Hellsing Ultimate (2006–2012): Season 1, Episode 8 - Hellsing Ultimate - full transcript

Enrico and the Vatican forces arrive in London and start to attack the Millenium forces and the few still living civilians. But soon Alucard arrives to to the carnage. Hell will sing.

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Oh... God...

A-An angel...



That is correct!

We are the surrogates
of the Angel of Death!

We will now pass judgment
on this religious trial!

Britain stands accused!
The monsters stand accused!

The verdict is the death penalty!
The death penalty!

Death! Death! Death! Death!

I feel pity for you.

However, I cannot forgive you.
Now die, like barren wildflowers.

Whirl about like butterflies,
and die like bees!

What do you know?

That kid can really do something
when he puts his mind to it, huh?


Major, this is dangerous!
Please, come back inside!

Doc, is it ready yet?

Huh? Yes. It will be risky,
but I have done as you requested.

Although, the treatment was a bit rough,

and it is extremely unstable.

That is splendid. Very good.

Indeed, it is an outstanding specimen.


Good work, Doc.


You could do some work,
too, you idiot!


I did work! I went to the Hellsing
house and watched Zorin!







Oh, really?


All units, equip ultraviolet protection,
and muster!


Muster the battalion!
Muster the battalion!

Keep watch here!

Keep watch there!

Eradicate the enemy!

Target dead ahead!

Carry out the execution!

Major! Please, come inside!

The special thin armor plating
won't hold out for long!

Major? Maj...

He's playing music.
The music of the battlefield.

He's... leading it!

The music of the battlefield,
and we are the instrument!

One big, howling, crawling instrument,
offering up our tone!

Nobody can interfere with him.

Enemy commander located!
He's on top of the airship!

What the hell is he doing?

He's crazy! A mad ghost of war!



Good work, butler.

This was decided a half-century ago!

The mark of the skull is fitting
for this angel of death!

They haven't come... to save us...?

Die! Die! Die! Die!

Good! Kill them all!

You worms! This is our power!
This is the Vatican's power!

The only good Protestant
is a dead Protestant!

You've betrayed us, Maxwell.

Sneak attacks and betrayal
are par for the course in war.

In fact, they deserve praise.

Particularly when going
against the heathen.

However... However, this is different.

I do not like this.

Maxwell, you are enraptured.
Absolutely intoxicated.

By your authority and power.

We are only supposed to be
mere implements of force.

I am just a knife,
for executing the condemned.

Simply power in the service of God.

Maxwell, you have now
given up serving God.

You are serving the power of God!

Yeah?! Isn't that right,
Archbishop Maxwell?!

Father Anderson,

we have orders from His Excellency,
Archbishop Maxwell.

We are to take Integra, Director of Hellsing,
into custody at once.

No, I do not like this.

It is not a matter of whether
you like it or not, Anderson.

I don't like this!


Seras Victoria!

Are you injured, Miss Integra?

I'm fine. How is headquarters?

We were attacked by a company
of enemy soldiers.

We eliminated the enemy.

Headquarters has been wiped out.

Including Mr. Bernadotte.

I see, you don't say.

Seras, you drank Bernadotte, huh?

You've become a vampire, haven't you?


Stand down.

The girl is already too much
for you to handle,

even if you ganged up on her.

Seras Victoria, the vampire...

...you are starting to become
something quite fearsome.

Yes, I am, Father Alexander Anderson.

I am not afraid of anything anymore.

Your eyes look like they go down
to the bottom of the abyss.

What a state to be in,
for someone who looks so human.

H-He is...


This is fantastic.
It all goes awry now.

Something is sailing up the Thames River.

What is it?

A ghost... ship...

And they, who had gathered
before a painting of a line of spears

now reunite before a line of spears.

A division of panzer grenadiers
turned to vampires

from Germany's Third Reich,
"The Last Battalion."

572 of their number remain.

Knights of the Roman Catholic Vatican Curia,

of the ninth airborne mobile crusade.

2875 of their number remain.

The Order of the Royal
Imperial Church of England.

Three of their number remain.

And so, the players all take
their places on the stage,

and the curtain rises
over this Walpurgis Dawn.

Lord! My lord, Integra Hellsing!
Your orders!

My servant, the vampire Arucard,
I now order you!

Stain in vermillion the army
wearing white with your gun of platinum.

Stain in scarlet the army
wearing black with your gun of iron.

Stain with crimson each and
every last one of our foes.

Search and destroy!
Search and destroy!

Lay waste to them!
Do not let them leave this island alive!

Acknowledged. As you wish, my master.

Releasing control-restriction
system level zero.

Make good on your homecoming.

Unleash yourself thousands of times over
and make good on your homecoming!

Recite it!

I am the Bird of Hermes...

I eat my own wings...

Everyone here has sensed it.

Something terrible is about to happen.

Unless we put down this monster,
something terrible is about to happen!

...to keep myself tame...

Here it comes...

