Human Target (2010–2011): Season 2, Episode 4 - Human Target - full transcript

Ilsa wants the team to rescue her friend, reporter Susan Connors, who is captured by Paragayan border crime lord Miguel Cervantes. To find them, Chance must team up with his former hit men 'brother' Baptiste, whom he therefore 'borrows' from a Siberian prison. The rest of the team had a hard time getting Ilsa's private jet liberated, which Pentagon captain Mike Harmen's contact has pinned down by local troops. Baptiste plays his own dirty games with Chanca and Esteban.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪


There is no Cervantes.
There is no Susan Connors.

No, wait, wait.

Your boss kidnapped

a journalist
from her hotel room

in Asuncion
four days ago.

Now, that journalist happens
to be a friend of mine.

And I'm prepared to pay
an obscene amount of money.

So don't be stupid.

You are being sent home
as a courtesy.

Most who make it this far
aren't so lucky.

Don't come back.

I'm sorry. You went where?

Because I thought you said
that you tried

to see Miguel Cervantes,

the most dangerous warlord
on The Triple Frontier,

which is saying something,

and that you did it alone.

- Yes.
- Help me out here

'cause when we discussed this
the other day,

I explained to you
that no one knows

where to find Cervantes.


And that they kill people
down there for even asking.

You're worried about me.

I'm worried about who's gonna
pay the bills around here

if you end up dead

in some South American gutter


It's been almost five days
since Susan went missing

investigating a story
about Cervantes.

And we all agree
that if Cervantes

simply wanted her dead,
he would've done it publicly.

- So she's probably still alive.
- Probably.

The State Department can't act
because they have no way

of getting a message
to him.

The local governments won't act
because they're afraid of him.

And when I asked you
about rescue options,

you said there weren't any.

Well, I meant
that I couldn't think of any.

what's the difference?

In the interim,

I may have thought of one.

Well, what is it?

I've known this woman
since we were children.

Well, it's a little

You might not like it.
But could be worth a try.



Hell, no.

- Oh, you got my note.
- Yeah, I got your note.

Bad idea.
Terrible idea.

- I won't be a part of it.
- Won't be a part of what?

All right, let's just start
at the beginning.

A few years ago,

Miguel Cervantes
hired an assassin to take out

the President of Paraguay.

The assassin was successful.

Was quite proud of himself,
I might add.

We're talking about you.

No. Wasn't me.

It was a guy I know.

Anyway, Cervantes
and this assassin

had a falling out.

Define falling out.

Cervantes tried to kill him.

Which means

that the assassin

might be inclined
to help us stage a rescue.


No. I mean, seriously.

This guy's a bad egg.

- You can't trust him.
- Really?

You see
what's happening here?

We agree.

Now imagine
how that makes me feel.

You think I'm happy
about this?

I didn't want
to see him again

let alone ask him for help.

But the lady

wants to get
her friend back

so I don't have
any better ideas.

Do you?
Will someone please tell me

what's going on here?

Who is this guy

and why is it such a big deal
to ask for his help?

He was picked up
by the FBI

then he was traded
to the Russians.

Apparently they wanted him
more than our guys did.

He's not gonna be easy
to get to,

but I just don't see
any other way.


So the only person
who can help rescue Susan

is a professional killer

you neither like nor trust

who's currently rotting
in a Siberian prison,

and these two think
you're completely crazy

for even suggesting it.

Is that a vaguely
accurate picture

of what we're talking
about here?

Pretty much.

Oh, last time I saw him,

we tried to kill each other.

I know it sounds bad.

But if we're gonna stage
a rescue for Susan, I think--

Do it.

Whatever it takes.

We have to get Susan
out of there alive.

Just out of curiosity,

can you tell me the name
of this assassin?

Well, he goes by several names.

But the one
I know him by is...


Hello, matey.

♪ Human Target 2x04 ♪
The Return of Baptiste
Original Air Date on December 8, 2010

♪ ♪

I wish I knew you were coming.

Might've cleaned up the place
for you.

This isn't a social call.

Miguel Cervantes kidnapped
a journalist

named Susan Connors.

There's reason to believe
she's alive,

being held in his compound.

And this pertains to me how?

I need your help.

