Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 7, Episode 6 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

A current wave of liquor store robberies and shootings are strangely linked to a fiveyear old bank robbery in which neither the quarter-million-dollar booty nor the thief was ever found. ...

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This is Jack Lord inviting
you to be with us next

for "Right Grave, Wrong Body."

A gun used to kill a
hood five years ago

suddenly reappears, huh,

and is used in a
liquor store holdup.


But where has it
been for five years?

What happened to
the quarter million?

What are you going to do?

I have to find that gun
before somebody else does.

MAN: I need a name.

Brother, I'm the
only cop you talk to.

(upbeat music playing)

I got him.

( ominous theme playing)


Next: "Right Grave, Wrong Body."

Be here, aloha.

( upbeat surf theme playing)

(truck engines idling)

Hold it.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(indistinct radio chatter)

Forty-five caliber.

Pretty bad shape but I
think we can get a make on it.


Got something.

Let's see.

DOC: Jess Kaneko,
no doubt about it.

These dental x-rays from
Oahu state prison confirm it.

Any idea how long
he's been dead?

Judging from the dryness
of the bones and these.

They grow in the grave.
Takes about five years

for the root growth
to reach this length.

Five years?

Wait a minute. Five years.

(snapping fingers)

The Oahu National
Bank robbery was just

about five years ago,
remember? Yeah.

They got hit for a quarter
of a million. Three guys.

It ended up in a
shootout with H.P.D.

I think they only nailed
two of them, right?

Al Triplett and Duke Skelly.

And the third guy got
away with the whole bundle.

Jess Kaneko?

He'd get my vote. DANNO: Why?

Oh, Skelly, Kaneko and Triplett
were as close as peas in a pod.

But what happened to
the quarter of a million?

It's not in that graveyard.

H.P.D. screened
every inch of it.

Maybe, just maybe,

Kaneko had to fight
somebody else for it, huh?

Maybe, and lost.

(phone ringing)


It's Che.

Yeah, Che?

CHE: Got something
you should see, Steve.

On my way. Thank you,
Doc. Let's go, Danno.

CHE: A .38 caliber killed
Kaneko. Take a look at this.

This is a 5-year-old
Kaneko bullet.

This slug was taken
from a liquor store clerk

killed a month ago in a robbery.

Fired from the same
gun? No question about it.

That was down on Hotel
Street. The case is still open.

Danno, have Nick get
the records from H.P.D.

A gun used to kill a
hood five years ago

suddenly reappears, huh?

And is used in a liquor
store holdup a month ago.

But where has it
been for five years?


And what happened
to the quarter million?

Che, run your ballistics
records through the computer.

See if the gun was used

in any other crimes
in the past five years.

Get me the book on
Kaneko. Hit it hard.

I wanna know everybody he knew.

Put the cash in
the bag. No change.




( ominous theme playing)

(tires screeching)

Halt, police!

Positive confirmation, Steve.

The same gun that killed
Jess Kaneko five years ago

and the clerk last month

killed Chun Hoy in the
liquor store this morning.


Call Mrs. Hoy, Danno.
See if she's up to coming in.

If she is, send a
car for her. Yeah.

McGARRETT: I realize
this is painful, Mrs. Hoy,

but we need your help.

I'll do all I can.

(sobs) Sit down, please.

Mrs. Hoy, this is a
facial topography kit.

It's called an Identi-Kit.

It contains hundreds of
sketches of lips, eyes, eyebrows

and other facial

Now, if you can tell us what
the holdup man looked like,

we can build a face.

DANNO: This is a photo
of a sketch taken by H.P.D.,

built from a
witness's description.

A description of a man
who held up a liquor store

and killed a clerk
less than a month ago.

Does it resemble
the man you saw?

The hair was different.

How was it different?

Curlier and down
on his forehead more.

And the chin wasn't like that.

He didn't have a dimple.

Show her the hairline
sketches, Danno.

McGARRETT: Is it any of those?

I don't know. I just don't know.

Take your time, Mrs.
Hoy. Take your time.

( ominous theme playing)

I don't think... Wait,
maybe that one.

Try number 57.

Is that more like it?

Good, good. Anything else now?

MRS. HOY: There's
something wrong with this mouth.

His teeth didn't
stick out like that.

And his lips were bigger.

Wider or fuller?


McGARRETT: Take a look at there.

See if you can see something.

That one.

That one looks like them.

McGARRETT: Number 5, Danno.



Good. Now study it
a little while longer.

Is there anything
else you can tell us?

The nose, the nose isn't right.

How is it different?

Wider, I think.

And the nostrils
didn't show up like that.

How about that page?

That one.

