Homeland (2011–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Two Hats - full transcript

Where's Brody? Is he compromised? The CIA is about to roll up Roya when Brody gets word to them that he's okay. Once his family is safe, he will share details of a planned attack and Abu ...

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Air and naval forces
of the United States...

launched a series of strikes
against terrorist facilities-

Pan Am Flight 103 crashed
into the town of Lockerbie.

He has sanctioned acts of terror
in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

This will not stand,
this aggression against Kuwait.

...his relentless pursuit of terror.

We will make no distincton-

The U.S.S. Cole was attacked
while refueling in the port of Aden-

This was an act of terrorism.

It was a despicable and cowardly act.

The next number we're gonna swing for you
is one of the good ol' favorites.

...until something stops him.

I'm just making sure
we don't get hit again.

We got a plane crashed
into the World Trade Center.

...thousands of people running-

We must, and we will,
remain vigilant at home and abroad.

What the fuck are you doing?

Fuck! I missed something once before.

I won't-I can't let that happen again.

It was 10 years ago.
Everyone missed something that day.

Yeah, everyone is not me.

Once you've got to this position.

Previously on Homeland.

- How come I've never heard of this guy?
- Who, Quinn?

- Just check him out, please.
- Okay.

I'm being asked to be
part of an attack on this country-

I'm through.

Brody just blew it up.
The whole operation's dead.

As long as his cover isn't blown,
he's still in play.

Brody, give me the keys.

I'm trying to keep you from spending
the rest of your life in a cage.

This deal of ours-

I think it's a way out for both of us.


I want to explain.

I'm glad you feel that way.

Turn around. We're leaving.

She knows.

Tighten up the follow vehicles now.
We cannot afford to lose them.

You say you want another chance.
This is it.

They just grabbed him.

They're loading into a helicopter.

We're losing him.


They're gone! They're-

They're gone. They're just gone!

Go ahead. Say it.

It's 12 hours since we lost Brody.

Eight since Roya Hammad got back...

from wherever they flew him to.

No comment or SIGINT pings...

about any of this at Langley either.

Terrorist chatter across all hot zones...

virtually nonexistent right now.

Okay. I'll say it.

He's dead.

We don't know that for sure, Carrie.

If not physically dead, operationally dead.

And time's ticking away.
We have to talk about moving on.

The only move we have
is to roll up Roya Hammad.

Unless Brody's not dead and is somehow
still in play with the terrorists...

in which case lifting her burns him.

Be his death sentence.

That's a lot of ifs and maybes.

Agreed. Just putting all the
cards on the table here.

We've gotta bring Roya in.

Let's do it.

Mike, can you do it?

Don't, Saul. I'm okay.

This is where we say good-bye, Nicholas.

Forever, if all goes well.

You know I cannot do this without you.


You have Allah's trust...

and therefore mine.

Allah knows more than anyone can...

how strong you are.

Pray for me.

And you for me.

Hey. Ain't that that
dude on the news there?

Hey. Do you have a pay phone I could use?

- Wait. Do I know you from somewhere?
- No, I don't think so.

A pay phone? Not since last century.

Well, do you have a cell
phone I could borrow?


Hey. It's me.

Jesus. Where have you been?

Carrie, I need you to
go get my family right away.

Okay? And take them somewhere safe.

We've been going out of our minds.

I don't care where. I don't care what it takes.
Can you please do that for me right now?

Yes. Where are you?

- What's been going on?
- I'll call you back in an hour, once it's done.


Leave Roya in play. Cancel the lift.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
This man has been off the radar...

the past 12 hours in the company
of known terrorists.

We need to be extremely
fuckin' vigilant here.


- Carrie?
- Uh, he asked me to-

to move his family somewhere safe.

He's alive, asking us
to protect his family.

That's a checkmark in the plus column.

Carrie's right.
Stand down the lift team on Roya Hammad.

What number was Brody calling from?

- 443 area code, a Baltimore cell.
- Run that number.

He said he'd call back in an hour,
once the family's safe.

If there's a threat to them,
what happens next...

has to look like just
another day in the burbs.

Yeah, no C.I.A. footprint
anywhere near that neighborhood.

Whoever we send in has to be
somebody the Brody family knows and trusts.


I'm coming.

- Mike.
- Jess, don't panic.

