Hunters (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Pretending to See the Future - full transcript

In the fallout of the Hunter roundup, Jackson (Lewis Fitz-Gerald) and Finnerman (Sarah Peirse) are at odds with each other. The ETU's only hope of stopping The Purge is to make a risky move...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "Hunters"...

I saw something being
hauled in on a giant flatbed.

- A missile?
- Victor Karp.

- I'm Regan.
- Well, Agent Regan.

What are you gonna do with my blood?

Don't you worry your
pretty little head about that.

- I need to see you.
- You okay?

I've papers and photos
from those boxes in our house.

I know Abby isn't who
we thought she was.

Emme, I'm still the same person.

You're not a person.

Finnerman tried to bribe
me into containing Emme.

Can I please just call my dad?

Flynn is not your dad.

He's all I've got.

The Purge isn't what you think.

You're launching a nuclear attack on us.

We're not planning an attack.

We're trying to leave Earth.

Are you still getting direct orders

from Assistant Secretary Finnerman?

This is a kill mission.

All Hunters are to be shot on sight.

Regan is inside.

Agent Regan can't be trusted.

She's my agent, not yours.

You are no longer in command here.

Take your hands off me.

I have come to set you free!

Something's happening.

The Hunters have
released some kind of tear gas.

Come on.

Let's get you out of here.

Afraid for his brother.

Afraid for his family.

Afraid for his
belongings and his livelihood...


Took out the whole unit.

My God.

Patrol came across opium smugglers.

Around here?

Terrain is too rugged for a drug route.

40 miles west.

After the fight, the
patrol seized the opium

to bring back to base, but
they were hunted down.

Hunted down?

That doesn't sound like Taliban.

It wasn't Taliban.

The Defense Secretary trusts

will handle this with discretion.

It's a tragic loss for these men.

What you're about to see...

this changes everything, Truss.

In what regard?

For a start, your belief in God.


You all right?

I need to make a call, I'll be right in.

You got a lot jealous
looks on the way out.

Yeah, well, Brother
Patterson does tend to drone on.

Oh, please, you're being too kind.

The man is a sleeping pill in a suit.

I have no idea what's going on.

I need to call the Under Secretary

and explain my side of things.

Honey, we've talk about this.

Going over your boss's
head can only make things worse.

I can't sit on my hands.

I need to know my team's safe.

Oh, Truss, you and
Ruth go back 30 years.

You're integral to the unit.

She will put you back in charge.


I hope you're right.

But then you usually are, so.

Let's go back inside.

Sermon's almost over.

You'll be the envy of
the entire congregation.

Hey, I already am.

Federal authorities report

that the shooting spree was
conducted by a lone gunman.

Jeff Yang.

Yang, 38, killed 34 people
at a hotel in Rittman, Ohio.

Thank you.

Can I help you?

Howdy, I'm gonna need...

Not all conspicuous.

Best WiFi signal I could
find on this dinosaur

without going inside.

Relax, we drove all
night, no one's gonna find us.

Easy for you to say.

Finnerman didn't try to execute you.

You're hacking ETU?

To see if they
found the launch location.

And warn the Hunters.

You're not serious.

Abby said the Purge isn't an attack.

The Hunters are just
trying to return home.

Abby lies. She lies.

She can't be trusted.

An neither can the ETU.

Jackson's out.

Finnerman's running the show.

She's gonna kill everyone, Flynn.

Including you now
that you're helping me.

And if the Hunters are
planning a nuclear attack,

then thousands of
innocent human lives will be lost.

There's someone who knows.

Victor Karp, the arms dealer.

I need a burner phone and some lotion.

Whatever you can find.

No problem.

Musa's hurt, take him inside.



On the table.

We drove straight from the hotel,

got here as fast as we could.

He should be
healing, I don't understand.

The wound is too deep.

His human body needs human
medicine. Hold him down.

Is he going to be okay?


He saved us at the hotel.

- What were you doing there?
- Trying to help.

And I did.

They'll pay for this.

Got it.

You got what?

I heard a phone number
Karp dialed a few times.

Hunter hearing.

So where is he?

The number pings to Rochester.

New York?


There's a defense cluster there.

Makes sense, he's a weapons dealer.

If he isn't there, someone
who knows him is.

We find Karp, we find Musa.

Hey, no running, this is a parking lot.

I'm not running.

- I know, you were good.
- Hop in.

The others were running.

All right.

So are missionaries allowed
to use cell phones now?

Are you serious?

They're not?

Of course they are.

He's not wearing a name tag.

Take the kids, stay down.

All right, everybody out.

Change of plans.

Let's go, quickly and out.

That's the way, okay.

Let's go.



Let's go.

