House (2004–2012): Season 4, Episode 12 - Don't Ever Change - full transcript

A woman collapses at her wedding. She led a different life style before her marriage, House insists she hasn't changed. Wilson starts dating Amber.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I don't know about you, but I'm nervous.


Maze! tov!


Maze! tov!

Many children.

This is a great thing, Roz.

I am so happy for you.

Thank you, Mrs. Silver.

Yonatan is a good man,
from a good family.

I know you chose well for me.
I've been blessed.



Cross-species mating.
I feel like Darwin in the Galapagos.

Amber and I
have a lot in common.

She's a Cutthroat Bitch,
you cry over Dark Victory.

Bette Davis.
Another strong, assertive woman.

You don't like strong.
You don't like assertive.

You like needy.

She's not dying, is she?

Yes. Go away.

I give it two months.

Hundred bucks.

It's not really fair.
You're not objective.

But, I'm all about
the teaching, so...

We're at four months.

You hid this from me?

I was wrong. Okay?

I thought you'd be upset.

I thought you'd
track me down in hallways...

HOUSE: I shouldn't have
discounted the sex.

She's obviously limber enough
to put off the meltdown for two months.

She's not needy.
I don't need needy.

She's scary.
Why does scary need pathetic?

Are you going
to talk to her?

I don't see
that I have any choice.

You're all right with that?
No impulse to save her from me?

I've broken the pattern,
House, which is why this has a chance.

I know you're too suspicious to accept
that without getting out your ruler

and your calipers
and your scanning equipment, so,

go ahead.
Get it out of your system.

Thirty-eight year old female
with loss of bladder control,

blood in her urine and a broken leg
from collapsing at her wedding.

Ampicillin for the UTI,
shiny cast for the leg.

You guys know
Wilson's dating Amber?

- No.
- Wilson and Amber?

I knew.

I asked her out. She said
she'd just started seeing someone.

Cultures were negative for UTIs.
No signs of previous trauma or STDs.

Kidney cancer.

CT was clean for tumors
and kidney stones.

- I thought Amber scared you guys.
- She does.

But she also has legs
that go all the way up to Canada.

So do Canadians. It doesn't mean
I want to date one.

Her sodium's low. Could be endometriosis
in the bladder.

Low sodium could also be from low food.
Hasidic Jews fast on their wedding day.

Or sodium was absorbed
by a toxin already in her system.

Was it just the legs, or did you
detect something resembling a soul?

She grew on me.

If there's a toxin in her,
it could be carbolic acid.

I'm talking about
the patient now.

That much carbolic acid,
someone would have had to poison her.

Could have been a Cossack.

If this
was 18th-century Poland

and Cossacks were
into household cleansers.

Which is why it's more likely
that the poisoner was poisonee.

Suicide's a sin.

Corollary of, "People lie,"
is, "People sin."

And in my
world, "People" includes Jews.

She was getting married.

Hasidic women marry young

so they can start
pushing out little "Hasidlings."

Thirty-eight means a woman

not on anyone's hot list
being pushed onto a guy

who's not on anyone's hot list.
No way out. No way out.

Endometriosis fits better than an
epiphany that her life is meaningless.

We should start her on Als
and do a cystoscopy to confirm.

Fine. Check her innards for bad cells
and her home for bad karma.

The carbolic acid should be on the shelf

right next to the
regret and the self-loathing.

TAUB: These people are crazy.

Yeah. She should be self-hating.

I'm not self-hating.

I hate religious people who
are out of touch with reality.

You only marry someone
you met three times

if they're carrying
your little mistake.

What's their divorce rate?

Cleaners are all organic.
Nothing with carbolic acid.

You like how they hook up?

Romance is just
emotional foreplay.

Candlelight meals, flowers...

It's as much a ritual
as anything these people do.

Why not go with someone who's
pre-vetted, shares the same values?

Cut to the quick.

Values may give
you the big picture,

but time together
gives you the little picture.

Does she chew
her food too loud?

Will she leave you alone
during the Final Four?

You commit
to something deeper.

You let the little
surprises slide.

Surprises kill,

which is why you only commit
when there are no more surprises.

