Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 3, Episode 12 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

Two women are strangled and portions of a poem are written, in lipstick, on their legs. The second is the girlfriend of Dan Williams. He is on edge, wanting to work on the case "or else it's going to work on me." Danno, however, beats up a person who knew his girlfriend before Kono and Chin Ho can stop him. It turns out the real killer is Walter Gregson, who really wants to kill his wife (a friend of the two dead women) and make it appear all the deaths were committed by a psychopath.

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Watch your throw.
Into court more.


A couple of more minutes,
then you can join the party.

As long as I make it in
time for the champagne.

Gives most people the
shakes. We'll rehearse that later.

We're at the altar now, and you
answer the minister's question:

"Do you take this woman."
Et cetera, et cetera.

"I do. I do," you know.
He hands you the ring.

You put it on her finger
and, "with this," uh,

"ring I thee wed."

And then he'll say, "I now
pronounce you man and wife."

Now comes the moment
that needs no rehearsal.

You look at her, and she
looks tenderly back at you.

All the invited guests
hold their breath,

the ladies sigh, and
then you kiss, see?

Very good.

Uh, no chance, Mark.

These are reserved.

Never trust anyone over 15.

Okay, listen, why don't
you guys relax for a moment,

have some champagne, we'll
do it again. Rehearse again, okay?

What I really like
about your friends, Jane,

is that they, uh, serve
imported champagne.

And what I really
like about them is...

Is you.

Hey, is this rehearsal

degenerating into
an orgy already?

Oh. Down, Walter.

Sally, can't you
control your husband?

I'm wounded.

Don't you worry,
you'll get over it.

I need a refill.
Hold the fort, Sally.

Time's up.

Let me hit a few more.

I was just getting
the feel of it.

You'll miss your
champagne. No, I won't.

See you Thursday. Right.

Let's do the rehearsal
now, one more time.

And let's really
make this a good one,

because if we do, this
will be our last time.


Walter. How's the rehearsal?

Swinging. But we all miss you.

I'm sorry, Linda. I
like you, but I have to.

And of course he will say,

"I now pronounce
you man and wife."

And then you will kiss.

Like that. Good.

Hey. See, just like...
See how easy that was?

No problem at all.

And you do it the same
way, and you've got it made.

See, they're veterans, now.

They know everything there is.

Here we are.

Careful, now. I had
to fight for these.

Well. Here's to...
Fighting? Oh, never.

Here's... to love.

You got here in a hurry.

Yeah. Call came through
with a lot of heat on it.

Do you know her?

Yeah. Linda Marsh.

Nice girl.

Time of death?

Well, we got lucky there.

She finished a, uh, tennis
lesson at exactly 3 p.m.

with the club pro.

Those other two had the
court reserved for 3:30.

Got here early and, uh,
found her at exactly 3:17.

Seventeen minutes.

Cause of death been
established yet, doc?

On a preliminary
basis, strangulation.

Killer wore gloves,
probably plastic.

She must have struggled.

We found a piece of
plastic under one of her nails.

No prints. And on this
artificial turf, no tracks.

That's neat.

There's one other thing.

"And every death
a tear can claim

Except the sinning
sisters' shame."

That looked like
sisters, plural.

Could be a pattern killing.

"Every death a tear can
claim." Quote from something?

Yeah, I'll check it out, Danno.

You stay here on Makaha,
Danno. You know the people.

I'll get with Che in the lab.
See what we can come up with.

Okay, you can take her home.

Mr. Gregson, can
you say specifically

where you were
during the past hour?

Right here all the
time. With everybody.

We were drinking champagne.

Okay. You can go.


I'm sorry.

Oh, it's unbelievable.

Just horrible.

Dan, was she...? No.

She wasn't assaulted sexually.

As far as the preliminary report
shows, it happened very quickly.

How can you be so detached?

Look, I knew Linda,
and I liked Linda.

It's my job to find
out who killed her.

I'm sorry, darling.

Now, look, you can help.

