Heroes (2006–2010): Season 1, Episode 16 - Heroes - full transcript

Peter painfully learns that someone close may have betrayed him and Claude. Matt's world spirals out of control when radioactive man Ted Sprague and Hana Gitelman, a fierce young woman with "wireless" mental abilities, drop into his life. After blood is spilled, Hiro makes a difficult decision about his mission. Claire is unable to contain her anger at her father.

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My name is Hana Gitelman.

How the hell did you do that?

Satellite signals.
Wi-Fi. Radio waves.

Your computer can
download them and so can I.

So you can access the Internet
without a computer,

just pull e-mail
out of your head?

And you're radioactive.

Why come to me?

Because they got to me, too.

I can find them, Ted,
and you can nuke them.

Previously on Heroes.

Turned on the waterworks,
and they were mine.

They're getting the suitcase
as we speak.

Where's the bag?

You may fool Ando,
but you do not fool me.

Matt Parkman,
here to protect you, sir.

Sir, we've got to get
out of here right now.

This is a setup.

What? How do you know that?
I just do.

Now, you absorb all
these abilities that you find.

Now, I'm gonna teach you
how to pull them out
one at a time.

I don't have
to do anything!

Except fly.

Hello, Zane Taylor?

Yes, you must be Dr. Suresh.
Come on in.

There are others out there,
like you.

And I am going
to find them.

I could go with you.

She had an appointment
with a neurologist.

Your mother's been having
some headaches.

Yeah, she's also been
having some memory loss.
Did you tell them that?

I don't know
any Mr. Muggles,

and I don't know you.




Where's Dad?
He's on one of his
stupid business trips.

There's something
wrong with Mom.

There's something
wrong with you.


Do you know who this is?

Claire, leave
your brother alone.

You recognize us?

Yes, you are the daughter
who is supposed to be
setting the dinner table.

I was standing right there
just a minute ago and you
had no idea who I was.

Lyle, help your sister
with the table.
Honestly, Claire.

Good thing Dad's not home,
'cause he would
so drug test you.

It's good you called us,

I didn't know
who else to trust.

That man, Peter Petrelli,

he's gonna be
responsible for all this.

I tried finding him.
I kept painting what
I thought were empty spaces.

But, now?

There, in the water.



Peter is invisible?

That sounds so crazy.

Any more than a man
who can paint the future?

Peter absorbs
others' abilities.

Apparently, he's met someone
who we assumed was dead.

That's the roof of the...
The Deveaux building.

Look, there's a chance
that Peter might come here
first before we reach him.

What do you expect me
to do with this?

Save the world.


You know what?
Let me do that.

I am pregnant not porcelain.
I know.

I'm just trying
to be Mr. Helpful, here.

Try Mr. Get the hell
out of the way.

What did you do?

Do you like it?

I love it.

I do.

Matt, we can't afford this.
I mean, we're...

No, come on. I got a guy.
He gave it to me
wholesale, so...

I'm so bloated.

You look so beautiful to me.

I'm sorry.

You've made
this beautiful gesture
and I have to mess it up.

What do you mean?

A man called yesterday.

A Professor Suresh.
He was a geneticist.

He wanted to talk about DNA.

About your DNA.

Did you tell him anything?
I mean, you didn't tell him
anything, did you?

Of course I didn't
tell him anything.

But he found you.

He knows.


Who are these people?

Before we go in,
I just wanted to say thanks.

For what?

Well, you know,
for bringing me with you.
You didn't have to do that.

It would have been
a long road alone.
I'm glad for the company.

Well, I believe in fate,
Mohinder, and karma.

And I'm not just saying that
'cause you're Indian.

I mean,
you really came to my rescue
and I won't forget that.

Well, it's not
completely altruistic
on my part, Zane.

I have a feeling we're going
to meet up with a lot of
skepticism from these people.

You can help.
I'm ready.

Excuse me?

Excuse me?


Rap music.

Can't stand it,
but it's the only thing I've
found that cancels out the...

Can I help you?

We're looking
for Dale Smither.

You found her.

Of course.
I'm Mohinder Suresh
and this is Mr. Taylor.

