Heartbreak High (1994–1999): Season 1, Episode 15 - Heartbreak High - full transcript

Rose and Jack's friends try to get them together before the school dance. Yola and Southgate are locked in a storage cupboard. Rivers gets Rose drunk while Con arranges for Jodie to perform at the dance but Nick has to pay the price. George invites Stella to move in.

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Morning, Bill.

What the hell
are you doing here so early?

I've got a big prac exercise
on this morning.

I thought I'd come
in early to prepare for it.

What are you doing here?

Your eyes are red.
You really look shocking.

Gee, thanks.

Drop a couple of these
in your eyes, okay?

It'll make you feel much better,
they work for me.

Thank you.

You okay?

-I'm fine.
-Are you sure?

-I'm fine.
-Are you sure, sure?

I'm fine!

Okay. Well, you know, we can't sit here
chatting all day, can we?

Effie, get dressed!

Where's my uniform?

Okay. How long before Stella gets here?

Is that what's burning?

No, that's the toast.

Nick, get your lazy bum
out of bed and help me!

Yeah. All right. I'm coming.

Come in. It's open.

-You're late.
-I know. I'm sorry.

-It's okay.

Hello, darling.


Why do you have your suitcases?

Never you mind.
Why aren't you dressed for school?

Daddy hasn't finished
ironing my uniform yet.

Hey, that's-- that's my job.

-No. I can do it.
-Go on. You go and get breakfast ready.

-Go on.
-All right.

Now, get your hair brushed,
start brushing your hair

and I'll be in in a minute.


Hey, Stella.
-Good morning.

What's with the suitcases over here?

-What suitcases?
-These suitcases.

Well, what's going on?
Is something wrong?

Yeah. I had a fight with my landlord.

What about?

Well, it doesn't matter, I've left.

What? Don't tell me the old sleaze
put the hard word on you, did he?

You know, I reckon someone needs
to put this guy in his place.

No, Nick. That won't be necessary.

He'll be walking funny for a while though.

That'll teach him.

Where are you gonna go?

Well, there are plenty of flats available.

I was wondering if I could leave
my stuff here while I look for a place.

-Of course.
-No, no.

Hey, come on.
You got to stay here with us.

-Well, I couldn't.
-You have to.

Dad, that's cool, isn't it?

Sure. It's cool.

-Is that all right?
-Stella, you have to.

Okay. Well…

just for a couple of days.

Okay. Can you open your books, please?

Hey, Miss Milano,
you're going to the dance?

-All right!

A little bit of dirty dancing,
are you, miss? Or maybe Lambada.

Miss is more into The Bump
and Hustle style.

Look. I know you think I'm ancient,
but I'm not that old.

Hey, miss, I'll save you a dance
and put you right on the top of my list.

Well, I'm very flattered, Con.

But I'm sure you're gonna be far
too busy for little old me.

You can have my spot.

-Mine too.
-I'm gonna be a chaperone…

So, you gonna go to the dance?

Nah, I've got to work
at my uncle's restaurant.

Yeah. Bummer?

Don't worry about the work, miss.

What's the point?
He doesn't even notice me.

Ooh, he's just shy.

-How do youse know?

Look, it's all in here.

I found this…

"Sussing Out His Body Signals."

Come on. Read it.

"When he likes you a lot, he..."

"He likes you a lot if his pupils dilate,

meaning he finds you
sexually attractive."

What am I supposed to do, go,
"Hey, can I check out your pupils?"

Look, the guy's gonna think I'm nuts.

There's more. Read it.

"He touches you when he speaks,
meaning he finds it easy

to be intimate with you."

See, he never touches me.

It's not just one thing.
It's combination of things.

-"He leans in towards you,

it shows that he wants
to be really close to you."

-I've seen him do that.
-Me too.

-Hi, Jack.


What else does it say?

"He's nervous
if he blinks a lot and rubs his eyes,

this means that he's worried
about something."

-He's doing that.
-Yeah. Or conjunctivitis.

"He rubs his hands together,
which signals

that he's feeling a bit nervous."

He did.

"If he covers his mouth with his hand,

this means that he's not comfortable
with his sexuality."

