Human Target (2010–2011): Season 1, Episode 6 - Human Target - full transcript

Chance has to rescue a man who is being held against his will by the company, he works for,a defense contractor, because he want to reveal that the company gave one of their weapons to a country that's an enemy of the United State...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
visibility's next to nil.

I'm not gonna end up
in the bay, am I?

You're okay.
You're in the pipe.

Just continue
your descent.

You'll be on target
in 2 minutes, 42 seconds.

[sighs] God, I hate it
when you lurk.

Job just came through.

I thought
you'd find it intriguing.

It's gonna have to wait
a little while.

What, do you have a date?

Name's Julia,
met her at the bookstore.


It's a snatch-and-grab rescue.

Rescue's time-sensitive

with a highly technical

You understand, Winston,
she wasn't trying to kill me.

I wasn't pulling her

out of a burning building/
automobile/what have you.

I wasn't seeing her
on the worst day of her life.

She's just a nice girl,
likes to read.

She thinks I'm funny.

[clears throat]

Anyway, the rescue's

with a highly technical

Winston, don't do this.

Don't belittle this.

There is a delicate
life/work balance here

that needs to be respected.

And here's the kicker
about this particular rescue.

It involves a break-in
at the headquarters

of Sentronics.

Sentronics headquarters?


We've had some horrendous ideas
in the past together,

but we may have outdone

Oh, Martin Gleason,

You better be worth
all this damn trouble.

Martin Gleason,
the subject of our rescue,

is the lead engineer

for Sentronics' weapons
development division.

Hold on. Sentronics keeping
their top engineer prisoner

inside their own
corporate headquarters?

Yeah, pretty much.

Martin's dad just got
a very interesting letter.

[keys clacking]


Now, all correspondence
out of Sentronics

is screened and redacted
for sensitive information.

Now, Martin used this
to send a message using--

morse code--small words dots,
long words dashes.

I'm impressed.
Top of his class at M.I.T.,

Macarthur genius at 29.

"won't let me leave.
Kozinski murdered.

I'm next. Send help."
who's Kozinski?

Matt Kozinski,

Colleague of Martin's--
or was.

Died of a heart attack
at 38.

Martin thinks otherwise.

And he really believes
he's next.

What about the police?

Unless it's a matter
of national security,

Sentronics is, uh, beyond
the reach of the law.

He's still a U.S. citizen.

Who happens to be running
a top-secret program

for the military's
largest supplier.

Come on,
you know the drill--

No personal email, phone,
24-7 surveillance.

He's theirs.

This stinks.

Smart kid sucked
into a situation like that,

taken advantage of,
pushed around because they can.

Don't look at me like that.

This isn't about me
or what I went through.

This is about Martin.

So how does one go about

into Sentronics headquarters?

Okay, 1 minute, 41 seconds.

Now, Chance, you're gonna have
to make some final adjustments

to hit the bull's-eye here.

No worries.

[door opens]
wait. Hang on a second.

What are you doing?
Where have you been?

You were supposed to be here
an hour ago.

Got a lead on some artwork

I thought you might be
interested in.

Oh, no.

This is different
than the photo we have here.

Where'd you get this?
You don't want to know.

But unlike the one
you found,

that one's up-to-date,
and it's accurate, dude.

Chance, we have a problem.

Breaking into Sentronics
is virtually impossible.

Blueprints for the building
don't exist.

National security code
classifies them as top secret.

Best I could do is a look
inside the lobby entrance.

They got
motion-tracking cameras,

thermal heat sensors,

and terahertz scanners
at the door.

Go ahead.


Oh, yeah, not to mention
the armed guards.

And I'm not talking
about mall cops.

All these guys
are ex-military.

They're well-trained
and well-armed.

Nobody gets in that building
without it knowing about it.

Okay. How are we
gonna do this?

Well, I was thinking...

Remember that bank job
we did in Jakarta?

You walk in the building,

you can't walk in
without being noticed.

But the higher up you go,
the looser security gets.

One glaring blind spot
on the roof.


Satellite photo

shows no security cameras
on the roof.

All you got to do
is stick the landing,

get inside that access door,
and you're in.


What kind of problem?

You know that thing about there
being no camera on the roof?

There's a camera on the roof.

Excuse me?
The photo we have isn't up-to-date.

