Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 10, Episode 14 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

A candidate to head a longshoreman's union is murdered in broad daylight, yet there are few clues about the crime. The dead man's opponent, who has political connections to the Governor, is pressing for McGarett's office to move quickly on the investigation. With few leads, McGarrett decides to locate the girlfriend of the murdered candidate, whom he believes has vital information about the crime, by impersonating a longshoreman himself - without telling Danny Williams, Chin Ho, or the other members of the Five-O unit.

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what have we got?

DANNY: Two shots
in the side of the head.

Twenty-two caliber pistol.

Closing the port of Honolulu
isn't going to find this killer.

Maybe yes, maybe no.

But that makes crime on the
docks your problem, governor.

Pier 19.

HMDS 578304.

On the tenth pipe, I remember
a cool breeze up my sleeve.

I want the man
who ordered the hit.

Have you ever given any
thought to the possibility

that it might be your
dear friend, Jackson Croft?

REPORTER: Everyone says
Croft has the support of the union.

What makes you think you
have a chance in this election?

Newspapers, TV.

You guys always got it wrong.

You don't think I got a chance, huh?
Well, that makes me more optimistic.

Listen, nobody's bucking
Croft out in the open.

That'd be stupid.

Everybody knows
better. Except me. Ha.

But come the elections, everybody
can vote the way they feel.

And watch out, Jackson Croft.

You've been making
a lot of charges

about the influence of the
union on crime on the docks.

Do you have any facts
to back up these charges?

I'll tell you something.

The muscle couldn't operate for
a minute without Croft saying so.

Exactly what are you saying, sir?
That the president of this union...?

Liquor, cigarettes,
cosmetics, drugs.

They all go for the
small, high-priced stuff

that they can get
rid of real easy.

Now, I say if Croft wanted
to, he'd put a stop to it.

But the guys that can add it up,
the know-better guys, they'll do it.

That's why I'm gonna win.

I'm gonna win this election.

Ha. Thank you.

Hey, you hit him
kind of hard, man.

You think Croft's
gonna stand still for that?

He's gonna have
to, man. Don't worry.

The newspapers would
be all over him like sweat.

Hey, you got him right
where it hurts, Tony.

Don't let go.

What seems to be the problem?

Not a thing, Mr. Krebs.

REPORTER: Mr. McGarrett.

what have we got?

DANNY: Two shots
in the side of the head.

Twenty-two caliber
pistol. They left the gun.

A professional hit, huh?

- Any witnesses?
- Nothing yet.

The work on the dock
must have covered the shots.

Of course a .22 wouldn't
make much noise anyway.

Freight checker found
the body and called H.P.D.

What was Krebs doing out here?

He had an interview with
KGMB for the evening news.

Boy, is this gonna be headlines.

You know how he was always yelling
about organized crime on the docks?

- Looks like he proved it.
- He sure did.

Duke, Chin.

I want you to cover Hotel
Street, bars, betting joints.

Every place where
longshoremen hang out.

I want you to squeeze your
contacts, and I mean squeeze them.

I want the works.

Facts, rumors, scuttlebutt,
the works. Got it?

Right, Steve.

That sounds like a
week's work to me.


Now let's find out everything
we can about Krebs.

Friends, enemies, who financed
his campaign, for instance.

What were his
chances of winning?

From what I hear, he
had no chance at all.

You know, if Krebs was right

and some syndicate was
moving in on the dock,

why would they advertise
by hitting him now

before the union elections?

Unless he had an awfully
good chance of winning.

- How would they know that?
- They wouldn't.

In my opinion, only one man

might have had an idea about
the outcome of that election.

The friend of the
governor's. What's his name?

- Jackson something?
- Croft.

Yeah, Jackson Croft.
Okay, Danno, take over.

I've got an election next week.

This louse Krebs accuses me of
protecting the rackets on the docks.

Then he gets two
shots in the head.

Now, I got enemies
like everyone else,

but they'll use this
to beat my brains in.

And I'll be damned if I'm
gonna lose this election

for the wrong reason.

What are you getting at, Jack?

I want that killer now.
Before the election.

Well, I'm sure Five-0 and
H.P.D. are working on it.

That isn't gonna do me any
good until they catch Krebs' killer.

Governor, I'm not gonna
let that election take place.

I'll strike the docks first.

Now, wait a minute, Jack.

You're blowing this
all out of proportion.

Closing the port of Honolulu
isn't going to find this killer.

Maybe yes, maybe no.

But that makes crime on the
docks your problem, governor.

And I've noticed
that always helps.



Hi, hon. What can I do for you?

You kill business coming
around here at night.

A man was killed on
Pier 19. Anton Krebs.

What'd they say about
him on the street?

I don't know nothing
about that. Nothing.


I've been watching you
hustle since you were 12.

What you don't know on
the street ain't worth knowing.

I want you to tell
Duke, just like always.

That's our deal.

His mouth got him killed.
I ain't turning that trick.

Leave me alone.

What's the matter, baby? You
having problems with the man?

When I'm around,

you stay on the other
side of the street, brother.


Magruder? Carl Magruder?

Police officer. I
wanna talk to you.

away. I got nothing to say.

I'm investigating Krebs' murder.

I'd like to ask you
a few questions.

MAGRUDER: I don't know nothing.

Channel 9 news said you
were one of the men with Krebs

on Pier 19 this afternoon.

MAGRUDER: You're wasting
your time. I got nothing to say.

Well, maybe you'd like
to say it at the station.

WOMAN: Please,
just leave us alone.

Leave us alone.

All right, Magruder. But think
it over, because I'll be back.

MAN 1: Hey, Sally.

MAN 2: Sally, I wanna know
when we're gonna get married.

Would take five of
you to take care of me.

- Hell, why marry any of you?
- Ha-ha-ha.

You drink free, then I
go broke fast, not slow.

MAN 2: But you haven't
heard my last offer yet.

You made your last offer five
years ago and you didn't know it.


I expect to see you.

Dead man on docks, Chin
Ho always wanna talk to Sally.

- Oh, nobody surprises you, Sally.
- Not true.

Japanese surprised the
hell out of me at Pearl Harbor.

- What do you wanna know?
- You know Krebs.

One glass whiskey, one
glass water, no ice, that him.

You remember when
that man got killed

at your old place, Sally?

The killer saw you
and you saw him.

- Now, you didn't sleep till we got him.
- Krebs small man, big mouth.

Everybody listen. No drink.

Bad for business.
You know what I mean?

They no kill him,
I kill him myself.

Who killed him, Sally?
Point me in the right direction.

That your job. Dead ones.

Mine in there selling
booze to the live ones.

Who were his friends?

No trouble finding his friends.
They're the ones with the mouths shut.

- Did you see this?
- Yes, sir, I saw it.

Theft of high value
cargoes are skyrocketing.

Krebs' murder has all the
earmarks of a gang killing.

Organized crime taking
over the docks of Honolulu.

Taking over? I thought they
took over a long time ago.

They quote your
statistics, Steve.

Theft on the docks up 600
percent since the first of the year.

Cargo losses running
into the millions of dollars.

Governor, you don't usually take
uh, an interest in homicide cases.

Newspapers never
seem to bother you.

What is it with this one?
Are they getting to you?

Jackson Croft is going
to strike the docks

unless the Krebs murder is solved
before the union elections next week.

Oh, I see.

Well, maybe he wants
to postpone the elections.

I can't let him pull
a strike, Steve.

Krebs' murder isn't
just a homicide now.

It's political and
economic dynamite.

It's imperative that you find
out who killed Krebs, and quickly.

All right, governor. Let
me give you the facts.

There are no eyewitnesses.

Nobody is talking on
the docks. They're afraid.

Now, even if we could nail
the man who pulled the trigger,

that's just more window
dressing for the newspapers.

I want the man
who ordered the hit.

Have you given any
thought to the possibility

that it might be your
friend, Jackson Croft?

Now, that would be political
dynamite, wouldn't it?



Where you calling from?

I told you those
phones aren't safe.

All right, all right.
What do you got?

HMDS 578304.

Don't worry. If it's a
winner, you'll get yours.

Arthur here.

Pier 19.

HMDS 578304.


Medical Dental Services.

Could be something good.

MAN: Jackpot.

PORTER: May I help you, sir?
- Yes, please.

One-eighty San Francisco.

The governor is under
enormous pressure

from the media and
the community, Danno.

But when I got in this business,

I realized that you can't
let politicians pressure you.

While I'm away, I hope
you'll follow that rule too.

Sure will.

- How long you gonna be gone?
- No more than a week.

Sorry to lay this
Krebs thing on you,

but this family business
in San Francisco's urgent.

Any place I can reach you?

No, I can't say now. I'll
call you as soon as I can.

Keep hitting your
street sources, Danno.

Somebody's bound to talk.

- So long.
- Have a good trip.

- See you in a week.
- Right.

number 218 to Los Angeles

now ready for
boarding at Gate 7.

Uh, change of
plans, thanks anyway.


SULLIVAN: McGarrett?



Right. This way.

McGARRETT: Dr. Ghoriades?

- What do you want?
- My name's Reilly.

I just hit the beach. I need
some dental work done.

The office hours are on
the door. Can't you read?

Come back in the morning.

My friend Sullivan said that
you could take me right away.

Told me to come
straight up here.

Come in.

This way.

I've been waiting for you.

- What did Sullivan tell you?
- Not much.

Said you were monitoring
drug traffic for them.

Said I could count
on you as an out man

if I get in a box down here.

Sullivan is an Irish optimist.

All right, I'll tell
you the rules.

The FBI has a lot
invested in this setup.

I protect my tail at all times.

You do the same and
we'll get along just fine.

- Did he tell you what I was after?
- Yeah. I got a wrinkle for you.

Krebs had a woman on the side.

Opium addict.

He'd been helping her with
her habit for a couple of years.

Cocktail waitress, hustler.

You know, you name it.

She used to be a singer
but she couldn't sing.

- Where do I find her?
- I wish we knew.

But she dropped out of sight.

She used to work at Doxy's.


Doxy's. Around the
corner, you can't miss it.

All the girls have smiles.
Very expensive smiles.

Her name is Frankie Demara,

and she's got the most
expensive smile of all.

It'll cost her a lot
to keep smiling.

I wonder who's paying for it.

Yeah. Demara, huh?



WAITRESS: You want
something more, honey?

What do you have in mind?


- What's your name?
- Darlene. What's yours?

- Thirsty.
- Ha, ha.

Okay, Thirsty. What
can I do for you?

I was hoping you were her.

- Hoping I was who?
- Frankie Demara.

Shipmate of mine
told me to look her up.

I'm not her.

Wait a minute, wait a
minute. Don't get mad.

Maybe you can point
her out to me, huh?

What's in it for me?

She's not here, that's for sure.

Wait a minute. Come on.

If that's the best you can do,

I figure I got about 9 bucks
coming in change, right?


Bank of Darlene
doesn't give refunds.

I don't know where Frankie is.

But I can tell you one thing.

Oh? What's that?

Wherever she is,
the poppies grow.

You know what I mean?


No, I said she's not at Doxy's.


I got the flash from one
of the waitresses there

that, uh, she's
visiting the needle.

Any ideas?

No, what she said was,
"Where she is, the poppies grow."


Okay, I'll check it
out. Third on the left.

Yeah. Ha, ha.

No, don't worry, doc,
everybody loves a drunken sailor.

Don't worry.

Hey. Hey, what the...?

MAN: We like Frankie.

We don't want nothing
happening to Frankie

like happened to her
friend, understand?

ARTHUR: Behind you.


You play a pretty strong
game off the wall, friend.

That's the sign of a man
who's seen some tight comers.

What's their beef?

They made a mistake.

They confused me
with somebody else.


Well, they won't make
that mistake again.

Thirst is everywhere.
Can I buy you a drink?

No, no, no, pal, the
drinks are on me.


Hit them first and negotiate
over the bodies, huh?

- Tough choice.
- Ah.

Tough choice between
a shiv and a lead pipe.

You came along just in
time, pal. Here's to you.

You're a one-man cavalry.


Ah. Sally, come here.

Lot of thirst down here.

Oh, one arm and two hollow legs.

Better you stay
away from this man.

ARTHUR: Oh, no, Sally.

This man likes long odds.
That's why I brought him here.

He likes to live dangerously.

I see you somewhere before.

This your first time at Sally's?

Oh, no, first time, Sally.

ARTHUR: Hey. Ha, ha.

Ask her to cash a check.

It brings back her memory.

- Cash a check, huh?
- Next week.


Hey, Reilly. What
ship you off of?

Oh, don't ask, don't
ask. Gives me heartburn.

Oh, come on, don't
sit on the edge of it.

- Let's hear it.
- There's nothing to hear.

I had some bad dental problems
that had to be taken care of,

so I had to get ashore.

But the public health service guys
and the company thinks I'm faking it.

So the union's gonna get in
the act and get beef for me.

Well, they'll straighten the
company out, won't they?

Yeah, that and a quarter
will get you a cup of coffee.

It's the company
motto that bothers me.

Shaft the sailor
before he shafts you.

Um... Tell me, uh, your ship,

what does she carry when
she comes through Honolulu?

It's on a government
charter. PX stuff mostly.

Booze, cigarettes, medical
supplies, you know, general cargo.

Keep it under your
hat. I speak to my man.

There's some
money in it for you.


What kind of money?
Money, money?

Some people like to know in
advance what's moving on the docks.

You got your
information straight,

my man is gonna
make it worth your while.

The company's gonna pay
for your shore time after all.


I got some business to take care
of. I'll walk you back to your hotel.

Come on, leave me now.

What are you, a one-man
shore patrol? I'm okay.

I just wanna stay
and do a little drinking.

Take it easy. Take it easy.

I'm on your side, remember?

Yeah, you sure
proved that, didn't you?

Hey, come here.

If your man wants
to talk, look me up.

I'm at the Hotel Crescent.

All right. I'll be in touch.

Hey, Sally?

Put a head on it.

DUKE: That's not what
I want and you know it.

DANNY: We just have
to put on the screws.

We'll check out those bookie joints
down by the docks around lunchtime.

If we hit them with
enough leverage...

That's gonna take
some manpower, Danny.

Call H.P.D., see
what they can give us.

We're running blind.

We don't have any place
to stand on this thing yet.



Yes, governor. Yes, sir.

The full resources of the department
are working on the Krebs case.


Steve? Uh, he'll be
back in a week, sir.

- Actually, uh, six
days. CHIN: Five-0.

Yes, he did brief me on
the possibility of a strike.

CHIN: Where?

Well, no, sir. We can't go on, uh,
those assumptions, I don't think.

I understand, sir.

- Yes, sir. CHIN: Thank you.

We're still developing the facts,
sir, and the, uh, material evidence.

On the tenth pipe, I remember
a thousand ancient ideograms.

On the tenth pipe, I remember
a cool breeze up my sleeve.



There's no woman here.
You have the wrong place.

Listen, old man, there's a woman
here. Her name is Frankie Demara.

Now take me to her.

- No woman here.
- I insist that there's a woman here.

Take me to her. Where is she?


Where are you going?

Okay, okay,
fellows. I get the idea.

Okay. I'm leaving.


Frankie. Frankie.

Come on, wake up.

- What?
- Wake up. Let's get out of here.

- Quickly. Come on.
- What?

DANNY: Hold it. Halt.

Hold it right there.
Get those hands up.

Put him in there, Duke.

I'll talk to you in a minute.

See if you can think
without using your hands.

Sit down, Miss Demara.


Get some coffee in her, Chin.

I hope you broke it.

Here's your record.

I'm sorry, Danno.

It wasn't the time or the
place for explanations.

- It hurt me more than it hurt you.
- No, it didn't, Steve.


Why didn't you let us in on it?

It's not the Lone Ranger time.
We could have shot you by mistake.

I know, I know.
I said I'm sorry.

What prompted the raid?

Phone call tipped us.
Wouldn't leave the name.

- Man or woman?
- Woman.

Said we could find Krebs'
girlfriend at that address.

Then, uh, Sullivan from the FBI
called and told us the same thing.

We moved fast.

Somebody else had the same idea.

They followed me there. You
picked up one of them, didn't you?

Yeah. He's not talking.

He knows the most we
can hold him for is 30 days.

He's smart. He
didn't resist arrest.

Well, she's all we've got then.

Everybody wants
her. Let's find out why.


And, Danno, go easy on her.

She's strung out pretty badly.


Miss Demara, we didn't bring
you in here just to hassle you.

We need your help with
the, uh, Krebs murder.

Well, I'm not saying anything
because I don't know anything.

You're wasting your time.

Well, somebody thinks
you know something.

They were trying
to get you last night.

Your life's in danger, you know.

You're not gonna be safe

until we find the man
who ordered Krebs killed.

We found over an ounce
of opium in your purse.

We can hold you and we can
make a possession charge stick.

I guarantee it.






Keep in touch.

Frankie, you can
play it two ways.

One way, you can cooperate
with us and we can protect you.

The other way,
you're on your own.

Well, I'll tell you something. I
don't care anymore either way.

You know how it
feels to be really tired?

So tired you feel sick?

Tired you can't sleep?


I haven't slept in three years.

How long did you know Krebs?

Listen, uh...

You know that guy?
That sailor you brought in?

Tell him I really enjoyed
holding his hand, will you?

Sure, Frankie.

You heard it, Steve.
She's not talking.


Three years ago was the
last election on the docks.

Now, Krebs was a
complete unknown,

yet he almost gets in
as head of the union

over Jackson Croft's man?

Yeah. So?

Try this out.

Krebs, uh, acquires a girlfriend

with an opium habit
and a criminal record,

yet he almost gets elected
as head of the union?

I still don't get
the connection.

She doesn't wanna go out
there on that street, Danno.

Don't you see that? She
must think there's a connection.

She's the one who called
you and tipped you about that.

She planted that opium in her bag
so you'd have to hold her in custody.

What do you mean,
"you hold her in custody"?

What are you gonna do?



there are people out there
who are looking for her.

Now, those are the people
that we wanna talk to.

We're not gonna hold her.

I understand that. But
what are you going to do?

I'm gonna hold her
hand. Go fishing together.

Those people aren't
playing around, Steve.

- We can't protect you on the street.
- Yes, I know that.

But I don't want
Five-0 all over me.

I have an out man.

I'll give him your private number.
That's the only way it's gonna work.

They won't give you any
warning. They didn't give Krebs any.

I don't know of any better
way to handle it, Danno.

Do you?

Here's your release order.

We keep the opium in case
we wanna see you again.

You can pick up your
possessions from the property clerk.

Good luck, Miss Demara.

Listen, uh...

I have a record of drug arrests.

Six to be exact.

And, uh, two
shoplifting charges.

We can't find your
record, Frankie.


Well, look who's
here. Princess Grace.

She'll be along any minute.

You know what we
need? Some orange juice.

Freshly squeezed orange juice.

Let's check out of this luxury hotel
and have some breakfast, huh?

You know, I'm just
tired. I'm just really tired.

I've got the
answer for that too.

It's called sleep, right
after some breakfast.


That knits up the
raveled sleeve of care. Ha.

- What's that from? Uh...
- From hunger.



- Thank you.
- More coffee, miss?


What kind of trouble
are you in, Frankie?

How come you're always
there when I need you?

See, we both got questions.

You know what I think? I
think you're too good to be true.

- You know what I think?
- Hmm?

I think you're trying
to have it both ways.

I think you arranged
for your own bust

because you want
police protection.

But you don't
wanna help the fuzz.

I hate your guts. How'd you
get to be so damn optimistic?

Don't snow me.

You get short sentences.
These guys got long memories.

Stop kidding yourself. Dead
is a hard act to follow, honey.

You play the victim long
enough, you're gonna be one.


Let's just go
back to your place.

And we'll make it, and
then we'll sleep. Come on.

No, sit down. Sit down, please.


Krebs got himself a
lot of television time

by accusing the syndicate
of ripping off the docks.

Now, that was his
entire campaign.

If he got in, the mob was out.

But he never had a
bodyguard, did he?

He never requested
police protection, not once.

And several times on television,
he claimed he had threats on his life.

Maybe he knew
something we didn't know.

But he didn't think
he needed protection.

Why? Why, Frankie?

He was stupid.
Come on, I'm sick.

WOMAN: Hey, honey.
Not much boogie there.

Turn her in on a live one.

Come on in.

Lie down.


Sleep well.


- Do something for you, doc?
- Hi.


They sent the right man
for the job. You got her.

But what are you
doing with her here?

She won't talk, doc.
They hung her out to dry.

You must not have much
leverage in the office.

They hung you out too.

You won't have long to wait.

I saw three hard
guys downstairs.

I think they're waiting
for you to come down.

I came up the
back way to tell you.

Wait a minute, doc. I
don't have much time.

Now, you're my
out man. I need you.

You're too hot for me.

- I shouldn't have gone this far.
- What do you mean?


Yeah, who is it?

ARTHUR: It's me,
brother. Arthur.

I got the man.

You know, who wants to talk
to you about you know what.

Come on, let's go, let's
go, business awaits.

The man is waiting.

Hold it down out
there. Knock it off.

I got other things on
my mind right now.

All right, all right.
Just don't get lost.

Money talks.

I'll wait for you on the street.

Enthusiastic, isn't he?

Doc, come here.
Call this number.

Give them the address
and room number here.

Tell them that
I've got the girl.

Then come back
and stay here with her.

No thanks. She's

Not my type.

I suggest you sit tight and
wait till your team arrives.

Doc, I've got to see the man.
Now, please, call this number.

Hold it.


Frankie. Frankie, wake up.

I've got to go out.



What? Huh?

I've gotta go out.

The police are on the way.

Now, remember.

Don't open the door for anybody
but that detective who questioned you.

- Have you got it?
- Where you going?

I'll know when I get there.

Now, you sit tight.

And you don't open that door
for anybody but that detective.


You're going to be all right.
Now, I'll be back as soon as I can.

Kiss me.

Any time.

Hey, there are some people
you just don't keep waiting.

You like to live
dangerously, don't you, sport?

You caught me at the
wrong moment to leave a lady.

That was no lady, that's
Anton Krebs' mistress.

But you know that
already, don't you, blue boy?

Don't stop walking.

Those two guys will kill you right here
if you don't step just like I tell you.

I'm in a lot of trouble
because of you.


FRANKIE: No, please, no.

Please. Oh, no.


MAN: Get out. Get out.


Stay there.

You know, each of you fools
could have made it by yourselves,

but the two of you together,
well, that's tempting fate.

You're also a fool.

Brought him in, McGarrett,
Five-0. That's a bad mistake.

ARTHUR: Oh, shut
up, you little squirt.

I did what I had to do.

Five-0 is a heavy load, Arthur.

Anything happens to us,

they're gonna come
down heavy on you.

If you think one
arm is a handicap,

what do you think a life sentence
without parole is gonna be like, huh?

You got nothing to say.

Get some of these
cars out of here.

- It looks like a convention.
MAN: All right, Nick.

- Let's get these cars out of here.
- Move them out.

You wait here.

Come on, get out. Get
your car and get out.

We don't need a crowd around
here. How could you be so dumb?

What, did you leave your
brains in your other arm?

Hey, Nick, you wanted the girl.

He had the inside track
so we let him flush her out.

You know what I would
do if I were you, Arthur?

I'd have a long
talk with myself.

I'd say, "I am the only one-armed
longshoreman in existence."

Yeah, all the others
have starved to death

or they've gotten killed in
liquor store holdups, but not you.

You're not dead because
Nick takes care of you

and Nick has problems.

Big, big problems. He
shouldn't be involved.

He shouldn't have
to worry about this.

- Well...
- Just take care of him.

I don't know, Nick. He's
Five-0. He's a big one.

I can take the slammer,
three to five, assault.

- I think I could handle it.
- Yeah, well, it's too late for that now.

This guy is poison,
and he's big poison.

He's your poison.

We'll take care of the girl.

Good plan, Nick. Almost worked.

Krebs the crime buster.

If he took over the union,
you'd own the docks too.

But when it looked like he was
really gonna win the election,

he backed away from
the deal, didn't he?

So you had him killed. He knew
too much and you were angry.

Dumb, Nick.

Dumb deal.

Take him out of here
and plant him deep.

McGARRETT: Oh, no. You
can't throw dirt over this one.

No, it's too big. It
stinks too much.

Your only chance
is to give yourself up.

Don't you understand that?

You'll never get
anybody to testify in court.

- Come on, get him out of here.
- I told them everything.

Everything, you understand?
I spilled my guts. Everything.

Names, places,
dates, bank accounts.

And they got it all on tape.

They're gonna nail you, Nickie.

And I told them just
where to hammer the nails.

You're finished, Nickie.

- You're finished. Finished.
- Nick, I think that...

NICK: I don't want you
to think. It'll hurt your arm.

Now, come on. Get him out, now.

Arthur, don't you see?
They're gonna set you up.

They're gonna bury you.

You know too much.
They have to kill you.

Don't you understand that?

Shut him up.


McGARRETT: What are you doing?


Get over here! Cut these!

Hurry up!

God, the girl is hit.
Come here. Come on.

Easy, now.


I didn't wanna let
you down, McGarrett.

You didn't let me down.

- Are you proud of me?
- Yeah, sure.

Sure, kid. I'm proud of you.

- Did I do good?
- You did very good.

Now, take it easy, please.

- Don't try to talk.
- I don't think I'm gonna make it.

make it. Hang in there.

Hold me.

I don't wanna die.

You're not gonna die, Frankie.

Hang in there, baby.

She's gone.