Human Target (2010–2011): Season 2, Episode 8 - Human Target - full transcript

Winston, Guerrero and Ames must save a bumbling private investigator whose botched case has him targeted for death.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You always have to have
the last word, don't you?


Let me just be clear,
when I say this.

When this plane lands,
we're done,

and I mean done.

Fine. I'm sure
we'll all find a way

to get on
with your replacement.


Lady, you are in

for a major disappointment

if you think somebody
can just waltz in

and replace me
and my crew.

Firstly, there are a thousand
ex-thugs who can kick in doors

and jump out
of burning buildings

just the same as you.

You'll be replaced
within a week.

Oh, and secondly,

"your crew"
won't need replacing.

Winston's staying with me.

Yeah. Good luck selling him
on that one.

I don't have to sell him
on anything.

He signed a contract.

[High-pitched whine]



I didn't sign a contract.
He did.

[Explosion, alarm blares]

Yeah, well, there was
some sort of explosion.

We've lost engine number one
and engine number two.

We're losing altitude

I'm assuming
it was a bird strike

or perhaps multiple birds.

Did you hear that impact?
That wasn't a bird strike.

That was a missile.

Missile? Why would somebody
shoot a missile at us?

I think motive is a question
best saved for later.

What's our rate of descent?
3,010 feet per minute.

Is this your emergency checklist?
Yes. Why?

What the hell
are you doing?

Nothing a thousand other thugs
couldn't be doing right now.

Go strap in.
This man is a professional pilot.

In my opinion,
he's in over his head.

I'm not interested
in your opinion.

There is nothing
in the emergency manual

about surface-
to-air-missile hits.

And by the time
he figures that out,

this is going
to be over with.

Now, I recommend you go
in the back,

fasten your seat belt,

unless you'd like to end up
as a hood ornament

when we hit the ground.

Can we agree,

if we end up having
to eat each other down there,

that she goes up first?

Be able
to lower the landing gear.

It might not make
a difference.

All right, just up ahead.

Just past those trees up there,
there's a flat area.

Are we gonna make it
that far?

We're gonna find out.

Here we go.
[Alarm blaring]


[Elevator bell dings]

I'm not gonna
predict anything.

Dude, I'm just saying.
I ain't gonna do it.

Why don't you just answer
the question?

Bec--because there
are a thousand fortune-tellers

in San Francisco,

and I ain't one of them.

Dude, I'm not asking you
to look into a crystal ball.

I'm asking you
to lay odds.

3-to-1 Chance changes his mind?
5-to-1? What?

How many times
I got to tell you?

The last time I talked
to the guy,

he said he's splitting
with Ilsa.

That's it.

That's all I know.
That's all you know.

What is the point
in trying to figure out

whether or not a guy
is gonna change his mind?

Where the hell
are you going?

The roof.

For what?

You asked me to write up the
after-action report on the job.

I'm going to go
and do it.

On the roof?

Well, I tried to do it
on the cab ride over.

But what, with you two
bickering the whole way,

I couldn't
hear myself think.

And as you're still at it,

I'm gonna go and do it
on the roof, okay?

[Elevator bell dings]

10-to-1? It's got to be
at least that, right?

You know what? I'll give you
$1,000 if you quit asking me--

oh, God.
Hey, guys.

[Gun cartridge clicks]
We're closed.

Hey, I don't want
to take up too much

of your time or nothing,
but, um, I'm looking for Chance.

It's kind of urgent.

Do you know
where I can find him?

Yeah, in the sky, Harry.

We're closed.

Sense a little hostility.

Can't get anything
past you, can we?

Hey, whoa, how do you guys know
I'm not here to do you a favor?

I've done Chance plenty of favors.
Uh, no.

You've offered
to do us favors.

But what you've actually done
is drag us into more problems

than any ten people I know.

You're the only
private Detective

who manages to, uh, create more
problems than he solves. Thank you.

What do you want, Harry?

Well, it's--
it's a little complicated.


You sure Chance
is unreachable?

What did I just say?
What did he just say?

Chance has been delayed,
all right?

Not only is he not here now,

he won't be here for hours.
All right.

Till he is here,
we're closed for business.

So whatever most recent mess

you've managed
to get yourself into,

you're gonna have to wait
until tomorrow

to guilt Chance
into helping you out.

Okay, got it.

Got it.

It's just the thing is...

I'm pretty sure I'm going
to be dead by tomorrow.

[Victorious music]

♪ Human Target 2x08 ♪
Communication Breakdown
Original Air Date on January 5, 2011

♪ ♪

Are you okay?
Can you move?

