Hope Street (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Hope Street - full transcript

As the whole town searches for a missing mother, Al kisses someone he shouldn't.

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Finn?! No sign of any body.

We're going to have to get
the divers in.

Callum, get this crowd secured.

I was going for my morning swim,
spotted the car.

That's Rachel Parker's car.
You sure? Yes.

I'm ringing her now. OK.

Right, back you go. Off you go.

Thank you.

Right, everybody move back, please.
Back you go. Thank you.

Right back behind that line.

It's ringing out. OK. Marlene, you
help Callum get this scene secured.

Back you go...
You keep trying Rachel.

You hear anything,
you let me know, yeah?

Hello, Becca.

It's Rachel's wee girl.

Where's my mum?

Here you go.

So, Becca, when was the last
time you saw your mum?

Last night. At about what time?

Like... 8-ish?

I went to a party at my friend
Sally's house.

And I stayed the night there.

And the last time you saw
your mum...

..how was she? She was normal.

No, no.
No, she wasn't suicidal or anything.

Definitely not.

I'm sorry I had to ask that.

It's just it's important
that we know.

Do we know anything about Rachel's
state of mind?

Everybody said she was on good form.

This is it.


Rachel! No-one's going to answer.

The daughter had a key?



Looks like Rachel's moving out.

So, is she in the water?

Or has she done a runner?

I feel like I've caused all of this.


Before the party, I got into a
really big argument with Mum.

Her partner - Steve -
is from Manchester.

That's Steve Marshall?

He works at the taxi rank too,
right? Yeah.

Mum and him
want to move across the water.

She's had enough of living
in the same town as Dad.

They're divorcing.

They hate each other.

Dad's not even
allowed to come near Mum any more.

Last night, Mum asked me
to choose who I want to live with.

I couldn't. That's tough.

So I just ran out.

Went to a party.

Maybe Mum thought I had chosen to
live here so, she left for England?

What, Rachel's missing?

Is Becca OK?
Yes, she's down at the station.


Jordy, when was the last time
you saw your wife?

Soon-to-be ex-wife.

Months ago.

Is that because of
the non-molestation order?

I'm not allowed within
a 50-metre radius of Rachel,

which is almost impossible

when you share custody in a small
town like this.

And where were you last night?

Wait, you don't think that I'm
involved with Rachel going missing?

Where were you, Jordy?

Here! All night.
Can anyone corroborate this?

my night owl days are long gone.

I'm disabled.

I fell off a roof
when Becca was wee.

I haven't worked since.

I'm in bed by half nine.

But no-one can confirm that?

What about Steve Marshall?

Rachel's new boyfriend. He's the one
with the criminal record.

We'll be having a word with him.

In the meantime, you let us know
if you hear from Rachel, yeah?

I'm sure I'll be the first
person that she calls.

Now can I speak to my daughter?


Thank you all for coming. As you
know, we are searching for Rachel.

The main focus is the water, but
we don't want to overlook anything.

Every inch of the surrounding area
needs to be examined.

If you've not been assigned a team,
speak to me directly.

And don't forget also to consult
with me

about the map grid you're
meant to search. OK?

Here we are, gentlemen.

Just help yourselves to

courtesy of the Commodore.

And the same to you!

Huh! Some people really want the
moon on a stick.

What was all that about? She asked
me if there was a vegetarian option.

And then said that I was unhelpful
when I said that

that was a stupid question!
It's tomato. Of course it's veg.

Oh, so you're taking her side?

I am pumping myself with hormones
to have my eggs harvested

so we can have a child, and this is
the thanks I get! Typical!

I was wondering, please,
if, erm, see before I head out,

could I get my flask filled
with your lovely soup?

Of course, Barry. Anything for you.

It is so lovely to be asked nicely.

All right? Jake texted.

He wants ten grand from us
by the end of the week.

I thought this was all sorted.

I watched you delete
the doorbell-cam footage myself!

He's got other evidence that you
were involved in the theft.

What? It's going to be OK.


We could both end up in jail.

The bank's sorting me a loan. OK.

What if Jake wants more?

Well, he just needs this money to
save his parents' farm.