Is that a fact?

I know that Cervantes' compound

is well guarded.

I know that getting in
and out cleanly

is gonna take some finesse.

What I don't know--
is where to find him.

Tell me where to find
the compound--that's all I need.

And what do I get out
of this exactly?

You get to get off your ass,

come up here,

and point your finger on a map
or I get the guards

to open this door
and I come in there.

Man, I missed you.

So what's the story
with those two anyway?

Well, before Chance


he and Baptiste worked
for the same boss.

A master assassin
who took them both in

and trained them.

They called him
"the old man."

And in a weird way,

they were the closest thing
Chance had to family.

So why does Chance hate him
so much?

He wanted out
of that life.

Well, that didn't go over
too well.

And a woman close to Chance
ended up getting killed over it.

Baptiste killed her?

I promise you,

do not mess with me
on this one.

And I promise you
that's not my intention.

I just simply do not know
where the compound is.

You were there yourself.
Blindfolded on the way in.

And coming out,

was provided for me.

Provided by who?

A gentleman by the name
of Esteban.

He's a local enemy
of Cervantes.

The Triple Frontier

is not a particularly
welcoming place.

Esteban helped
because he knew me.

But for you, not so much.

What are you saying?

What am I saying?

I'm saying I can't help you
find Cervantes

unless you take me
with you.

Fat chance.

Have a nice life.

You will never find her
without me.

Cervantes is a ghost
down there.

And if you had another option,

you wouldn't be here
in the first place.

What's this all about anyway?

You want to get close
to Cervantes?

You want to kill him?
Settle a score? What?

Grudges are for
the weak of spirit.

And you know that's not me.

Then why?

Geezer has my watch.

I beg your pardon?

The target Cervantes

hired me to liquidate,

he wore a vintage Breguet,

Heritage Collection.

It's a work of art, really.

And when I escaped,
it got left behind.

Give me the chance
to retrieve it

and I'll help you
save the girl.

I give you my word,

What the hell are you doing
to my conference room?

Does she really need to know

or is this one of those things
it's better off if she doesn't?


It's hardware that allows us
to piggyback

on a military spy satellite
so we can keep an eye

on Chance and Baptiste.

I'm gonna go out on a limb
and guess that that's illegal.


I didn't want Chance

talking to Baptiste
in the first place, remember?

At least this way,
wherever they go,

I can watch his back.

I need temporary custody
of prisoner Baptiste.


What makes you think
I would agree to that?

This, my friend,

is a Private Bank of Geneva
Black Card.

Airport club access,
concierge services,

no spending limit.

of Ilsa Pucci.

I'll have Baptiste back
in 48 hours.

Until then,
knock yourself out.

There is only one problem.

Prisoners must be
within sight of a guard

at all times.


Not now.

I need you on your toes.

Plus I don't have to tell you
what's gonna be waiting for us

when we get off this plane.

Let's go over
some ground rules.

Ground rules?

We're at grammar school now,
are we?

Rule number one,
cuffs stay on at all times.

You're kidding me.

Rule number two,
you will not touch a weapon

of any kind.

I'm ashamed to know you.
I truly am.

Rule number three.

When this is finished,

you're going straight back
to that prison.

Are we clear?

All except rule number three.

That's non-negotiable.

We'll see.

Who is that?

His name's
Captain Mike Harmen.

He's the contact
of the Defense Department.

I've been on the phone
with him all week

trying to get some help
with Susan.

I'll be right with you,

I'll go with you.


satellite setup.

Chance on ground
with fugitive assassin.

We need to make sure
this goes very carefully.

I once sat a poker table
with Rumsfeld, Kissinger,

and the Chief of Operations
for the Mossad.


Rummy still owes me
1,000 bucks.

So what can I do for you,

Mrs. Pucci,
we have a problem.

Look, I get it.

You told me not to go
after Susan Connors

and I went anyway.

Your boss put some heat
on you.

He told you
to come down here

and put some heat on me.

Can't we just save ourselves
some time and go get some lunch?

We certainly could...

Had I not received
this message

just before
I arrived here.

What is that?

That is a photograph
sent by my liaison

in the Paraguayan Army

of your private plane
sitting in an airfield

just a few miles away
from The Triple Frontier.


