How to Make It in America (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Keep on Truck'n - full transcript

To investing partner Kappo's delight, working Crisp partners Ben and Cam finally have everything together for their first sale, albeit it 'just' t-shirts. That will cover their bet with René, but a day late, so he makes them 'work for it' as sample clerks for the Caribean energy drink he's marketing in New York for white Jamaican John Lardner, a fellow ex-con and hence a recipe for disaster according Rene's parole officer Larry. They play hookey to collect and deliver the t-shirts, but the truck ends up being stolen. Meanwhile Darren gets his board to engage lover Rachel, whom he invited to move in, to redecorate his hotel with her enthusiastic boss, but instead she feel 'manipulated', gets drunk and most rudely tries to win Ben back, just when he was ready to give Julie a go.

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La team (Phoenix) How to make it
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- I'm kinda in the middle of something.
- I know. I'm sorry.

Tell Julie I said I'm sorry too.

What's up?

You remember
those Dave Matthews tickets

I was supposed to get
to scalp for the Vig money?

- Yeah.
- I didn't get 'em.

- Jesus.
- It's not good right now,

but I'm gonna go see Rene,
tell him we don't got the $300.

But I could use
some Jewish muscle with me.

Okay. I'll see you in 30.


You okay?

There's a meeting I forgot about.


Something else.

- So what are you doing later?
- Getting ready to leave tomorrow.

- Where you going?
- Driving to Baltimore.

My best friend's getting
married there Sunday.

She rented out this ballroom
at some historic hotel.

Apparently we're going
to party like it's 1899.

- B-more. That's a long drive.
- It is to do alone.

The beverage dudes.

What's good, fellas?

So our legal team reviewed the terms

and it looks like you're
gonna get your buyout.

Excellent excellent. Listen.
So when you want your money?

As soon as we get the go-ahead
from John Lardner.

- Who's that?
- He's the owner of LF Beverages, Rene.

It's the company
that actually owns Rasta Monsta.

He needs to approve you
as a licensee.

He flew in from Jamaica to meet you.

I'm not talking to nobody. You guys
talk to him, make it happen, okay?

This is standard practice, buddy.
We're not trying to hustle you.

- We're not gangsters. We're not thugs.
- We're jews.

We want this deal to happen, Rene.

But it's John Lardner's decision
in the end.

Where he want to meet me, man?

The oak room at the plaza
at 7:00 pm.

And then after that it's all good?

If it goes well.

Good luck, Rene.

You okay, boss?

Bro, ain't I always okay?

I'm okay.

Look who it is.


- Sixto.
- Yo.

Como esta papa?

Man, good to be back.
Good to be seen, bro.

Good morning, sweethearts.
How are you?

- Hey, Rene.
- Good.

- What's up, coz?
- Good, man.

Cam, come here.

Come here.

- A little kindness.
- What?

Hold the door.

Literally 45,000 ideas.

Of course we can do that.
We are pros.


So we'll see you later.

Thanks, Darren.

- Was that...
- I don't know how you did it...

Wait. What... what did I do?

Your boyfriend just called
to offer us his hotel...

To design.

Are you kidding me?

It's not a done deal yet but he wants us
to meet with the investors

and he says he's
gonna jam it through.

God, that's so phallic. I love him.

We can put together
a pitch in an hour?

- Wait. This is crazy.
- I know. We're going to design

a fucking hotel, Rachel!

You don't understand.
Darren asked me to move in with him.

- What did you say?
- I...

didn't respond. I've been
kind of avoiding him ever since.

Just say yes,

you wacko. He's obviously crazy
about you.

I think it's weird.

I mean, why is he doing this?

Why is he asking us?

Because we're brilliant designers,
that is why.

I... don't know if that's it.


Let's just give it a shot.

If the situation is
at all uncomfortable,

we don't have to take the job, okay?

- I mean, I...
- Great.

That's my girl.
Let's go down to the cafe.

I need an espresso
rimmed with Ritalin.

Say it... say it one
more time, please.

Not because I didn't hear it,
but I just want to savor the words.

We don't have your money.

We're just asking you to
let it slide till tomorrow.

Then you'll get your cash back.
We got a big t-shirt order.

I thought you were making jeans.

Crisp is a brand. You see.

Rene, we make everything.

We sold 300 t-shirts
to the biggest retailer in Japan.

