Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980): Season 10, Episode 12 - Hawaii Five-O - full transcript

Urged on by a powerful businessman, the Governor forces McGarrett to launch a kidnapping investigation when the magnate's daughter disappears in the company of a native "Kanaka" who is her ...

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Kidnapping? David Kaluna?

That's ridiculous.

It is not ridiculous.

The kid had his eye on Debbie ever
since he came to work at my house.

- I'm pregnant.
- Why didn't you tell me?

See over there?

City of Refuge.

In the days of the great
Kamehameha it was sacred ground.

That's my only child.
What do you mean wait?

And what about David?

Don't you think his mother is just
as worried and he's her only child.


Come in.

- Sarah, you're late tonight.
- I'm sorry, Mr. McGarrett.

Mr. McGarrett,
can I talk to you?

Sure, Sarah. What is it?

It's David. I think
he's in trouble again.

What kind of trouble?

I don't know, a detective
came to our house.

And he just sits in his
car waiting for David.

- A detective?
- A Mr. Fletcher.

- Chick Fletcher?
- I think that's right.

- What's David been up to?
- Nothing, just working.

Oh, sit down, won't you, please?

But lately he's
been kind of jumpy,

and snapping at me like
something's wrong maybe.

And when I ask him about it, he
just says, uh, "Everything's fine, ma."

Well, maybe you should stop
worrying until you have a talk with him.

I'm afraid everything is
not okay, Mr. McGarrett.

All right, I'll tell you
what. I'll try to find him.

And when I do, I'll have a talk with
him. Don't worry, he's a good boy, Sarah.

How's the water?


What's a detective doing here?
You said you let Fletcher go.

Yes, I said I would let him go,

but you didn't keep your
side of the bargain, babe.

I don't understand.

Well, maybe you
can explain these.

Daddy, try to understand.

I had to tell him in person
why I couldn't see him.

You promised me that you
wouldn't see David Kaluna again.

- You lied to me.
- Daddy, if you'd just listen.

- I didn't mean to break...
- I am not a fool.

I know the truth.

Sweetheart, I, uh...

How can I get you to
understand my side of this?

I have nothing against that boy.

Except for he's a
Kanaka with brown skin.

Honey, you are only 16 years old.
You don't know what life is all about.

- I promised your mother.
- She's dead.

Maybe that's the trouble.
Maybe she would understand.

- I think she'd feel the same way I do.
- How do you know?


I love Davie and he loves me.

- What are these for?
- Switzerland.

I've made arrangements for you to
attend a boarding school in Geneva.

Malia's packing your things now.

Daddy, I don't wanna
go to Switzerland.

I wanna stay here.
Daddy, please.

There is no sense in discussing
this any further, Debbie.

- Daddy, wait, if you'll just listen.
- That's final.

Listen, in time you're
gonna see that I'm right.

And you'll thank me, honey.

All right, I've got
some things to do.

The plane leaves at 6.


Hey. Where you going?

I have to get
something out of my car.


- Davie.
- Debbie.

- Come on, we've gotta go, hurry.
- Go where?

- I'll tell you on the way.
- What's the matter?

Daddy. It's Daddy.

- Get in, come on.
- Hey, Mike, take over.

Thanks, brah.

What the hell happened?

Sorry, sir. I was trying to
help her load the luggage.

- Now, she must have taken my keys.
- I don't want your excuses.

That kid has bought
himself a load of trouble now.

Damn it.

There's no other answer, Debbie.

I have to face your father
and talk it out with him.

You tried that before, remember?

I was a kid then. This time
it'll be different, you'll see.

He just can't fire me
and send me packing.

You don't know him.
There's no telling what he'll do.

Well, I won't just let him send
you halfway around the world.

I love you, Debbie.

Davie, why can't we just go
away somewhere? Just us.

After I talk to him.

Hey, I'm working.
I got two jobs.

Before you know it, I'll
be a man of substance.

He's got to come around, Deb.

Of course he'll probably want
us to wait for a while, but...

- We can't wait, Davie.
- Well, sure we can if we have to.

We can't.

I'm gonna have a baby.

- What?
- I'm pregnant.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- I didn't know until yesterday.

Daddy threatened to do
something terrible to you, Davie.

God knows what he'll
do when he finds this out.

I'm scared.

You don't have to be,
Deb. I'll take care of you.

I promise, I'll
take care of you.

Kidnapping? David Kaluna?

That's ridiculous.

It is not ridiculous.

The kid had his eye on Debbie ever
since he came to work at my house.

Steve, I know you're
close to the boy's mother.

- Now, if there is an explanation.
- There may be.

I'd like to ask Mr. Cameron
a few questions.