That's the ground.

Why are you disconnecting
the ground wire?

I think we've got
a problem.

What kind of problem?

Captain Mike Harmen has asked
the Paraguayan Army

to seize my plane.

I think Chance just lost
his getaway.

There's a doorway
down there on the right.

That's Esteban's place.

But before we go in,

can I renew my objection
to the current state

of my hands?

- I already told you.
- Yeah, I know.

I know. Rule one.

Thing is, folks around here
don't take kindly

to strangers
asking questions.

What sense does it make
to handicap ourselves

from the outset?

You know what,
you got a point.

- Better?
- Not even close.

♪ ♪

Greetings, matey.

Drink, amigo?


So we're looking
for Esteban.

Have you seen him?

Uh, yeah, we seem

to have lost the keys.

It's a funny story,

You want to see Esteban,

Esteban does not want

to see you.

Put down the gun.

You first.

I asked you
to put the gun down.

I won't ask again.


Oh, you are such a child.

I hope you're proud
of yourself.

You asked me to help you
find Esteban,

and I'm doing that,

but you're getting lost
in the details, matey.

Details my ass.
Give me the gun.

This gun?

You want this gun?

Come and take it from me.

You don't think I can just
smack you up and take that gun?

No, I really don't.

All right, folks,

you're in
for a little show.

What about
a different plane?

Is there no other way
to fly them out of there?

Not from down there.

Not with this kind
of notice.

We need to figure out a way
to get Harmen

to release that plane.

I've been dealing
with him all week.

He's not
a "bend the rules"

kind of guy.
What are you doing?

I did that an hour ago.
It doesn't work.

You loosened the lid for me.

If Chance
still has his phone,

the satellite
should be locked in on him.

Right there.

What the hell are they doing?

Well, it appears

they're kicking the crap
out of each other.

I assume
this doesn't bode well

for Susan's rescue.

Zoom out, would you?

What's that?

That is a problem.

Come on. Answer your phone.
Answer your phone.

Hola, Esteban.

We were, um,

hoping you could
help us find Cervantes.

So, Esteban,
is it fair to assume

that you're now working
for Cervantes?

- Where are they?
- I don't know.

I got no signal
to lock onto, man.

He must've lost
his phone.

How do we find him?

We don't.

No signal to latch on to.

Could take hours
to find him.

Every minute
we spend looking is a minute

we take away
from figuring out a way

to get that plane
off the ground.

So what,
we just leave them there

and hope for the best?

I don't like this
any more than you do.

But right now,
getting that plane free

is the only way we can help
get them home alive.

Yeah, that's assuming
they're not dead already.

- Hey!
- What?

I'm just saying.

You said that Esteban
helped you escape

from Cervantes.

That they were mortal enemies
or something.

Hey, may I remind you,

if you hadn't lost your mind
about me having a weapon,

we probably wouldn't be
in this mess.

You knew the rules.

The rules.

Here we go.

I don't trust you at all

so we stick
to the rules.

You have no idea
how silly that sounds

coming from you.

What I should trust you?

Why shouldn't you?

When you left me
and the old man,

you said nothing.

That decision
must've been brewing

for--for quite
a while, right?

So how many days?

How many conversations
did me and you have

during which the only thought
in your head

was about running away?

And you never said
a word.

You call that being honest?

Dig your graves.

Dude, no way.

It's a simple Norma Jean.

First of all,
there's no such thing

as a simple Norma Jean,
all right?

When a Norma Jean goes bad,
it goes real bad.

A Norma Jean went bad
on my cousin Pat.

She ended up pregnant
with twins.

Well, you got
a better idea?


Let's call that Ames broad.

She went back East.

Clear head
after that heist debacle.

Fine. Then I'll go.

And do what?

Put a gun
to Harmen's head?

What's wrong with putting
a gun to his head?

A lot of productive things
have happened

by putting a gun
to someone's head.

Wait a second.

Your friend,
Captain Harmen,

said he had a liaison down there
with the Paraguayan Army.

That's probably who he called
to seize the plane, right?

So why don't we call
the guy ourselves,

get him to release
the plane?

We get into Harmen's office,

find out
who that liaison is

and how to contact him.

