Hunter (1984–1991): Season 6, Episode 20 - Hunter - full transcript

Hunter & McCall's investigation of three separate murders is complicated by reports from a man who claimed he forsaw each murder.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Tonight on "Hunter."

-I saw the murders
before they happened.

I have premonitions.

I think the killer's gonna
strike again tonight.

-You think this guy's really
got a pipeline to the future?

-I can't explain
it, but I think he

knows what's going to happen.

-Hold it!

-You weren't gonna get
the money for your dime bag

so you killed her.

-That's not the
way it went at all!

Did she scream?

-I didn't see.

-I didn't see her!


Oh, hi.

How are you?

Oh, sure.

I'll take the
flight to St. Louis.

No problem.

What's my turn around?

Sounds great.

Oh, yeah.

The new house is great.

You know I haven't even
had a chance to unpack yet?

No, I'm gonna have a
party in a couple of weeks.

A house-warming.

I'll send you an invite.


Buh bye.

-She took a nasty blow to
the backside of the head.

Figure she died around
9 or 10 o'clock last night.

-How soon could I get an
autopsy report on her, Barney?

-Well, pretty well backed up.

Uh, probably a day or two.

-OK. yeah. thanks.

Appreciate it.

-Miss Benson moved
in here only last week.

I met her for the
first time yesterday.

She invited me for breakfast.

-What time did you
come here in the morning?

9:00 AM sharp.

I rang the bell, but
she didn't answer.

I got worried and
came around back.

And that's when I found her.


-Well, did you hear
anything unusual last night

or this morning?

-No, nothing at all.

It's a terrible shame.

She seemed like
such a nice neighbor.

-Mrs. Shaw, thank you very much.

Uh, we'll be in touch.

-Any time, Sergeant.

-What did you get?

-Not much.

Victim just moved in.

She was an airline pilot.


Well, we don't
have much to go on.

Our work's cut out for us.

Sir, excuse me,
you're gonna have

to stand behind the yellow line.

Are you all right?

-Yeah, I, I'm fine.

I'm, I'm sorry.

Violence always upsets me.

-Sandy was a real inspiration.

She was the youngest
woman in our company's history

to make it to the
captain's chair.

She was a role model for me.

-She sounds like she
was a very special person.

-She was.

I don't understand why
someone would kill her.

-Was she having
difficulties with anybody

that she knew in her life?

-I was one of her best friends.

She never said anything to me.

-What about a boyfriend?

-She wasn't dating
anyone special.

-What about problems
with coworkers?

Anybody there?


She seemed to make
friends with everyone.

I just can't believe
that anyone who

knew Sandy would ever kill her.

It had to be a stranger.

-If you think of
anything, anything at all,

please call me at
that number, will you?


-It's not fair, Sergeant.

Sandy worked for
years to make captain

and buy a place of her own.

Someone took it all away
from her in just a few seconds.

She deserved better than that.

-You see, just what I thought.

Barney ruled out rape.

-Well, it wasn't robbery.

Maybe it was random.

-Well, no, I don't think so.

Whoever killed her knew
when she'd be home.

I think he was
there waiting for her.

-Sergeant Hunter?


-Sergeant McCall?

My name is John Skouros.

-Oh, yeah.

You were the gentleman
at, uh, Miss Spencer's house,

weren't you?

-The lady who was
killed in the pool.

She wasn't the first.

-What do you mean
she wasn't the first?

-Another woman was
killed two weeks ago.

Another one a month before that.

-Well, do you know
who these women are?

You know their names?

-Yes, I, I have the
newspaper stories right here.

Jane Murphy and Susan Louis.

You can check it
out for yourselves.

And, uh, I, I saw it.

-You witnessed
the actual killings?

-Not exactly.

I have, I have premonitions.

I saw the murders
before they happened.

-So you're saying that one
person killed all these women.

-I, I think that's
the case, yes.

-Do you know what
this person looks like?

-All I get are
disjointed images.

The victim's face,
sometimes an address,

numbers, sometimes a name.

Maybe a sense of
where it'll happen,

or some detail of the killing.

With Miss Spencer, it was water.

-I see.

Well, OK.

Thank you.

We'll look into it.

-I think the killer is going
to strike again tonight.

-What makes you think this
guy isn't absolutely bonkers?

I mean, I had an uncle once
thought he was Abraham Lincoln.

-Well, look, I know
it is a long shot,

but this guy could
be onto something.

He seems sincere enough.

-What was it that he said
about another murder?

-Oh, he says that the
victim will be female,

a strawberry
blonde, she's running.