Why didn't you go to H.P.D. if you
thought a crime had been committed

instead of hiring that private
detective, uh, Chick Fletcher.

I wanted to take into consideration
my daughter's reputation.

I didn't want this blown
all out of proportion.

Oh, it's already been
blown out of proportion

when you accused
that boy of a felony.

We simply have two
young people missing.

- That hardly constitutes a kidnapping.
- How do you know that?

My daughter is gone.
This boy is a delinquent.

He has a police record.

He was arrested by a game warden
for taking lobster out of season.

I wonder how strong you'd feel
about him if he went to Punahou,

and belonged to a country club.

Now, hold it, Steve.

Nobody's accusing
Mr. Cameron of bigotry.

GEORGE: That's all right, Phil.

I understand Mr. McGarrett.

Would you like to
check my credentials?

I can give you a list of my Hawaiian
charities as long as your arm.

I have done more for these
natives than you or the governor.

Now, now, wait a minute, George.

You know as well as I
do that Steve McGarrett

is the best law enforcement
officer in the islands.

He'll do everything
possible to find Debbie.

And if there is an offence,
the courts will take it from there.

Thank you very much, Phil.

But you and, uh, your
people do what you want.

I'm going to find my daughter.

God, I can't stand the
arrogance of that man.

And I object to being
assigned to a case

because Cameron
is a friend of yours,

and makes large
political contributions.

I resent that.

Of course he makes
political contributions.

So do a lot of
other good people.

Yeah, well, I'm not gonna railroad
a kid just because moneybags there

resents the color of his skin.

You're out of line, Steve.

Am I? Governor, there
is no kidnapping here.

There is not even a crime.
What we have is a family hassle.

- Then prove it.
- Yes, sir.

- And quick.
- Yes, sir.

Steve, listen.

You may not realize it
because you're angry,

but we've got a
potential bomb here.

You take a girl from a prominent
family like this and an island boy,

and we're on the same
collision course that...

That nearly blew these
islands apart 40 years ago.

- Do you read me?
- Oh, yes, sir, I read you.

Sure. The Martin case.

Haole girl, underage.
Native boy, brown skin.

Works in Kahala instead of
lives there. Yes, sir, I read you.

All right, I'll handle it.

But I do it my way. I don't
want any interference.

Would it do me any
good to expect otherwise?

You hired me to
run this department.

- I run it or I leave it.
- That's plain enough.

- Good night, Steve.
- Good night, sir.

Oh, these Irish.

Hey, that's some kind
of an image change.

But the local fisherman aren't used to
the kind of clothes you were wearing.

Someone at the commune
will find someplace to wear them.

Who cares? I don't mind
as long as we're together.

Hey, there's the Lily B.

And that's Uncle Noah.

Are you sure it's safe?

Oh, don't worry, I was always
Uncle Noah's favorite nephew.

You just stay right here.

Uncle Noah.

- David, aloha.
- Aloha.

What are you doing here?

Well, the bait man said last week
that you'd be coming in with a charter.

Oh, that's paid and gone.

Hey, you've put on a couple of inches.
Your mama must be feeding you right.

Well, what are you doing here?

- Well, I got a problem, Uncle Noah.
- Sit down.

It's a pretty
problem. Who is she?

DAVID: Her name's Debbie.

Now, see, if you'd come
to Kona with me, David,

when I told you, you
wouldn't have any problems.

You'd be a working
fisherman by now.

Well, that's why I'm here.

I want you to take
us to the Big Island.


How long has the
car been here, Danno?

Tire tracks indicate it was late
yesterday afternoon, after the rain.

- Anything else?
- Nothing so far, Steve.

This still ridiculous, McGarrett?
Or does it tell you something?

I'm sure it will after we
examine the evidence.

Make sure they
check for bloodstains.

Or anything else that they
may choose to overlook.

Cameron, this is still
the State's investigation.

And none of your flunkies
are gonna interfere with it.

You can't keep us off the
water. That belongs to the people.

Fletcher, I want a boat.
I want grappling hooks.

Yeah, and get all the men you
need. I wanna drag that cove.

I'll get right on it.

Cameron, having your hired
hand meddling in police work

is gonna make it
tougher for everyone.

Why don't you wait and
see what we come up with?


That's my daughter.

That's my only child.
What do you mean wait?

And what about David?

Don't you think his mother is just
as worried and he's her only child.

I don't care about them.
They're not my concern.

Obviously not. I wonder if that they're
Hawaiian has anything to do with it?

Oh, don't put words in
my mouth, McGarrett.

In the old days, I
wouldn't deal with you.

I would've handled
this my own way.

Yeah, I'm sure you would have.
But these are not the old days.