It's a one-time thing.


I've got this, all right?


Whole town's out. Ah?
Local people never let you down.

Do you want a coffee?

Yeah. And, erm,
one for Al as well, cheers.

Here, where's your wedding ring?

Have you seen she's not wearing
her ring? Well, I... I took it off.

Siobhan doesn't need a grilling, Ma.

It's really not a big deal.

It's no big deal?

Here you go, mucker.

And here was me
thinking we'd turned a corner.

We have.

I guess I wanted to see how Finn
would react if I took my rings off.

But you heard it -
it's no big deal.

Well, give him some time.

He's a man.

Always takes a little longer
to realise what's good for him.

Finn's made it clear.

Our marriage is over.

I have to let it go.

Dive team have found no
trace of Rachel.

What about Steve Marshall?

The boyfriend?
No sign, but he does have a record.

Theft, handling of stolen property
and aggravated assault.

All back in Manchester.

Most recent conviction is
six years ago.

His address is
listed as Walsh's Caravan park.

It's got to be worth a visit.

Steven Marshall?

Hello? Al?

Looks like Steve was getting
ready for the move to England too?

So does this make him
a missing person also or...?

Or a suspect.
I'm going to check inside.

We don't have a warrant. Relax,

Take a look on the other side.

Got it.

Good lad.

Steve? Anyone in here?


Found anything?

Why would Steve have all this cash?

And has it anything to do with
Rachel's disappearance?

So where does a cab driver
like Steve get all of that money?

We took a look at his financials.

There's no sign of any
suspicious activity,

and he's not been seen in town
since yesterday evening.

We've got a sighting of Rachel's
taxi around 23.00 on Harbour Road

being driven dangerously.

So, we have a rough time at
which the cab went in to the water.

There's no sightings of Rachel or
Steve after that time.

And there's no activity on either
of their mobile phones,

which raises the question,

were they together in the car
when it went into the sea?

Might have something
interesting here.

CCTV from the caravan park.

So I was checking when Steve left
the caravan yesterday.

Look who appears.

Jordy. So much for being home
all evening.

The time code says 18.30,
which is roughly the same time

Rachel spoke to Becca about
moving to England.

Ooh! Jordy just punched Steve.

Let's bring him in and see what he's
got to say about it.

Oh... Hi.


Erm, jab time!

Erm, look, a woman's missing,

OK, I've got to keep
my priorities straight.

Right, well,
having my baby isn't a priority?

No, I didn't mean that.

It's just things are really
time sensitive today, so...

Yeah, I am aware!

Look, I'm not going to apologise
for being excited

about this little life that we're
going to create.

I'm not pregnant yet!

There is no baby, so just back off.


Thanks for coming.
I heard your voicemail.

A public appeal
sounds like a good idea.

Would you be in our wee video
with your daddy?

It's for social media.

Asking people to
look for your mummy.

I don't really want to...
Of course she will.

We'll help however we can.

We're worried about you,
so, Rachel, if you're watching,

we just really want you
to come home.

Becca, have you got anything
that you want to add?

I hope you're OK, Mum.


You OK?

Here. Thank you. I can't imagine
what this must all feel like,

but if it's any help,

I do know what it's like to be
caught between two parents. Yeah?

Mum and Dad split
when I was a little older than you.

Did they make you choose
who to live with?

I picked my dad.

How do you know that you've made
the right decision?

Well, from that moment,

it's become really clear that Dad
would do anything for me.

That's great. It definitely is.

And when it's not,
I just play him like a fiddle.

Thank you.

What's happened?
Have you found Rachel?

Jordy, could we have a word with
you at the station, please?

Hey, can you give me two minutes?
I'm on me own, all right?

Everything all right? I was told
something was getting sorted.

And it's not. Looks like you could
do with some help.

Aye. I'm juggling like a maniac

keeping the searchers fed
and watered,

and the locals from getting


Have you ever worked in a bar?

A year at the student union
in Belfast. Aye?

We could do with a hand here.

My wife - don't say anything,
but she's being a real tuna melt.

She raged at a guy earlier on

because he was laughing at the name
Camden for a baby.

