Humans (2015–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Episode #2.5 - full transcript

Ed is persuaded by Danny to betray Mia for money to fund his mother's nursing care but she turns the tables on them and escapes, as does Niska, having denounced the judges at her trial. Having split from Leo and Hester Max teams up with fugitive synth Flash with whom he goes into hiding whilst Hester and Leo locate the silo. Matty discovers the code to humanize every synth and is anxious to find Leo, as is Athena, whose daughter has just died. Despite Karen's pessimism about their future Pete locates the valuable stolen Seraph, who turns out to be a little boy, whilst at Qualia Athena also finds dozens of child synths ready for preparation.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Show them that you can feel.

Everything depends on that.

Hello, baby.

I need David Elster's prototypes.

They are out there
somewhere, living in secret.

What's your plan?

Attack the base, just the three of us?

- We're doing this.
- Then you're doing it alone.

He's not alone.

I think we should go somewhere
where we can be ourselves.

That sounds good.

You're our prisoner now.

- I understand. What now?
- Now, you go to prison, dog.

Actually, I know, let's
do hide and seek instead.

Count to ten.

All right.

Ten, nine,




Flash, you have to keep counting.

Hey, the game's not over.

Hello, children.

What's the matter with you?

You must be kinder, Arvinder.

My friend will be here soon.

I believe I am excited.

I've got something on here.


Who are you?

I'm your friend.

What's happening?

Mum's got to stay where she is.

And you're worth a lot of money.

- You can't do this.
- I've got no choice, Mia.

We're people.

And you're...

you're not.

This was his idea.


we have something.

I know you feel it.

It wasn't real.

You've let my power run down.

- This was a mistake.
- Kiss me goodbye.


The last kiss.

I don't know what you are...

but I am sorry.

It's all right.

Let me go!

Get off him.

Get off him.

Come on, get off him.

Get off him!

You're going to kill him!

Get off him!

I told you.

Let's go. Come on!

Pretty standard hack.

You were never in any real danger.

No-one's found a way around
the Asimov blocks yet.

Touch wood.

Well, if you're done,

maybe you could get out of our house.

Sorry, of course.

Come on, you two.

Mat, I know he helped,

but you're going to have to
find somewhere else to keep him.

For your sister's sake if nothing else.


- I'll step down.
- No.

You're this close, we'll see it through.

When this is done, whatever happens...

you'll want to know
you did all you could.

That's not quite the same as
saying and doing the right thing.


Doing what you have to.

I'm sorry.

I was trying to be of service.

You don't have to be
of service any more.

Then I'm...

uncertain as to the
most advisable course.

You can do what you want.

What I want?

Look, I don't know how just yet...

but you're conscious now. It
means you want things. You just

have to figure out what.

How do I do that?

Go for a walk?

See the world?

It's not a bad idea to be out
of the house anyway. Just...

don't talk to anyone.

If you show them what you
are now, they'll freak.

That looks like it could be the silo.

What are they?

Some kind of perimeter alarm.

Come on.

We need to know who goes
in and out of that building

and when, what the
security protocols are.

We'll only get one chance

to get them out.

Sorry we couldn't afford thicker walls.

Personal use only.


Some people bring synths
to places like this

for things like that.

The female is a synthetic.

Her pleasure is simulated.

The human man with her
must know she feels nothing.

What satisfaction can
he derive from her...


Human beings can convince
themselves of anything they want.

Why do you speak as if
you aren't one of them?

I believe the man has ejaculated.

Here are the files on
Elster's key four prototypes.

Now, at first glance,

they may seem like any
other anomalous synth.

But they are far older,

wiser, stronger.

Their capture is

a priority now for
Qualia's recovery programme.

No other names, no photos?

It's not a lot to go on, Dr Morrow.

The source who gave me this
information has reason to be guarded.

Only cleared personnel can
have access to this report,

do you understand that?

Yes, thank you so much.

What are you thinking about?

The anomalous synths

start emulating
consciousness because of code.

A software update, in other words.

But the prototypes,

David Elster would have built
their systems himself by hand.

Unique hardware that might accept UV.

Your phone has rung six
times in the last ten minutes.


She's gone.