Please, just listen, do as I say.
Everything's fine, but-

Is it Brody? Is he all right?

- No-
- I haven't seen or heard from him in two days.

C.I.A. sent me, Jess. There's a threat.

A threat? What threat? To us?

No, it's to do with something
Brody's working on with the C.l. A...

or else it would be him standing here.

- You mean like a terrorist threat?
- It's not specific.

This is just a precaution.
So, no school for you guys today.

- You're gonna come with me.
- We're coming with you where?

- Somewhere safe.
- Go get your brother.


This is bullshit.

If my dad wants to move us,
he can come here and explain it himself.

It's not your dad, Dana. it's the C.I.A.
They were the ones who called me.

Trust me, it's my dad. Everything that goes
wrong right now is my fucking dad...

- so get out of my room, Mike-
- Hey, hey.

You don't talk to me like that. I'm here
to help, and you damn well know it.

I'm not asking, and nor is the C.I.A.

So get your shit together, because
it's happening, and it's happening now...

even if I have to carry you out of here
kicking and screaming.

- Hello?
- Are they safe yet?

- Yes.
- Where?

Can 't discuss that on an open line.

Remember where we first met?
And I don't mean your office.

- In the rain?
- I'll see you there in 30.

- Come on.
- Shh!

Let's go, man. Let's go.

The point is, until today...

this look into Quinn
that you and Carrie asked us to do...

was feeling like a big fucking jerk-off.

Everywhere we looked, he checked out.

Until today? What happened today?

We tracked down where he lives,
took a peek into his apartment.

Shit, Virgil.

I told you to check him out,
not break into his apartment.

Show him, Max.

Anti-intrusion devices everywhere.

Man lives like he's ready
to bounce at a moment's notice.

That's it?

A C.I.A. analyst is a security-phobe?

His personal life's a little wanting?

A field officer's one thing, Saul, but I've
never met an analyst who lives like this.

Do you know what that is?
It's a rifle cleaning kit.

That pull-through cable tells me
that it's a rifle with a long-ass barrel.

A sniper rifle.

- Anything else?
- One personal item.

We found it tucked away
in the only book that he has.

Her name's Julia Diaz.

Easy to trace, because she's law enforcement.
Philadelphia P.D.

Find out what precinct she's in,
and get me the address.

Whoa! This is sick!

You're stocked up on groceries...

and some half-decent wine.

If you need anything else,
pick up that phone, hit 1-1.

We're in the apartments on either side.

Is there anything else
you can tell me about this threat?

All I know is that your husband is working
with the C.I.A. on it.

It's standard procedure for us to move
the families of any high-profile people...

who are working
on operations like this to safe houses.

Is there a specific threat
to me and my children?

Not that we know of. No.
But we don't take chances.

This is the most secure
place that you can be.

Okay, Jess?

TV in every room.

Every room? No way.

Yeah. They're all big screens too.

- Hey.
- Where have you been, Brody?

- Where's my family?
- Here in D.C. Safe. You have my word.

Thank you.

Of course.

I thought I was dead, Carrie.

It's really good to see you.

- Where did they take you on that helicopter?
- I don't know.

Forty-Forty-five minutes.

Very fast, very low. West.

And dark. Away from any
signs of civilization.

Well, you have to hone in on all of
the details now. Every little thing.

- I was taken to see Abu Nazir.
- What?

He's here.
Carrie, he's here. He's in America.

- And he's planning an attack.
- Wait. Abu Nazir?

How is that even possible? Jesus Christ!

So they wire you to the car battery.

What do you do?

I told them to kill me now...


whatever reason Nazir has
to torture me again is-

Fuck him.

After all I've been through, fuck him.

You dared him to kill
you right off the bat?


- Then what happens?
- They leave me there.

They don't turn on the battery.

I just sit there for a couple hours.

Three maybe.
I don't know. Sweating it out.

Then finally the door opens,
and Nazir walks through with tea.

- Tea?
- Yeah, the threat of torture was a test.

And I think this was too.

You have become unsure
of your commitment to our mission.

Our mission?

I don't know anything about a mission.

I did exactly what was asked of me,
nothing more, nothing less.

You saved my life in Beirut.
No one asked you to do that.

What is it, Nicholas?

What is troubling you?

I wanted to avenge Issa's death...

not kill innocent civilians.

