Heartland (2007–…): Season 12, Episode 9 - Long Road Back - full transcript

Amy and Ty work together to treat a doped racehorse, but when it turns into a race against the clock Amy looks to an unexpected source for help.

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Previoulsy on Heartland...

Did you pump Star full of painkillers

- so she could run that race?
- What? No.

We ran bloodwork, Laura.

We know.

What matters is the franchise is sold,

and Georgie can go to Europe.

Is that why you sold
your shares in Maggie's?

It's Georgie's dream,
so it will all be worth it.

Garland Foods would like
to increase our order.

I think we should tell
Fred we can't do it.

Why, what are you talking about?

We'll discuss it more
when Tim gets back.

Come on, let's go, honey.
We can still make it.

No. We can't.

It's over.

- Star is racing today.
- What?

She's gonna be so doped she
won't even feel her leg,

she's gonna break it!

What is Laura thinking?
Ty, we've gotta stop her!

One more win,
that's all I'm asking, okay?

Just like last week.

Will the horses for Race Six

please head to the paddock. Race Six.


That's us.

You can do this, Star.

Let's check the stables first.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

- That's her stall.
- Where's Shooting Star?

- The chestnut filly?
- Yeah, from Fairfield.

- Her race got called.
- Oh, dammit!

Laura! Where is she?

Warming up.

You're never gonna get
by the drug testing.

Well, we did last week.

And I am sure we'll be
under the threshold again.

with the amount of bute that you pumped

into her system, it's not likely.

There's no bute in her system.

either way she can't run on that leg.

So we're gonna pull her
from the race right now.

Actually, I'm in charge at Fairfield.

Of all the horses,
and that includes Star.

And I decided she's good to go.

Will the horses for Race Six

please move to the starting gate.


you're too late.

You're putting Star's life in danger.

- What's wrong with you?
- I'm gonna get her myself.

Hey Ty, what's going on?

There's an injured horse out there.

- Which one?
- Shooting Star.

She seemed fine in the paddock.

Well, she's not, okay?

She has a stress fracture
in her left fetlock.

You've gotta trust me.


The race is about to start.

I'm gonna take your word for it.

- I'm sorry, she's out.
- What?!

We have a scratch in Race Six.

Please bring Shooting
Star back to the paddock.

Well, I hope you're happy.

Pulling that horse just put
Fairfield in serious jeopardy.

Along with both your reputations.

I don't care who you
tell your crazy lies to.

- Star's coming with us.
- No, she's not.

I'm taking her back to Fairfield.

You've done something,
so if it's not bute,

then what is it?

It's nothing. She's gonna be fine.

You don't honestly believe that, do you?

You know what,
you don't want to see the lengths

we'll go to, to protect her!

I'll give her to you.

- What happened?
- I'm so sorry.

I was at a concert last night
and this is gonna sound crazy,

but... I got stuck in this parkade.

- What?
- It's a long story.

I don't wanna bore you, but I know...

I know I shouldn't have been out
the night before a horse show.

I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised.

I thought you were taking this chance

to go to Europe more seriously.

But it is what it is.

We'll try again for the camp next year.

Wait! Wait! I...

we've been busting our butts
to qualify for this year.

That was the plan.

Slim chance now that
you didn't show today.

I'll wait for the updated
points to get posted,

but... it doesn't look good.

Thank God you got there in time.
How's she doing?

Well, she's pretty calm right now,

but that'll change once
the painkillers wear off.

She's gonna start to feel
that injury in a big way.

Well, you're gonna be on your own,

I have to bring the grass cows home.

Oh, that's right,
you're pushing the herd tomorrow,

Jack, I'm sorry, I forgot.
I said I'd help you, but...

No, it's fine. It's fine,

you need to stay here
and deal with Star.

Tim, Mitch, and I, we can handle it.

Grandpa, have you told Lisa yet?

No. No, I haven't.

I just didn't wanna stress
her out while she's away.

But she does need to know
what's going on with her horse,

and about that manager over there.

So I'll talk to her before
I head out in the morning.


All right,
I wanna do another blood test.

Come on, Star.

It's Kim.

Hi, are the results in yet?

Really? Well, that's great.

I mean, it's not perfect but at
least there's a chance, right?

Okay. Yeah.

Okay, I'll see you first
thing in the morning, then.

Okay, thank you. Bye.

- That sounded promising.
- I can still qualify.

Wow. Fantastic.

Yeah, but I need to win
the Rocky Mountain Classic.

In two days.

And I need to get first
place and nothing but.