I wanna know
about Linda's friends,

enemies, love
affairs, everything.

There's no particular
man. Not right now.

Lots of parties and
lots of boyfriends,

but it's all very casual.

What about her parents?

Well, they're on the mainland.

Her father's English, and
her mother's from Boston.

They've been divorced for years.

Linda was another one of us.

Orphans by arrangement.

Anyway, her father
gave her an allowance.

To stay here, I think.

So she could have been
involved with somebody.

Oh, it's possible. But
Dan, I knew Linda.

There wasn't anybody serious.

And here just wasn't
any reason to kill her.

She's dead. She was murdered.

Somebody had a reason.

"And every death
a tear can claim,

Except the sinning
sisters' shame."

I've identified the quote.

It's by Lord Byron, from a
poem called "The Giaour."

It's a Turkish word
meaning "Christian slave."

It's about a slave girl
who, uh... Who's unfaithful,

so her owner kills her.

What's still worries me is this.

Sisters. It means more than one.

What about the handwriting?

We're still getting samples.
More than 50 so far.

It takes a while to
run 'em all through.

Che Fong says it's, uh,

difficult to make an
identification on this writing

because it's lipstick on skin.


All right.

What have we got so far?

We're checking the club
staff and the groundskeepers,

and possible strangers.

There's 137 people.

I'm crosschecking the
stories. We'll boil it down.

Knowing the precise time
helps. We know when and where.

That leaves who and why.


Yeah, Jenny.

Oh, yeah.


Uh, a young lady
to see you, Danno.

A Miss, uh, Jane Michaels.

I forgot. I've got a...
A week-old lunch date.

Uh, some charity.

I'll be right back,
Steve. I... I'll break it.

Honey, forgive
me. I'm really sorry.

Oh, Dan, you idiot. Of
course you can't come.

That's why I'm here.

I don't feel like going either,

but I'm part of the
fundraising committee.

Darling, are you
getting anywhere?

It's mostly hard work.

Details. Routine.

We're working away at it.

Oh, I know. I know.

It's just that it...
It haunts me.

Darling, take me to
dinner tonight, can you?


I just volunteered.

I'll pick you up at 8:00.

Thank you for that.

I love you.

All right, I have 600.
Six hundred dollars.

Now, who'll go 650?

Let me see a hand for
someone who'll give us 650.

Come on, now. Who'll
be the first one to...?

To own... Good, 650 I have.

Thank you. All right,
now, who will go 7.

All right, let me see the hand
of someone who'll give $700.

Do I see anyone who'll give 700?

Sally. There's a seat.
We have 650 bid.

Do I hear 700?

Seven hundred for this
absolutely beautiful painting.

Uh... Uh, ladies and gentlemen,

do I detect some
reluctance on your part?

Walter, please.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I know we're all on edge.

It's not just Linda's death.

That was and is horrible enough.

But every time we're in
public, you put on a show.

Kissing me, touching me.

A most devoted husband.

From now on, don't
bother. Not anymore.

No charity's name deserves
your generous attention more...

I'm sorry.

They say you can
tell a good marriage

when two people
aren't afraid to fight.


Well, in that case, I guess
we both to deserve a medal.

650 once.

650 twice.

Sold to Martha Jordan
for 650 deductible dollars.

Thank you.

I'll take it, Martha.

What's the latest,
uh, tally now, Jane?

I make it, uh, 8,200...
No, no, no, 8,850.

Oh, good. Thank you.

Now, here's a watercolor,
and this is done by a new local,

brilliant artist
named Pete King.

And here's your opportunity

to get in on the ground
floor of a major talent.

Now, what do I hear?

Fifty dollars.

Oh, I didn't even hear that.

Two hundred.

Oh, I heard that.

Two hundred. All right,
now, who will go 250?

Touching gesture, darling.

But after all, it
is a good cause.

Three hundred.

Ho-ho. Gregson versus
Gregson back there.

And I have $300.

Now, what do I hear?