Yeah, I think so.

The pilot's dead.
We've got to find a way out.


Is that--is that smell
what I think it is?

If it's leaking jet fuel,
then, yes.


We've got to get out of here.
[Grunts] Not that way.

Well, what do we do?

Oh, so now you're interested
in my opinion.

Stay here.

What are the chances
the flames

don't ignite
the leaking fuel?

Not very good.

I got an idea.

What are you doing?

[Gas hissing]

All right, all right,
I-I see what you're doing,

and I am going to have
to object.

Do whatever you want,

but get behind some cover.

Exactly my point!
Get back!

Get down!
What good is it if the door
opens or not?

We're gonna be torn to shreds
by shrapnel!

Come on.

Doesn't look that bad.
You first.


Ah. Ow.

Come on.

Give me your hand.

This plane can blow
at any minute.

What happened?

Antiaircraft missile,
probably shoulder-launched.

Who would do that?
I don't really care who right now.

We need some transportation
out of here, or we die.

Let's start walking.


So this woman hires me, okay?

She's the wife of some,
I don't know, Armenian mob guy.

She wants to know if her
husband's cheating on her.

I dig into it,
turns out he is.

I go to tell her
about it,

she turns on me.

She tells her husband

that she's been having
an affair with me.

What? He flips out,
wants me dead,

and sends, like,
12 thugs after me.

I mean, can you--

can you believe
that could happen to somebody?

To you?
Yes, absolutely.

Look, I've had my bad luck,
but it's not--

Harry, why don't you just go
to the cops?

Why come to us?

The cops?

Come on, my clientele
doesn't want a guy

who's going to go to the cops
every time he gets nervous.

It's bad for business.

And for what it's worth,

I have helped out Chance
on a number of occasions

where he didn't want to go
to the cops,

and he always said to me--

"whenever you need
something, Harry,

all you got to do is call."

Yeah, we know.

Say, Harry,

how is it
that you know

there are a dozen thugs
after you?

How do I know?

I spotted them in my apartment.
They're at my office.

Every time I turn around,
they're there.

Couldn't it be they, uh,
tailed you here,

could it?

Oh, come on.
Tailed me?


Come on. I know what you guys
think of me,

but I'm a professional.

I'm just like you.
I'm careful. I'm alert.

If someone was following me,
trust me, I'd know about it.

Damn it, Harry.

Oh, God.

Okay, I got six,

eight, ten, twelve guys,

all with automatic gear.

This is just great.

All right,
let's get him out of here.

Well, it's too late for that.
They got the exits covered.

So we'll just shoot
our way out.

12 guys
with 12 automatic rifles--


All right, here's
what we're going to do.

I'm going to lock down
the rear and the side exits.

You turn on all the alarms, get
the surveillance up and running,

and call Ames.

Tell her to get her ass
down here

right now!

You're yelling.

All right, it's just
that this guy,

while he might be
a world-class dimwit,

but he's a friend
of Chance's,

and Chance isn't here
right now,

which leaves it to you and me
to protect him.

And since Chance
isn't here right now,

well, that leaves it to me
to call the shots.

And if you don't like that,

well, there's the door!

There's the door, huh?
Is that how we're gonna do this?

Wow. Wow.

I didn't know Winston
cared that much about me.

It's not about you.
It's about Bangkok.

What happened in Bangkok?


Get away from me.
Okay. Yeah.

Thanks a lot, Chance.

You should let me take
a look at that.

It's fine.
Can we keep walking?

It'll take me
two minutes.

I can handle it.
Stop trying to save me.

Why are we walking uphill?

Shouldn't we be walking
downhill towards a waterway?

Why would we want
to do that?

Because water leads
to civilization,

to transportation.

Surely you don't need me
to tell you that.

Well, first of all,
smugglers and drug runners

use the waterways--
not a great place to hitchhike.

Secondly, I saw a supply road
from the air.

Maybe we can spot it
from up here.

Trust me. This isn't a place
for someone like you.

Excuse me?
Someone like me?

Yeah. You know, someone
who's major survival instinct

is to find a willing billionaire
and marry him.

Am I right?

Oh, I saw that too.

[Door creaks]


Small-time operation.

Is it working?
Transmitter's shot.

Maybe I can get it
to receive.

Lock into a signal
from that village I saw,

see what direction
it's in.


Well, there's
our drug runner.

Hey, there, fella.

Oh, my God.
You're stealing from it.

Well, he'd probably want us
to have it.

