Highlander (1992–1998): Season 1, Episode 21 - Nowhere to Run - full transcript

Mark Rothwood, the son of diplomat Allan Rothwood, rapes the step-daughter of the immortal Colonel Bellian. Duncan, Tessa, and Richie go to the Rothwoods' house to visit Allan, who is an old friend of Tessa's, and Bellian shows up for revenge. Believing that Rothwood deserves a fair trial, Duncan must guard the house against the siege of Bellian and his team of mercenaries.

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DUNCAN NARRATING: I was born 400
years ago in the Highlands

of Scotland.

I am immortal, and
I am not alone.

Now is the time of the
Gathering, when the stroke of

a sword will release the power
of the Quickening.

In the end there can
be only one.

[theme music]

[music playing]


-That's what you'd like?

-I do like you.

-Now what?

-Look, I'm sorry.

-Maybe we shouldn't.

Maybe we should practice more.

-I need to go home.

-This, uh-- this isn't
the taxi service.

You want to go home?




Come on.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to come
on so strong.

I acted like an idiot.

Come on.

Look, OK.


I'll take you home.

-What is it?


Sometimes, when you--

you're with somebody that you
really like, what I mean is--

when I kissed you just
now, I kind of--

I couldn't if you weren't
so damn beautiful.

-Do you think I'm beautiful?


[heart beating]



Where have you been?


-Lori, what happened?

-I told him no.

He wouldn't stop.

-Who did this to you?

-He hit me.

And I kept--

-Tell me.

-Let go.

-Who he is?

-You're hurting me.

-His name, Lori.

I want his name.

gate, would you, Richie?

-Got you.

-Allan was the first
man I ever loved.

-Should I be jealous?


I was 7.

He was 19.


-When he joined the Diplomatic
Service after college and left

the country, I was

Even then I had a thing
for older men.

Maybe I should thank him.

-Maybe you should.

So how many people did you say
were going to live here?

-Just two.

We would visit almost
every Sunday.

Allan's mother and my mother
were very old friends.

It was magical.

There were parties to dress
up for and horses to ride.

-Sounds just like my childhood,
except for the

parties, the magic,
and the horses.



-Wow, would you look at you.

You must be Duncan.


-Please, go-- go right in.

-Thank you.

-Allan Rothwood.

-Hi, I'm Richard Ryan,
but, uh, feel

free to call me Richie.

-My son will be happy to have
someone his own age to talk




Where are you?

Come down here.

My son, Mark.


-Hi, Mark.

I'm Richie.

Nice to meet you.


-Hi, Tessa.


Well, my father said you
were very beautiful.

He's right.

Your father's prejudiced.


And, uh, and not married.

-But well spoken for.

-And still as beautiful
as ever.

Come, let me show you around.

I'm afraid time hasn't been
too kind to the old place.

It would be months before
we can move in.

Actually, I was hoping you might
be able to help me put

it back together.

-A little paint, a little
polish, the place will be as

good as new.

-Nice harp.

This place is incredible.

-If you like drafty ruins in
the middle of nowhere.

-It's not that bad.


And for our afternoon's
activity, we'll watch the

grass grow.

And you can forget about
the women around here.

The cows have more style.

And better legs.

-Tessa tells me that you've
lived just about

everywhere in the world.


Diplomat brat.

That's me.

Look, I know you're trying
to be friendly,

but what's the point?

I mean, I know we're
both guys.

But really, that's all
we have in common.

-No one's lived here in years.

After mother died, there seemed
no point in staying on.

I think I've stayed
away too long.

-I remember my first Christmas
in this room.

I couldn't believe anything
could be so beautiful.


-I just got to get something
out of the car.

-God, it's good to see you.

-Who the hell are you?

-Duncan MacLeod.

And you?

-Everett Bellian.

-You here for me?

-It's not my primary

-And what can I do
for you, General?

-That's Colonel.

I'm here for Mark Rothwood.


-Just bring him to
me, MacLeod.

-Maybe if you told me
what this was about.

-He raped my stepdaughter.

Where is he?

Didn't you hear what I said?

-I'm sorry.

If there's proof, the
police will--

-Lori's word is my proof.

I don't need the damn police.


-That's not him.

-But you'll bring him to me?

Now, I can go around
you or through you.

Your choice.

Don't keep me waiting
too long, MacLeod.

-Everything OK, Colonel?

-Let's go.

-Anytime you want to leave.

-What's up?

-I'm with this jerk
15 minutes.

I'm ready to take him apart.

-You'll have to wait in line.

-Rape her?

Well, I don't even know her.

-Well, her father
thinks you do.

-Well, he's a liar.

Or, she is.

Take your pick.

Why'd they lie?


You gotta be kidding.

These things happen
all the time.

-Do they?


This girl goes at it hot and
heavy with her boyfriend.

I don't know, maybe-- maybe
she gets pregnant.

Maybe her father just gets
pissed she's too easy.

So she's got to tell
him something.

-Well, go on.

-She's got to blame somebody.

So she tells him she was
raped or something.

So then it's not her fault.

-But why does she blame you?

-You don't know?

-Enlighten me.