-Or he's got a wicked cold sore.
-You two are hopeless.

"If he fiddles with his clothes,
especially with his tie, shirt or cuffs,

this indicates that he's feeling insecure

and isn't sure what to do about it."

He's doing it.

So, what do you think, Rose?

Um… Yeah.

Pay attention, please.
There'll be a test on this tomorrow.


Marnie. Marnie, please,
don't hang up again.


Thank you.

Thank you… for absolutely nothing.

Good morning, everybody.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have
to impose on two of you

to assist Christina and I
in chaperoning the school dance.

-I am in.
-Thank you, Yola.

Anybody else?

Thanks for the support, guys.

What about you, Bill? I know
it's short notice, but can I rely on you?

I can't get there till later.
I need someone to be in charge.


Bring Marnie along, make it a night out.

She's up visiting her mother.

-Excuse me.
-Too bad.

Well, um, Bill will be in charge
till I get there.

Great. Put Misery Guts in charge,
that'll make it a real blast.

Why don't you put Typhoid Mary in charge
of catering too?

You're exaggerating again, Yola.

Hey, sir. Is it true?

Yes, it's true, Bordino. You are an idiot.

So, is it true you're in charge
of the school dance?

Yes, apparently I have to give up
one of my precious nights

for you sociopaths.

Do you wanna speak some English, sir?

I'll be there all right,
and I'll be keeping an eagle eye

on the lot of you ratbags.

This is great, you know?
This is what we need.

If you put one foot wrong,
I'll throw you out so fast

you'll leave your underwear behind.

You're bringing Mrs. Hitler with you, sir?

What was that, Bordino?

I was just wondering if they were
playing some Bette Midler, you know?

Get down with the funky style,
you know what I'm saying?

Stay out of my face, Con.

Yes, sir.

"If you wanna let a guy know you're keen,
it's important not to try too hard

to send the right signals.
It will only look forced."

Concentrate on not fidgeting, Rose.

"And only try the following,
if you can do them naturally."

All right, Jodie, you'll be Jack.



Are you gonna be serious, Rose?

Yeah, all right, all right. Cool.

-Okay. Toss your hair.

Toss your hair.

-How is that?

Moving along.

"Sit with one leg tucked under your body,

cross your legs
or let your shoe hang from your toe."

Hang on.

You don't have to do them
all at once, Rose.


"Look directly at him and nod your head

to indicate you understand
what he's saying."

Danni, I feel I'm one of them
toy dogs in the back of cars.

"Lean in towards him and subtly
copy his body language."

What? I've gotta do all this
and copy his body language?

That's what it says.
-Aw, no way.

The guy is gonna think I'm nuts.

Nobody said snaring
a boyfriend was easy, Rose.

No one said it was this hard either.

Look, there's no point.

I doubt he's interested.

What are we gonna do now?

-Did you hear about Con?
-No. What?

He wrote Rose this really suckful letter
begging her to go to the dance.

You're kidding me.
As if she'd be interested

in a desperate like him.

He's even getting a rose tattoo
to impress her.

-Yeah. He's got it real bad.

Does she like him?

I don't know, just as friends,
but, he's not giving up though.

Hi, Jack.

-Looking forward to the dance?
-I can't go, gotta work at my uncle's.

-No. You've gotta go, Jack.

Everyone is gonna be there.

You know what they say, all work,
no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Yeah, and all play and no work
makes Jack a very poor boy.

See you.

A metal detector.

Yes. It's a small hand-held one.

I've got a mate in security
who'll lend it to me.

It's good for picking up
and detecting nunchuks,

weapons, knives, you name it.

It's a school dance, Bill,
not a Bruce Lee movie.

Open your eyes, Yola.

Some of these little psychopaths

just love to impress their mates
with weapons.

It happens. And I don't want to have
to be the one to explain

to some grieving parent
why little Johnny copped one in the guts.

Okay. Number three.

The car park. Okay,
what's wrong with the car park?

-I don't know. You tell me.
-We got a problem with the car park?

-One of the cars was broken into.
-Okay. Okay.

-Now we've got to secure the car park.

All right.
I'll deal with that in a minute.

Bill, what is your problem?