And you have
no more surprises for your wife.

Do you think this came up
on date number two?

You ever heard
of a Hasidic Jew into hard rock?

She's listed as
a producer on all of these.

Where there's
rock and roll and sex,

usually, there's drugs.

I'm Baal T'Shuvah. I became Hasidic
about six months ago.

And before six months ago?

Music business isn't exactly
known for its holiness.


But I've been
clean for months.

Yonatan knows

in the broad strokes.

He never actually
asked the details.

Says what's important is the person that
I am now, not the person I was then.

How do you go
all the way from...

I just took a class.

Then I took another class.

And you just completely
left the music business?

Pop music
is considered frivolous.

Same reason we don't
watch TV or go to movies.

Your drug use
may have caused some long-term damage.

We're going to need to take
a hair sample to test for latent toxins.

So, you can never
watch Star Wars again.

You figure that I'll hire you,
if you promise to dump Wilson.

- How did you...
- Wilson had a key.

You figure that I'll make
your life hell at first,

but I'll eventually see
how good you are and keep you.

It's a good plan, don't you think?
Perfectly tailored to your personality.

No, it's not.
You know it's not.

Means you just want to
stay in my orbit,

because you figure I'll eventually
realize that I made a mistake

and you'll be able
to rub my face in it.

I can't wait.
It's going to be awesome.

No, it's not.
And you know it's not.

'Cause you know that
even if I made a mistake,

I'd never admit
that I made a mistake.

Which means that you're just toying
with Wilson to toy with me.

Your goal is pure
feral vengeance.

Innocent bystander,
but there's a greater good.

No, that's not it.

Because a bag of flaming poop
bypasses the bystander.

So, which is it, House?

Am I in this for you?
Or am I in this for him?

Give him back
his sweatshirt.

Pit stains
don't become you.

Treatment had no effect,
rules out endometriosis,

and her hair sample
was negative for residue drugs.

This woman lived
in the fast lane till six months ago.

- Maybe we're missing something.
- She admitted drug use.

Doubt she's holding out
on her days as an asbestos miner.

might account for the symptoms.

Except for the one
you missed.

Well, there's no change
in her condition.

HOUSE: I'm not talking
about a new symptom,

I'm talking about one
that presented six months ago.

Look, she's nuts. But we can't just give
her 10 cc of atheism and send her home.

Religion is a symptom of irrational
belief and groundless hope.

Altered mental status, on the other
hand, is a symptom of porphyria.

She didn't develop uncontrollable anger,
crying, anxiety,

she just decided
to go to Temple.

The woman didn't just
choose to keep kosher.

She went directly to the extremes of
Hasidism and a life of stringent rules.

She became a masochist.

She didn't like her old life,
so she changed it.

People don't change.

They might want to,
might even need to, but...

Taub gave up a six-figure
plastic surgery career for this job.

That mean he has porphyria?

He switched jobs to save his marriage.
He did it to avoid change.

He's right. You don't suddenly choose
crazy without suddenly being crazy.

No. No.
If she walked away from everything,

to go base-jumping
or live with apes

we wouldn't be
having this discussion.

We would if she was also tinkling blood
out of her over-excited bladder.

Pump Hadassah full of hematin
and give her a phlebotomy.


Porphyria is a rare
genetic disorder

that causes an over-production
of a certain protein.

Draining the blood relieves...

A hair test for damage from drugs showed
she has a rare genetic disease?

Not exactly.
We're testing her now to confirm.

You're treating it
before you confirm it?

Blood test results
take 24 hours.

You must have seen something
that makes you suspect it.

Dr. House has a theory.

A theory based on what?

We'd like
a different doctor.

I assure you that
Dr. House is our best...

Then we will settle
for second best.

Someone who doesn't think my wife
is sick just because she's religious.

If you prefer, I can give your wife
my second-best diagnosis.

Did you know
Wilson's dating Amber?

I have reviewed the chart.

Someone on your team
must have pointed out

that cryoglobulinemia
also fits the symptoms.

Yes. It fits many
of the symptoms.

My wife's body is sick.
Her mind and soul are fine.

You live according to God's
600 commandments, right?

Six hundred thirteen.