McGARRETT: Which one?

MRS. HOY: I think that one.

Try number 3.

That's him. I'm sure of it.

Good, good.

Thank you, Mrs. Hoy.
Now just one more question.

The glasses he was wearing?

They were like... Like those.

And thick. The lenses,
I mean. Real thick.

Good. Thank you
very much, Mrs. Hoy.

I'm sorry to put
you through this.

We can go now.

Chin, would you help
Mrs. Hoy to the car, please?

Big difference here.

But we've established
one constant.

The glasses? Yeah.

Two eyewitnesses as of
now have established the fact

that he has thick lenses,

and that's one thing
he cannot change.

He can style his
hair differently

or grow a mustache
or beard or both.

But with his eyesight,

he'd be practically
blind without his glasses.

Steve, that's two down
in less than a month.

Want me to have H.P.D. stake
out the liquor stores in that area?

No, no. They can't tie
up that much manpower.

(phone buzzing)

Yes, Jenny? JENNY:
Sergeant Lyman is here.

Send him in, please.

Hello, Steve. McGARRETT: Dean.

Danny. How are
you? Good to see you.

It's been a long time. Too long.

What can I do for you?

I want you to take a
look at a couple of faces.

McGARRETT: Are either
of those the man you spotted

outside the Chun
Hoy liquor store?


No, I can't say the guy
looks like either one of them.

Study them carefully, will
you, Dean? It's important.


Why is Five-0 interested
in the Hoy killing?

Oh, it's not just
the Hoy killing.

Remember the liquor store
clerk who was gunned down

less than a month ago
on Merchant Street?

Same gun, both jobs.

And here's the kicker:

it was the same gun
used to kill a bank robber

named Jess Kaneko
about five years ago.

DANNO: The Oahu National heist.

Yeah, I remember.
They never did crack that.

Still haven't.

Not with a quarter of a
million dollars still missing.


run Mrs. Hoy's description
through the NCIC computer.

Then have some copies
made. Circulate them with H.P.D.

I want everybody to
take a look at that mug.

Right. See you, Dean.

Sit down a second, Dean.

( suspenseful theme playing)

What are you doing?

I'm having a drink. What's
it look like I'm doing?

Dean, what's wrong?


Look, uh...

I couldn't sleep. I just
thought a drink might relax me.

All right.

But we're both awake now,
so do you mind if I join you?

Marge, why don't
you go back to bed?

When you do. Or when
you tell me what's wrong.

There is nothing
wrong. That isn't true.

Ever since you
came home last night

you've been acting so strange.

Would you just leave me alone?

No, no, not until you
tell me what's wrong.

All right.

Okay, you wanna
know what's wrong?

I'll show you what's wrong.

(keys rattling)

( ominous theme playing)

LYMAN: I just got off shift

and I was on my way home

and this guy goes flying
by me, he's going like hell.

So I started out after him.

But he, uh... He spun out.

He was trying to take a curve
too fast up on Mauna Loa Road.

And he jumps out, and
he's got this suitcase,

And he... And he
starts opening up at me.

So I fired back.

And I killed him.

He went down, the
suitcase busts open

and all of these
comes spilling out.

Well, I don't know
what came over me

but I'm thinking that, well,
here I am, I'm all alone,

a dead man, all this money.

Think maybe, I
could bury the guy,

dump his car in the ocean,

and nobody would
ever know about it.

Except you.

Why didn't you tell me?

Well, I wanted
to tell you about it.

When I came home,
when I saw you,

I knew that if I told
you that I'd lose you.

And by that time,

it was too late to turn it in,

so I thought I
could hide it in here

and that'd be the end of it.

But it isn't.


Well, they found
the guy that I killed,

or what's left of him.

And they found a
slug from a gun. It's a...

We had a gun, remember?

I lost it when I was jumped
in the Star City robbery.

But I don't understand.
That was three years ago.

What happened?

Well, somebody's
been using that gun.

And he's already killed two
guys in liquor store holdups.

Oh, Dean. What
are you going to do?

( ominous theme playing)

Well, the only thing I can do.

I have to find that gun
before somebody else does.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(soft music playing on radio)

Look who's here.

Hi, baby.

Did you miss me?

Dig him.

He's been gone,
what, four, five years?

And then he comes
strolling in asking, "Miss me?"

Like he just got back
from the men's room.


Who's this?

A deserving war vet. Mm-hm.

Well, USO is down
the street. Find it.

Hey, wait a minute.

If I wait a minute, you're dead.

You look terrific.

Taken care of yourself,
haven't you, huh?

Well, if I don't,
nobody else will.

I don't know. I might
make you an offer.