These things happen all the
time to people with money.


-We always pay to avoid
the scandal.

Here, look.

Uh, just give him this.

It's the number of my
father's lawyers.

They will work out something
financially acceptable.

-Your father's money
isn't going to get

you out of this one.

Did you rape her?

-Come on.

-Did you rape her?

Did you?

-I swear there's been some
kind of mistake.


-I didn't do it.

He's got the wrong guy.


-It's a mistake.


I didn't do it.

I swear it.

They're lying.

-You are guilty of desertion
in the face of the enemy.

-It's their word against mine.

A man has a right
to a fair trial.

-This is a battle,
not a courtroom.

-I was following orders
for god sake.


-May God have mercy
on your soul.


He's innocent.

Stop, it's a mistake.







Get off your horse!

-Get out of the way.

We're going to shoot that man.

-No, he's innocent.

It's a mistake.

-Get this man out of the way.

-No, you don't understand.





No, stop.




It was a mistake.

It was a mistake.

-Where is he?

-I understand how you feel.

But don't let your hatred
make you do something

that you will regret.

We have time.

-I want him.


-I can't give him to you.

Even if he is guilty,
he has rights.

-He has nothing.

Lori's mother, she
was the gentlest,

most beautiful women.

She was more than beautiful.

She brought light back
into my life.

When she died, I promised to
watch over her daughter.

-Everett, there are courts.


-MacLeod, look at this place.

You've been around long enough
to know that the rich aren't

bound by the law.

They own it.


-My staff, my brothers.

We fought together on three
continents, then they

retired with me.

Lori is like a daughter
to them.

They won't leave without

-This isn't justice.

This is vengeance.

-If it were your woman he raped,
what would you do?

Is this animal worth

everyone in the chateau?

-Then let them go.

-I have no desire to harm
the innocent, MacLeod.

-But you will.

-Their safety doesn't
depend on me.

It depends on you.

-Mac, check it out.

-Is that your Jeep outside?

-Sure it is.


-We're leaving.

-You just arrived.


And you're coming with us.

-I am?

-What's going on?

-Apparently there's some lunatic
outside who claims I

raped his daughter.

-Did you?

-Of course he didn't.

The police will take
care of this.

-There is no time.

-It's dead.


Let's go.

-Well, maybe if Mark and
I talked to him.

-If you go outside with
Mark, he dies.


You're not serious.

You don't actually think
this old guy's--

-Allan, listen to Duncan.

If he says we're in
danger, we are.


Let's go.

Let's go.

-All over some crazy, old man.



-Go back.





Come on, get out of here.

-This is unbelievable.

Those crazy bastards could
have killed us all.

-I can't see them.

Why aren't they coming?

-They'll come.

We don't have much time.

-To do what, pray?

-You have any guns
in the house?

-Uh, no.


-Then we have to make due
with what we have?

-But with what?

-We need to seal off
most of the house.

-The back door.

-We can't defend this place.

-Mark, be quiet.

-All right, barricade
the windows.

The windows, start with those.

-Mark, help me with this.

-If they're armed, there's a
hell of a field of fire in

front of the chateau.

We'll let the fog settle.

-Boil as much oil as you can.

-Allan, this one needs

Yes, of course.

Will this due?


Are you finished yet?


-OK, I need your help in the
back room to barricade it.

Start over there.


Yeah, I'm here.

-We need a hand.

-Where do you want it?

-Uh, that back window.

Pile as many boxes up against
it as you can.

All right, perfect.

Let's go.

-I want him alive.

And you, you fire when
I tell you to fire.


OK, pull that end.

Tie it off to that leg there.

-Do you know this guy?

-Not personally.

I've known others like him.

-Is he crazy?


-If he gets Mark, would he--

-He's not going to get Mark.

-My son didn't rape
his daughter.

You think he did, don't you?

-What matters is that
they think he did.

-You don't have to stay.

This isn't your fight.

-Pull that a little tighter.

-I keep thinking I should
ask you to leave.

The truth is, I'm not
really that brave.

We don't have a chance
without you.

-And I thought it was because
you liked my company.

-Thank you.

-They're coming.


-I can't believe all this is
over that mousy blonde bitch.

-What'd you say?


-You did rape her.

-Now, you prove that.

-Well, first you said
you didn't know her.

Now, you said she was blonde.

How'd you know she was blonde?

-Well, I don't know.

I guessed.



Richie, down.


Hey, soldier.


-That bastard could
have killed me.


-Well, what the hell
does that mean?

-Do you two think you can keep
from killing each other?

Well, do you?


-I'll check the rest
of the chateau.

-Congratulations, MacLeod.

You're a hell of am opponent.

-What do you want?

-What I've always wanted.

Last chance.

-Go home, Everett.


Over there.

-Fan out.

Go around the back.

-Need anything?


How about a week
in the Riviera?

-It's a date.

Remember, after you pull the
cord, don't wait around.

And step carefully through
the doorways.

It will be all right.

-Is this what war is like?

I don't like it.

-Neither do I. You all right?



-Don't move.













[whistle blowing]

-Is anyone hurt?

-Only my pride.

-I'm OK.