Do you understand
them all?

It takes a lifetime
of learning.

But you follow the ones
you don't understand,

because the ones you do understand
make sense and you believe

that the guy who created them
knows what he's doing.

Of course.

So, you will trust my diagnosis,
and you'll let me treat her,

because in this Temple,
I am Dr. Yahweh.

I want a new doctor.

I'm starting her on indomethacin
for the cryoglobulinemia.

People don't change.

For example, I'm going to keep
repeating, "People don't change."

So, alcoholics that successfully
go through treatment don't exist.

They're still alcoholics.

If they never take
another drink as long as they live,

it's only because
they didn't live long enough.

If you're dissatisfied with your life,

changing it is
a symptom of mental health.

I get why that concept
is strange to you.



THIRTEEN: O2 sats are 85. She's hypoxic.
We might need to intubate.

What's wrong with her?

Well, it's definitely
not cryoglobulinemia.


Better ask him.

We kept her on oxygen overnight.

Her respiratory rate's stabilized
and her O-sat's back up to 95.

I saw Amber drop off
Wilson this morning.

Yes. The male always
drives the female.

So what caused
the breathing problem?

Pulmonary involvement
rules out porphyria.

She kiss him or he kiss her?

I missed it. The lab tech
with the tongue stud also pulled up.

Wegener's would explain
her elevated sed rate.

Wegener's wouldn't explain
the changed mental status.

Actually, we've been trying to ignore
that part of the white board.

I wrote it in black.
I'm always serious when I use black.

- Lupus would explain...
- Maybe she didn't change.

Are you agreeing with me,
or are you making a point?

I'm making a point.

That's going to take longer.

How do we know that the real Roz isn't
who she is now and who she was then?

Can't we say
that her previous life was true,

without making her present one a fraud?

The "life is messy" argument.

Explains everything
without explaining anything.

If it's lupus, there's a heart problem
we don't know about yet.

Run her through a stress test.
If she has a heart attack, I'm right.

Or we could wait,
hope that...

You're afraid to give her
a heart attack.

Of course we're afraid to...

No reason to be afraid.

Unless you think I'm right.

It's Wegener's.

But we'll have
the crash cart, just in case.

Oh, my God!
What are you guys doing here?

I had a sudden yen for fusion.

I put a different restaurant in my
date book. I'm firing my assistant.

That's okay. Hi, Greg.

And I call you "Greg"
because we're now social equals.

I call you "Cutthroat Bitch."
Well, quad erat demonstrandum.

And I speak in Latin, because I don't
try to hide what an ass I am.

I assume you'd like
to join us?

It will be easier to observe our
interaction if you're at the same table.

If we ever get seated.

Excuse me.

No, no. I...

We've been waiting for...

Any minute now, she's going to hit him
in the face with your testicles.

She tends to treat...
She tends to treat every event

like it's the last
'copter out of Saigon.

She's the anti-Wilson.
She's a force for evil.

She has an annoying quality.
Perhaps even two.

If I was perfect,
I would date perfect.

You like that.

It's annoying,
but she's good at it.

Wait a second.

This isn't just about the sex.
You like her personality.

You like that she's conniving.

You like that she has
no regard for consequences.

You like that she can humiliate someone
if it serves...

Oh, my God.

You're sleeping with me.

I need you
to go faster, Roz.

A little harder.

I am going harder, damn it.

What if Dr. House was right?

And Roz did make
a radical change.

Lupus is chronic,
but treatable.

And with the treatment,
it would undo the change?

She'll be the way she was
before I knew her?

I don't think it's likely.

Then you don't know for sure.

You'd find someone else.

There isn't someone else.

You've had three dates.

How long have you
been married?

Twelve years.

And is she the one?

We wouldn't still
be together if she weren't.

I love her as much now
as the day...

Well, you should
love her more.

The more you know someone,
the more you should love them.

That's enough, Roz.

Your heart's as strong
as a battleship.

Does this mean Dr. House was wrong?

Oh! Oh, my leg!


FOREMAN: Heart's strong
enough to prove you wrong

about the change in mental status.

Only proves
this isn't lupus,

just as the leg pain
proves it isn't Wegener's.