I just got a recent one,
and believe me,

there is definitely a camera
on the roof.

Okay, if there's only
one camera,

then there has to be
a blind spot.

How much room have I got?

Uh, a ledge
about two feet,

Northeast corner
of the building.

And if I don't hit
that ledge?

Alarms, guns--
you know, bad things.

Okay, two feet?

I can do that.

All right, I made it.



[electronic voice]

Rooftop camera 3238
is inoperative.

Send up Timmons now.

Got a frayed video feed
on 3238.

But the roof is clear.


On target, heading in.

all right, listen.

Now, remember,
the signal jammers

are gonna make it
impossible to communicate

once you get in there.

It'll be radio silence
from here on out.

And do me a favor, would you?
What's that?

Don't get dead.

I'll do my best.
See you on the ground.

[victorious music]

♪ Human Target 1x06 ♪
Original Air Date on February 17, 2010

I don't know.
I don't know.


Mm. Okay, this is
just for the sake of argument.

I mean, don't judge me here.
It's just an idea.

What if we were to add
another over-spend device?

No, no, no.
You're right, you're right.

It's not working.



[electronic blip]

[Martin chuckles]

[keys clacking]

[electronic tone]

[electronic voice]
retinal scan required.

is, uh, is there a problem?

Oh, no, I just forgot
my, uh...


Um, can I...

Help you?

Act natural, Martin.

Pretend like
everything's normal.

Who are you?

I'm Christopher Chance.

Your father hired me
to get you out of here.

Don't look at me.
They're watching us.


I ask my father for help,

and he sends a janitor?

What did you expect?

I don't know--the FBI,
platoon of Marines, something.

You have any idea

how difficult it was getting
into this building?

I'll spare you the details.
It was no picnic.

Look, if there was something
that one person could do

to escape this place,

I feel like I would have
thought of it by now, okay?

Thank you.

What are you doing?

31 stories up--
it's about 350 feet.

Wind's blowing out of the east
at 30 knots.

Wait, is that a parachute?

You're not serious.

Oh, my God,
you are serious.

How's Gleason?

Going stir-crazy.

I think the security
restrictions you put him on

are really starting
to get to him.

Martin's the most valuable
commodity in this building.

The closer he gets
to finishing the project,

the more enticing a target
he'll be out in the world.


Martin, you're starting
to freak out.

I need you to calm down
a little bit.

Well, I don't think it's...

very reasonable
to ask a sane human being

to jump out of a building...

and expect him
to remain calm.

Fair enough.

Why don't you tell me

how you got into this mess
in the first place?

Oh, okay, uh...
Right, well...

A few months ago,
there was a hospital collapse

in Mandalay, Burma.

121 people died.

The regime suspected
they'd been harboring rebels.

Of course,
they denied any involvement,

Claimed it was an accident.

But I-I knew they lied,

Because I-I knew
there was a weapon involved.

'cause I built it.

It's a plasma cannon.

Kozinski and I--
we went to Vivian Cox.

I mean,
we wanted to know

how our enemies got ahold
of our weapon, right?

Two days later...

Kozinski dropped dead.

But you're still alive.

Yeah, well, because
there is a $4 billion project

sitting downstairs
that she needs me to finish.

I tried to leave, you know,

and they told me I had to stay
put for my own protection.

So they shut down my badge,
cut off communication.

I've been a prisoner here
ever since.

You still did your work.

Yeah, well, I figured
it'd buy me some time,

And I'd figure out
a way to...

call for help.

Well, help is here.
Have a seat.

You might want to cover
your ears, though.


Mr. Kreese,
we've got a problem.

Here, put this on.

Send guards up there now.

But tell them
not to hurt Martin.

We've got a code four
on level 31--

Possible intruder
in the building.


Get more men up there.

Lock down everything
above the 15th floor.

Level two security,

Room 3101.

The chute's toast.

Looks like we'll go
to plan "b."

What--what's, uh--
my God.

W-what's plan "b"?

The stairs.
The stairs?

You don't seem
to get it, okay?

This place is like
one giant mousetrap, all right?

They've got electromagnetic
locks on every door,

There's, like, cameras
on every angle.

What? What?

You ever consider decaf?

What is that?

Please tell me
that's too small to be a body.