Well, it's Zane, actually.
It's just Zane.

I left you
several messages this week.

Yeah, I got them

I believe I can help with
what's happening to you.

I'm sure you have
lots of questions.

Yeah, only one.
How'd you find me?

You gave blood 11 years ago,
signed a consent form
to have a sample

used in a program called
the Human Genome Project.

You dialed the wrong number.

Look, I know what you're
thinking right now, that
you've got nobody to talk to,

nobody that understands
what you're going through.

But that's not true.
I understand.



That was my best wrench.

So, there
really are others, huh?

Yes. I'm proof of that.

That's why we're here.

I thought the headaches
at first were gonna kill me.

I'd lie awake at night
thinking that my head
was gonna explode.

A cockroach crawling across
my neighbor's floor was

like a marching band
parading through my house.

I'm sorry.
It must be quite a burden.

A burden?

Hell, no.

This is the best damn thing
that ever happened to me.

Well, now that I've learned
to control it,

I'm like Superman
or something.

I can hear rain coming
from 40 miles away.

I can even hear
someone's moods.

The tiniest changes
in a heartbeat.

Yours, for instance.

It's racing kind of fast.

You nervous about something?

No. I'm just excited
to meet somebody like me.

Well, if you've come to try
to take it away from me,

you're gonna have a hell
of a fight on your hands.

I can assure you,
we only want to help.

I'd like to perform
a few tests, some questions,
really, that's all.

Shouldn't take more
than a couple hours.

I'm kind of backed up today.

We can come back
in the morning.


You're not Ando.

S.R. Gustafson,
State Gaming Commission.

I come in peace.

What's an Ando?

Ando is my friend.

I bring him from Japan
on my mission.

Where's the girl?

Where's the suitcase?

She say her name Hope.

Tell me where they are!

Take me with you.
I must save Ando.

Not a chance.
I work alone, pal.

You take me with you,

or she gets away, pal.

I so miss you, Karen.

I miss your laugh.

But they're gonna pay
for what they did to me.

What they did to us.

I know you're not gonna
like what I got to do.

So I came to say goodbye.

I say when it's enough!

You've got
the power to stop me.
What are you waiting for?

I'm trying!

And when you've left New York
a smoking wasteland,

we'll put that
on your tombstone.

"Here lies Peter Petrelli.
He tried."

Dig into
that file cabinet of yours
and pull something out.

Fly, stop time,
paint me a pretty picture.

Do something unexpected!

You pushed that away with
your mind. Which one of your
sorry friends has telekinesis?

None of them do.

Oh, wait, that guy who was
chasing Claire in Texas.

He sent some
lockers flying at me.

Texas? And you pulled
that little trick out
in the here and now.

Well, we might just have
a chance at stopping you
from going nuclear.

I tried.
Every street I painted,
every building empty.

I think Peter's
left New York.

Why does
this seem so familiar?
Oh, now I remember.

You'd get that same look
on your face when you'd
lie to me about using.

You think I'm lying?

You're right.
I can't willingly throw you
into another man's arms.

Because you're jealous.
Because he's dangerous.

Oh, God.

I don't think I should
have this, anymore.

Keep it, please.

I would do anything for you,


Find Peter.

you're nothing but a Japanese
MapQuest for me,

so, until we find that girl,
just sit there and shut up.

I bring Ando from Japan
on my mission.

I am responsible for him.

All a partner ever does
is either drag you under
or screw you over.

A partner helps
by believing in you.
He keeps you honest.

Uh-huh? Well,
who wanted to help the girl?

Grab the suitcase?

Take your car?


You take on a partner,

all you get is
their blood on your hands.

Why are we stopping here?
I thought we were going
to your mother's house.

The less questions you ask,
Ando, the better off
you'll be in life.

Why is that?

That'd be another question.

Here, I will help you
with your bag.
No, I've got it.

It's okay.
Let me help you.
No, I've got it!

What is this?

What did I say
about asking questions?

Now, I have to admit, Zane,
when you first offered
to help, I was cautious.

In what way?

I don't know you.
You don't know me.

It could have been a disaster.

