Hell on Wheels (2011–2016): Season 4, Episode 9 - Two Trains - full transcript

Cullen attempts to make a stand to free Durant and the rest of the prisoners after Campbell decides to transport them back east. The only thing standing in his way is Snow and his men.

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The new marshal?


Damn, Bohannon.
Don't you know interrupting

a federal marshal while he
is conducting business

is against the law?

Never figured you for a lawman.

Yeah, well,
job does have its advantages.

Come to see my workers released.

Your criminals, you mean.

You have 'em down
at the depot by the time

the morning train arrives,
all right?

And leave my lady
all by her lonesome?

I don't think so.

I think I'm comfy right here.

Damn, Bohannon.
You're all twisted up.

You might could use a good poke.

Francine, why don't you
go over there and see if you

can help the colonel out?

Come on, now.

I ain't gonna tell the missus.

This here fight's
between Durant and Campbell.

Got nothing to do
with you and me.

Well, this here badge
says I work for Campbell.

Last I heard,
you work for Durant,

so reckon that makes this here
fight 'tween us, don't you?

You're working
for a carpetbagger.

My loyalty runs the length
of a dollar bill these days.

Let go of my men.

What say I don't?

If you'd come to kill me,
I'd be dead already.

My men...

At the depot...

You done lost your nerve.

That's for putting a gun
on my wife and boy.

Next time I won't knock.

Days to build,
two weeks to dig the grade.

We'll be over Sherman Peak
in a month, Laramie by July.

It won't build itself.

Men'll build it.

All the skilled men
are locked up

thanks to your
friend Sidney Snow.

You let me worry about him.

Whatever you're thinking,
Bohannon, don't.

Leave snow to his job, us to ours.

Got a message for you
from the new marshal.

Spit it out, Dutch.

He said, "you want the men?"

Come and get 'em."

You see this, Bohannon?

"Known killer hired as marshal."

I mean, what is the world
coming to?

I gave you a chance

to let go of them men easy-like.

And I gave you a chance
to let 'em out yourself.


Come on back anytime!

Good morning.

No, it ain't.

Dutch, get your ass
back in there.

If Mr. Bohannon
should get any ideas...

- step a hair out of line today...
- Arrest him?

Shoot him.

Well, it's about time.

Time, Mr. Durant...

is a fickle mistress.

First it appears
an endless supply,

and then suddenly the last
few grains of sand...

trickle down the hourglass.

For God sakes, John.

Persecuting me on trumped-up
charges is political suicide.

Now, you have no evidence

that I had anything to do
with Marshal Heckard's death.

You've no witness. No proof.

That's for
the judge in Omaha to determine.


All of you will be returned
to the jurisdictions

in which your alleged
crimes were committed.

You will acquit yourself there
for better or worse.

I can't go back
to Alabama, Mr. Campbell.

You have Mr. Durant
to thank for that.

The train leaves today.

You can't be serious!

I can...

and I am.

I need your ranchers, Maggie.

Can't fight Campbell on my own.

My husband built up
a small ranch out here

when there was nothing
but rolling hills

as far as the eye could see.

- We had a house, small herd.
- Come on.

Hold 'em steady now.

And in early September '58,
one of our hands...

A down-on-his-luck cowpoke,
a Jack somebody...

He led a bunch of rustlers.

Tore through our herd.

Lost my husband that night.

My ranch a month later.

I had to rebuild it all,
and I did...

with blood, sweat, and...

whatever else it took.

Sidney Snow, he's
Campbell's brand on this town.

Fighting him is only gonna lead
to more bloodshed.

Somebody's got to take a stand.

That's exactly
what my husband said

just before Jack killed him.

Campbell won't let go, Cullen.
You know that.

I'm off to the North Valley.

Thought that was
Mickey McGinnes's land.

Sold it to me yesterday
for 10¢ on the dollar.

Y-you said this was yesterday?

Hold on to your topknot,
Mr. Bohannon.

just requisitioned a train.

He's sending the workers
back east.


you know what this means?

Means I got less time
than I thought.

Thought you
were the new marshal.

Thought you turned tail and run.

Come back with a plan, I did.

I got men coming.

Any day now.

Campbell's shipping Durant
and the men back east.