Oh, man,
this whole thing

just got
a lot more complicated.

"Sentronics weapons
used on Burmese Hospital.

"121 dead.
Martin knows too much.

"guards are on to us.

Got to do this
the hard way."

deploy everyone on duty

up to 29, 30, and 31.

I want both men in my possession
within the hour.

There's something
about that janitor.

He got to Martin
way too easily.

Give me an image from the cam
in Martin's office.

[beeping, whirring]

His face is blocked
in every shot.

He knows exactly
what he's doing.


[whirring, clicking]

Well, so do I.

Clean up that image.

I want to know who he is.

[dramatic music]

the computer
is pixilating his image.

It shouldn't be long now.

Wait a minute.
We just lost a camera on 30.

And we just lost 29 too.

Where is he taking Martin?

28, 29, and 30

Are scheduled to house
the naval warfare unit.

They're just finishing

Video's spotty.
He's buying time.

Bring up thermal imaging.

Initiate a fire drill,
all floors.

Monitor every exit.
[fire alarm whooping]

They set off the fire alarm
to clear out the building.

These right here
are thermal-imaging sensors.

There's about 30 floors between
us and the front entrance--

No stairs,
no elevator.

In a few minutes,
we're gonna be

the only warm bodies
they can't account for.

The system is airtight.
It cannot be beaten.

Then we shut it down.

There's got to be
an off switch somewhere.

Off switch?

This is
a state-of-the-art facility

housing top-secret
national security projects.

You can't even--I mean--
there's no--


You know, there actually
might be an off switch.

We have an intruder.

We're running an I.D.,
but whoever he is,

he's taken out multiple guards

and is attempting
to escape with Gleason.

How the hell
did you let this happen?

I warned you Martin is just
as dangerous as Kozinski.

was a troublemaker.

Martin is smarter than that.
He'll come around.

Then let me ask you
something, Vivian.

Are you willing
to bet the company on that?

I already have.

I need him in one piece.

This intruder is our problem.
Solve it.

[phone beeps]

[alarm continues whooping]
Fire exit, this way.

Stay calm
and walk to your exits.

The project that Vivian is--
is keeping me alive to finish,

it's a high-powered
directional microwave.

You basically aim it
at a mountain,

and the waves pass
right through the rock.

It just cooks
everything in sight.

Now, it's kind of a mess still,
but if I can hot-wire it,

I might be able
to figure out a way

to fire a low-level burst into
the security system's hardware

and fry the whole thing.

So where
is this weapon?

Uh, well, that's kind of a--
it's in the black room.

I think I can I.D.

our intruder now.

I'm gonna run his image

through FBI
and Interpol databases.

Well, if Martin really
was gonna blow the whistle

on this whole

"Sentronics selling weapons
to dictators" thing,

no wonder
they want him dead.

It's like Jakarta
all over again.

Yeah, which means
we gotta find another way

to help get him
out of there.

I think the two of us are gonna
have to pull an Aunt Linda.

An Aunt Linda?

Yeah, an Aunt Linda.

You know,
call in the cavalry?

Calling in the cavalry's
an Uncle Dan,

unless inclement weather's
a factor.

Then you call it
a boston cooler.

Whatever. Martin's father said
that the feds told him

the only way
they can go in there

is in a matter
of national security.


We're gonna make it one.

[alarm blaring]

It's working.

The insulation
is masking our heat signature.

Floor 29 clear.

Moving to 30.

There aren't that many ways to
disappear from a thermal scan.

Sooner or later,

they're gonna figure out
where we are.

We should get moving.

[electronic voice]
building evacuation complete.

wait a second.

They're gone.

What do you mean,
they're gone?

They have to be somewhere.

I mean, the only
people left are guards.

The secured floors
are evacuated.

The exits are covered.

I don't know
where he's taking Martin,

but they're not upstairs,
and they didn't get out.

So what are you saying--
they just disappeared?

So is this the way
to the black room?

[breathing heavily]
It's 13 floors down.

You want to go all that way
through the vents?

Well, I wanted to jump out
the 31st-floor window,

but them's the breaks,
my friend.


I know how to play
this game, dude.


I'm not so sure.

I was a cop
for 20 years.

I think I know
how this works.

As long as they respect
my jurisdiction,

you'll be fine.

Okay, this is the plan.

