Hawthorne (2009–2011): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot - full transcript

As TNT's dynamic new series opens, Christina Hawthorne, chief nursing officer for Richmond Trinity Hospital, races to work to try to prevent a suicide attempt by David, an end-stage cancer patient and best friend to her husband.

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Meet the browns, I can't sleep.

I blame you for this insomnia, Michael.

It's been exactly a year

since I've had this problem.

That's okay. I'll get sleep one of these days.


David. No, no, no. It's okay. I was up.

What's wrong?

David, calm down. Where are you?

No. David, that's not a good idea.

No, stay right where you are. Don't go anywhere.

I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Friend's in trouble.

No, no, David, David.

Don't go up there, okay? Just stay in your room. I'm... I'm coming in right now.

Hey, Christina!

- I want to show you something.
- If it's the bunny slippers,

- I saw them last week.
- No, no, no. This is brand-new.

Isabel, it's gonna have to wait, okay?

No, no, no, no, no. Just stay put. I'll be there in 30 seconds.

Whoa, lady! You can't come in here.
Try the shelter on Grove Avenue.

Okay... Malcolm. You're new here.
Okay, listen, I'm... I'm Christina Hawthorne

I am the chief nursing officer here.

And I'm Denzel Washington.
Where's your I.D.?

It's in the car.

Oh, no. You can't park there. That's a loading zone.

David, don't hang up! David!

Got a security breach in the lobby.

- Mr. Fleming.
- Mommy?

Yes, yes. Mommy.

Now go. Incoming!

Got it!

Hey, hey, hey are you serious?

Are you serious? You want to do this to me today?


- David, get your ass away from that edge.
- No. I like it up here.

Come on, you didn't get me out of the bed 5:00 a.m. For us to jump.

Okay? So, let's not do this dance.

Last night, my toilet bowl looked as if I had filled it up with a really good Cabernet.

- We can fix that.
- No, Christina, we can't.

Listen, if that morphine's not working,

then... then we'll get a different cocktail, something better.

I just wanted to say goodbye to you, Christina, that's all.

All right, David, goodbye.

- Hold it right there!
- He jumped!

- You come with me.
- Okay.

- Hey!
- Damn it!

We got a jumper at the front entrance. Get an emergency team down here, stat.

Come on, David.

- I... is he dead?
- No, not yet.

Somebody should get him to a hospital.

Let's go, people. Time is not on our side.

I know him. This patient is DNR.

Show me his advance directive. Otherwise, I'm saving his life.

Get Dr. Hayes for me. He's a train wreck.

Just give me a second, okay? I'm getting his file.

I don't have a second.

Come on.

Damn it!

We got a pulse.

Have the O.R. standing by. Let's get him to imaging for some C.Ts, stat.
Come on.

- Spencer, he's a DNR.
- Not anymore.

There she is... The sweaty one.

- Can we speak to you, ma'am?
- What is this?

Did you breach a hospital security checkpoint?

- Breach?!
- And assault a guard?

Look at him and look at me.

What did I do, punch him in his kneecaps?

- You're under arrest.
- What are you do... I'm a nurse!

This is ridiculous! I'm a nurse!

You can't do this!

Get off of me! I'm a nurse, damn it!

by chamallow35

Chest tubes are draining minimally.

I've cauterized most of the bleeders. Any questions?

Last week you lectured us about medical ethics not being an oxymoron.

Why are we saving a patient who tried to commit suicide?

I don't care why he's here. He's here. That's enough.

Do you need another reason?

Howard, let me guess. Plutonium spill on the I-95?

-You ought to do stand-up, Tom.
- Yeah, and you should be on time.

Pay attention.

Howard is the best ortho we have at Richmond Trinity.

Patient's stable. Call me if you need anything.

How's David?

Just handed him off to the ortho team.

Explain something to me. What the hell were you thinking up there?

- Tom, not now, okay?
- Last time I checked,

my coat read "chief of surgery." That man was my patient.

Well, he was also my husband's friend.

He called me. What was I supposed to do?

- You should've called me.
- It wouldn't have made a difference.

Wouldn't have made a d...? Are you kidding me?

I can tell you one thing. If I had been there, he wouldn't have jumped.

Well, forgive me for wanting to help Michael's friend

on the anniversary of his death.

I forgot. I'm sorry.

- How you doing?
- You okay?

I'm fine.

