Highlander (1992–1998): Season 2, Episode 19 - Legacy - full transcript

Immortal Luther kills Immortal Rebecca by holding her husband hostage. Amanda, who was once taught by Rebecca, visits Duncan to grieve. They learn that Luther believes in a myth which states that the bearer of a magical crystal will be invincible. Realizing that Luther is trying to reassemble the crystal, which Rebecca had separated and given to her disciples, they try to stop him - but not necessarily together. In flashback to 850 AD, Rebecca rescues newly-Immortal Amanda from being burned with other plague victims and teaches her to be Immortal. In flashback to 1635, naive Duncan encounters his first fighting Immortal women, Rebecca and Amanda.

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He is Immortal.

Born in the Highlands of Scotland
400 hundred years ago.

He's not alone.

There are others like him.

Some good...

...some evil.

For centuries he's battled
the forces of darkness...

...with holy ground his only refuge.

He cannot die...

...unless you take his head and with it his power.

In the end, there can be only one.

He is Duncan MacLeod...

...the Highlander.

♫ Here we are ♫

♫ Born to be kings ♫

♫ We're the princes of the universe ♫

♫ I am Immortal ♫

♫ I have inside me blood of kings ♫

♫ I have no rival ♫

♫ No man can be my equal ♫

♫ Take me to the future of the world ♫

Promise me something. You'll leave me
before I get too old, huh?

You are in a good mood today.

Well, I'm serious.

Listen, Rebecca, you deserve a younger man.

I have a younger man.

I have what I want.

Rebecca, there's two things that—

Look, John... you are the love of my life.
You're the love of a dozen lifetimes...

...and I don't care if you're twenty-three
or fifty-three or a hundred and three.
I am never going to leave you... ever.

What is it?

Get into the cloister.

- Сome on. Dammit, Rebecca.
- Now!

It's a little late for that, Rebecca.


Surprised to see me?

Surprised nobody's killed you yet.

They've tried... and failed.

They didn't teach you to fight. I did. John, go!

Rebecca, listen to me.

Anytime you're ready.

You think so?


He's not part of this, Luther.

He is now.

You let him live.

I will... after you give me your sword.

If you even breathe, he dies.

Rebecca, please.

What will it be, Rebecca — your sword or his head?

Your word he lives.

I always keep a promise.

Good-bye, John.


Where the hell is he? Luther?


We followed the husband.


Nothing. Nothing happened.
No one's come.

They will. What about the funeral?

Tomorrow... at noon.

Arrange to be there.


To mourn.

What was that for?

So you know you're alive, Raynaud.

Help yourself, Maurice. There are plenty more.

It was just a taste.

Is that money you're busy with?

They're called financial statements.
And yes, I'm busy.

But it's perfect.


Because I have an investment for you.

I don't think so.

But you can't lose.
My brother — you know the one in Gasconne?

What's he selling now?

His pig.

You want me to buy a pig?

Not just any pig. This one digs for truffles...

...nearly priceless mushrooms worth
five hundred dollars a pound.

I know what truffles are, Maurice.

But I know this pig.

He's got the best nose in all of France.
He will make us a fortune.

No, Maurice.

But it's a chance of a lifetime.

Maurice, no pigs.



Hello, MacLeod.

Amanda. What are you doing here?

That's what I love about you.
You're always so warm and welcoming.

How do you do it?

Good-bye, Maurice.
You didn't answer my question.

Well, can't a friend just stop by?

Maybe we can spend some quality time together.

Maybe later, once I know what you're doing here.

I was thinking about now.

Think about later.
What is it, Amanda? A bank? A museum?

Why does it have to be about anything?

Why can't it just be about us this time?


Okay, you win. It's, uh, it's about
the seventeenth-century jewel collection at the museum.

That was too easy.

The truth.

Ask me to stay. Come on.


Would you just hold me?

It's about Rebecca.

What about Rebecca?

She's dead.


I don't know.

Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!
Bring out your dead!

Hey, Thief! Stop! Stop, there!

Go get her! She's run away!
She stole a loaf of bread!

Is she dead?

- She will be soon. Burn her with the rest.
- Get rid of her.

Leave her!

Are you an angel?

Not quite. I'm Rebecca Horne.

No, no, no. Rest now. You're safe with me.

I thought I was dead.

We'll talk about that later.

What do they call you?