We're just waiting for the silkscreener
to finish 'em. Right?

Then we'll deliver 'em
and you'll get your $3300.

- But not today.
- No. It's 24 hours, coz.

You're family, Cam, okay?

And I don't say this often,

but I do love you.

- And you, Ben...
- Yeah?

I'm starting to love.

I'm gonna float you the day.

- Really?
- No, not really.

Today is vig day, not tomorrow.

But I'm having a good week.
I'm having a good week.

So this is what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna be generous.

I'm gonna let you two boys
work off this week's vig.

Work off how?

- Fuck.
- Rasta Monsta!

Four fucking times?

- Take it.
- You know you an animal?

- I know.
- I'm impressed.

But listen. Don't marry her.

- What? Are you insane?
- I'm just saying

four times, you get that crazy reaction,
you think she's the one,

- do something stupid.
- There's no shot.

Go ahead. It's free. Great.

I do like her though.

I can tell.

She's driving to this wedding
in Baltimore this weekend.

I think she was trying to invite me.

No, man.
It's too soon for a road trip.

- Yeah. Probably.
- Yeah.

What's up, ladies?

So what exactly is a Rasta Monsta?

Rasta Monsta happens to be the finest
beverage the Caribbean has to offer.


Try some.
On the house today and only today.

What's up Henry?

- This tastes like shit.
- What?

I'm just kidding. It's great.

No, I just didn't expect 'em
that quick.

Yeah, sure.

All right. Cool, man.

That was the silkscreeners.

- Our shirts are ready.
- Are you serious? Let's go.

- What's up? Can I get your number?
- You move little quickly, you think?

- I'm saying that's how I do.
- All right.

Pack up.

We can't just leave.
What if Rene comes by?

Vig day lasts all day,
so if we go to Haraki, we get paid.

And if we get paid, Rene gets paid.

Come on.

Fuck. It's Rene.


- I'm just gonna let it go to voicemail.
- No,

don't, 'cause if he wants something,
he's gonna look for us in Union Square.

Pick it up.

Hola, primo.

Yo, little cousin. How's it going?

Hold on for a sec.

Yeah, take as many as you want
for the kids.

Get your Rasta Monsta! Yo, coz,
me and Ben are killing it right now.

Yeah. You little, lying motherfucker.
You know you ain't in union square.

You didn't think I'm gonna
have people checking up on you?

Union square?
No, we said Washington square.

Really? Okay, guess what.
I'm on my way

and your ass better be there.

I can't hear you. Bad reception.
Yo, Rene, I'll call you right back.

Think Moroccan
"breakfast at tiffany's."

God is in the details.

The secret to a successful hotel
is in the interchange between

public and private spaces.

Make people behave like
adults on the ground floor,

and you'll have them tripping
over each other to book a suite.

So it's "ladies in the parlor,
whores in the bedroom"?


Thanks, Edie.
Just give us a minute.

- Of course.
- Course.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, gentlemen.

How'd I do?


It wasn't easy with you giving Darren
the death stare the entire time.

I wasn't giving death stares. I was
giving a stare of doubt and suspicion.

Look, Rachel. Look around you.

We could fuck the shit
out of this place.

Look, ladies.

Obviously, I didn't give you enough time
to prepare for this and that's my fault.

But you rocked it despite that.
They love you two. Congratulations.

- Are you shitting us?
- No, I'm not shitting you.

That is just the response
I was looking for.

Your turn.

- Can I just talk to you for a second?
- Why do I feel like I'm in trouble?

Did Rachel tell you
that we charge by the square foot?

I am aware.

I am going to go take a tour
of this gorgeous gorgeous


which is

huge by the way.

What's going on?

- With?
- All this.

- Are you not happy?
- I'm trying to understand.

It's like you asked me
to move in with you...

Which you still owe me
an answer on, by the way.

Are you trying to buy me?

I wanted you to have this hotel long
before I asked you to move in with me.

Is that true? Because we're not
the go-to firm for this kind of thing.

It is.

I believe in you
and that crazy lady over there.

- So this is not personal.
- I wouldn't say that.

I like you, Rachel.

I like having you around.

What if I said that

I'm not ready to move in?


Is that your answer?


I'd say that I'm a guy who doesn't like
to take no for an answer.

Lucky for me
we'll be working together, so...