Listen, thank you for, uh, helping to get my assault charges dropped.

No, don't thank me. Thank the C.E.O.

God, you know, I... I feel like...
I feel like such an ass.

Why didn't David tell me it was so bad?

I have no idea, Tom.

- Well, I'm late for rounds.
- You're always late for rounds.

That's true.

So, why do your patients like you so much?

I give them candy.

You should go home.

This is home, Tom.

And we're done.

At ease, Corporal Sharp.

And thanks again for serving our country.

Sorry I'm late.

First of all, let me assure you
that the incident that happened this morning

is being dealt with, so we might as well just let it go and keep it moving.

- Cool?
- Okay.

- Let's have status report.
- Nobody died last night.

Great! I'm glad to hear Mrs. Lachman is still with us.

She's too mean to die.

Can somebody tell me why I saw old man Fleming

sleepwalking on the stairs this morning?

I had him in restraints. The guy's practically Houdini.

Okay. I'm gonna say this for the last time.

I don't care if we do bed checks every five minutes.

We cannot have patients wandering around the building

unsupervised, putting themselves in danger, okay?

- What else?
- Um,

three of us complained about verbal abuse from doctors.

- Put it in writing.
- Um,

and six nurses think that Nick the paramedic

is really hot.

Make that seven.

All right, listen, I'm gonna bring up all these issues

in the executive committee meeting this afternoon.

Sorry to be late.

Um... one of my patients need a little extra TLC.

- Anything else?
- Yes.

I need volunteers to make centerpieces

for the nurses' auxiliary Japanese tea ceremony thingy.

- Sign me up.
- Me too.


So, I'm guessing we're not talking about what happened on the roof this morning?

You guessed right.

- You should go home.
- For what?

You were supposed to take the day off...

Patient charts.... go scatter Michael's ashes or something. You promised me.

Well, there's been a slight change in plan.

- What about Camille?
- I made her go to school.

So, what, you're just gonna ignore the whole anniversary?

- Bobbie, please, leave me alone.
- No.


So, what, would you like me to go home and put on my wedding dress

and dance around the house like he's still alive?

You know what? If you want to do that, I think you should go right ahead.


I'm just saying, there's no right way to grieve.

Could you sign this, please?

'cause then I won't have a reason to scream at you.

You won't have to. Dr. Mazaki's working today.

- Page me the minute he goes ballistic.
- I can handle him.

I know you can. But let me.

It's my job.

- Hey, gorgeous.
- Hey, yourself.

Ah, you must be Dr. Marshall.

Candy tells me you're the best. You better be.

Uh, this isn't Dr. Marshall. This is Ray Stein.

Oh, sorry Dr. Stein.

Ray is taking over for me.

He'll be your nurse for the rest of the day.

Ray is one of our best nurses.

You'll be in really good hands.

Can't be as good as the perky little nurse

in my dream last night.

- Dream, huh?
- Oh, my God!

Hands of an artist, even with the rubber gloves on.

See you tonight, Corporal.

Can't wait.

That thing tell you I have diabetes?

Your blood sugar's high, that's for sure.

But I'm a nurse, so I can't give you a diagnosis.

I'd ask a doctor if I could find one.

I'll try to scare up Dr. Marshall for you.

Oh, and I'll be back in a few for your sponge bath.

I don't think so.

Is Marshall still making rounds?

You must be kidding. Not with a 9:00 tee time.

For patient sharp, Marshall's ordered insulin on a sliding scale.

Blood sugar's 225. Six units seems high to me.

Orders are very clear.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.

Surprisingly neat penmanship for a doctor, too, huh?

Oh, and look at the numbers. They're so pretty.

They must be accurate.

I just hope Sharp's insulin shock and seizures

are equally as adorable.

Give me a shout when Marshall answers the page, will you?


- Your place, then.
- No.

Somewhere very public, lots of people around.

Yeah, no.

Come on, Bobbie, what's the deal?

I'm damaged goods.

You don't want to go out with me.

There's the boss.

See you later.

Hey. You paged me?

Dr. Mazaki go psycho?

No, it's Isabel.

She's bouncing off the walls like a ping-pong ball.

She's been booted out of here three times,

won't listen to anyone but you.

F.Y.I., your tongue is green.


Round four.

I'm looking for Christina.

Where you been? I been waiting for you.

I need you to look at it. Just give me a second.

Just, please. I just want to show you
something really quick.

