Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 4, Episode 8 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

A gang, led by the vicious Hawkins, is executing a plot to steal $6 million. The group includes a bank employee and an alienated, long-time employee of a trucking company. The plan results in multiple deaths. Dan Williams leads the Five-O investigation because McGarrett is having to testify at a trial on the "Big Island."

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Morning, Julie. Mr. Shaw in yet?

No noise, you understand?

Okay, get down on the
floor with the others. You too.


That makes all the
staff. Right, Mr. Shaw?

All right, we'll wait
for the time lock.

Five minutes.

What is it?

I don't know.

What's the matter?

I can't breathe.

Hang in there just
two more minutes.

Can't make it.

Man, there's millions.

Get the car.

Ten minutes after we're gone,

don't anybody move.

You got that?

Well, how'd I do?

Academy award.

My name's Williams, Five-0.

Harvey Shaw, manager.

May as well get started.

Uh, where's McGarrett?

He's on the big
island testifying

at the Johnny Oporto trial.

Oh, I thought that, uh,

trial was to be held
here in, uh, Honolulu.

Change of venue. How
did these men get in?

Ah, well, when I got
in my car this morning,

they were there.

Uh, two men. At your home?

Uh, in my garage.

Uh, they took me to
the bank at gunpoint.

One was already here
in a car, uh... Their own.

What kind of car?

Uh, light green sedan.

Um, we've got the,
uh, license number.

Um, 8-C-6310.

Did you get a good
look at any of their faces?

No, the masks
covered everything.

Or almost everything.

I guess Carol got
the closest look.


Yes. Your, uh, last name?

Uh, Lindsay. Carol Lindsay.

When I came in this morning,
one of them grabbed me.

And his face was
real close to mine.

Did you, uh, see
anything unusual,

or notice anything unusual?

Just his eyes.

They were very cold and green.


Anything else?

Well, they seemed to know
everything about the bank.

Uh, my name, uh, the
number of employees.

What about the cameras?

Well, they knew all about them.

They wouldn't let us get near

the activating buttons.

They knew about
the alarm system.

They, uh, knew how the, uh,

time-lock mechanism,
uh, works in the vault.

I must assume they also knew

what was in the vault.

Meaning what?

Well, we're at an all-time peak

in our cash reserves.

Uh, six million dollars.

Well, we've been
thinking about splitting it up

among our various branches.

I think that would
be a very good idea

as soon as possible.

Meantime, I'll have a
squad car posted here

on 24-hour duty.

Miss Lindsay.

Would you mind coming to our
office to look at some pictures?

Maybe you can spot those eyes.

Sure. I'll just get my purse.

You can relax, Mr. Shaw.
Everything will be all right.

Just get that money moved
as quickly as possible.

Yes, yes. I'll, uh... I'll
arrange for it right away.

Speak a little louder,
will you, Danno?

We've got a bad connection.

McGarrett, the
jury's being seated.

Okay, Paul. I'll be right in.

What do you mean, staked out?

I said struck out,
not staked out.

So far, I mean.
Checked all the hospitals.

The only cardiac
admitted this morning

was an old lady from Pearl City.

There's just not
much to go on, Steve.

I have a Miss Lindsay
here from the bank.

She's going through
the mug shots.

She's on the fourth book now.

Hang on, Steve.
Something just came in.

Oh. We found the getaway car.

Stolen, hot-wired and dumped.

No prints.

This gang has got
everything figured out, Danno.

And they've smelled
six million dollars.

Could be they'll
try another hit.

They've got to be crazy to
try a bank heist in Hawaii.

No way to get that
kind of loot off the island.

Yeah, but still they try.

I... I'd alert every
bank on Oahu.

I'm on it, Steve. Got
an APB all ready to go.

Have you tried, uh,

checking the ex-cons
with bank m.o.'s?


Got, uh, three on the island.

Let's see, uh... one
man's in an iron lung.

The other got himself
arrested two weeks ago

and the third is a
guy named Noonan.

Has an honest job. We're
gonna check him out.

That's it, Danno:
thinking all the time.

It's the only way, isn't it?

Talk to you later.

Fred Noonan?



Do you mind telling
us where you were

between 8:30 and 9 this morning?

You trying to hassle me

just 'cause I got a record?

Just tell us where you were.

Yeah. In the business office.

You don't believe me, go check.

Yes, gentlemen, I
asked Mr. Noonan

to come in early today.

He was here
approximately, um, 8:40

and he left about, uh, 9:00.

During that time, he filled out
company forms H-11 and H-12.

Here I have H
series in Cabinet 1.

Cross-filed under the
employee's name in Cabinet 6.

My own system. Ha, ha.

Just a moment, here. Oh...

Here you go. Company
forms H-11 and H-12.