What if it's the will of Allah?

Neither of us know the will of Allah.

You taught me that yourself.

Each of us must decide
what we can or cannot do.

So now you must decide.

What is your will, Nicholas?

I tell him my will is close to breaking.

Did he ask about your recent...

specific wavering with Roya Hammad?

- Yes.
- And?

I told him I'd underestimated
the love I have for my family...

and the fear for what would become
of my wife and kids after I was gone...

had blindsided me.

How did Nazir react
to your concern about your family?

Your wife and children
have nothing to fear...

if you stay true to yourself.

A clear threat.

Did he ask you anything else?


Did he say how he got into the country?


Can you stay with the why of it?

My choice was simple-

run, hide and wait for death...

like a cowering animal, like bin Laden...

or die taking the fight to the enemy.

And the specifics of this fight are?

Tomorrow afternoon the
vice president and I...

are scheduled to greet the Special
Operations Group returning from Afghanistan.

At Dam Neck Naval Base.

300 soldiers to be reunited
with their families.

Nazir plans to hit the homecoming.

How the hell's he gonna do that?
It's a locked-down, classified event.

All I know is what he told me.

He said he can't do it without me.
He said I'm essential to his plan.

And your essential part
in this attack is what?

To convince the vice president...

to allow one reporter to cover the event.

- Roya Hammad.
- Yes.

Is there anything else?

Allahu Akbar.

No. That's it.

Wait here, please. Let's go.



I don't know.
It all feels too easy. He could be lying.

Nazir could be playing him to misdirect us,
lead us into a trap.


It's possible.

By his own admission,
Brody's in a confused state...

spent 12 hours in the company of a man
who has considerable power over him.

What do you think, Carrie?

I think the symbolism of murdering
300 American soldiers...

in front of their wives and children
is quintessential Nazir.

It's an idea worthy of him.

Elite troops just back from killing Muslims
on the battlefield...

just when they think
they're out of harm's way.

So, with that in mind...

if Nazir is planning to use Roya Hammad to
breach the base, what are we looking at?

Well, there's that trunk of explosives they
pulled out of the tailor shop in Gettysburg.

I guess that'd be as simple...

as replacing her news crew with terrorists
and launching a Mumbai-style attack.

Yeah, or a combination of the two.

Bottom line is,
we can't not follow up on this, David.

Nazir is in our sights.

We have to play this out.

They don't believe me.

In 90 minutes, the vice president
will be in your office...

at which point David Estes will brief the
two of you on these latest developments.

He'll protect your deeper involvement,
of course...

and you'll do your best to look surprised.

Do you believe me?

- I do.
- Because that's all I care about right now.

Different phone, same number.

Think you're the only one who understands
this fucker needs watching like a hawk?

How about Carrie?

She understand that too?

- Wanna call your family?
- No.

I'll just have to lie to Jessica again.

- They're in good hands though, right?
- Sure.

And tomorrow, all of this will be over.


What's that look?

I thought it would be easier for them
if they were with someone they knew.

Let me guess. Mike Faber.

Your call?

My call.


I thought so.

Is Dad in the C.I.A. now?
Is he gonna have to leave again?

I don't think so. All we know is that
he's helping them with something for now.

It'll be finished soon.

They playing?

You know what, honey?
Can you do me a favor?

Go set the table for dinner while we wait.

Go on.

I understand you're angry, Dana.

- I'm not angry at you.
- In general then.

Hey, I'm mad at Brody too, Dana.
I can only imagine what it's like for you.

You know, sometimes...

I really just wish he had never come back
from that stupid war.

- Don't say that.
- I mean, ever since he's gotten back...

everything has gone to shit,
and it just keeps getting worse.

We all come back from that war
with some kind of wound.

- Did you?
- Sure.

For eight years I thought
I lost my best friend.

It was like
I left him behind back there.

Table's set, Mom.

- David.
- Sir.

- Nick.
- Sir.

Little unorthodox.

Mr. Vice President, we have a situation...

that concerns both you
and the congressman and not a lot of time.

A few hours ago, we received intelligence
from two separate sources in Beirut...

that Abu Nazir's terrorist network
is planning to attack...

the Special Operations Group
homecoming at Dam Neck tomorrow.

We've gotta divert the transport,
cancel the event.