You have much to learn, Amanda.

What about?

About what happened to you. About who we are,
about books and swords and...

- They're words written by people.
- I knew that.

Can you use a sword?

And read. Just as you will.

What for? Books are for monks and
women don't fight with swords.

You seem to know everything about everything.

I know all I need to know.
Tell me, who's a better thief?

That isn't going to be enough anymore.
Your life is about to change.


More than you can imagine.
But to start... a bath.

You mean, with water?

MacLeod, do you ever wonder
what it's like to die?

Every time.

That's not what I meant.

I know. You meant really die.
Be gone forever.

So you do think about it.

Well, not for myself. Not anymore.
Whatever happens, happens.

I don't know. The longer I live,
the more I get attached to myself.

Sooner or later, everyone dies. Even us.

I don't mind the later.
It's the sooner part I don't like.

- John.
- Amanda.

This is Duncan MacLeod.

Glad you could come.
Rebecca spoke of you... often.

And of you. I'm sorry for your loss.
For all of us.

Rebecca was the Immortal.

You know, I never thought
she'd die before me.

I never thought she'd die.

Verona, Italy, 1635 A.D.

Get your shoes here!


Food from the new world!
Food from the new world!

What are they?

Potatoes, I think.

Don't you know?

What do you think they are?

Potatoes, of course.

Food from the new world!
Food from the new world!

Food from the new world!

Uh, I beg your ladies' pardon, but I thought...

You thought right.

'Twas I saw him first.

Not so fast.
There's been no challenge yet.

Then who will take his head?

Ladies! Let's not be hasty.

I think he's afraid to fight us.
Are you afraid?

No! But ye are women! And you're English.

He has a wit, this one.
Have you never been with a woman?

Not in battle.

There's always a first time.
Which one of us shall it be?

Neither. After all... 'twould be a pity
to spoil such a manly creature.

There is only one thing
to do with a head like this.


I'll be damned.

He might have taken your head.

Not that one. He's a green boy. Besides,
I've found better weapons than a sword.

So I noticed.

And why take a man's head,
when you can have his gold?


What? You taught me to be clever.

I also taught you to be honest.

Ah, yes. I forget that part.

Did you see the look on his face?

What do you want?

We should have a drink together.

You should save your gold.
Another time, good sir.

The name's Duncan.

Duncan MacLeod.

Don't look so worried. I'll pay.

There you are.

Interesting. She's brought a friend, mon.


I don't think John should be alone.

He's not alone, Amanda. He's with Rebecca.

Good-bye, John.



Did you feel it?


One of us. It's probably connected to Rebecca.

You're imagining things.

I doubt it.

I keep thinking I can hear her.
I'm really going to miss her.

We all will.

I just thought you needed
something to cheer you up.

Nothing's going to take my mind off Rebecca.

What if I'm tempted?

I'll keep an eye on you.

Promises, promises.

Would madame like to take a closer look?

It's the most exquisite of Jean
Paul Sertana's new creations.

Perhaps madame would like to try it on.

No, I think madame's trying
to give it up. Thank you.

I'll keep my hands in my pocket
if that makes you feel better.

Why'd you lie to me about
feeling that Immortal today?

Why can't we just
try to enjoy ourselves, hmm?

Out of the way! Nobody moves!
Freeze! Out of the way!

Nobody moves, nobody gets hurt!

Keep your hands up. Don't move!

You! I'll take that.

It's disgusting.

After everything you've stolen?

No, it's a gun. No class at all.

I am losing my patience, lady.

That's not all you're gonna lose.
Let go of me.

We're not alone here.

Choke on it.

Come on! Let's get out of here!


That bastard's getting away.

There's never a cop around
when you need one.

It's not funny.

No, it's not. They left jewelry worth a fortune
and took that old crystal Rebecca gave you.

Why? Why?

I don't know! It can't be
worth anything to them.

It's not them I'm worried about.


Oh, Amanda. Duncan.
It's good to see you.

Your housekeeper said you might be here.

Did you lose something?

Oh, it's just, uh, just something of Rebecca's. I thought it might have fallen or dropped before she was killed.

The crystal?

She wore it all the time. How did you know?

Mine was stolen last night.

You don't think that Luther
killed her over a piece of glass?

You know who killed her?

Well, of course. I was here.
I thought I told you that, Amanda.

Probably just slipped her mind.