On behalf of both of us, 500.


Hand it over, Walter.

Oh, look. Look at these.
Come right up here.

I'll run up a new total

and get all this in the safe.

Oh, thank you very much, Jane.

There you are.

All right, now, here
we go. What do I hear?

Sally... I'm sorry I intruded.

No. You couldn't help it.

The secret had to
be out sooner or later.

We got troubles.
It... It happens.


Jane, I made a stupid mistake.

I didn't sign my check.


Let's see.

Very true.

Freudian slip.
Reluctance to unbelt.

There you are.

Thank you.

Jane, I'm, uh...

I'm sorry about what you
heard between Sally and me.

I'm sorry too.

I won't talk about it.

I know you won't.

I'm sorry too, Jane.

What do I hear?

Look at these. What
beautiful examples they are.

Absolutely superbly done.

I'm sorry.

I'm very sorry.

Well, I need it urgently.

Can you get it up here,
please? Yeah, right away.

If you don't mind.


I... I can't talk to you now.
I'll get back to you. Right.

What can you say at a
moment like this, Danno?

I remember when my
sister's baby died, you...

You tried to comfort me, but...

words seem so
inadequate at times like this.

If there's anything I can do.

Anything, my
friend, let me know.


I want you to take it easy now.

Unwind. Take a
couple of days off.

I'm okay.

Sure you are.

Steve, you're not
putting me on the beach.

We'll talk about it
tomorrow, Danno.

Let's talk about it now.

I've got to work on this case.

Tomorrow, Danno. Tomorrow.

"She was a form
of life and light that,

Seen, enters into night."

It's from the same poem.

By Byron, yes.

Changed around a little.

Makes even less sense.

Jane, one of the
sinning sisters.

I thought I told you to take
it easy and stay at home.

And do what? Stare at the
wall, listen to the clock tick?

I've got to be in on this case.

Danno... Please.

If I don't work on it,
it's gonna work on me.

All right, Danno.

All right.

How about the
crosscheck of alibis?

Well, we have eliminated a lot.

The club, uh, staff
and most of the guests.

We're down to about two dozen.

Now, most of them were
at the wedding rehearsal.

And I'm checking out those
pictures the Davis kid took.

Che Fong is developing them.

Well, I wanna see them as
soon as you can get them.

What about the medical report?

Same as the Marsh
girl: strangulation.



No new specific
evidence this time.

Che Fong identified
that plastic scrap.

Heavy-duty gloves used
in handling hot liquids,

detergent, that sort of thing.

Turns out they keep a supply
on hand at the club, Danno.

In the kitchen.

We've checked everyone
who had access...

who could have swiped a pair.

Has anyone thought about a
connection between the, uh,

charity, Hawaii Junior Blind?

Both Linda and
Jane worked there.

Are you saying...

they both knew the killer?

Jane did.

She was very conscientious.

She was handling money,
as it turns out a lot of money.

She wouldn't have let somebody
she didn't know into that room.

Well, she knew
just about everybody

that's still on this list.


I think you're on the
right track, Danno.

Concentrate on the friends.

What do they mean late delivery?

You tell 'em that tubing gets
here tomorrow, or we cancel.

We're running a tight
margin on this job. Too tight.

Now, you were saying.

I want a divorce.

It's not working. Us.
And it's not going to work.

Yes it can. And it's got to.

Oh, Walter, we've both
known it for a long while.

And these two hideous
murders. First Linda, then Jane.

They've made everything urgent.

They're dead, and I
want to make my life right.

My life's important.

Face it, Walter. We don't
want the same kind of life.

How the hell would
you know what I want?

A rich child, rich
girl, rich woman.

Everything's been
given to you. A gift.

Gregson Construction
has been built with these.

And nothing else.

I can't help being rich.

And I know what
you've accomplished.

But the cost.

No time for me,
no time for a family.

No time for anything.

Oh, we've been through
it all too many times.

I won't be home till after 6.