That's what you said
the last time I saw you.

The next thing I hear,
you're on the mainland.

Honey, I'm sorry about that.

But things got a little
warm around here for me.

Mainland any cooler?

The johns never
laid a glove on me.

Not even a traffic ticket.


Listen, let's make some plans.

I think you already have.

You bet.

Bring me two bourbon and water.

Hi, Kelly.

What do you want now, Cas?

I'm a little short of dough.
I thought maybe you...

Get lost.

Look, I can pay you tomorrow.

All I need is a
little... You heard her.

Get lost.

What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?


See you, Kelly.

Half a shot.

(coins jingling)

(cash register rings)

(door opens)

H.P.D. comes up
negative on the Identi-Kits.

No one recognizes the guy.

Whoever the holdup man is,

he either has no local record
or he's new to the island.

Well, it's possible
that he left the islands,

operated on the mainland,
and then came back.

Maybe Washington has
a record of the gun? Try it.

Yeah, we'll check it
out. Double-time it.


Drew a blank from
the NCIC computer.

They can't match a
name to our new face.

H.P.D. told us the same thing.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(children shouting)

What's with the civvies, sarge?

Shut up. I need a name.

That's a big order, sarge.

Don't recognize him.

Of course, there's a lot of
new faces in town these days.

All right.

I need a collar on
this guy, right away.

And 50 bucks.

Brother, I'm the
only cop you talk to.

Sure, sure.

Do the best I can.

I need it fast.

Okay. Okay.


(door sensor chiming)

Be with you in a minute.

Fill it. What?

Fill it.

(register rings)

Just the bills
and make it quick.

Come on, come on.

( action theme playing)


(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)

Best I could do,
the shooting and all.

Okay. Ben, get a
statement. Right.

It's close to the others,
Steve. Maybe different enough

to get a name
from NCIC this time.

I'll run it through.

( ominous theme playing)

(cash register rings)

( upbeat theme playing)

CHIN: Ballistic report
from Washington.

Seems like our boy has
been operating on the mainland

for three years.

Four murder-robberies from
New York to Texas, all unsolved.

Well, he just added
another one to his list.

Che says that Officer Kiko
was killed with the same gun.

Steve, the NCIC computer

gives us a fat zero
on the new face.

Our three suspects
just don't exist.

Maybe so, Danno, maybe so.

But our killer is in one
of these three faces.

Now, all of the
witnesses can't be wrong.

Let's see where they
agree and disagree.

DANNO: Well, the
glasses for one thing.

They all agree on that.

That's right. Anything else?

Well, numbers 1 and 2

have the same shape of
face and the same eyebrows.

That's right.

Danno, get the kit, will you?

Look at number 2 and number 3.

CHIN: Well, hair,
the nose and lips

are identical.

Not quite. Not quite.

McGARRETT: There's
something missing.

The dimple on his chin.



That's it.

I think you've got it.

Have some photos
made off this one.

Ask Dean Lyman to come in.

I want him to
see all four faces.

It might shake something
loose. DANNO: Right.

( suspenseful theme playing)

It's me.

I hit the jackpot. I got him.

( tense theme playing)

Where is he and what's his name?

He's pretty close but I
guess I need another 50.

No. Don't play with me,
Cas. Now, where is he?

Well, all right. All
right. He stays at...


(glass breaking)

( action theme playing)

H.P.D. found him this
morning near the Pauahi Hotel.

Took one in the chest.

Che says it's the same
gun that killed Kaneko

and the liquor store
victims. Recognize him?

It's Cas. Cas Ewa.

A stoolie.

Found this on him.

(knocking on door)

McGARRETT: Yeah. Come in, Dean?

Listen, I just got your
message this morning.

Wife and I were visiting on
the North Shore last night.

I'm sorry.

No problem. Another ident?

Yeah. Maybe one you
can recognize this time.


Are you sure?

Couldn't be more positive.

Okay, Dean.
Thanks for coming in.

I hoped we were on to something.

What is it?

Number 4.

What about it?

Well, it could be if...
McGARRETT: If what?

LYMAN: The dimple
wasn't that prominent.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Uh, lips were thinner.

Much thinner. Yeah.

LYMAN: Face was longer.

And the hair didn't
come down that far.

He had more forehead.

Danno, get the kit.

Take a look, Dean.

DANNO: Dimple.



Thinner lips.

How's this?

Yeah, that's close.

You sure?

You sure? Yeah.

Yeah, that's close. That's him.

Good, good.

Danno, have copies made,
circulate them with H.P.D.

Get Chin and Ben to check
them with the witnesses.

I'll run through NCIC.