But you made
a difference today.
Thank you.

Here's your key.

When you told that woman
Dale you could help her,

is that really possible?

It's only theoretical
at this point, but I am
working on an inhibitor.

A chemical that will isolate
the genetic mutation that
causes these abnormalities.

I mean,
we can offer these people
understanding, control,

or, if needed,
elimination of their ability.

You make it sound like
a virus or plague.

I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to imply. It's just...

Well, not all of you
exhibit the same
sets of skills you do.

I mean,
they could be dangerous.

My father had to
learn that firsthand.

How's that?

He was murdered
by a man named Sylar.

Well, what happened
to this Sylar?

I'm not sure.

He just got away
with killing your dad?

I only know he's gone,
locked away.

I mean,
what does it matter?

Even if I could come
face to face with him,
what difference would it make?

Justice can never
really be served.

What a shame.

They're out there.

I can feel them.

So innocent, so unaware
of what's happening to them.

We'll find them, Mohinder,

all of them, together,
the two of us.

It's our destiny.

I'm gonna call it a night.

I'll catch you
in the morning.

Claire, do we need to talk?



Mom, you know
how you sometimes
forget things?

Honey, is this about
my trip to the neurologist?
It's just some headaches.

I don't want you to worry.

But they don't know
what's causing it, right?

We are still waiting on
the results from the tests.

What if it's not something
that's responsible for it,
but someone?

What on Earth
are you talking about?

What if you knew a secret
and they had a way
to brainwash you?

You have been
studying long enough.

Let's curl up in my bed,
piece of pie, glass of milk,

and watch an old
Cary Grant movie.

Mom, I'm serious.

I know this is
a little scary,

but Dad's in charge
of talking to the doctors

and they will come up
with the answers.

Maybe you shouldn't
trust Dad so much.

Now, why would you say that?

What if it gets worse
and the next time you...



Mom! Mom!

Mom, please wake up.

What's this all about,

What's what?
The birds.

I mean, you sort of
hate everything, everyone,

except you treat
these pigeons like
they're family.

Charles Darwin bred pigeons
when he was working out
his theory of evolution.

Married up
various permutations
to get maximum potential.

What do you mean by that,
maximum potential?

I think he meant you, friend.

Well, you used to care,
about all this.

Didn't you?

All right,
sharing time's over.
Time to get...

What are you doing?
Something unexpected.

Claire, this isn't
a great time.

Dad, you have to come home.

Mom fell and she blacked out.
I called 911.

What happened to her?

I came home and she didn't
even know who I was.

She didn't even
remember Mr. Muggles.

I'm coming home right away.

Claude will have to wait.

Matt, where are you?

Hey, what's up?

The ring.

I took it to get resized,
and the jeweler told me
it was worth $40,000.

Well, that's ridiculous.

Then he accused me
of stealing it.

I had to tell him my husband
was a cop and there has to be
some kind of an explanation.

There is an explanation,

The guy that I was
protecting, Malsky,

those were his.

You have to give them back.
I can't.

I can't. He's dead.

I need to sit down.

See... Honey, this is why
I didn't want to tell you
about this, okay?

You were gonna get upset,
and with the...
You let me keep the ring!

It was stolen property.
What were you thinking?

I don't know
what I was thinking.
I have no idea.

You know, Matt,
for a guy that can

read other people's thoughts,
you should spend a little bit
of time on your own.

You know what?

I'm just trying to
figure out how to take care
of our family.

I don't have a job, Jan!

And I'm worried
that the baby...
You know...

Ever since you told me
about this thing,
this thing that you do,

I have tried to act
like everything's okay,
but it's not.

Stealing and lying?

Matt, you're better
than this.

All right. Fine,
I'll take them
down to the precinct.

Call them right now.

Call them right now!



Where are you right now?

Yeah. Yeah, I know the place.
I'll be right there.

Who was that?

I gotta go out.


How are you feeling?

You knew they were after you.

Who? I don't
know who they were.

You wanted to know
why I was invisible
all these years?

It was because of them,

and you've brought
the bastards right
to my door.

I just saved your ass!

You have no idea
what you've done.

