Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 11, Episode 10 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

A member of the Canadian Parliament is killed in a hit-and-run accident in a remote area, and Five-O discovers that he was apparently on Oahu to meet the one person whom he knew there, a stewardess named Linda Forbes. McGarrett's initial attempt to question Linda is rebuffed by her uptight sister, Diana, though he eventually meets with Linda and finds that she is virtually the exact opposite of her sister. But as the evidence mounts that Linda had something to do with the hit-and-run death, McGarrett is forced to examine what he increasingly finds is the odd relationship between the two sisters.

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I'm not going to answer
any more of your questions.

Well, that's up to you. I'm not
accusing your sister of anything.

Doesn't make much sense.

David Coleman said there
was something strange there.

So did Dr. Fleming.

- It's another woman, isn't it?
- Diana, stop torturing yourself.

It's Linda, isn't it?

There wasn't any water
in Coleman's lungs.

He was murdered
before he hit the water.

That makes number two, Danno.

Danno, was there
anything on the H.P.D. wire

about an apparent hit-and-run up
near Halnamo Bay early this morning?

The victim was, uh, Paul Evans.

Why are we concerned
about a hit-and-run, Steve?

I just had a call from
an Inspector Parsons

of the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police in Toronto.

Evans was a member of
the Canadian parliament.

- What was he doing here?
McGARRETT: No one seems to know.

When he left Toronto,
he told his wife

he was going fishing
in northern Canada.

Wait a minute,
something's coming in.

"Paul Evans, apparent
hit-and-run victim.

Rented a car at
the Honolulu Airport.

Registered at the Ilikai Hotel
under the name of Edward Carver."

The car was found
near the scene.

The Mounties think
maybe it was deliberate.

That's what they
want us to find out.

Danno, take Duke and
check out his hotel room.

Maybe you can find something.

- Nothing in the bedroom, Danny.
- Okay. Check the rest of this, huh?

McGarrett. DANNO Steve.

Danno, what've you got?

An envelope addressed
to Paul Evans in Toronto.

Postmarked from
here three weeks ago.

Anything in it? A letter?

No, but there's
a return address.

A Linda Forbes, at
127 Kailani Avenue.

All right, Danno.
Bring the envelope in

and then run a check on Evans.

I wanna know who he
saw and where he went

from the time he
arrived yesterday.

Yeah. Right.

Who's there?

McGarrett. Hawaii Five-0.

- Yes?
- Miss Forbes?

I'm Diana Forbes. What is it?

Well, I'd like to
speak to Linda Forbes.

She isn't here.

What, uh... What
is the relationship?

Her sister.

Well, it could've been a
cousin, a sister-in-law, couldn't it?

Could you tell me
where I might find her?

She's working a
flight to Los Angeles.

If it's any of your business.

Working a flight?

- She's an airline stewardess.
- Oh, I see.

When do you think
she might be back?

Well, I'm not sure.
Tomorrow or the next day.

What's this all about?

Well, it's rather
confidential. May I step in?

Very well.

Thank you.

Miss Forbes, uh,

does the name Paul Evans
mean anything to you?


What about Edward Carver?

No. What does this
have to do with Linda?

We're investigating
the death of Paul Evans.

He also used the
name of Edward Carver

when he was in Honolulu.

As far as we know,
your sister Linda

was the only person
Evans knew in this city.

- Linda?
- Yes, Linda.

Is this your sister's

Where did you get this?

Is that her handwriting?

I'm not going to answer
any more of your questions.

Well, that's up to you. I'm not
accusing your sister of anything.

I just wanna ask
her if she saw Evans.

- Oh, she didn't.
- How do you know that?

She was with me, at
home, all day, all evening.

I think you'd better go.

Very well.

I'd appreciate it very much if
you'd give my card to your sister

and ask her to call me as
soon as she gets back to town.

Thank you.

- So long then.
- See you later, Tom.

Hello? DAVE: Hi.

