Human Target (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 9 - Human Target - full transcript

A boxer is hiding after refusing to lose a fight for gambling baron Hugh Prentiss. Chance gets common enemy mob lord Tony Belvilacqua to fiance a sting, setting up himself as rising start Grant Stanton, promising to make Prentiss lose his entire fortune. The team is worried sick about how hard it is on Chance psychologically, despite markers and bribery, while a killed boxer's daughter Eva Khan, 'inherited' by Prentiss, is the game's wildcard.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
♪ ♪


looks like Emil
is good and angry.

Well, so far, so good.




So, say it already.


You're like an open book.

It's written
all over your face.

All right, genius,
since you know me so well,

what am I thinking
right now?

Well, you're worried because
we're going to see somebody

who's not exactly
my biggest fan.

You're second guessing.

"not exactly
your biggest fan."

The man told you
if he ever saw you again,

he'd shoot you
in the kneecaps,

Stuff you
in a steamer trunk,

and sink it
to the bm of the bay.

You see, that's what
I'm talking about.

You're nervous.

I'm not nervous.

I'm simply stating a fact:

The man's a psychopath.

He wants to kill you,
and you just want to

just waltz right
into his living room.

But, see, I've been
around you long enough

to know that, for you,

that's pretty much
par for the course.

Still, you come along.

You're like a...
mystery wrapped in a riddle

wrapped in... cashmere.

Christopher Chance to see
Mr. Bevilacqua.

Are you some kind
of moron, son?

I believe I made
myself clear

when last we spoke.

I know you've got ears.

Best I can tell,
the x-factor here

is that you two idiots
just don't listen.

And on that note...

take it away.

I need $1.8 million
in the next week, in cash.

Get the steamer trunk and my .45
and bring 'em up here.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Just a loan.

You'll get
every cent back,

and, in the process,
you'll get to stick it

to the one guy in the world
you hate worse than me.

Hugh Prentiss.

Hugh Prentiss?

Which one?

Just hang on a second.
Keep talking.

I got a client.
Prize fighter.

His name is Eddie Dunn.

Prentiss told him
to take a dive.

Eddie wouldn't do it.

Prentiss lost a fortune.

$1.8 million, to be exact.

Your client doesn't
sound too smart.

I'll be honest with you.

He's not the brightest
bulb in the box.

Is he saying I'm dumb?

Of course not.

I'm not dumb.

Your headphones
are on backwards.

But Eddie's a good kid.

Prentiss wouldn't even give him
a chance to make it square.

Just sent guys
with guns to his house.

Eddie fought his way out,

But he's been
on the run ever since.

And what, exactly,

do you think
you're gonna do about that?

Well, Prentiss
has got deep pockets.

Eventually, he's gonna
find a way to get to my client.

But I got a plan to make sure
that Prentiss

never threatens Eddie
or anyone else, ever again.

It's all in place.

I just need the money
to make it happen.

I'm still listening.

The Christof fight tournament
in Brussels.

Eight fighters,
the best in the world.

Betting room famous
for the sums of money wagered.

Fortunes won and lost
in a night.

I'm gonna get Prentiss
to make the wrong bet

on the wrong fighter.

And he's gonna get wiped out.

You're gonna
get Hugh Prentiss,

the shrewdest gambler alive,

to bet everything he's got
and lose?

Everything he owns.
Every last dime.

And may I ask
who this fighter is?


All right.
All right, let's say...

let's say you could
win this tournament.

And that somehow, some way,

you can actually
convince Prentiss

to bet every dime he owns
against you.

You seem to be forgetting
one small detail.

What's that?

The Christof
is invitation-only, dummy.

Why would they invite you?

Step one of four.

Concoct a hell of a story.

See, the organizers
of this tournament,

they kind of
have a soft spot

for guys who
just come out of nowhere.

You know, unknowns.

So we're going
to spread the word

about an unknown
named Grant Johnson

who has run together
a string of victories,

And then we're gonna
plug Chance in

and make the story real.

Here, in McGinty's Irish Pub?

Yeah, something like that.

Yeah, see, I know
you guys are new at this,

But to make a name
for yourself,

You gotta beat
someone big.

To make a splash
like you're talking,

I can't imagine who you'd
have to take down

to do that.

Kendrick Taylor.


The guy's got, like,
three MMA titles.

Gold medal in Athens.