My problem?
I'll tell you what my problem is.

I have to get all of this ready
by the dance and you're not even helping.

You're causing more work for me.

-Bill, what is your problem?
-I don't have a problem.

Bill, what is your problem?

Marnie and I are going through
a bit of a rough patch at home

and so she's gone off
to her mother's place

for a couple of days to cool off.

You know what they say, you should
never let the sun set on an argument.

Well, it's not my fault
she's gone off half-cocked.

The woman is just impossible
to reason with.

Well, you're not gonna win
her back with that attitude.

My attitude?
You're talking about my attitude?

You want to see her attitude.

If you want to talk--

Okay, never mind.

Hey, ladies.

-What's up?
-Not much. Where's Jack?

I don't know.

Didn't he say something about work?

That's all he ever does lately, is work.

So what's it to you, man?

-Yeah, so.
-Has Jack ever mentioned Rose to you?

Men are so thick.

Has he ever said that he liked her?


Does she like him or something?

And she's never had a boyfriend.
We just don't wanna see her get hurt.

See, that's why I play the field--

That explains all the cows
you go out with, Con.

Look, they like each other a lot.

They just need a bit of a push.

And what do you mean by a… push?

Talk to him.
Find out how he feels about Rose.

Tell him some of her good points.

-Which are?
-It's not that big a deal.

Just get him to talk
about how he feels about Rose.

You know, girls,
this really isn't our department,

you know what I'm saying? Why don't
you do it? We're not that good at it.

What do you guys talk about?

What we talk about is our business,
all right?

It's boys' talk.

All right, you got your girls' talk
over there, we got our boys' stuff.

Well, try something new.

Jodie, what if he doesn't even wanna talk
to us about it?

You'll think of something.
See, Rose is our friend.

We wanna see her happy.
If she's not happy, we're not happy.

And if we're not happy,
we guarantee you won't be happy.


I've seen the hall, Bill.

-I've seen it.
-See? See?

There are too many escape routes.

Bill, it's a school dance,
not a concentration camp.

Okay. I want all these doors locked,

one way, in and out, okay?

Why don't you arm us
with mace and cattle prods

just to be on the safe side.

If we don't control these exit points,

it's going to be bedlam outside.

They'll be drinking,
going the grope, you name it.

-Going the grope?
-Yeah, you can laugh.

-I'm not laughing.
-Deloraine has put me in charge, remember?

Yeah. And don't you just love it?
God, I wish you would lighten up.

Don't tell me to lighten up, all right?
Just don't.

The welfare of these kids
is my responsibility.

All right, well, what if there's a fire
and you've locked all the exits?

What are you gonna do then?
Do tell me, please.

All right. Okay.

We keep one other door unlocked.

But it's got to be kept closed.

Anyway, there's not gonna be a fire,
that just won't happen.

How the hell would you know?

Have you ever been wrong
in your life, Bill?


Well, maybe once when I was kid.

What's that?

-What's that thing on your face?

-My God.

It's a smile.

Get nicked, Fatoush.

Jack, man.

-What's happening?
-Not much.

Stuck in this hole?
-Yeah, same old story.

School dance is coming up soon?

It should be all right.

-Yeah, I suppose.

I hear Rose is
really looking forward to it.

Hey, listen...

Why don't you ask Rose
to go with you, man?

She'll say yes, I promise.

I can't.
-What do you mean, you can't?

You just walk up to Rose and say,

-"Rose, I wanna take you to the dance."
-I can't.

I've got to work
in my uncle's restaurant that night.

-I've gotta work in my uncle's restaurant.

You're working?

Look, get the telephone out,
make a few phone calls, mate.

Don't worry. You have to work?
Don't worry, we'll get it taken care of.

Listen, you have to come
to the dance, man.

Look, it doesn't matter anyway.
I don't wanna go.

What do you mean you don't wanna go?

You have to go, man.
Rose thinks you're hot stuff.

Yeah, I like her too, all right?
But I'm not going.

Why not, man? Why?

-I can't dance, man.

I can't dance, all right? You happy?

Why-- What?
Jack, that doesn't matter.

Come here. Where are you going?
-Just get off my case, all right?