You're okay. You're okay.

Security threat
level is now threatcon Charlie.

The Hunters are
planning a nuclear attack,

but we have nothing.

Okay, I'm on it.

We are we with support?

DSP satellites and the PAWS radar array

are monitoring the airspace
that Hunters tried to clear.

I want updates on the tens.

We're you able to
track this morning's breach?

Agent Regan tired to cover her tracks.

She's using an old operating system.

She probably pickup
a second-hand laptop.

But it's definitely her.

Should I notify Commander Jackson?

Steph, are you aware of what
happened to your predecessor?

Jules leaked critical information

while under Commander Jackson's watch.

We cannot allow that
scenario to repeat itself.

So you will report directly to me

on Agent Regan's whereabouts.

Only me, understood?

Yes, ma'am.


- Are you trying to kill me?
- Sorry.

Liana should be doing this.

I need Liana to finalize the operations.

Maybe we should delay the Purge.

We can't.

The humans are closing in.

But you're not well.

And you're not getting better.

They did something to me

at the hotel.

They released a biological weapon,

or a virus, something into the air.

The humans want my body.

Because you can heal yourself?

Except I can't now.

No, for other purposes.

The entirety of Hunter knowledge.

Culture, language, technology.

Everything that Hunters are or will be

is contained inside me.

The humans want my core.

McCarthy must be helping them.

That is why he disappeared.

The snake.

There are traitors everywhere.

Perhaps amongst us.

Gather everyone, I must
determine their loyalty.

You're not well, you should rest.


The last call was eight minutes ago.

Cell number pings to here.

A medical center.

We shouldn't be handling
this without backup.

You think Jackson is
gonna help either of us now?

He's out of the ETU.

Yeah, well, helping you escape

was probably not the best career move.

I never thanked you for that.

Still haven't.

I'm just relieved no one was hurt.

Where's your family now?

- They're safe.
- But you're not.

Where are you? I'll send protection.

I'm mobile.

The Hunters tried to kill my family.

They used a sonic bomb
similar to one they used

in D.C. Mall.

I was out of line at the hotel.

Yes. You were.


I want back in.

Well, I'd be lying if I said

I couldn't use your help.

But I cannot have you
undermine my decisions.

No, of course not, I... I was wrong.

I want you to know I completely
accept whatever it's gonna take

to win this war.

Well, I'm very glad to hear that.

Remember the Marshall farm?

Safe house off Route 41.

I'll meet you there. One hour.

I'll see you then.

And, Ruth...


Thank you.

I'm just glad you're back.

Passenger seat.

That's one of Karp's guards.

Karp must be in the back.

Let's go get him.

I'll lure them out of the car.

You grab Karp.

Hey, asshole, take it easy!

- You're driving too close.
- What's your problem, man?

Where's Karp?

My dad?

We got his kid.

Where's your dad?

He's sick, look at him.

We got to move.

Come on out.

Which number is your dad's?

He's gonna kill you... both.

Pablo, in case you haven't noticed,

we got the leverage here.

And in case you haven't noticed,

I'm already dying.

Tell me his number.

You've got the phone, figured out.

Ugh, little shit.

You, uh, want to watch some TV?

Uh, some porn, sure.

So what's wrong with you?

Leukemia. And I went off my meds.

I'm no doctor, but that
sounds like a bad idea.

Yeah, well, I've got to clean
my system for a new treatment.

It's like super advanced.

My dad says the
injection is gonna cure my cancer.

Injection... of what?

I don't know, but
nobody's ever tried it.


I'm the first.

Karp took some of my blood.

Hunters heal faster than humans.

But it doesn't mean that Hunter blood

can cure cancer.

If it were my kid, I'd try anything too.

Pablo, we don't want
you getting any sicker.

Then let me go, that might help.

We will, I promise.

And then you can take your new
treatment and get better.

Just as soon as we talk to your dad.

What I'm saying is we need
as much liquid as possible.

Hard assets. Gold. Cash.

We'll hold till the fallout's cleared

and the market's back up.

Pablo, you all right?

It's almost time for your treatment.

The treatment is on hold.

Who is this?

Oh, you don't recognize my voice.

I'm disappointed, Karp.

I though Liana was supposed to kill you.

Tell me where the launch is

and your boy lives.

Fu... you.

I want to talk to my son, put him on.


Are you okay?

Did they hurt you?

No, I'm okay, but they're assholes.

Where's the launch?

I want my son released to me in person.

And then I'll tell you.

I don't have time for that.

This is non-negotiable.

I'll text an address where we can meet.

Now, listen, Regan.

You hurt my son and I
will slaughter everyone

you ever met in your entire life.