Ah, wish I had my camera.


Anyway, what were
we talking about?

Oh, right.

Uh, beating someone
with a big enough name

to make an... impression.



Spilled your drink.

You did it again.

Okay, man, show him.

Let's do it, huh?
Come on, right now.


Kendrick Taylor's
a wrecking machine.

You guys are picking
a fight with him,

and I'm an idiot?

Watch this.

Hey, who is this guy?

Oh, it looks like,
uh, Grant Johnson.

What, you never
heard of him?

It's Kelso.

You'll never believe
what I just saw.

How the hell
did he just do that?

Let me get this straight.

You know Kendrick Taylor,

and you convinced him
to let you kick his ass

in public?

Well, he's an old friend.

He's getting out
of the fight business and...

he needs some help
getting a liquor license

to open his wine bar,

so... seemed like
a fair trade.

You'll read about it
in a month.

What's all this?

This is step two
of four.



I don't know
what that means.

Spying, genius.

Look, in order for
this thing to come off,

we gotta get Chance
to the finals.

There's no limit
on wagers then.

It's the only time
Prentiss can bet everything.

Now, getting Chance there
means we need to learn

everything we can
about his opponents.

Things they don't
want us to know.


Chinks in their armor.
That sort of thing.

Now, you're gonna have
to help us out with that, Eddie.

You up for it?

You really think Chance
can win this thing?

There's nobody in the world
I'd rather have in my corner.

I just got a call.

Pack a bag.
We're going to Brussels.

Good evening, gentlemen.

May I help you?

Yes, we're with
the Benedict party.

Planning or implementation?


Please... follow me.

Fight check-in
is at 7:00 pm.

All right, tell me
the truth.

Are you as excited
as I am?

You know, I haven't
wanted to ask you this,

but, um...

back there in the alley
with Kendrick,

that shot you took
to the chin...

that wasn't supposed
to happen, was it?

You caught that, huh?


You know, with all the jiu-jitsu
crap that you do,

how the hell do you
get hit by accident

in a staged fight?

I don't know.

Just zigged
when I should have zagged.

It happens.

You're about to step
into this ring

with some really
heavy hitters,

And it's Eddie's life
that's riding on it.

So, listen, if you're
not feeling up to it...

I'm good.

Really good.

Damn it!

♪ Human Target 1x09 ♪
Corner Man
Original Air Date on March 24, 2010

All right, it looks like
our first appointment's

gonna be a fighter
named Emil Lodan.

We're on it.

Everybody's got a weakness.

We'll find Emil's.

Yeah, listen,

just as a reminder--

I don't need a reminder.

Yeah, just as a reminder,

Make sure
you talk to Frank.

I called Frank.

Did you talk to him?

I left word.

Left word
ain't gonna cut it.

Hell, I can leave word.
You know the guy.

Listen, you gotta make sure
that Frank's on board.




Who's Frank?

Frank is step three.

The fight starts at 8:00,

so that should give you
plenty of time

to rest up before then.

That'll give us time
to go over our cover story

one more time.

I was only half-listening
on the plane.

What? It's better
than not listening at all.

Welcome, Mr. Johnson.

Do you know who I am?

Hugh Prentiss.

We let ourselves in.
Hope you don't mind.

That's my physician,
Dr. Weisz.

That's my security chief,
Mr. Sams.

And that's Eva.

So...What can we
do for you?

I like to meet
the participants.

It helps give me
a sense of the event.

In your case, it seemed
particularly worth the trip.

My case?

There's nothing more exciting
than an unknown

who makes a splash.

That's me.
All about the splashing.

Your shirt.

All the participants
submit themselves

to a routine medical.

'cause of your late entry,
there wasn't time,

But if you don't mind...

Now, I may be
overly skeptical,

but, uh, I have to know--

How does a fighter
with your skill

just appear
out of thin air?


Pelican Bay.

He did nine years
for aggravated assault.

So you fought
in the penal system, did you?

It's a wonderful
recruiting ground.

Tell me,
how is Warden Torres?

She's fine.

As far as I know.

And you're his
corner man, are you?

Life coach I think
is what they call it.

I've got a gym
in the tenderloin.

He came walking
in my door one day,

saying he wanted
to put his past behind him.

You can put
your shirt back on.

Well, it was very nice
to meet you gents.

Good luck tonight.


Nice meeting you.