I think.

-I'm fine.

-We kicked their
asses, or what?

You see them running.

-We got lucky.

-What do you mean lucky?

-We surprised them.

We won't get a second chance.

-At least we are safe.

For now.

-You don't belong here.

So take me home.



-Not Brenner.

You, Daddy.

You take me home.



-You know I can't do that.


Are you too busy defending
my honor?

-Look, I don't want
to discuss it.

-You raped that girl.

He admitted it.

-You're a liar.

-I'm not so sure.


Are you going to take
his word over mine?

-Did you rape her?


-Come on, I'm going



-She was asking for it.

What did she expect?

She knew where we were going.

You should-- you should have
seen her jump in the car to

impress her friends.


-She changed her mind.

-Oh, come on.


-Did she ask you to stop?

-Please stop.

-What world do you live in?

That-- that's just
part of the game.

-Like hell it is.

-This is no game, Mark.


-People are dead
because of you.

-Look, what's the big deal?

She-- she's nobody.

I wasn't even the first.


-If you could only see
what you've become.

-I'm your son.

You can take care of this.

You can take care
of everything.

You're a diplomat.

You, you have immunity.

And you always--

I'm sorry.

-If you're going to commit
murder, let's at least be

honest about why.


-This isn't about me.

And don't tell me it's about
keeping some stupid

promise to my mother.

-I loved your mother.

-This isn't about love.

It's about you.

And your dumb vanity.

The great [inaudible]

couldn't stand it that his
daughter was raped.

He has to have his revenge.

That's what this is about.

Not love or justice.

And it's not my revenge.

It's yours.

-You don't understand.

-What don't I understand?

That I was raped?

He's not worth it.

If you can kill him, they'll
send you to prison.

I'll lose you too.

Come home with me.

-I'm sorry.

-Then I'll get the police.

They'll stop you.


Lock her inside.

-The guy's got everything.

Brains, money, looks.

I don't get it.

-Well, somewhere along the line,
he figured he could get

away with anything.

-But still, Mac.

That's no excuse.

I keep thinking if
I had a kid.

-Come on.

You'll do fine.

Are you ready?

-Duncan wants us to
take our places.

-We have to leave now.

-You can't.

-Everett just wants us.

He has no reason to harm
you if we're not here.

-What if he catches you?

we make it

through, we'll send help.

-There are men with
guns out there.


It's time we took responsibility
for ourselves.

-Allan, don't.

Mark and Allan are making
a run for it.

-They won't get past
Everett's men.

Take this.

Barricade yourselves inside this
room and shoot anybody

that comes through
those doors.










He's still alive.

Let's get him back
to the house.

-He's OK.


Get him up.

-You'll be OK.

-Come on.


-Give me the gun.

Come on.




not breathing well.

I can hardly feel his pulse.

-He's going into shock.

We've got to get him
to a hospital.


-No bullets in the gun.

It's empty.

-I should go get some help.

-There's the door.

-Now's not the time to
go playing hero.

-Look, my father's dying.


I've got to do something.

-You want to do something
for him?

You stay alive.

That is what all
this is about.

I'm not going to let you
throw away a life

that he's paid for.

Do you understand?


Come on, Everett.

I know you can hear me.

-You killed a good
man, MacLeod.

-Five, Everett.

You man in the house
is gone, too.

And the boy's father will die
without medical attention.

-Then give me the son.

-Haven't you had enough
of death?

Can't you stop this insanity?

No one else has to die.

-It's too late.


-We stay here, Allan dies.

Tell Richie to keep
an eye on Mark.

And if they get by--

-This is all absurd.

Allan's shot.


-We'll have a good
story to tell.

-If we live to tell it.

I'm scared, Duncan.

I've got this feeling more
people are going to die.

-Love you.


-I want that gun.

Give me the gun.

-This gun?

What are going to do
with it, big shot?

Take them all on?

I nearly had my brain splattered
all over the place

because you're such a--


-Forget about it.

-You think I'm afraid?

-I think you were
right before.

We have nothing in common.

There's no point in talking.

-I'm not a coward.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Whatever you say.

-I am not a coward.

-Look, I heard you
the first time.

And I don't give a damn
what you are.

-Did you hear that?


-It came from in there.

-Wait here.



Let me out.

-I'm coming.

I'm coming.


LORI [OFFSCREEN]: Let me out.

Hurry, please.

-Who are you?

-I need a doctor.

Do you have the keys
to this thing?

-Where's my father?

-You're her.

-Where is he?

-I'll have to hot wire it.

-Hey, you better stay with me.

-I could shot you, then
take your head.

-You could, but you won't.

-I suppose it had to come
to this eventually.

-No, it didn't.

-I told you not to interfere,

Now I have to go through you.


-Will you let this
madness be over?


-Do it.

Kill him.

-Put the gun down.

-Lori, don't.



-I'll have to take them to
the hospital right away.


Thank you.

-Is he going to be OK?

-I think so.

I want to be with him when
he finds out about Mark.

-We got to get going.

-What about Everett
and his daughter?

-They'll run, hide,
try to forget.

-Will they?

-We never do.

[theme music]