Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 11, Episode 13 - Number One with a Bullet: Part 2 - full transcript

To get out from the thumb of the Hawaiian kumu mob, the manager of a promising singer tries to cut a deal with a mainland gangster to get them to buy up her contract, leading to the threat of a vicious mob war.

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Bernie, just listen to me, huh?

Bernie, this is your last chance to take
Hawaiian Restaurant Supply Services

- before the price goes up.
- Go up?

Can I tell you what I wanna
do? Take on the laundry service.

And you'll take on
something else too.

- Just name it, Ray.
- A new partner.

I'm worried about this case.

I've got a hunch that what
we've uncovered so far

is just the tip of a
very dirty iceberg.

Discos need everything.

You know, like laundry
services, restaurant supplies,

vending machines
and plenty booze.

Yeah. What you're saying is

that the syndicate's always
been very big in these areas, huh?


I wasn't too pleased with the
way you dealt with that Texan.

You know, Bernie Adams?

I just want your
assurance that this time,

you won't attract any
more unnecessary attention.

You got it.

I'd love to have her
on the show, but I can't.

Not as long as you're with her.


Johnny, you got
a powerful enemy.

That's the Kumu, all right.

Sonny Kanekoa's already
got himself a new partner.

Alika brought in this guy from
New York named, uh, Ray Santoro

He used to handle the
Colombo family's music interests.

Yeah, Ray Santoro from the East.

Now, Mr. Francis,
what are we going to do?

I don't know yet.

But you can bet
your tail on one thing:

We're gonna do something.

Sonny, how could you?

You wanna see me like Adams?

I mean, you like funerals
or something, Yvonne?

You gotta wake
up, little sister.

Because right now,
the Kumu's on the top.

So I'm with them.

Okay, you're getting it. Ahem.

But you're coming in
a bit late on the chorus.

I want you to
listen to this again.

- All right.
- Give me that part again, all right?

It's about the fifth bar.

Okay, now here it comes.

- Right there.
- Okay, I got it.

All right, let's try it.

Hey, Phil, I'm really
getting kind of burned out.

- Think we could take a break?
- Yeah.

Let's take a full ten.

Adrienne, get me
some black, will you?

All this time and you still
don't take a break, huh, man?

- Johnny. How are you?
- How are you doing?

- Good. Good.
- Good to see you.

You look great. You
look really terrific.

Wish I could say the
same. What happened?

Oh, nothing, just
a little accident.

- What's it been? What, four years?
- Uh, try about six.

- No.
- Yeah.

Well, you know,
they go by quick.

What's so hot you spend your
money to come to L.A. just to see me?

It's just piano and vocal.

She's an Island girl. Her
name is Yvonne Kanekoa.

But I'm telling you,
she's pure platinum, Phil.

- That's it?
- That's enough.

Take a listen to it.

- This better not be "Tiny Bubbles."
- Come on, play it.

GIRL: It's an uphill climb

To get on top

And not to stop and never fall

It takes so much time

Just to be secure
You're never sure

If it's worth it all

- She's good, Johnny.
- Worth it all

But I don't need
any girls right now.

You see that? Those
are demos. All girls.

I got a stack twice
that size in my office.

Yeah, but they don't
have what she has.

To you she's special. To me...

To tell you the truth, Johnny, I'd like
to help you out just for old time's sake,

but I got a partner who...

He's not all that sentimental.

That's who I really
wanna see, Phil.

You'd be the first company to
really put out for a local artist.

You'll have no trouble
becoming a power in the islands.

How much business
could there be?

What is there, 800,000
on all the islands?

But what about the tourists?

You know, last year there were
two, maybe three, discos in Honolulu.

Now there's 15, 20, I
don't even know anymore.

And they're
jam-packed every night.

You know the kind of cash that
goes through those businesses?

Phil, isn't this the guy that
turned down a promising career

by refusing to do
things our way?

Because I didn't think it was up to
me to pay off my manager's debts?

Johnny, it was your
name on the markers.

Now, wait a minute, wait a
minute. There's a lot of time passed.

Uh, what is it made you,
uh, change your mind?

I stopped being an idealist.

Besides, things are
the same in the islands.