Your mate, the painter,
he took your girl up
to the roof.

He must have known
we were up there.

He's a comic book artist.
Let's call
a spade a shovel, mate.

It had to be Isaac.
They've got to him.

You said yourself
he disappeared for a bit,

Yeah, so?
Well, that's how it works.

At least,
that's how it did in my day.

You drop off the face of
the Earth for a few days,

wake up with a memory hole,
a killer headache,

and a souvenir.

Did he have a set of these?

No, what is that?

Those are for the lucky ones.

So, what do we do now? Hey!


You watch your own back,
I do what I always do,

Hey, I'm not letting you
run again. We're getting
somewhere with all this.

Well, you should have thought
of that before you brought
your baggage to my roof.

Hey, I can't
do this on my own.

Then I guess you go boom.

Have you heard from Peter?

Last time I saw my brother,
he flew out of a window
to get away from me.

I doubt he's going to come
knocking on my door.

He flew out a window?

So to speak.

Simone, I've got
people looking for him,
people I can trust,

around the clock.
We'll find him.

But what if you don't?
You need to go public.

Call a press conference.
Tell everyone
about Peter's condition.

Nobody's gonna believe
somebody can explode
and destroy a city, Simone.

I can't believe
I believe it.

Let's tell them everything.

Isaac painting the future,
Hiro stopping time, even you.

What you all can do
is incredible.

It's time people know
what's happening, the truth.

Simone, look,
I know your heart is
in the right place.

You want to help Peter
and I want to help him, too.

But if people knew
what we were capable of,

they would drop
a collective brick.

You think they'll
burn you at the stake?

Pretty much.

Because that's
what I would do.
I'd round us all up,

stick us in a lab
on some island
in the middle of the ocean.

Where Peter saw hope,
you see disaster.

I guess I'm voting
for the other guy.


Do not take this public.

But, you kissed me.
I thought you liked me.

Don't remind me.

What will happen to me, now?

Damn it!

Hope! I want my share.





Gustavson, you can't
stake it if you're dead!

Neither can you!

Come out!

Got you!

Get your hands in the air.

Come here!

Get off of me!

Funny, I didn't
hear your footsteps.

That's because
there weren't any.

That sound,

in your heart,

what is it?


Is my mom gonna be okay?

She's stable.

When your dad gets here,
we can discuss options.


Claire, why don't you
come sit down?

Your mother has
a subdural hemorrhage.

I got a C minus
in biology.

Oh, it's...

It's like a bruise
on her brain.

Specifically the area
that controls memory.

Has your mother had any recent
exposure to radiation?

A history of epilepsy?

Claire, if this is a result
of domestic violence...

No. No, it's not like that.

Not really.

Then what's it like?

You won't believe me.

Anything you say will be held
in the strictest confidence.

There's a man

who works for my dad.

He can make you
forget things.


Just by touching you
with his hands.

I'll talk to your father.

I'm telling you the truth!


I only came here because
you said it was a matter
of life and death.

You can't go blowing
anything else up.

I found out what these are.

They're tracking us
like animals.

What the hell's
that supposed to mean?

The truth.

Hey! What's going on? Ted?

She's a friend, okay?
Like us.

She's the one who put me
on to the scratches.

It comes from
a pneumatic needle.

It injects a radioisotope
for tracking viruses
in Africa.

That's what we are to them.
A virus. Plague.

Who's them?

A shipment of needles
went to Primatech Paper
in Odessa, Texas.

The tracking slip went
to a man named Bennet.
Sound familiar?

I've already
been down this road.
Trust me, it's a dead end.


Why would a paper company
need pneumatic needles
with a radioisotope?

I had my blood tested.
It's in me, that isotope.

Ted, you're radioactive
by nature.

How much you want to bet
it's in you, too?

No, that's insane. No!

I want to put this whole
thing behind me.

My wife and I have
a baby coming.

My family needs me!
Wait, you've got a family,

that means you've got
something to protect.

There is no putting
this whole thing behind you.

We've got to find out
what they did
and make them fix it.

If they can track us,
like you say they can,
he'll know we're coming!