H-11 for, uh, health
insurance applications,

and H-12 for health history.

That's the one
that takes the time.

You know, when did
you have the measles,

the mumps, the chickenpox?

It's amazing how many people

don't remember
when they had mumps.

Are sure of the time
Noonan was here?

Well, of course. Here it is.

The form completed at 8:50.

You see, there's a time
receipt stamp right there.

I always do that.
Keeps everything neat.

Why? Does that
make any difference?

No, not anymore.

I'll tell you why.

It's because
Noonan has a record,

and so you automatically assume

he's done something wrong.

Goodbye, Mr. Blumberg.

Can I give you some sage wisdom?

Do not judge thy comrade

until thou has
stood in his place.

Thank you.

Darling, that was
some performance.

If I hadn't known,

you'd have scared
the life out of me.


Did you get the word?


Mr. Hawkins?

They're moving the
money tomorrow at 3:30

after the bank closes.

See, it worked.

Hey, it worked.

They're moving the
money at 3:30 tomorrow.

Wonderful news, Carol.

That means tomorrow's D-day.

You each know
what you have to do.

You mean, the whole plan
just the way we discussed it?

Including your part of
the plan, Mr. Blumberg,

if you have no objections.

Ha. My objections
I can live with.

For a million dollars, why not?


Okay, brother.

Warning acknowledged.

Pacific Trust Bank in Waialua,

security doubled.

And in Punaluu and Waikane.

That make every
bank on the island?

Yeah, every bank.

If that gang is thinking
of trying something,

they're in for a big surprise.

Let's hope we're not.

It's all finished.

It's a beautiful job.

Three perfect
duplicates. Take a look.

Did you make any, uh,
trial runs before printing?

Yes, I burned 'em all up.

You, uh, got no holdout copies?

Hey, man, I'm straight.

I've been in this
business 20 years.

Where's your type?
Still locked up?

It's all pied, man.

It's all broken up.

Just like you say,
it's a beautiful job.

Got the money?


And I'm keeping it.

Okay, Gary, and then, uh...

Printer's name
was Carlson, Steve.

He caught three in
the chest from a .45.

Nearly ripped him apart.

McGARRETT: Who found the body?

The printer's devil.

A man named Poto Mahana.

He worked part-time for Carlson.

Came in mornings
to put away type

that Carlson used
the night before.

McGARRETT: Any idea what
Carlson was printing last night?

That's the problem, Steve.

Type was all over the
place. Thousands of letters.

We don't know what was
used last night and what wasn't.

All right, sweetheart,
you're under arrest.

Very convincing.

Yeah? You like that? Uh-huh.

I mean, is that as good
as my heart-attack number?

Uh, that's as good
as your "falling in love

with the bank clerk" number.

Oh, now, don't pull that, hey.

Look, you needed
someone on the inside.

And I loved being
recruited by you.

So just keep on doing
that number, okay?


Hey, hey, don't pull
on the shirt like that.

You know, I had to put up
a big deposit for this thing.

Man in the store,

he thinks I'm going
to a costume party.

Ha-ha. Some party.

Rio, Buenos Aires, Acapulco.

You'll have to give
me dancing lessons.

Oh, no.

No more of that dance
studio stuff for me.

No more of those fat old ladies

stepping all over my shoes.


Yeah, I know. With me, it's
the skinny ladies, you know,

with gold lamé slacks,

grabbing money out of
my hands at the bank.

Yeah, well, pretty soon,

no one will be grabbing
from you, once I get my share.

Then all you'll have to do

is just reach out
there and take it.

Mm. Well, I've already
reached, you know.

I got you forever.

Forever? Ooh, wow.

That's a very
heavy word, forever.

You're such a louse, you know?

Do you know what
I'm gonna do to you

when I'm old and rich and fat?


I'm gonna dance with you.

And I'm gonna stomp all
over your feet, you know.

Oh, you are? Mm-hm.

Ah, well, we'll see about that.

Come here. Ooh!

They've got it at the lab now

but they have to go
through it letter by letter

looking for signs of fresh ink.

Sounds like a backbreaker.

Let me know if he comes
up with anything, will you?

Will do. How's your trial going?

Oh, don't ask.

Uphill all the way.

Witnesses are afraid to testify.

How about the
bank? Things quiet?

Yeah, but I'll feel a lot better

when they move
that six million dollars.

Danno, have you
made absolutely...?

Mr. McGarrett?

Yeah, coming. Be right with you.

Danno, they're after
me. I'll talk to you later.


Danny wants to know
how you're doing.

So far we've got
one letter in black ink,

one number in red.

The letter K and a number 4.

We've still got two
boxes of type to go.

Any idea how long it will take?


Don't hold your breath.

Hey, got another one.

Your forms, Mr. Blumberg.