All right,
I got to get Guerrero

hacked into the closed circuit
camera network here.

Life coach?

Fan of the fights?

Just here for the party.

Eva Khan.

Your dad's Vincent Khan?

Won this tournament
back in the '80s,

what, four times?

Greatest heavyweight fighter
nobody's ever heard of.

Not bad.

Ah, I do my homework.

That's why I also know
you're not Prentiss's arm candy.

You're the reason he's so good
at picking winners.

You're his fight handicapper,
aren't you?

Again, not bad.

But I do my homework too.

Wanna tell me why

you've been running around
with Eddie Dunn?

Don't worry, I haven't
said anything to Hugh,

which, frankly, you ought
to be thanking me for,

because if even thought
you knew where Eddie was,

he'd be... upset.

Well, maybe upsetting Hugh

is exactly
what I want to do.

Eddie's made his bed.

If I were you,
I'd stay out of it.

Eddie's bed?

So Prentiss thinks you're
pretty good at picking winners.

What do you think my Chances
are out there today?



I think you're gonna lose.

All right, here's
what we've got on Emil Lodan.

Managed to dig up
his army psychiatric records.

The guy's got serious
anger management issues.

Provoke him,
he'll make mistakes.


Try leading
with your off-hand.

That usually
pisses 'em off.

Slap him.

Slap him?

What do you mean
"slap him"?

Open-handed, in the face.

What are you
talking about?

Why would you want
to slap--

What the hell's
the matter with you?

Why? You angry?

Yeah, I'm angry.
You just...


Looks like Emil
is good and angry.

Yeah, so far, so good.

Once he's flustered,
go for his weak spot.

He's got a pin in his wrist
from a shattered ulna

about a year ago.

And, uh, last May,

he broke his third
and fourth ribs, so...

one clean shot
to those ribs,

knock the wind
right out of him.

Then just finish him off.



What is "uh-oh"?

There's something
not right with him.

I saw the same thing
in the alley with Kendrick.

It's not like him.
He's looking slow.

He's not attacking.


Damn it!

I'm calling this fight.

We're gonna need
the ring doctor.

Hang on a second.

There's no hanging on!

I'm looking right at him,

and I just heard
something pop!

I hope it's not his spine.

It wasn't.

Think we just
won the fight.

The pop you heard
was Emil's wrist.

How do you know what
a broken wrist sounds like?


Look, dude,
the top of the skull

is the hardest part
on the body.

Chance leaned into
that punch on purpose,

and I bet it, uh,
broke Emil's bad hand there.

I don't know what
the hell you're talking about.

I'm looking right at him,
and he looks fine to me.

He's in pain, dude.
He's just not gonna show it.

If I'm right, Emil's done.

He can't defend himself
at all.

And if you're wrong?


Ohh! Uhh!

What the hell at
happened to you out there?

You know, a couple more
minutes of that stuff,

and you'd be
a human doorstop.

I know, it's like
I forgot how to fight.

Well, that doesn't
make any sense.

Sure it does.

He's got the yips.

If he goes back
in that ring...

He's gonna get killed.

Wait--wait a minute.
The yips?

What do you mean
he's got the yips?

You know, like when
a ballplayer hits a slump.

He's in his head.

All the parts that need to work
aren't working.

Double vision.
Reaction time gone to pot.

Weird, ringing noise,

Like, uh, nails on
a chalkboard, but in your head.

What'd you do about it?

Oh, I tried
a bunch of things.

Tried cutting out dairy.

My buddy told me
to wear two right shoes.

I slept with my gloves on
for a while.

Like a year.

All right.
You're an idiot.

Yeah, well,
I don't like it.

You still got
two more fights to win,

and I don't think
the next guy's gonna fall

for the "break my hand
over your skull" routine.

He's right.

If you
go back in that ring,

you're gonna get killed.

Not sure
where that leaves me.

Just relax, Eddie.

Nothing is gonna
happen to you.

We got a good plan,
and we're gonna stick to it.

I'm gonna go see Eva.

You guys are gonna
work out a strategy

for my next fight.

Guerrero, did you
talk to Frank yet?

Still waiting
on a call back.

Okay, well, Guerrero's
gonna talk to Frank soon,

and everything's
gonna work out just fine.

This yips thing
is probably just... nerves.


You ever known him
to be nervous about anything?

Final jeopardy questions.