Then we figure out a way
to make it look like Harmen's

making the call to him.

We get into his office.
But what if he's in his office?

Oh, that's easy.
We'll just send you. What?


It's not a bad idea.

It certainly sounds like one.

I agree.


This ain't that hard.

The info we want

is probably
on Harmen's computer.

Now you just
go down there

and you--you make nice

and say you're sorry
about what happened before.

Then you take
a pirate modem.

Put it close enough
to his computer

so I can hack into it.

The whole thing takes
a couple of minutes.

He's right.
It's a terrible idea.

"I played poker with Rummy."
What happened to that?

That was a game.

What you're asking me
to do...

I'm not a field operative.

Listen, you want to see
your friend Susan alive again,

then you're gonna
become one.


About before.

I probably should've taken
those cuffs off you at the bar.

What, that's it?

What? You want me to be sorry
about something else?

If you don't know,
I'm not gonna explain it to you.

Why don't I hear something
like "hey, junior,

"thanks for the last 24 hours.

It was nice to get
some fresh air."

You had a drink.

You had a few laughs
at my expense.

You got to admit,
this day beats the crap

out of any day you had
in that prison cell.

I shouldn't have been
in that jail cell

for you to find me
in the first place.

Whose fault is that anyway?

Don't get mad at me.

Get mad at the old man.

When I got thrown
in Chi Hoa,

he busted me out
in three weeks.

Yeah, well, that situation
was different.

Why was it different?
'Cause that was you.

He cut you loose,
didn't he?


Is it because you got caught?

Or maybe it was because you
were doing the catching.

But your guess
is as good

as mine, mate.

But I haven't heard a word
from him

since the last time
we saw each other.

Hurry up.

Señor Baptiste.

I'm surprised
to see you again.


What are you doing here?

Well, it appears
I'm digging my own grave.

What are you doing here?

Truth be told,

I'm in the market
for a new job

and I'm hoping
that you're hiring.

You son of a...

You want to work for me?

Yes, I do.

Very interesting.

Let's discuss it then,
shall we?

And what about this one?

I don't know.

He may some value
to you.

Thanks for bringing me
down here, junior.

Sorry it had
to be this way.

And, uh, sorry
about this.

Oh, you're awake.

I'm Susan.


Yeah, I heard
a little bit about you.

I'm Christopher Chance.

Ilsa Pucci sent me here

to rescue you.

- Ilsa sent you?
- Yeah.

- To rescue me?
- Mm-hmm.

And, uh,
how's this rescue going?

Could be worse.

So...What brings
a nice journalist like you

to a place like this?

Well, I came down here
chasing a story

trying to tie Cervantes
to the murder

of this country's President.

Just before I got caught,

I found the link.

Witnesses who can blow

the story wide open.

Cervantes wants to know
who talked.

So far, my interrogators
have been keeping things

fairly polite.

But something tells me
with you here,

that's about to change.

Yeah, it's a pretty safe bet.

Listen, can you reach my pants
with your foot?

In the lining
of my pocket flap,

there's a syringe
filled with anesthetic.

Maybe we could use it
on your friend

when he comes back.

Do I need to ask
why you have a full syringe

of anesthetic
in your pocket?

Well, I brought someone
with me to help find you.

Someone who I was worried
might try to screw me over.

And where exactly is
this someone now?

Screwing me over.

Join me. Please.

Señor Baptiste.

Your track record

is quite impressive.

Prime Minister Goetz.
Justice Rabang in Manila.

You're an artist.

But our history together,
it makes your proposal,

while tempting,

also somewhat difficult
to believe.

Our past is what it is.

You were unhappy
with my work.

That's your prerogative.

I'd hired you
to do a job--

you hired me
to eliminate a man,

which I did.

And you wanted him
humiliated, tortured.

It's simply not me.

It's inelegant.

Is that my watch?

That is Esteban's watch.

A gift

from me.

Well, then

let's forget about our past

and discuss our future,
shall we?

Be careful.
I've almost got it.



I can't believe
that worked.

Me neither.

All right, he's probably
got a knife on him--

let's find it

and cut ourselves down.

Put that in your ear.

Oh, God.