See this gold watch?

I got it for 32
years of filing forms.


Well, just don't make
any mistakes on those.

They're the only ones we've got.

And you might say the supply

has sort of dried up forever.

Dried up?

You mean, Carlson the printer?

Well, why?

He gave you what you wanted.

It wasn't even part of the plan.

It's part of my plan, Blumberg.

You see, if anything goes wrong,

if any one of you
guys gets caught,

I don't want you turning
state's evidence on me.

You see, this way, you're
an accessory to murder.

There's no turning back.

It's 0820. Let's review.

Well, i-i-if you don't mind,

I've gotta be on
the job at 0900.

I mind, Blumberg.

Sit, Blumberg.

All right, now, let's
review our tactical plans.

Assault and aftermath.

This... This whole thing,

it's like a war
to you, ain't it?

What did you say they
gave you, Blumberg?

A gold watch? Ha.

Well, they gave me
a wound in the gut

that's gonna take about
10 years off my life.

And then I get home,
only to be called a...

A monster by some
long-haired creep with a beard.


I'm gonna get 'em back...

with interest.


Yes, Mr. Hanley?

I'm having another
tax examination.

Make up a list of my
expenses, will you?

Anything we can support.

Mr. Hanley, I've seen some

of your expense vouchers.

Thirty-, 40-dollar lunches.

Do you know that
your father and I

used to bring our
lunch in a paper bag

and eat out in the
yard with the men?

Yeah, those were great old days.

Take care of this,
will you, Blumberg?

Yes, Mr. Hanley.

I couldn't handle
the thought of...

Of hurting you.

I know what you want,
something meaningful.

That's not my scene.

That's why we... We...

We have to go separate ways.

Are you sure you
wanna leave me, Ray?

For your sake, baby.

It's for your sake.

You'll have a good
start on 50,000.

I don't want $50,000.

But you deserve it.

Hey, I wouldn't think
of you not taking it.

I want a full share.

A million dollars.

And there's something else

that you ought to
tell Mr. Hawkins.

I've left a letter

with my attorney, Mr. Schikata.

Just in case something
violent happens to me.

Now, are you sure you
wanna leave me, Ray?

Your girl Carol reminds me

of a girl I knew in Saigon once.

She had a great little
racket going for herself.

She threatened to send a
picture home to your folks

unless you came
across with an extra 50.

You know what
we did to her, Ray?

We mailed her to her folks.


W... Well, Carol's
different, you know.

I mean, she protected herself.

Yeah, I'll bet she did.

Yeah, that's pretty nice.

You and her ending
up with an extra share.

That's a pretty good
idea you had, Ray.

Hey, wait a minute.

That was her idea. I
don't go back on a deal.

One million apiece, right?

One for Noonan, one for me,

one for Blumberg.

And triple for you.

And... And you deserve it, man.

I mean, it was your idea.

Your... Your plan.

Ah, but this...

This thing she's pulling now...

I mean, I don't know how
we're gonna get out of it.

That's simple.

We get out of it by paying.


A full share?


Your share.

Hey, hey.

Put that thing away.


Okay, my share.

Ah, that's okay, Ray.

You'll make out.

You're good at romancing them
rich fat old ladies, aren't you?


Okay, Pablo. Now,
you be sure to have

the truck back before 5:00, huh?

Noonan? Yeah?

Got a shipment for you.

Uh, you better,
uh, pick up a rig.

Nine hundred crates?

You're making me work hard
again, aren't you, Blumberg?

A hernia you wouldn't get

from lifting thin air.


This is Harvey
Shaw, Fourth Federal.

The money's just
gone out, Mr. Williams.

The crisis is over.

I'm glad to hear it, Mr. Shaw.

That's a relief.


How you doing?

All done.

Four numbers in red,

eight letters in black.

Mm. I wonder what it could be.

Some kind of, uh, numbered form.

A license, invoice,
a stock certificate?

With these letters,

how many combinations
are possible?

Well, let's see.

Using the eight
factorial formula,

that could be over
40,000 combinations.

Central, get me
the computer bank.

Help me.

Help me, God. Help me, help me.

Help me. Oh...

Jenny, be back in
about a half an hour.

Danny, this is for
you. Emergency.

I'll take it in here.




On my way.

Chin, we got trouble.

The truck was gone
when we got here.

Driver and assistant
shot through the head.

Through bulletproof glass?

Armor-piercing bullets.

Probably carbide.

We figure the camper was
used as a decoy to stop the truck.

Kono, uh, get a
readout on those plates

and notify Mr. Shaw at the bank.

Hey, Dan. DANNO:
What have you got?

Tracks coming up this way.

Let's go.

Look at this.

Yeah. Let's go.

Shaw speaking.


But... But... But
how could that be?

There were armed guards aboard.