Oh, David. Darling,
you're so late.

We were bucking
headwinds all the way.

For a while, I was afraid I was
gonna have to have dinner alone.

- You're, uh, going to hate me.
- Why?

I had a message waiting for
me. An old buddy from Vietnam.

He, uh, wants to have
dinner with me tonight.

- Oh, David.
- Hey, I know.

I know. But the guy's
just passing through.

He's, uh, only gonna
be here tonight.

- I'd like to meet him.
- You'd be bored stiff.



- Steve!
- Yeah, Duke. What've you got?

H.P.D. found a possible
witness to that hit-and-run.

A tour bus driver
saw a red Granada

speeding out of that
area early this morning.

The bus nearly hit him.

Get a license plate?

No, he didn't catch
it, going too fast.

But we're checking with the
Motor Vehicle Department

on all red Granadas.


none of the Forbes
sisters own a Granada.

That's interesting.

Okay, Duke, stay with it.

How do you like it? They
just issued them to us.

- You know it.
- Ha, ha.

I also like what's in it.

Ha, ha. Flatterer. I've
put on five pounds.

Well, it doesn't show.

Thank you, even though
I know you're lying.

- Did you call Diana?
- Yeah.

- What's the matter?
- She hung up on me.

Really? Ha, ha.

She knew I was lying.

Oh, does it bother you, hmm?

Not really.


Oh, well, if you wanna
see her, it's all right with me.

- You know better than that.
- Oh, do I? Prove it.

- Where do you wanna go?
- Oh, guess.

- My place?
- You're a mind reader.

McGARRETT: Good morning, Danno.
- Morning, Steve.

- I got something on Paul Evans.
- Oh, good. Come on in.

I had the hotel dig
back through its records.

Then I showed them
a picture of Evans.

- Guess what?
- Okay, I give up. Tell me.

Up until last year, Evans
had visited Honolulu four times,

always under the name of Carver.


You think he and Linda Forbes
could have been having an affair?

Sure looks that
way to me, Steve.

Boy, those stews get
around, don't they?

Well, maybe that's the way
it'll add up after we talk to Linda.


Oh, by the way, Danno, do we know
when she's getting back from L.A.?

- Duke's checking on that now.
- Let me know.


Yes, Luana?

A Miss Forbes to see you.

- Miss Forbes?
- Yes, sir.

Good. Send her in.

- Good morning, Mr. McGarrett.
- Good morning, Miss Forbes.

Um, I probably should have telephoned
instead of just walking in like this.

Oh, no, no. That's
quite all right.

No offense, but I was rather
hoping it was your sister Linda.

Well, that's not uncommon.

Uh, I owe you an apology
for my attitude yesterday,

for being so uncooperative.

My only excuse is that I've
always been so protective of Linda.

I wanted to believe she
didn't know the Evans man.

That in spite of that envelope,
there was some mistake.

But after you left, uh,

I remembered a box in
which Linda keeps mementos,

snapshots, things like that.

I went through it,
and, um, I found these.

Is that Paul Evans?

Yes, it is.

There's a date on
the back of them.

They were taken
nearly four years ago.

- In Toronto.
- In Toronto?

Linda and I lived there then.

I'm a freelance writer,

and three years ago
I came to Honolulu

to research a magazine article.

I fell in love with Hawaii

and I persuaded Linda
to move here with me.

And you didn't know Linda was
seeing Evans in Toronto, huh?

I never heard of the
man until yesterday.

Linda never told me about him.

Oh, but that's not unusual.

Linda never speaks about
the... The men she sees.

Mr. McGarrett,

there's something you should
know before you talk to Linda.

- What is that?
- She has a problem.

A psychological problem.

In what way?

Periodic lapses of
memory. A form of amnesia.

Has she had any
treatment for it?


She's seen several
psychiatrists in Toronto,

and she saw one here.

Who? Who could
that be? Who is that?