All right.

This is what I wanted to show you.

Oh, my goodness. Okay.

His name is Moses...

After Moses Malone.

Whew! That boy had game!

Oh, my goodness. Where did you find him?

Get away from him!

I... I was just showing you.

He's mine.

Isabel, he's a newborn, okay?

I need to take him inside
so the doctors can examine him.

Just let me take him in, okay?

Get your damn hands off my baby!

I'm sorry.

I'm... I'm sorry. I di...
I didn't mean to hurt you.

Please. Please don't send me
to jail.

Isabel, nobody's going to jail.

But I need you to let me
take care of Moses.


- O... okay.
- Okay.


Okay, come here.

All right.


She stole my baby!

Help me, please!

She stole my baby!

Help me!

Temp's 103.

Let's get a blood panel and some cultures.

Pulse is elevated... 176.

Oh, God.

We got to get that fever down.

Where the hell's Dr. Cadbury?

He's riding the porcelain bus.

Thinks it was the mexican he ate last night.

Kelly, how we doing on that I.V.?

Um... he's too tiny.

I can't even find a vein.

Should I get a transilluminator

from N.I.C.U.?

Christina won't need one.

You know what? It's okay, Kelly.

I see a big vessel right on his scalp.

You're gonna put a needle in his head?

Well, it lasts longer, and we

won't have to stick him so much.

Will you two hold him tight, please?

Oh, I'm sorry, baby Moses.

Hold it.

There we go. There we go.

Kelly, take deep breaths.

Keep reminding yourself, we are hurting him for a second

to heal him for a lifetime.

How about that B.O.A. kit?

Mm, yes, ma'am.

I miss being a clinical nurse.

Oh, God.

Spina bifida.

Sorry, I was indisposed.

How's this cute little guy?

Not so good.

Oh, hell.

Let's get him up to the N.I.C.U.

Okay, hang in there, baby Moses, okay?

You came this far, buddy.

All right. I'll be up there in a sec.


Isabel, the baby was brought to the hospital

because his mother couldn't take care of him.

I didn't mean to push you,

but you stole him.

- He's mine.
- Listen,

it's okay.

You did a really good thing.

- You saved baby Moses' life.
- Excuse us

for just a moment, Isabel.

I know you're fond of isabel,

but this is a case of child endangerment.

Did you call protective services?

And they're gonna want to get the police involved.

But she didn't do anything wrong.

She stole that baby.

And I can't jeopardize my job.

Oh, yes, you can.

I do it practically every day,

and I have to tell you,

it gets really easy once you get in the habit.

I'm gonna go get a soda,

so you have a minute.

After that, it's you and her against the system.

You won't regret it.

I already do.

Dr. Marshall?

Hello? Yes. Hello?

Y... hello?

Dr. Marshall?

Finally returns my page,

now loses the signal.

Call the service,

get the doctor on call.

Marshall is the doctor on call.

Then ask him.

He's 12.

Okay, Sharp can't wait any longer.

Walk me through it.

Sharp's diabetic. Marshall prescribes insulin.

So far, so good.

Nurse questions dosage.

Nurse knows sliding scales can be tricky.

Nurse wants doctor to clarify.

Nurse is being thorough.

Or is nurse just being a bitter know-it-all

who wants to catch the doctor in a mistake

because... nurse could've gone to med school... in Paraguay?

Only nurse... knows for sure.

Dr. Marshall?

Oh, yes.

Uh, yes.

Yeah, I can hear you fine. I just...

Mm-hmm. But...

Yes, doctor. Understood.

Don't tell me.

"You nurses have got to stop calling me for every little thing.

If I wrote it, I meant it."

I said don't tell me.

"Who do you think you are, questioning my orders?"

Well... you're a nurse.

Yes, I am.

And, really, I could've gone to med school.

In paraguay. But in the real world,

you're a nurse.

And I follow doctors' orders.

That's what nurses do.

Here I go, doing what I'm supposed to do.

Yes, this is Camille Hawthorne's mother.

You paged me?

You are kidding me.

I'll be right there. Yeah, thank you.

I'm a nurse.

This is her last warning, Mrs. Hawthorne.

- It's only September.
- Exactly.

One more episode like this,

and I'll have to suspend her.

Well, did someone get hurt?

Well, no one ever gets hurt. That's not the point.

All right, well, then, what is the point?

No offense, ma'am, but I see where she gets it from.