- Oh.
- It's okay.

If that's what I have to do,
then that's...

- that's what I'll do.
- Hey!

Your lunch.

I need to get a run in. I'll eat later.

- I'm done too.
- All right.

Wow, first place, huh?

- No pressure there.
- Yeah, no kidding.

So what I'm hearing
is that you might possibly,

maybe want to meet our
request for more beef?

No, we do, we both very much do.

We're just figuring out the best way

to handle it right now.

Well, where does Jack stand on all this?


That's what I thought.

Now, looks like I'm gonna have to start

looking at other ranchers.

- No, we just need some time.
- You've got three days.

Top you up?

Oh, thanks, honey.

Fred, have you met my daughter, Lou?

No, uh, I haven't had the pleasure.

I'm Fred Garland.

Oh, you own Garland Foods.

I hear you have great taste in beef.

Funny. She's a businessperson too,
she owns this place,

and a bunch of franchises

that'll be popping up everywhere.

She's got one in New York already.

A real knack for business, just...

I don't know,
probably Takes after her Dad.

Ooh, I gotta take that.


Jack. Yeah?

No, we're just-we're just...
I'm just uh,

organizing some things last minute.

Fred, um, why the three-day deadline?


I have to secure my meat supply, Mitch.

You can understand that.

Okay, we should uh, we should get going.

We've got a big day tomorrow.
Fred, we'll be in touch.

- All right.
- Look, I'd like to really make a deal

with you guys, but...
the clock's ticking.

Yeah, no, we understand.

- Bye, hon.
- Bye, Dad.

Ah, hello.

What did-what did Jack want?

He knows we're talking to Garland,

Just relax, he just let me know

- that Ty can't make it tomorrow.
- Okay.

- I-I don't like this.
- No big deal.

I don't like sneaking
around behind Jack's back.

Whatever. We wouldn't have to
if he wasn't being so stubborn.

We're on the verge of losing out!

I know! I... I know.

We have to tell him tomorrow
on the cattle drive,

- and get him on board.
- I'm just gonna make him see

that he has to take a back
seat on certain things.

He's not the only one who knows
how to make a deal around here.

I'll get the old man to come around.

Yeah well, what if you can't?

Well then, he's outvoted.

I'm impressed.

I can show you how to do it,
if you like.

No, no, I meant how you
brought this diner concept

- to New York.
- How'd you know about that?

As a businessman I keep
my ear to the ground

for any cool entrepreneurial
success stories.

- My dad told you, didn't he?
- Argh! Busted.

Do you have a hand in your
family's cattle operation?

Oh! No.

There are enough cooks
in that kitchen already.

Ah, well, I am relieved to hear that.

- Oh yeah?
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

I-I mean,
I make it a firm rule not to date anyone

I'm in business with.


That was my clumsy
segue to asking you out.


I didn't mean to put you on the spot.


Call me sometime if
you'd like to meet up.


She's in pain, Ty.

Yeah. Yeah, easy now, easy.

I know.

It's really kicking in now.

I can't believe she actually
ran on that leg a week ago.

Do you remember at the track Laura said

there was no bute in her system?

- Yeah.
- She was right;

my blood test proved it.

But she was still numb to the pain,

so something's goin' on.

I'm thinking Laura gave
her something else,

maybe something undetectable, or...

it's hard to say.

Jack, have you talked to Lisa yet?

No. No, I tried last night
and again this morning,

but I did leave a message for
her to call you guys asap.

You're gonna have to fill
her in on what's going on.

Now, if she does call,

tell her that I do know about Star,


and I'm here if she wants to talk.

See ya.


You want some of this?

That's it, Georgie,

stay nice and relaxed.

That's it!

- Ease up.
- Ah!

Nice job.

Bring it in.

All right,
I think that's enough for today.

No. I need to go again.

There's no room for error tomorrow.

You seem pretty worn out,
I think a little bit of rest

will be better for you.

- I can do that after the show.
- Georgie, rest is just...

No, I wanna go to the camp!

I need to! Okay?

You know my Mom,
she even sold off part of her business

so we can afford this.

We're doing this.


Fine. Let's go again.



Hey! I just wanted to check in

before we head on this cattle drive,

just to let you know the
horses at the Dude Ranch,

they're good for the next couple days.

Okay, great. Hey, why were
you guys talking to Garland

without Grandpa there?

Oh that, um...
that was a preliminary meeting.

We're gonna fill Jack in...



You know, speaking of Garland, I just,

I-I saw that he was chatting you up.