A Dr. Fleming.
Uh, Robert Fleming.

But he hasn't helped
her. None of them have.

Mr. McGarrett,

it's possible Linda may have
had a relationship with Paul Evans

and not remember
a thing about it.

That seems odd, doesn't it?

Well, I hope you take
that into consideration

- when you talk to Linda.
- Of course.

Now you understand why I
feel so protective of Linda.


Uh, thank you for your
cooperation, Miss Forbes.

Oh, you're very welcome.

Good morning, Mr. McGarrett.

She's been with us
for over two years now.

Everyone seems to like her.

Generally she's quite reliable.

What about friends?

Well, she's pretty
much of a loner.

Doesn't associate with
anyone from the airlines.

Except a man by the
name of David Coleman.

- Who's he?
- He's one of our pilots.

I've seen them
having dinner together.

When will she be
back from Los Angeles?

Oh, she isn't in Los Angeles.

- She isn't?
- No.

She called in sick. A
substitute flew in her place.

McGARRETT: She's been
in Honolulu all this time.

Looks that way.

If she wasn't home,
where could she be?

Maybe her sister could tell us.

No, I've got
another idea, Danno.

Uh, did you get that
airline pilot's address?

- Right here. McGARRETT:
David Coleman.

That looks relaxing.

- Mr. Coleman?
- Yes.

The manager said I
could find you here.

McGarrett, Hawaii Five-0.

What can I do for you?

I'm looking for Linda Forbes.

- What's she done?
- Maybe nothing.

I'd like to talk to her about
a hit-and-run accident.

Do you know where
I could find her?

What makes you think I'd know?

I understand that
you're a friend of hers.

A good friend. Is that correct?

Tell me something. Have
you talked to Linda's sister?

Yes, I have.

Is that how you found
out about Linda and me?

No. No, I found out from
an entirely different source.

Why? What difference
does that make?

I guess I'd better explain.

I've got a problem, but
I brought it on myself.

Linda was with me last night.

She's been here
several times recently.

Yeah. Go on.

Well, the problem is I'd been
seeing Diana for some time

before I, uh...
Before I met Linda.

I see. And now you're switching
your attentions. Is that it?

Well, yes. But I don't see why I
should have to apologize for that.

Diana and I were
never that serious.

Does Diana know about
your relationship with Linda?

I haven't told her.

It's a little awkward, Mr. McGarrett.
After all, they are sisters.

Although, sometimes, I, uh...

- You what?
- No, it's nothing.

Don't hold out on me,
Mr. Coleman. It's very important.

All I know is there's
something wrong there.

I mean, they're sisters,
they live together,

but, uh, they're like strangers.

Lately, I've had the feeling

that, uh, maybe Linda went
after me just to spite Diana.

I don't know how I got myself
involved in this, Mr. McGarrett,

but right now, all I want to do
is get out without any hassles.

Did you ever hear of a
man named Paul Evans?

- Evans? No. Why?
- Never mind.

Just, uh, tell me where
I can find Linda Forbes.

Well, she, uh, left a
couple of hours ago.

Said she had to
do some shopping.

I told her I'd meet her for
lunch at the Mahali Mahi.

Would you mind if I
kept that date for you?

Heh, you'd be doing me a favor.

- You got it.
- Yes, sir.

Don't be silly, darling.
Why should I avoid him?

Honestly, there's
nothing to worry about.

Believe me.

Just relax.

I'll see you tonight.

Good afternoon, Mr. McGarrett.

I bet you think I'm psychic.

Either that or you've been
talking to David Coleman.

Just a moment ago. He warned
me you were taking his place at lunch.

- Thank you. May I sit down?
- Please do.

Well, since you know who I am, I
wonder if you know why I'm here.

Yes, I read the story
in the newspaper.

Poor Paul. He was really a
very nice man in many ways.

And he had a
bright political future.

In a way, I feel responsible.

Why do you feel responsible?