I have my weekly outing

with the Junior Blind
kids this afternoon.

I want you out of the
house, packed and gone,

before I get back.

No. I'm sorry.

Of course, I knew
Linda and Jane very well.

They did a lot for
our Junior Blind.

But... I've never
heard of this poem.

Would you know of
any other connection

between Miss Marsh
and Miss Michaels?

They were both fine, warm girls.

Jane even arranged for
some paintings we auctioned.

Got them for us free.

Do you have the names of
the painters she brought you?

Yes, right here.

There were only a few.

May I use your phone?

Of course.

Chin? Danno.

I'd like you to recheck a name.

He's, uh, already on the list.

Works in the club
kitchen. Pete King.

We know the checks Miss
Michaels wrote the last few months.

I, uh, came across these.

Why would Jane give money...?

This much

to a kid who works
in the kitchen?

A friend, maybe.

It doesn't make sense.


Where is Mr. Pete King?

At his apartment.
Kono's with him.

Soon as these turned up,
I had Kono run him down.

Let's go.

A hundred a month.

Why? For what?

That's my business.

Look, be sensible, Pete.

Now, this is a
murder investigation.

Why did Miss
Michaels give you $300?

I'm still in school,
doing it the hard way.

More important, I'm an artist.

I paint. Yeah, and good too.

You had some paintings
at the charity auction, right?

Jane talked me into that.

For her, sure. I
gave 'em to her, free.

Why? Why not?
She was helping me.

It was the least I could do.

Helping you at $100 a month.
But nothing this month, huh?


She hadn't gotten
around to it yet.

Maybe she cut you off.

You didn't like that, did you?

You worked in the kitchen
at the club. What did you do?

What do you do? Wash dishes.

Your hands don't
show that. Wear gloves?


Plastic kitchen gloves.

You know that club. All
the back ways, corners.

Nobody would have seen you.

Seen me what?

Go over to the tennis courts

or sneak down into
the Accounting office.

You flipped. Who is this
guy? What's with him?


There's some evidence, sure.

But mostly circumstantial.

Now, you're heading
towards murder one.

He should have his
constitutional first.

We should also
have a possible alibi.

Did, uh, Jane decide
to cut you off, huh?

No more money?

Hm? Did she?

No. And if she did, it's okay.

I liked her. We had
a good relationship.

What do you mean, "good"?

Not like that. Don't
try to make it dirty.

Danny... Man, she's dead.

Maybe you don't care,

but don't smear mud on her.

Pete King's innocent.

How do you know?

He has a rock-bound alibi.

Chef and two
waiters back him up.

From 3 to 3:30, he
was in the chef's office

getting chewed out for sketching

while he was
supposed to be working.

I don't want your
resignation, Danno.

Steve, I almost killed that kid.

Yeah, but you
don't get to resign.

Look, you've got a lot
of vacation time coming.

Why don't you take it now.


If Pete King wants
to file charges...

I'll do what I can.

What I like about
your friends, Jane,

is they, uh, serve
imported champagne.

No, what I really
like about them is...

Is you.

I just wanna talk.

Your attorney should be present.

Man, you don't get
it. I want to apologize.

I didn't know about
you and Jane.

I liked her. She
was nice people.

I'm terribly sorry she's dead.

And I'm just as sorry
for the way I hurt you.

That's all.


a funny thing, Jane
never mentioned you.

What's to mention?
She gave me a hand.

She saw me sketching one
day, at the club on my time off.

She said she'd been
lucky, having all she wanted.

She was just passing it on.

Why me? I don't know.

Like, I can't figure
why she got killed.

Neither can I.

Same as the other girl, the
one who was killed earlier.

Linda Marsh.

Did Jane talk about
Linda with you?

Once. The day
after Linda was killed.

And there were all those
headlines about the poetry,


"The Giaour."

You know the poem?
Jane quoted it to me.

And she said something
about the poem.

That Miss Hawthorne
would be very upset.

Who's Miss Hawthorne?