The river is coming.
The river of death!

The dead shall dance,

and hell shall sing!

Cease fire! Cease fire!

Im... possible...!

It's not possible!
How can anything like that be?!

That is what the vampire Arucard is.

Blood is the currency of the soul,
the tender of life.

It is nothing more than the medium
by which life is transacted.

To drink blood is to take
the entire being of a life unto oneself.

You can understand what that means now,
can't you, Seras Victoria?


The Kazan and Yeniçeri forces!

You even devoured them, did you?

No wonder you won't die.
No wonder you can't be killed.

Just how many lives does he have?
How many lives did he drink?!

The principality of Wallachia's army...

You took your own soldiers...
Your own subjects... Your own fiefdom!

What a fiend you are! A monster!
A devil! A dracul! Dracula!

Full perimeter defense!
Square up! Close formation!

What is this?! What is awakening?!

It's death!

Death is awakening!

This is fantastic! I want it!

Fire! Shoot it up!

Shoot it up!

Fire! Fire! Fire!
It's hell below us! It's hell!

We keep shooting it,
and it keeps coming out!

Our lines are crumbling!
Bishop, please withdraw! Bishop!

This can no longer be called a battle!

D-Don't be ridiculous!
I am not a bishop! I am an archbishop!

I am an archbishop!

This is hardened tektite
compound reinforced glass!

Dead people like you
cannot even scratch it!



We are Iscariot.

The representatives of
God's punishment on earth.

We will shatter your dreams,
without the least bit of discord.

Farewell, my friend.

Anderson! Anderson! Anderson!

Save me, Anderson!

Save me, Teacher! Teacher!


Am I to die here... all alone...?

No...! No...! I was born all alone...

...and now I must die all alone...?!



Mr. Anderson...

I will become great.
I will become great.

I will become great
and get even with everyone.

You are such a fool.

A big fat idiot.

Anderson calling all paladins.

Return to the Vatican.

The Ninth Crusade
expeditionary force, Reconquista,

has been completely wiped out.

Morning is coming.
The dream is now over.

Return to the Vatican.

Y-You can't mean it, Anderson!

Your place to die is not here.

Leave! Protect the Vatican.

Protect the Pope!

Protect Catholicism throughout eternity.

I am going to defeat him.

I will defeat Arucard!
I must defeat him!

Father! What's going to become
of you if you fight him?!

Nay! It's now. It's now or never.

Now is the time, when Arucard
has released all of his restraints!

This is the form whereby
I can beat all of the lives

and all of the attacks which he possesses.

He has dispatched all of
the warriors from his castle.

It is a concentrated force.

Right now, in his castle,
the lord of the manor... stands alone!

At this moment, he is a single vampire.

Dracula, all on his own.

This... This was the sole objective
of that mad battalion commander.

It was all one great sacrifice
in order to bring down Arucard alone.

A thousand SS, three thousand crusaders,

a million Britons, all of them, friend and foe,

with the surety that I would come, too.

Farewell, gentlemen! Maxwell is weeping.

That utterly hopeless fool!

He is the same spineless weakling
that he ever was.

I shall see you someday, in Limbo.

- Father!
- Father Anderson!

Welcome back, Count.

I have returned, Countess.

W-Welcome back, Master.

M-Master, you have a moustache, huh?

A moustache...


Seras Victoria...

Nicely done, my sworn enemy.

We are the representatives of God;

the agents of divine punishment on earth.

Our calling is to exterminate
the flesh of all the fools

who would defy our God,
down to the last trace!


I'm impressed that you have developed
yourself so fully, as a man.

My enemy, try to kill me!

Go ahead and thrust
your bayonet into my heart!

As occurred 500 years ago...
As occurred 100 years ago...

Put an end to the interlude
between my dreams,

my beloved archenemy.

You need not even ask!

Pure silver, macedonium-processed
mercury rounds...

in Marvels Chemical NNA9 cartridges.

39cm in length, weighing 16kg,
with 13mm armor-piercing rounds...


It's perfect, Walter!

Now what?

Now what will you do?
Your monster is right here, Catholic!

You're going to defeat me, right?
What are your chances of winning?

One in a thousand?
One in ten thousand?

A billion? A trillion?
Or even a quadrillion?

Even if it's a novemdecillion,
I can still more than handle it!

Contact with Nordland Platoon
has been lost!

Respond, you dumbasses!

Communiqué from the aerial cruiser!

The Bürgerbräukeller is out of ammunition!

Nobody is responding!

Butler, mix up some Verhoeden cocoa
and bring it to me,

with plenty of milk and sugar.

London has perished,
the Crusade has perished,

and the Last Battalion is perishing.

Arucard is also there.

I am also here.

Everything is proceeding.
It is proceeding perfectly.

What's the matter, Christian?
Your monster is over here.

You're wounded from head to toe.

Your arm is cut through,
and about to fall off. What will you do?

Are you a dog? Or are you a human?