Leg pain could be from nerve entrapment.
We're thinking blood clot.

Do an MRI to look for the clot.
Then do an FMRI.

An MRI alone
will detect...

If the clot
hasn't dissolved.

An FMRI could show signs
of a near-ischemic stroke

in post-ischemic
parts of the brain.

Give me 10 bucks.

- No.
- I missed lunch.

- I thought you went out with...
- I missed lunch.

THIRTEEN: Good symmetrical activity
in both hemispheres.

Caudal structures look okay.
She hasn't changed?

Sex, drugs, rock and roll

and the 600 rules of God
are all in there somewhere.

We oversimplify people.
It's how the human mind works.

Everything's on or off.
Everything's got a category.

You don't like it.

You don't want to be

Roz, move your right leg.

No one can describe
themselves in 10 words.

Why would we want to hear
anyone else do it?

So you keep it a mystery.
No categories if no one knows anything.

Do you think maybe you're
over-simplifying me, now?


I'm sure you have many reasons
to keep yourself a mystery,

besides the fact
that you're bisexual.

A denial would have worked
before the long vacant stare.

Roz, move your left leg
just an inch.


People who have a problem with boxes
are people who don't fit in them.

You've been working
for House for a long time.

No need for name-calling.

I would ask if this was going to be
lunchtime gossip, but lucky for me...

I don't give a damn.


How's our mental Yentl?

MRI shows no sign of clots,
FMRI shows no problem areas.

- Go restart her IV.
- What's wrong with it?

Nothing. But like so many
of the procedures

we put patients through, it hurts,

which, if she's enjoying it,
will show up in pretty colors.

This is why you
wanted an FMRI?

It showed she didn't have a blood clot,
which is diagnostically relevant.

And it can show that she's become a
masochist. Also diagnostically relevant.

And it will be cool.

Either explain which part of my analysis
didn't make sense, or go do it.

It isn't cool.

I'm sorry.


HOUSE: Heavens.
Look at her limbic system.

Her pleasure centers
are lighting up like a Hanukkah bush.

Foreman must have
a touch like an elephant.

Okay, Roz,
we've got what we need.

Yes. It was impressive.

Roz? You all right?

Oh, sorry.
I was praying.

All through the procedure?

No, when Dr. Foreman apologized, I knew
something bad was going to happen.

She was praying.
Could explain the brain activity.


BP and heart rate are dropping.
She's crashing.


She's stabilizing.

Get her up.

All the way up.
On her feet.



Make her do that again.

FOREMAN: We've started her on
fludrocortisone and ephedrine.

It's Planet of the Apes.

The apes are the humans.
Humans are the apes.

It's Wacky Wednesday,
opposite day.

When you stand up, your BP and heart
rate are supposed to go up. Not...

Got it. So, what causes bloody urine,
loss of bladder control, leg pain,

altered mental status and pressure-blood
in direction-wrong?


Low catecholamines
in the urine

means no pheochromocytoma
in the Jewess.

- Could be systemic sclerosis.
- Mental status.

She was praying.

She was in pain.
You no longer think she's crazy?

I can see why
she'd be attracted to that life.

You drank the
Manischewitz-flavored Kool-Aid.

I'm not saying I agree.
I'm just saying...

That there's a rational basis
for the irrational.

They have something
that we don't have.

Imaginary friends.

If the toaster's not working,
wiring could be bad.

Which debate is that metaphor
supposed to help us with?

Electrical problem
in the heart.

Arrhythmia messes
with her blood flow when she stands,

causes low BP and heart rate.

Could also impact
mental status, everybody's happy.

Run an EP study of her heart.
Find where the wiring's verklempt.

I went by your hotel this morning.
They told me you moved out.

You moved in with CB?

No. Apparently,
I moved in with you.

The very fact that you're resisting
my insight proves to me that...

House. You're right.

Why not?
Why not date you? It's brilliant.

We've known
each other for years,

we've put up with all
kinds of crap from each other,

and we keep coming back.
We're a couple.

Are we still
speaking metaphorically?

Amber is exactly what I need.

And you would agree
if you weren't mired in self-loathing,

topped with a thin crust
of megalomania.