They call themselves "the
Kumu" instead of "the Company."

So since you can't beat them,
you decided to join us again?

Mr. Francis, you're gonna be the
one who benefits the most from this.

I'm telling you that the disco
and music business in the islands

- is gonna do nothing but get bigger.
- Yeah?

Well, let me think about it.

You find yourself a nice
room, we'll pick up the tab.

Please, think about it, Mr. Francis.
I promise you, you won't be sorry.

We'll keep in touch.

We gave it a shot, huh, pal?

Thanks for your time.

Sorry, Mr. Francis.
Thought it was a good idea.

It was. It was.



Hi, Sally.

How's she doing?

She's shook up. Scared.

Go easy on her, Steve.

- Give this to her?
- Sure.

Thank you.

Hi. Here's some coffee,
compliments of the house.

I'm glad you decided to
cooperate, Ms. Kanekoa.

Sally said you could
help Johnny and me.

Johnny? What do
you mean, Johnny?

He said not to tell anyone,

but some men beat
him up the other night.

Santoro's men?


Did Johnny report it to H.P.D.?

No, he said he'd
handle it himself.

- How? How would he handle it?
- I don't know.

Where's Johnny now?

He went to the
mainland to see a friend

about getting us a
recording contract.

But when Santoro finds out,

I'm afraid he'll do something
worse to Johnny than he did before.

Well, then only Johnny can
make a case against him.

When will he be back?

This afternoon.
I'm picking him up.

No. You're not
going to pick him up.

- Yes, I'd like to do that...
- No, I'm sorry.

I'll have one of my
men pick him up

in case Santoro plans a
homecoming of his own.

What flight is he on?

Uh, United's 3:00
flight from L.A.

How come Steve hasn't
pulled in Sonny yet?

Sounds to me like
he's right in the middle.

Steve thinks he's just a pawn.

And we already know
everything he can tell us.

Besides, he'd
just run to Santoro.

I guess you're right.

Here they come.

Duke, is that who I think it is?

Allie Francis.

What's Johnny doing with him?

I don't know, but
keep your eye on them.

You know, this is
like any other airport.

It might as well be Detroit.

What did you expect,

girls in grass skirts
throwing leis over everybody?

They haven't done that for
years. Just for tour groups.

Too bad. It was a nice touch.

The Ilikai.

Allie Francis? DANNY Yeah.

The head of the West Coast mob?
Are you sure it was he, Danno?


Boy. Did you recognize
any of the others?

Just Johnny Munroe.

Francis had a couple of soldiers
with him. Probably his bodyguards.

And there was another
guy about Johnny's age.

Could it have been a friend of
Johnny's in the record business?

But what are they
doing with Allie Francis?

Maybe Francis is in
the record business.

He's in everything else.

You still want to
bring Johnny in?

Yeah, more than
ever. More than ever.

But, Danno? Wait until he's alone.
- Right, Steve.

I don't want Francis to
know we've spotted him.

The freer he thinks he is,

the more likely he'll
be to make a mistake.

McGARRETT: I didn't say
anything about an arrest.

- I just wanted a talk with you.
- About what?

Let's start with those bruises on
your face. Where did you get them?

I, uh, had a disagreement
with somebody.

As in somebody
from the syndicate?

Who told you that?

She's worried about you, Johnny.

Look, I can take care of myself.

You're naive. They
play dirty, Johnny.

They're deadly. Don't
ever take them lightly.

Oh, I would never
take the Kumu lightly.

Is that why you brought in
Allie Francis and his boys?

Mr. Francis is partners
with a friend of mine

in a record company
in Los Angeles.

And he came here
to hear Yvonne sing.

Johnny, why would a big
record-company executive like Francis

come all the way to Hawaii
to hear an unknown girl sing

when you could have just mailed
him a demo tape and a photo?

Answer me that.

I don't know. Maybe he wanted
to write-off a vacation to Hawaii.

I mean, lots of
businesspeople do that.

Do you realize what could happen
when the local syndicate find out

that Allie Francis
is in Honolulu?

- What?
- You figure it out.

Okay, you may go. Thanks
for stopping in, Johnny.


What if they would
completely wipe each other out?

What would be so bad about that?