♪ Can't get you
out of my head ♪

♪ thinking about you
while I'm lying in bed ♪

[Cell phone ringing]

♪ And all I want to do ♪

♪ is scream your name out ♪

♪ I want your desire ♪

♪ I want... ♪

[Line trilling]

[Cell phone beeps]
Damn it, Ames!

Winston, what happened
in Bangkok

that's making you
so cranky?

Dude, no.


What do you know about...?

Wait a second.

So you think I'm cranky now
because of Bangkok?

I wasn't cranky
about Bangkok.

I wasn't, at least,
not until now.

You told him?



Why would you
discuss Bangkok

with him of all people?

You know what kind of
a big mouth this guy is?

You know what?

Every time we work
without Chance,

you act like this.

It's getting a little old.

Did you shut down
the freight elevator?

You said you were locking
everything down in the back.

I said get the alarms

and the electronics
locked down.

The freight elevator controls
are with them!

Freight elevator
is in the back.

Can't we just
shut it down now?


They got control
of it now.


[Speaking foreign language]

[Torch crackling]

Will that hold them?

Not for long.
We need to set up a barricade.

Come on.

What are you staring at?

9-millimeter slugs.

Where'd you get those?

I have no idea.

I'm just a trophy wife

whose only survival instinct
was to marry a billionaire.

Okay, could you cut me
some slack?

I'm trying
to be nice here.

Don't bother.
You and I are not friends.

All I expect from you

is that you help me
get out of this situation

and then we go
our separate ways.

What, you're actually gonna let
me have the last word?

Get down.


Stay down.


Not yet.



[Gun clicks]


[Speaking foreign language]

So about
this Bangkok thing...

Harry, I got a theory

as to why you're always getting
yourself into trouble.

'Cause I ask
too many questions?

I can't help it.
I just--I just need to know.

I really need to know.

This guy.

All right.

So we take this job in Bangkok
a few years back. Yeah.

Chance is
with the protectee.

Me and Guerrero,
we get caught.

They cuff us.

They blindfold us,
throw us in the back of a car.

Somehow Guerrero manages

to get himself free,

take out the driver,

and get us
out of there.

Guerrero saved your life?

and ever since then,

whenever we ain't working
with Chance,

oh, you should see him.
He just sits there just...

Always so superior...

Just judging me.

Really? It didn't seem
like he was judging you back--

oh, he's judging.
You sure?

Because I'm pretty observant
about this kind of stuff. Harry.

Shut it.

What are you guys doing--

Dude, we got a problem.
Just one?

Uh, yeah,
one particular.

Oh, crap.

What the...?

Oh, God.

All right, dude.

There's only four
in this elevator.

But there's four more
by the front exit.

There's three
on the east stairwell.

There's one on the west.
Too many.

We take out these guys
quick enough on the elevator,

keep them from letting
their buddies in.

No way. They got
way too much firepower.

I mean, look,
maybe we can hold our own,

but at the very least,

they're gonna keep us
pinned down.

And then once they--once they
unblock these outer doors,

we're gonna get


Damn it, don't argue with me
about this!

If we try to go toe-to-toe
with these guys--

I'm agreeing
with you, dummy.

We gotta fall back.



Where are we going?
Where are we going?

To a safe room,
unless you'd rather be dead.

Would you come on?

Hector Lopez?

Are you sure?
Pretty sure.

But why would
he do that?

Well, I killed
his brother.

What, that's it?
Simple revenge?

Revenge is a perfectly
acceptable reason

to commit murder.
Yeah, but I thought you people

didn't take those sorts
of things personally

when on the job.
Oh, "you people"?


Yeah, well,
that's a human being out there.

And if you prick him,

does he not...?


He's gonna wait.

Wait for what?

Till it's dark,
so he can close the distance

on us
without being spotted.

How can you be sure?
It's what I would do if I were in his spot.

He's angry.

He's good, but he knows
not to push a bad situation.

So he's gonna wait.

He's just sitting out there
thinking about his brother

and how it might feel
just a little bit better

if he can watch me die.

Like I said,
he's human like the rest of us.

Don't move.


What, are you crazy?
It's just a spider.

Yeah, a banana spider--

one of the most deadly spiders
in the world.

One bite is lethal.

God, it's probably
how this guy died.

When you get stung
by one of these things,

your lungs--
they collapse.

He probably sat down,
gasped for air,

then he just died.

He looks like he died
in the '80s.

I doubt that fella's been
around that long.

But the nest has.


God, this whole place
is a nest.

Come on, Harry, move.

Let's barricade the door.

Come on. Come on.
Come on.

[Cell phone ringing]

Hey. Guess who.
(Guerrero) Great.


Hey, is everything cool
down there?

I just saw a bunch of guys

with huge guns

parked in the alley.