I mean, usually that kind of thing's
really adorable.

Must be the hormones.

IVF. We're trying for a baby.
Oh, congratulations!

if I phone the student union,

will they give you a glowing
reference? 100%.

Right. Get behind this bar,
let me show you the ropes.

Then we'll go out the back,
fill the tureen with soup.

In the statement you made this

you claimed you were in your home
all night and didn't leave, correct?

I stayed in, yeah. All night.

Is that you?

Yeah. I...

Steve said that he wanted to help me
and Rachel smooth things over

for Becca's sake. But he wanted
something else?

He told me that they were tying up
some loose ends,

that him and Rachel were
moving to Manchester for good,

and that he expected that Becca
would choose to go with them.

So, you hit him. I lost my temper.

What sort of loose ends?

Renting a house and...

And what, Jordy?

They were going to sell Rachel's cab
to help fund the move.

I'm telling you.

I had nothing to do with that car.

Where did you go after your
altercation with Steve?

Like I said, I was angry.

Did you go and confront Rachel?


So you broke the non-molestation

That's why you misled us earlier.

She called me everything
under the sun.

Horrible, hurtful stuff.

Jordy, do you know where either
Rachel or Steve are?

I have no idea!

Is breaking the 50-metre rule

going to affect the divorce
proceedings, do you think?

Cheers. I'll put it on your tab.

Anything promising coming in after
the public appeal?

People are spotting Rachel

Belfast. Manchester.

On Uranus.

What does that mean?

Well, this is what we find, you see.
Lots of false leads.

She's just been
seen at the bus stop!

And you thought
I was wasting my time.

What is she doing behind my bar?

Ah, Nicole, this is... Tatum?


Look, if everything goes to plan,

we're going to need a lot more
help around here.

This is to make your life easier,

Oh, Clint.

Ah, sure, isn't it lovely to have
a fresh face behind the bar?


And what about this face?

Is this not good enough for you
any more, Barry?


Rachel's been
missing for almost 18 hours.


CSI just dropped this off.

They were all in Rachel's cab.

There was no sign of a break-in,
and the ignition was intact.

Whoever drove it into the harbour
had a key, but it wasn't in the car.

Why would she have all these bags
of identical clothes in her cab?


Manchester is one of the main
centres for counterfeit clothing

in Britain.
That's Steve's hometown.

Would explain that wad of cash
we found in his caravan.

Maybe they're in partnership, then?

Let's see if Becca knows
anything about these clothes.

Here, I'll do that.

There she is.

Hi, Becca.

You holding up OK?

We need to ask you something?

Did your mum and Steve run a wee
clothes business on the side?


Why would you think that she did?

We're just doing all
we can to find your mum. Yeah.


I've only time
for a grab-and-go lunch

and all I've heard is how
amazing your soup is.

Oh! Well, it's tomato.

With a wee twist.
Oh? Do tell.

I'm great with secrets...

..as you very well know.
Stop it now!

That was ages ago.

I drizzle chilli oil all over it.

Oh, lucky soup.


Do you want to get out of the way,
please, mate?

Oh, sorry. Let me.

Where do you want it?

Just over there.

What are you doing behind here?

We've got to pay the bills somehow,

since you've been
turned down for that loan.

I got your text. Thanks.

How do them two know each other?

Well, Taylor's Al's daughter.

How did you not know that? They're
in here together all the time.

I don't give Al much thought.

What is wrong with you?
You have a face like a smacked bum.

Are you not afraid of stepping
on someone's toes?

Oh, I was just lending a hand.

And Nicole looked like she needed
a bit of cheering up.

Sounds like a job for her husband.

Och, now. Nobody deserves banter
more than an under-appreciated wife.

Get out of here, you.

Clint, love?

Tell me what's up.

All right.

It's Al.

What about him?

Well, he thinks he's God's gift.

And everyone here agrees.

Och, no! No, they don't

I see the way you were with him.

Are you seriously
doubting my loyalty to you

and our marriage, Mr Dunwoody?

No! No, of course not.

It's Finn.

Ever since Al showed up,
he seems to have forgotten I exist.

