Helix (2014–2015): Season 2, Episode 3 - Helix - full transcript

Peter and Jordan leave the safety of the Abbey to retrieve some specimens and discover just what's living in the woods, meanwhile Sister Amy plots to make them leave forever.

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The CDC doctors are

anxious. They're...

They're concerned
about the disappearance.

Do they have anything
to be concerned about?

What's done is done.

Isaac and Soren
have completed their paths.


And Michael?

He blames Anne. He...

He's afraid she's losing control.

My mother's control
is an illusion.

One we must keep providing
for her.

Of course.

What if she finds out...

about us.

There is no us, Landry.

I've told you many, many times.

I misspoke. Forgive me.

I think one of the scientists
has taken a liking to me.

The cute one. Kyle?

It seems the CDC is becoming
a distraction for us all. Ha, ha.

We can't have that.


No distractions.

It would be terrible
if something unexpected

were to happen to them.

Say it, Landry.

Say it.

Something unexpected.

A terrible...

I'd say it's about time
we took matters into our own hands,

wouldn't you?

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Saw a mess of deer tracks
near the creek banks.

They were moving at a pretty good clip.
Something's got them spooked.

Feel free to turn up the radio.

Oh, right, we don't have one.

Jaye likes it when I sing.
Don't you, Jaye?

It has a certain resonance
that reminds me of singing.

Father, someone's coming.


Both of you.


Where is Soren?

Soren is gone?

The boy, yeah. He's missing.

From your care? I thought
you had him under quarantine.

We need a coordinated search
of the grounds.

- I don't have the manpower for that.
- Done.

Do you know
what I love about plant grafting?

The precision,

the attention to detail.

If the angles of the cuts
don't line up just right, the plant fails.

Not enough humidity,
and the scion won't flower.

But with practice?

Plums on peach trees.

Tomatoes grow in the snow.

Ah, if only it were
so easy with people.

the results are far less reliable

once you add free will
into the mix.

I didn't come here for Botany 101.

Well, then, anything else?

No. That's all for now.

But if I find out you're behind
Soren's disappearance,

I will hold you both responsible.

Are we?

Absolutely not.

The boy was placed in their care.

Alone, without the balance
of our family to reassure him.

They wrapped him in plastic.
I wouldn't blame him for running off.

We haven't been
seeing eye to eye lately.

Unfamiliar territory for us, no?

My only thought
is of what we have here.

- And how to protect it.
- That's what I want too.

Sometimes though, it helps
to have fresh eyes on the situation,

- don't you think?
- Of course, but--

I think we should just call this
a difference of opinion.

Sweet Anne.

I don't know what I'd do without you.

Testing to isolate and identify
the pathogen continues.

Specimen A is a patient
with no known toxic exposure.

Adult male, 32 years old,
approximately 175 pounds.

More like 160.

Been watching the carbs.

Additional ELISAs were used
to test for known toxins

against the samples
from the St. Germain subject.

Juvenile male, 10 years old,
approximately 95 pounds.

Both during the symptomatic
window and after remission,

samples failed to yield a result.

This is like emptying the ocean
with a teaspoon.

It could take weeks to make
an identification without an ICP-MS.


plasma mass spectrometry.

Why didn't you say so, Hot Zone?

Oh, please don't call me that.

Let's try something different.

Soren exhibited the same symptoms
as the ship victims, right?

Ulcerating sores, scleral icterus.

That's yellow eyes
for those of you playing at home.

What if we match Soren's samples
to the ship victims?

- That way--
- That way we can use

competitive binding and find a match.

Huh. It might actually work.

- Okay. Where are the ship samples?
- Right here.

Wait a minute.

Where are they?

- What's wrong?
- They're not here.

- What's not here?
- The samples.

Where did you last see them?

In the shack.
When we found Leila's body.

They must have fallen out.

You're kidding, right?

Those samples were everything.

We can't confirm
the pathogen without them.

I'll fix it.

What happened?

Boy Wonder left the samples

- at the shack.
- I'll get them back.

Hold on. We'll go.
Sarah, grab a field pack.

No. This is on me.
I should go.

I need you here. You've developed
a rapport with Amy.

- That's one way of putting it.
- Okay, use it.

Find out if Soren was acting strangely
before he attacked his mother.

Narrow down
the symptomatic window.

Let's see
if you can find our missing kid.


I knew they would send someone.

I did not think it would be you.

It's not what you think.

A lot has changed
since we last saw each other, Father.

Not as much
as I would have hoped.

Ilaria's gone. I was wrong
to trust them.

I know that now.

You and I,

we're on the same side.

The immortals have scattered
to the winds. Our time is over.

The TXM-7 pandemic
is destroying us.

I just want to save the few
who are left.

Tell me why I should believe you.

Because I'm here.


Believe what you want.

Hurry up with those barrels.

- We've got lots of work to do.
- That's good work.

Everything okay, Jerome?

Yeah. Fine. Why?

You've raked the same spot
three times now.

I was just thinking how much I miss
having a drink every once in a while.

That's your past life talking.