Yeah. Yeah.
Everything's cool.

Where the hell
have you been?

Right here.

Okay, look,
I may have fallen asleep

for, like, five minutes.

But it's not like I--

we're barricaded
in the utility room

with a client,

and, um, there's about
a dozen guys outside the door

that want him dead.

If your nap's over

and you're not too tired,

you think maybe
you could come down and,

I don't know,

maybe help us figure a way
out of this?

[Pounding on door,
man shouting]

I'm gonna go out on a limb

and guess that
you don't speak Armenian.

There's more of them.

It's only gonna get worse.

They're nocturnal.

Might've figured
this out, though.

It's working?

Receiver's a little weak.

I just need to find a place

to get a better signal--
maybe on the roof.

Can't we just make a break
for it when it gets dark?

Oh, just go wandering
around out there?

He'll have
the advantage.

I want to know
exactly where we're going.

The fastest way to figure
that out is with the radio.

I'm gonna go up
on the roof,

see if I can boost the antenna,
get a better signal.

Listen, in the meantime,
here's this.

There's two rounds left.

Make the first one count.

Can you handle that?

Hurry up.

[Distant crack]

[Wood creaking,
footsteps approaching]

Where is he?

Aah! My eyes!

Unh! Oof!

[Chance coughing]

Oof! Unh!

I can't see.

Give me your hand.

We've got
to get out of here.

Give me your hand.

All right,
what do you see?

Okay, there's one big, ugly guy
blocking the stairwell.

Ain't no way
I'm getting passed him.

Yeah, well, you wouldn't
be stuck up there

if you'd answered your damn
phone the first three times

we called you.

You know what?
This is easy.

I mean, let's just call
the police.

Hello? Isn't that
what I pay taxes for?

Says the girl
who's been paying taxes

for three weeks.

Listen, we can't call
the cops.

Why not?


because we promised Harry
we wouldn't. That's why.

He asked for our help.
We're gonna fix this for him.

God, is he always this cranky
during a job?


All right,
don't want to talk.

I get it.

[Gas hissing]

Maybe if you let him
off the hook about Bangkok...

By telling him
how thankful I am

for what he did for me?

Dude, I'm not gonna feed
his ego like that.

No way.
What he did for you?

You stupid or something?

Anybody hear that?


[Gas hissing]

Is that
what I think it is?

Yeah. Okay.
That's gas.

I'm sorry
apology accepted.

What part
are you sorry about?

I had a clean shot at him
in the cabin,

and I didn't take it.

Oh, that's no reason
to apologize.

You were hurt.

Well, it's not a trip
to South America

until you've been
partially blinded

by drug-refining

Look, you never killed
anybody, right?

a fair assumption?

Well, so far, so good.

Let's just try to keep it
that way, okay?

What is it with you?

What do you mean
what is it with me?

A few hours ago,

you were probably considering
throwing me out of that plane.

And yet now
you're putting yourself

in all sorts of danger
just to prevent me

from having an experience

you fear might be
unpleasant for me.

Oh, unpleasant.

I am not belittling

the seriousness
of taking a life.

But in these

I could hardly
be blamed--

it's got nothing to do
with blame.

A life is a life.

You take one,
and a part of you is gone.

But you've-- somebody's
got to do what I do.

It doesn't mean it's easy.

And the first time...

Trust me, it's something
you never want to experience.

Are we sure
this is the right direction?

The signal was definitely
this way.

only a few more Miles.

I certainly hope
you're right.

If we have to turn back
around now,

we could be
in serious trouble.

Gracias, señorita.





Not bad
for a blind guy.

[Gas hissing]

It should be
in the panel there.

There's a master
shut-off switch.

There should be
a-a-a blue hose with a nozzle.

Okay. Okay, uh, um, t-there's--
there's two blue hoses.

has black dots on it.

And the other one
has a-a yellow stripe.

The one with the black dots--
that's the one. Turn that off.

Wait. Wait. Wait.
Stop. Stop. Stop.

What are you doing?
The black dots

is the return exhaust.

If you flip it,
it's gonna spark.

The yellow stripes--
that's the main feed.

No, it's not!

Dude, you're wrong,
all right?

And for what it's worth,
you're also acting

kind of like a douche.
Hey, guys--

shut up, Harry!

Listen, I was here when
they installed the damn thing.

I know
what I'm talking about.

You think this is the first
time I've been

in a situation like this?
I know how to fix this.

Harry, so help me, God...

This is about Bangkok.

This ain't the time, Harry!
No, shut up! Shut up!

Who took over that car
and saved you?

He did.