I don't know, man.
Strictly a name.

Why didn't you tell the police
when they questioned you?

It just didn't seem important.

You think it means anything?

I don't know. But
I'm gonna find out.

Sort of a finishing school,
run by this Miss Hawthorne.

Wears, uh, pince-nez glasses,
watches tied to a ribbon.

Right out of the Victorian
age. You know the type?

Yeah. Hates TV and doesn't
read newspapers, right?

Which is why she
didn't contact us.

She didn't even know that two
of her students had been killed.

She put it all together for us.

With the poem?

Loves "Giaour."

In fact, she still reads Byron

to her students for elocution.

Steve, a few years back,
there were a group of five girls,

Jane and Linda included.

Neglected by rich parents,

they, uh, called
themselves "The Orphans."

And "The Giaour,"
how does that fit?

It was their poem.

Whatever it meant to them,

they adopted it as
their theme, sort of.

Five girls. Now two
of them are dead.

What are the names
of the other three?

Martha Garrison...

Marjorie Baskin,

Martha Garrison,
Marjorie Baskin, yeah.

They were both at
the wedding rehearsal

and at the art auction.

Sally Clark.

No, I don't have
any Sally Clark.

Sally Clark Gregson.
She got married.

Yeah. I have her.

Okay, that gives
us the connection.

It also gives us some problems.


I want a 24-hour surveillance
on those three girls,

starting right now.

Get going. Right.

Sorry to interrupt, but I
may have something, Steve.

Remember Mark Davis?
Boy photographer?

We sent you his film.

Yeah, I just developed it too.

Well, he not only took
pictures of the rehearsal,

he recorded the
times on each roll.

Kind of keeping a work
schedule for himself, I guess.

Well, here's Garrett Cheng.

He just got himself an alibi.

Brad Spencer...

right in the middle of 3:10.

That's, uh... Sally
Gregson, right?

Yeah, that's Sally.

Okay, where's her husband?

Right here.

But he's not here.

He is here.

Which means he was
gone for at least 14 minutes.



Get someone out to
the Benson job, now.

Fast. It's a rush.


Um... tell the boys I
don't wanna be disturbed.

I'll be laying out
the specs in here.


Now, they've all had lunch,

so you can keep
them out till dinner.

Fine. I promised
them last Thursday

they'd get a real
expedition today.

I'm sure you will.

Let's go, Sally.

Okay, we're on our way.

Do you have your
schedule, Sally?

So does my personal watchdog.

Don't worry, we'll be fine.

I won't. Have a good time.


Goodbye, Miss Costello.

Bye, honey.

Goodbye, children.

A subpoena is not
necessary, Mr. McGarrett.

I take your word for the
urgency of the matter.

I knew one of the young
ladies slightly, Linda Marsh.

She also banked with us.

As for Walter Gregson...

I would say his
worth is approximately

one and a half million dollars.

Against which, he has loans
with us and other institutions,

totaling some $2 million.

Two million dollars?

I'd say you've been very
helpful to Mr. Gregson.

Well, he did put up
additional collateral. Stock.

I understand it came from
Mrs. Gregson's inheritance.

Frankly, if Mrs. Gregson were
not such a very wealthy woman

in her own right,

we would never
have made the loans.

Walter is ambitious.

And I feel that he may have
extended himself too far.

Well, thank you, Mr. Brewster.

Thank you.

You've been very helpful.

Gentlemen. Thank you.

So... Mr. Gregson is
badly overextended,

and it's only Mrs.
Gregson's money

that's, uh, keeping
him from sinking.

And if she dies... he inherits.

He's a rich man.

Yeah, but why kill
the other two girls?

So he can get the
money from his wife.

He'd be an instant suspect if
Sally was the only one killed.

So he invents a maniac
to throw everybody off.

Which means he murdered Jane...

just as a cover.

Just as part of a plot. Oh, God.

Mr. Gregson around?

Inside. But he don't
wanna be bothered.

He'll have to put up with it.

