Helix (2014–2015): Season 2, Episode 10 - Mother - full transcript

At the Abbey Sister Amy makes a bargain for immortality, while in the woods the race is on to find the Bleeding Tree now that Kyle is infected.

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I really wish you had come to me first.

Anne is prone to delusions.
You can't believe a word she says.


She told us the only way
to replicate your apples

is by grafting a special root-stock
you call Mother.

Be honest with me.

Why is Mother so important to you?

How many dead? Fifty?
A hundred?

It's nothing.

Ilaria believes
overpopulation is unsustainable.

And in three days, they plan to act.

I want to present
Michael's infertility grafting

as an alternative
to global genocide.

I can't do that without Mother.

- That's quite a story.
- It's the truth.

How much do you want for Mother?

I'm not interested in money.

I only want one thing.

To see the world
through silver eyes.

Like Michael and Dr. Jordan and you.

I noticed your contacts
the moment you arrived.

I can make you immortal.

If you can deliver the root.

Well, I must first ease concerns
among the Fellowship.

But we shall reconvene later,
in my office.

If you're lying, I'll make sure
the only world you see is pitch black.

We searched every inch. No red sap.

We'll do one last sweep
of the perimeter, move out.

And the boy, Soren?

Considering what he's been through,
he's doing okay.

Tell your men to keep him close.

He's the only one to have fully
recovered from the fungus.

His immunity might be the key to turning
the red sap treatment into an actual cure.

How's Dr. Summer holding up?

I'd say he has 48 hours, if that.

As soon as I get a sat signal,
we'll call for evac.

And the, uh, supplies I ordered?

Everything you need to take down
this disease is in my ship.

He'll have a better chance
at a real facility.

He won't have any chance
if we don't find that tree.

Dr. Kyle.

- Dr. Kyle.
- No. No.

- Soren. Soren.
- Don't do that.

Come here.

Look, Dr. Kyle's
not feeling very well right now.

Is he all right?

We're just being extra careful. All right?

I want you to stay away from him

until we can get him some of that...
That red sap.

But why not just bring him
to the Bleeding Tree?

I'm so sorry, Landry.

I have failed you just like the others.

I should have done more
to protect you.

And what could you
have possibly done?

I have to get back to my duties.

And what are those exactly?

Mother is missing, Amy.

I'm going to make sure she doesn't
fall into the wrong hands.

What the hell have we walked into?

An outbreak with no cure.

A cult with no leader.

Not to mention an episode
of Family Feud, sister-wives edition.

I offer Amy carte blanche,
what does she want? Immortality.

She's not stupid.

Worse. She's smart and certifiable.

You're not actually
gonna make her immortal?

It's impossible.

I've tried replicating the science.
Every time my simulations failed.

Last thing the world needs
is a forever Amy.

We'll get what we came for regardless.

Follow her.

See if there's anything
you can leverage.

Any kind of weakness.

- I'm gonna do some digging of my own.
- Julia.

- Be careful.
- You too.

I've looked everywhere.
Mother's not here.

You're angry. I can understand that.

Can you, Anne?
Because I've been searching all night,

and all I've got to show for it
is bags under my eyes.

What if Mother is lost or destroyed?

Then I'd say our deal is void.


Could you please give us a minute,

You're done, Peter.

No reward, nothing.

We're not finished searching yet.

Do you even have a plan?

Or are you going to comb the
entire abbey one room at a time?

I will find Mother.
You have my word.

The word of a traitor?

I'm a traitor?

You're a member of the Ilaria board.

Once a hypocrite...

You sold me out to the highest bidder.

Betrayed me to that monster
who slit my mother's throat.

Now I'm on the inside
trying to change their tactics.

How could I have been so wrong?

I threw away my marriage for you.

Deny all you want.

I loved you, Julia.

And I thought you were a good man
until I realized there's nothing inside.

You're hollow, Peter.

Words have meaning, Dr. Walker.

They carry weight.

Amy told me you were delusional,
not to trust anything you say.

Amy will say anything
to get what she wants.

Let me guess,
she told you she has Mother?

My daughter is a liar.


Only three people
were charged with Mother's care.

Michael, myself...

Who's the third?

My son, Landry.

Where's Mother, Landry?

I know you've hidden her.

You need to tell me
where she is.

Show me a sign.


I can feel you staring at me.

Like when we were kids,

Trying to get a peek
up my dress?

This is no time for games.

I need your help.

Tell me.

Where's Mother, Landry?

Just blink once
if you understand.

Wake up!

Wake up! You need to wake up!

You useless piece of shit!