There's broken
glass on the ground.

There's a silver car.

And there's a computer
screen, and something

about a readout of numbers.

Come on.

How are you gonna check
out something like that?

-Well look, you can't obviously
until another murder goes down,

but look, police departments
use psychics all the time.

-Yeah, maybe in
the suburbs of Nepal.

And then if they
have a track record.

This guy walked
in off the streets.

We don't know him from a madman.

Look, unless Mr. Skouros
comes up with some specific facts,

I think the smart thing
to do is cut him loose.

-Mr. Skouros, we're gonna
run the names of the two girls

you told us about and, uh, we'll
keep an eye on things for you.

-He doesn't believe me, does he?

-Well, it's not that.

-It's OK.

I'm used to it.

I just hope I'm
wrong about tonight.

-Jane Murphy was
killed six weeks ago.

She was on a
building site at night.

Some one cut her throat.

-Oh, what about Susan Louis?

-Two weeks ago Miss Louis
was doing electrical work

after hours at an
industrial plant.

She was attacked and strangled.

No indication of
sexual assault though.

-Let me see the Spencer file.


There you go.


Let's see what we got.

Now we know Jane
Murphy's a structural engineer.

Susan Louis was
a skilled electrician.

And Sandra Spencer
here was an airline pilot.

-Nothing in common
there, is there?

-Well, except for one thing.

All the victims were the
same age, or thereabouts,

and they were all quite
successful at doing jobs

you normally
associate men doing.

-Oh, no.

-Somebody broke into it?

-Yeah, looks that way.

Better call the police.

-I'll do it when I get home.

-Ah, you better
not touch anything.

You might destroy
the fingerprints

of the person
who ripped you off.

-I guess you're right.

-There's a payphone on the
other side of the tennis courts.

Come on, I'll show you.

-Yeah, sure.

-What'd they take?

-Oh, the radio and my purse.

The worst part was that model.

-Oh, yeah I noticed it.

What's that about?

-Well, it's my project.

I'm an architect.

That was four weeks work.

-Lilly Dennison, 32 years old.

Beaten around
the face and chest.

Figure she died
about 8:30 last night.

Might tell you more
after the autopsy.

-She's an architect.

Had her own firm.

-Yeah, she did.

Thanks, Barney.

-Thanks a lot, Barney.

All right.

See you later.

-All right, Hunter.

So she was a strawberry
blonde, the back window of the car

was smashed.

There's your broken glass.

And the car was a silver
color just like Mr. Skouros said.

-Yes, because he envisioned it.

-No, it's because he did it.

Pick him up.

-Why me?

-Look, Mr. Skouros, you
are now a prime suspect

in four homicides.

-He's killed again.

It's horrible.

-I'd call it one hell
of a coincidence.

-Now look, Mr. Skouros,
where were you

last night between
5:30 and 7:30.

-I didn't kill her.

-Yeah, OK.

You didn't kill her, but
where were you last night?

-Last night I was at my
doctor's for my regular treatment.

I have, I have
recurrent migraines.

Dr. Bower's trying to cure them.

Maybe he can cure this
thing inside of my head

while he's at it.

-Mr. Skouros, have
you ever been treated

for any psychiatric problems?

-You think I'm some kind
of psychotic killer, don't you?

-Mr. Skouros, we've
been sent over here

to arrest you for murder.

-I knew I shouldn't
have gotten involved.

-But you are involved.

And we're gonna go by your
doctor's office and talk to him

and see how much
you're involved in this.

Look, if you have
anything you wanna tell us

about these murders,
you better speak up

and you better
speak up right now.

-There is nothing else.

Nothing at all.


If Skouros' doctor
confirms the alibi,

I guess I got no problem
letting him off the hot seat.

-As you can see
the doctor did in fact

confirm the migraine
headaches as well as the alibi

for the nights of the killings.

-Well, I still don't
see any connection

between this and
the other killings.

It's just coincidence.

Now, how long did
the doctor say he's

been having these episodes?

-Well, ever since he
fell off a ladder as a kid.

-Oh, he fell off a ladder.

-Yeah, since then he's
been having reoccurring

migraines and these
psychic episodes.

-Hey, that thumbprint
under the dash paid off.

It belonged to a Sam Boyce, a
small timer, doper, specialized

in B&E, auto
theft, and possession.

-Well, looked like he
graduated to murder.

Pick him up.

-Hold it!

-Don't harm me.
You can't shoot me!

-Drop the tree.

You're under arrest.

-No way!

You want me, you gotta take me!