Dean, thank you very much.
I can't thank you enough

for coming in.

Don't thank me. Believe me,

I want that guy
as bad as you do.

( ominous theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Thank you.

(register rings)

Is that it? Yeah.

Uh, that'll be $1.75.

(register rings)

Put your money in the bag.


( ominous theme playing)


(dog barking)



I ain't talking to
you. Nobody is.

Not since Cas got... Hey,

you'll talk to me
and you'll like it.

I wanna know about
that liquor store punk.

I don't know nothing.

Like hell you don't.

I swear, I don't
know who the guy is.



There's this ho,

she works out of the Glade.

That's all it is, I... I swear.

Yeah? What's her name?

Kelly. Kelly Mitsui.

What have we got, Nick?

Looks like our man hit again.

Any witnesses? Just the clerk.

Steve, what do you make of this?

like a piece of pistol butt.

Yeah, and there was
something attached to it.

A replica of an H.P.D. badge.

Well, the badges have
numbers riveted on them.

CHE: Right.

And the holes have
penetrated the grip.

You think you can make
something out of the pattern?

I can give it a try.

Well, how about it?

Does this resemble the man?

Yeah, sort of.

Except for...

Except for what?

His mouth. It was bigger.

Is it among that group?


This is it.


That's better but
it's still not him.

His forehead.

His hair came down more over it.

His face wasn't that
long and he had a dimple.

That better?

That's him.

I'd know him any place.

Same changes Lyman made.

Only in reverse.

Nick, run this through NCIC

and let's hope this
time we get a make.

What do you think?

Yeah, I think it's great.

What is it?

Well, unless I'm wrong...

How about that?

Mr. McGarrett, a patch-through
from Central for you.

Thank you.

McGarrett. CHIN:
Steve, this is Chin.

Yeah, Chin, what do you got?

Che's got something
for us at the lab.

On my way.

(tires screeching)

(cash register rings)

(billiard balls clatter)

I'm looking for a Kelly Mitsui.

Why do you want her?

No, I ask the questions.
Now, where is she?

CHE: These are
standard rivet patterns

used on replicas of
H.P.D. badge numbers.

I compared them with the
broken handle and got this.


I asked H.P.D. for
the roster of patrolmen

going back five years.

Nick's on his way
here with them now.

Good, Chin, good.

Kelly Mitsui?

What do you want?

A name and address.

I'm busy.

Not a patrolman
on the current roster

with a badge
number ending in 848

who was on the force at
the time of the Kaneko killing.

Wait a minute.

We've been assuming

that our boy is
still a patrolman.

But when a man is promoted,
his badge number changes.

Now, he could have made
sergeant or lieutenant...

But could still have had a
replica of his patrolman's badge

on his revolver.

Exactly, Danno. Exactly.

Which means we've got to
go back more than five years.

Call for another readout.


Talk or I'll... All
right, all right,

you dirty pig.

His name's Hobart.

Don Hobart. Where?

Pauahi Hotel.

( ominous theme playing)


Five-eight-four-eight. Lyman.


That's why he changed
the Identi-Kit to throw us off.

To get to the
killer before we did.

Let's pay Dean a visit.

MAN (over radio): Central
Dispatch to McGarrett.

We have a patch-through
for you from Chin Ho.

McGarrett. Go ahead, Chin.

CHIN: Steve, got
something for you.

Checked H.P.D. personnel records

and Lyman reported his
gun stolen three years ago.

Lost it trying to prevent
a warehouse robbery.

Never recovered it.

Nick reports NCIC
gives us a positive ID

on the Identi-Kit.

An ex-con named Don Hobart,

address unknown.

Run an APB on
Hobart. Get back to me.

McGARRETT: Where's your
husband now, Mrs. Lyman?

MRS. LYMAN: He's on duty.

He's working the 8-to-4 shift.

Ben, stay here with Mrs. Lyman.

Call downtown, have
them pick up the money.

May he use your phone?


I can't tell you how sorry I
am about this, Mrs. Lyman.

Dean was not only a good cop,

he was a good friend.

And that is a word I
do not use carelessly.


If there's anything I
can do for you, anything,

please call me.

Thank you.

Steve? Yeah?

H.P.D. just spotted Lyman's
car near Smith and Hotel Street.

Excuse me.

(tires screeching)

( suspenseful theme playing)

McGarrett, Hawaii Five-0.

We're looking for this
man. Ever see him before?

(police sirens wailing)

( ominous theme playing)


( mysterious theme playing)

What a waste.

What a waste.

Caught him in back of the alley

trying to dump
this in a trash can.

Book him, Danno.
Murder one, three counts.

( upbeat surf theme playing)