Hunters (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - The Beginning & the End - full transcript

When the wife of troubled FBI agent Flynn Carroll goes missing, the trail leads to a shadowy group of international terrorists known as Hunters. To find his wife, Flynn joins forces with ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
("maid of orleans" playing)



♪ if joan of arc ♪

♪ had a heart ♪

♪ would she give it ♪

♪ as a gift ♪

♪ to such as me ♪

♪ who longs to see ♪

♪ how a legend ought to be ♪

(helicopter whirring)

intel confirms three targets.

Repeat this is
a capture mission.

Get the guanos and go,
copy that.

Time to nut up,
corn flake.


♪ fire for the hills

♪ pick up your feet
and let's go ♪

♪ oh head for the hills

♪ pick up steel
on your way ♪

♪ and when you find a piece
of them in your sight ♪

♪ fire at will

♪ don't you waste no time

♪ another thought
of the unaware ♪

♪ addiction in disguise

All clear.

maintain communication
and clear your sector,

Return to position.

Move it out.

Watch yourself.




I think I saw something.

I'm going down to two.

No, we go together.

we wait, we could lose them.

I'm going in.

regan, return to your team
at checkpoint alpha.

Regan, give me
your position.

She's not responding.

Always a team player.

I'm going down
to get her.

Meet me back at alpha.


Page, are you there?

(short electrical buzz)

(short electrical buzz)


(radio beep)

Regan, give me
your position.

Regan, give us
your position.

We got our dicks flapping
in the wind up here.


(screeching, clicking)

we heard shots fired.

Page, what's your position?


we're under attack.

I'm going after regan.

Page, say again.



(clicking, fighting)






♪ I'm calling for you

♪ you are why

♪ I'm still breathing

♪ for you

(muffled thumping)

I hear something.

Are you sure?

There's someone

Maybe it's your
hearing aid acting up.

I'm sure.

(distant thump)

All right, all right,
I got it.

Go check on emme.



Hey ab, did you leave
the window open?

No, why?

We got ourselves
an intruder.

Hey, hey...

Come on, let's go.

what are you doing?

Putting him back where
he belongs.

What? No.

He's so young
and he's all alone.

Abs, he'll be fine.

You got enough
on your plate.

You can't keep every
stray we find.

(floor creaking)


(door closes)

How could you say that
in front of her?

I didn't mean her.

You need to apologize
to her... Now.

Of course.

I'll meet you
back upstairs.


We're not keeping the cat.


(knocking on door)

I'm sorry about what I said.

I wasn't talking
about you, I promise.

Come on, emme,
say something.

Shut the door, please.



Good night.

Preliminary exam

These bodies match
those previously found.

I need full forensics.

The more we know about
how our team took them out,

The safer we'll be
on our next op.

And agent page, sir?

We'll handle
his autopsy internally.

I'll notify
his loved ones,

Cover why we need
a closed casket.

In case you're in any doubt
as to my opinion,

The loss of page
is unacceptable.

Full disclosure--

Page's death was
completely avoidable.

Was our intel bad?

She was.

It's a mother lode
of information.

Coahuila was
a calcium carbonate plant

Before they shut it down.

Drug traffickers use that
to cut heroin.

It's actually limestone,

No signs of
any drugs, sir,

But the place
was creepy as shit.

We found a cage
full of rabbits.

And whatever the hell
that thing is.

what we do know is this--

Coahuila cell
was part of

A larger
terrorist network.

The hunter threat
is imminent.

We need to find a link
to their leadership.

Stop the hunters
before they strike again.

(radio announcer)
after a highly successful

That resulted in
the shutting down of

The largest heroin producing
ring in the state,

The fbi now finds itself
the subject of investigation.

The "washington post"
is reporting that

An internal inquiry
was launched today prompted

By a number
of complaints about

A highly decorated
key officer involved

In that heroin task force.

In other news,
the royals won over the angels

And now have a 1-0 lead in
the three game series.

agent carroll, this
is an official inquiry

And you are on record.

How's the counseling

It's not mandatory.

No medication
for your ptsd?

Doing anything at all
to help yourself?

Walking along
the beach at sunset.

What about dauson's

Your partner dies,
you take in his kid.