Hey. That's my best friend's
girl you're talking about.

I was wrong.

House. You're right.

She's not me. Well, she is me.
But, that's not why she's attractive.

She's a needy version of me.

It's hard to imagine
such a mythical creature.

You started seeing her
right after I fired her.

I started seeing her
four months ago.

She told Kutner
it was four weeks.


You lied to me.
There was money on the line.

Because I knew how you'd react and I
knew you wouldn't pay me, anyway.

You knew that I was right.

She wasn't needy.
She was in a bad situation.

There's a difference.

Not to your libido.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Why are you doing this?

Every time I agree with you,
you find a new argument.

What are you trying to avoid?

Well, if you'd looked at me with those
flashing eyes before I was involved...

C'est Ia vie.

And I use the French
because you're an ass.

Right atrium normal,
no arrhythmia.

You can become a D'har Master.
Does that require further explanation?

Right ventricle normal.

In college,
I was really into science fiction.

Not like the guys
with the $600 prosthetic ears,

who could swear in Romulan.

That was embarrassing to the rest of us

who just thought
it was good, smart literature.

I went to one convention.

By senior year, I was D'har Master in
the Klingon Empire.

I'm not going
to become Hasidic.

I'm not even going to become
slightly more Reform.

Coronary sinus normal.

You can't have your eyes
opened to something and not act on it.

I haven't had my eyes opened. I just
don't think they're crazy anymore.

Then they have
something to offer.

She's living proof that sane people
can make radical changes, but House...

He thinks that
he can bully...


I'm sorry?

I think she's telling you
to stop deflecting.


Evil tongue. Gossip.

It's okay. Thanks to the sedative,
you won't remember it.

Words are permanent.

Someday, you'll say something
that you wish you could take back.

Hiss bundle is normal.
Pathways are all clean. No arrhythmias.

If the toaster doesn't work
and the wiring in the house is fine,

problem's got to be
in the city's power grid.

Autonomic nerve disorder.
Could be Riley-Day Syndrome.

on your wedding.

(WHISPERING) You have a rare
and incurable degenerative disease.

I'll set her up for
a thermoregulatory sweat test.

She's bisexual.


I could hear them talking
from inside the MRI.

Hear who?
I heard the word sex.

It was interesting.

- What was interesting?
- It doesn't matter.

We're doctors, we never know what's
going to matter. She said sex.

If she wants to tell you,
when she wakes up...

Yeah. These people aren't
going to change you at all.

I need you
to sleep with Wilson.

Good morning.

He's involved with
an inappropriate woman.

His people are sheep herders,
and Amber's are cattlemen?

He's combined two
of his worst qualities.

His love
for me and his love for need.

And as administrator
of this hospital,

you have to save
your star oncologist.

Wish I could help.

But as administrator, there are
some people in accounting

I'm scheduled
to sleep with first.

Wilson has a pattern
with women.

He saves them, then he betrays them,
which then causes guilt,

which then causes him
to go save somebody else.

For example, a hospital bureaucrat
nearing 40 who has no personal life.

I suggest you go braless.

I get that "sleep with" is your way
of saying I should talk to him...

No, I really mean
"sleep with."

You're not worried this relationship
will fail, you're worried it'll succeed.

That Wilson will no longer
be at your beck and call 2417.

That your best friend
will change.

People don't change
just because they wish they could.

And it bugs you
that he wishes he could.

You'll never lose
your friend, House.

You're the long-distance
runner of neediness.

THIRTEEN: As the chamber heats up, Roz's
body temperature should also rise,

making her sweat and turning
the powder purple.

No change in color
means no sweating,

which means her central
nervous system is damaged.

I shouldn't see her
like this.

We could have a diagnosis
as soon as she comes out of the chamber.

It might be better
if you stayed.

It's disrespectful.

I'm sure she imagined

the first time her husband
would see her bare like this,

would be celebrating
their marriage.

Given the circumstances,

I think Roz would
sacrifice modesty to have you with her.

Please. Don't do that.

What? I think it's nice
that you're here.

- I think...
- You think it's sweet

that I care for her modesty,

but that it's archaic
and ultimately irrelevant.