Just the innocent people they
might take down with them, that's all.

Danno, contact L.A.P.D.

Request information on any of Allie
Francis' soldiers coming this way.

Then have our police
department confirm their arrivals.

You think Francis
will bring in the troops?

Yeah. Yeah, unless they changed
the rules, that's the way they operate.

- You think it really is Francis?
- He checked in at the Ilikai.

The chauffeur of the limousine
that he took is a friend of mine.

Well, maybe he's just
here for a vacation.

Johnny Munroe was with him.

I know Johnny brought Francis
in because of Sonny's sister.

You think Francis would
make such a blatant move

because of some girl singer?

Well, it sure looks
that way, doesn't it?

Ah, she's just an excuse.
There has to be another reason.

Sonny, this, uh...

This ex-partner of
yours, Bernie Adams,

what did you really
know about him?

He had plenty of money, that's
all I needed to know. Right? Ha, ha.

He ever tell you
where it came from?

Did you ever ask?

You don't, uh, think that
Bernie was one of them?

What do you think, Sonny?

Wait a second. Wait a second.

You mean to tell me we blew
away one of Allie Francis' soldiers?

- I'll kill you. I'll kill you.
- Wait! Wait, please!


Get him off. Get
him off! Get him off!

- Kill you before the day's...
- Shut up.

You're not gonna do
anything. Either one of you.

You're gonna do business as
usual, and I'm gonna handle this.

I'm sorry, Tony. I didn't
know. I had no idea.

It's all right, it's over,
it's done. Forget it.

The next move is ours.

He made his move by
coming into our territory.

Now it's our turn.

I said not to tell anybody.

Well, I was worried about you,
and I was worried about Santoro...

You don't have to
worry about Santoro.

You don't have to worry
about that creep ever again.

Well, I hope you're right.

Yvonne, trust me, will
you? I know what I'm doing.


Did you miss me?

You know I did.

You know what?

I missed you too.

What did you say?

I thought about a lot.

I realized that I've wasted
all this time working like hell

trying to get back
something I used to have

when I don't even really... I
don't even really want it anymore.

What do you want?

I want you.

I didn't realize how much
until I was about to lose you.

Then I was afraid to tell you

because you'd think I
was trying to hang on,

to keep from losing
you to Santoro.

You never had to
worry about that.

Ever since the first day, I've
never wanted anybody but you.

Why didn't you tell me?

I'm telling you now.

I love you, Johnny.

I love you too, Yvonne.

Well, this is it.

Oh, yeah, it's a nice place.

Beautiful people.

Have a seat over here.

- You know, it's like this every night.
- Oh, yeah?

Uh, where's the
guy that owns it?

Uh, he's at the bar.

Bring him over.

Adams is right about this
place being a gold mine.

Yeah, too bad he got
the wrong guy to run it.

Sonny, this is Mr. Francis.

Welcome to Sonny
K's, Mr. Francis.

Can we go to your office?

Yeah, sure.

They'll be right back.

You can fill all the
museums with art,

but nothing compares
with the real thing.

Hey, uh, you know who I am?

Yeah. I mean, I think I do.

What happened to Bernie Adams?


Mr. McGarrett? It's Joey Lee.

Joey, what have you got?

I just thought you
might like to know

Johnny Munroe just now
came in with four men.

Do you know any of them?

No, but they're all haoles.

Sonny took one of
them into his office.

What did the man look like,
the one he took into his office?

Mean. Real mean.

He was at least, uh, 50.

I tell you, Sonny looked like
he was awful scared of him.

Well, thank you, Joey. Thank
you. You've been a big help.

Aloha, Mr. Francis.

You're a real good tour guide,
Johnny. I really had a good time.

Good, good. Was I, uh,
right about the potential?

I don't know. Give me time
to think. I'll let you know.

You are coming to see
Yvonne sing, though?

- Sure, but that's gonna be on Friday?
- Yeah.

I'll be there. Phil, come
here. I wanna talk to you.

- Bye.
- Wait. I'll be back.

See you later, Johnny.

You know, I had a
talk with Sonny boy.

He confirmed my suspicions
that this guy, Ray Santoro,

they brought him from New York to
run their disco nightclub operations.

The guy who was
trying to push Johnny out.

Yeah. He's the guy that
had Adams blown off.

But don't you worry
about it. I'll take care of it.

So, what do you think?

You think Sonny is putting
us on to something good?

The girl is gonna be a
star. Wait till you hear her.

Oh, yeah? Did you meet her?

No, but I heard some more tapes.

What about that disco?

I don't know. Is it
really worth the trouble?

I mean, the local people,
they're not just gonna cave in.

Look what happened to Adams.

Yeah, but nobody knew who
he was or where he came from.

It's up to you, but 3,000
miles is 3,000 miles,

and I've never really been comfortable
doing business by telephone.

Yeah, well, I think
I'd like to do it.

I like that place. It's cute.

I had a lot of fun.

I'll bet a lot of
celebrities go there too.

You know, when I was a kid in
New York, you'd be surprised.

I used to go to see, oh, maybe
12, even 13 pictures a week.

- It's your money.
- Yeah.

Okay, I'm gonna
go take a shower.

- I'll see you in the morning.
- For breakfast?


Hey! Hey!


Hey, who the hell put that
there, huh? Who put that there?

You know I nearly
had a heart attack.

- That's the Kumu.
- The Kumu?

It's, uh... It's
their signature.

You know, I've heard of
this before. It's a warning.


- Get L.A. on the phone.
- It's 5 in the morning.

I don't care what time it is!

I want a bunch of
troops on the next plane.

When Johnny Munroe
and the other men left,

Sonny seemed awfully scared.

He had a few drinks at the bar,

then started calling all over
town looking for Ray Santoro.

- And did he find him?
- I'm sure he did.

Um, soon afterwards Ray
Santoro came waltzing in.

It was late. Sonny
was still at the bar.

- What did they talk about?
- I'm not exactly sure.

All I heard was, uh, Sonny tell
Santoro that Allie Francis himself

had been in the place.

Santoro told him to
keep his voice down

and they went
into the back office.

When they came out, they
were laughing and joking.

Sounds like Santoro's
planning some kind of move.

Why don't we bring Sonny
in and sweat it out of him?

Oh, no, Danno. No. No.

My guess is that Sonny
Kanekoa's just a front.

Santoro would
never tell him much.

I'm sorry. I wish there
was more I can do.

McGARRETT: There is, Joey.

Go back to the disco, do your
job, and keep your eyes open.

Yes, sir.

Yeah, Duke? What do you got?

Here's another pair of airport
arrivals, courtesy of H.P.D.

That makes eight. Eight
in the past two days.

Duke, ask H.P.D. to keep taking
pictures and making IDs for us.

Right, Steve.

This is becoming a
full-scale invasion, Danno.

Eight we know about
in the last two days

and who knows how
many more slipped in.

Why does he wanna see me? I
already told you everything Francis said.

Will you relax?

Mr. Alika only wants to
hear it for himself, that's all.

Enjoy the ride, will you?



Well, Mr. McGarrett,

to what do we owe the
pleasure of your company?

I mean, sit down.
What's this all about?

McGARRETT: It's about a car.

A car riddled with buckshot.

It's also about two men

in the prison ward of General
Hospital in the same condition.

I hope this isn't some
kind of tropical disease.

Hey, hey, hey,
show a little respect.

Yeah, it's a disease, all right.

A disease we have
every intention of curing,

with surgery, if necessary.

Well, look, McGarrett, first
of all, nobody got wasted.

And besides, for the record,

I don't know anything
about this shootout.

It's a miracle that
some innocent bystander

wasn't killed or maimed.

And also for the
record, Mr. Francis,

this island is not going to be
turned into a combat Zone by you,

Alika, or anyone else.

I never met this gentleman,
Alika, but I agree with you.

Hawaii's a good place to live

and I'd like to see it
stay that way, sure.

Well, you can guarantee
that it'll stay that way.

Yeah? How?

By reserving a seat on the
next plane to the mainland.

Now here's a complete
flight schedule,

compliments of
the State of Hawaii.

If you're wise you'll
use it, Mr. Francis.

Uh, Mr. McGarrett, I
wanna ask you something.

You're a good cop, McGarrett.
I got a lot of respect for you.

I mean, you got
style, you got guts,

and I think that you got enough
smarts to understand that the public,

I mean, the people you
swore to serve and defend,

they don't give a darn about
me, what happens to me.

You know, after you
and me, we're gone,

there'll still be somebody
sitting in that chair,

talking to another cop,

nothing will have changed.

So, what I wanna know is
why do you stick your neck out?

I mean, what's in it for you?

I'll tell you
what's in it for me.

When I was 13 years old,

I stood in a rainy
cemetery one morning,

holding my mother's hand,

and watched my father's
body lowered into a wet grave.

It took my mother 20
years of backbreaking work

to bring us up and educate us.

Well, uh, everybody
dies, McGarrett.

Yeah, but not at 42.

On his way home from
work, three days before that,

my father was run down and
killed by some bastard like you,

who had just held up a supermarket
and was making his getaway.

I never even had a
chance to say goodbye.

Standing in the rain that morning, I
knew right then I wanted to be a cop.

And since then, I've had
a hundred better reasons.

And each one of them
had a name and a face

and dirty hands, just like you.

So when I tell you to get
your tail off this island, mister,

you better believe me.

- I got a feeling you're threatening me.
- Yeah. That's right.

And you got a witness.

It's an uphill climb

To get on top, not
to stop Never falling

It takes so much time

Just to be secure
You're never sure

If it's worth it
all Worth it all

But tonight Whether
it's wrong or right

I can't tell

Because I don't
know you All that well

Can't trust everybody you
meet Out here on the streets

You might want
to test your charms

In a stranger's arms

It's a lonely town
Fancy cops Private box

Desperate souls
It's so upside-down

And the dream you're
in Could truly spin

Out of control

But tonight Whether
it's wrong or right

I can't tell

Because I don't
know you All that well

You can't trust
everybody you meet

Out here on the street

You might want
to test your charms

In a stranger's arms

Stranger's arms


- Johnny, you were right.
- Wait till you hear the new one we did.

I tell you, it's number
one with a bullet, for sure.

What do you think, Phil?

She's solid platinum.

Well, sign her up. But remember,
Johnny still owes a debt.

Come on in.

- Hi, Yvonne.
- Hi, Joey.

I just brought
this in for Johnny.

It's from Sonny. One
of your demo tapes.

He's out front in a big
meeting with a record producer.

I think we're gonna make a deal.

Oh, that's terrific.

Leave it with me.
He'll be in in a minute.

Thanks. Yvonne, I wish
you all the luck in the world.

- Thanks.
- I'll see you later.

Okay, bye.

- What is this?
- Stay where you are.

- We're H.P.D. Narcotics.
- What do you want?

Did you just receive a
package from this man?

- Joey, what is this?
- I swear, I don't know.

- Where's the package?
- There. It's just a tape cassette.

Come on.

That's some cassette.

Sorry, miss,
you're under arrest.

What the hell's going on here?

These two are under arrest
for possession of cocaine.

- Coke? You gotta be kidding?
- We got a tip. A good one.

Yvonne, I don't understand.

I brought it, Johnny. I
didn't know what it was.

- Where did you get it?
- From Sonny.

- At least, Ray said it was from Sonny.
- Come on. Let's go.

Johnny? Johnny, we
gotta do something.

Johnny? Johnny.

- Where the hell did you go?
- Ray.

- I got everybody looking for you.
- Ray, you know...

Hey, Ray, I want
you to do me a favor.

- I want you to buy me out of the disco.
- What?

Yeah, I just gotta get out
of these islands, ha, ha.

You gotta get out of the way
of whatever's coming down.

You're not kidding me.

Any way you want
it. I just want out, Ray.

I need you to run
the disco. You stay.

What is this? What am
I throwing, a party here?

Get out of here. What are
you, crazy? Get out of here!

The narcs just hauled off Yvonne
to jail for possession of cocaine.

What? I don't know about
no coke. Get out of here!

The hell you don't!

You sent the package.


He said it was from you.

Then he tipped the narcs

where they could be
big heroes real cheap.

You scum.

Why did you involve her? Why?

All right,
Mr. Hotshot-Songwriter.

It wasn't for her, it
was meant for you.

But what the hell, she's with
you and you're the enemy.

Wake up, Mr. Munroe.
This is war.

Don't you know the innocent
always suffer the most?

Not this time.

Now don't do nothing stupid now.

You shoot me, you
gotta shoot Sonny too.

I don't think so.

Sonny's a survivor.

I think he'll find a way
to change sides again.

Johnny? You know I'm
not part of this either way.


You didn't have
to kill him, man.

You wanted money to get
off the islands? Well, here it is.

- I want you out of town fast. Fast.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, for the last time, Joey.

You said Santoro
gave you the package.

- Yes.
- Can you swear to that?

Yes. He said it was from Sonny.
I didn't think anything was wrong.

Johnny did leave some
cassettes with Sonny.

Oh, God, I feel bad.

- I guess I just didn't think.
- "You didn't think."

I've heard that a thousand
times after the damage is done.

You're out, Joey. You can
pick your stuff up at the desk.

Thanks. Thank
you, Mr. McGarrett.

Don't thank me.
Thank the system.

Uh, where's Yvonne, Danno?

She went to pieces when she
heard what happened to Johnny.

- Where is she now?
- Sally took her to Johnny's apartment.

Any word on Santoro?

We put out an APB on
him more than six hours ago.

Nobody's seen him since. But
we've got the airport covered.

Santoro probably
ran straight to Alika.

- Now what about Yvonne's brother?
- Duke's been looking for him all night.

When they're hard to find, they
usually know something, don't they?

Put out an APB on him too.
And send Duke to the airport.


And, Danno, pick up Allie Francis
and meet me at Alika's estate.

And bring Francis there alone.

- He's not gonna like that.
- That's tough.

Five-0. McGARRETT: Luana?

Yes, Mr. McGarrett?

I have to talk to the
governor as soon as possible.

Please find him wherever
he is. And one more thing:

Ask, uh, Franklyn Kowdan,
at the Federal Building

to call me in my car.

- Franklyn Kowdan?
- Yeah.

- Tell him, the word is "go."
- Right away.

I don't want anybody to do anything,
I just want everybody to be ready.

You understand? Right.

Right. Can you get a
bug in the old man's room?

Fine. I want a report
every hour. Every hour.

It was an accident.

He had a gun, we
fought for it and it went off.

What was I supposed
to do, let him shoot me?

Maybe it would've
been better after all.

I'll get Sonny back. He'll
tell you what happened.

No. Because then he could
do the same thing for McGarrett.

That's the one thing
you did get right.

Ray, I swear... I swear, Ray,

if I could offer
you as a sacrifice,

if I could offer you as a peace
offering, to Francis, I would do it.

I just don't want the
Kumu to look weak.

I'll do whatever you say. You want
me off the island, I'm on my way.

No. You started this,
you're gonna finish it.

You're gonna see it through.

Yeah, I'm running a little late.
I'll be right there. Okay. Bye-bye.

Now what's this, huh?

What? A warrant? For
what, double parking?

Suspicion of
conspiracy to extort.

Suspicion of conspiracy
to commit murder. Let's go.

Hold on. I got a right to
call my lawyer first, right?


You have a right to call your
lawyer after you've been booked.

This wouldn't even hold
up in a Boy Scout meeting.

You can tell McGarrett that.

I got a better idea. Why don't
you tell him yourself? Come on.

- Hold it.
- I quit. I quit. I quit.

Okay, okay.

- Steve?
- Yeah, what have you got?

We collared Sonny at the airport.
He was trying to make a flight to L.A.

Good work. Good
work, Duke. Will he talk?

He's pretty scared,
Steve. I think he's ready.

Book him and meet me at Alika's.
- Right, Steve.


I wanted you to tell me
where we could find him,

but it isn't necessary now.

- You're under arrest, Santoro.
- For what?

McGARRETT: For the
murder of Johnny Munroe.

But we've also got extortion, fraud
and a few others to add to your list.

What are you talking about?
What is he talking about?

McGARRETT: You know
what I'm talking about.

We just arrested your partner,
Sonny Kanekoa, at the airport.

Now, he witnessed
Munroe's murder.