I can get us through any
wall they got. I need you
to get inside his head.

He can't lie to us
if you're there.

We'll find out the truth.

Look, I cannot
do this without you.

If we can save ourselves,
we could help others.

We could be heroes.


It's all right.

I've convinced the doctor
to let us take her
home in the morning.

She'll be okay.

No thanks to you.
Shut up, Claire.

Claire, could I
talk to you outside?


Doctor told me you had
an interesting theory about
your mom's condition.

It's not a theory.

You did this to her.
You erased her mind.

Claire, that's ridiculous.

You tried to erase mine.

I don't know where
you're getting these ideas.

Stop. Stop it!

Stop lying!
After what you did to Mom,
isn't that enough?

What you know
is dangerous.

If the wrong people find out
about what you can do...

Like the man
who killed Jackie?


Why did you do this to Mom?

A few days ago,
that man broke into our house,
looking for you.

He found
your mother instead,

so I made her forget.

Your mother is
a gentle soul,

and people like her
shouldn't have to know
about people like him.

And, maybe, people like you.

I never meant
for her to get sick.

I only wanted
to protect my family.

Claire Bear. I promise,

I promise this will
never happen again.


You don't just get to say
you're sorry and make
everything go away.

Zane, are you all right?
Yeah, it's just...

It's just a headache.

Sit tight. I'll be back.


Anybody here?

Maybe we should
just come back, Mohinder.


Mohinder, what's the matter?

What are you doing?
I'm dialing 911.

Do you think
that's a good idea?

What are you talking about?
She was murdered.

And what were we doing here?

What do you mean?
We found her.


Why? I mean, look at us.
Where did we come from?
How did we get here?

Can we explain
any of this without
looking completely insane?

The top of her head
was removed. It was Sylar.
I don't...

I mean, how?


Okay, we have to warn them,
everyone on the list.

He's after them.

We'll leave now and we'll
call the police anonymously
from the road. Come on.

Zane, are you okay?



Hey, young fellow.
All by yourself?


Just me.


Claire, we'll get through this.

Your mom needs us.
Lyle, too.

I don't even know
if I'll remember
any of this tomorrow.

All I wanna do is run away,
but I can't.

Somebody has to protect
this family from you.

Lyle, take your mother,
get out of the house,
right now.


I'm sure you have
a lot of questions.

We all do.

Why'd you do it, Isaac?

How'd you get in here?

What'd they give you?
Money? Drugs?

What's a Judas get these days?

I was trying to stop you.

You're dangerous,
you said it yourself.

Without them to help,
you'll become that.

I had help.
I was learning to control it.

You scared
my only chance of hope!

We can stop it.

What are these marks, huh?
What do they mean?

They're nothing.
They mean nothing.

Don't lie to me!

This is why you sent them after me?

With me out of the way,
you'd have Simone all to yourself.

You stole her away from me!

But I did it to save New York,
to stop the bomb.

I can do it right now.

With just one bullet,
I can be a hero.

You're not a hero, Isaac.

You're a junkie.

You couldn't even
save yourself.

That's why she left you,

It had nothing
to do with me!

Show yourself!








Is that you? I'm locked in!

I'm sorry.

I should've
listened to you.

No. This is
all my fault.

I never
should have...

brought you
on my mission.

Anf if
you didn't...

I would be at my
desk in Tokyo.

I would
never know...

what it is
to be a hero.

I don't
want to die!

Did your
powers work?

I had my
eyes closed!

Me too.

Her gun must
have misfired.

I guess...

Lucky for us!

Look Ando!

Not a scratch
on the Versa!

My arm still
hurts a little.

You should

No, you
always drive.

Take the Versa back
to the rental car place.

What are
you doing?

What I should've
done weeks ago.

Go home, Ando.

Why are you
doing this?

I said I was
sorry about the girl.

This isn't
about you.

It's about me.

I made a mistake by
bringing you along.

I have to
do this alone.

But you can't!

It's destiny!

The comic book--
we're going to save
the world!

Life isn't
a comic book.

Too many people hane
died since we began.

I don't know
what I would do...

if I lost you too.

Hiro, please.