Well, thank you.

What's the problem?

Joan of arc.

They have no righ to take these machines away.

They may be able to dictate what we learn,

but they cannot dictate what we eat and drink.

I know what they're up to.

Sure, they start with chips and soda,

but how long before they go after our freedom of speech

and our other unalienable rights?


And so it begins.

Camille, you don't even eat this junk.

I'm not doing this forme.

Where did you get those handcuffs?

Psycho Suzanne's...

Her mom has three pairs.

Listen, this has been a, uh...

this has been a tough day for our family,

so if you could cut her some slack,

I would really appreciate it.

Yeah. One year ago today,

my mom let my dad die.

So, what's it gonna be?

We're on an hourly.

Mrs. Hawthorne?

Take her away


And if I were principal,

I would suspend her indefinitely.


'Course, I know you understand

that having this bullshit artist

hanging out in my house unsupervised

would be a pain in my ass.

How about detention?

Hey, if that's all you got.

This isn't fair!

That's right, young lady.

This is high school.

Code blue... room 385!

- 385.
- All right.

All right, let's go again. Charge!

- Charge. 200.
- Clear!

He's back.

Great. Uh-huh.

Yeah. Marshall is five minutes away.


Notify CCU they're coming in.

What the hell happened?

Dr. Marshall made a mistake with the dosage.

How did that get by you?

Well, actually... it didn't. I called the doctor.

Go with him.

Ray's off his cases. Can you cover for him?

It'll be tight.

What do you need?

Thanksgiving off, half-day Christmas?

It's a deal.

I need a intay shar, numma ay.

"Inake shark"?

Intayka sharr numma ay.

Huh? I'm sorry, doctor.

I still don't understand.

No, no! Pay! Pay go!

No understand english!

No understand english!

No english!

Yes, sir, Dr. Mazaki.

We'll get you a nurse who understands english.

It'll just be a moment.

Thanks for your patience.

I didn't know what he was saying!

"Intake chart for the patient in number eight."


Took me three months to figure him out.


Did I Miss it?

I couldn't wait any longer. Kelly was starting to crumble.

Where is that S.O.B.?

He's in bay eight, saving someone's life.

Probably not the best time to kill him.

He got his icky saliva all over me.

Am I gonna cry every day?


- Okay.
- Kelly, I promise, I'm...

I'm gonna take care of this.


Thanks. I'm just gonna go back out.

Whew! What is that... Nuclear waste?

New disinfectant.

Maintenance likes it 'cause it's cheaper.

Well, it won't be cheaper

when those workers' comp claims start pouring in.

Think you can get me the good stuff back?

- I'll give it a shot.
- Christina?

Why are you always hiding from that lady?

My mother-in-law!

Take the stairs.


It is you! Oh, I'm glad I caught you.

Board meeting today?

Yes. Yes, actually.

That outfit looks very pretty on you.

Oh, it does, doesn't it?

Considering I'm in mourning.

Hard to believe it's been a year

since my son passed.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was so sudden.

Well, considering the pain he was in,

we can thank God for that.

Can we?

I got to get to work.

Well, now, uh, about tonight's memorial dinner...

I'm not going.

Well, I didn't expect you to, dear,

but I do want my granddaughter to be in attendance.

She plans on attending.

Oh, and about our other agreement...

as of tomorrow, I will get custody of Michael's ashes for a year.

Would you like me to have them picked up,
or would you like to deliver them?

Amanda, you don't expect me to give Michael's remains to FedEx?

Well, they are more reliable than you are.

Okay. Excuse me, a patient needs

my unreliable attention.

Which one of you is Stein?

That's me.

You didn't give him the shot until noon?

How can you be so stupid?

It's genetic. My father wasn't a very bright man.

Stupid anda smart aleck.

Just in case you're wondering, this here is patient Sharp.

You probably wouldn't recognize

him because you were too busy when you
blew through your rounds this morning.

You two want to take it outside?

Interesting, giving me pointers on patient care.

Remind me where you went to medical school.

I didn't.

I gagged on my mcats.

Twice, actually.

Well, congratulations.

Today makes it a hat trick for you, then, huh?

You think so?

You know, maybe you should consider stepping up to a new cell carrier.

Maybe you should consider shutting up, nurse, before I'm forced to file a complaint.

Oh, be my guest.

Oh, be careful what you wish for, there, Stein.

