Homeland (2011–…): Season 8, Episode 5 - Chalk Two Down - full transcript

Carrie chases answers. Max attempts a rescue. G'ulom takes an opportunity.

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Previously on Homeland...

Well, I think the prospect
of ending our longest war

would enjoy broad support.

Well, not when it's twisted
into a partisan issue.

Seeing as you were one of
the architects of the policy,

we thought you might
have some ideas.

Well, I can tell you
what Elizabeth Keane

was planning to do‐‐

get out in front
of the debate.

Come here to Afghanistan
and make the case

directly to the men and women
who put their lives

on the line every day.

Before I left Washington,
I had a phone call,

a long phone call with Taliban
leader Haissam Haqqani,

and we spoke about how
we can bring peace

to this beautiful country.

They've reached an agreement
without input from you or me,

but they expect us
to stand here

and applaud the result.

After 18 long years,

he has agreed
to negotiate for peace.

Bagram ATC got a report
from the AWACS

shadowing the Steedley mission.

Four minutes ago,
the President's helicopter

disappeared off radar.

What are we looking at?

Camera on Chalk One,
the escort.

Saul, what's happened?

President's helicopter's down.

Targets, two o'clock!


RPG on your six.
Clear to engage.

‐ Get back, get back!

The World Trade Center,
Tower Number One

is on fire!

I missed something
once before. I won't‐‐

I can't let that happen again!

An American prisoner of war
has been turned.

You're a disgrace
to your nation,

Sergeant Nicholas Brody.

You're a traitor
and a terrorist,

and now it's time
to pay for that.

Are you accusing me
of something?

You really do not remember?

Remember what?

We may be dealing with
a compromised officer here.

You had a relationship
complicated enough

to lie about.

Yeah, it's complicated.

I lost seven months
of my life.

To my Russian handler?

Is our strategy working?

And you will become
the focus of an investigation

that will define
the rest of your life.

That not every
problem in the Middle East

deserves a military solution.

Because this whole country
went stupid crazy after 9/11.

Carrie, you're not yourself.

I'm still putting
the pieces together.

Please, God,
tell me you have it.

Is there no fucking line?

I believe you.

No one else will.

Max, there you are.

I need your tools.
Where are they?


‐ Which ones?
‐ I‐I don't know.

They need us to get
encryption sleeves,

PAVE modules,
all kinds of shit.

They sent pictures.

I'll do it.

I know the equipment.
I'll do it.


Let's go, let's go!

A dozen grunts.

The greatest fighting force
in the history of the planet,

and that's what we've got?

Mr. President, we have
substantial air support

over the crash site.

All useless‐‐
that's what you're telling me.

Sir, there is a
Quick Reaction Force en route.

Until they get there,

we are relying on the soldiers
from C. O. P. Steedley,

but they are far
from our entire response.

Graveyard of empires.

Thugs with
third‐grade educations

and automatic weapons‐‐we try
and make peace with them.

How shocked can we be
when they kill our president?

We don't know the President
is dead.

Well, are there signs
of life I'm missing?

Also, sir, we don't know
the Taliban is responsible.

At this point,
we don't know that anybody is.

What does that even mean?

Did we or did we not see
the Taliban

on the ground fire an RPG?

Did we or did we not see
that RPG hit the helicopter

carrying two presidents?

That was
the escort copter, sir.

Well, they're both down,
aren't they?

You know,
for the record,

I was against all of this.

You okay?

Should I be?

The Vice President just said
it doesn't matter

what actually happened.

‐ That's not what I heard.
‐ Then you weren't listening.

The peace deal
was your baby, Saul.

Whatever you say now, expect
to get your head cut off.

So I should just shut up?

I'm saying be realistic.

Which is what?
What is that?

If the Taliban did it,
the Taliban did it,

but if the ISI did it,
I want to know.

If G'ulom did it,
I want to know.

If the pilot flew
the helicopter into the side

of the fucking mountain
because he thought Jesus

was talking to him,
I want to know that, too,

because it matters‐‐
it fucking matters.

It determines what we do next.

You want realistic?

We've been through this before
after 9/11.

We did everything wrong.

What do you want me to do?

Mike sent everyone off
to work their assets.

They don't need me
doing that, too.

Tell me what to do.


Can I have
your attention, please?

Thank you.

Uh, for those of you
I haven't met,

I'm Janet Gaeto,

U.S. Ambassador to the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan.

Now, I have an announcement
of what must be obvious by now,

but the Presidents
have been delayed.

We've got
a weather hold.

‐ Weather hold.
‐ You don't believe it?

I don't believe it would
take them this long

to announce bad weather
in the Korengal.

Colleague of mine just arrived
from the consulate.

He says there are rumors...

helicopters down.

It's unverified.
I can't find out more.

We're still all basically
prisoners here.

I'd like to thank...

Excuse me.

our Afghan partners...

Who's in there?

What the hell
are you doing here?

Hold on.

Sorry, General.
This is a private conversation.

You asking me to leave?

‐ Tell me...
‐ Tell you what?

The helicopters‐‐
where are they?

They've been delayed.

You call yourself an ally?


Only when it suits you.

They're down...

both helicopters.

What happened?

We don't know.

What about the presidents?

We don't know that either,
but until we do,

we've got to keep it
under wraps.

General, listen to me.

No one else can know.

Hello, ma'am?
Stop right there.

‐ Ma'am.
‐ I'm Carrie Mathison.

Here for the National Security
Advisor Saul Berenson.

‐ Mr. Berenson left hours ago.
‐ I know.

I was just with him
in Kabul Station.

Mr. Berenson asked me
to gather material

on the flight operation‐‐

manifests, briefing packets,
surveillance video,

anything that might help
shed some light.

On what?

JSOC helicopters are usually

plus or minus, what,
30 seconds?

Must have occurred
to you by now

you've got two flights
way overdue.

Holy fuck.


Okay, listen up.

The President's bird's
still two klicks out.

Gonzales, DaSilva,
you stay here,

search for survivors.

Everyone else on me.
We're moving now.

Max, let's go.

I was supposed to be on that.

What do I say
to the men

when they ask why you're here?

Nothing, not until there's
an official announcement.

And when will that be?

When they know what happened.

Which will be when?

Excuse me.
This one isn't right.

The tail number
should be 30368.

Well, uh, no, ma'am.
The board is wrong.

We had
a last‐minute tail swap.

They swapped helicopters?

Uh, yeah, the presidents'.

Something with the avionics.


Our Chief Mechanic.

Uh, can I talk to him, please?

He's not here.

He left after
the helicopters took off.

He left?

Left is maybe the wrong word.

He wasn't feeling well.
He went back to barracks.

Anderson subbed in.

I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking it, too.

No, I'm not.

Worley's as true blue
as they come.

Then why isn't he
at his post?

I'm not making excuses,

but the man hasn't slept
in over 48 hours.

No one has.

Everyone's been
killing themselves

prepping for this flight,
so easy on the attitude.

That's all I'm saying.

It's Major Landau.

Wake up!
You got company.

Where's his car?

Any idea where he might
have taken it?

I might know.

All right,
Soto, Laughton,

set up a perimeter there,
there, at tree line.

Expect contact.

Max, Durkin, Stoudt,
stay with me.

Move out.


This is Charlie Echo Four.

We are
at the crash site‐‐

a canyon,
steep sides,

large conifers.

Stand by.

What about the President?

He‐‐he can't hear us, sir.

Well, find out.
Ask him.

Who cares
about the damn trees?


The aircraft is largely intact.

No fragmentation
of the main fuselage.

Grid coordinates to follow.

Where are they?

‐ Not sure, sir.
‐ Did something happen?

There they are.

Durkin, give me a hand.

What's this?

They're uplinking the video
from the crash site, sir.

This is Charlie Echo Four.


No pulse.

The President's dead.

All of them‐‐
no survivors.

‐ Sir.
‐ Not now.

It's a difficult time,
I know,

but there are a number
of things that can't wait.

We have to notify
congressional leadership,

initiate continuity
of government.

Treasury has to close
the markets.

We don't want a panic.

Most importantly,
we need a plan‐‐

how to break the news
to the American people.

The way we do that will set
the tone for months to come.

Not now!

- ‐ Yes?
- ‐ General G'ulom?

General, it's Saul Berenson.

I'm afraid I have bad news.

More bad news?

Scott Ryan said he informed you
that the helicopter

carrying the U. S.
And Afghan president

went down while returning
to Bagram Airfield.

He did.

A team of U. S. Soldiers just
reached the crash site.

Both presidents are dead.
There are no survivors.

I've asked our ambassador,
Janet Gaeto...

Yes, I see her here.

‐ And Scott Ryan.
‐ Him too.

I've asked them
to work with you

on a joint announcement.


I know we've seemed
at cross purposes lately,

but it's important
we coordinate our response.

Division will look
like weakness.


first and foremost,

we want to offer
our condolences

on the loss
of your president.

I've had the pleasure
of working with him

for two years now.

He was truly a great man.

I never really liked him.

Daoud is dead,
also the U. S. President.

There will be an announcement
within the hour.

The U. S. President was planning
to meet Haqqani.

He must be here.
Find him.

Yes, sir.

‐ I was right.
‐ Yes.

Presidents' helicopter is down.

Not just down.
They are dead, both of them.

Saul Berenson just told me.

What happened?

I don't think he knows.

We have been
allied these past months.

I've liked that.

But everything's
about to change.

Two hours from now, I won't be
able to guarantee your safety.