Well, c... Couldn't
they do anything?

Oh, no.


Come on.

Good tracks.

Yeah, like traffic signs.

That's a lot of dolls.

Yeah, it won't quit.

Take it down there.

What do you mean, no tracks?

There have to be tracks.

A truck goes in, it goes out.

I know it doesn't
make any sense, Steve.

The tracks went in.
They didn't go out.

Have you checked
everything inside and out?

Everywhere. Inside,
outside, upside down.

Covered the ground for a
hundred yards. Rocks, grass, sand.

And there was no trace?

Not a trace, Steve.

No tracks, no truck and...

No six million dollars.

Sir, I'm not asking
to be excused.

I just wanna go back to
Honolulu for one night.

May I remind you
again that we have

a murder trial to complete?

Well, I'm talking
about three murders.

Three murders and
six million dollars stolen.

Now, my men are out
now searching every inch

of that island for
that armored truck.

If I could just go back
to Honolulu for one night.

Your department can function
without you for one night.

It has nothing to
do... Request denied.

Hey, who you calling
a lousy ex-con?

What are you...?

Come in.

What is it, Blumberg?

It's Fred Noonan.

He's fighting with the other men

and it's not the first time.

I think we ought to let him go.

Whatever you say, Blumberg.

Something else?

Yes, sir. I want a raise.

Fifty dollars a week,
starting right now.

Fifty dollars?

I'm worth it. I do your
personal accounts and your tax

and I do it on my own time.

Yeah, sure.

You're a key man on
the team, Blumberg. Ha.

But $50 more?

It's not a joke.

I mean it.

Yes or no?


Then I'll get my
things together.

Blumberg, you're
making a big mistake.

A man your age,

the world's not
waiting with open arms.

Just out of curiosity,

what if I had asked
for a 10-dollar raise?

Not 10, not five.

Thank you, Mr. Hanley.

You've just confirmed
my faith in human nature.

Well, how many more we got?

A hundred and twenty pages.

Two hundred names to a page.

And I thought the computer
was the policeman's best friend.

What's next?

Kiti Dogs.

Or that could be Kiti Togs.

A company
where... Chin, hold it.

That's where Noonan works.

Fred Noonan.
Ex-con, ex-holdup man.

But alibied for the bank heist.

Alibied by who?

Blumberg. Tiki Gods.

Blumberg and Noonan,
they could be in this together.

Flight 82 to Dallas.

Seattle, one way.

Young lady, one way
to Miami Beach, please.

Oh, and I want to stop in
Los Angeles on the way.

We don't have any
current invoices starting

with nine or four.

It would have to be in
the one or zero series.

Wish Blumberg were here.

No one knows
these files like him.

Here you are.

These are the posted
paid-up accounts.

They should match
Mr. Blumberg's invoices.

Let's see if they do.

Can I ask what
you're looking for?

Six million dollars.

Hi. San Francisco.

I'd like to make a
reservation to Seattle, please.


I show two posted accounts.

Same invoice.

Sally's Gift Shop and
Pacific Coast Novelty Imports.

And that's the
name on this invoice:

Pacific Coast Novelty Imports.

I never heard of that company.

Where's the invoice
for Sally's Gift Shop?

Not here.

Maybe yanked, huh?

Or maybe switched with a phony.

There's a big difference
in the orders too.

Sally's Gift Shop, 10
crates. Delivered locally.

Pacific Coast Novelty
Imports, 920 crates.

How was it shipped?

They specified
shipment by Seatrain.

Here it is. Your
invoice number 1409.

Shipped out this morning.

It's on its way to Oakland.

Hang on a minute.

How much would 920 crates weigh?

A ton.

What was the weight
of that shipment, please?

Uh, subtract the
weight of the rig,

22,000 pounds net.

Thank you.

That order was
slightly overweight.

About 20,000 pounds.


A million bucks. Ooh!

What we became
for a million dollars.

You know, I can't even
visualize a million dollars.

Well, Mr. Hawkins,

your, uh, private
war is over now.

It's just started, Blumberg.

We'll set things
right in this country.

We're gonna stop
'em from burying us

with peace and poetry and pot.

Got the nitro?

You're now
completely surrounded.

You have one minute to
come out with your hands up.

After that, we start shooting.

One minute, starting now.

Take cover.

I'll kill you for this!
I... I swear I'll kill you!


McGARRETT: Yeah, Danno.

We tracked the gang to a
warehouse here in Oakland.

Two of them tried to run for it.

They didn't make it.

I'm bringing the
other three back.

Your trial over?

Yeah. Johnny Oporto
was just found guilty.

Three counts, murder one.
He's a cinch for life. No...

No possibility of parole.

Danno, you did a
good job on this one.

Well, 184.50 a week take home.

Why not?