We go in there,
you give the tip

that Sentronics is selling
weapons to Burma.

The feds raid the building
to check it out.

Chance and Martin
walk out in one piece.

I ever tell you
how much I hate prison?


Would you put
those things back on?

Let me cut to the chase.

I hate it quite a bit.

If for some reason
this plan goes south

and I even end up stepping foot
into a prison cell--

I mean for even
an instant, dude--

I swear to God,
my mission in life will be to--

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

[slightly muffled]
Put the cuffs on.

Look, you're
in local custody.

We do this, I'll walk you
right back out the front door

when we're done.

Thank you.

Detective Butler.

Yes, I am.

Agent Fouts.

Nice to meet you.

Come on.

We got two human beings

giving off heat
in this building,

but the thermal scan
can't see them.

How the hell do you make
a heat signature go away?

The vents...

they're insulated,
aren't they?

Pull up a schematic--

All insulated
heating ducts in the building.

And open the access grates.

[Martin breathing heavily]

There's a...
trunk line up ahead.

That should lead us
to the black room.

You all right?

Come on.
What, jump?

Yeah. It's not as bad
as it looks.

Okay, I'm not gonna
lie to you.

This is not ideal,
but we don't have a choice.


No, no, no.

I-I can't.
you can do it.

Just wind up and do it.

Don't think too much.

Great moments in peer pressure--
"don't think too much."

Okay. Okay.

don't think too much.
Don't think too much.


Come on.

All right.
Here we go.

[exhales sharply]
Wish me luck.






Come on.

[breathing heavily]


Did you see that?

You see what I just did?
That was awesome.


[breathing heavily]

You gonna puke?

I might.


I'm good.

All right.
Let's go.

[clears throat]

northwest quadrant,
corridor of 6-D and up.

Put men in the vents
and flush them out.

Through 7,000 feet
of venting?

Your men
could never search

that area fast enough.

So what are you suggesting--
we just sit here

and wait for them
to come out on their own?

Pull up thermal diagnostics.
Yes, ma'am.

The insulation
in those ducts

may be masking
their signature,

but it isn't perfect--
they're still giving off heat.

Every time they pass
over a room,

it'll cause a slight rise
in the ambient temperature.

Climate diagnostics.

All areas, all zones--

Chart temperature data.

Identify any room
that is above average.

Begin now.

[electronic voice]
climate diagnostics activated.

Stand by.

I understand
you've got information

about some illegal arms

going on at Sentronics.

I do. Uh...

Buyer came to me,

looking for the kind
of heavy artillery

you can't quite get
on the open market.

You know, the stuff
that doesn't officially exist.

Punch line is this...

this buyer draws a paycheck
from the government of--


Yeah, we know about
the plasma-cannon sale.

You know?

Well, then, what about--
it's no secret that Sentronics

is into things
they shouldn't be.

The only problem is no one's
gonna open an investigation

without something tangible,
and I'm talking

about photos of Vivian Cox
playing golf with the devil.

Hearsay testimony from
some street-level informant--

that's not even close.

[tapping on window]

Excuse me.

I'm sorry, sir--


That worked like a charm.

Pull the plug, dude.
What about Chance?

The only way
we get him out

is to try and get
the feds in.

Pull the plug...
Or I will.

[handcuffs click]

well, here it is--
the black room.

tell me the good news.

Well, there's only one camera
right outside the vent there.

Alarm system, laser sensors
over every inch of the floor--

Anything comes in contact
with it,

Security's alerted.

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking I'm going
to need your cell phone.



[computer whirring]


Uh, Layla?

Never mind.

[exhales deeply]

Coming down.
Whoa, easy, easy.

Got you.
I'm stuck--no! Oh!



I'm okay.

You're leaking.

Your pocket.

Oh, crap.

You brought a fish?

Yeah. Well, they destroyed
her fish tank.

She's been with me
for over a year.

It didn't seem right
to just leave her there.

She has a name,
doesn't she?

What? No! [laughs]
she doesn't have a name.

She's a fish!

She doesn't...

It's Meredith.

[exhales deeply]

Well, there's the weapon,
and we are...

How you gonna get to it

Without setting off
the floor alarm?


Whoa, whoa!
You, uh...

that if you fall...


Okay, sorry.

You're right.



They're in the black room.