I hope you've had time
to reflect on your careless actions.

I did everything that you asked me to.

- You promised to give me my child.
- You failed.

Look at him. He can't even talk.

And I need to talk to him.

I can't treat him
unless I can diagnose what's wrong.

And I can't do that
unless I have an EEG, or scan.

You're boring me. Just fix him.

It doesn't work like that.

Then I see no reason
for keeping you or your child alive.

You need us.
We're your only link to immortality.

Not anymore.

I happen to find the new immortal
much more interesting.

What new immortal?

Perhaps you know her. Julia Walker.

Just fix him.

Amy. Amy.

Landry was always willing
to go beyond what was required.

Let me go.

He was responsible
for Michael's protection.

His person
as well as his research.

Landry, no.

He knew Mother was essential.

I'm sure he has her
in a safe place.


What are you doing?


Hello, Sarah.


Damn you, Landry.

I know it's here somewhere.

Bad practice,
sneaking up on people.

You followed me first.

Those who give
must also be willing to take.

And those who make promises
must also be able to deliver.


Make me understand.

I only take orders
from Dr. Walker.

Shame to waste so much aggression
on someone who can't even feel it.

Do not talk about her that way.

You really care about her.

I bet you cared about all of them.

Each in their different way.

You know who I don't care about?


Unless you've got
the Mother root.

The Abbey is an extension of my being.

All I need to do is look deep enough
and I'll find her.

You lied to us.

Do you want me to find Mother or not?

Be a good boy, let me go look.

Wherever you go, I go.

Like a shadow.

For a moment, I thought you were him.

The way the light
would catch his hair.

But then I remembered...

Michael is gone.

Maybe he has the right idea.

Whatever prevents Michael from being here,
I assure you it's not to be envied.

Anything would be better than this.

I came here to lead an investigation.

And now I'm persona non grata
on my own team.

Change is inevitable.

What I don't understand

is why you allow
Dr. Walker to speak to you that way.

We all say things we don't mean.

We always say what we mean
at the time we say it.

Do you think she has a right
to judge you?

I broke up her marriage to my brother.

Or was the affair
merely a result of his failings?

No, I drove them apart.

I don't deserve their forgiveness.

You don't need their forgiveness.

You're a brilliant doctor. A great man.

You have no idea
what kind of man I am.

Hell, I'm not even sure
myself sometimes.

I see you, Peter.

I see what your path could be.

If only you could see it for yourself.

You don't know
how the outside world works.

Perhaps not.

But I know human nature.

Those who are meant to lead
are never satisfied to follow.

So, what's so important
about this root?

You're missing the point.

Mother is a means to an end.

It's not so much what Mother is
as why.

So tell me.

The truth can be unforgiving.
Are you certain?

Don't play games with me, Anne.

It's not a game.

It's very dangerous.

For both of us.

I've only got 72 hours until
Ilaria releases the new Narvik-C.

What could Ilaria
possibly have to gain?

They're not looking to profit
in the short term.

It's about restoring balance
for the future.

- The board believes...
- Do you hear yourself?

I'm doing everything in my power
to change this, Sarah.

Have you even considered the
implications of worldwide sterilization?

Infertility is a way
to temporarily depopulate.

- Just until resources are replenished.
- You think you know better.

But you don't have the right
to make that choice.

We're going to be on this planet
for centuries.

We have a responsibility
to do something.

You sound just like one of them.

- One of us.
- No, I'm not one of anything.

When Narvik is released, there
will be no stopping it this time.

Within a few weeks the CDC
as you know it won't exist.

Bodies will pile up in every major city.

You will lose everyone, Sarah.

Friends, family.

You've seen Narvik up close.

I know you care about stopping
this outbreak more than anything.

there's something I care about more.

Is Dr. Kyle gonna be okay?

I hope so, Soren.

Are we getting closer
to the red sap tree?

I think so.

I've only went a few times.

Just get us there.
I'll take care of Dr. Kyle.

All right.

What's that smell?

You smell that, Sommer?

I... I don't smell anything.
Stinks real bad.

Like you!

- Wh... What did you say?
- Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.

- Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.
- I don't stink.

- Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.
- Shut up.

Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.

- Shit.
- Just shut up!

- Shit.
- Shut up! Shut up! No. Shut up!

No. No. No.

Stop it. No.

I'm so sorry, Sarah. Are you okay?

I can't start thinking
about what happened to me.

It won't do him any good.

Now do you see?

I have to get him back.

He'll be frozen like that. Forever.

I'm his mother, Julia.
I'll find a way for him to grow.

