How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom (2021–2022): Season 1, Episode 5 - To Be Worthy of Food and Clothing, Know Its Honor - full transcript

Juna and Poncho close out the cooking show with their take on Udon noodles. Marx steps down as prime minister, Hakuya fills the vacancy, he insists that Souma get some rest. Souma, Liscia, and Aisha take a tour of the town incognito.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
There is an organism in this world
called a gelin.

They are known to be extremely weak.

They'll die if you cut them
or squash them.

They are neither male or female
and reproduce by splitting up.

Right now,

I'm being forced to eat that very organism
which is completely foreign to me.


Poncho, what's the next ingredient?

Yes, here it is.

That's a gelin, isn't it?

Yes, as you can see, it is a gelin.

That is edible too?


Wait a second.

Is that gelin dead?

Yes, this gelin is already dressed.

No way…

I've never heard of a gelin carcass.

That's right.
Now that you mention it, that is strange.

What do you mean, Liscia?

When a gelin's thin outer membrane
is cut open,

all their body fluids flow out.

That's why it's unbelievable
that its carcass

is in such pristine shape.


So, how did you get
the gelin to look like that?

There is a little trick to that, yes.

I learned this method

from a small tribe living in the far west,
on the empire's territory.

You use something like a stick to hit it
softly enough to not rip the membrane

but hard enough
to destroy the core inside.

The locals called this "gelin spiking."

It's not a fish for goodness sake.

After the core is destroyed, the fluids
of the gelin lose fluidity over time

and slowly harden.

If you leave them that way,

their fluids evaporate

and become like dried meat.

But about two hours after they're killed,

they solidify to a certain extent

while still maintaining elasticity,

and are optimal for cooking, yes.

If you boil them in water
with a little salt,

their meat hardens even more.

He's boiling them while making a broth.

Okay, enjoy.

It looks like udon.

Udon? What's that?

In the world I lived in,

there was a dish
similar to this called udon.

Although the ingredients and preparation
are completely different.

Is that right?

Then you can try it first.

You used to eat something similar, right?

Well then…

Yes, you go first, Your Majesty.

All right, Your Majesty, here you go.


Well, since I made them all try
food unfamiliar to them,

I guess I can't run away from this.

How is it, Souma?

This is pretty good!

I thought it'd be more gamey and slimy,

but it's smooth and chewy.

It's more like arrowroot noodles
rather than udon.

But it has a unique rubbery texture
when you bite into it.

Let me try too.

This is pretty good.

This is a completely new texture for me,
but it's not bad.

The broth is so flavorful.

Is this really the gelin I know?

How surprising!

Well then,

this broadcast of the King's Brinch

is about to end.

How was it being the host?


I think being the host
is too much of a burden for me.

Yes, so I hope someone
takes my place next time.

Well I wonder
if there will be a next time?

How about it, Your Majesty?

If there is a demand for it.

You heard him.

I hope there is a demand for it, Poncho.

There is no need for me, yes.

Don't say such a thing.
Let's do this together again.

Please have mercy on me!

All right then, have a nice day everyone!


Who knew we'd get this many requests
to continue the King's Brinch.

We have no choice but to do another one.

Come in.


Yes, he said he has something
important to discuss.

What is it, Marx?
Is it something we have to do here?

Couldn't we have talked in my office?

I am sorry for taking up
your precious time.

However, this is something that
will affect my position.

Marx, don't tell me…

The previous king, Albert,
put his expectations on your talent

and stepped down from his position.

I would also like to follow his example.

For a long time, I have done whatever
I could as the prime minister.

But it's time for me to step away.


But who will take your place?

Hakuya is very talented

and seems to have gained your trust.

I believe he is just the right person
to take my place

and be your right-hand man

and help support this country.

All right.

We will officially appoint him
at a later date,

but I accept your offer.

Thank goodness.
That's a weight off my shoulders.