Well, if it hadn't been for me,

he wouldn't have
been in Honolulu

and the accident
wouldn't have happened.

Did you see him
before he was killed?

- You mean this trip?
- Yeah.

No. I haven't seen him
for, uh... For over a year.

Tell me about your relationship.

Oh, well, there's
nothing really to tell.

Uh, we met while Diana
and I were living in Toronto.

Then we moved here.
Paul visited me a few times.

Finally, I told him I wasn't
interested in seeing him anymore.

But he wouldn't give up.
He kept writing and calling.

I told him he was wasting
his time, but he came anyway.

Poor Paul.

Did Evans know
anyone else in Hawaii?

No. I don't think so.

Unless he was
cheating on me. Ha, ha!

And you never heard him
telephone anyone or contact anyone?


Would you remember if he had?



I see what you're getting at.
You've been talking to Diana.

Poor, helpful Diana.

She means well, but I wish
she'd mind her own business.

Yes, Mr. McGarrett,
I would remember.

I remember everything
about Paul Evans very clearly,

and he didn't know
anyone else in Hawaii.

Why is it important?

Because Evans might
not have died accidentally

in the hit-and-run accident.

He might've been
deliberately killed.

- Murdered?
- Yes.


And since I'm the only one he
knew in Hawaii, you think I did it?

Oh, you do.

Well, may I have my
lunch before you arrest me?

You are going to
arrest me, aren't you?

Ooh, I've never been
arrested before. Ha, ha.

I'm not gonna arrest you,

but I'd, uh, certainly request
that you don't leave Honolulu.

I promise. I'll stay right here.

Are you, uh, still upset because
I, uh, had to break our date?



Look, uh, I've got
some bad news.

I'm being transferred.

- Transferred?
- Seattle.

Heh. Well, that doesn't
make any sense.

Why you? You've got seniority.

They said it's company
policy, take it or leave it.

And you decided to take it?

What could I do?

- When do you leave?
- In a couple of days.

David, this is your...
Your way of dumping me?

You know better than that.

Well, I don't believe the
airline wants to transfer you.

I believe that you
asked for it, didn't you?

All right, I asked
for it. You satisfied?

You like to be hurt?

It's another woman, isn't it?

- Diana, stop torturing yourself.
- It's Linda, isn't it?

She told you.


Then how did you find out?

I guessed it, by the
way she was acting.

- Do you love her?
- No, I don't love her.

You're running from
her too then, aren't you?

I'm not running away from
anyone. I just don't like the situation.

Have you told her
you were leaving?

No, I haven't told
her I'm leaving.

Well, when you do, be careful.

She's, uh...

Well, Linda doesn't
know what rejection is.

She bruises easily.
Much easier than I do.

So be careful, what you
say and how you say it.


Please, go.

Diana, I'm sorry.

Leave me alone. Please.


Oh, Linda, how are you?

How did you find out?

There's no reason
to lie about it.

Diana told you, didn't she?

It's over, Linda. There's
nothing to talk about.

All right, if you must.

I'm, uh, going down
to the pool for a swim.

I'll meet you down
there in 10, 15 minutes.

- Are they sure it's Coleman?
- Positive.

The lab crew is just finishing
up in Coleman's apartment.

- Hello, doc.
- Hi, Williams.

- What've we got?
- Not sure.

He could have fallen
and struck his head.

Or he could have been clubbed
with something blunt and pushed.

Maybe he died of
natural causes, huh?

I just might be able to
tell you after the autopsy.

I'm sure Steve will
be glad to hear that.

How long has he been dead?

Several hours.

Four? Five? Eight? Ten? What?

Well, the autopsy just
might pin that down too.

I'll get back to you later.

Who found him?

One of the tenants.
A Miss Evelyn Barlow.

- No, no, I meant the coroner.
- Heh.

She came out for a swim, she
screamed, the manager ran out.

She's up in the apartment
right now. Pretty shook up.

- You wanna talk to her?
- Maybe later. I better call Steve.

I can't believe it. David?

When did you see him last?

Four o'clock
yesterday afternoon.

He told me he was leaving
for... Leaving Honolulu.

- Aren't you gonna ask me why?
- I know why.

So he told you about Linda too.

- Is your sister here?
- No.

- Have you seen her or talked to her?
- No.

- And you don't know where she is?
- No.

That's three nos in a row.

Well, would you like a
few yeses for variety?

I'd like a few if
they're truthful.

I'm sorry. I can't oblige.


How did you feel
about his leaving?

I was... I was hurt. Uh...

But I wasn't surprised.

I knew something was going on.

No bitterness then?
No woman scorned?

Are you accusing
me of killing David?

I'm not suggesting anything.

The coroner isn't even
sure he was murdered.

But if it turns out that
he was, am I a suspect?

Yes, you might be.

- Well, what about Linda?
- What about her?

David told me

that he was going to tell
Linda that he was leaving too.

And I warned him to be
careful how he told her

because she's so
emotionally unpredictable.

You might ask her how
or what her reaction was.

Very well, I will.
When I find her.

Does she have an address
book around here somewhere?

Yes. Yes.

- May I see it?
- All right.

- Thank you. May I borrow this?
- Oh, of course.

- You will return them?
- Yes, of course.

Oh, Mr. McGarrett.

Be gentle with her.

Thank you.

- Steve? McGARRETT:
Hold it a minute.

Yes, doctor? Yes. I'll meet
you down there in ten minutes.

Thank you. Yeah.

I'm afraid Linda's address
book's not gonna be much help.

Most of the names
are from Toronto.

Only five from
Honolulu and all women.

- Duke may have something.
- Good. Check it out, Danno.

I'm gonna meet her shrink
down in front of the Palace.

Urgent call on two.

Yes? Yes, put him on, please.

- Your friend, the coroner.
- Ah.

What have you got, doc?


Very well. Thank you.

- Ah.
- Well?

There wasn't any water
in Coleman's lungs.

He was murdered
before he hit the water.

That makes number two, Danno.

- That's it, huh?
- No doubt about it.

The glass found near Evans'
body matches the broken headlight.

Let's take a look at it.

Yeah. No doubt.

Also, the color of the
car is a positive match

of some paint pigment
taken from Evans' clothing.

- What about the registration?
- Well, it's owned by a rental company.

Choy Auto Rentals,
from Kama Key.

- Did you find the lease agreement?
- No.

But I'll check the leasing
company and get a copy.

- Okay. Anything else?
- Yeah.

Take a look at that.

Well, Mr. McGarrett,

the only thing I can
say with certainty

about Linda Forbes,
um, psychologically,

is that she is a very
confused young woman

with a great deal of
suppressed hostility,

particularly toward
her sister, um, Diana.

And I also believe that Linda
is bordering on schizophrenia.

- Are the girls twins?
- No.

But they were born
only ten months apart.

Now I'll give you an example
of what I've been talking about.

During one of
our early sessions,

I asked Linda about her sister.

Well, her frivolous attitude
turned off just like that.

She became very bitter,

and then proceeded to
tell me with malicious glee

how she had deliberately broken
up a romance some years ago

between Diana and
a man in Toronto.

Toronto? What was the
man's name, do you remember?

Uh, she mentioned only
a first name. Peter, I think.

Could it have been Paul?

Yes, it was Paul. I'm certain.

Excuse me.

Steve, Duke just called.

The rental car office isn't open.
He's trying to locate the manager.

There's something about this
case I can't get a handle on, Danno.

Well, it seems pretty open
and shut that Linda killed Evans.

Why do you say that?

Well, Linda said she
dumped Evans, right?

Yeah, that's what she said.

What if it was the
other way around?

You mean he might
have dumped her?


She could've killed
Coleman for the same reason

because he dumped her too.