Yeah, well,
I don't care what he says.

Till this yips thing
gets figured out,

I'm not taking any chances.

We're gonna fix
his next fight.


And you call yourself
a role model?



You shouldn't be here.

'cause of your boss?

What's the story
with you two, anyway?

Hugh was a close friend
of my father's.

I was nine when he died.

He took me in
and raised me as his own.

What happened to your father?

He was sick.

Doctors told him
to stay out of the ring.

He wso did I.

But you know fighters.

The point is,
I would do anything for Hugh,

and I think you know that.

Which is why you're here.

So cut the crap and ask me
what you want to ask me.

Eddie doesn't deserve to die

'cause your boss doesn't
like to play fair.

Prentiss listens to you.

Help me convince him
to cut Eddie loose.

What makes you think
I would help you or Eddie?

I don't know.
Just a hunch, maybe.

Am I wrong?

Prentiss listens to me
about betting on fighters,

not about forgiving
million-dollar debts.

Let's make a bet.

I win this tournament,

Prentiss lets Eddie go.

I lose, he gets
all his money back.


You're not serious.

$1.8 million in cash.

I got it upstairs,
if you want to see it.

I can't help Eddie Dunn.

And neither can you.


Uhh! Ooh!

I told you earlier
you would lose.

Do you know
how I knew that?

I could see it
in your eyes.

You have that look like
there's nobody at the wheel.

The yips.

Call it what
you want to call it,

but they're real.

Some guys never fight again
because of it.

How do they happen?

In my experience,

it's fear.

I'm not afraid.

You are, and until
you find out of what or who,

your problem's
not going away.

I heard that fighter
came to see you.



What'd he have to say
for himself?

Talking about the field.

I think he was trying
to hit on me.

What did he say

That you don't
want to tell me?

He's working
with Eddie Dunn.

Is that a fact?

He wants
to strike a deal...

to get Eddie
off the hook.

He says he has the money
to cover your loss.

I think you should take it.

I'm just saying
you get the 1.8 back.

Everyone gets to move on.

Isn't that a good thing?

When someone makes
a fool of you,

you have to make
an example of them.

Otherwise, you just encourage
that kind of behavior.

I know what I'm doing.

This is my business.

Mr. Prentiss.

Have that sent
to my room, would you?

Of course.

There's only
a handful of people

That would lend someone
like Eddie that kind of money.

Let's find out
which one it is, shall we?

Yeah, hold on,
damn it.

Foster Larouche?


I'd like
to speak with you

about your fight today
with Grant Johnson.

Foster, my man,
you've had a good run.

Four championship
boxing titles.

Including the one
they stripped from you

on those trumped-up
gambling charges.

But, you know,
I think it's time

that you asked yourself,

how many more fights
you got in you?

Maybe it's time for you
to explore some--

25 million.

Excuse me?

Well... you're
buying me off, yeah?

Trying to get me
to throw the fight.

Well... yeah, but--

25 million.

I'm perfectly happy
to take a fall.

But I'm not just
gonna give it away.

25 million?

Before the bell rings,
in cash,

in my hands.

Tell you what
I'm gonna do, Foster.

I'm gonna write down
a number.

That way, you and me
can negotiate--

No, no.

25, okay?

Am I not speaking clearly?

How in the...

if I had $25 million,

what would we be doing here
in the first place?

Well, that's
your problem then, eh?

Not mine.

Can you get it
or can't you?

Oh, come on, now.
Wait a minute now.

You mean to tell me
there's nothing else you want?

World peace.

Hey, time machine.

And to go down in history

as the greatest boxer
that ever lived.

Tell him okay.


All right.

All right.



Uhh! Uhh!

So this guy leaves
the sport disgraced.

The commissioner himself
says if Foster Larouche

sets foot in the ring again,

it'd be over his dead body,

and you got him into
the boxing Hall of Fame?

The commissioner and I
have a relationship.

What kind
of a relationship?

The kind where
I get a monthly stipend.

Certain photos stay
stashed away in a drawer,

and he stays
happily married.

It's my understanding

that you lent
a significant amount of money

to a fighter
representing Eddie Dunn.

$1.8 million, to be exact.

Let's say I did.
What of it?

Well, I have a few
problems with Mr. Dunn.

But I assume that,
were I to interfere

in his current plan,
it might be difficult

for the $1.8 million
to be paid back to you.