Sir, we believe, with your help, we have
an extremely high percentage shot...

at killing or capturing the terrorist cell
and stopping the attack cold.

With my help?

This is right in your wheelhouse, sir.

I'm listening.

It all hangs on the CNB correspondent,
Roya Hammad.

I know her. Know her well.
She's interviewed me several times.

Sir, we believe she's
working with Abu Nazir.


Based on verbal information from the
same assets on the ground in Beirut.

Roya Hammad's a terrorist?

We believe, strongly...

that not only is Ms. Hammad
the delivery mechanism for this attack...

whatever form it may take...

but that she also intends to film it...

for broadcast around the world.

What do you need from me, David?

Officially allow her
the access she's requesting...

so that we can monitor her movements,
catch the entire cell red-handed and...

roll them up before
the attack can actually happen.

Where's the White House on this?

I'll leave that with you, sir.
I'll take care of the director.

What do you think, Nick?

One question, sir.
What happens if the plan goes wrong?

If this isn't done and dusted before you leave
the residence for that base tomorrow morning...

then we divert the troop transport
and cancel the event.

Which I assume
would blow your entire operation.


Sir, there is, uh, one more thing.


We have good reason to believe that Abu
Nazir is here, in the United States.

How the fuck did that happen?

That can't go further than
this room, Mr. Vice President.

- Get me these terrorists, David.
- Yes, sir.

Make the call. Do it now.


It's me. Vice president said yes.

How did you manage to convince him?

I told him that if he wants to officially
nominate me as his running mate...

then there'd be no better
time and place to do it...

than at the naval base
in front of the returning troops.

Very clever. Our friend will be pleased.


Nicholas, when the plane
lands at the base...

I'll be with my cameraman.

You should find a way to be with me.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Yes, I do.

See you tomorrow.

It's a bomb.

She just told him
how to stay out of the blast radius.

Stay with the cab. I want all eyes and ears
on her until this thing's over.

We'll alternate in six-hour shifts.
I'll take the first one.

That leaves me with the doom watch.

Okay, so congruent triangles.

Have you ever heard of
the No Donkey Theorem?

Okay. Give me the book. We'll look it up.

The capital city
of the most powerful country in the world.


The shit that goes on out there.

Thank you.

For being here.

That woman was right.
This is only half-decent.

So, I figured you'd take the guest room.

Oh, I'm good with the living room couch.

Take the guest room.

The kids will come in with me.

- You called for me, sir?
- Officer Diaz?

- And you are?
- Richard Keller.

- Good to meet you, Officer.
- What can I do for you today, Mr. Keller?

Richard. Please. Is there somewhere
we could speak in private?

What about?

Your son.

Actually, it's more about his father-
John Sr.

Who are you, really?

L.R.S. Come with me.

I haven't seen John since John Jr.
was born...

so it's four years.

But he sends you money?

Am I right?

I've upset you.

I'm sorry.

Occupational hazard.

I'm a cop, sir...

not a moron or a criminal.

So if you're looking to find some
tax beef on me, write me a letter.

I can go get myself a lawyer,
and we can do this right.

Maybe it's not with you
that we have a discrepancy.

Maybe it's with your husband.

We were never married.

Does he have anything to do with your son?

Does that have anything to do with you?

If, uh-

If you could...

give me John's last name.

For the record.


I can confirm it for you.

That means you go first.

Understood the meaning.

And since we're, um...

being all open and honest here, Richard...

how does the I.R.S.
get that picture of me and my kid?

Has something happened to him?

What is this all about?

You're not I.R.S., are you?

If you'd like to check my credentials,
be my guest.

Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Officer.

Have a good night.

- You watching him?
- He's at his station, doing his thing.

John X., a.k.a. Peter Quinn...

Is about to get a call
from the mother of his child.


What did he look like, this man?


No, don't worry about it.

You did fine.

I gotta go.

Is Carrie still here?


I gotta go deal with some personal
admin bullshit for 30 minutes.

Can you cover for me?

Me cover for you?

It's 30 minutes. No big deal.

Sure. No problem.

You got him?

He took a bus-east.

He's a slippery bastard. He just got off.

He, uh-He ditched his
jacket and put on a hat.

Now he's getting on another bus.

He's, um-He's talking to someone.


Where have you been? You look wasted.

I'm just old.

You get there sooner than you think.

See you at game time.

Max is on him.