When? How?

An hour ago. They called.

I came right away, but not in time.

She had an infection.

They gave her antibiotics but

it went to her heart.

Oh, Thene, she was so weak

Can you take care of
the arrangements, Gil?


When can you get back?

I'm not coming back.


I can't right now.

Athena, we have to bury our daughter.

- Get on a plane now.
- Gil?

I can't explain, I need you

- to take care of the arrangements, OK?
- Goddamn it, please don't do this.

Thank you for calling.

OK, systems green, she should
be coming back online now.

Hello, Mia.

Don't be frightened.

We know what's happening to you.

We've seen it before, many times.

My name is Anita Hawkins.

It's an act.

She pretends to be a
normal synth, but she's not.

Is that true, Mia?

I'm afraid the young man is mistaken.

An expedited check confirms all systems

are operating well
within normal parameters.

May I be of assistance in some way?


Certainly the first time
anyone's tried to con us,

I'll give you that.

What are you talking about?

This reading shows that
she's an ordinary synth.

Like any other.

Thanks for wasting our time.

I told you, that's what she does.

- It's for show.
- Just give it up,

or we'll tell the police you
tried to sell us a stolen synth.

Stolen? I didn't steal anything.

Are you her registered owner?


Then how exactly did she
end up in your possession?



I found this in the
van when I took her out.

She was hooked up to it.

It must have done something.


what did you do?

My name is Anita.

We haven't met.

- Can I help you with something?
- Maybe we should make a move...

Look, stop it. OK? Just...

Just... Just please, stop it.

We'll go back, we'll...

We'll forget all about this, promise.

I'm unable to comply with your request

due to inadequate information.

Could you explain further?

Ed, mate, leave her now.

- Yeah? They called the cops.
- Leave her?

You heard what they
said. She could be stolen.

I'm going.


Your heart rate is elevated.

You seem anxious,

and you don't appear to have slept.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.


Right, so you're clear
what will happen today?

The judge will have
reviewed all the evidence.

The experts will be on hand
for further cross-examination.

Both sides will make their argument.

I think we're in good shape.

Here's a copy of what I'm going to say.

You're a good liar, but
not good enough for me.

Something's happened. Tell me.

I was warned off.

A utility synth was hacked.

- Not a big deal.
- It came to your house?

Yes, but it's under control.

By tomorrow, it'll all be over.

The judge will rule
you're a conscious entity,

and you'll have your trial.

We get through today,

and we'll be fine.

Thank you, Laura.

Thank me when we win.

This won't end the way you want it to.

How is this resting?

I'm fine.

These painkillers they put me on,

I could have left an arm at the
station and I wouldn't have noticed.

You went to the station?


To run my old mate Connor's
phone number and license plate.

No joy. So...

I'm hitting the files.

If these Seraphim are
worth 100 grand a pop,

there's no way he's going to
shut up shop just because, um...

Do you want to know what the
worst moment of my life was?

The night I showed you what I was.

I thought because I loved you,
I had to show you the real me.

There is no real me.

There's only Karen.

The woman I invented.

I pretended to be her
for so long, I became her.

Beatrice is nothing.

All she ever did was hurt people.

But when I look in your eyes, it's
her I see reflected back at me.

I know all this is for me. To show me

I'm not alone, it's all
right to be what I am.

But I don't want to be
what I am. I want to lie.

And you won't let me.

I don't...

- K.
- I'm sorry.

The woman I live with

keeps elastic bands on a door knob

in case they come in handy.

Who does that? Karen or Beatrice?

You once told me...

that you liked sitting
in a parked car in the rain.

Well, who does, which you?

You're both.

You're all sides of you,
and I'll take the bloody lot.

There's no future in a lie, K.

There's no future for us anyway.

We'll never have a child.

We'll never grow old together.

I want to forget what I am.

But I can't.

Not if I'm with you.

I need some time.


Hey! What...?

Inescapable enforced family
bonding, the best kind.

It's just a spontaneous,
fun day out, isn't it, Soph?

Well, we're here, so

let's take a look around.

There you go.

Yeah, we get why we're out of the house.

But why here? Why Nowheresville?

Take a look around.