Yeah, he was, actually.

- He asked me out on a date.
- Really?

Yeah. I don't know if it's a good idea,

I mean, he's not really my type.

- What do you think?
- Uh...

I mean, look at you and Maya.

Complete opposites.
Totally unsuited to each other.

You said so yourself, and...

look at you now.


Yeah, I guess you never really know.

How are the wedding plans coming?

Good. Yeah, they're- they're great.

I think, I guess, I don't know,
Maya's the one doing it, so...


I-I should get going,
Tim's gonna want to head out soon.

- Okay.
- Bye.

Come on!

Keep moving you guys, let's go!

Jack, hold up, hold up.

Hey! Let's go, come on!

Listen, why don't you let
me TB this thing, okay?

- Pardon me?
- T-Bossing.

Trail bossing.
You're usually the trail boss.

Sometimes, you know,
you've gotta take a step back,

- let a younger guy step in.
- Oh, I do, do I?

Well, I got some ideas, Jack.

- It'll save us some time.
- Since when is this a race?

I'm just saying, come on.

You like to be out
here in the fresh air,

working the herd, and I'm a busy guy.

I'm not into this as
a leisurely activity.

- Fine.
- Right? Really?

Oh, you think you can do a better job,
you be my guest.

All right.

All right then.

How's Star doing?

she's still really favouring that leg.

I really hope she can
come back from this.

Me too.

Star should've never raced last week.

This is exactly the
thing that can happen

when a horse isn't sound.

Hey, lunch is almost ready. Tuna melts.

What's with the face?
You love my tuna melts.

I just,
I just don't really feel like it today.

Well, I'm gonna head into town,

you wanna do a burger instead?

I'm-I'm really just not that hungry.

You know what I can,
I can have one of these

yogurt drinks instead.

you should probably have some real food.

Yeah, you've been burning a
lot of calories these days.

Can you guys please not
tell me what to eat?

I'm under a lot of stress, okay,

and I've got a life-changing
competition tomorrow, so...

I'm sorry if I don't
have much of an appetite!

Come on, Star, just...

try a little bit.

I have been trying to
get in touch with Ty.

Why hasn't Star been
returned to Fairfield yet?

Because we're busy treating her.

She's in pretty bad shape,
thanks to you.


- What are you doing here?
- I came to get Star.

Star's staying here.

I just got the bloodwork back.

It's not good. Acute renal failure.

Is that's why she's not eating?


What else did you do to get
her to stop feeling the pain?

What? Nothing.

I need to help her, Laura.

She was running the race
on a really bad injury.

How is that possible?

It had to be more than bute,
what did you do?

It was just the bute, I swear.

Okay, whatever.

Can you leave so we can
get our work done, please?!


Is Star's life in danger?

Let's just get this IV hooked up.

- Quickly.
- Okay.

You're okay. You're okay.


You are kind of a
better drawer than I am.

This is now the biggest
flower in the world.


Hey, oh wow, a little dressed
up for Maggie's, aren't you?

I'm actually meeting someone for coffee.

Coffee, huh? You mean a date?

Hey, you have marker on your cheek,
go wash it off.

- Okay.
- Have fun with your Dad.

Well, it's coffee with a guy,

kinda like how you went
for dinner with Jen,

yeah, I guess you could call it a date.

You like how I turned
that around on you there?


Enjoy your coffee.


Come on, Jack, push up that drag.

Pick it up back there!
Don't let 'em eat!

- I got this.
- Okay.

There's a new sheriff in town!

This is delicious.

Yeah, we make a pretty mean espresso.

Well, it's definitely not your typical

small town diner cup of Joe.

You know, you bring a real
touch of class to that place.

- Oh, I don't know about that.
- No, don't be modest.

There's obviously something special

- about the Lou Fleming brand.
- Thank you.

And you're just scratching the surface

of what you can achieve
in the business world.

As a matter of fact,
I'd love to pick your brain a little

on what I could do to revamp

the whole grocery stores'
image a little.

Sure, love to help.

Revamping is part of my brand.

Great, shall we?


Well, you could start by
redesigning your logo.

I think we should add some
devil's claw to her feed.

It'll help reduce the inflammation.

Uh yeah, that might help.

And I wanna call Cassandra and make sure

that can come out and
do some acupuncture.

Sure, yeah, that couldn't hurt, either.

Why are you saying it like that?

Uh, like what?

I don't know,
you just sound dismissive or something.

No Amy, you know that I think
all that stuff is important.