I can't believe
I'm doing this.

It's gonna be easy.

Just take this pirate modem.

So you turn it on
right there.

Get that within range

of Harmen's computer.

And I'll take it
from there.

All right, I'm in position.

She moving yet?

Getting there.

Take your time, dude.

View's real nice
from up here.

So what's he doing again?

He's gonna splice
into their switchboard

so that when we call

to get your plane

it'll sound like the call's
coming from Harmen's office.

Now, listen,
once we're logged in,

Harmen gets locked out
of his computer.

So he can't be on there
while I'm doing my search.

So how do I keep him
from looking at his computer?

Opening a button
might help.

I'm not even gonna dignify that
with a response.

You sure?

Mrs. Pucci.

Hello, Captain.

How are you?

I'm fine.
What are you doing down here?

I don't feel very good
about yesterday,

and I was hoping
we could maybe talk about it

a little bit.

Come on in.

this is Ilsa Pucci.


Hello. Margaret.

Please tell me

Margaret is not sitting
in front of the computer.


Look, I can't hack in

till you get her
away from there.

Oh, it's a simple Norma Jean.

Nothing to worry about.

Oh, shut up!

What I am offering you

are the services
of a professional without peer.

I think there's a path
over there that leads

to the front gate.

We're not taking
the front gate.

Baptiste said
it's too heavily guarded.

Do you know
of any other way out?

He mentioned a back way,

but I don't know
where to find it.

Well, you got
any better ideas?

So please

think carefully
before you throw out a number

less you insult me
and lose out on this opportunity


20 million.


U.S. for a year
of your time.

There's one condition.

It's my understanding

that the man
you arrived here with

was once quite close
to you.

You understand
I need to be certain

that you and he are not
playing me for a fool.

Hmm. Kill him

and then
we'll have a deal.

Sounds perfectly
reasonable to me.


Hello, fellas.

If you've come to argue
about your ground rules again,

I think you're going
to be sorely disappointed.

We can discuss that later.
That's not why I'm here.

Then why are you here?

To ask for your help.

I'm sorry?
You're asking for my help?


I'm getting real tired
of it too.

But you know the way
out of here, I don't.

You gave me your word.

I came here to see
what it's worth.

I am deeply sorry
I have to do this.

But I will be taking
that watch back now.

Get in!

where the hell are you?

What's going on?

We've got Susan.

We're heading to the plane.

Is there anything else
I should know?


Stand by.

Ilsa, you need to hurry.

I'm a little confused.

You're here to apologize
about yesterday?


So you admit the plane
down there

is part
of a rescue mission?

I've been advised

not to answer that question.

All right, I'm patched
into the switchboard.

She got the modem on yet?

Not yet. Ilsa.

Listen, you got to get

that damn computer clear.

I'm sorry.

Could you ask
your secretary

if she could give us
a minute

to speak in private?

I am a Senior Policy


Thank you, Margaret.


we're trying to free up
the plane.

We need a couple of minutes.

I don't have

a couple of minutes.

Please have a seat.

We're in.

All right,
Mrs. Pucci,

what is it you want
to talk about?

Modem's been activated.
We're uploading.


I feel as if
we don't really

know each other
very well.

Hey, save a bullet.

Machinegun nests

either side
of the rear gate.

Once we get

around the turn,
about 30 meters.

Not gonna give us
much time.

About two or three seconds

and then we're full
of holes.

Okay, turn's coming.
You ready? Ready.


Next left! Take it!

Come on, dude, give me a number.

Hang on. Hang on.
Hang on.

So I assume you went
to college.


Yes, I did.

Did you like it?

Mrs. Pucci,

you come
all the way down here.

You offer me one of the more
bizarre apologies

I've ever heard.

You dismiss a woman
from my office

who is probably going
to be my boss one day

to ask me questions
about where I went to school

and whether or not I'm allowed
to wear jeans on fridays?

What are you doing here?

And I want
a straight answer.


That's a completely fair

Come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on.

One moment.
Are you seeing anyone?

Did you just ask me out?


Yes, I did.

I just felt
there might be some chemistry

here between us.


Got it.

Good job, Ilsa.

We're done.
Get out of there.

Okay then. I better go.