And then you and I
would have a problem.

You would be correct.

So I'd like
to buy the debt off.

150% of whatever
you're owed.

That way,
you get compensated,

and I am free
to deal with these gentlemen

as I see fit.


And I assume
that this check

will be cleared
by tomorrow morning.

Thanks, doll.

The fighter's real name

is Christopher Chance.

He's all yours.

Hollis Ray
versus Diego Cruz.

Winner takes on you
in the final match.

Oh, by the way,

I overheard
your conversation with Eva

on the commlink.

You know, before
she whipped your ass.

Seriously, though,

you give any thought
to what she said?

You know, about what
might be causing the yips?

That I'm afraid
of something?

Did you have something
specific in mind?



Well, that didn't
take long.

Not gonna lie to you.

This is probably
the last guy you want to fight

in this tournament.

What I dug up
is not encouraging.

That's it?

Born in Brazil.

Served in the army.

Guy's got no attachments.

No weaknesses.

There's nothing to exploit.

I checked all over, man.

From what I can tell,
all this guy does

is eat, sleep,
train, and fight.

And he knocked out
Hollis Ray in ten seconds.

Give us a minute,
will you, fellas?

We need to start
thinking seriously

about backing out
of this thing.


We'll find someplace
to stash Eddie

and work out another way
to neutralize the threat.

I promised Bevilacqua
a result.

We can't walk away from this.

The only way out of it
is through.

They just took Ray
out of here on a stretcher.

You want that
to happen to you?

You're no good
to Eddie right now.

This isn't about Eddie

Who's it about?



The handicapper?

She's trapped.

has pushed her around,

taken advantage
of her loyalty.

He's used her.
It's wrong.

I'm not gonna
stand for it.

You're not gonna
stand for it?

What the hell
are you talking about?

She's not in any danger.

Maybe not now,

but someday she's gonna
want to leave that guy.

Do you think he's ever
gonna let that happen?

You don't think he's always
gonna be a problem for me?

A problem for you?

For her.
Y-you know what I mean.




Eva's coming around.

She wants to see me.

Now, if you want to jump ship,
you can be my guest.

But I'm sticking this out.

Thank you for coming.

You said it was urgent.

Prentiss is wrong
about Eddie.

But I can't change his mind.

I'm not strong enough.

So if you can't
change his mind,

why am I here?

No, no...
What he said was,

"Prentiss is always
gonna be a problem for me."

Not for Eva.
"for me."

So here's what I'm thinking.

Now, it's gonna sound
a little out there,

so just hang with me.

You're saying
it's a freudian slip.

Chance sees himself
in Eva.

Prentiss uses her the same way
his old boss used him.

What you actually
think he's afraid of

is a showdown
with the old man,

and that's what's
causing the yips, right?


Yeah, exactly.

Hey, how did you know
what I was gonna--

It's not
brain surgery, dude.

What are we talking about?


We're gonna have
to shake him loose.

That's great, Winston.


there's not
a whole hell of a lot

we can do about that now.

I'll call you back.

Excuse me.

I need you to make
a delivery for me, please.

Thank you.

Look, I get it.

I know what you're
going through right now.

He found you, he--
you were lost.

He dusted you off.

Got you back on your feet.

It meant something.

It meant everything.

He saved my life.


But things are different now.

You didn't sign up
to hurt people.

Did you?

You should go.

get out of here.


Thank you.

Christopher Chance.

I had a very informative

with Tony Bevilacqua.

Oh, that's great.

I'm glad you guys
are working on your issues.

Now, the good news is,

You're no longer
in debt to Mr. Bevilacqua

But that bad news is,
you're in debt to me.

So, given this change
in circumstances,

I was wondering if you might
answer a question for me.

Where is Eddie Dunn?

Well, that depends.

If you ask Descartes,

he'd say that his mind
and his body

can exist in two places
at the same time.

If you ask Jung,
he'd say that he's

in our unconscious realm.

Keep asking
whoppers like that,

we're gonna be here
for a while.

How long do you think
you can keep that up?

I don't know.

I guess we're gonna find out,
won't we?

You tell me
where Eddie is,

it can all be done.

Okay, pull him up.



You know, you might
get out of this room.

Might even get out
of this hotel.

But sooner or later,

I will find you.

And Eddie Dunn.

Let's agree,
we can both do each other

a lot of damage.