-I'm telling you, drop the tree.

-I'm not going into
the slam cold turkey.

-Look, you got a deadly
weapon in your hand,

don't do anything stupid
with that or I shoot you.

There you go.

Keep an eye on him.

Turn around.

Be very easy.

Come on.

Spread them out.

Put your right hand
behind your head.

Come on!

-You all right?

-Oh, yes.

We're just fine, aren't we?

-So what's the story?

-Well, he cops to
breaking into the car

and taking the
radio and the purse,

but he denies killing Dennison.

-You're buying that?

-Well, that's what
the guy's selling?

We've been pushing
him pretty hard.


Well, maybe you just
weren't pushing hard enough.

-I love it when he does
the thing with his eye brows.

-Yeah, this will be good.



You expect me to
swallow that slop?

-Who the hell are you?

-Sit down!

Sit down!

All right.

So she caught you
breaking into her car.

And you panicked, right?

-What are you talking about?

-You were all strung
out, just like you are now.

Your hands shaking like a leaf.

Did she scream?

Is that it?

-I didn't even see.

-I didn't even see her!

It really gets to you
junkies when the scream,

doesn't it?

Maybe she was
pulling on her clothes.

Yeah, that's it.

There she was standing
between you and your next fix

screaming in your face,
pulling on your coat.

You weren't gonna
get that stereo.

You weren't gonna get the
money for your next dime bag

so you killed her.

-That's not the
way it went at all!

-You tell me how it went then.

You just tell me why.

Why did you kill
her over a stereo!

I know you did it.

Just tell me why!

You're not going
anywhere till you tell me,

you slimy punctured
little inner tube.

You tell me how
did you kill her.


Do you think this is gonna away?

How long's it been
since your last fix?


Boys, I got an army of cops
standing out there waiting

to come in one at a
time and work you over.

We're gonna keep
you in this room

until you shake
yourself to pieces.

You think about that.

-It happened just like you said.

She... she started screaming
and I... and pulling at my clothes.

And I put my hands around
her neck and... I strangled her.

And I just... and I just...

-You're right.

He didn't do it.

Call the swami.

-Still waiting for
yours, Stanley.

-Well, I'm, uh, almost done.

Something of a chronic
condition with you, isn't it?

-Excuse me?

-Almost done.

But I'm sure you're
pedaling as fast as you can.



-Sergeant Hunter?

Then Sergeant McCall.

Tell her it's urgent.

No, I need, to, to tell them
to call John Skouros as soon

as, Skouros, S-K-O-U-R-O-S.
Yeah, yes, they have it.

Tell them it's very
important, will you, please?

Thank you.

-Could you pull all these and...

-Arlene Fleischer?


-I... you don't know
me, but you're in danger.

Someone wants to kill you.

-I'm gonna have
to ask you to leave.

-Security, Arlene
Fleischer's officer, 12th floor.

-Please, d-don't be afraid.

I know how this looks, but
someone wants to hurt you.

-Please leave.

I will, I will.

But listen to me.

There is man.

I... I can't see his face.

But I'm starting
to feel him, I'm

starting to think his thoughts.

And, and he has already
killed woman like you

because, because he hates you.

You are everything
that he is not.

He feels like you
have stolen his identity.

You, you gotta listen to me.

Please, it's, he's got
your name on a list.

He knows everything about you.

Please, listen to me!

He's gonna kill you!

-Can I get you something, John?

-Spoke with Arlene Fleischer.

She's not going to
press any charges.

John, you're a lucky man.

You get to go home.

-Guess I made a
fool of myself, didn't I?

-Well, look, I
wouldn't say that.

You did what you
thought was right.

-That woman's life is in danger.

You watch out for her.

-Boy, I feel sorry for that guy.

He's got quite a
burden to carry.

-So he's making a
believer out of you, huh?

-Well, I didn't say that.

-Well, you are starting
to come around a little bit,

aren't you?

-Well, maybe a little bit.

-Well, I just saw Yophet
the Prophet leave.

So how are we
doing on this thing?

-He still thinks that
Miss Fleischer is next.

-Well, I'm not
convinced that that's true.

-Look, I think this
kid can help us.

I can't explain
it, but I think he

knows what's going to happen.

I also think we
oughtta give Arlene

Fleischer some
police protection.

-What about you, McCall?

I mean, do you
think this guy's really

got a pipeline to the future?

-Well, yeah.

I'm beginning to.

-All right.

All right.

You two do whatever you think
is right, but get some results.

-Right on.

Let's get some results.