Don't worry, there's no alcohol
on the island. Michael forbids it.

What's with the wine barrels then?

No idea. Except it's not wine.

What then?

Better not to ask.

As Michael says:

"Embrace your own path,
not your neighbor's."

Amy, hey,

about yesterday.
I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.

Heh. How can an idea be wrong?

There's no substance to it. Just air.

If I hurt your feelings,
it wasn't my intention.

That's what skeptics
don't understand about us.

We're free to explore our actions
or reactions without blame or fear.

Our actions to others, others to us.

We don't limit our bodies
or our thoughts.

We use the space we've created here
to explore the darkness,

test it, and find the light.

What if all you find is more darkness?

That's just another discovery.

Is it like that for the children?

Of course.
The children are the most free.

I'm sorry you haven't found
the answers you're looking for yet.

I usually find them
one way or another.


it must be difficult for you.

Not really.

You see, the CDC is real good
at exploring the darkness.

We have very bright flashlights.

Right now I'd like to turn that light
on your children.

What's your name, sweetheart?

But everybody calls me Lizzie.

Did you know Soren, Lizzie?

He was in my class.

But not anymore.

That day, before he went away,
was he acting kind of strange?

He said he was scared.

Soren's feeling
much better now, Lizzie.

We talked about that.

Okay, Lizzie.
This won't hurt a bit.

Can you open your mouth for me?
Like this? Ah!

Maybe not quite like that.

What was Soren scared about?

- I can't say. If Amy finds out...
- She won't. I promise.

He said he broke a rule.

He didn't want to go in the pit.

What rule? What's the pit?

That should do it. Take care now.


Keep moving. We don't want to be
out here longer than we have to.

Seemed like a better idea
inside the giant, electrified gates.

The sooner we get to the shack,
the sooner we get back.

You know, I'm not so sure
it's that much safer inside.

- Alan said that--
- Damn it, Sarah.

You tried to talk sense into him.
He told you to run.

- He's manipulating you.
- He knows something

- about what's going on.
- What's going on is a CDC investigation.

- Alan's no longer a part of that.
- Why shouldn't he be?

- We should bring him on.
- You still think he's gonna save the day.

I don't need saving, Peter.

I'm a scientist,
and I use my resources.

One of our best is wasting his time
picking apples

and raking leaves.

You have no idea what
he's up to, neither do I.

And that's a good thing.

How can you say that?
He's your brother.

He killed people, Sarah.

In Paris.

After Arctic Biosystems,
he became obsessed.

He couldn't think of anything
but Julia.

- I've heard the rumors.
- It's more than rumors.

Interpol has security-cam footage

of him leaving
Ilaria's corporate headquarters

just before a bomb went off.

Maybe he thought
he was creating a diversion.

Maybe he didn't expect people
to be there.

But they were.

Innocent people.


Immortals. Just like you.

Alan's not the man he used to be.
And it's time we all face that.

Lock it.

I wouldn't get too close.

What is that?

Seraphim's Breath.

The Mayans used it
in human sacrifice.

One whiff

and people would
literally cut their own throats.

Funny, isn't it?

Nature gives us free will.

Then it gives us
the ability to take it away.

Michael and Anne
know about this?

Of course not.

They're afraid of anything
they can't control.

Maybe they should be
a little more afraid of me, hm?

What do I do with this?


Children. Gather around.

Who wants to play a game?

I do.
What's it called?

"Time Machine."

Who wants to go first?

Okay. Lizzie.

Just breathe, Lizzie.

Who wants to go next?


Leila's body's gone.

You don't suppose somebody came
from the Abbey to pick it up

and never get around
to telling us, do you?

Somebody definitely came
to get it.

And I don't think it was anyone
from the Abbey.

I found the samples.

The competitive-binding idea
that Kyle had was really inspired.

Yeah, well, hopefully,
it will give us some clues.

Hey, come on.

Open the door. I can
smell you right now.

Get the samples.

Come on. The window.

Open the door.

Go, go, go.

Fresh meat!

Come on, come on.

She can't be trusted.
You know that, right?

She's my daughter.
A part of me is happy to see her.

And the other part?
She betrayed us once.

Much time has passed.

You don't see clearly where
she's concerned. You never have.

I know what she is.

I made her that way.

You know what you have to do.

I don't need a lecture from you.

- I will discover her true intentions.
- Then what?

Then I will do what is necessary.

I'm glad you've finally
found some peace.

Last time we saw each other,
that wasn't the case.

Finding peace is very difficult.

Especially for our kind.

You've been on this island
a long time.

There isn't much peace
to be had these days.

For anyone.

Then I'm lucky to pass
my days here.

You still find immortality lucky.

Why else would I
have given it to you?

Heh. I sometimes wish
you hadn't.

It doesn't matter.

You are here now.

You drugged me.

Why is Soren's blood sugar so high?

Dr. Kyle.

Lizzie. What's wrong?

Come quick.
The children are sick.

Please, hurry.

Well, where are the children?


Lizzie? What's wrong?

Hey, kids, what's up?