Oh, babe.

Oh, I'm so sorry your best friend's
cheating on you.

I heard you got
a job down the Commodore.

Yeah. Easy money.

Or so I thought.

Then I met hurricane Nicole.

Yeah, smile and nod.
That's what I do.

Got no choice.

I really need the cash.

What, like... credit card debt
or something?

Um, yeah, that's right.

I could help.

You know, I've got money.

I'm sure you do.

It's just...

..this isn't pocket change.

It's like... thousands.

But it's cool you offered.

Got to get back.

And there's your drink.


You got ID, sir?

It's for you.

Uh, what's happening here?

So why didn't you ask us?

Because it's my money.

Yeah, for your education. Not just
to throw around willy nilly.

Taylor? Why do you need
that sort of cash?

OK, first off, Mr and Mrs O'Hare,
I didn't ask Shay to do this.

I just got in a bit deep
with some debt.

But I've got a job at the Commodore.
I'm on top of it.

OK, well, thanks for your honesty.

Right, young man. No.

Look, what I do with my money is my
business, all right?

Not if you're going to make immature
decisions with it, it's not!

Well, I'm helping a friend out.

You know? And I don't see why I have
to explain myself to either of yous.

It's not like I ever get
a say in anything.

Now, that's not true.

OK, where's your wedding ring?

I should get back to work.

Standing there lecturing me
about maturity.

You know, it'd be great if anyone
would act like an adult. PHONE BUZZES


Yeah, OK. Where and when?

Right, I'm on my way.

What, did they find Rachel?

No, it's her partner, Steve.
We've had a sighting of his van.

I've got to go.




That's Steve's van.

Guys, check the caravan.

Did you know Taylor had money
trouble? What?

Shay wanted to bail her out.

Ah. I'm sorry you got
dragged into that.

I'll sort it out, all right?
I already did.

Wee eejit was talking about giving
her three grand.

Kids, eh?


More counterfeit clothes.

Finn, suspect running
from the caravan!

Hey! Hey, hey, hey.


I've done nothing wrong!
Where have you been all day?

I was in Manchester, getting to know
my partner Steve's family.

Do you know that the whole town
is looking for you?

We found your car in the sea.

What? I'm selling that this evening.

There was a load of counterfeit
clothing in the boot.

Do you know anything about that?

Right. Rachel Parker, I'm arresting
you for the supplying

of counterfeit goods. You do not
have to say anything,

but it may harm your defence if you
do not mention something

which you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given
in evidence.

Do you have any idea why someone
would wreck your car?

My ex, Jordy.
Out of pure spite.

There was no sign of forced entry.
The ignition wasn't damaged.

Could he have
accessed your car keys?

I had mine with me, but...

..the spare set was in
the key safe at home. Maybe...

..he pressured Becca into opening it
up for him.

Yeah, well, we'll check on that.

When you left for Manchester, why didn't
you tell your daughter you were going away?

It was last minute.

I thought Becca had gone to her
friend Sally's.

Becca's 14 years old.

She's been worried sick.

Steve's van had counterfeit
clothing in the back.

The same counterfeit clothing we
recovered from the boot of your car.

Look, I'm telling you,
I know nothing about any of that.

Jordy'll say anything
to blacken my name.

It was Steve, actually.

Greater Manchester Police
picked him up.

He said that the whole counterfeit
operation was your idea.

Um, what?

Because your divorce is costing
so much.

Steve really said that?

He's also claiming that this money
which we recovered from his caravan

is your illegal earnings and he was
just keeping it safe for you.

Look, none of this was my idea.

I didn't know Steve
had all that cash.

He had me selling my cab
to fund our move.


Am I going to lose
custody of my wee girl?

I suggest you tell us
exactly what's been going on.

We found your mammy,
Becca, and she's alive and well.

Where was she?

Your mum will explain later. The
main thing is she's safe and well.

Claims she'd no idea there were
concerns for her welfare.

Can I see her?

Not just now. She's having a wee
chat down the station.

Has Rachel been arrested?

What for?

It would be inappropriate of me
to say anything else just now.