- Yes, get him out of here, please.
- Don't say another word.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know you, uh...

No, it's okay. Come in.

Uh, Mr. Sharp, this is Christina Hawthorne,

our chief nursing officer.

Mr. Sharp is the father of Corporal Sharp,

who coded after one of our nurses

gave him an insulin overdose.

I'm sorry, Mr. Sharp.

It, uh...

it's my understanding that our nurse

was following doctor's orders.

And where in the hell is Dr. Marshall?

She's in the I.C.U. attending your son.

Well, I'm glad she could work it into her schedule.

Maybe now we'll get some answers.

Mr. Sharp, I can assure you that Mrs. Hawthorne

will discipline the offending nurse.

And I'm sure that Dr. Wakefield

will do the same to Dr. Marshall.

I worried myself sick through my boy's two tours.

And mercifully, he comes home,

I finally get a chance to exhale, and now this.

You jokers can point fingers all you want,

but this hospital better get its story straight

because I'm going to file a lawsuit.

And I'm transferring my son the hell out of here first thing tomorrow.

Do me a favor, will you?

- Name it.
- Try not to kill him tonight.

Hey. You wanted to see me?

Yes. How's Corporal Sharp?


You know you won the lottery.

Sure doesn't feel that way.

Well, that's because you went against your instincts.

Haven't I taught you anything?

Or does it go in one ear and out the other?

I followed hospital protocol to the letter

to protect my patient.

How's that working out for you so far?

You're off your cases for the rest of the day.

I want you to stay by his side

and I want you to pray that he bounces back.

- Are you serious?
- Oh, I'm very serious.

Marshall just put a bull's-eye on your back and my entire nursing staff.

I've got an executive committee meeting in 10 minutes

I'm gonna catch hell for this because of you.

So, yes, do your penance,

and you be glad you still have a job.

Whose side are you on?

Right now,

the patient's.

What do we got?

Female, 46, multiple stab wounds,

blood pressure dropping.

Let's get her stabilized.

Don't worry, ma'am. We're gonna take real good care of you.

- I need to take care of my wife.
- Get that guy out of here.

That's my wife!

Sorry, sir, you have to go back to the waiting area...

No! Not until

I kill that bitch!

Damn it!

Don't let her live!


Oh, yeah, right.

Ruined a perfectly good pair of Armani scrubs.

W... may I?

Can I put something on that?

Not unless you have any spackle.

I'll pick some up on the way

over to your place tonight.



So, you mean to tell me

security can arrest me

but lets some guy waltz in here

and stab you in the leg?

Yeah, write a memo.

I did.

Of course you did.

You okay?

Every time i take a step

My prosthetic whistles, like a tea kettle

but apart from that

I definitely can't wear this leg tonight with nick.

Oh, wait, whoa.

You? On a date?

He saw the leg,
and he didn't run.

You know what?

You should wear that blue dress.

The one I love -- the one
that makes your boobs look big.

I'm gonna cancel. I don't think
you should be alone tonight.

Are you kidding me?


Camille and I will be fine.

For her sake

do something special.


Have a good time.

Hey, my boobs are big!

Isabel, it is not a good idea

for you to be up here.

I brought a present
for moses.

Where is he?

Second row, third from the left. We should go.

What'd you do to him?

He looks scary.

I know, but he's gonna feel much better.

Come on,

we should go.

Here, um...

You give this to him.

It's for his future, you know?

School and food and clothes.

Oh, boy, you're in trouble.


You think I'm happy about this?

Ma'am, you have to come with me.

I... I didn't...

I didn't do anything wrong.

That baby was fine
when I brought him in here.

Look what they did to him.

Isabel, just...

Don't talk to me.

Don't you ever
talk to me again.

You said you wasn't
gonna call the police.

You lied to me.

You said everything
was gonna be all right.

You promised!

I hate you!


She's hemorrhaging.

Can you get that gurney?

what happened?

My guess is that
she just gave birth.

She's the real mother?

Okay, let's get her up.

Come on.

Take her down to the E.R.

How did I Miss that? God!

And I know we've all pretended

these budget cuts would take care of themselves,

but the fact is that 10% has turned into 20% and counting.

I am so sorry I'm late.

I had an emergency.

Do you have your new budget?

I do, with my hiring freeze factored in.

But I have to tell you,

with doctor visits down to five minutes per patient,

my nurses are being hung out there to dry.