Luther was one of Rebecca's students.

She told me he was the only one
she never really trusted. Now I know why.

What about the other students?

Most of them are dead. Oh, except for Amanda.

There was one other. He lived in Paris.
Name of Henri Valjean.

Okay. Thanks, John. Good seeing you.

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.

What else have you forgotten to tell me?

Nothing, I swear.

He's killing because of the crystals. Why?

He wants to put the pieces together.

That's crazy.

Not if you believe the stories.

I mean, can you imagine something that
increases an Immortal's power tenfold?

That's a fairy tale, Amanda.

It's like Arthur's sword
and dragons. No one believes it.

Nobody but Luther.

What about you?

Oh, please.

Now you just leave this to me, okay?
Oh, Madame Valjean?

No, I'm Alice Millet,
Mr. Valjean's private secretary.

- Well, the detectives were already here.
- We're not from the police.

We're insurance investigators.

I haven't even called them yet.

Well, we followed up on the police report.

Well, they turned everything upside down,
and they smashed a jewelry case.

They stole nothing. The detectives said
they were probably vandals.

Could we talk to Henri Valjean?

Mr. Valjean left Tuesday afternoon.

We had two business meetings.
He had me cancel them both.

He did something very strange before he left.

What was that?

Well, he, uh... kissed me. He told me
to see his lawyer if he didn't come back and...

...he gave me this house.

Did you ever see him with a small crystal?

Yes. He always wore it. Except for
that last night. He told me to hide it.

Do you have it?

No. I gave it to my son, Paul.

Where can we find Paul?

Where he always is — at his antique store.

Funny. They asked about the crystal, too.

Who did?

Those two detectives.

Poor Valjean. He was a good guy.

But I don't know why he asked
my mother to hide this.

Has anyone else asked you about it?

Why would they? As far as I can tell,
it has no real value.

As far as we know. Um...
you have some nice things here.




Hey, I thought—

I thought I told you to stay put.

I want Luther. I don't feel him.

He's gone.

The crystal.

Now give me the crystal.
Okay, I got it. Let's go.

You bastards!

I want to see your boss.

Nothing like cast-iron.

You get him?

He doesn't have the crystal.
Looks like they got it.

Never seen you use a frying pan before.

Let me have it. Luther won't stop
until he gets this crystal.

Good, because I want him.

What are you doing?

Putting this away
until we decide what to do.

There's nothing to decide.

Amanda, we both know
who's better with a sword.

This has nothing to do with who's better.
It's about me and Rebecca.

Look, you're the last one of Rebecca's students left alive. If Luther took her head, then he's good.

It doesn't matter. I came for him,
and I'm going to get him.

Then if you didn't want me to interfere,
why did you come waltzing in here?

What do you expect me to do, pat you
on the head and send you out to die?

I thought you would understand.

Understand what?

I know I might die, MacLeod.

I just wanted to be with you.

Let me do this. I have a better chance.

But not a better reason.

A thousand years, MacLeod.
I've had a great time.

That's no reason to die.

You really want to do
something for me?

Breakfast in bed?

You better watch it, MacLeod.
They say this is how love starts.

Is that what they say?

What are you doing here?

I'm Maurice. We met the other day...

...but you were wearing more clothes.
Aren't you cold?

Where the hell is MacLeod?

He came early this morning and
asked me to give you breakfast.

I'll bet he said I'd be surprised.

Oh, yes. And very hungry.


He's not going to get here faster
because you're worried about him.

I'm not worried about him.
I'm going to kill him.

You had a fight?

Not yet, but we will.

My first wife, Marchele, and I,
God rest her soul...

...used to fight all the time.
It's my fondest memory.

The fighting?

Huh. The making up. The greater the fight,
the greater the passion.

I see some of her in you.

What are you saying, that
I'm in love with MacLeod?

No offense, Amanda,
but a blind man could see it.


There are two things that
Maurice knows about — food and love.

I got your message.
I've decided to make this simple.

Your life in exchange for the crystal.

Is that what you told Rebecca?

I was expecting Amanda.

Well, I'm Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod.

Ah, yes.

Well, whatever you have to say,
you can say it to me.

I believe you have something I want.

Was the crystal really worth Rebecca's life?

It's worth any amount of lives.

Whoever has the crystal
becomes invincible. Is that it?

So you know.