Emme's got nothing
to do with this.

She's got issues
of her own.

That's gotta be
a lot of stress.

I said... It's got nothing
to do with emme.


(piano playing)

my favorite piece.

We'll start on it
next week.

Thanks, abby.

(lock latches)

three cell phones
seized in the raid.

Each received the same photo
an hour before the raid.


Yeah, top notch.
Rsa 4096.

I ran it through
the nsa's quantum.

They just upgraded to eight
kilocubics, greedy bastards.

I don't know
what that means.

It means I got this--

Abby carroll, 32.
Piano teacher.


(line ringing)

(flynn, recording)
this is agent carroll,
leave a message.

Babe, it's me.

Don't forget the wine.

And don't be late.


It's okay, I'm right here.


(light tapping)

Who's there?

They say that music is
the strangest form of magic.

You know who
said that?

Marilyn manson.

I saw him at the bowery
in new york last summer.

Say what you will
about the guy's music,

He's one hell of a showman.

Wanna hear my magic,

don't hurt me.

On the contrary,
I am here to help you.

What about these,

What about these
sonic crutches?

We don't need 'em,
do we, abby?



We'll just...

Turn it up.



Please, no.

(sharp whirring)


Hey, babe, sorry I'm late.

Traffic was crazy.

I got the wine--
hey, where's abby?

She's not here.

She's not upstairs.

That's weird.

Her car's in the driveway.

We got that potluck.

(phone ringing)

(line ringing)

I need to report
a missing person.

Yeah, it's been 48 hours.

I appreciate that.

I'm sure she will too.


I, uh, saved you
some anchovy.

Are you okay?

Yeah, not even close.

We're gonna find her.

I need to practice.

Abby gave me
a new piece of music.

I want it to be good
when she comes home.

Externally, the subject presents
as a human male,

30 years of age.

But as with previous
hunter specimens,

The similarity
to humans ends here.

As observed in previous

There is an outer layer
of human integumentary

And vascular system,
including blood and skin.

The ribcage is cross-braced,
with two resident chambers

Below the ribs
in place of lungs.

(saw whirring)

The heart is held
in place by tendons

Thicker than those
found in humans,

Possibly the result
of evolution

In a stronger gravitational

My god.

This subject sustained
severe injury

From a gunshot
to the face.

But it didn't
kill him?

Uh, a sonic blast to the cranial
region was the cause of death.

We're lucky
we only lost one man.

move your feet, come on,
move your feet!

Keep your hands high.

Higher, that's good.

That's it, that's it.

(grunting throughout)

(door opens)

flynn? I'm home.


Where've you been?

I've been
worried sick.

(abby chuckling)

(gunshots, shouting)







There you are.

You scared the hell
out of me.

So you do care.

I thought you only
wanted me for my ritalin.

(shaking bottle)

A policeman came
to the house today.

And he asked me a lot
of questions about you and abby.

Like what?

Like, if you guys
fight a lot.

If you've ever hurt her,
things like that.

It was like he thought
you did something to abby.

What do you think?

I think
he was an asshole.

It's true.

You would never
hurt abby.

I mean, if you wanted
someone gone, it would be me.

I need to ask you

And you need
to tell me the truth.


Is there anything
that she was doing

That I didn't
know about?


Last Friday, abby was late
when she picked up me at school.

She said she went to
a music store in dundalk,

But when we got in the car
I saw this.

That's, like, in the total
opposite direction.

arrive at 1445 quaker ridge
road in 45 minutes.

abby carroll.

Reported missing
less than 24 hours

After her picture was sent to
the coahuila cell.

Could be a sleeper agent.

Or an innocent

Whoever she is, she's also
married to an fbi agent.

Flynn carroll.

Did two tours of afghanistan
before joining the bureau.

Spent some time with jttf,
mostly narcotics.

Undercover of late.

He's being investigated

For questionable behavior.

A fed.

He's gonna be sticking his nose
in our business.

Well, we won't let
that happen, will we?

(school bell ringing,

(playing stops)

(playing resumes)

(plays discordant notes,

(breathing heavily)

(door opens)

We have a lead on
the carroll surveillance.

Could be another cell.

but when we got in the car,
I saw this.

arrive at 1445 quaker ridge
road in 45 minutes.