Bingo. I don't want to get
into other people's business,

but it looks like this
is clouding your judgment.

Wait. If you didn't save me,
then who did?


Oh, you have got
to be kidding me.

Huh? Not if is--is everybody se
the gas stopped.

Yeah, yeah, it did.
Oh, thank God.

Now, will someone come up
with a plan,

so I don't freeze
to death up here?

Hey, I don't know
about you,

but I'm not gonna sit
around here

and just wait for Chance to ride
to the rescue as usual.


See, that's the spirit.

That's the spirit.
Now what do we do?

Ames, can you turn that gas
back on if we ask you to?


I got an idea.
Why are we turning the gas on?

Why are we turning the gas back on?
Harry, just shut up.

♪ You're riding the waves ♪

♪ ♪

Nice neighborhood.

Oh, just one more thing.
Oh, just the one?

How'd you get the scars?

I grew up in Belfast...

In the middle
of someone else's fight...

Right in
the worst of it--

lots of shooting...

Not a great place
for a child to walk to school

in the morning.

Northern Ireland,
you don't have the--

the accent.

After this, I was...

I was sent to London.

And I put myself
through school there,

and I worked really hard.

I made something
of myself.

Well, I definitely
owe you an apology

for that
"trophy wife" comment.

I'm sorry about that.

Well, I'm sorry I flicked

the most poisonous spider
in the world at you.


Even Stephen.

So, uh, with regards

to our professional

Yeah, it could be
a little dicey.

We have to be careful.

People might start thinking
we're actually becoming friends.

Good evening,
Mrs. Pucci.

Are you guys
almost finished?

My God,
I'm a human being!

After this many hours,
I need to eat.

Is there nothing to eat in here,
like ketchup packets

or, good God, a throat lozenge
or something to munch on?

If I could just
kill him myself,

they'd probably let us go,
wouldn't they?

It's worth a shot.
I think this is about ready.

That's not gonna work.

It's gonna work.

Is this gonna work?

I'd say
there's a 50/50 chance

we end up burning down
the office building.

But on the bright side, Chance
won't get the satisfaction

of coming in here
and rescuing us.

I can live with that.

I'd feel a whole lot better
about this, though,

if the seal on this nozzle
were a little tighter.

Give me your belt.

Come on, I need something
I can use as a clamp.

Why can't we use
your belt?

I'm not wearing
a belt today.

Why not?
Because my pants fit.

What difference does it make?
Give me your belt.

The distraction ready?

Okay, look,
a couple of things--

first, I don't appreciate
being referred to

as "the distraction."

And second, I think
this is a stupid idea.

But, yes, I'm ready.

Everybody's a critic.

Just go.



Does anybody have a shirt
I can borrow?

[Beeping rapidly]


Do I even want to know?

Is it safe yet?

Hey, Chance.

Well, that explains

Your friend.

where is he?

I don't know
what you're talking about.


He's going to die today.

But if you help me
find him,

maybe you won't.

Big day today,

Okay, which one
do you want?


Okay, I get the whole Harry
and the Armenian mob thing.

I get the Ames
in the bikini.

I get why Winston
wasn't wearing a belt,

for the most part.

And I get that you guys
were a little upset

that I had some fun
at your expense

over the whole
Bangkok thing

four and a half years ago.

What is still bugging me

is that you signed
a contract.


With Ilsa--
an employment contract.

No, I didn't.

Yeah, you did.

No, I did not.

I don't sign anything.

She played me.
It would appear so.

Why would she do that?

She'd know that I'd find out
as soon as I got back.

Probably the first time
a woman lied

without, uh, thinking it

Yeah, but-- she didn't
want you to leave.

You know, also, you're really
bad at reading chicks, dude.


just saying.

[Cell phone ringing]

Speak of the devil.

Just talking about you.
I need you

to come back
to my place.

You all right?

No. No, I'm not all right.

Clear your throat
if you can't speak freely.

What's going on?

Hector Lopez is here.

You said
you wanted him here.

That's exactly
what you're going to get.

[The Boxer Rebellion's
Semi Automatic]

♪ ♪

[Car engine revving]

♪ ♪

♪ I am waiting ♪

♪ in a world
you don't want ♪

♪ suffocating ♪

♪ by an endless weak spot ♪

♪ please know up here ♪

♪ my hands are tied up too ♪

♪ from all I can see ♪

♪ makes it hard for me ♪

♪ the last one to say ♪

♪ good son ♪

♪ one more day ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ all I can see ♪


♪ Makes it hard for me ♪

♪ the last one to say ♪

♪ good son

♪ one more day ♪