family together?

Your mother and I were playing roles.

But I wasn't.

I wasn't, not when it came to you.

I'm your father, Alison.

And nothing, not even
Musa, could ever change that.

You okay?

You okay?



Something's going on.

We need to create a diversion.



Help us, someone, please!


What's going on?

I don't know.

Someone please!

Help her!

Help him! Please!

Dad? Dad?


Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?

Has a doctor seen you?

No, no, no, no, no, no...

No doctors.

Just butchers.

And of course, the
butcher queen herself.


She never told you.

Of course not.

The stench of her indecency.

Spare yourself, McCarthy, talk to us.

I tried talking.

Baseball, politics.

Hell, we even played trivia.

What do Nancy Sinatra, Freddie Mercury,

and Brittany Spears all have in common?

I don't know.

You people turn their
music into a misery.

Use it to torture prisoners.

At least Iron Maiden made sense.

You're a murderer, McCarthy.

Then kill me.

An eye for an eye.

That's one of your
commandments, isn't it, Elder Jackson?

My faith has nothing to do with this.

Your faith has
everything to do with this.


We know about the Purge.

Cooperate with us

and I will make sure you
are treated humanely.

Then Musa kills me for being a traitor.

I will protect you from
Musa and everyone else,

I give you my word.

Water, please.

Christ on the cross asked for water.

The least you could do is
give me a sponge soaked in vinegar.

God forgive us.

Too good for your own good.

Hi, Flynn.


The famous Abby.

You know, you're cute for a Guano.

It's all over.

And they say metal is dead.

You, head off
McCarthy, I'll get the doors!

No! You stay!

Let me out! Jackson!



No. No.

Come on.

Stay with me. Stay with me.

I want to see Flynn.

You don't think you've
messed with him enough?

Are you gonna kill me?

That'd be no fun.

Interrogation, on the other hand...

Hey, pack it up. Let's go.

You said clear it out.

I don't want to
leave behind any research.

What's wrong?

Something's not right.

Why the hell didn't you stop her?

I can't do my job properly
if you keep things from me.

You let our most prized asset get away.

If it wouldn't raise
questions about my facility,

you'd be out of a job right now.

What the hell were you thinking?

He was bleeding.

He was coughing up blood.

There were wounds all over him.

It was immoral, it was dirty,

and I don't want to
take any more part in it.

McCarthy is a liar and a serial killer.

He murdered his own offspring.

And what about Regan's father?

He clearly loves his
child, like a human.

And he wasn't spared torture.

Which is precisely
why I kept you out of it.

I know your
limitations, Truss, believe me.

Better than you do.

Now, you're not gonna
go and do anything foolish

like resign, are you?


We have a job to do.

Well, as long as you remain,

I require your subordination

and your discretion on this matter.

You have it.

As always.


Oh, and don't worry.

I've made sure that the deaths

of those young soldiers
today aren't on you.

Not on paper, at least.

Maybe if you weren't so doped up,

we'd still have Martinez.

And your sexy wife.

I should have handled Abby, not you.

Like you did at the hotel?

I would have brought her in this time.

Oh, bullshit.

You just had your shot. You let her go.

You still think she loves you.

Oh, whatever's in that medication,

that's some strong hooch.

You don't know shit about me.

You don't know shit about you.

You know that scar on your arm?

Jules had the same scar.

So did other Hunter victims.

Jackson didn't tell you?


Man up and face your
demons, if you even can.

Guano should have killed
you when they had the chance.

I'm back, Musa.

The humans held me
captive, but I escaped.

I've warned you to stop
with the injections,

the drug abusers.

I did.

Your recklessness caused
the deaths of two Hunters,

including your own child.

Yet another transgression,

attempting to breed in human form.

What do you care?

We're all expendable to you.

You're excluded from the Purge.

You can't do that!

You've become a demon!

Injecting human flesh has
made you sick in the mind!

Weak in the heart!

I can separate you from
your misery right now.

Or you do as I say, do you understand?

Know your place.

Forgive me, Musa.

You're my brother. I am your servant.

Your will is mine.