All right, pull the thread,
see where it leads.

Eyes only,
1445 quaker ridge road.


(music continues
in the distance)


(cell phone vibrating)


Mr. Carroll?

This is principal sherman.

I'm afraid emme has had
another... Incident.

How bad is it?

She'll be fine, but...

Coupled with
her spectrum disorder,

I'm afraid self-harming
is not something

That we're equipped for here.

We need to look
at another option.

I'll be there
as soon as I can.

(music continues
in the distance)

♪ to such as me ♪

♪ who longs to see ♪

♪ how a legend ♪

♪ ought to be ♪

pretty boy's going in.

Jackson said eyes only.


♪ had dreams to give ♪

♪ her heart away ♪

♪ like an orphan ♪

♪ along the way ♪

♪ she cared so much ♪

♪ she offered-- ♪

(music stops)

(distant door closes)



Fbi. Turn around!

Put your hands
where I can see 'em!

Turn around!



be quiet.

As quiet
as a church mouse.

Abby-- where is she?

She's gone, and you'll
never see her again.

You took my wife,


My, my, my,
such strong language.


(footsteps above)


I've got him.
Get in the car! Go!

(flynn gasping)




Who are you?

Agent briggs.

We're on
the same side.

I'm looking
for your wife.


Don't believe me?
Ask my boss.

He's very keen
to meet you.


(car door opens)

Agent carroll.

I'll be handling
your debriefing.


Who the fu--
are you people?

Agents regan and briggs
work for me.

My name's truss jackson.

I'm commander of
joint task force wotan.

Though, we prefer
to call ourselves

The exo-terrorism


I worked in

I never heard of any
exo-terrorism unit.

The e.T.U. Deals with
the kinds of terrorists

Other agencies aren't
equipped to handle.

Like the ones we believe
are responsible

For the disappearance
of your wife.

You think terrorists
kidnapped my wife?

She's a piano teacher.

How did you find
that farmhouse?

By reading
a fortune cookie.

Did you see
the men inside?

Could you identify
the suspects

Inside the farmhouse?

I couldn't make 'em
in a lineup,

But I got a glimpse.

One guy had dreads.

The other two looked
like burn victims.

Who are they?

It's classified.

Tell me what they
have to do with my wife.

I'm not at liberty
to say.


Do those bastards
have my wife?

Go home.

Get some rest.

We'll talk
some more later.


Emme, I'm sorry
I couldn't pick you up.

Principal sherman
brought me home.

She's not as much of a bitch
as I thought she was.

What happened?

A girl asked why I
wasn't crying about abby.

And I don't know.

So I hurt myself.

There's a therapeutic
boarding school--

Boarding school?
Therapeutic boarding school.

Abby and I were looking into it
after your last incident.

Emme, I'm sorry.

Now that abby's gone,
you're getting rid of me

Just like
you always wanted.

That isn't true.

You promised my dad.

He was your partner.

You promised him.
You're a liar.
I know.

Liar! Liar!

liar! Liar! Liar!

Emme, no, no,
no, no, no.

Hey, hey.
Hey. Hey.


I don't want to stay
with you anyway.


Let go of me!


(door closes)

you want some help?


Hey, emme.


carroll is a skilled agent
and a nosy one at that.

More importantly,
his wife seems to mean

Something to
the hunters.

And then there's the business
of the scar.


I understand.

He is a risk.

All right.

I'll handle it.

(phone beeps)

(single piano key plays)

(doorbell ringing)

Agent carroll.

You find my wife?

Then what is it?

Your transfer
to homeland security.

Homeland security?

It's a cover.

Welcome to the e.T.U.

all personnel are cleared
for classified operations.

Briggs here comes courtesy of
australian special ops command.

With your skills
and experience,

You'll be an excellent

For an agent we just lost.

That's not
a great sales pitch.

What I'm about
to show you

Is known only
to this unit

And a handful of people
at the top of the d.O.D.

This information remains
classified, period.

Are we clear?


Yes, sir.

The terrorists we're chasing
aren't human.

We used to say the same thing
about the hajis.

Not like that.

This hunter
and two others

Were part of a cell
hiding out in an abandoned

Calcium carbonate refinery
in kentucky.