He left strict orders. He
don't wanna be disturbed.


He has to be in there.

He locked the door.

And I've been right
out here all the time.


Open it.

Locked from the inside.

What do you got, Che?

I have an interesting
handwriting comparison.

From a business
memo of Walt Gregson.

Similarity in the S's.

As I told you,

it's very difficult to
compare ink on paper

with, uh, lipstick on skin.

What are the odds, Che?

Mm, I'd say... better
than an even bet.

Same man wrote both words.

Where did he go?

To kill somebody.

Jeffrey, hold up your hand.

There we go.

That's it. Greg?

All right, I'll be
just a second.

I hope you like chocolate.

Love it. Thanks.

Next stop, Hanauma Bay. Right.

Miss Costello,
McGarrett, Five-0.

Is Mrs. Gregson there?

No, Mr. McGarrett.

She just left a few minutes ago.

Where was she heading?

I couldn't say.

But you already
have her schedule.

And so does Sergeant Fujiwara.

Thank you.

This is McGarrett. Priority One.

Patch me through,
please. Open mike.

McGarrett calling Car 7.

Car 7, come in, please.

Car 7, come in, please.

This is McGarrett. Will
you come in, please?


Fuji, will you come in, please?

Okay, kids. As soon as you're
through with your ice creams,

we'll have a song.

I'm finished already.


About 40 minutes ago,

she bought the kids
ice cream cones.

I got her schedule
out of Fujiwara's car,

but no telling
where she's going.

Yeah, I've got a copy.
It lists, uh, Pali Highway,

Diamond Head and Hanauma Bay.

But we don't know
in which order.

I'll take the Pali.

Kono, you get out
to Hanauma Bay.


♪ Row, row Gently
down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily ♪
♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Life is but a dream ♪
♪ Gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily ♪
♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

Central Dispatch, McGarrett.

Patch me through to Danny
Williams and Chin Ho. Over.

♪ Merrily, merrily
Merrily, merrily, life... ♪

Go ahead, McGarrett.

Danno, Chin, I'm
taking the Pali,

Kono's checking Hanauma Bay.

Diamond Head is not covered.

I'll check Diamond Head, Steve.

Danno, Chin is on his
way to Diamond Head.

I'm close to Hanauma Bay.

Be there in a few minutes.

Get there fast. Kono should
be right behind you to help.

Over and out.

♪ Boat, gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily
Merrily, merrily ♪

♪ Life is but a dream ♪

Come on.

Here we are.

All right, girls.

And Michael. Heh.

All right, now, we're gonna
walk very slowly straight ahead.

Boys, come over this way.


This is Hanauma Bay.

It smells near the ocean.

It is.

And we're high up.
I can hear the wind.

Very high. It's an old volcano.

Will it explode?

No, honey.



What's the matter, Sally?

Nothing, honey.

Now, come up here and
put your hands on the wall.

Be right back.

Where are you going?

Just a little way
for a few minutes.

Over here, where we can talk.

How did you find me?

True love finds a way.

Oh, Walter, come on.

Now, please. It's only a minute.

It's very important.

Uh... Walter, what do you want?

I've got to get
back to the kids.

They'll be all right.

Everything... will be all right.

Oh, no.

I'm sorry, Sally.

Linda... Jane, oh...
you killed them!

I had to.

Nobody can hear you, darling.

Walter, please.

Oh. Walter.

I'm sorry, Sally,

but you've pushed
me into a corner.

Now, building a successful
business takes money.

I took yours.

Your fat little
inheritance of stocks.

And when you began to talk
about a separation, a divorce...

I can't have lawyers
looking into your account.

If you'd only gone
along with me.

It would have been so simple.

I'm sorry.

Kids, where's Sally?

She went away over there.

Danno! Danno!

You okay, Danno?

Just tired.

McGarrett calling Williams.

Danno, come in.

Danno, come in.


Did you get Gregson?

Gregson's in custody.

Sally's okay.

Kids are fine.