I don't care what happens
to that Judas Durant.

He deserves
what he's got coming.

The men don't.

I don't care
about your railroad, Bohannon.

I've got me own travails.

When my men arrive,

I'll take care of these Campbell
bastards meself, all right?

You're likely to find yourself
on the wrong end of a rope.

That's no business of yours.

You should take your wife
and move on from here.

My wife and child
are back at Fort Smith.

It's the railroad
needs moving now.

Campbell's not just gonna
hand over these workers.

We're gonna break 'em out.


You and me?

Two men against all them?

- All them amounts
to one man: Sidney Snow.

Could be suicide.

Doing nothing
ain't a choice, Mick.

Most of them are drunkards
and shitpokes.

Half will fold
if the bullets start flying,

and I'll take care of Sidney.

Wash up for lunch?

We'll need guns,
and lots of 'em.

Most of 'em won't be
expecting a fight nor ready for one.

Surprise is better than bullets.

I'll take the surprise,

but I'll be having me
bullets as well.

You should be
ashamed of yourselves.

All this talk of guns
and bullets?

We won't trouble you
and Ezra much longer.


Appreciate the sanctuary, Ruth.

He's evil, you know.


That new marshal, Sidney Snow.

Lot of men lost their way
after the war.

He's not lost, Mr. Bohannon.

The forces of darkness
reside within him.

I looked into his eyes.

I saw a wickedness there
that is yet to be unleashed.

Be careful.

There are still people here
who care for you.

You believe in God, Bohannon?

Jesus and all that shit?

I never understood people
praying to a guy

who let himself get crucified.

And for what?

I reckon faith.

Ain't easily explained to some.

See, I stand here and I look,

and I see Cullen Bohannon,

but I sure as hell
don't recognize him.

The jail, the load-up, or
the first water stop.

Which it gonna be?

I know
you're planning something.

- Railroad work.
- Come on, now.

Lying just outside the house
of the Lord?

If you're so sure I'm lying,
why don't you arrest me?

Well, shit, I don't want
to ruin all the fun.

Ain't too late to walk away.

Yeah, it is...

For both of us.

Best pray on it then.

Be safe.

I leave the praying to you.

You gonna need it.

I got no feud with Campbell.

He arrested your workers!

And your boss.

Durant dug his own grave,
as I knew he would sooner or later.

Road won't get built
without him.

Going to war with the governor
is insurrection, Mr. Bohannon.

Wouldn't be my first do-si-do.

You'll wind up in prison
or worse.

Yeah, danced
that number likewise.

What are you looking for?

Looking for the keys
to the damn armory...

And a partner.

Mr. Bohannon, I'm an engineer,
not a gunslinger.

You work for
the Union Pacific, Mr. Delaney.

That's a dream for some.

For others, it's an obsession.

My granddaddy
tore hisself a cotton empire

out of swamp bottom and a sun,

and I aim to do similar
with this here railroad.

So you either give me them keys,

or you get out of my way.


All right, then.

You got a plan...

I hope.

That's great. Thank you.

You surprise me, Miss Ellison.

A nice dinner
and a glass of wine

don't change the truth,
Mr. Campbell.

Nor would I expect them to.

I just didn't expect you to lend
any credence in your article

to my position
over that of Mr. Bohannon's.

Mr. Bohannon sees the world
in black and white.

But we don't, do we?

I suspect what you and I
have in common, Mr. Campbell...

among other things...

is the certainty that the world
is neither black nor white

but decidedly gray.

That's what makes
it both daunting...

and, at times, alluring.

Not to mention surprising.

Perhaps it wouldn't be

to discuss the world,

in all its shades of gray,

over lunch at the Palmer?

That wouldn't be intolerable
at all, Mr. Campbell.

Shotgun. Balls and powder.

All of 'em.

The whole rack?

All of it.

I ain't trading on credit.

Neither am I. On the hop.

Ain't no secrets
in this town, McGinnes.

You ought to know that by now.


Lookee here, Bohannon.

Caught me another one.

Now, I know them shotguns
wasn't just for shooting fish.

I guess you just
ain't had enough yet.

You got that right.

Stop it!

He obviously knows nothing,
or he would have told you by now!

Yeah, you keep squawking,
you'll be next, Huckleberry.