Take Eva, for instance.

What about Eva?

How do you think she'd feel

if she knew that you had
her father killed?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Well, the doctor said
it was heart failure,

but you and I both know

there are plenty of poisons
that can mimic that.

Especially in a fighter
with a weakened system.

So what happened?

Did he say no to you,
just like Eddie did?

There are consequences
to one's actions.

Some people learn
the hard way.

Yeah, somehow,
I just don't think Eva's

gonna see it that way.

Oh, well, I don't think

Eva would believe you
at all.

What if there were
a way to resolve this

and save us all this mess?

Such as?

I fight Diego Cruz.

I win, Eddie doesn't
see or hear from you

ever again.

I lose, you get 1.8 million
and Eddie.

And if I say no?

Like I said... mess.

You got yourself a deal.

Well, gentlemen...

if you'll excuse me.

I have a fight
to get ready for.

So I'm confident
in Mr. Cruz's chances,

But, uh...

still, we don't want
any surprises.

Do you understand?

I understand.

You're fixing the fight?

Cruz is going to win.

Just guarding against
the unforeseen.

Then I suppose we ought
to make some money on it.

Place a bet.

Whatever you think
is appropriate.

Did you hear
about Ray?

They say he hasn't
woke up yet.

They're saying Diego
put him in a coma.

Yeah, I heard.

Look, I'm just saying.

If, when you're out there,
you feel like

you need to bail
at some point,

you give me the signal.

I'll pull the plug.


let's have a clean fight
out there.

Touch gloves.

This is a fight to the finish,

Back to your corners.

No running out of the ring.

No head butts, eye-gouging,

Guess this is it, huh?

It's gonna be fine, right?

Now stay in your corners
until my signal.



I think I got an idea
what's causing your yips.

Something I heard Eddie say.

I know you're thinking
about the old man...

that he's out there.

You think I'm
afraid of him?

No, I don't think
you're afraid of him at all.

Matter of fact,
I think that's a fight

you've been looking for
for a long time.

But, like any good fighter,

you're thinking about
where you're vulnerable.

Where you'll be hurt.

I know you're not scared
of the old man.

I know that.

But you're thinking
about what he might do

to somebody close to you.

You're thinking about
what he might do to me.

Well, I got news for you.

I don't go down easy.

Anybody wants
to get at you,

they're gonna have
to go through me first.

Come on, get up!


Come on!

Let's fight!

Oof! Ooh! Ohh!


I believe I'm supposed
to be poisoning you now.

I'd rather you didn't.

Say hi to Guerrero for me.

I will, Frank.

And fight!

What the hell is going on?

When you try
to fix a fight

by bribing the referee,

you should probably make sure
the ref isn't friends

with the fighter
you're trying to screw.

This is my business.

And I sure as hell
know what I'm talking about.

You knew about this.

I know about a lot of things
that I shouldn't.

Delivery for you, ma'am.

What about Eva?

How do you think she'd feel

if she knew that you
had her father killed?

There are consequences
to one's actions.

Some people
learn the hard way.

I know what you did
to my father.

What's that?

It's the receipt.

From the bet
that I placed on the fight.

You said
that I should put down

whatever I thought
was appropriate.

How much did you--

all of it.

Everything you own.

Every last dime.

You'd better hope
Diego wins.






There are consequences
to one's actions.

Some people have to learn
the hard way.

Where do you
think you're going?

Don't worry about me.

Worry about him.


that was unexpected.

You assured me
this check would clear.

Something tells me
that may not be the case.

We have a new champion!

Ladies and gentlemen,

the new champion!

You told Bevilacqua

that you'd get Prentiss
to bet everything he owns.

But, really, your plan

was to get Eva
to make the bet.

Step four.

Step four?

Which means
you knew all along

that Prentiss
killed her father.


Which means
I can go home?

Hug me, dude,
and you're a dead man.

Listen, what you said
back there...



You want to know why
I come with you on these things?

It's not because
I'm nervous.

It's not because
I want to second-guess you,

and it's definitely not
because I'm some sort of...

Closet thrill junkie.

I come with you
on these things because...

You know.

For god's sakes,
get a room already.

Oh, shut up.


I figured you're
heading to the airport.

Mind if I hitch a ride?

Where you headed?

I'm open to suggestions.

Yeah, I'll just
ride up in...