Wait, all of that "stuff"?

she's been so hooked on painkillers,

and who knows what else,
it's just hard to imagine

that any of that will make a difference.

Well, you know what,
I think we should at least try.

I'm sorry Amy,
but anything you do won't matter

- if her kidneys fail, okay, so...
- Ty, it's okay,

I've got Lyndy.

And I think you should put in uh,
juice and smoothie bars

with your organic ingredients.

People can sip on a healthy
drink while they shop.

That's a nice touch. I like that.

Yeah. But um...

- enough business talk.
- All right, fine.

I guess I got my fill of free advice.

So... what do you want to talk about?

I don't know, um...

read any good books lately?

Yeah, I just finished a great one,

It's called, "Grocery".

- Seriously?
- Yeah, it's a best-seller.

It's about our evolving
relationship with food,

and the changing face
of the grocery store

- on our cultural landscape.
- Oh that sounds... interesting.

- What else do you like to do?
- I love to travel.

Oh, me too.

I thinking about visiting my daughter

in Europe this winter, maybe.

Have you ever been?

No, I-I haven't.

But the whole grocery store concept

- is so different over there.
- Right,

but what does that have to
do with taking a vacation?

I-I like to go on working holidays.

- Road trips from town to town.
- Mhmm...

You know, across Canada and the U.S.

Let me guess,
checking out all the grocery stores?

Oh yeah, but you'd be amazed
at how much I've learned,

- and even borrowed.
- Hmm.

There was this one time
I was in Des Moines,

and I found this little
Mom and Pop operation.

- Or so I thought.
- Yeah?

Their refrigeration system,
it-it blew me away.

I bet.

You got it? Thanks.

So, I heard a rumour.


About a wedding.

I guess you guys could say that I uh,

have some news.

and you're gonna think this is crazy,

we really haven't been dating that long.

But Maya and I are getting married.

That is crazy. What was she thinking?

- Congratulations.
- Thank you, Jack.

You know,
and now we're all sitting around here,

I think it's a great time
to talk about the business.

I'm game,
as long as it has nothing to do

with expanding the herd.

Actually, we had a little uh,

we had talk with old
man McMillan next door.

He's kind of open to the idea
of us taking on his herd.

Yeah, and Jack,
that way we can actually meet

Garland's demand for more beef.

Well, thanks for keeping me in the loop.

Oh, don't get your nose out of joint.

Come on, we explored the options

before we brought anything back to you.

You know, you haven't exactly
been open to the idea.

I just don't want to sell cattle

that we haven't raised ourselves.

Well, that could take a long time, Jack!

Yeah, and we don't have any time,

Garland gave us three days.

Wait a second.

You two talked to Garland without me?

Well, isn't that just dandy.

He'll be fine.

Hey, hey, it's the big day,
breakfast is on the table.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

No you're not, you're shaking.

I'm fine, I'm just... I'm just nervous.


I need to go take a shower.

- Oh...
- Hey!

Good morning, you.

Hey, well,
she looks a lot more comfortable.

- Yeah.
- Fluids seems to be working.

I also had Cassandra come
over and do some acupuncture.

And I know you didn't think
it was important, but...

That's not what I meant, Amy.

I was just more focused
on treating her kidneys,

that's all.

I just think that all of
these things factor in.

I know, and I didn't mean to downplay

any of your suggestions, I was just...

I was exhausted, and it came out wrong.

Well, I've been pretty tired, too.

Maybe I was a little over-sensitive.

Just a little?


I put some devil's claw in her feed...

but it's not gonna do much
good if she's not eating.

No, it's not.

It's not a good sign that she's
not eating anything at all.

Hey, I am so sorry I can't come watch.

But we're right in the thick of it,

and someone has to be
here for Katie and Lyndy.

It's okay, I totally get it.

You're gonna be great, just have fun.


Is she okay?

I've seen her nervous,
but never like this.

I'm worried.

You know what,
Ty can hold down the fort here.

- I'm gonna come with you guys.
- Thank you.

That's a nice finish,

should make up for a couple
of faults in the early going.

Pretty good run.

All right. You ready?

Don't doubt yourself.

Yeah, I can see it in your eyes.

I want you to put those
thoughts out of your head now.

Because you have as
much potential as anyone

I've ever coached.

You can do this, Georgie.

I want you to go out there,
kick some butt,

and have fun doing it.


Next up,
the last rider of the day,

we have Georgie Fleming-Morris
on Phoenix Rising.

Let's go!
Come on, Georgie!

55 seconds.