Now I will just receive my severance pay
for all my years of service,

buy a mansion in the countryside,

and live a fulfilling and relaxing life…

Well, that used to be my plan.

But I am well aware that
our treasury is in dire straits.

Please allow me to continue
working for you,

and I will only ask for
an acceptable salary for my post.


You are a wise retainer.

More than you expected, right?

Your words right now

are far more precious
than any possible reward.

Marx, it hasn't been very long
since I came to this world.

There are many things I don't know,

especially regarding the customs
within the royal court.

I want you to assist me as a chamberlain.

I'm counting on you.

As you wish.

Your Majesty.

I am yet to be appointed officially,

but I would like to make a suggestion
as the prime minister.

What is it?

Your Majesty, please take time off.




Out of all the things
Hakuya could have brought up…

"When superiors don't take breaks

their subordinates find it hard
to take time off," huh?

I understand that but…

Ideally, I would like for you to
take a chunk of time off

and go on a retreat to a quiet place.

Do I have time for that?

You do not.

I thought so.

So what do you want me to do?

I've managed things

so that you can take
the entire day off today.

So please go out as soon as possible.

But I like to relax indoors
on my days off.

That is not acceptable.

The point is to show everyone
that you are taking time off.

Please make the most out of your day off

in a way that is clear to your servants.

Can you even call that a day off?

How about it?

Why not use this opportunity
to go on a date with Princess Liscia?

Huh? A date?

That is great!

If they can deepen their intimacy,

we will have an heir in no time.

Don't get ahead of yourself!

Not that I mind
going on an outing with Liscia…

But what about our guards?

You have Aisha.

That's true. If a mighty warrior
like her is by their side,

we have nothing to worry about!

You're telling me to take
another girl along on our date?

You'll have a beauty on each arm.
I am so envious!

I agree!

Darn you, Hakuya…
You don't even mean that.

There she is.

Sonic Wind!

Ice Sword Mountain!

That's nothing!

-Not bad.
-You too, Princess Liscia.

You're taking this training seriously.

This is how warriors fight in this world?

Wait no, if they continue,
they'll destroy the castle!

That's enough, you two!

-Your Majesty?

A date?

Yeah. Is that a no?

I… I don't mind.

But I don't like that
Hakuya is behind all this.

I know what you mean.

But since I got a day off,

it wouldn't hurt to go somewhere.

I guess you're right.

I know!

Then please come to the forest.

Sorry, but I only get one day off.

So it has to be a day trip.

It does take about three days

to get to
the God-Protected Forest by horse.

Maybe next time.

I taught you how to
thin the forest, didn't I?



among the dark elves there are
ones who are stuck in their ways.

As dark elves are
protectors of the forest,

they can't imagine cutting down its trees.

I guess those kinds of people
exist in any world.

That is why

I want you to go there
and knock some sense into them.

All right.

I'll go once I get some time.

Thank you.

In exchange for that, you are free to use

my body and life for anything.

Okay, there's something I want you to do.

You want me to spend the night with you?

Why would you think that?!

Well, I have just dedicated myself to you.


Of course,
I'm not going to ask her to do that!

I just wanted to ask her to guard us
while we're in the town.

You want me to follow you two
on your date?

It'll be a problem if something happens

and Liscia and I are stuck on our own.

It's a date, but we're just going to
walk around the town,

so don't mind us.

Well, I mind…

It's nothing.

So this is the military academy uniform?

Thanks for waiting.

You look good in glasses, Liscia.

R… Really? Thank you.

Your Majesty! How do I look as a student?

It doesn't really suit you.

Why not?

How should I put it…

It doesn't match my image of dark elves.

What is your image of dark elves?

Do you prefer to see more skin?

Do you want me to be naked?

Wait, that's not what I meant!

I don't know what Souma's image is,

but I think you look good in it.

Princess Liscia!

Don't grab onto me!

We're almost there.

Listen, once we're off this carriage,

we're neither king nor princess.