You're sure this
is the right area?

I was here once at night,
so, no.

Where did he meet her,
this friend of his?

How the hell should I know?

Do you want to tell me what
you were even doing here?

I don't know what he was doing.
I was getting laid.

We were drunk, sir.

Wait, hey, stop.

‐ Hey, stop, stop.

Wait, there,

that's the graffiti
I was telling you about.

The eyes.

Message to the people
who live here‐‐.

"We're watching you."

This is definitely it.

Turn left up ahead.

Pull over.
That's his car.

Worley's in back talking
to one, maybe two others.

Is he armed?

Wearing a jacket.
Nothing visible.

Two other targets
in the front room‐‐

one female,
one military‐aged male.

‐ Full house.
‐ How do we do this?

You stay back.
Wait till we clear the space.

Don't you hurt her!
Don't you fucking hurt her!

Soto, status.

All quiet.

What are you doing?

You said get
his personal stuff.

Hold the line!

This is Charlie Echo Four!

We are in contact!

Taking fire!

Twenty, 30 Taliban,
100 meters to the northwest!

Can you hold your position?

Not for long!
What's the ETA on backup?

Wait out.
Where's the QRF?

‐ Still an hour out.
‐ Air support?

The canopy is too thick.
They can't see through it.

Carrie, where are you?

In Kabul
with the Special Ops team.

Find something?

Actually, yeah.

A mechanic at Bagram switched
the presidents' helicopter

‐ at the last minute.
‐ What?

He returned to his quarters

saying he was sick.

Only, he didn't go back
to his room.

He snuck off base.

Well, tell me you found him.

I did,
with his Afghan girlfriend.

She's pregnant.

They were trying to figure out
what to do about that

when we smashed
through the door.

Can't just leave her.
Her family will kill her.

You know that, right?

You know why he swapped
the helicopters?

Because they're always
swapping helicopters.

He says that's
the way it works here.

They're flying max payload
above their service ceiling.

Something's always breaking.
The weather sucks.

I mean, what if it was
an accident?

The whole thing?


The President is dead.

The crash site is about
to be overrun by Taliban.

Oh, Jesus.

Haven't we got men there?

Not enough.

Get back here.

‐ What now?
‐ You're not gonna like this.

A tip from one of our assets
in the A. N. A.

G'ulom just ordered
two battalions out of barracks.

They're searching every car
leaving Kabul.

They're looking for Haqqani.

Thought you'd want to know.

Thank you.


Saul, is it time?

No, Haissam.

I'm sorry.

President Warner is dead.

So is President Daoud.

Their helicopter went down
in the Korengal.

We're holding back
on a public announcement.


We don't know.

There were Taliban
in the area.

Of course there are.

You know we control
the Korengal.

They shot down
the escort helicopter.

You think I did it?

I need to know.


I did not.

I'm observing the cease‐fire.

So are my men.

I believe you.

No one else will.

General G'ulom
is locking down the city.

I can't protect you from him.

I might not even be able
to protect you from my side.

Your president
gave me his word.

My president is dead.


if what you and I worked for

is to have any chance
of surviving,

you have to stay alive.

Have to get out of Kabul...


And hurry.

Laughton's down!

Charlie Echo Four,
I got one down,

and we're gonna get more
if we don't pull back!

QRF is close.
Can you hold on?


We're fish in
a fucking barrel here, sir!

- ‐ Move, move, move!
- ‐

- ‐ I've got to pull them back.
- ‐ Wait.

What happens when
the Taliban take the site?

The QRF rolls in and cuts them
to fucking pieces.

Meaning the Taliban will have
President Warner's body

until they get there.

‐ So what do you suggest?
‐ You have F‐22s overhead.

As soon as your men withdraw,

drop a bomb on the site,
obliterate it.

You want me to destroy the body
of the American President?

Yeah, unless you want to see
him dragged through the streets

of Miramshah
with his dick in his mouth.

Hold on.

We bomb the site,
we lose the evidence.

‐ What evidence?
‐ It's all evidence.

The entire site.

We'll never know
how the crash happened.

Those are Taliban
killing my guys.

‐ We know what happened.
‐ Drop the bomb.

I don't have the authority
to give that order.

Where is he?

Uh, Oval Office.

He asked for his things
to be moved.


The situation in Afghanistan
has gotten worse.

The soldiers
from C. O. P. Steedley

‐ are at the crash site.
‐ I know that.

They're under attack
from a large Taliban force

and about to lose control
of the site.

What about the rapid,
uh, Quick‐‐.

The QRF won't arrive in time.

The Taliban will take the site,

and they will have
the President's body.

Kabul needs you to make
a decision.

Either we cede control
of the site to the Taliban

and hope
to recover it later, or...

we drop a 1,000‐pound bomb
and destroy it.