Sergeant McCall is here.

-Bring her in.

This department has
its marching orders.

Let's start brainstorming
marketing strategies

and meet at the
same time tomorrow.

-Miss Fleischer,
thank you for agreeing

to see me on such short notice.

-Thank you for coming over.

I thought we'd better
meet face to face.

What's this about?

-I'm afraid that your
life may be in danger.

I think it's very
important that you

have some police protection.

-I thought that man
who barged in here

was supposed to be harmless.

-Well, no.

It's not him we're
worried about.

-You mean you actually
believe that crazy story of his?

-Just to be on the safe side
I think it's a real good idea

that we have a
couple of officers

assigned to you for a few days.

-I don't need police protection.

I know how to
take care of myself.

-Miss Fleischer, we
think that this man

has already murdered
four other women.

I can bet you that
they all thought

they could take care
of themselves, too.

-OK, Sergeant,
maybe you're right.

As long as they don't interfere
with my doing business.

-They'll be as
unobtrusive as possible.

-Sergeant McCall.


Christine Frank, this is
Miss Arlene Fleischer.

These are the two officers
that will be with you today.


Nice to meet you.


-I assure you you're
in very good hands.

She has a meeting
about three blocks up,

then she has a
luncheon meeting over

at the, uh, Beverly Hilton.

It shouldn't take more than
about an hour and a half.

Sorry I wasn't much help
at the other murder sites.

Sometimes it works, sometime it

-John, don't worry about it.

You're not been judged here.

Your willingness to do this
alone is good enough for me.


They found Sandra
Spencer's body in that corner

floating face up.

-You don't have
to tell me, sergeant.

I think I know.

I'm starting to get something.

He waited for her and
he watched her swim.

He, he liked the way that he
body moved through the water.

He's patient.

He's very patient,
very methodical.


He stood and her waited,
and he watched her here.

Number, I, more numbers.

-Do you think
those numbers might

be an address of some sort?

-Could... could be.

A tree.

-A tree?



-Hey, John, you all right?

-No, I... I don't think so.

It's... it's... it's not that
good for me to be here.

Can we, can we leave?


Come on.

Here, try that.



-Thank you.

Much better now, thanks.

I, I'm sorry I had to
cut it short at the house.

The impression I got
there was very strong.

-How's it going?

-Oh, I don't know.

Uh, look, John, you said
something at Sandra's house

about a tree.


Uh, I didn't mention
it before because it

didn't make any
sense to me at all.

I saw it first
yesterday when, when

I met you in front
of Sandra's house.

Today the image stayed longer.

-All right, tell us a
little bit about that.

-Well, it's0=... it's
a country scene.

The tree on a hill against a
beautiful sky, kind of pretty.

-Do you think that's
where the killer lives?

-I'm not sure.

I... I wish I could
be more help.

-Look, John, you're doing fine.

All we need is a place to start
no matter how vague or small.

Now can you tell us
anything else about the killer?

-Well, I have a, a sense of him.

He's not a, not a
very attractive man.

He's kind of thin,
not very strong at all.

He's, he's shy.

He's very shy.

He carries around a lot of pain.

And, and anger.

Guess he's a lot like me.

-There you are.

I didn't relish the idea of
having to track you down.

-What's the matter?

-I just went over these I52's.

You deleted all the
slug lines, Stanley.

What are you thinking?

Even a trainee doesn't
make that kind of mistake?

-Maybe it was a computer glitch.

-Don't blame the computer.

The only glitch is to you.

-Miss Farrell, if
you aren't satisfied...

-Spare me the song
and dance, Stanley.

Here's the drill.

I'm going home
now because I don't

feel like babysitting you.

I expect you to go over
every single one of these I52's.

And redo it.

And I don't care if
you takes you all night.

I will check your
work in the morning.

Are we clear on this, Stanley?


-Mr. Skouros.

-Sergeant McCall, I
need to talk to you.

-Is something wrong?

-Can I ask you a question?


Why don't you come to my desk?

So what's going on?

-Sergeant McCall, the
place you live, it's a house?


It's a house.

-Wood paneling, big fireplace,
antique clock on the wall?

-Yeah, that's right.

-I had a dream last night.

I dreamed he came after you.

-I take this very seriously.

-Oh, come off it, Hunter.

Come on tell me, would
you accept protection

on the say so of
this space cadet?

-Yeah, I would,
but let's not forget

I don't fit the MO
the way McCall does.

After all, she is a
woman doing a man's job.

And like it or not,
that's this guy's MO.


McCall, help us out.