Big deal.
-What's your problem, mate?

Back off, you greaseball.

Well, what's the story?

Well, the good news is
that Jack really likes Rose.

So what's the bad news?

Bad news is he won't go to the dance
because he can't dance.


That's what the guy said.

So, what are you gonna do about it?

What are we supposed
to do about it, Jode?

-I mean, it's--
-Teach him.

-Teach him? No.
-Teach him.

I don't think so. I'm not teaching
the guy to dance.

-Teach him.
-It's important to Rose.

Look, if he doesn't wanna go
to the dance,

just let him be, man. Leave him alone.

But he's gonna miss out on so much fun.
-All right.

And you know this because
you know what's best for him, don't you?


It's quite simple. Rose isn't gonna go
to the dance if Jack doesn't go,

and, we're not going
if Rose doesn't go.

That's blackmail, man.
What's the G-O here?

Blackmail is such an ugly word.

All right. We'll go on our own.
We'll pick up some nice women

who aren't so bossy like you guys?

You wouldn't dare.

What, you're gonna let them
push you around like this?

Are you men or wimps?

They're unbelievable, man.

Nice try, sucker.

See? You're dealing with the experts.

-Hey, I was gonna--

-Malakias, pop, na, and na!

-You would have done the same thing.
-Don't be stupid, man.

-It was him.
-Grattini and Grattino, that's you.

It was him.
-Let me go!


Hey, what's going on?

Just relax, all right?

Listen, I guarantee you
it's for your own good.

-What the hell are you talking about?

I've got a bet with old Con over there

that Nick's a much worse dancer
than you, all right?


Listen, we just wanna see you dance,
that's all.

Get stuffed.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you going?

Where are you going?

-Hey, Con.

-Come on, mate. Give us some music.
-All right. Take it easy.

I'm trying to work it out, mate.

Listen to me,

I know it's a bit embarrassing
for some people, you know,

it takes a bit of time
to get the hang of things.

But you've got
some masters here, mate.

We can teach you some moves.

You know, take advantage
of the situation.

You ready?
-Let's get it happening.

All right. Jack, get it pumping,
mate, let's go.

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam...


Aye yai yai!

What's up, love?


Who are you going
with the dance tomorrow night?


-You're going with

one of the lushest spunks
in the whole school.

-Yeah, him.

Guys, what did youse do that for?

What are you talking about?
We thought you'd be stoked.

Next time, I don't know, don't interfere.

Next time?
She's already talking next time?

Well, what am I gonna wear?

Don't worry.
-We've got it sussed.

If I don't feel sexy... ..

All right.

Now, watch this. Watch this. Watch this.

Like that. Like that.
-That's good.

Good, yeah. That's it.

Yeah. Mind your feet.

No, no, no. Look.

Don't try and do too many things
at once, all right?

Just find the basic rhythm first,
all right?

That's it, It goes, move, move, move.

Don't think about your arms or feet
too much, all right, Jack?

Nah, man.

So, listen, hey, try again, man.

Start incorporating
some hand movements, like…

-Yeah, like…

-Hey, Jumpin' Jack Flash!

Man, what are you doing, practicing for
the opening of the Special Olympics?

No, no.
I know, the new band, Boyfriends.

Woo, yeah.

No, no, no, man, look.

He's a dickhead. Don't worry about it.

Will you listen to me?
I'm not going to the stupid dance, okay?

Yeah, come on, man.
Show us some moves.

You guys have done a great job on him,
he's fantastic.

Jackie, come back!

I can't.

Just hold still.

You're ruining them.

-I bet you anything I'll be late.
-No way.

Look at my legs.
I've seen better legs on a piano.

Maybe on a chicken.
-Stuff you.

No, the dress really suits you,
you look great.

-Do you think so?

That must be the guys.


Hang on. Tell them to hang on.

Just wait.


Look at you.

-You look very nice.
-Very nice.

What's happened? Where is Jack?

He's not coming.

Shh! What do you mean he's not coming?

Look, we were
really making progress with his dancing,

then Rivers and his mates turned up
and started laughing at him

so, you know, that was the end of that.

Is he really that bad at dancing?