Well, that's the end of her going
to Manchester anyway.


..did Rachel have any spare
keys for the cab?

She did, aye.

But I have no idea where
she kept them.

But maybe you do, Becca?

Did anybody ask you to fetch them?

Oh, so Rachel pointed
the finger at me, did she?

Right, look, I would never go
anywhere near that cab.


Dad didn't do anything.

So what really happened, Becca?

We just want to talk to her
and get a handle on the facts.

So, we need someone impartial to be
Becca's appropriate adult.

She asked for me? Yep.

Said you were "the only
dead-on person in the whole town."

OK. No problem.

Your dad told us he's given you some
driving lessons.

Becca, we've still got search
teams out looking.

We really need to know how that
car got into the sea.

I was just so angry at Mum making me
choose between her and Dad.

I didn't know what I was going
to do,

but I knew I needed to do something.

So, I slipped out of the party
and I went home.

And your mum was gone by the time
you got back?

I knew she was selling her cab.

So I thought that if I got
rid of her car,

it might buy me some time.

I'm really sorry. I didn't mean
to cause so much hassle.

Driving a car into water is
incredibly dangerous...

I know, I'm sorry.

I just... was so fed up of it all.

All the fighting, the moving away.

Could we take a break?

Yeah, sure.

How much trouble am I in?

I don't know.

But it'll be OK.

No-one got hurt.

I've made my choice.

I'm done.

With the two of them.

I don't want to be
their daughter any more.

You didn't say that she'd be here.

I can't be sat here.
I need to go... Dad, it's OK.


Becca wants us both here, so...


..I'm really sorry.

It was me who drove your car into
the water.

What?! Becca!
What were you thinking?

That is so irresponsible.

I didn't know it would get
you arrested.

I just...

..couldn't handle
choosing between you.

I never meant to cause you
so much stress.

Well, you did. Both of you.

You're the only family that
I have got.

We haven't been
a family in such a long time.

All I want...

..are parents that love me.

Of course I love you. Me too.

And who put me first.

Above anything.

Including who beats who in some
stupid divorce.


..I've decided that I'm not going
to live with either of you.

I want to go into care.

What?! Not a chance!


Taylor and I have a suggestion.


..you could stay with Sally
and her parents for a while.

Give your mum and dad
a chance to talk.

For you we'll make it work.


I'll give you two weeks.

OK, thank you.


I'll give you two a minute, OK?

You handled that perfectly.

Let's hope they can sort
themselves out.

Yeah. Hopefully.

Sally's dad's waiting, so...

I'll see you around?




..how did the car
get in the water, then?

Um... I can't answer that.

Always kept in the dark!

And after me forwarding every single
tip-off that my public appeal got.

All 98 of them. Yeah, saw that.

One of which said that Rachel
was in Manchester,

so it seems that I solved
all of this a good few hours ago.

It's a pity no-one listens.


Hey, Siobhan, you OK?


Your mother's a character all right.

So, if you and Siobhan are
so platonic...

..why have you still
got your wedding band on?

It just doesn't come off, mate. Aye?

Do you want me to get you
some butter?

All right?

What do you know?

How's it feel?

I think it's been
a long time coming.


Here, I need to head.

No bother. I'll finish your pint.

Finn's made up his mind, then.

It's really over.

A nice cold pint, is it?

You know I'm not drinking.

Do you really want to be
our surrogate?

Because if not, I'd rather nip this
in the bud now

before we go any further, thank you
very much.

It's not that I don't want to do it.

Well, then, what?

Just it feels...

..like you think this
is a certainty.

Ah, but... that's just me
trying to be positive.

Because you know there's a very real
chance it won't work.

Of course I know that.

But we'll have tried.
That's what matters.

Look, whatever happens with this,

we'll be OK. All right?



Anyone home?


Niamh? Shay? You home?



Anyone at home?


Hey! Oh.

I thought you were still at the bar.

Enough drama for me today.

Oh, I hear you.

Finn's not wearing his wedding
ring any more, so...

Oh... Ah.

I'm sorry. Yeah.

It's all going to be OK.

Is it?


I actually don't know.