Should I put a car in
front of your house or not?


No, this is not necessary.

I mean, look, OK, I happen
to be in Skouros' dream.

That doesn't make me
the guy's next victim.

I mean, I'd like to
believe this guy.

He's a nice fella and
all, but this is all just, no.

Thanks, but no thanks.

OK, so now we have to prove
that all four of these women

were murdered by the same guy.

At least according to Skouros.

Look, there's only
so many possibilities.

Let's make a big
list, go through it,

if nothing pans out let's just
forget about the Skouros lead,


-Sounds good to me.

-Hunter, McCall, guy called
from a finance company about

a car belonging
to one of your DB's.

-Oh, yeah.

Louie Dennison.

-They're pretty
eager to get it back.

He said it was brand new.

-Yeah, thanks.

McCall, Louie
Dennison, a new car.

Sandra Spencer, a new house.

What about the others?

-Wait a minute.

The electrician
purchased a new van.

-Arlene Fleischer
just bought a new boat.

Where'd they get the money?

-Do you know where Stanley is?

-He left just after lunch.

-Is that so?

-Said he was beat.

Been up all night, I think.

Yes, I know.

Well, he's gonna get a nice
long vacation from this job.

I can guarantee it.

-And thank you very
much for your help.

Yes, buh bye.

Well, Arlen's gone home,
but Sandra Spencer's loan

officer says that
for a home loan

they always use Express Rating.

It's established.

-Well, listen to this.

Louis, Murphy, and Dennison
were all credit rated for loans

by the same outfitter,
a place called ICRB.

I'll call you.


I'll be here in case
Express Rating phones.

-Captain, tell Hunter
if he calls I have not

heard from Express
Ratings so I'm out of here.

-OK, McCall,
listen, uh, you sure

that I can't station a black
and white outside your house?




-We very often have work farmed
to us by the bigger companies.

Express Ratings is one of them.

Let's see.

Murphy, yes.

-Uh huh.

-Louis, yes.

Dennison, mm-hm.

Spencer, yes.

And Arlene Fleischer.

We've done all
five of these names.

-Now who would have
privy to these names?

-Uh, just a moment.


-What's that?

Stanley Blake,
it's Stanley Blake.

He handled the printouts
on all five names.

And I fired him three hours ago.

-Is that right?

Now, look, Mrs.
Farrell, I would like

to be able to see
Stanley's computer.

-I'll take you there.


Thanks very much.

He just wasn't
pulling his weight.

-I see.

-This was Stanley's station.


Now is there any way of
telling what he worked on last?


There's a, a resume button.

There you are, Sergeant Hunter.

-Mrs. Farrell, can
I use your phone?

-Yeah, Hunter, what is it?

-Charlie, where's McCall?

CHARLIE: She went home.

-I know who our guy is
and he's got her address.

Get some backup over there.

I'm on my way.

You got it.

-You all right?


-He's dead.

Get an RA unit.

You OK?

-Thank you.

-No, thank you.

You saved my life.

-Come and get them
while they're hot.

-Hey, looks good.

-Look at you.

You're doing so much better.

There's only half of them
that are burned to a crisp now.

-Look, why don't
you do the guy a favor

and fix him a good meal.

He did save you life.

-I wanted to.

-Hey she did, but, uh,
that's just what I wanted,

an old-fashioned barbecue.

-You know, I don't
understand one thing.

If you had this vision of
other people's thoughts,

why don't you just
go over to Las Vegas

and make yourself a
couple million bucks?

-Well, I wish it worked
like that, but it doesn't.

-Well, it's too bad we can't
make your gift work for you,

know what I mean?


Let me tell you something.

If this gift were
gone tomorrow, I'd

be the happiest
man in the world.

-Well, I personally am
very glad that you have it.

Basically it saved my life.

-Well, for once, I'm glad.

But, uh, I get sick of
other people's thoughts

popping into my head, you know?

-Hey, you spent a
lot of time around us.

Do you ever pick up
on, uh, our thoughts?

Do you pick up on
what's in our heads?

-Yeah, on occasion
certain, certain images.

-Yeah, well, what
sort of images?

-Yeah, what, what's
been in his head?

-Well, a couple of times there's
a woman, a red head, long hair.

She's wearing a
little black dress.

-Yeah, look, let's
just forget about her.

-It's Vickie.


It's Vickie in vice.

-And she does wear
those little black...

-Yeah, she sure does now. Yeah.

Forget about her.

What about McCall?

What's she thinking
about right now?

-Tom Cruise.

Sergeant McCall, you...