What are you guys doing out here?

Can I help you with something?

Yeah. I was told to bring these here.
By who?

This isn't produce storage?

You want the red building.
It's the other side of the orchard.

Oh, heh.

I'm new to the picking crew.
I thought they said here.

Well, they were wrong.

You told us there were
bears out there, not people.

I'm sure there's a simple explanation.
Whatever you think you saw--

Don't tell me you don't know
what's going on on your island.

- Peter.
- It's Dr. Farragut.

I'm only trying to tell you
that there are no creatures outside.

It wasn't a creature. It was a man.

A very sick man who was exhibiting
Stage 2 symptoms of the pathogen,

along with necrotic lesions.

It's like ergot poisoning,

a fungal toxin that produces psychosis,
along with severe physical symptoms.

How could you not tell us
there are people in the woods?

Well, some people
choose to leave the Abbey.

They come because they're tired
of living dishonest lives.

But if they reject their true path,
often there's nowhere for them to return.

So you just throw them out
to fend for themselves?

No one is thrown out.

I only help them see
that they are their decisions.

Once made,
they have to live with them.

Or die by them?

If that's their path.

Based on what we saw, the
pathogen is outside the gates.

- Question is, where did it come from?
- You're assuming it started outside.

- How's that?
- What if it was the other way around?

You think the source
is inside the Abbey?

They're doing some heavy-duty
botanical work here.

Hybrid breeding, seed manipulation.

They're combining traits of plants
to create new variants.

Like GMOs?
They don't have the technology.

They don't need it. Grafting has
been around for centuries.

Gregor Mendel was crossbreeding
pea plants in the 1850s.

At an abbey not unlike this one.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh, Jesus.

- Kyle. Kyle, can you hear me?
- Kyle.

We need to get him on his back.
Come on, buddy.

Airway clear. Breathing normal.

- There's so much blood.
- We gotta find the source.

Here. Hey.

Kyle, come on, buddy.

- "Sunshine Day."
- Kyle, it's Peter.

What happened?

- How long have I been out?
- I don't know.

- My head is killing me.
- You got a nasty laceration.

- Ow!
- Hey. Payback's a bitch.

- Who did this to you?
- Oh, you wouldn't believe it if I told you.

Hell, I don't believe it.

The kids? The kids.

All of them, acting together.

They left me for dead,
and I dragged myself back here.

I've seen angry mobs before.
This was something else.

They were blank.

- Like a trance?
- Maybe some kind of brainwashing.

Cults are notorious
for mind-control techniques.

Their eyes.
The pupils were darting side to side,

quick repetitive movements.

an involuntary nerve condition.

- Where are the kids now?
- Don't know. Why?

I'd like to see them for myself.

Good. You're awake.

My arm.

What--? What is--?

It's Sodium Pentothal.



You should have
told me the truth.


Tell me, why are you here?

- A cure.
- For what?

Immortals dying.

That's not possible.

I'm dying.

- Julia.
- Mm.


Tell me who you work for.



Who do you work for?


They seem fine.

Dr. Kyle.

What happened? Did you get hurt?

One minute they attack me

and the next they wanna
kick a ball around?

Soren experienced a similar
recovery from the pathogen.

I'm telling you, this was different.

What could have
caused that attack?

I don't know, but I'd lay odds
somebody wants us off this island.

- Permanently.
- Right there.

There it is.

- You get something?
- Lower left quadrant at 400X.

It's definitely a fungus,
but not one I've ever seen before.

Which means that we have no idea
what it's capable of.

We need to bring Alan in on this.

Whoa. No, no. No, we talked about this.

- Alan Farragut?
- He's handled hundreds of investigations.

He's here?

- On the island?
- He's here.

Pretending to be one of the followers.

The last thing we need
is another variable.

- And Alan is just that.
- We need all the help we can get.

Not his kind of help.

We've got limited time to get a handle
on this, or a lot more people will die.

With Alan, at least we have a chance.

Okay. But let me
talk to him first. Alone.

- My eyes!
- What is it?

My eyes! Someone help me!

- My eyes!
- What's happening, brother?

Help me! It's burning!
Get me some water! Help me!

Calm down, brother.

What is it?

I told you, I will do what is necessary.

You need to trust me
to do what is right.

The decision is mine.

Stay out of sight.

I will decide what to do.

- Daniel, don't be so dramatic.
- You know I'm right.

- What are you waiting for?
- It's more complicated than that.

You said you'd do
what you had to do. It's time.

I do not want to discuss this now.

Go ahead. Tell him.

Tell me what?

You're choosing her?

Bringing you here is proof enough.

- You are my son.
- And she is our daughter.

We can make her understand.

She's a strong woman, but she'd burn
down the house to clean the stove.

We can make her see
there's another way.

Don't do this, Hiroshi.

She doesn't belong here.


I thought you'd never wake up.

What is this? Where are my clothes?

You look very pretty.

Are you ready?

You were right to come to me.

I can save you.
But first, meet your family.

What family? There's no one here.

Say hello to your mother
and brother.

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