I'll have plenty of
time to change your mind.

've gotta go back to these guys,
look around, make yourself at home.

All right?

What the fuck, man? You guys look like
you're waiting for the principal.

We were smoking a joint.

- What?
- We were smoking a j...

And your PO walked in, bro.

How you doing?

I was just thinking about you.
It's amazing. Everything cool with you?

I was fine, Rene.
I was having a very nice day, in fact,

until I came to visit
my newest parolee

and found a couple of ex-cons
smoking pot and playing Halo,

which puts you in direct violation
of two parole stipulations.

I didn't realize playing Halo
was a stipulation on my record.

- Don't get cute with me.
- Come on. What are you gonna do?

You gonna violate me 'cause
my buddies are potheads?

- You can't do that to me.
- Maybe.

Or I could just violate you
because you've yet to show me a W-2.

W-2? Look around you, man.
I'm running my own business here.

- What is all this?
- A beverage company.

- Rasta Monsta.
- Never heard of it.

The Red Bull of the Caribbean.

Where's a guy like you get
the money for a beverage company?

I worked for it.

You mean you stole for it.

Look, Larry.

I've got a real important meeting
in a couple of hours, okay?

If you're gonna bust me,

do it now
so I can be polite and cancel.

This meeting has something
to do with your company?

It has everything to do
with the company.

Fine. Then I'm coming with you.

- Hell no, you're not.
- Hell yes, I am, Rene.

I can and will do whatever it takes

to determine you're not in
violation of your parole.

Hell, if I wanted to watch
you get your dick wet

I could do that too.


Who are we meeting with?

- Sick fucking truck.
- Cool, thanks.

Don't nobody touch that.
We're coming right back.

This is your original.

This is what I came up with.

I think I used too much
transparent base.

It's beautiful!

Nicely done, Henry!

- I can't believe I slept with the guy.
- I have dated hundreds

of men in this city, and not one of them
has offered me a pot to piss in,

much less the hottest hotel
in the Bowery to design.

He's so fucking manipulative. I...

You see manipulation.
I see romance.

You said if I wasn't comfortable,
we wouldn't do it.

- I know I did...
- Yeah.

But I didn't say
I wouldn't try to change your mind.

- Nuts?
- Larry?

Is it okay if
I introduce you as my accountant?

- Try fucking yourself, convict.
- Does that mean you'll consider it?

Mr. Lardner?

I was expecting you to be Jamaican.

I was born and raised in Kingston.

- You are?
- Larry.

How you doing?

He's my parole officer.

Yeah, I wish it was a joke, John,

but it's not.

I see.

Yo, "Frankie goes to Harajuku."
What's good, playa?

- Who is this?
- It's Cam Calderon from Crisp.

That's the kind of love
I'm talking about.

Tell Haraki the kids
are ready to make delivery.

You make it sound like a coke deal.

10:00 tonight at the Smith?
Yeah yeah, we'll be there.

I'll see you there.

We're in business, son!

- Another round over here, sweetie.
- Edie, I'm wasted.

Not wasted enough.

What, are you trying
to take advantage of me now?

- Maybe.
- No matter how wasted you get me,

I'm still not gonna want you
to sell me into white slavery.

If you don't want to do this hotel
to make your life better...

Which you should,

by the way... Please,

do it to have some mercy on mine.

I cannot design
another Murphy dining room table

or I will surely blow
my fucking brains out.

This is the break

I've always dreamed of...

We've always dreamed of.

And we're great designers.
We could kill that hotel.

I want to do a hotel,
but I want to do it the right way.

There is no right or wrong way
to succeed anymore, honeybun.

- I know you don't believe that.
- Maybe

a long time ago I didn't,

but now I'm divorced.

I'm in my 30s.

I'm being swallowed up
by the biggest city on earth.

I am clinging

to a life raft
in the middle of a tidal wave.


I beg of you,

throw me a line.

If you do this,

I'll make you partner.


What if I don't?

I'll consider it an act of self-sabotage
and total disregard

- for our friendship.
- Really?

We are doing this hotel.

I'm not asking you, I'm telling you:

do not

fuck this up for us.

Thanks for the drinks.

I made Rasta Monsta big in my hood,

and I can make it big
across the country.

I have access to neighborhoods
in a way

that Adam and Scott could
never even dream of.

