Hetty Feather (2015–2020): Season 5, Episode 3 - The Hidden Compartment - full transcript

The gang follow clues as they search for the Dawn Star, not realising that Ambrose is looking for it, too. Rosamund surprises everyone when she brings an old enemy back to the house.

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Easy pickings.

I understand that you're in love
with Hetty Feather.

You should be giving her a ring.

A ring, my boy.

It once held the Dawn Star.

A sacred jewel - it was stolen.

We have to look.

That's him, Mad Uncle Monty!

The man who stole the Dawn Star
shall be cursed for 12 generations.

I have discovered scandal
in this house.

A rumour always finds
a way to me, Mrs Calendar.

Gid, I got a letter from Harriet.
She was her best friend.

She's a schoolteacher in America.

And...she wants me to join her.

There's nothing here for me.

How do we know if we're
on the right path?

As a servant,
I didn't have many choices,

but I had one big decision to make.

I could go to New York
and be with my friend...

..but what about my friends here?

Could I really leave them behind
and start again?

No, on the easel.

I knew I didn't want to be
a servant forever.

But could I really be
a teacher in New York?

That will be all.

And even if I could find
the courage to change my path...

..how would I know I'd chosen
the right one?

Perhaps you can assist me?

I'm looking for a particular book.

I'm sorry, Master Ashok,
I have to work.

You might ask Master Edwin?

He knows where every book is.


Erm...I wish to say...


You're welcome.

Could I be happy starting again
in another country,

uncovering its secrets
and mysteries?

Or would I always feel
like I was pretending to be

something I wasn't?

Like so many others.

This time tomorrow,
she's not going to be a problem.

I'll get that Feather girl to look
after Little Miss Puppet.

Give the day off.


With the master away,
they won't even notice they're gone.

Have you packed your bags?


We give them their dinner,
we get the stuff, we're gone.

You understand?

Looks disgusting.

I wonder what they have
for breakfast in New York?

I suppose that's part of travelling
the world - trying new things.

You know, you could just
try new things here.

If you really want
to be a teacher...

I don't know, maybe
I'd be terrible at it.


And you'd have no time for writing.

And you wouldn't have
your friends around.

And the rest of us.

I would miss you.

All of you. I'm happy here.

But not forever.

You have surpassed yourself, Agnes.

But I believe Mrs Calendar
prefers her bacon a trifle less...

Burnt? Mmm.

Better let ME help with the
mistress's breakfast.

I suppose I could do with
a junior...in the kitchen.

How managerial of you, Agnes.

Hetty - Miss Constance has requested
YOU take her breakfast tray.

And stay with her, please.
And keep her busy, if you will.

Yes, Mr Ambrose.

Mr Ambrose?


I...I won't...

I won't need this.

Decided you're too young to
settle down, have you?

Sensible boy.

Imagine how stupid you would have
felt if you'd asked her to marry you

and she tells you she's off
to New York.

I never said I was going to ask her.

She hasn't actually made her
mind up yet.

You heard her - she doesn't
want to be here forever.

He's just come out of the tunnel.
What's he up to?

Can we be of any assistance,
Master Ashok?

Get back to work!

I need no help.

Whatever it is,
he doesn't want us finding out.

Today's post, m'lady.

A rather tepid response to the
advertisement for a nursery maid,

I'm afraid. However, there is a
letter from Mr Calendar.

I trust business in Europe
is going well,

and Emily is settled at school?
Ah! Here we are, the staff wages.

Due at the end of the month,
I believe? Very good, ma'am.

You will also see there
are some applications

to be Master Ashok's valet.

Excellent. The more we can do
to make him feel at home.

I had hoped he and Edwin
would be friends.

Perhaps if I were to treat them
like young gentlemen?

We could make an evening of it -
with billiards, and mutton pulao.

Will the kitchen manage
mutton pulao, do you think?

Oh, I'm sure they will
exceed expectations.

That won't be too difficult.

Mutton pulao?!

We can make mutton pulao,
can't we, Flo? Of course we can.

It's just a stew with spices.

I knew you'd rise
to the challenge, Agnes.

You have the makings
of something special.

Something senior.



Always hoped I might become
a housekeeper proper one day. Mmm.

We have a busy day ahead.
But...if you impress me,

who knows what may transpire?

Well...I'd better check we're
well-stocked for mutton!

And pulao!


He looked shifty.
He was definitely up to something.

He was in the library earlier.

But how did he know
about the tunnel?