‐ Bomb President Warner?
‐ Yes.

You're asking me to incinerate
my predecessor.

General Owens needs a decision.

This is a military matter.

You're Commander in Chief now.

So I'm responsible
for the old man's mistakes,

trusting a goddamn terrorist?

Sir, if the Taliban get hold
of Warner's body,

that image,
whatever they do to it,

will go all over the world.

You need to make a decision.

Tell me what to do.

Bomb the site.


Tell them that.

The order has to come from you.


General, I have the President.


Calling to confirm.

Confirm what, sir?

Do it.

I need you to be specific, sir.

Bomb it.
Bomb the damn site.

Yes, sir.

We should go
to the Situation Room.

To oversee the operation.

Wha‐‐you want me to watch?
What's that gonna look like?

Like you can make
a tough decision

and see it through.

Yes, we should go.

You are clear to withdraw.

Roger that!

Eagle Two,
target at 28, 35, 45 north,

47, 52, 06 east,

ordnance two by 1,000 JDAM.

Release only on my command.

Copy, Eagle Two.
Cleared hot on your command.

They're gonna destroy the site?

The Vice President
made the call.

Did you tell them
what the mechanic said

about problems
with the airframes?


That we won't know what
actually caused the crash?

Yes, I said I told them,
but there are other issues,

like the President's body being
mutilated by the Taliban

beamed out over the Internet.

Four minutes to target.

Charlie Echo 4,
this is Delta One.

Confirm when clear.

What about the black box‐‐
the flight recorder?

Carrie, we are out of time.

For Christ's sake,
this morning you said,

"It matters what caused
the crash."

"It matters," you said.
What happened to that?

What happened is that no one
is listening to me.

Max‐‐he's with them,
isn't he?


You were communicating with him
in the Korengal.


Everybody, get back
to the trail!

Max, we're out of here!

‐ Move!

They're dropping a JDAM
on the whole thing!

‐ Hello?
‐ Max, it's me.


Are you at the President's


You have to get
the flight recorder.

No, we're leaving.

first get the recorder.

Max, it's really
fucking important.

Do you know where it is?


Give me my bag!

Get Max and Durks to move!

I need a hand!

Durks, let's go!
What the fuck are you doing?

Come on!

We're getting
the flight recorder!

Max, have you got it?

Two minutes out.
Are we clear?

Charlie Echo Four,
are you clear from site?


Soto, Durks,
get the fuck out of there!

Eagle Two,
target not clear.

you need to move now.

Max, Max,
you have 90 seconds.

Yeah, I'm trying.

Let's go!
Hurry the fuck up!

I got it!
I got it!

Now go.

For fuck's sake,
Maxie, come on!

I got it.

Let's go!

Charlie Echo Four,
clearing the site now.

Back to the trail!

Go, go, go!


Eagle Two, start your run‐in.

Roger that. Starting run.

Sixty seconds out.

Move it, Stoudt!
Hustle, hustle!




We got to go!
We got to go!

Charlie Echo Four,
are you clear of target?

Charlie Echo Four,
are you clear? Over.

Taliban have the site.

Eagle Two,
you are weapons free.

Roger that. Weapons free.

Two in the air.




Eagle Two coming left.

Heading two seven zero.
Clearing the airspace.

Copy that, Eagle Two.

Mr. President.

what are you doing?

Making an announcement.

Well, with respect,

we agreed to coordinate
our response.

This is my country
and now my presidency.

I'll say what I want.

I stand before you...

on the saddest day.

I've just been informed

the helicopter carrying
Presidents Warner and Daoud...

has been shot down.

Both Presidents are dead.

That was an assassination

ordered by Haissam Haqqani,

carried out by Taliban forces

under his command.

Haissam Haqqani,
the very man

with whom
President Warner and Daoud

thought they could make peace.

They trusted him.

They trusted
his so‐called cease‐fire.

He betrayed them both.

The first duty of any President

is the safety of his citizens.

Therefore I have declared
martial law.

I have ordered my army
on the streets

to round up the Taliban...

to hunt down...

the terrorist Haqqani...

and bring him to justice.

QRF just reached the site.
It's been totally destroyed.

What about the men
from Steedley?

Well, seven of them
got picked up.

Three are confirmed dead.

‐ That's all?
‐ That could be identified.

‐ Max?
‐ Yeah.

Oh, thank God,
thank God, thank God.

Tell me you have the black box.

‐ It's orange.
‐ Max, do you have it?


You need to come get us.

We're back
at the first crash site.

It's only me and Soto.

We left DaSilva
and Gonzales here alive,

but now they're dead.

‐ Max?

Max, talk to me.

Max, what's happening?

Max, tell me
what's happening.


Max, talk to me.

I'm not armed.

Max, tell me
what's happening.

Can you hear me?

Try to stay where you are.
We'll come get you.