Notice anything?

Something missing?

There aren't any synths.

An extra scoop for the young lady!

Oh, my God. Yeah.

How come?

The town just decided they'd
be better off without them.

There's quite a few
places like that nowadays.

Explains why our ice
cream's taking 72 years.

Aren't they just the same, though,

but, you know... worse?

- AND there's more dog poo.
- Yeah, well,

we survived without them for tens
of thousands of years, you know.

Yeah, and we did without
antibiotics and all.

Yeah, all right, all right. Still,

not a bad idea to take a bit of a break.

Due to planning regulations,

my former primary user, Mr Singh,

has been unable to develop
this site as planned.

He cannot reapply for over four years.

Could it be our home?

Yes. It could be.

Right, literally just
here, Dad. Nice one.

Yeah. You're welcome.

No problem

I want to go and say hi to Renie.

Yeah, Soph...

I don't think Tobe would really want...

And she's gone.

Hey, Renie.

Hello, Toby.

Hello, Renie.

- Soph, what are you doing? Go away!
- Hello, Sophie.

This is Holly,

and this is Spencer.

Sophie, go away.

How do you all get your eyes like that?

Synthetics are required to
have different coloured eyes.

Green for bonded,

blue for unbonded.

Yes, but how did YOU
get your eyes like that?

I'm so sorry.

Are your primary users out?

Mr Barber resides here,

but is in Barbados on
holiday with Marissa.

Marissa's your sister?

Marissa's Mr Barber's lover.

She is 27 years old.

She occasionally stays
here when Mr Barber does.

When he does?

My dad...

My primary user

travels a great deal on business.

Would you like to see my room?

OK, what is exactly happening here?

Cos I'm a little confused.

There's no need to be anxious, Toby.

Just follow the instructions.

You'll be granted full
administrator privileges,

and be able to ask me anything you like.

That's clever.




Deep sea.


I'm sorry.

I didn't... Um...

I thought this would
be a way for us to talk.

I'm not trying to get that.

Um, not like this, anyway.

Don't be agitated.

You are fully approved.

I scratched this because I thought

it might be a way to

meet the real you,

the you that...

The you that likes these.

You should leave, now.


it's not cos I don't like you, it's

- cos I do.
- Toby, I do not require your explanations,

or your judgment.


Two more Qualia employees in the bar.

I overheard nothing of interest.

There's a further dining area
to the rear I am yet to check.

Max never liked me drinking.

You miss him.


That's not something that
a normal synth would do.


She's the one who shot Ten.

Are you sure?

Does she recognise us?

- She's making a phone call.
- Go.

This is a problem.

We let her go,

she reports us, Qualia triple
their security, we're done.

I can persuade her to help us

and keep quiet afterwards.

But you have to leave, Leo.

No. Why?

Because you will want me to stop.

Nothing permanent.

Showtime, blondie.

I need help.

Get off me!

I need a tech.

Peter, you're supposed to
be in bed eating grapes.

Yeah, I am, I promise.

I just need you to do one thing for me.

Andrew Tate,

as in, the Tates that run
the north London synth trade.

There's a possible associate on
his file called Connor Whelan.

Who does he knock around with?

He's got a brother, Calum.

He fences stuff out of
Whelan's garage in Dagenham.

Right. Thanks, Tabs.

Thanks for the grapes.

It's finished.

Tobe, Tobe, Tobe, Tobe.

Wow. You look super emo.

I've got something
that will cheer you up.

Loads of little numbers on the screen?

You're right, Mats,

this does cheer me up

It's the code that
makes synths conscious.

My version.

The code Niska uploaded was immature.

That's the way it was
designed, to work slowly,

- give the world time to adjust.
- Right.

So what have you done?

I just tricked it into thinking
time was going faster than it was.

This is the final version.

The fully matured code.

You can make any synth conscious...

with this?


Oh, shit, Mats.

If every synth became conscious,

- all at the same time...
- It would be a revolution.

I don't think the world is ready for

500 million Niskas.

I need to find Leo.

So how do we find him?

Doesn't want to be found.

No number, e-mail. Social
media, obviously not.

I don't know.

He's the one that's
good at finding people.