What kind of access, Rene?

Legitimate access
through latin organizations.

I have to tell you, Rene,

a parole officer at a meeting...

That's a first for me.

I know I had my trouble...

I'm not gonna lie to you, John...
But that's behind me now.

You see, I wanted to be that guy

from the hood that kids looked up to.
Me. You know?

I always wanted to be that guy.

It just took me a little while
to figure out how to do it legally.

- You doubt him, sir?
- You don't?

I look into his eyes

and I believe his time in
jail may have changed him

the same way

it changed me.

You did time too?

That's a conversation
for another day.

For now, let's build our business.

Congratu-fucking-lations, Rene.

It seems you're running a legitimate
business with another ex-con.

- Are you gonna violate me now or what?
- I'm gonna wait for something to stick.

I'm watching you, compadre.

Guys like that

don't understand guys like us.

- Today was a great day.
- Yeah.

You know what? Remember what
I said earlier about Julie?

- About not going on the road trip?
- Yeah. What about it?

I was kinda being a hater.

Since you broke up with Rachel, I've
been kinda used to having you around.

And then comes this new girl
and boom.

- You're all wifed up again.
- You're so sensitive.

Shut up, man.

I'm not gonna get wifed up.

- You know what?
- What?

This girl is dope, don't listen to me.
Call her now

and tell her you'll go to Baltimore.

You think?

Yeah. Take some of this hard-earned cash
we're about to make and get out.

Go get some crabs.

You know what I mean.

- I'll call.
- What the...


What the...

No, motherfuckers! Stop!
My t-shirts are in there! Stop!

Come back!

- Hold up!
- Hey! Come back!

- No! Stop!
- Hey, that's our van!



Fuck! Fuck!


We did it once. We can make the shirts
again. You know what I'm saying?

There's no time.
We've got no money.

I think the universe is
trying to tell us something.

Like what?

You want me to go with you
to tell Rene?

No, he'll kill you.

Me he'll just beat.

Are you sure?

I got this.

I'll call you later.

Where are you going?

When are you leaving for Baltimore?

Tomorrow, and...

that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

- You want some company?
- Are you interested?

- Definitely.
- I was gonna ask you,

then I thought it was a little
too soon to do that.

Not at all, actually.

Can I call you back in a few?



Everything okay?

That's what I'm talking about, baby!

I was fucking talking to that guy.

That's what I'm talking a...

Guys, guys, look who's here.

My little lying cousin, man.

Rene, let me explain.

Explain what, bro?

How you played hooky
from the job today

'cause you're cruising around
in my Rasta Monsta machine

chasing pussy? No doubt.
Come here, man.

Come closer.

Come here.

Come here.

I wanna tell you something.

I was a fuck up when I was your age.

And I forgive you.

Thank you, coz.

You know why I'm being nice?

Because you are looking at the new

north American

Rasta Monsta




Right here.

- You serious?
- Yeah.

- Wait. You know what this means?
- What?

Next time he's moving weight,
he don't have to worry about the feds!

Get the little man a drink, bro.
Hook him up.

That's right.

- Yeah, to my cousin!
- To Rene!

Yeah, baby. Here we go.

By the way, the truck
got stolen today.

Jesus. How drunk are you?

I... I'm very drunk.

And I'm drunk because
my life is a fucking mess,

and it's all because of you.

What happened?

None of your business.

- Yeah, okay, but it's my fault.
- Yeah, it is your fault.

I don't blame anybody
else for my problems. All right?

Because when it's about you,

- you want to blame yourself...
- Jesus.

Because then you get to hate yourself.
And you know what, man?

- I hate you too now.
- Great.

- So guess what?
- What?

- We've got that in common.
- Fuck you.

I don't wanna hear
this shit right now.

Fuck you, all right, for being


Fuck you for

being unwilling to change.

- Anything else?
- Yeah, fuck you for letting me go.

- What?
- Yeah.

I didn't let you go, Rachel.

- You just left me.
- No, you made me.

No, I didn't.
I didn't want you to go.

I just...

I just wanted more.

You wanted more.

I just wanted a little more...

From you.

I wanted a little more...

for you.

And now I have nothing.

Can you understand that?

I do.

Do you hate me now?

I don't hate you. All right?

Come inside before you freeze.

- You're such a sweet guy.
- I try.