We're ordinary academy students.

I know. That's why we're wearing uniforms.

Understood, Your Majesty.

Aisha, we're going incognito,
so don't call me "Majesty."

Yes. What should I call you then?

You can just say my name.

You can even call me
by my first name, Kazuya.

Souma, your first name isn't Souma?

Souma is my last name, of course.

Kazuya's my first name.

But you're Souma Kazuya.

Yeah, I'm Souma Kazuya.

This country is like western countries
and they say their given name first!

Is it not too late to fix it now?

I don't think you can.

I think all the official documents
say Souma Kazuya.

Darn! I can't believe
I made such a mistake!

Don't worry.

I know!

Why not switch names depending
on if it's a public or private setting?

On days like this, I'll call you Kazuya.

Who knew I'd be comforted by Aisha.

What kind of person do you think I am?

What kind?

A disappointing dark elf?

I've only passed through the town
on horseback up until now,

so it's a nice change
to be able to walk around.

That was a nice change of pace.


-What's wrong?
-Is it a ruffian?

No, I'm hungry.

Then why don't we eat
at the café Juna works at?

Well if it isn't--

Hello, Juna.

I don't know if you remember me,

but I'm Kazuya, the heir of
Chirimen Wholesale in Echigo Kingdom.

Oh right, Kazuya.

Good to see you again.
Is your father doing well?

Yes, he's doing too well.

My mother found him
cheating the other day.

I see.

Kazuya, you should be careful
of how you treat women too.

As expected of Juna.
Thank goodness she is a quick thinker.

Gelin udon is so tasty.

You incorporated

gelin udon into your menu already?

Yes, there are so many people

who want to try it after that broadcast.

Plus, we're still seeing
the effects of the food shortage,

so cheap ingredients like this
are really helpful.

We're doing what we can,

but I'm sorry it's not much.

Not at all.

I'm sure you are doing a very good job.

Souma, you act differently
when you're with Juna.

I also…

think so.

It can't be helped.

Speaking to a pretty lady
makes me nervous.

And Aisha, either eat or speak.
Not both at the same time.

You choose to eat?

When I saw Aisha
for the first time at the castle,

she seemed like a heroic woman
who came to negotiate with the king.

But now she's a disappointing girl
who's always eating.

Wh… What!

She's clearly stealing Poncho's thunder
as the biggest eater.

Where did that gallant Aisha go?

Is this why

he hasn't called me to spend the night
with him despite me dedicating

my body and soul to him?

Why are you bringing that up now?

First of all, I have a fiancée,
so I can't even do that…

Um, Souma…

In this country,
you can have multiple wives.

And women can have
multiple husbands as well.

Although it's rare.

If you limit it to one spouse,

your family name may die out
if anything happens.

But I haven't met
any other consorts other than

Liscia's mother.

Oh, my mother was actually
the one who had the right to the throne.

She was the daughter of the king.

Your dad married into the family?

Yes, but after they got married,
she left the governmental affairs to him.

That's why Father couldn't neglect her
and take in other consorts.

Oh? Then was it all right for him
to abdicate the thrown to me?

That's fine.
It looked like Father's decision,

but he can't abdicate
the throne without Mother's approval.

Plus, I was the only one
with a right to the throne,

so I would've had to take
a husband either way.

That was Father's situation.

But you are different.

So, if you wish to have multiple wives…

that's possible.

Are you okay with that?

Honestly, it's not ideal.

But I will allow up to eight,
including me.

That's a lot!

More like, why that number?

I can have you to myself one day a week.

That's right,
one week is eight days in this world.

With eight wives,
you can only get him one day a week?

That's not necessarily true.

You can invite each other
on your assigned days.

I see! You're so smart, Juna.

But wouldn't you want him all to yourself?

That's true.

Hey… Why are you two
so invested in this topic?

Eight wives? What kind of harem is that…


You mustn't, Hal!

Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita