Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 3, Episode 1 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

Wo Fat brings in an assassin to kill a man who made a tour of Communist China and got a good look at its nuclear facilities. The spy freaks out and runs just before the sniper pulls the trigger, and it takes three shots to bring him down. When the man is still alive with a bullet next to his brain, Wo Fat and his goons contact the top neurosurgeon in Hawaii with a request to make sure the spy dies on the operating table. To ensure his "cooperation," the goons kidnap the doctor's daughter and hold her on a boat. McGarrett and a Federal agent embark on an elaborate case of counter-espionage to trick Wo Fat into going back to Peking/Beijing and getting the Party bosses to tear down their nuclear reactors -- and to find the girl, her kidnappers and the mole who tipped off Wo Fat in the first place.

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Room 702.

Oren here.

Our friend arrived from
Hong Kong on schedule.

In the copter now.

About five minutes.


The helicopter
arrives in minutes.

I'll get an ambulance.

Forget it. Get him in the car.


I'm just starting.

From the angle, it came
from somewhere up there.

Kono's checking it out.

Get the story here, Danno.

A man is shot,
wounded, maybe killed,

and you don't notify
Honolulu Police or Five-0.


I'm sorry.

I'm not authorized
to tell you anything.

Not authorized?

I'm under orders to say
nothing about the incident.

Whose orders?

All right, never mind.

I know who, and I think
I know where to find him.

Get me Mr. Kavanaugh at
the Honolulu General Hospital.

Hold it right there,
Mr. McGarrett.

Get me Kavanaugh,
and get him fast.

Good morning, McGarrett.

Good to see you again.

Okay, Mr. Kavanaugh,
drop the glad hand.

Why the freeze-out
at the heliport?

Just a little accident.

You don't expect me
to buy that, do you?

Try. Not a chance.

Hey, McGarrett, back off.

This does not concern Five-0.

Now, is that
right? That's right.

Well, since you're still new
out here, Mr. Kavanaugh,

maybe nobody's told you. What?

That not even United
States Intelligence

can cover up a shootout

and tell me it's
none of my business.

Now, I wanna know
what's going on,

and I wanna know now.

All right, McGarrett.

His name is Shepard.

He's a British subject.

He spent the last 10
years in Red China.

He's a freelance
newspaper reporter,

among other things.

Meaning he was working for you.

For the last couple of years.

Sounds like amateur talent.

I wish I had a few
more just like him.

He dug us up a map
showing the exact location

of every missile silo
Red China has built

or is planning on building.

And he was bringing it here?

And he was bringing it here.

Obviously some Chinese agent

found out about it
somehow and tried to kill him.

So here we sit.

Waiting for him to tell you

how he was carrying
the information, huh?

We know how he was
carrying the information.

Then what's the problem?

The map is here.

He memorized it.

It's all in his head.


Dr. Forbes wants to see you

in his office right away.

Tell him I'll be right there.

He'll be right there.

Thank you.

Shepard is still alive.

Did he talk?

He's still in a coma.

We must make certain that he
never regains consciousness.

How? The whole wing of
the hospital's been sealed off.

We'd never get to him.

Then we shall have to
find a less conventional way

of disposing of
Mr. Shepard, shan't we?

Though the bullet didn't
actually penetrate the skull,

it did crease it, so to speak,

causing this severe
lineal fracture,

which explains the coma he's in.

In itself, the fracture's
not necessarily serious,

but there's a
distinct possibility

Mr. Shepard has
sustained a brain contusion,

which is causing
intracranial hemorrhaging.

I think we'd better find out.


A cerebral angiogram
is a possibility.

The one sure way
to know is surgery.

Isn't that pretty risky?

It's hardly relevant

if it's the one way to
save the man's life.

What are his chances?

I'm not in the habit of
quoting odds, Mr. Kavanaugh.

Tell me this: is it possible

he'll regain consciousness
without an operation?

It's unlikely. Is it possible?

Yes. Then we'll wait.

The longer surgery's...

I said we'll wait, doctor.

Then I must tell you I can't
accept any responsibility

for what may happen.

No one's asking you to.

Kavanaugh? What?

What about the guy
who shot Shepard?

What about him?

It's Five-0's job to find him.

Be my guest.

You're not interested?

Let me put it this way: no.

There are 800
million Chinese Reds.

One of them shot Shepard.
That's good enough for me.

I got other problems. Yeah.

Such as how the Chinese
knew about Shepard, for instance.

Has it ever occurred
to you, Mr. Kavanaugh,

that somewhere along the line

your, uh, outfit has
sprung a security leak?

Yes, McGarrett, it
has occurred to me,

and it is my guess that
Shepard did something

to blow his own cover.

Amateurs usually do.

Yeah, but your men
and only your men

picked up Shepard
at Honolulu Airport

and ferried him by
chopper to the heliport.

Look, McGarrett, he
blew his own cover,

and any enemy agent
watching the airport

would have seen
our copter pick him up.

Well, I'm sure that
he'll apologize to you

for any inconvenience he
caused you, Mr. Kavanaugh...

if he ever gets the chance.

I'll pick you up in
about an hour, darling.

Okay, Mom. Aw.

Your girl's getting to be

a fine little sailor,
Mrs. Forbes.

Thank you.

How is he now?


if you don't let me
operate immediately,

you better find
yourself another doctor.

Oh, hold it, Forbes.
Hold it, please.

Nurse, do you mind?

This is too big,
it's too important

for me to decide whether
you should operate or not.

Maybe I should, but I'm not.

Then who is? Washington.


Jonathan Kaye, Chief
of the Pacific Area.

I'll have word for
you within the hour.

Kavanaugh... One
hour, Forbes. That's it.

Doctor, for you.


David, you've got to
come home right away.

Janet, what is it?

Don't ask questions,
just get home.

Janet? Janet?

And I assure you, doctor...

As I've already
assured Mrs. Forbes.

Your daughter has
not been harmed,

nor will she be,
unless of course...

Unless what? David.

What kind of man are you

to involve innocent
people in a thing like this?

A 9-year-old child.

What you refer to
rather contemptuously

as "a thing like this" may
well become a question

of my country's survival.

If my methods of pursuing
that end revolt you,

so be it.

I'm not interested in
winning your approval, doctor.

Only your cooperation.

As for the child, she is,

as you say, innocent.

But so is any weapon that
a man may choose to use,

whether a bomb,
a gun, or a scalpel.

What are you getting at?

I feel you're being
deliberately obtuse, doctor.

I want Mr. Shepard dead.

You're appalled, and
understandably so.

But, uh, consider
the alternatives.

If Mr. Shepard dies

without regaining consciousness,

your child will be
returned to you unharmed.

On the other hand,

if you don't agree
with the terms...

Won't pay the
ransom, so to speak.

Well, then... JANET: No!


I'm sorry, Mrs. Forbes,

but I'm just as much a
victim of this situation

as you, your
husband, and the child.

I know a little about your
particular discipline, doctor.

Brain surgery is
such a delicate matter.

I couldn't.

I can't, I can't.

Come, come.

Don't tell me that you've
never lost a patient.

And you'll lose more
in the years ahead,

perhaps enough
so that Kyle Shepard

will become just a
name among names

of the people you tried
to save and couldn't.

What if I'm not
allowed to operate?

However you
accomplish it, doctor,

Mr. Shepard is not to
regain consciousness.

One thing more.

You're wondering if you
can trust me to keep my word.

I assure you, you can.

I would genuinely
hate to harm your child.

But more important,
in my profession,

a man cannot afford
a credibility gap.

He must keep his promises,

if he wants anybody
to believe his threats.


Yes? This is Kavanaugh.

I just talked to Jonathan
Kaye in Washington.

His decision is to operate.


Forbes, did you hear me?

Yes, I heard you.
I'll be right there.

What am I going to do?

There's only one
thing you can do.


Are you out of your mind?

He can't operate on Shepard now.

He has to. Do you think Wo Fat

is gonna let him off the hook

because another
surgeon takes over?

That's right. Wo
Fat said as much.

That's tough.


I want someone I know
will try to save Shepard.

You know, you really amaze me.

Do you think he
could kill a man?

Do you think he would
knowingly let a man die?

Why do you think he told
us about the kidnapping

if he didn't intend to do
everything to help Shepard?

Now, you have the top
neurosurgeon in Hawaii

right here waiting to operate,

and if you don't use him, you're
the one who killed Shepard.

Shepard had better live.

Hello. It's for you.


Yes, Danno.

All right. I'm on my way.

Meet me at the chopper pad.

What's that all about?

Danny Williams got
a lot of bits and pieces

from a lot of witnesses.

I'm gonna sift it out with him.

You still got that
cockamamie idea

that it's somebody
on the inside?

Why not?

Wo Fat seems to be
pretty well informed.

He obviously has a pipeline
right into this hospital.

Well, young lady, it
shouldn't be long now.

We'll soon have you back,

skipper of your own little boat.

And that's the room
the gunman fired from?

We found the spent shells.

And according to the witnesses,

my car is about where
Kavanaugh's was this morning?

That's right.

Shepard stepped off the chopper

with two of Kavanaugh's men,

then three of them
started for the car,

and when they got about here,

Shepard looked up
and saw the gunman.

Only he didn't see
him. Not from here.

Wouldn't have been possible.

That's right, but
why did he stop?

What did he see?
What made him panic?

Take Kavanaugh's
position over by the car.

I'll be at the hospital.


Forbes is just starting.

Okay. I'll keep this line open.

What is it, McGarrett?

I think I dug up
Wo Fat's pipeline.


Your man Ralston.


Or you.

Take your pick.

All right, all
right, now, listen.

When Shepard saw you and Ralston

waiting for him in front
of the car, he panicked.

Why? Only one answer.

He recognized one
of you as a red agent.

You've really gone into
orbit, haven't you, McGarrett?

Okay, then you tell
me how Wo Fat knew

that Shepard hadn't talked,
that he was unconscious

and that Dr. Forbes was
gonna do the operation.

You've had this wing sealed off

since you brought
Shepard in here.

Only you and your men have
been allowed to come and go.


Uh, Ralston...

He's been in the far
East until six months ago.

Hong Kong, Vietnam,
maybe even inside China.


Maybe, just maybe,

Shepard found out
that your man Ralston

was working both
sides of the street.

Now maybe Shepard would
have told you if he had the chance,

but when he stepped off that
chopper and recognized Ralston,

he figured he was
walking into a trap.

You're guessing.

Yeah, I'm guessing,

but it's worth guessing.

A child's life is at stake.

If... If Ralston is feeding
information to Wo Fat,

maybe we can
keep that child alive.

I just can't
believe any of this.

Come on, Mr. Kavanaugh.

Behind that cloak and
dagger of yours, you can...

You can believe anything.

Now, you can't tell me
that you don't believe

that Ralston could
have sold you out.

Hold it. I'm gonna
put him on ice.

Now, wait a minute.
I got a better idea.

Get him out of the
hospital. Turn him loose.

We'll dog him.

Maybe he'll give us a
lead to Forbes' daughter.

There's no question about it.

The Chinese know
every move we've made.

How do you figure it?

You, Sanders and Gamble
were not briefed on Shepard

until five minutes before
we left to pick him up.


There are only two
men in the Hawaii office

who had advance
information on him.

Myself... and Tyler.

And Tyler drove
the car this morning.


I want you to go
back to the office.

Use any excuse you can.

Watch him.

If he makes a phone
call, tap in on it.

If he leaves, follow him.

And keep me posted.

Okay, chief.

He's dialing the operator.

Brother, if I could
only read lips.

Most fortunate turn of events.

suspects, of all people,

his own Mr. Tyler,
and our Mr. Ralston

has been appointed
to watch the gentleman.

Chung has some lunch for you.

You're still not
afraid of us, are you?

Would you like some lunch?

Are you sure?

I'm not hungry.

Very well.

You mustn't be frightened.

It's very important not to be.

I knew a little girl once.

It was a long time
ago, or so it seems now.

It was a time of great
fighting in my country.

I tried to keep her
from being afraid,

her mother and I,

and I don't think she was.

Or perhaps, I just
want to think so.

Then one day,
during the fighting,

she ran into the street and...

Do you play chess?



My mother taught me.

Your mother. Now,
that's very interesting.

So few women play chess.

They seem to
have no grasp for it.

Come, I'll play you a game.

Do you like chess?

When mother lets me win.

You enjoy winning.

Don't you?

It's important.

It's necessary.

Somehow, I...
don't always enjoy it.

Matt? Kono.

Fine. And you? Good.

Look, one of your
operators just placed

a long-distance phone
call from number 819-855.

I want the ticket on this.

Well, how soon?

Well, get on it. I'm
on my way to see you.

It's like an oven in here.


It's Kono, for you.

Kono? What do you got?

Did you see him? What's
he got? What's he got?

Hold it, Kono. Hold it.

Ralston made a call
from a public phone,

placed it through the operator.

Long distance? That's
what Kono thought,

but they can't find a ticket.

He's, uh... He's with a, uh,

phone company
special agent right now.

Kono, listen... He
probably wanted assistance

from the operator
on a local call.

Phone company doesn't
keep a record of that.

Then we're dead.

Maybe not.

Wait a minute. Kono? Kono?