Liana's daughter has got my son.

You want to partner up,

you show me what you got to offer.


The cavalry's arrived.

Good to see you, Briggs.

You too, sir.

Heard what the
Guanos tried to pull on you.

Yeah, retaliation for the hotel.

Well, that's ironic.

How so?

You tried to stop it from happening.

Where's Finnerman?

She's on her way.

Didn't want to take any chances.

Sent me to watch your back.

Good, I could use the company.

Let's get inside.

Pablo, did you bring any
medication with you?

Just the injection.

I don't feel so good.

Hey, hey, hey.

What do we do?

It's a seizure, we got
to keep him on his side.

We could use the injection.

We can't make him a guinea
pig for an experimental drug.

But if we don't anything, he might die.

We're no better than Musa

if we gamble with this kid's life.

He's no use to us dead.

Is he?

How do you like your coffee?


Any news on the launch location?

Nothing yet.

Still searching.

Well, that's no
good. Time's running out.

I'm sure Finnerman will
have a contingency plan.

She always does.

Up, soldier.

How'd you know?

I suspect Finnerman when
the bomb went off.

I knew for certain the
minute she sent me here.

Regan was right.

You're Finnerman's boy.

You could've killed me when I drove up.

Wanted to make sure.

Wouldn't want to kill an innocent man.

Nobody's innocent.

My family is.

Doesn't look like Hunter blood.

It's Hunter blood all right,
they just did something to it.

You sure about this?

No. But he was gonna inject it anyway.

If we don't help him, he's going to die.

Where are you going?

To get a decent WiFi signal.

Now that we have Karp's cell
number, I can track him.

See when he's getting close.

Well, let's hope Pablo gets better

before dear old dad arrives.

Or we'll get nothing out of Karp.

Emme, sweetie,
there's a call for you.

There you go.


Hey, Emme, it's me.

Why didn't you call my cell?

I, uh, lost my phone

and couldn't remember your new number.

I'm sorry.

You okay?

Yes, why wouldn't I be?

- Are you?
- Of course.

I'm just checking in.

We haven't talked since...

Since Abby. You can't even say her name.

I don't care if your
if you're mad at her.

I still love her.

It's very confusing.

One day she's supposed to be dead,

then she's not.

And now she's... something else.

- Emme.
- I know.

I know.

Part of my brain understands
intellectually what's going on.

But the other part is sad and lonely.

And I just want her to come home.

But she's not coming home, is she?

I don't know.

I'm just trying to do what's right by us.

You have to believe that.

I'll see you soon.

I hope so.

We're close...

to ending over 30 years of toil.

Three long decades on this cold planet,

but no more.

We've worked so
hard. Sacrificed so much.

Our time has come.

We won't let anything stop us.

We can already tell Hunters from humans.

This is a demonstration of loyalty.

We must be comforted

that no humans walk among us.

Only the loyal will Purge.

One of us.

Now, everyone else,
prove yourselves as our kind.


His fever's gone.


We'll me him soon.

What are we going to do about the kid?

We stall him until, uh, Pablo wakes up.

If he wakes up.

The Purge isn't going to wait

so neither should we.

We don't have a choice.



How are you doing?

You gave me the injection?

We did.

You feeling any better?

I feel good.

All right, just take it easy.

Actually, you look good.

Don't encourage him.

No, but I can feel it.

The cancer's gone.


Oh, my God.

Did we just cure cancer?

This is amazing!

This is amazing!

Thank you! Thank you!

Yeah, sure.

I'm gonna tell my dad you saved my life.

He'll give you anything you want now.

Now we're talking.


It burns...

No, no, no, no, no!

Oh, Pablo, shit.

One, two, three, four.
He's not breathing.

No, Pablo, no!

I didn't push that hard.

Oh, shit.

There's only one way out
of here to you, Jackson.

You know that better than anyone.

It's nothing personal.

Just following protocol?

ETU started out this way.

Containment no matter the cost or loses.

I had nothing to do with the bombing.

Don't think being Finnerman's boy

offers you any sort of protection.

I don't care if I die.

You have no attachment to this world

because Hunters
killed the one you loved.

Now, you make my wife a
widow, you will destroy her

as surely as if you killed her.

My children, my grandchildren too.

You hate the
Hunters, but if you kill me...

you're no better than they are.

I hope Karp shows.

It's all for
nothing if he doesn't.

Look, it wasn't our fault.

Pablo had terminal cancer.

And he was gonna take
the injection anyway.

But it was my blood that killed him.

No. You were trying to help him.

If anyone's to blame, it's Karp.

Where did he get the dumb idea

to inject his son with
Hunter blood anyway?


Karp will be armed to the teeth.