Now, I know Bohannon is
planning on busting these men out...

and I know that you
are a part of it.


Why won't he talk to me, Parker?

I don't know, Sid.

Maybe he don't like you.

Doesn't like me?

Go ahead, get him up.

No! No more!

No more.

That's enough.

He's gonna bust the men out.

Yeah, I know that.


The jail?

The load-up?
The first water stop?

The load-up.

Get us out in the open.
That's smart.

What else?

That's all I know.

I swear.

Lock him up.

Prep the prisoners for load-up.

We ain't leaving for two hours.

Adapt or die, Atwood.

Adapt or die.

We still need to sweep the town.

We ain't got time,

and neither does Bohannon.

You sang like a Irish canary.

I challenge any man here

to endure a beating like that
and keep his mouth shut.

Bohannon was our last
chance to get out of here.

I go back to Alabama,
I'm a dead man.

But you ain't gonna
make it out...

Whoa! Easy!

Leave him be!

He gonna get what coming to him.

Not from
the likes of you, he won't!

Gentlemen, please!

Fighting amongst ourselves...

Quiet, fat man!

It's 'cause of you we in here.

Got to say for yourself, Irish?

Speaks for itself, don't it?

Where is he?

You been hiding him, ain't you?

He's not here.

Yeah, but he was here,
wasn't he?

Him and that lying
shit-ass Irishman.

I've done nothing.

I have nothing for you.

Don't be playing with fire,
church lady.

All right, bring 'em out.


Stay awake, gentlemen.

What are you thinking?

Considering your past...

romantic predilections.

You have been curious about me.

I've made inquiries.

When I was younger...
I used to think it made me abnormal.

But after my time
covering the war,

I realized that there were men
who were equally as...



What do you want, John Campbell?

From you?

From life.

One day...

when I get what I deserve...

without a fight.

Without regret.

Is that even possible?

So far... No.

Mr. Campbell.

Sidney Snow.

Mr. Governor, sir.

Come on.

Be quick.

I need you to wire Julesburg
for all the deputies

they can spare.

Have 'em meet me
at the water stop at Kenwood.

- Bohannon?
- Yeah.

I never want to hear
the name Cullen Bohannon again.

All right, load 'em up.


Y'all get your minds right.

This ain't over
till I say it is.

I don't like the way
you're looking at me.

Looking at what?

You hear what I said?

You ignorant son of a bitch.

That's gonna cost ya.

' No!

Free the rest of them men.

- Watch over them guards.
- Thank you, Bohannon.

Aye, lads. Here's the business.

All right.

Come on.

- What's the matter?
- Shit!

I told you this wasn't over.

Stop the train! Now!

We're going back.

All right, Bohannon.

If we return to Cheyenne
with them on our tail,

we'll be right
back where we started.

Free, ain't ya?

For the moment.

Them men might fight
for Campbell's cause.

They sure as hell
won't die for Sidney.

What makes you so sure?

For one thing,
they're outmanned.

- And we're outgunned.
- Not anymore.

He's not going to give up
without a fight.

I won't kill Sidney.

But I will bring him in.

And when we get back
to Cheyenne,

you make things
right with Campbell.

He wants to keep his job.

He'll negotiate with you.

Your confidence
is very annoying, Bohannon.

I was just pondering what
you'd do if things was similar.

I'm wrong, you tell me now.

Just like old times.

I preferred the cover
of the hotel...

When they were shooting at you.


That weren't
real gentleman-like, Bohannon...

Stealing all my prisoners
like that.

Never should have given me
them keys, son.

L'ma need those prisoners back.

Them prisoners
is liberated and armed.

Can't win this one.

Well, I ain't gonna
parlay with you, Bohannon.

I reckon we gonna have
to shoot it out.

You could always
give yourself up.

Why don't you come on
over here and give yourself up?

That's what I thought.

Just gonna have to come get me,
I guess.


Last chance, Sid.
End of the line.

Keep 'em pinned, boys!

Delaney! Damn it, Delaney!

Do it now!

Hold your fire!

Hold! Enough!

Enough! Hold it!

Damn it, Delaney!
Hold your damn fire!

Pardon me.


Sidney Snow!

Where'd he go?

Where is that bastard?


No, he ain't.