He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2021–2022): Season 3, Episode 4 - The Tomb of Grayskull - full transcript

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By the Power of Grayskull...

I have the Power!

Battle Cat? Dad?

I'm trying to get back out there to help.

If you can hear me, stand back!

I know that laugh.

What laugh?

Sorceress? You're here?

Yes and no. It's complicated.

Go get Rammy and Skeletor.

We'll deal with the Dark Masters
and Mer-Man.

- But Mer-Man seems...
- Go!

What? You didn't bring flowers?


I have the Power!

♪ The Power is ours ♪

♪ It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul ♪

♪ The Power is ours ♪

♪ It's in our so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oul ♪

♪ The Power is ours ♪

♪ Hey, we'll find our purpose ♪

♪ 'Cause we know we're worth it ♪

♪ And we'll be remembered ♪

♪ We are the defenders, defenders ♪

- ♪ Oh ♪
- ♪ We fight for the win ♪

♪ We fight till the end ♪

- ♪ We fight for the win ♪
- ♪ The Power is ours ♪

♪ It's in our soul ♪

For a millennium, I've hoped for this day.

The day my king,

the one true king, will be reborn.

Long live Grayskull!

Back off, Mer-Man!

Yeah, you are on our turf now!

Which I guess is also your turf.

Death to all traitors.


Too slow.

We don't want to fight you.

Specifically me. No offense:

I can't stand the texture of wetness.

Imagine living in it.

The truth is I feel for you.

Being alone for so long...

...but the ghost in our friend's head

can't be allowed to pick up
where King Grayskull left off.

If changing Eternia in his own image
was his final wish,

who are we to stop him?

I'm Sorceress, a Master of the Universe.

Who's next?

- On your feet, Man-At-Arms.
- Uh-huh.

You're not catching me at my best, sir.

Then I'd hate to see you at your worst.

Wait, is that a compliment or not?

I don't know anymore.

Everything's so cold here.

With our nemesisesisez having fled,

at least we have one
less thing to worry about.

Huh, must be nice to have running away
as an option.

We just need to figure out how to get past

psychic karate fish... man. Person?

I got this.

- So to the door, then?
- With aplomb.

This place is bigger
than it looks on the outside.

If you hadn't noticed,
that was kinda Grayskull's thing.

You live in his house, after all.

Or at least you used to
until I stole it from you.

I'll be back there soon enough.
We all will.

You're gonna try and fight me?

We've played that beat already.

I haven't gotten my hands
on those old bones yet.

Fight your way through her.
Smash those controls.

Stop me from my fiendish plot
to be reborn.

What are you waiting for?

You want some? Come and get some!

Good King Grayskull
wouldn't have hesitated.

Krass isn't my enemy.

Yes, I am.

You are my enemy. She's just your pawn.

- No, I'm not!
- She trusts me.

That's not true.

Maybe you never knew her at all.

I'm my own person!

All right, well, you kids play nice
while Daddy wakes the dead.

Or is it becomes the dead

who is then re-alive?
Whatever, you got the vamp.



- Ready?
- I suppose.

It's... indestructible!

The Wind Raider
has a self-destruct function.

If we position it right next to the door...

What? No! Don't even think about it.

Have either of you considered
reading the instructions?

And you wanted to blow up my ship?

Yes, well, we didn't.

My baby!


Let me guess,

Trap Jaw's tech and Evil-Lyn's magic?

Trap Jaw's tech
and Evil-Lyn's magic.

Why won't anyone stop to read
the instructions?

Come on! The body's not even cold yet!

Oh, you didn't need that, did you?

That tomb was built to take a beating,
wasn't it?

Beast Man will keep easier prey at bay

while Evil-Lyn does her thing.

Wait, what?

Yeah, Evil-Lyn.
Find some way to get that Sigil!

We need those snakes.

Who's in charge here?

A-are those the instructions?

Shush! I'm reading.

Ugh, bother.

You're not getting to those bones.


I could watch this all day,

but time to get to more urgent matters.

Do you even know what Skeletor
wants with Grayskull's remains?

What he always wants.


And with those bones,
he'll have it and then be able to use

Castle Grayskull to bring my parents back.

I'm sorry it's come to this...

But you leave me with no choice.

No! I need it!

No you don't!

You don't know what's best for me!

Family looks out for one another.

You're not my family!


You heard me.

What do you know?

Guess I can rule
as a cursed pile of bones after all.

Her magic protects you from many things.

I wonder how well it will hold up
against your deepest fears.

You're the reason for this conflict,

You ended my reign, broke Eternia forever.

No, I-I was trying to save Eternia.

I had always expected more of you, Teela.

No good at being a thief.


Substandard performance
as a surrogate daughter as well.

No, I-I...

For shame, Teela.

For shame!

I-I only wanted to make everyone happy.

How soft the people
of Eternos have become.

If you hadn't agreed to hunt relics
for me,

none of this would be happening,
to either of us, I suppose.

Therefore, you are nothing without me.

You only continue to exist
because I allow it,

and voice in your head or not,
you will never be better than me.

I-Is she one of yours?

I thought she was with you.

- What is happening right now?
- Trust me.

I can't believe I'm doing this either.

The girl's my nemesis, not yours!

Follow my lead.


Wings of Hordak!

Wings of Zoar!


Get on with it already.

I need to get the remains
back to the Castle

to perform the ritual.

So finish He-Man off already
so we can hit the road.

That was never part of the plan.

Ugh, fine.

The Castle and this tomb are connected
through the ether,

so through the ether we shall go.

Lock up on your way out!

Guess I have to do everything.

Haven't we played this beat
before too, Uncle?

You know, you're right.
Let's mix things up a bit.

Rampage, be a peach and initiate plan B.

Mommy and Daddy are waiting.

You can't be serious.

Do it.

All snakes and serpents
that ever were and ever will be,

rise and avenge your namesake!

Destroy the one that bears
the mark of Grayskull!

Okay, I can fight a few lashers.

And a few rattlers.

I can do that too.

Either of you know
what comes after a rattler?

Welcome to Eternia's darkest hour, He-Man.

And unlike King Grayskull,

you don't have what it takes
to stop the inevitable.


Why did you help me?

I couldn't bear to watch
some overgrown guppy

take down my most worthy
and naive adversary.

I'm a little confused why you tacked
the "and naive" on there.

Aw, yes. Let me show you.

That's why I said naive.

Ugh. Seriously?

Why am I always the Master on the menu?

Let one of us finally eat you

and you won't have to worry about it
no more!

There is no more jungle in you,
Palace Cat!

And perhaps there never was.

Well, I suppose I hadn't
thought of it that way.

Teela? What are you doing down there?

Hold on!

Easy does it.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Good for her.

I can feel it. He has left the tomb.

The one true king is nearly upon us.

That is not King Grayskull.

Oh my.

Beast Man doesn't want his snakes.
You can have them back.

How are we supposed to fight that?

The same way we fight
everything else: together.

What's happening?

Unchecked, Havoc grows,

consumes, and destroys all in its path.

If King Grayskull had to use Havoc
to defeat the snakes,

does that mean we will too?

Strong and brave, Masters.

Well, nice knowing you all.

Such power.


Hey, gang. What'd I miss?