Yeah. Yeah, it
could be. Could be.

But it's those two sisters
that I can't figure on, Danno.

Linda apparently hates her sister
but she goes on living with her.

And at the same time,
Diana comes to see me,

she says she wants
to protect Linda.

But, she gives me information
that actually incriminates her.

- Doesn't make much sense, does it?
- No, it doesn't.

David Coleman said there
was something strange there.

So did Dr. Fleming.

They were right. There is.

Something much
stronger than sibling rivalry.

And I'm gonna
find out what it is.

- Miss Forbes.
- Oh, Mr. McGarrett. You startled me.

Oh, I'm sorry. The
front door was open.

Ah, I left it open
for the cab driver.

Oh, cab driver? Are
you going somewhere?

Back to Toronto. At first,
anyway. Then I don't know.

I just wanna get away. Away
from here. Away from Linda.

Oh, I can save you the
trouble of your next question.

I haven't talked to her, and I
haven't seen her, and I don't want to.

I tried to help her.

When our parents died, I
was the only one she had left.

And I tried to help.

I gave and I gave.

And she took and she took.

And she still wanted more.

Well, I haven't any
more to give. I'm through.

Why did you lie
about Paul Evans?

- Lie?
- You said you didn't know him.

I didn't.

Linda told Dr. Fleming
that you did.

That's not true.

Not only knew him, but that
you were in love with him.

She was lying.

- Why would she lie?
- Because that's the way she is.

She always lies. Maybe
not on purpose, I don't know.

I'm not sure I know
anything about her anymore.

But she lives in a dream world.

She makes up things.
And she believes them.

Makes up things?

- Taxi. Anyone here?
- Oh, coming.

You can take these two bags
down. And I'll be along in a moment.

No. Put them down.

You're not going
anywhere. Not yet.

- You have no right to detain me.
- You're wrong. I'm sorry.

- What are you gonna do, arrest me?
- If I have to.

On what charge?

I can hold you as
a material witness.

Mr. McGarrett,
what are you saying?

I'm saying that you can remain here,
or you can wait in jail. It's up to you.

Take those bags out and
I'll be along in a moment!

- I'm a police officer.
- You're impossible.

Love your work, don't you?

You're getting in
some overtime yourself.

The office manager was the
only one who could open the files,

and he'd gone to Hilo for the day.
So Duke had to wait till he got back.

- Any luck?
- I think you might call it that.

- Linda Forbes.
- That should nail it down.

- Now all we have to do is find her.
- We'll find her.

She could be halfway
around the world by now.

Yeah, Danno, but
somehow I don't think she is.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

- Is Mr. McGarrett there, please?
- McGarrett.

- This is Diana Forbes.
- Yes?

I just got a call from Linda.

She said she wanted to see me.

Uh, she asked if I'd meet
her at 9:00 in the morning

at the Hawaii Kai Mall
in front of the flower shop.

And what did you say?

I, uh... I refused.

I told her I never
wanted to see her again.

Good night, Mr. McGarrett.

Very strange lady.

Thy father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

McGARRETT: You killed
her too, didn't you, Diana?

Um, I'm not Diana.

I'm... I'm Linda.

I'm Linda.

Linda's alive only
up here. In your mind.


I killed her!

She was a cannibal!

She was eating me alive!

I killed her! She took
Paul away from me!

And I knew she would take David
away from me. That's why I killed her.

I killed her.

- How? How did you kill her?
- I drowned her.

We were at the beach.

We were at the beach and...


She can't swim.

It was a lonely place.

Nobody was around.

And I saw my chance.

I just got her in the water
and I held her head under it.

- And no one saw you?
- Nobody saw me.

I had to do it.

I had to kill her.

And she won't die.

She won't die!

She won't die!

Oh, why won't Linda die?

Why... Why won't Linda die?

Why won't she die?

Come on.

Easy. Easy.

Oh, why won't Linda die?