They were part of a larger,
international organization.

The u.S. Government
first became aware

Of their existence
in 2009.

This some kind of hoax?

Does this look
like a hoax to you?


(breathing heavily)

hunter number seven,

Aka lionel mccarthy.

He's a professional dj who uses
the name cymatic society.

Have we reached out
to t.S.C.?

Mccarthy's on
their watch list.

He may attempt to travel
to the middle east,

Where as far as we know,
brother number four is based.

that's their leader.

He's like the bin laden
of little green men.

if mccarthy's
on the no-fly list,

He won't get
past security.

Or an x-ray machine.

He wont have to get past
all of them, just one.

Randall slavich runs security
at an airport near d.C.

We suspect
he's a sleeper agent.

we've been monitoring
his communications for weeks,

And our surveillance
turned up nothing

Until last night,
when slavich received

This link from mccarthy
via mccarthy's spotify chat.

("maid of orleans" playing)

That song was playing
in the farmhouse.

O.M.D., orchestral
manoeuvres in the dark.

'80s british
new wave group.

They did that song,
"if you leave."

It was in, uh,
"pretty in pink"

In the last scene,
when andie--

My guess is that
it's an encoded message.

I think mccarthy's
telling slavich

That he needs help
getting out of the country.

slavich's next shift
starts in four hours.

We're gonna take a team, stake
it out, see if mccarthy shows.

Abby carroll may turn up
with mccarthy.

and if she does?

She's to be apprehended
and held for interrogation.

That is all.
Let's go, people.

Let's bring 'em in
this time.

Hunters use
sonic weapons.

The two-eighty.

That's two-eighty
as in--

Well, look at you
with the science.

E.T.U. Weapons
are reverse engineered

Using hunter guns
that we've seized.

Battery snaps out,
in, like so.

Aim for the head.
That's how you take one down.

There'll be a muffled sound,
some kickback.

You'll get used
to the feel.

Like spooning a lover.

A gun that shoots

we don't know
where they come from.

Could be space.
No one knows for sure.

What we do know is that
hunters don't come in peace.

Stay calm, keep focused
and whatever you do,

Stay the hell away
from this one.

(jet engine roaring overhead)

p.A. Announcements)

She had a secret.

Your wife.

you didn't know.

Something that
got her caught.

You don't know
anything about abby.

hiding something.

Sir, you need
to hear this.

On the surface,
just another lame remix,

But when we pull
the tracks apart,

That's when things
get interesting.



Those clicks were on the tape
from the coahuila factory.

Yeah, we'll see.
We'll start cracking it.

That's not all, sir.

There was another track
buried in the song.

No code,
no attempt to hide it.

What is it?
It's a warning, sir.

this is a warning
from our leader,

Dear brother number four.

This is his one
and only warning,

So sit up and listen close.

For years we have remained
hidden amongst you,

Watching, waiting.

We take nothing
without reason.

What we want
is good and right.

It's what we've
been waiting for.

Their first direct

And it's a damn

Our cause is just.

The end justifies our means.

Love swings the hammer.

Blood will be shed.

You will bleed,
you will cry,

And you will die.

You will not be safe.

You will pay the price.

We are many,
we are everywhere,

And we are angry.

The end begins now.



Mccarthy's here,
headed to security.


Looks like.
Stay with him.

We're on him.

We're at baggage
carousel one.

Slavich's letting mccarthy
through a secure door.

We're in pursuit.



briggs, slavich's been hit.

He's heading to
the service hangar.

I'm on my way.





Slavich, stop!

Tell me where
my wife is.

Tell me!

Tell me where
my wife is,

Or I'll blow
your damn head off.



Hello, allison.


You can't stop us.

We're inside.

Inside what?

The e.T.U.

We're inside.

They're using you.


Where's regan?
Where's mccarthy?


What a fine and fearsome
creature you are.

in every way.

You don't know me.

Oh, but I do.

I know what's inside
of both of us,

And I know how badly
it wants to come out.

Go on. Shoot me.

Spill my blood,
then lick it up,

And then run with me
like the animal you are.



he's got a gun!


Holy shit.

He escaped.
He got a shot off first.

damn it.