He knows how to play soccer,
but I tell you what,

he can't dance to save his life.

In fact,
he dances like he's a drunk giraffe.

Look, just face it, all right?
He's not coming.

So what are we gonna do about it?

-What do you mean "we"?

Look, you got her hopes up.

I think it's up to you to let her know
what's happened, all right?

-Well said, my man.
-Thank you, my man.

That's all right.

Okay. Listen up.


Thank you.

Now listen,

I'm only gonna say this once
and believe me, I mean it.

Keep out of dark corners and no groping.

But more importantly,
there is to be no drinking.

And I know what marijuana smells like.

So, if--
if I detect that smell on your person,

you will not be allowed back in the hall.

Now, I haven't got time
to search you all for weapons,

but if I see or hear of any weapons,

I guarantee you will be expelled.

Have I made myself perfectly clear?
-Yes, sir.

But, sir, I love to be strip searched.

Yes, Bordino, I know you do.

You'll be out on your ear
if you're not careful.

-Are you finished?
-Yes, I have finished.

Okay. Listen, the other thing,
have a good time?


Guys, take it easy.

You don't want to hurt anyone. Come on!

Keep it down.
Take it easy. Hey!

Woah, Rose!
Looking pretty sexy there, babe.


Maybe you and I can have a bit of
a boogie later?


I'm waiting for someone.

Who, Jumpin' Jack Flash?

What's that supposed to mean?

Look, all I'm saying is
when you dance with Jackie boy,

make sure you put on your helmet
and get a bit padded up.

Hey, Rose.

Rivers, mate.

Just back off otherwise
you're going down tonight, all right?

Nicky, Nicky,
you know me, mate, I'm not a fighter.

Have fun with Jack, won't you?

-What's up?
-What was that about?

Just ignore him, he's an idiot.

-You going in or what?
-Yeah, let's go inside.

No. I'm gonna wait.

I don't think he's coming, Rose.

Yeah. I-I figured that.

Come on, let's just go in
and have a good time?

Let's go.

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Step into the party
I want some fun tonight

All I see is ladies
I want to do this right

If you're something sexy

Then we can get it on

Let's dance the night away, babe

Until the break of dawn

Do you know just what I mean...

So we're gonna get loose

Girl, you give me ecstasy

Let me play with your body

Yeah, aren't you in the mood?

Boom, shak, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Come on, sexy lady

We can jam all night

Baby, don't be scared
I promise everything's all right

Lick your body over

Make you wanna scream

I don't wanna wake up, baby
If it's just a dream

And you know just what I mean

Just what I mean, baby

Show of hands

Girl, you give me ecstasy

Let me play with your body

Yeah, aren't you in the mood?

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam...


What do you want?

Why so aggro?

Forget it.

Didn't he show up?

I'm sorry.

Yeah, I bet you are.

I do have feelings, you know.

I do miss Chaka.

Do you?


Well, how do you handle it?

It's tough?

You want some?

I don't know.

Suit yourself.

But it's here if you want it.

We can spend the night tonight

Come on, baby

Darling sugar...

That'd be about all
you could manage too, Bordino.

'Cause I want you

Give me your love, baby

I've been wanting you now, baby

For quite some time

This feeling that I have for you

I can't deny

Girl, you know it's true

I always wanna be with you...

Come on, break it up.

Hey, come on, you two.

Sit back in your seat.

Baby, it's you

Whatever you want I will provide

Baby, it's you...


Wanna see a bit of daylight
between you two.

-Why don't you come--

Go ahead, Poulos, get it off your chest.

I need to make an example of somebody.

You're a prime candidate
to be thrown out.

That's better.

This is a school dance,

not a live performance of the Kama Sutra.

Let's get the old perv?

Yeah. What you got in mind?

Around and around
And around and around

'Cause I want you

Give me your love, baby

Where are you taking me, Bill?

This room here is make-out heaven.

Is this a date?

Get serious, Yola.

Why do you want me, Bill?

Because if there's anything
going on in here,

I am gonna need a witness.


Hey, come on, you little swine!

Open this door!

Hey, how come you're not dancing?

Just checking out the competition.

These guys?
You're in the same league as them.