I hope you do. What about the father.
Does he know about all of this?

Yeah. Alan knows.



Where is he now?

- He's out there looking for the cure.
- Oh.

- Same old Alan.
- Yeah.


- What?
- Look. Right there.

Oh, my God, it's leaking.
Where's the crack? I don't see it.

It's hard to tell.

This equipment is ancient.

Oh, my God, he's gonna die.

Not if we can figure out a way
to give Amy what she wants.

With what? Look at where we are.

- The lab's outdated, but we'll make do.
- It's impossible.

- Then who better the us to figure it out?
- Us?

We're both desperate
and running out of time.

You want your baby
and I want Mother.

Either we can fail alone or we can both
get what we want by working together.

All right, ladies and gentlemen.

Five whole minutes, use them well.

We got one hour of daylight left, so we'll
be moving the search to higher ground.

That'll give us a chance
at picking up a sat signal.

Dr. Kyle, you hungry?

The flavor's oatmeal.

Come on, eat some.
It's good.

Eat it. Come on, Stinky Sommer. Eat it.

Don't call me that.

Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.

You smell that? Smells like shit.

Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.

Eats his way out bit by bit.

Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.

- Eats his way out bit by bit.
- Ha, ha, ha, ha!

Stinky Sommer rolls in shit.

No. No. No, don't do it.

- Kyle. Kyle. Kyle. Kyle.
- No.

Kyle. Kyle, what you're seeing isn't real,
all right?

Can you hear me?

Quick, grab him.

Take it easy, doc.

It's all right, Soren.

We need to get to that high ground.

Where are you taking me, Anne?

Just a little farther.


Do you need a moment?


The boneyard out in the woods.

All those skulls without teeth.

The vessel must be prepared
to receive the offering.


- You're talking about human beings?
- All will become clear, Peter.

But in order to hear the truth,
you first must speak your own truth.



Found something.

Take a guess.

I'm not playing games.

Come on.

Aren't you even a little curious?


You're hurting me.

You try that again
and I will slice your pretty little throat.

Okay. On to the next.

We got signal!

We got comm!


Manitou, this is Humphries.

Manitou, switch and answer 3-1, over.

Manitou, this is Humphries.

Switch and answer 3-1, over.

This is Coast Guard cutter Manitou.

We are overrun!
Repeat, we are overrun!

Manitou, this is Winger.
I need a sitrep.

I need a sitrep.
Everyone 's sick.

We can't...

We can't hold them.

They're gonna kill us all! No!

Manitou, this is Winger.

Manitou? Do you copy?

We all sound the same under water.

We all sound the same under water.

We all sound the same...

- How is this disease spreading so fast?
- Any number of ways.

Island-hopping, my cutter...
Is it airborne?

- Screw this!
- And the Manitou?

- We gotta get to the ship.
- Stow it, lieutenant.

We were given orders
to evac the CDC,

not follow some one-eyed kid
to a magic tree.

That kid might be the key
to saving all our lives.

And there is no ship.

Not anymore. They're all dead.

Dr. Farragut is right.
We need to regroup and find that tree.

Hey. Hey, Soren.


You still got that PowerBar?


Oh, yeah.


That's delicious.

But now I'm thirsty.

Can you bring me my pack?

I better ask Commander Winger first.

She's real busy. Too busy for us.

Come on, it's just a drink of water.

Hey, but maybe you're getting better
like I did.

You sound like the old Dr. Kyle.

- Do I?
- Yeah.

So if the old Dr. Kyle

asked for just one of his hands free
so he could drink his own water...?




There you go.

Help! Help, please! Help me!

Get him! Go, go, go!

Help, please!

The immortality gene
is the same in all of us.

So why did the CSF transfer work
from me to you, and not you to Landry?

I thought my spinal fluid was different
from yours, but it's not.

What if it wasn't the difference
in the cells

but the timing of the transfer?

There's a study out of Berkeley

linking embryonic cells
to breakthroughs in regeneration.

Right, how stem cells specialize
over time

to create various tissues
in the body.

When I got your fluid, you had
only been an immortal for a few days.

Your cells had yet to specify
the RNA chains.

And once immortal DNA
is transcribed into RNA...

- Those mature cells are nontransferable.
- Yes.

That's why it failed. You
weren't a brand-new immortal.

If we could figure out
how to reverse the specificity...

We could give Amy immortality.

You know, you really are
being wasted at the CDC.

You should be running your own lab.
Unlimited funding.

Cutting-edge equipment.
Gloves off.

- Ilaria?
- Why not?

There's not enough funding
in the world.