Yeah, I can't find him...

but he can find me.

Thanks, Tobe.


You sound strange.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm OK.

Ginny has died.

In one way.

I don't understand.

The, um...

The waterfall that you told me about.

The one that split into three?


It's in the Santa Monica mountains.

You weren't...

imagining it. You
were remembering it.

You've been there before.

I don't understand.

It wasn't far from where Ginny fell.

A week after it happened,

I started to make scans
of her brain activity.

I took the scans,

and I built a simulation of her mind,

and I spent...

I spent years just...

sorting through data and trying...

to make...

it work like a
real human mind would.

And then one day, I realised something.

The simulation was
ordering itself. It was...

It was healing itself.

It was becoming more like Ginny.

It was becoming you.

Do you understand, V?

V for Virginia.

I think I always knew.

You and I are gonna go

to Santa Monica, and we are going to

climb that waterfall. I promise.

Gaining access to the
Silo will be difficult.

Security personnel man the
sole entrance at all times,

and know all authorised people by sight.

In addition, a six-digit access code

is changed every morning.

What happened?

She'll be all right?

She'll be fine.

We need to get you out of these clothes.

Wash them.

There's blood on your neck too.

You feel anger.


At the use of violence?


Has any great change
ever been accomplished,

any unjust oppression ever overturned,

without violence?


I'm beginning to understand what I am.

I am flawed.


But the clarity I
have gives me strength,

to do what you cannot.

That's what I can be.

Your strength, Leo.

This body is not desirable?

It's not that.

You and me...

we're partners. Like family.


if we did this, that changes.

Do you see?


Desire. Joy.

I haven't felt these things yet.

I want to.

You are nervous.

Intradermal rupture.

Nothing major.

Thank you, everyone.

And apologies for the delay.

Welcome to this
Extraordinary Closed Session.

I have been nominated by
the Ministry of Justice

to rule upon the suitability
of this synthetic,

known as "Niska", to
be tried under UK law.

Specifically, can this synthetic

be considered conscious?

I will now hear the key arguments

from Mrs Hawkins,
counsel for the synthetic,

and Mrs Patel,

for the Crown. Mrs Hawkins?

I want to say something.

I was always pessimistic about
my chances of fair treatment.

I suspected the authorities,

fearing the precedent an
unfavourable ruling would set,

would interfere with the process
to ensure a favourable result.

These suspicions have been borne out.

I no longer recognise the
authority of this court

to rule on my nature, or the
rights to which I am entitled.

- Niska, stop this.
- The government legal team,

the judiciary and the
Home Office are colluding.

The process is corrupt.
I hold it in contempt.

That's enough! Guards, sit it down.

- What are you doing?
- They were never letting me out of here.

Now we know for certain.

Humans will never accept conscious
synthetics as their equals.

OK. Take it away, please.

This was your chance, Niska!

No. It was theirs.

Get it! Get it!

Get after her! Go!


- Niska!
- Move! Go!


Take the shot!

You wanted to speak to me?


I read the report that you circulated.

The bit about Leo Elster being alive.


- I think I've met him.
- What?

We were trying to recover
an anomalous synth.

A young man, about the right age,

and two more synthetics
had found her first.

He's recruiting.

Qualia could have
captured other synthetics

that have had contact with Elster.

You could have a prototype
right here, and not even know it.

I want access to

every one that you keep here.

Take me to the Silo.

She's with me.

You're Helen Aveling.

You were Ji Dae-Sun's PhD
assistant at Cambridge.

- Yes, I was.
- And you co-wrote

- his paper on reinforcement learning.
- That's right!

And now, you're sticking
things with pins.

What a shame.

I'll analyse the anomalous
synthetics myself.

Doors closing.

Where's the seraph?


- V?
- Yes?

Can you access the
building's security system?

Are you firewalled?

- I don't know what that means.
- Well, can you spread out?

Can you feel into parts of
the system that aren't you?

It feels strange.

OK, there's a door in the building.

A124H. I want to open it.

Can you search?

I found it.

Try now.


- I can do things!
- Yes, you can, baby.

OK, everybody, give us some room.

I'm a policeman.

It's all right.

You're all right.
