Hetty Feather (2015–2020): Season 5, Episode 11 - A Christmas Adventure - full transcript

A musical episode. Hetty is determined to bring Sheila back from the workhouse. When she and Gideon go on a charity mission to London, however, they are caught up in a street gang. The whole crew are trying to get back to Calendar Hall by Christmas.

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Christmas at Calendar Hall.

A time to be with loved ones.

And to give them presents,
lots of presents.

If you're one of the Calendars.

A special gift for me would be
to spend it with my mother, Ida,

and best friend Sheila.

But Ida's working far away.

And Sheila suffering
in the workhouse.

But I still have Lizzy, Gideon
and my other friends,

and this was no ordinary Christmas.

# Quick, quick the tree is here

# Christmas is drawing near

# No time to stand and dream,
so many things to clean

# No gifts for us

# We'll be working till our hands
are raw

# Who is Christmas really for?

# It's Christmas

# So much work to do

# It's Christmas

# But we're excited too

# A time for everyone

# With Christmas carols sung

# While blazing fires roar

# It's Christmas, Christmas time

# Yes, Christmas, Christmas time
once more

# Brush the dust away
and sweep the floors again

# Shine up the silverware

# There's boxes everywhere.

# It's a hard life here
any time of year

# No fun, just cos Christmas
time has come

# It's Christmas
I think of Ida's home

# It's Christmas
And Sheila on her own

# A time for everyone

# With Christmas carols sung

# While blazing fires roar

# It's Christmas, Christmas time

# Yes, Christmas, Christmas time
once more

# Tin soldiers marching,
all clockwork

# Jars full of toffee

# A spinning top and hobby horse.

# Puppets and dolls

# And sugar mice and chocolate

# Christmas and family,
so very dear to me.

# Can't find that kind of gift

# Beneath a Christmas tree

# I hope your dreams come true

# May this Christmas shine
like you do

# I love Christmas just like you

# It's Christmas, so much work to do

# It's Christmas,
but we're excited too

# A time for everyone

# With Christmas carols sung

# While blazing fires roar

# It's Christmas, Christmas time

# Yes, Christmas, Christmas time

# Yes, Christmas, Christmas time

# Once more. #

Mrs Calendar wants everything
perfect for Mr Calendar's return.

Yes, and I still don't even
get the day off.

I won't see Ida, it's not fair.

Do you mind?

What? They're not for you.

They're for Mrs Calendars
charitable mission.

Yes, Hetty, to help feed the poor

Three dozen fruit scones
and half a tonne

of mince pies we have to bake.
As if we haven't got enough to do.

So keep your filthy mitts off.

Your mince pies aren't as good
as Sheila's, anyway.

Ooh, Sheila?

The perfect cook.
Well, Sheila's not here.

Yeah, and she should be.

Hetty, she was in the workhouse.

I'm going to ask Mrs Calendar again,
to give Sheila her job back.

It's not up to you, Hetty.

And it didn't work before.

It wasn't Christmas before.

Postcard from Austria.

From Emily? I'm sure she's having
a wonderful time with her friends.

Dear Edwin and Constance.
A postcard from Emily!

I hope there's nothing...

It's George.

He won't make it home from New York
in time for Christmas.

Does business come before family?

Mother! Mother!
What is it, Constance?

May I open a present from
under the tree?

Just a little one.

Tomorrow, Constance, tomorrow.

What's keeping them?

I've got to get moving.

Are we ready?
We don't want to be late.

Mrs Calendar... Hetty, don't.

Mrs Calendar, why not show
some goodwill to Sheila?

Some charity. Hetty, please?

Well, if you're helping the poor
children, why not help her too?

It'd be your best Christmas
present ever?

You want me to reinstate Sheila?


And it is not your place
to suggest it.

Get on with your work.

I've got a plan.

Hetty. I'm going to get Sheila out,

We won't be too far from
the workhouse, so I will slip away

I'll use the carriage
and I'll take Mrs Calendar's cloak

and pretend I'm a long-lost relative
or something.

But, Hetty, you can't just pretend
to be...



Excuse me, sir,
have you got a penny?

Away with you, go on, away!

Oi! Oi!


Stop, thief!

Stop right there!

Stop right there!


Right. Come here, you.

Now, turn out your pockets.

No stolen goods, no proof.
You can't arrest me.

No, but I can't make sure
you're off the streets

and in the workhouse.

Ouch. Come on. Please! Ow!

I've done nothing wrong.
Please, not in the workhouse.

Please, you can't prove anything.

What finer way to spend
Christmas Eve,

then being kind to the poor?