And at the end of the day, the patients suffer.

Especially when nurses don't know how to follow doctors' orders.

I thought this was a budget meeting.

It is.

Oh, then why don't we discuss the cost benefit

of firing those reckless nurses

who put the hospital at risk for litigation.


If we're also prepared to talk about

how doctors do the same thing.

But I forgot...

Doctors don't get fired.

That's enough.

Shall we move on?

No, let's cut to the chase.

Today, one of your nurses almost killed my patient

and then had the balls to blame me for his mistake.

I saw the chart,

I saw your orders,

and you were wrong,

and he knew it.

Now, he followed hospital protocol anyway.

But if I were you, I would be thanking my lucky stars

that Corporal Sharp only coded

and didn't end up in the morgue.

Or up on the roof with you.

Dr. Marshall, I'd like to speak with you outside.


It's okay, Tom.

No. I'm going.

I will not be lectured to by a nurse.

I will, uh, file my report with Morrissey,

and nurse what's-his-name can file his.

Well, his name happens to be Ray Stein,

and he's a damn good nurse.

Any other business?


I need volunteers

to make centerpieces

for our Japanese thingamajiggy.


Mom, i, uh,

need a ride to grandma's.

Uh, by the time I got out of

detention, everybody was gone.

How was detention?


You're lucky you didn't get suspended.

No thanks to you.

I was parenting.

More like throwing m to the wolves.

Well, did your dopey friends

give you props

for "moronic stunt of the month"?

Why are you such a hater?

Dad would've backed me up.

In your dreams.

Mom, it's getting kind of late,

so why don't you "parent" me

over to grandma's?

I'll tell you what.

You can take a cab

or wait.

Let me guess...

Another hospital emergency?

How does this place run without you?

Are you sure you're okay

going to this memorial dinner tonight?

Dad would've wanted me to.

Why's that?

So nobody could talk about you

behind your back.

All right, listen,

it's a school night,

so can you please be home

by 10:00?

Oh, I told grandma

I'd sleep over.

I thought it'd be a good idea

if she wasn't alone tonight.

Yeah, we wouldn't want that, would we?

I hope this isn't some excuse

for you and psycho Suzanne

to sneak out and buy some weed.

Pretty girls don't have to buy their own pot.

I know that.

Thank you.

I love you, mom.

I know that, too.

Why the restraints?

'Cause she kept ripping her I.V. out.

Bitch is trying to poison me.

No, she's not, Isabel.

Do you want your hands free?

Good luck.


I'll just rip the needle out again.

How's my boy?

He's something, ain't he?

He is.

Hey, don't be sad.

Did I say something wrong?

No. It's me.

I'm sorry.

What you sorry for?

It ain't like you knocked me up.

You want some of my jello?

We can share it.

I'm good.

See you in the morning.


When I said before that I hated you...

I didn't mean it.

I appreciate that.

But this bitch is a whole other story.


Uh, I nearly killed your Corporal Sharp today.

You did?


Well, he's not mine.

He's America's.

What does he have that I don't have?

A purple heart.


Okay. So, let me get this straight.

If I quit my job as a nurse

and I become a navy seal and I get superficially wounded

in an unsuccessful covert mission

to catch Bin Laden

and then I return
to america as a hero

and I convalesce here
at richmond trinity,

then I got a shot with you?


I like my chances!

It's that bad, huh?

It's not pretty.

Sticks and stones, christina,

sticks and stones...

And I suppose
jumping off buildings

can break my bones.

I'm sorry.


Standing out there,
you know, on that edge,

I was ready.

I was so ready
to kill this cancer.

And then...

I don't know.

Right before I blacked out,
I had this final thought,

the last neuron
firing across my synapse.

"I want to live."

Get some sleep.

I'll come see you in the morning.


I want to live.


you shouldn't have.

What can I say?
I'm a hopeless romantic.

you look beautiful.


I was worried my earrings
might clash with my leg.

Let's go.

you almost got a visit
from your old pal david today.

He tried really hard.

But richmond trinity
wouldn't let him go.

You know, I know
a deal's a deal, michael,

but sending you to your mother's

seems like cruel
and unusual punishment.

On the plus side, at least camille
won't have to watch me

talk a jar of ashes every night.

But I still need to have a piece of you
in my universe somewhere.

A piece of you...
that no one else can have.

Your heart.

Your soul.

time heals...