What you need is a decent manager.

-That's right.
-Yeah, right.

Do you know any?

Leave it to me, all right?

Guys, have you seen Miss Fatoush
or Mr. Southgate?

Not for a while, miss, actually.


Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Good evening.


Everything going all right?

Yeah, fine.

Where's Bill and Yola?

Um, I'm not sure.

I think they could be patrolling outside.

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam

Boom, shaka, shaka jam...

Do you wanna dance?

You're not gonna budge it, Bill.

Just wait till I get my hands
on those little scumbags.

Just relax.

Don't tell me to relax!

Okay. Then chill out.

Relax? Chill out?

-I'm sick to death of hearing it.
-What's your problem?

Women who tell me to relax
and chill out all the time.

-What, Marnie?
-Yes, Marnie.

Well, listen, just cool it
because I'm not Marnie.

Okay. I'm sorry.

All right?

It's just that every time
I open my mouth

to discipline my daughter,
I'm told to relax and chill out.

It's happened so many times now

that Natalie doesn't take a blind
bit of notice to what I say.

The only person she has to listen to,

is her mother.

Look, I'm not dumb enough to think that

families are based on father knows best,

but in my house,

it's father knows nothing
and I'm sick to bloody death of it!

How are you doing, mate?
What's happening, mate?

-Well, not much.
-Are you the boss?

-Who's in charge then?

Good question.
Cassie over there thinks she is.

-That lady over there, holding the hat?
-With those guys. Yeah.

Okay. Excuse me.

-All so soon.

I've looked everywhere outside,
I can't see them anywhere.

Well, I cannot imagine Bill
ever leaving something like this.

-It's really weird.
-I know. It's strange.

Just knock it off,
wait your turn like everybody else.

Well, sure. I mean,
as long as I get paid, I don't care.

I just have to check it out
with the boys though.

No. The boys are fine.
I talked to them, settled it out.

Great. Okay.

Which one is she?

It's the chick in the red.

You like?

Who's the spunk with her?

That's Nick. He's my cousin.

-Your cousin?

Okay. She's got the gig on one condition.



You've got a great laugh, you know that?

Yeah, I know. I'm a laugh a minute.

Do you wanna get in the back seat?


Why not?

I don't wanna sit in the back
all by myself.

Let's go. Let's go dance.

Let's go.


Let's go. Don't tell me to shh.

-Come, Rivers, let's go dance.
-You don't want to get sprung, do you?

Come on.

Let's go.

I can't imagine life without my family.

Natalie is a great little kid.

Sometimes, like all kids,

she needs disciplining.

So I end up being the bad guy.

Well, someone has to be.

Sometimes, I just feel like…

walking out.

But of course I never would.

So I guess we're stuck with each other.

Just like us, dear.

But I can always walk away
from you, Yola.

Well, don't bet on it.

If we're here till morning,
you might start looking good.

Are you all right?


Do you wanna dance?

Yeah, let's hear it one more time
for Kulcha!


Hey, mate.

So, are you guys having a good time?


I can't hear you.


Are you guys having a good time?


Yeah. Well, you guys ain't seen
nothing yet because tonight,

Con Bordino Management Enterprises
presents to you

the hot, fresh new talent

of Jodie Cooper.

Jodie Cooper!

Jump up the jack
Jump to the swing...

Hoochie, coochie, I know we just met

Is it just me?
You're playing hard to get

Telling me things like
Girl, I'm just shy

Walk away from me
Without a reason why

So just sit back
Try to max and relax

Listen to Kulcha
We bust out the facts

Tell me, do you want me?

'Cause I really need to know

I really wanna need you, girl
I can't let you go

Girl, I need your lovin'
Every day and night

You really drive me crazy

So, baby, baby, let's do it right...

What do you think you're doing, man?

-I don't wanna miss it.
-Just trust me.

This is very important
for Jodie's career, all right?

-What is?
-Come on.

Do you wanna see her
with her first Grammy?

-What the hell are you talking about?
-Just get in the room, all right?

I know it's a tough job, Nick,
but somebody's got to do it.

Don't be shy

Don't be shy...

Do you wanna scream?

I'm not weak to think like this...