I can think of nothing better.

Whoa now.



Excuse me, Milady, Ma'am.
I'll go see what's happening.

One, two, three. Ugh.

Cheers, mate.

There it is, Gid, the workhouse.

Hetty, you can't really...

It's not worth risking your job for.
Yes, it is.

Mrs Calendar might not think
Sheila's worth saving, but I do.

Perhaps I should apologise
to Hetty.

Apologise to a maid?

But just think of poor Sheila
suffering in there,

on her own on Christmas Day.

I told you!

Miss Doughty.

This is Charlie.

She's part of that thieving
street gang.

You keep your ears open.

If she speaks, you let me know.

They'll be some money in it
for you.

Right, then, Charlie.

Stop the coach.

Excuse me, this is St Mary's?
Yes, Milady.

I'll see if they're ready
for you inside, Ma'am. Milady.

Thank you, Gideon.

Well, it's hardly carols
at Westminster Abbey.

But I'm sure we'll manage.

Return for us
once your errands are done.

Walk on.

Where is he...?

Is everything all right, Hetty?

Yes, Mrs Calendar.

About earlier...

I'm not giving up on Sheila.

I was actually going to say...
Mrs Calendar?

There's nobody here.

This is St Mary's Spitalgate,
isn't it?

No, Milady, that's the other one.

New St Mary's, they call it.

It's just around the corner.

Well, we can't possibly walk.

We can't let the poor children

This way, Milady.

# Scrubbing, rubbing,
pushing, shoving

# Huffing, puffing,
our work is never done

# Scrubbing, rubbing,
pushing, shoving

# Huffing, puffing,
when can we have some fun? #

Sheila, her name's Charlie.

Watch your pockets,
make sure she behaves.

Leave her in my capable hands,
Mrs Doughty.

# I'm down at the wash tub
as they're grafting away

# There's gotta be a way out,
I shouldn't be here like this

# Huffing, puffing
Our work is never done

# Scrubbing, rubbing
Pushing, shoving

# Huffing, puffing

# When can we have some fun?

# I should be cleaning the streets
of all the coins

# Me and the gang
picking all the toys

# You'll do as I tell you
Cos I run this place

# Get you up to the wash tub
Scrub that look off your face

# Get scrubbing
Scrubbing, rubbing

# Pushing, shoving
Huffing, puffing

# Our work is never done

# Scrubbing, rubbing
Pushing, shoving

# Huffing, puffing
Our work is never done

# Scrubbing, rubbing Pushing,

# Huffing, puffing
When can we have some fun?

# W-O-R-K

# Scrubbing, rubbing

# H-O-U-S-E

# In the workhouse

# H-O-U-S-E

# In the workhouse. #

This is the right way, isn't it?

I thought you said
this was a shortcut.

Mind the puddle, Lady Grenford.

That's it.


Oi! Get off!

Get off!


She's got the baskets.
And your cloak.

Leave them to me. Hetty, don't!

Go after her, Gideon.

Let's meet back at the church.
We'll find our way there.


Stop! Thieves!

Oh, stop!

Stop them!




Excuse me, madam.

Help me.

It's my poor mother.

She hasn't eaten for days.

Spare us some change.

We would, only...
The last she had were a few scraps

from the pie-maker's.
Went straight through her.

But you know what they say
about them places.

You never know what goes in 'em!

Quite. And without a roof
over our head,

I'm quite wondering how
she'll survive.


I don't want her slipping away
like my pa did.

This time last year, it was.

Oh, dear. It wasn't the consumption
what got him.

It was frostbite -
in an alley down Charing Cross.

You wouldn't want the same fate
for my ma, would you?

Definitely not.

However, we have been victims
of the most awful crime.

What? Fine ladies like you?

Our purses have been stolen.

We haven't a penny to our name.


If you haven't got any money...

..perhaps there's something else
we could have.

Beautiful ladies.

SOBBING: My dress! My kid gloves!

My hat was from Bond Street,
Lady Grenford. All gone.

They even took my petticoat!

It's the same for me, Rosamund.

Only, to add insult to injury, these
boots appear to have holes in.

I thought the street children
were shrewd, but it appears

the adults around here are far
more dubious. Quite frankly,

they don't deserve our charity.

Perhaps we should never come at all.

Well, I believe not.

What now, Lady Grenford?

We'll soon be home.

Oh! This shawl smells
of pickled eggs.

But there was no sign of anyone.

Something must have happened.
We have to go and look for them. No.

For now, you're to serve
dinner as normal.

But, whatever you do, do not tell...