Captain Carlos Montoya.

Sending you the number.

Got it.

This is Captain Harmen.

I need to speak
to Captain Montoya right away.

Montoya, this is Harmen.

Release the plane

Yes, sir.

There's a military

What should I do?

They're not moving.

Just don't stop.

You know, with most people,

when I haven't seen them
for a few months,

the big surprise is
they've changed their hair.

What the hell
are you doing here?

I have no idea.

I guess I'm--I'm doing
what Marshall

would've wanted me to.


So where did you find
the guy?


Oh, God.

Really? I don't know.

Seemed nice enough to me.

Excuse me a sec, Susan.

So...What are you
doing here?

Oh, I think we both know
what I'm doing here.

Your plane was released
from local control

roughly 18 hours ago.

Communications mix-up

according to my contact
down there.

And now I see Susan Connors
sitting in your office

safe and sound.

You gamed me.

I don't know how,
but you did.

You know,
there is one more thing

I'd like to know.


When you asked me

if I was seeing someone,

was that part of the game

or did you really want
to know?

I think...

Well, uh,
I would ask you

to remember that...

Given the context--
so I'll pick you up at 8:00.

Don't do it.

It's not even the most
expensive one on the tray.

No. But it's your favorite
so you can't have any.

Yet again.

on the little details

and missing out
on the bigger picture.

Which is?
That you trusted me.

And you were rewarded
for that trust.

Let's go overboard here, okay?

I know you better
than you think.

And there was a moment
back there

where you were thinking
about shooting me.

I was not.
Yes, you were.

Well, the man made
a convincing argument.

And I do have material needs.
I'm only human.

And besides,

it suddenly occurred to me

that--and despite
what this says about me

and despite how truly
distressing the thought...

You might be the last friend
I've got on this earth.

I've spent most
of the last six years

wishing you were dead.

We're not friends.

Not by any definition
I know of.

Well, yeah, beggars
can't be choosers, right?

It makes this
so much more unpleasant.

Hold this.



In my defense,

I was extremely frank

about my intentions
on this trip.

I simply can't have you

put me back in that cell.

I think we both know
you're not gonna shoot me.

Oh, come on.
What did he ever do to you?

Let's discuss
what's gonna happen next.

I'm gonna enjoy a glass
of my favorite cognac.

You tell the pilot
we're diverting to Caracas.

Once we land,
I'll walk out.

I think you know
that I can't let that happen.

Be that as it may...


I have a counter proposal.

Do you now?

Come work for me.

I beg your pardon?

You heard me.

I think you enjoyed helping.

I think there's more

to the old man
cutting you off story

than you're letting on.

I think you're about
where I was three years ago.

And no more ready
to talk about it either.

You're joking.


You saying
you don't trust me?

Not one...


Ketamine in the cognac.

Yeah, I figured
you couldn't resist.

Sorry, but I was Frank
about my intentions.

I got to take you back
to where I got you.

That's very clever.

Man, I really missed you.

Do I even want to know?

Probably not.

So what happened
with Baptiste?

I offered him a job.

Dude, seriously?

I don't have to put up
with enough around here?

He turned it down.

At least there's still
a little integrity

left among criminals.

So where is he?
Well, let's see.

Right about now
it should be

chow time in Siberia.

Bet he didn't want
to part with that.


How'd you get
the Paraguayan Army

to let us on the plane?

Norma Jean.

It's impossible.

Can't bluff a Norma Jean
with just two guys.

They had some help.

Are you serious?

I'm gone two days
and she's out

on the field?
Not my call, dude.

I'll clean that later.

Mr. Chance,

I told you I was prepared
to rescue Susan

by any means necessary.

But I thought we had
this conversation.

There's about a million things
that could've gone wrong.

You could've been arrested.

You were risking your life
to save my friend.

The least I could do
was risk my reputation.

Suppose a "thank you"
is in order.

No. It's I who should thank you
for bringing Susan safely home.

It looks like
it wasn't easy.

Oh, comes with the turf.

Sometimes a mission stays
with you after it's done.

So I'm learning.
Good night.

Where you going?

I guess we both made a bit
of a sacrifice on this one.

I have a date...

With Captain Harmen.

Who's capt--