Ten men, everything
we've got in that sector.

No one touches Martin.

Ms. Cox, we're playing
past that now.

Level two security
to the black room.

Intruder located.

You, you.

[giving indistinct commands]

Copy that.
We're on our way.

So how far away were you
from finishing this thing?

Well, I've been stalling,

A week, maybe two.

You got ten minutes.

Here, hold this.

You are about to become
an engineer.

We'll take three.

We need to talk.

I told you
it would come to this.

Martin Gleason is the future
of this company.

So save the smugness
and give me some options here.

Your options are simple.

Protect the company
or lose it.

Do what you have to.

I'll be in my office.
Let me know when you're done.

That was
Department of Defense.

My orders are to detain
your suspect here

until he can be transferred
for off-site interrogation.

Defense? How the hell
do they even know about this?

That's what happens

when you go digging
around Sentronics.

The bureau's
taking custody of him.

Paperwork will be done
within the hour.
Wait a second.

This guy is my informant!
And you're telling me

you're just gonna snatch him
out from under me?

I still got a case
to make!

I'm sorry, but this comes
from way above.

So unless he comes up
with something tangible

in the next 15 minutes,
then it's out of my hands.

You want
something tangible?

I'll give you
something tangible.

What's that?

Yeah, what is that?

You know about Burma.
Yeah, I do.

Do you know
about the kidnapping?

Dude, Burmese was so happy
with their purchase,

They decided to cut out
the middle man.

They hired a merc.

He's breaking into Sentronics
to kidnap Martin Gleason.

Is that a fact?


And when did this happen?

It's happening...


Right now, dude.


Base to mezzanine.
On three.

you know what's funny?

When I first started here,
Vivian used to bug me

about staying too late,
you know, but I never got it.

This work--
it's fun for me.

You know, I mean, even after
all this mess started,

I found myself daydreaming

about solving
her design problems.

Isn't that crazy?

I just couldn't stop
doing the work for her.

That's what bosses
like her do--

Take somebody
who's exceptional at something,

give them an identity,
give them a purpose...

use it to manipulate them,

and they pervert
what they were good at.

I had a boss like that once.

Huh. Really?

You mean a, uh,
"lock you in a building

and try to kill you"
kind of boss?

Well, less the first part.
More the second.


What'd you do?

Ran, changed my name,

started again.


No. Nothing.
I just...

Can't imagine a guy
like you running from anybody.

You never met
my old boss.


The outer door...

They must know
we're here.

[alarm wails]

We're running out of time.

We got to get this thing
up and running now.

Okay. Okay.

Then activate
the fire-suppression system

in the black room.

You heard me.

But it's toxic.
It'll kill Martin.

There are currently
two men upstairs

trying to sabotage a weapon

that could save thousands
of lives.

Why are they doing it?
I don't know.

I don't need to know.

Our job--
your job--

is to protect that weapon.

Now activate it.


Excuse me?


Then I will.

[electronic voice]
activating fire suppression
in ten seconds.

How much time
do you think

till they break
through that door?

That door?
Five, ten minutes.

[alarm continues wailing]

We got less time,
a lot less time.

[cell phone rings]

Control room.
This is Kreese.

Mr. Kreese.

This is agent Fouts,
San Francisco office of the FBI.

I've received a tip
that your building's security

may have been
compromised today.

Someone's gonna make an attempt
to kidnap Martin Gleason.

Is that a fact?

Yeah, I know
it sounds far-fetched.

The source is a little iffy.

But since you had a fire
alarm earlier today,

I got to ask.

Is there anything going on down
there that we should know about?

No. Not a thing.

[electronic voice]
fire suppression, 10%.

[alarm wailing]

Take this.
Press that down right there.

[electronic voice]


Approaching toxic levels
in 20 seconds.

Okay, I think I got it.

I just need to...

flip this switch here

and once I do,

either this will shut down
the entire building,

or it'll explode
in our faces

and kill us both.

You--you know what
also could happen--

All channels, this is comm.
Respond if you copy.

Do we have anything?

We've got a couple
of backup servers,

a phone line or two,
and a ruggedized laptop.

Other than that,

[computer beeps]

I just got off the phone

with the head of security
at Sentronics.

He's not aware of any kidnapper
inside the building.