I saw the carriage. Is Mother back?

Not yet, Constance.

Why not?

Come along, Miss Constance.

Your mother's probably taking tea
somewhere after a long day. Yeah.

A nice hotel, perhaps.
And the sooner dinner's finished,

the sooner it's Christmas.
And Father Christmas will be here.

Come on.

This isn't like my stepmother.

She'd never leave Constance
alone on Christmas Eve.


Ah! Civilisation at last.

Excuse me.

We need to find a hansom carriage.

It's an emergency.

To take us to Calendar Hall.
How dare you?

I'm Lady Grenford.

Oh, what a smell!

I'm Lady Grenford.

And I'm the Duchess of Hesse!

I beg your pardon?!

I'll have you know
she was a friend of mine.

Oh, Constable. Excuse me.

I am Lady Grenford.

This is Mrs Calendar
of Calendar Hall.

A lady, are you?
Well, I think I've heard it all now.

We were robbed, Constable.

You two - robbed?

I don't think so.

We were out on a charitable mission,
Constable. Begging on the streets,

attempted robbery and now
impersonating aristocratic ladies.

You're under arrest -

the pair of you.

Come on.

You can sleep here tonight, but
if anyone finds you, act mute,

and I'll pretend
you're the new girl.

You're safer here.

I think you look quite fetching!


Trust Hetty to get lost out there.

Only because she had this ridiculous
idea to rescue you.

Rescue me?
Feather and her stupid plans.


Quick, hide.

Oi! Where do you think you're going?

Please, I need to get back.

Mrs Doughty locks the doors after
curfew and it's freezing out there.

But they're my family.
Just think of us as your family.

I'll take care of you. Gertie cares
for us more than anyone ever has.

Better than you can.


You robbed us.

We only took what's fair.

A bit from the rich
to share with the poor.

What am I doing here?
We could hardly leave you out there,

freezing to death, could we?

You're quick on your feet.
We could do with a new recruit.

Thanks, but I've already got a job.

And I'll lose it, if I don't get
back there soon.

Well, you best run along
and wait on your ladyship, then.

What? You think stealing on
the streets is a better way

to make a living?

A least it's fun...and there
aren't any rules.


# We don't take no orders
from a lady or lord

# Lift a little, laugh a little
Never get bored

# Living on the streets,
we're living free

# Our fingers dance to
a pocket or three

# Easy dippings

# We gotta get by
Oh, oh, oh, whoa-oh

# Easy dippings

# We gotta get by
Oh, oh, oh, whoa-oh

# We're kings of the shadows,
queens amongst thieves

# Brothers, sisters
living the dream

# Swimming in the summer,
sledging in the snow

# We never found a purse
that could ever say no

No! No! No!

# Easy dippings

# We gotta get by
Oh, oh, oh, whoa-oh

# Easy dippings

# We gotta get by
Oh, oh, oh, whoa-oh

# So much fun in gangs together
Must be nice to be free

# No serving endless dishes
or Lady Grenford tea

# No rules or regulations
It's a modern education

# The stories I could write
if it was me

# Easy dippings

# You gotta get by

# See the bigger picture,
got to open your eyes

# Finders keepers
Always a prize

# Who wants to be a servant?
You can serve yourself here

# Grab yourself seconds
when the coast is clear. #


Apologies for my late arrival,

Christmas Eve is always
work, work, work.

Ah, how are we?

Hungry? Gertie?

Yes? Here's the stuff
Charlie lifted.

Before she got arrested -
is that right? Ah!

Abe, you're supposed
to look after them, huh?

Poor Charlie. I'm sorry, Gert.

It all happened so quickly.

But we did meet someone new.

She's ever so quick.

She was never going to give up. No.

No, she never does.
Hello, Hetty Feather.

Matron, I can explain.
Honestly, I'm not meant to be here.

I need to get back
to Calendar Hall.

Well, you can't go now.
No, you'd never make it back.


Stay with us.

Everyone needs a friend
at Christmas, don't they, huh?

Hetty? Yes?

Yes, Matron.

Are we getting out of here, or not?
It's not as easy as that.

We have to sneak past
the gatekeeper first.

Er, where do you two think
you're going?

You belong to the workhouse.

There's still no sign of Hetty
or Gideon.

Mrs Calendar and Lady Grenford
are missing, too.

We're going to bring them all home.
Come on.

I suppose Hetty's all right.
If she can survive Matron,

she can survive anything.

Do you want to spend the rest
of your life emptying chamber pots?

Open this door immediately!
Quickly! Everyone out!