What does it matter, vampire?

My arm has only been
cut through, hasn't it?

Now stop boasting, and come at me.

Come on and fight me!
Hurry! Hurry!


Humans are magnificent, all right.

Exploding chain!



Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward!

Forward! Forward!

What kind of man is this?

He's almost... almost like
those other men.

Come on. Come on, Alexander Anderson!

Come and stand before my gaze,
like those other men did.

Like that other man did,

and try to run through
the viscus at my heart!

Get out of my way!

Damn it, you fools!

You giant, meddling dumbasses!

If we return to the Vatican now,
we will no longer be who we are!

We will no longer be Judas of Iscariot!

We will become mere bags of flesh,
filled with blood and human waste!

"By crying out amen and killing,
the world slippeth back into place."

You're the one who
taught us that, aren't you?!

Let us now behold the deceit of the zealot!

You ignorant fools!
All of you are thinking only of dying!

Limbo has been made full!

Very well, come with me.

I am about to charge my way
into hell at full speed!

Join me, as you always have!

What are ye?

We are Iscariot!
We are Judas of Iscariot!

Countless lives struggle
and writhe as though one life,

all sharing one common rapture,

seeking blood even while spilling blood,

continuously multiplying and receding,

ever fighting, without end.

Whether that rapture is faith in "God,"

or war in the name of "Nazism,"

or as part of the being called "Arucard,"

we are now, at last, the same thing.

It's like a dream, isn't it,

my dark brethren?

To the death!



I'm going on ahead!

You stand before me?

I'm impressed. I'm impressed, Iscariot.

I'm impressed, Alexander Anderson!

You're not the only one who carries
a weapon that can end life.

That's your ace in the hole, is it?

A nail?

The Holy Shroud... The Holy Grail...
The Lance of Longinus...

That is the last of the lost
holy artifacts of Rome?

That's right.

That lingering scent of a miracle...
It's the Holy Nail of Helena!

That's right!

Don't do it, Anderson!

Are you trying to become a monster?!
A monster of God?!

Do you mean to become
an actual plaything

of the divine power of immortality?

It's the same thing.
It amounts to the same rubbish!

Whether a monster that affirms God,
or a monster that denies God...

Do you intend to use the scrap
from that miracle

to become more scrap
from that miracle, yourself?

Do you mean to drive you, me,
and our duel into the afterlife?

A monster like me...

A weak monster who could
not bear to be human

must be defeated by a human.

Don't do it, human.

Do not become a monster... like me.

I just want to be a bayonet.

I just want to be a bayonet
of God's punishment.

I wouldn't have minded being born a storm.

I wouldn't have minded being a threat.

I wouldn't have minded being an explosive.

I wouldn't have minded being
a simple, terrible windstorm,

without heart or pity.

If I can become like that by thrusting
this into me, then I shall.

May it be so.


You blasted fool!

Thorns... The thorns...!

Anderson! Just what have you become?!

His body is no longer that of a man.

Now, the only way for both you
and I to die and return to dust,

is to have this gouged out of us...

the viscus at our heart.

Father Anderson!


It was no longer man, nor demon;
neither day, nor night.


That place suits you well...

the thrilling Human Land

Go on, check it, correcting your conduct

learning from the mistakes of others

The humdrum rhythms are no big deal

for money, for a living

for show, for glory

Bellies all boogie-woogie, splish-splashing,

heavy-duty rumbly-grumbly

Your worldview running wild
inside your noggins

Baby, I'm digging you guys

Masked faces suit you well

in this crazy Monster Land

It truly is the end of the world

and he is the symbol

Swarming around a corrupt culture,

flies fly, and maggots hatch,

farting in the face of the cosmos

You are so roly-poly, splish-splashing,

and carnally soggy-boggy

Your cosmic view firming up
inside your noggins

Baby, I didn't recognize you guys

That is something you must not do

If you do that,
there will be no saving you

That is something you must not do

If you do that,
there will be no saving you

There will be no saving you...
There will be no saving you...

There will be no saving you...

There will be no saving you...
There will be no saving you...

There will be no saving you...

There will be no saving you...
There will be no saving you...

No saving you

"Previews Without Honor or Humanity"

"Boss Yoshio Yamamori"
"Tensei Clan"

"Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing Order
of the Royal Imperial Church"

Ah, Michiko. Guess what?
Daddy is gonna be the boss of England again.

"Occupation Yakuza"

"Seras Victoria"
"Vampire, former police woman"

Hey, nice ass.

Oh, yeah...


I really am the sort of guy


who was born to be
the boss of this world.


Daddy's got two of those
brass balls you like so much.

"Nazi Major"

Well, if there's anything I can
do to help you, just say the word.

"Young Walter"
"Former Hellsing Family butler"

What, is there anyone bigger
than me in all of Europe?

Don't you press your luck with me!

"The End"

That's enough out of you,
you little brat!

Now, come here, little kid.