It's a myth, Luther, a story told
by bored people around campfires.

You're Immortal, MacLeod, the only being
in existence who could breathe forever...

...last for all time. How can you
deny that sort of power exists?

And how could you not want it if it did?

There's only one thing I want.

Do you have the crystal?


Come back when you do.

Can you believe they fired a chef
like me over a few bottles of wine?

That you had stolen.

That I had tasted to see if they'd
go with my new Boeuf a la Maurice.

But the sous-chef was a swine
who informed on me. He was always jealous.

Ah, MacLeod.

I was just telling her the story of my life.

Which one?

Are you suggesting I change the facts?

No. You manufacture them, Maurice.

He's so good at it.

It's nice to know that someone appreciates me.
It was a joy spending the morning with you.

Same here.


It was my pleasure.

So where the hell were you?

I saw Luther.

He's mine, MacLeod. You just tell me
where he is and I'll be going.


What? What? You know,
because I'm a woman...

...you want to be the hero or something?
Is that what this is all about?

I'm trying to save your life.

You know, damn it, I don't want
to be saved. I want revenge.

Enough? Put up your blade.

I think you could have won.


What now? More books?

No. No more books. No more lessons.
I've done as much as I can.

What are you saying?

That I have no more to teach you, Amanda.
It's time you were on your own.

No. There's more
to learn. I'm not ready.

Yes, there is more to learn
and places you must go, but...

...but I can't take you there.

But... you've been like a sister
to me. If it were not for you—

It would have been someone else.

How can I leave you?

Because you must.

This is older than Immortals.

Older than time itself.

There are things of this world
older and greater than us.

Keep it always, and remember.

I have to do this.

You'll die.

Like you said: if it happens, it happens.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

Tomorrow. What about tonight?

Call Luther. If he wants the crystal,
he better talk to me now.

You saved us a lot of trouble.

Don't tempt me.

Mm. I understand.

I have what you want,
but we meet where I say.

And I need you to do
something else for me.

Here he comes.

I wonder whose idea this was.

Now, how do you want to do this?
The hard way or the easy way?

My way.

Fine. Have it your way.


Thank you.

Okay, where's she meeting Luther?
You want to go swimming?


Then tell me where she went.

They didn't tell me.
All I know is someplace she picked.

Don't make this a habit.

Can you swim?


So you're the one.

I will be... when I have the crystal.

Did you have to kill her?

No, but it seemed like
the right thing to do at the time.

In fact, she died right about where
you're standing... in this crumbling ruin.

This ruin was Rebecca's.

It's where she taught me, saved me.
And it's where you'll die.

Make this simple for yourself. I'll take
the crystal and we'll be over this.

And you wouldn't take my head?

Not right away.

You want the crystal, Luther?
You come and get it.

I will.

I'm going to enjoy this.

Say hello to Rebecca for me.

Not yet.

Too late, MacLeod.

The battle has begun.
You know you can't interfere.

Yeah, but after Amanda, I'm next.

I'm ready.

But are you sure?
Both been around a long time, Luther.

Maybe you win, maybe you don't.

How about this? Drop your sword,
and I'll spare her life.

Don't do it, MacLeod.

Wasn't about to.

You weren't?

Won't have to.

You said come back when I had it.


It's the last crystal, Luther. Here, it's yours...

...if you can go through me.

With pleasure.

Wrong move.

You'll never find the crystals.

I never wanted them.

Be reasonable, Amanda. You were losing.

I don't care. It was my right to avenge Rebecca.

He was going to take your head.

You stuck your nose in without being asked.
The least you could do is say you're sorry.

What, for saving your life?

Oh, don't change the subject.
Besides, you switched the crystals on me.

Yeah, and you broke into my cabinet...

...not to mention setting Luther's goons on me.

Well, I didn't think I could trust you,
and I guess I was right, wasn't I?


Come here.
Just do it.

I know it's not the one Rebecca gave you,
but at least it's something of hers.

I just remembered something.

What's that?

Why I like you so much.

Do you think maybe we could just
go by Luther's and check around, and see—?

I knew it! I knew you were going after those.

- But it's such a great idea.
- No.

- Duncan, I think it's a—
- No!

- I think it's—
- No!

- You really don't think these work, do you?
- I don't know, and neither of us will ever find out.

It was just a thought.

Keep it that way.

Subtitles by Rusakov