What the hell is this?

I'm going to ask you a question, Peter.

It's important that you answer honestly.

No more lies.

Do we have to do this in the dark?

There can be no distractions.

Now, tell me...

what do you want?

I want you to turn on the light, Anne.

What do you want?


Look, you'll have to give
me a little more than that.

One word.

The one thing you want above all else.

I want to be happy.

I want to be fulfilled.

I don't know, Anne.
I want a goddamn golden toilet.

You're lying.

If you're not ready to face your truth...

No, no.

No, I'm ready.


I want...


I want you to think, Peter.

When was the time
you felt the most respected?

I don't know.

When I was made team leader
at the CDC.

You're lying again.
That's someone else's work.

- What is your truth?
- I don't know.

I'm not lying.

- I'm not lying to you.
- Worse.

You're lying to yourself. Think.

When did you feel the most respected?

I told you, when I...

Remember a time
when you had what you wanted.

When you felt complete.
When you weren't hiding or lying.

When you were yourself.

- I can't.
- You can.

Stop hiding. Accept your truth.

When I was sick...

with Narvik...

they all came to me.

I didn't have to say a word.

And they all listened to me.

Where are we going?

One of Landry's old hiding spots.

We use to play here
when we were children.

That's hard to imagine.

What? That we were allowed
to play up here?

No. That you were ever a little kid.

What's taking Balleseros so long?

Don't worry. He may get sidetracked,
but he'll come through.

It's not like we have anything
to give to Amy anyway.

We're running out of time,
and she's gonna kill my son.

Let me talk to her. Alone.

No. No.
You're too emotionally invested.

You wanted to do this together,
so I'm coming with you.

Amy will see you now.

And who are you?

That's the bitch that stabbed me.

There they are!

Stand down. Stand down!

Copy that. Stand down.
Secure your weapons.

Dr. Sommer! Let the boy go.

Why do you hate me? Why?

I don't hate you. I don't.


- Let me try to talk to him.
- Too risky.

- If you go in there, we'll lose both.
- I won't let you hurt me anymore.

- I won't let you hurt anyone!
- Please, don't.

At some point

you must decide
what kind of man you want to be.

One who fears.

Or one who inspires fear.

Which man are you, Peter?

Are you ready to lead?

Now I can finally share
my truth with you.

What is this?

Some kind of experiment?

I was an experiment...

as were Amy and Agnes and all
those who came before us.

I was one in a long line of failures.

It was Michael's dream to breed
an immortal companion.

What you see are those
who refused his call.

They were brought here,

stripped of all non-essentials...

Like teeth?


We didn't want them to chew
their feeding tubes.

They became pure vessels.

And once they bore
Michael a child,

he would end their path.



The Fellowship.

It's not about propagating family.

It's about control. Respect.

True leaders will make you believe
that their ideas are your own.

That their way...

is the only way.

It may not feel like it...

but you always have choices.

When we were young,

we believed everything
everybody told us,

even those who hurt us.

But someone hurt them too.

And it's not true
that you have to hurt others first

- to survive.
- Please.

- There is another way.
- There is no other way.

Why can't I make them like me?


They're afraid...

that you will discover the truth:

That no matter
what they've done...

you still decide
what happens next.

- Don't make the mistake I did.
- Please.

Don't hold on to the past...

become the thing you hate.

Show them they have no power.


Walk away.

How do I know
they won't follow me?

You don't.



There it is.

The tree.

Only you can decide your path.


Or follower?

Leaders don't have to say a word

and everyone listens.

Will you lead, Peter?

Will you choose who lives?

I'm not seeing
any happy, smiling faces.

I kept up my end of the bargain.

And we have a plan
to keep up ours.

- A promising new theory.
- I don't care about your theories.

- You know what I want.
- Doesn't happen overnight.

We need more time.


And yet it worked
for the two of you.

- I'm not stupid.
- Evidence to the contrary.

I guess you won't need this.

- No! Wait! Stop!
- Say goodbye to your son!


You don't want to do that.

- And why not?
- Because that baby is the key

to giving you immortality.


The child's DNA
has been frozen in time.

Genes normally pass genetic traits
onto offspring,

but in this case,
we can engineer the reverse.

Julia, what are you talking about?

How does it work?
Another spinal thing?


We'll have to implant the baby
into your uterus.

No. No! No! No, you can't!

No, Julia, you liar!

No, you can't!
That's my baby! You liar!

- I'm going to be a mother?
- No! No!

No! Julia... What are you doing?

No! No, you can't!

No! No!

Ripped By mstoll