And I'm sure we can
convince him to testify.

- Tony, you gotta do something.
- You idiot, like what?

Get me out of this, or
I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll tell McGarrett about
you and the Kumus.

I'll spill my guts
all over the place.

Because if I go down,
you go down with me.

You better get some
expensive legal talent down here.

You keep your cool, Ray,
you idiot. Hold your tongue.

There's nothing you could say
to this cop he hasn't heard before.

Isn't it lovely to see
the rats scrambling?

You can't make it stand
up in court, McGarrett,

without corroborative
evidence, and you know that.

Oh, we might just have
what we need this time.

He's all yours, Duke. Book him.

Make it murder one.

Come on in, Mr. Francis.

- What's he doing here?
- He came for the meeting.

- Meeting? What meeting?
- The meeting I called.

What are you trying
to do, get me killed?

- Where can we talk?
- Out back.

Okay, lead the way.

Okay, pal, just the three of us.

All right, what's the problem?

I told you both before and I'm
gonna tell you again for the last time.

I will not have you bringing
your hoods to Honolulu

and turning this place
into a shooting gallery.

You got me wrong, McGarrett.

I'm a businessman.
I'm here on vacation.

Sure. We all know that.

It may also interest you to know
that the governor has authorized

all the manpower, all the funds

that we need to shut
you both down for good.

Has he authorized all the evidence
you're gonna need to do that?

You can't touch me, McGarrett.
I didn't commit no crime.

And that warrant
for me, that's a joke.

McGARRETT: Yeah? Well,
don't laugh too soon, Mr. Francis.

You're a known
racketeer. I can go to court

and get authorization
to tap your phones.

I can put you under
24-hour surveillance.

I've already got some
of your hoods in jail

and I can keep putting
them back there,

as fast as your shyster
lawyers can spring them.

You're very good
at conversation,

and, you know, I think
that's exactly what this is.

A lot of hot air.

Maybe. Maybe we'll see.

I'll tell you something,
I had a premonition

that your time was coming,

and sooner than you think.

Now that goes for both of you.

Aloha, gentlemen.

"Aloha" means goodbye.

Cop talk. We've both
heard that before.

All right, Mr. Francis, there's no
point in our both being Io-Io about this.

Maybe it's time we
had a little talk after all.

We lost? We don't take them in?

McGARRETT: We don't
have to take them in, Danno.

Who's that? Looks like the feds.

McGARRETT: They are.

Remember how they got Al Capone?

Income tax evasion, wasn't it?

Right. After Sonny Kanekoa and
Santoro get through talking to us,

we'll have enough material

about Francis and Alika's
extortion money and skimming

for the IRS to write a book on
the fine points of tax evasion.

If you still make
house calls, gentlemen,

you'll find them
both out by the pool,

celebrating their victory
over a stupid Irish cop.

Now, have you got your
warrant? Go get them.

And that wraps it up.

No, I've still got one visit
to make, Danno. Just one.

you're in there, Yvonne.

Go away, McGarrett,
and leave me alone.

not going to go away.

I'd like to see you.

You got a minute
for a tough old cop?

Sit down a minute,
I wanna talk to you.

If you don't sing,

if you don't pick up the pieces
and go on with your career,

it means that they've won.

Now, Johnny would've
told you the same thing.

It's gonna take a lot of guts,
but I know you've got them.

What do you say?

And now for a real treat,

making her first
concert appearance,

a lady who's going to be the
next superstar of rock music.

Hawaii's own Yvonne Kanekoa.

This is a nice way
for it to end, huh?

I don't think it's an end, Danno.
I think it's just the beginning.

Thank you.

I wouldn't be here

if it weren't for a great singer and
songwriter named Johnny Munroe.

I would like to start off
with something just for him.

I look at you And you look at me

Trying not to want what can't be

You're with my friend

And she holds your hand

Wasn't that supposed to be me?

Oh, baby I can't get
you out of my mind

I don't know why
You came into my life

I can't get you out of my mind

Hard as I try You're
there all the time

You never said And I never asked

How was I to know
You weren't free?

She spoke of you
But I never knew

That the other woman
was me Oh, baby

I can't get you out of my mind

I don't know why
You came into my life