Our traditions aren't
just blind rituals. They...

They mean something.
They have a purpose.

I respect my wife.

And I respect her body.


Her body temperature's
stopped climbing.

What's going on?

THIRTEEN: She's having a seizure.
Need a crash cart!

Blankets, too!
She's freezing.

HOUSE: She was supposed
to sweat. And she froze.

Return to the Planet of the Apes.

Hypothermia caused
the seizure.

What caused the hypothermia?

KUTNER: Could be infection.

Her white blood cell count was fine.

When she was admitted.
She could have picked something up here.

A complication
on a complication?

Her body's doing the opposite
of what it's supposed to.

Her body is Wilson.

How do we respond to that?

We accept that he's happy.

We do the opposite.

So, you want us to what?
Send the patient home?

An infection means that something's
been added to the body.

Something that should be expelled.
What's the opposite of that?

Something missing from the body.
Could be an enzyme or a hormone.

Could be Addison's.

It fits.

Every symptom.

I'll run a cortisol
stimulation test.

Are you sure she doesn't want to just
take you back to her lair,

hang you upside-down,
and deposit her eggs in you?

Excellent disguise, House.

You two are really
that serious?

She's pretty. She's funny.
Maybe she's a little more...


...aggressive than
you'd expect for me.

But, I'm happy. Can't I just enjoy
what that feels like for a while?

How many people
have looked at you trustingly

while you gave them
a fatal prognosis?

But you knew it was kinder
to tell them the truth.

Amber compulsively
looks out for number one.

You compulsively look out
for the person that you're with.

Your needs are going to feed
her needs until all that's left

is a Wilson chalk outline
on the floor.



That cortisol stuff is great.
Does it work on everything?

I take it
you're feeling better.

Still weak, but, yeah.

You must be so tired.
You should go home and get some sleep.

I'll stay.

I never told you,

but you are much better looking
than Mrs. Silver led me to expect.

She never liked me.
When I was eight,

I threw up on her shoes
at my uncle's wedding.


Your abdomen's
a little swollen.

Is it serious?

It's hard to say. Sometimes
it can mean a liver issue.

We'll have to test.

Oh. Oh, dizziness
is getting...

She's going into shock,
I need another liter of saline!

Type and cross two units!

What's happening to her?

She's bleeding internally.

She's saying the Sh'ma.
She thinks she's dying.


shows you're bleeding internally,

but not where it's coming from.

The blood can only
keep you stable for so long.

Our best option
is to open you up and search.

But you can fix it.

If we find the leak.

You find the bleeding,
you find the disease?


But it could keep you
alive long enough

so Dr. House can find
what's wrong with you.


I don't want to have
the surgery.

It's the only chance
you've got.

I don't want to have
the surgery until after sunset.

I'm probably
going to die, anyway.

I just want to share
one Shabbat with my husband.

(WHISPERING) Roz, please.
The Torah commands us to preserve life.

I waited 38 years to find what I wanted.

I can wait
another eight hours.

And I'll leave the rest
to God, okay?

I had her rabbi call.
She's adamant.

She's not a masochist.
She's suicidal.

Nice work, Chase.

Yeah, I should have
had twin rabbis call. Can I go?

We need you.

So, instead of a few days, we now have
a few hours to figure this out.

- Nice work, Chase.
- Why do you need me?

Saying, "Nice work, Chase"
when you're not here is pointless.

Seriously. We need you.

We should X-ray for
malformations of the rib

that could cause arterial twisting.

Malformations don't
cause bloody urine.

She's not suicidal.

She made a commitment
to a new life with her husband,

and she wants
one meaningful experience in that life.

She just met the guy.

Taub just met her and he's already
so in love he's ready to let her die

and take her back
to the home planet

for a burial in
the lava sea of Tormiad.

It's who he might be.

She's connecting with all the years
she's not going to have.

A better way of connecting to those
years is to actually have them.

You want more time?

Joshua got God to make
the sun stand still.

No reason
God can't speed it up.

And by God,
I, of course, mean you.

Told you we needed you.

It's sundown, Roz.

We're taking you back to your room
for your candlelight dinner.