And that's your fastest time of the day,

Put your hands together
for your winners,

Georgie Fleming-Morris,
and Phoenix Rising!

She's going to Europe!

She's going to Europe! Oh my God!

Way to go, that was amazing.

I don't feel so well.

Georgie, what is it?

Georgie! Georgie, hey! Are you okay?

- Please give us some space.
- I am her mother.

- What happened here?
- She passed out.

But her pulse is strong,
and she's getting some color.

Is she gonna be okay?
Is there anything we can do?

Uh, just give her a moment
to get her bearings.

I suggest she go to the ER,
just to be safe.


Hey, come on,
let's pick up the pace, huh?

What are you talking about? Settle down!

We're making pretty good time.

Well, we can do better, okay?

- I... we're gonna head west.
- What?!

I know, it's not our usual route,

but we're gonna save a chunk of time.

You know where you are, don't you?

If we head west, we're gonna run 'em

right into the Thorn River!
It's like a stream right now.

it's shallow this time of year.

I wouldn't be so sure.

Did you get Georgie to bed?

Yeah, she's resting.

Can you believe what the doctor said?

Physical and emotional exhaustion.

God, I feel awful about this!

Yeah, but it's not your fault, Lou.

It is Amy, I should've seen it coming.

I mean, all the signs are there,

She's been under an
enormous amount of pressure,

she's hardly been eating,
she hasn't been herself.

How did I miss all the signs?

The one thing I'm sure
of is it all started

with this new coach.

Anyway, Peter's waiting for me.

We're gonna go have a chat with Kim.

Thank you for your text,
I'm so glad she's okay.

No, she's not okay, Kim.
None of this is okay.

Her body just shut down

because of all the
stress she's been under.

Do you have any idea how
hard she's been working

- to live up to your standards?
- My standards?

Yeah, she puts you up on a pedestal.

She thinks if she does
everything you tell her

then she'll win, and she'll get
to go to this camp in Europe.

Exactly. And look what it's done to her!

Like any of my riders,

I have given her the tools
to compete at this level.

I agree she has been under a
tremendous amount of pressure.

But it hasn't been coming from me.

She's been putting it on herself.

- So this is all on Georgie?
- Not entirely.

Georgie told me that you
sold off your business

so that she could afford this camp.

She really didn't wanna let you down.


Excuse me.

Why would Georgie think
that I sold Maggie's

so she can go to Europe?

I don't-I have no idea.

Oh my God,
I completely dropped the ball on this.

No, we both did. Hey.

You know, here I thought my big windfall

was gonna be the answer to
all of Georgie's dreams.

I should've realized
the amount of pressure

that would put on her!

God, she's just a kid!

Hey. Lou, this is not your fault.

Georgie got carried away with all this.

What we have to do right now

is help her get healthy again.


Yeah. You're right.

We can do this.

Come here.

We can do this.

It's gonna be fine.

It's okay, it's okay.

You're a good girl.

Good girl.

Look, before you say anything,

I-I know what I did was wrong.

I never meant to hurt Star.

But you cannot cut me out like this!

Well you're not going anywhere near her.

You're the reason she's
fighting for her life

in the first place.


You have to let me see her.

Tell her that she's gonna be okay.


Ty, I think maybe...
maybe she could help us.


We've been trying to get her to eat.


Hey, Star.

How are you? Ohh...

Come on, you wanna try?

Try, try.

Yeah. Yeah!

It's good, right?

I think she ate some.

Just a little bit.

Try some more.


Mom? Dad?

Hey, it's Wyatt,
I'll get back to you soon.


Hey, Wyatt.

Um, it's Georgie.

Would you be able to give me a call?


It's not what you thought, is it?

What do you mean?

Too deep, and it's moving too fast.

We gotta turn 'em around.

No, we'll just get the leaders to cross,

the others will follow.

You just keep 'em forward.

Hup! Hup! Let's go!

Come on! Get! Hey!

Come on! Hoo!

Come on! Hoo! Let's go!

Get 'em, boys, cut him off!

Get up that flank, Tim,
circle him around!

I'm on it! Come on!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Well, that was intense.

We shouldn'tve tried that crossing.

Well, it wasn't supposed to be so deep.

Yeah well,
I don't care what you thought,

- we're changing course.
- Who says?

I say!

Well, what you say isn't always right,

Not about our herd,
not about the business.

You know, this whole deal
with Garland is gonna go south

because you're messing it up,

and then what are Mitch
and I supposed to do, huh?

Sit around and watch?!

We're pushing 'em back north,
and we're doing it right now!