So he met some guy on a city bus?

You know him?

Dar Adal.

Dar Adal?

That's Dar Adal?

That's him.

In the flesh.

I knew him 18 years ago...

when he ran Company missions
we don't talk about into Somalia...

from Nairobi station.

If Quinn reports to a guy like Dar Adal...

he's no more an analyst than
I'm in the Hair Club for Men.

So what's he really doing
on this task force?

I don't know.

Oh, shit.

Under 2-1,
about three feet to your south.

- You're early.
- You're welcome.

F.B.I. liaison, two operations officers
from the Special Ops Group.

The rest is in the hymnal.

- Carrie already in position?
- Since 6:00 a. m...

along with two follow teams across
from Roya Hammad's building...

waiting for her to get on the move.

- Tac team?
- Two blocks off.

We sure it's just Roya in this, Saul? What
about the other three in the, uh, news team?

Here she comes. Apart from a D.W.l.
and a minor drug charge, they check out...

but until we know for sure,
everyone's a terrorist.

And we 're moving. Black Town Car.

Plate number L484K7.

- We got eyes on her news van?
- Rolling follow teams.

The camera crew just pulled into a
restaurant two miles north of Dam Neck.

The van's clean so far.


How is everybody today?

Holding up. Right, guys?

Guess what. I just got clearance for you...

to give Congressman Brody a call
on the satellite phone.

He could probably use a call now,
and we figured...

you'd want to check in and let him know
that you're all doing fine.

Okay. Great.

Just family talk though.

“Hi.” “How are you?” That sort of thing.

No mention of the C.I.A., please.

- Hello?
- Hey, Dad. it's me, Chris.

He knows it's you, dorko.

- What's going on?
- Just eating breakfast.

Uncle Mike made huevos rancheros.

Great. Say hi to him.

Dad says hi.

So, uh, are we getting out of here soon?

- Sure. Real soon.
- This place is so cool.

Hey, listen.
That's great. I'm just running out to work.

Can I have a quick word with your sister?

Sure. Bye, Dad.

Bye, Chris.

Talk to your father. Dana.

- Brody.
- Hey.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine, Jess. Where's Dana?

- Come on.
- I don't want to talk.

She's, um, still sleeping.

Well, give her a kiss for me.


Tell her I love her.

She knows.

What about you? Are you okay?

Brody, can you tell me anything
about what's happening, what you're doing?

Only that I'm glad you guys are safe...

and it's all gonna be over real soon...

and we'll get back to the way we were.

She's entering the restaurant.

She's at a window counter
with her camera crew...

where she has a line of
sight with the news van.

Looks like she's ordering breakfast.

Where's he going?

Liaison with the F.B.I. in the field.

F.B.I. liaison? An analyst?

Well, he's wearing two hats today. Go.

All call signs stand by.

Possible bogey.

Wait out. Wait out.

Blue S.U.V.

Fits the description of the one
Brody saw the Sandman get into yesterday.

Unknown number of passengers.

Is Nazir in it?

I can't tell.
The windows are tinted. I can't see inside.

Now they're just sitting there, waiting.

Who's really running this operation, David?

- Excuse me?
- You? Or Dar Adal?

And Quinn-who's he really?

What are his orders?

He's here to kill terrorists, Saul...

just like all of us.

- Stand by. There's movement.
- Okay. Okay.

The first person out of the
vehicle is Nazir's munitions guy.

Stand by.

And three I don't recognize.

One more's still in the
van who I can't see.

They're opening the back of the news van.

They're moving what looks
like camera batteries.

Now they're doing something at the rear
of their vehicle, which I can't see.

They're switching the camera batteries.

If that's the device,
it's at least 200 pounds.

Tac 1, Tac 2, Tac 3, move now. Over?

Show your hands! F.B.I.!

Bogey on the move. Intercept.

Got him.


Going in to confirm it's Nazir.

Stand by.

Waiting for confirmation of Nazir.

Show me his face.

It's not him. It's not Abu Nazir.

It's not him. Sandman is not here.

We do not have Sandman!

Stand down. We still need him.

I say again, stand down.

What the hell are you doing here?

Watching your back.

We got 'em, Brody. Your
information was good.

Got 'em all?

All but Nazir. He's still out there.

So, believe it or not, I'm your
best friend in the world right now.