Ready? One, two, three.

It's too early.

Your sense of time is off
because of the medication.

Good shabbos, Roz.

So, you pray, scarf down some challah,
then we can do this?


You wanted to see me?

And you came.

I feel pretty confident
it'll be something interesting.

Solve this case
and the job is yours.

Is there a "Drop Wilson"
clause attached to this?

Standard contract
all employees sign.

Why do you have to believe
I have an ulterior motive?

For the same reason I believe a crack
whore is going to have sex for crack.

All my life,

I thought I had
to choose between

love and respect.

And I chose respect.

And with Wilson,

I know what it's like
to have both.

And that beats a fellowship.

Could be DIC.

You've changed.

I hope so.

Normal platelet count
rules out DIC. Good try, though.


I read that
a hydatid cyst could...

Would affect the lungs,
not the bladder.

I tested her
white cell count again. Normal.

How long till we get
to cut her open?

When I left, he was still singing
Eshet something.

It's the husband's blessing of his wife.
He calls her Eshet Chayil.

Woman of Valor.

"Strength and honor are her clothing.
She laughs at the future."

Because she's an idiot.

Volvulus of the small intestine
could cause bleeding.

She would have
had constipation.

Her value isn't beyond pearls, either.
Because dead people have no value.

Polycythemia vera.

RBC count would be higher.

I need to bring
the light to my face.

KUTNER: Thrombocytopenia.
If it's autoimmune...

FOREMAN: Titers were normal.

Parkinson's would
explain the hypothermia.

Not the bloody urine.

The woman's not just a masochist,
she's a hypocrite.

The commandment to preserve life
comes before all others.

Actually means she's not a masochist.
She's not following all the rules.

Just the ones that please her.

Right. She walked in crazy and explained
how ritual trumps living,

and you decide
it's a beautiful lifestyle.

I know. She's wrong,

but, if there's
nothing more...

HOUSE: Then, the only
meaning is here.

TAUB: But if she thinks
God is there for her,

if she lives her life
believing that God is there...

Then, she dies.

Things aren't where we want them to be,
just because we want them to be there.

Of course, that doesn't mean
they're where they should be.

Hey. Stop that Jew.

Chase hates working on shabbos.
I'm going to make this easier for him.

Stand her up.

She doesn't do
so well on her feet.

Neither do I.
Stand her up.

You can tell all the ladies
at the Mikvah about this.

What did you do?

What are you doing?

Put your hand here.
Press hard.

You have nephroptosis.
Also known as "floating kidney."

The kidney is like
a chandelier.

It's attached to a ceiling
of intestines and blood vessels.

But your contractor,

I think you know who he is,
he hung it with a cheap chain.

It's been hanging
sloppy for years.

something shook it loose.

After that,
every time you stood,

your kidney dropped
a few centimeters.

That caused all
of your symptoms.

None of the scans
picked it up.

Because we do scans
with patients lying down.

She would have been lying down
in surgery, too.

They'd never have found it.

Good chance
she'd never come out.

She'll be all right?

HOUSE: Ultrasound to confirm.

Then, tell Chase to put the kidney
back on the shelf.

The bleed will be nearby.

That's it?

Maze! tov.

Couple hours surgery,

you'll be ready to push out
those 14 children.


You do it both ways, right?

- What?
- The ultrasound.

You do it standing up
and lying down.

What else would I mean?

I've decided you could do worse
than a female proxy for me.

So, you're going to acknowledge
that people can change?

- No.
- You think I've changed

- or Amber's changed?
- Nope.

Then, you've changed.

If you do change, can it be the part
of you that chases me down halls

trying to change me?

Do you know what this means?

That you made
one good dating choice.

The fabric of the space-time
continuum could unravel.

My world could expand.
I could form

a long-term connection,
that isn't with you.

And since you put the darkest possible
construction on everything,

you could end up
losing a friend.

You've thought of all this.

And yet, you're going
along with it.

Are you being

I'll sacrifice a lab rat.

I'll sacrifice a fly.

I'll sacrifice $200
on a mudder at Monmouth Park.

I don't sacrifice self.

Shabbat shalom, Wilson.

Shabbat shalom, House.