-Rose, I need to talk to you.
-I'm dancing with Peter.

You're wasted.
-I am not.

Look, rack off, all right?
Rose's with me, all right?

-Is that true, you're with him?
-Of course it's true.

Now, get back in your boat
and paddle home.


Come on.
-Hey, hey!

Hey. Split them up!

Come on.

Come on, guys, break it up!
Break it up, guys,

it's not worth it.

All right. Stop the music, gentlemen,
give me the mic.

All right. All right. That's enough!

Quiet, everybody. Quiet.

I wanna see
those two troublemakers in the middle

in my office first thing
tomorrow morning.

And if there's one more outburst
like this,

I'm gonna cancel the dance.

Now, is anybody here seen
Mr. Southgate and Miss Fatoush?

Miss Milano, would you mind
having a look at that noise, please?

Please, open up the door.

Who is it?

It's the Easter Bunny,
who do you think it is?

Just hang on a sec,
I've got to find the key.

Come on, come on, open it.

-Thank you.
-All right!

Remember what you said, sir,
no going to grope there.


-Where's Nick?

Nick, my boyfriend.

Yeah, of course, Nick.
Why do you want him?

Where is he?

I don't want you get mad, all right?

You don't understand what's happening.

What is going on, Con?

Well, hopefully nothing
is going wrong, all right?

Well, where the hell is he?

Take it easy. Relax, okay?

It's all in good hands.
Do you trust me?

No, I don't trust you. Where is he?


Come on, now.

I think you're really gorgeous
and everything,

but, you know…

It's okay. Really.


Jodie, this…
Jodie, this isn't what you think, I swear.

-Yeah, it's worse.

Jodie, wait.

Jodie, wait.

How's it going?

Well, my old landlord
might have been a creep,

but he certainly wasn't overcharging.

The rents are so expensive.

Look, I wanted to talk to you
about that.

No, I'll manage, I always have.

Would you consider

staying here permanently?


The kids love having you around.

Effie adores you.

What about you?


I like having you around too.

Hey, what are you doing up?

Is Stella gonna stay?




I feel shocking.

Well, who's to blame?

It was all your fault.

My fault?

Well, if you'd come to the dance
with me in the first place,

I wouldn't have ended up with
Rivers pouring bourbon down my throat.

Give us a break, will you?

Well, why didn't you wanna
come to the dance with me?

I did.

It's just that I was scared.

Scared? What of?

Um, I can't dance too well.

You dope.





Jodie, open the door. Come on.

-Rack off.
-Just open the door.

Look, I've got Con here with me,

and we're gonna explain
the whole thing, all right?

I'm not interested.

Jodie, would you please open the door?

You're being ridiculous.

Listen, I'm not leaving
until we have a proper talk, all right?

I don't care, I'll wake the neighbors up
and everything.

You do and I'll call the police.

Come on. Let's go, please.
Talk to her tomorrow.

All right. Shut up.
She's bluffing, man.

Tell her what you did.
Come on, tell her.

Jodie, it's me, Con.

It was my fault, all right?

For everything.

I set him up and he doesn't know
a thing about it.

Are you happy?

Well, it didn't seem like
he was putting up too much of a fight.

What are you saying?

Look, the girl had me up against the wall,
what do you expect me to do?

So, why did you do it, Con?

She was the manager.

You wanted a spot on stage.

She saw Nick

and, um, one thing led to another
and that's the way the cookie crumbles.

-What do you want me to do?
-Listen. Listen.

-Never happy.

I would never do that to you, all right?

Come on. I'm telling you the truth.
I'm being honest now.

Come on, honey. I love you.
Why would I do that for?

-Honey, I love you.


-Shut up.

I love you.

Hey, hey.


Listen, um...

I'll get down on my knees if I have to.

Get down on your knees.

I'm really sorry, all right?

You've got the whole thing wrong

and Con is extremely sorry.

All right.

All right?

All right.

-Get out. I'll see you later.

Get out. Come on.

We've got some making up to do,
man, all right? It's personal.

-What do you think you're doing?

-Well, I thought, you know…
-I haven't forgiven you that much.

That's just great. That's just fantastic.

Come on.