He'd just arrived.

But the important thing is he was
probably looking for the Dawn Star.

So we must, too.

Yeah, but what about the curse?

You know, if I find it and I'm not
its rightful owner...

All right. You stay here.

I'll go and see if there's
anything more I can find out

from the library. Gideon?

She never did find out what lurked
in the cabin in the woods.

She locked the door,
threw the key in the lake

and swore she would never,
ever trespass again.

That story was rubbish!

She's a lily-liver.

And now, we'll never know
what was in the cabin.

Would it still be rubbish if...

..if she turned the key
and slowly opened the door?

Inside, it was dark.

And she felt her way towards
a dimly-glowing light.

She reached out her hand,
and felt something...soft.


But not human hair.

This was...

..monster hair!



I like your story better.

Will you write one for me?

I'm sorry, Miss Constance,
I have to work.

And...I don't have any paper.

There's some in the library.
And ink.

I'll do my best.

Ambrose, I shall need my
carriage bringing round.

I would prefer to ignore the whole
business, but it is important to my

And tell Edwin he is to make
an effort with Ashok.

Certainly, ma'am.

This is a short-list for valets.

Please arrange interviews. Mmm.

And tell Constance she is
to be good.

Very good, ma'am.

Rest assured, the house - the
children will be in very safe hands.

First the star, and now this.

The book?

The Building of Calendar Hall.

That must be the book Ashok
was looking for.

Fortunately, he couldn't find it.

It's over there.

Bottom shelf.

He must have given up and gone
to explore in the tunnels.


It's a bit weird.

Half of it isn't even in English.



It's a cipher.
Look at the symbols.

We just need to work it out.


Good news. Mrs C's going out.

She won't be back till late.

So, as soon as dinner's...

Yes, Flo.

I need more rice.

Aggie, why would Mr Ambrose
be pleased Mrs Calendar's going out?

How would I know?

He said as soon as
dinner's served...


He wonders what concern it is
to a scullery maid.

Sorry, Mr Ambrose.

Your sister would do well
to know her place.

Lizzie meant no harm, I'm sure,
but...I'll have a word.

Do that, please.

Thank you.

Now, let me see to these applicants.


..you might consider Gideon,
Mr Ambrose?

He's very clean, and he can polish
a shine in his boots

like no-one's business.


A fine idea.

Why don't you give him the
good news yourself?

It'll be good training
for when you're housekeeper.


There! Finished.

"The road to the Dawn Star begins
in the secret ambry."

Ambry? That can't be right.

Yes, it's old English.

A small cupboard for sacred things.


Who's there?

You were spying on us.

I was not!

I knew about that thief's book
and the ambry already.

Well, now that we're all here,
maybe we can...work together?

He spied on us.

I'm not working with him.

Let's not take sides.

YOU'RE the one who's taking sides!


I refuse to work with a descendant
of the thief, or his friend!

Guess who?

Jack? No, it's me, silly.

I've got good news.

You're being promoted.

To valet.
I haven't applied to be a valet.

I did it for you.

Hear the pay's better -
maybe an extra pound a year.

But I'm happy in the gardens.
And Mr Calendar's away.

It's not Mr Calendar.

It's Ashok. Ashok?

I'm not being Ashok's valet.
You're going to be Ashok's valet?

It's first step to becoming butler.
I don't want to be a butler.

This is perfect! You can make sure
he doesn't find the ambry.

I'm not doing it.
Ashok's not that bad.

He'll have to sack me first,
cos I'm not being his valet.

And that's final!

You will be responsible for the
young master's wardrobe each day.

And maintaining his room...
at a pleasant temperature.

Yes, but at all times
with the window open.

I cannot tolerate a stuffy room.

Always acknowledge the Master
when he addresses you, please.

Yes, sir.

And ensure he has EVERY
comfort he requires.

Yes - everything.

Yes, Master Ashok.

You will serve dinner tonight.


Mrs Calendar won't be here, and...

..I think it will be good
experience for you.

I'm sorry, Miss Constance.

You promised me a story.

I said I'd try my best.

And I DO have a story for you.

Shall I tell you what it's about?

It's about a very special
young girl...

..called Constance.

Who is kind and understanding.

And I suppose she's forgiving, too?

Especially when people don't
keep their promises.

You're lucky I like you.


You're clever.

That's why Jack wants to marry you.

Don't be silly.
Jack doesn't want to marry me.

He does, he's going to ask you.