But then halfway
through our conversation,

I lost the connection.

I tried it again,
and then I was handed this.

It's a homeland security alert.

Sentronics headquarters
just went dark.

And I've been authorized
to find out why.

Looks like your tip
just paid off.

He's all yours.

Man, let's get
the hell out of here.


Are you sure
that's a good idea?

I thought you said
this guy was dangerous.

So am I.

It worked.

No more heat sensors,
no more locks.

We have a fighting chance
if we can get out of this room.

[alarm wailing]

That's the only way out.

What are we gonna do?

That wouldn't be
a plasma cannon, by any chance,

would it?

[loud explosion]

Get in there.

c-couldn't we, uh--

I don't know--
just take the stairs?

It's already covered.
Step in.

Step into what?
Step into this loop.

Come on, step in.

Right. All right,
you know what?

I-I-I don't think
this is a good idea--

You can do it.
No, I-I'm a lot
heavier than I look.

I'm really thick, so...
You'll be fine.



Stop. Go.
Okay. Stop.

Grab it.

I can't do it.

Oh, okay.
Oh! Okay.

Wait, wait...
Up and down, I can't--

Okay, wait,
I need to--

Ow, ow!
It stings--stings! Ah!

Don't look down,
don't look down.

You're okay. You're okay,
you're okay, you're okay.

You're sure this is safe?

Oh! Ah!

I'm okay.
I'm okay.

ah! I'm not okay!

What do I do now?


What are you doing?

See you at the bottom!

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Ow!


It's all good, Martin.
Come on down.

Okay. Okay.


Will you take,
uh, Meredith?


Ow. Whoa.


You okay?

[exhales sharply]
Thought I was done.

Let's go.

[guns cocking]

Blue team leader,
we're in position.

There's more of them?

We can't just walk
out there.

Not yet.

What's that?


[glass shattering]

I'm good.

FBI! Hands up!
Freeze! Freeze!

Stay where you are!
No problem.

don't move!

You Martin Gleason?

Uh, yeah, I am.

Is this the guy
who tried to kidnap you?

Uh, wait--what?


That's him.

He also destroyed
billions of dollars

Of taxpayer-funded property.

I am so glad
you're safe, Martin.

No, listen, that's--

That's not--she--she held me
up there for weeks.

She killed
one of my coworkers.

For what it's worth,
I can prove she is selling

Classified technology
to our enemies.

I-I hired him
to spring me loose.

Look, I don't know
what's going on here.

But until I get
some answers,

You're both coming
with me.

Put them
in separate cars, kearns.

We'll sort it
all out downtown.

[handcuffs clicking]

Is there--
do you have a blanket?

It's really cold.

(man over radio)
Agent Kearns, what's your 20?

Get in here right now.

Fouts is looking for you,
and he's pissed.

Yes, sir.
I'll be right there.

An Aunt Linda!


Calling in the cavalry's
an Uncle Dan.

No, no, no, calling in
the cavalry is an Aunt Linda.

I don't even know
who Uncle Dan is.

You talk to Guerrero
about this?


What did I say?

[engine turning]

I should have helped
you sooner.

I'm sorry.

Uh, uh, that's okay.

Who are you?


Um, Niteowl.

I'm the person who's been
watching your every move

for the past three months.

You're Niteowl?

I thought you were, like,
a big, fat sweaty guy

with a ponytail.




Um, this is
for Meredith.

Oh, wow.
Thank you.


Keeping her warm.


Thank you.

I'm Martin.

I know.

Okay, yeah.

Of course.

I just heard from that
Sentronics security tech Layla.

She wanted us to know
that she helped the company

run an I.D. scan on you
while you were in the building.

What'd she find?

Not much--
old dead profile of yours,

not a lot of info.

But that's not
what's bothering me.

When your profile came up,
an email was generated


alerting someone out there
that you'd been spotted,

sort of like
a signal flare.

Who'd it signal?

See, that's where
it gets weird.

See, I tried
tracing the signal.

But it was bounced off
nine separate servers

across three different

exactly the way you taught me
how to hide a signal like that--

I mean, exactly.

Weird, huh?

Give me a minute, guys.

All right,
what the hell's going on?

You heard me.

There's a guy
out there...

been looking for Chance
for a while.

Just got one step closer,
I guess.


His old boss.