What about a, um...?

A call to a mobile unit,

or a marine call to a
boat? What about that?

There'd be a ticket
on that, wouldn't there?

Well, get it.
Find it. Get on it.

Something's wrong.

There's trouble.

Cardiac arrest.

Looks bad.

He's dead.

Sanders, seal off that room.

Nobody leaves.

I'm sorry.

I did my best.

All right, he's dead.

There's nothing I
can do about that,

but I can do the
next best thing.

Shepard's body goes
into the recovery room.

This entire staff goes through
post-operative procedures,

just as if he had
survived surgery.

Then I'm gonna get word
to Wo Fat through Ralston

that Shepard will be
talking before the day's over.

And what about Forbes' child?

Now, McGarrett,
stop kidding yourself.

You too, Forbes.

There's not one
chance in a thousand

that child is still alive!

That's not true!
Doc, please, stop it.

You know that never
solved anything.


McGarrett, it's for you.


Yes, Kono. Yes.


Yeah, give it to me.


What name?

Pick up Danno and meet me there.

Yes, I'm on my way.

Ralston made a
marine call to a boat

owned by the Island Marine
Sales and Rental Company.

It's called the Sea Gypsy.
It was rented by a man

by the name of
Oren Bates last week.

Now, I need some time.

How much?


If Shepard hadn't died,

how much longer would
this operation have taken?

Hour and a half, two hours.

I want those two hours.


Now, look!

Now, you listen to
me, Mr. Kavanaugh.

If you feed Wo Fat the word,

that Shepard talked,

I'm gonna feed him
the word that you lied.

And if you don't think
I will, you just try me.

Now, do I get those
two hours, or don't I?

All right, two hours.
Not a minute longer.

Okay. Now keep
this room buttoned up.

You can take it back up.

Put these out
right away, please.

Yes, Mr. Ralston.

Glen, I thought you
were with the boss.

He asked me to come back here

and put out a few
reports for him.

Welcome to the chair corps.

I'll be in the code room.

We were playing chess.

She became thirsty,

so I gave her a gentle sedative.

She feels the strain.

And I so wanted her to win.

Without her
knowing it, of course.


Take it down a little.

No. No good.

You can take it back up.


Just a minute.

It's Ralston.

Don't. I can't stall him.

For god's sake.
Two minutes, Forbes.

It's not gonna
make any difference.

Hello, Glen.

Just thought I'd check in.

Tyler hasn't budged
from the office

and he's made no calls.

How's Shepard?

You can relax now.


We all can.

Forbes came through for us.

They just took Shepard
into Recovery, and, uh,

Forbes says we'll be able to
talk to him tomorrow morning

at the very latest.

I'll be back in
the office later.

Wait for me.

I'm sorry, Forbes.

I... I mean it. I'm sorry.


See that Shepard is
taken into Recovery

and see that these people
are kept under wraps

until I tell you they
can be released.

Can we track the
area here once more?

Hold it.

Third slip from the
end, down here.

That's it.


It's difficult to believe
that Dr. Forbes

would deliberately
gamble with his child's life.

Shepard is going to live.

You and Oren know
what to do with the child.

Well, what did you
think I was going to do

when we found the child?

You can't. You'll tip our hand.

If Five-0 raids that boat,

Wo Fat will know
we used Ralston.

I need Wo Fat on
his way back to China

so he'll dismantle those silos.

McGarrett. McGarrett?


You're not going in without me.

All right, Kavanaugh.

Chin Ho will pick you
and Dr. Forbes up.

And no matter what happens,

stay out of my way,
you understand?

There he is.

Uh, permission to come
aboard and inspect the ship?

All right.

What? Coast guard.

Three of them on
a boat over there

are making some
sort of inspection.

Could be we're next.

What do we do?

Take her in here.

Uh, good afternoon,
we're examining vessels

to determine compliance
with federal boating laws.

May we come aboard?

I was just gonna cast off.

Safety check.
Won't take a minute.

What's in there?

Cold storage?

Uh, yeah.

Mind if we look?



Take it easy. Nobody gets hurt.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Uh, thanks for not
moving in till Wo Fat left.

I said I'd wait.

A couple of his
friends back there,

but as far as they're concerned,

the coast guard just, um,

stumbled onto a kidnapping.


H.P.D. will handle them.
Now, what about Ralston?

Well, he's my problem.

I'll have to smile at
him for a year or so,

and then I'll handle him.

Well, we finally
got squared off.

Maybe we can get along
together from now on.

Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that.