First thing he'll do when he gets here

is look for Pablo.

When he pulls up and doesn't see him,

we got 10... maybe 20
seconds to take him.

Here we go.


Get out of the car!


The hell you doing here, McCarthy?

How's the boy?

You told Karp that Hunter
blood will cure his son.

Might've cured him.
But I ain't no doctor.

Piece of shit.

Careful now.

That thing's loaded.

What do you want?

I want what you want, to stop Musa.


Why the change of heart?

You know, shoot yourself
up with a few junkies

and you're no longer
welcomed at the diner table.

I got the boot from team Musa.

Exiled like some E.T. Polanksi.

Kicked to curb, yo.

But Victor Karp, now, that
is a man with vision, huh?

He saw my potential.

And I saw his.

I think we got ahead
together, what do you say?

I'll tell you where launch is.

In exchange, I get immunity.

How about in exchange

I don't shoot you in the face?

You just beheaded a man.

You get nothing.

Hey, Karp!

Where's the launch?

Oh, hey, wait, where's your body?

You're sick.


Or you get nothing.

Screw him. He's up to something.

With Karp dead, he's all we got.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, little mice.

Before the clock strikes
12 and Earth goes boom!

I don't trust him.

Tell us the location.

If it checks out,

then we talk immunity.

See, here's the thing.

I'll only tell Jackson.


He's the only critter I trust.

They have proven they are Hunter.

No one can know their hearts.

You feel vulnerable
because you were attacked.

That was the humans.

Everyone here would die for you.

I know I would.

You're a good soldier.

Loyal to our kind.


Unlike myself.

You are our Brother.

I gather my people like a
shepherd herds his flock.

But I have lead them to the slaughter.

They're going to sabotage the launch.

Musa, the ETU doesn't know where we are.

We're safe.

No. Not the ETU.

There's a greater threat.

I thought they were all dead,

but they're not.

They're here.

Who's here?

The Exalted.

It's time.

We are going home.

Karp's son, Pablo, has gone missing.

But his phone logged its most
recent call near Baltimore.

My theory,

Regan wants Karp, she finds the kid,

holds him as leverage.


Hence theory.

Fairly certain that's a synonym.

Where exactly is Karp Junior's phone?

You believe Regan has it on her now?

Agent Regan has become a
liability to this unit.

A containment issue.

Would that stop you from
giving me the coordinates

of her currently whereabouts?

No, ma'am. It's my job.

The Hunters must be stopped.

We do what has to be done.

This is just...

It's unbelievable.

And a grave threat.

We don't know where they came from,

what they want, how many there are.

We know nothing about these creatures.

Except that they're deadly hunters.

They slaughtered our soldiers like sheep.

Tore their guts out.

Truss, you and I've
been fighting side-by-side

for 20 years.

Communists, extremists, terrorists.

Now I need you to help fight

whatever the hell this damn thing is.

I'll do whatever it takes.

I know you will.

Well, whatever did this
was injured in the fight,

escaped but didn't get far.

And the shepherd found the body?

And witnessed the attack.

If he talks and it gets
back to local authorities,

it'll be difficult to contain.

We can't let this get out.

No, we can't.

Echo Protocol.

Briggs betrayed me.

Take a seat, Ruth.

Briggs was loyal.

I told him we'd work it out and
I appealed to his conscious.

You remember what that is, right?

I did what I had to do.

My family, Ruth.

My wife.

My grandchildren.

That was a complication.

That was not my intention, I assure you.

You dressed an agent as a missionary.

He was under clear
instructions to avoid civilian...

In the parking lot of
my place of worship.

Well, for what it's worth, I'm
sorry it happed that way.

From day one, we've
been killing the innocent

just to protect a secret.

To protect a nation.

I will not apologize for
defending my country.

It's my duty.

And you above all
people should understand that.

But at what cost?

At any cost.

Our lives.

Our future. Our way of life.

The dirtier we fight,

the more I wonder if
we're worth defending.

Don't give me that Nietzsche bullshit.

We're not becoming
monsters fighting monsters.

We are doing
precisely what needs to be done

in the defense of a country.

Like my father did and
his father before him.

What you perceive as compromise,

future generations will
see as sacrifice.

You and I are heroes.

And if we're really lucky,

the world will never even
know what we've done for them.

Heroes don't kill innocent people.

They do what needs to be done

despite the cost to their
conscious or otherwise.

Let's find another way.


There is no place for compassion

against this enemy.

You know there was a time

when you could make the hard decisions.

But you can't anymore and that's okay.

There's no shame in that.

But I can still make those decisions.

It's the only way we're
gonna win this war.

You're right. You're right.

I'm sorry, Ruth.