Now who's telling stories?

I'll tell you yours just
before bed, all right?


Come in.


I wasn't expecting...
I'm sure you weren't.

But George is in Europe, so if you
were hoping to throw yourself

on his mercy...


Do come in.

I'm afraid I find it rather
a strain to stand for long.

Hetty, I seem to have misplaced...

..my eyeglasses.

You don't wear eyeglasses.

I do! Not all the time.

Only when I...eat.

They're going to look for the ambry.

So, we're going to beat them to it.

I would offer you tea.
Please...don't trouble yourself.

I'm glad you came, and not George.

..it was you whom I treated

and you tried to ruin it.

I did.

And I offer you
my sincerest apologies.

I do not deserve your forgiveness.

So, it's my forgiveness you want?

Not money?

Money won't help me now.


It's my heart.

We are all on the same journey,
although some of us will arrive


Is there anything...?

I could not abide to end my journey
without making amends.

With Robert away,
you are all the family I have.

It's not in here.




Go on.

And that, Flo, and that.

Wrap it carefully, girl.
I don't want any damage.

I know what to do by now, Pa.


Wait here, Flo.

We must've missed something.
We've looked everywhere.

Not everywhere.

I knew you were up to something.

Look, in here.

Another star.

That star, it's on the portrait.

Here, have a look.

What's inside? Is it the jewel?

It's empty.

I did not take it.
Well, where is it, then?

Maybe it's the wrong ambry.

How many ambries can there be?

Edwin, why aren't you in bed?

We found the ambry,
but the Dawn Star wasn't in it.

What are you talking about?
What dawn star?

It is the most precious jewel,
worth thousands, stolen from my...

Legend says it's buried here.

We've been searching for hours.

Rest here.
I'll have a room made up.

What's she doing here?

Edwin, we'll discuss
it in the morning.

Boys, to your work, if you please.


Flo, take these linens
to the laundry room.

I am most terribly sorry, ma'am.

Rest assured, the staff
will be dealt with.

Now, shall I prepare a room for...

He is protective of you.

Do not scold the boy for loyalty.

Perhaps, but I will not
tolerate such discourtesy.

You must learn to control yourself,
Edwin, instead of running

around after some fable.

But it's not some fable.

Ashok will tell you.

We found a cipher.

If there was a jewel
in this house worth thousands,

your father would know of it.

Not another word.

To your room.

Now then...

Mrs Calendar needs her head
seeing to.

After everything Lady
Grenford did to her.

Flo, you will be in charge
of the cooking from now on.

Am I being punished?

You're a hard worker, Agnes,
but you're a terrible cook.

And you're no good as
a housekeeper, either.

However, however, I'm sure
with a little experience and some

application, you'll thrive, yes?


Flo, a word.

Maybe I should go to New York.

I don't suppose my job's secure
if Lady Grenford's staying.

I'm sure all that's forgotten.

Constance said something funny

that you were going to ask
me to marry you.

I can understand how she might
have got the wrong end of the stick.

We're a bit more sensible
than that, aren't we?

And young, really, very young.

Hetty, it's fine, really.

I'm off to bed.

Change of plan, Florence.

We're sticking around
a couple of days.

Not this again.

I thought you said that we could go.

A secret passage, a false panel.

Why do you want to stick
around for some scribbles on a tatty

piece of parchment?
No, think.

What if this leads us to the jewel?
You heard them.

They spent all night trying to find

a clue in a secret hidey-hole,
and then what do I find?

I find this in a secret hidey-hole.

If we find this, this jewel,
it'd set us up for life.

No more robbing?

Or moving.

We could stay in one place.

I always fancied a little garden
and sticking around long enough

to see it grow.

Yes, yes, my darling girl.

Anything you want.

For some of us, there was no
questioning who we were.

But did that mean we'd always
be the same person?

Or could we turn over a new leaf
and start fresh from the beginning?

I couldn't believe Jack
was thinking about getting wed.

It didn't make my
decision any easier.

Was I destined to be
a wife or a teacher?

Or neither?

The bear couldn't take
it any more. He turned and ran,

and that's how she became known
as Constance the Brave.

Whatever I decided,
I knew I wanted to write my own

ending, and one thing I was sure
of - I'd always be a writer.

One of you will attend
to Lady Grenford.

Hetty has kindly volunteered.
No, I didn't.

I need to tell you something.

It's Hetty, she's asked me
to go to New York with her.

What do you think he'd do
if he found you in here?