I'm sorry... for everything.

You have nothing to apologize for.

We feel really badly
about all the pressure

that you've been under.

And we also realize that you know,

we've been a part of that.

We're so proud of you.

The way you've worked at this.

But what's most
important is your health.

You know, it's our job to keep you safe.

And we're glad that you won,

but is this European camp

really what's best for you right now?

You don't think I should go?

No, we'll support you
in whatever you decide.

We wanna make sure that
you're going for you,

not for us, and not for me.

Georgie, I didn't sell my
shares in Maggie's New York

to send you to this camp in Europe.

I sold it for a lot of reasons,

and the biggest one was to be
home more with you and Katie.

So I'm glad that I can help with Europe,

but at the end of the day,
it's your choice.

There you go.

Good girl.

I got the results from the
blood I took this morning.

She's rebounding.

So her kidneys are okay?

Yeah, it's looking good.

I will take a bit of time, though.

That's such a relief.

You know, Laura,
I think we can handle it from here.



No, he's uh...

he's right,

I should go.


You know, Laura actually did help Star.

Laura's the only reason
that Star needed any help

in the first place.

Yeah, but she doesn't know that.

Star just took comfort in
someone that was familiar.

It's okay.

Well, looks like we took
a shortcut after all, huh?

Yeah, just not the one you thought.

Yeah, you'll never let me forget it.

Yeah, I'll tell you what.

I won't bring it up,
if you don't go trying to...

take my job as trail boss again.

Huh. Maybe not 'til next year.

Come on, there you go!

I knew in my gut it was a mistake.

Yeah, okay, I screwed up, big deal.

I'm not talking about the cattle drive,

I'm talking about Garland,
and expanding the herd.

No, I made a decision.

We're not doing it.

You made a decision? About our herd?

I don't wanna jeopardize the
quality of our beef, Tim.

And things tend to go wrong
when you take shortcuts,

and now I am talking
about the cattle drive.

It's a partnership, Jack.

Mitch and I wanna grow the business,

- you're outnumbered.
- Actually...

I think Jack makes a pretty good point.

I-I think we should all just
think about this together.

Garland's not gonna wait, you heard him.

He wants our beef,
so maybe he's bluffing.

I just, I think we all

have to be on the same
page for this thing.


That's great.

So you're afraid to go big,

and now you've rubbed off on him.

Come on.

I just came to say goodbye to Star.

Why goodbye?

I've sent in my
resignation letter to Lisa.

So you think we're just
gonna let you move on

- to another stable?
- No, of course not.


I'm taking some time
away from this whole...

racing racket for a little while.

I got into this because I-I love horses.

It's just somewhere along the way...

I screwed up.

I-I don't want you to worry
about any of those things

that I said, I'm not going
to throw you under the bus.

I know how much you must hate me.

But I really,
I feel horrible about this.

Can I please, can I go in and see her?

Hold on a sec, just... Laura.

I wanna know what you did, okay?

What else did you give Star?

- I already told you.
- Come on.

No BS, all right?

Tell me.


Um... I gave her the bute
just to numb the pain

in training, or after a race.

But I knew it would show
up on the doping tests

if I administered it
too close to a race.

So... I also used a healing method.

- Shockwave therapy.
- Are you kidding me?!

Shockwave therapy?
That's illegal, Laura!

Sending shockwaves through the horses'

with little probes,
that's not a healing method!

That's dangerous!

You need to leave!

Right now.



Oh hey, how'd it go?

It was uh, it was interesting.

Can I uh,
can I talk to you for a second?

Sure, yeah. What about?


And the whole-the date
thing you asked me about.

I don't think it's a very good idea.

Just because we're in
business together and all.

Oh, well...

- I already did.
- Wow, so how...

how did... how did it go?

Good, yeah, it was...
It was pretty good, actually.

He's very passionate...

about his stores.

- Hey.
- Hey.

We are gonna go make my mother's famous

- chicken noodle soup.
- Oh yes!

Good idea, let's do this!

All ready to go?

I filled it up with water.

- Wow!
- All right.

Get a pot! Get a pot!

Yeah, I've got one right here!

- All these carrots?
- Some of them.

Your Mom's bugging me already.

- How many onions do you have?
- One.


- Hey.
- Hey.

I thought we could all
use a little fresh air.


It's true,
and Star's looking a lot better.

Yeah, she's gettin' there.
She still has a ways to go.

Yeah, I get that.

I'm sorry I've been a
bit of a disaster lately.

A bit?

It's good to see you smile again.