And we run the
investigations now.

For the moment.

No, not for the moment.
For the duration.

- And don't threaten me.
- I don't make threats.

Just don't make any mistakes.
You're vulnerable, you know?


We're all vulnerable. Even you.

City of Refuge.

It's beautiful.

It's not always
beautiful. It can be cruel.

What do you mean cruel?

You ought to be
ashamed of yourself, Davie.

That's your heritage.

You young fellas ought to
take time out once in a while

and sit under a tree and think about
the country that gave birth to you.

And your ancestors.

DEBBIE: The City of Refuge.

I like the sound of it.

- What is it?
- I'll tell you later.

Come on, Davie.
Refuge from what?

The king.

If you step on his shadow or
break the kapu, capital offense.

- What?
- But don't worry about it.

There aren't any kings
in Hawaii anymore.

And David said nothing
to you about his girlfriend?

- Debbie Cameron?
- No.

Maybe he figured I
wouldn't think it was right.

Why, Sarah? Because she's haole?

I might have expected that
from her father but not from you.

They must have gone somewhere.
What about family or friends?

I don't know his friends.

And the only family is
my brother over in Kona.

Does he have a phone?

No phone. Everybody
over there knows him.

- What's his name?
- Noah Kaluna.


- So Kaluna's your family name.
- Yes.

I see.

All right, Sarah, if you hear
anything at all from David,

please, let me know
immediately, huh?


Well, here we are.

No, no, you don't stay
here. Too many visitors.

I got a better place.
You follow me, come on.

This is the old church.

We got a new one
towards Kealakekua.

But I, uh, like this one better.

DAVID: Isn't it beautiful?

NOAH: Well, here it is. I
hope it's good enough for you.

And it better be.

It was good enough
for me for 30 years.

The outhouse is in the back
here. The well is in the front.

And I gotta get the
blankets out of the locker.

See, they're locked up now.

You didn't have to use
to do it, but now you do.

We'll be okay.

I'll just fix it up.

Hang a few plants.

You can make
curtains for the windows.

Hey, look. There's
a bed under here.


- We'll be okay, don't worry.
- I'm not worried.

What's under here?

Look at this stuff. Hey,
here's another hat for you.

Hey, look at these old pictures.


Well, here's the blankets.

I gotta get the sheets
from the other house.

- Hey, what you got there, huh?
- A picture of my mother.

- And who's that with her?
- Oh, somebody she knew.

I think an old boyfriend.

What's it doing here?

Well, she spent a lot of
time here a lot of years ago.

She told me she'd never
been to the Big Island.

Yeah, well, you talk
to her about that, huh?

A woman's got to have
her little secrets, right?

DAVID: Noah.
- Look, I gotta go get the sheets.

- I'll come back with some food.
- Uncle Noah.

I wanna know. Who was he?

That's your father.

- Where is he now?
- I don't know.

He left here.

You see, he left because your mother
told him she was gonna have you.

See, there's no work
here, so he packed up,

and shipped out on a
freighter out of Kona.

Nobody ever saw him again.

David, you were
born here in this room.

On these grounds.

They weren't married.

She loved him.

And he just left her
here. All by herself.

I was here.

Listen, you two better get
settled down in a hurry, huh?

Because tonight I'm gonna
teach you how to fish for the ahi.

I didn't see David and Debbie again
until later that night at the commune.

Lot of kids live there
and many of our friends

would just go there when
they wanted to get away.

Did David say about where they
were going or what his plans were?

Not a word, except to tell the boss
that he wouldn't be back to work.

Is Dave in serious trouble?

He could be if he forced
Debbie to go with him.

Well, she sure didn't look like
anyone who's trying to get away.

In fact, they seemed
awfully happy about it.

What about those
clothes you mentioned?

She traded them for a lark.

But when the ruckus started, I
thought it'd be best to contact the police.

- In case they should know.
- You did the right thing.

- Can I see them?
- Sure.

Here you go.

I'll get them back to you as soon
as we check them out. Thank you.

- Noah Kaluna?
- Yeah.

McGarrett. Hawaii Five-0.

- Kind of a tough place to find.
- But it's not too tough it looks like.

Yeah, if this is about
the, uh, utility cable

I ran across, it was
the company's fault.

- There wasn't a buoy in sight.
- No, no.

I'm looking for David Kaluna.

What's my nephew been up to?

He's in trouble. His
mother's a friend of mine.

He's involved with a
young girl from Kahala.


There's always a
young girl, isn't there?

- I could tell you stories.
- Yeah, I'll bet you could.

But this is serious. It could
result in a kidnapping charge.

- You sure David kidnapped this girl?
- It appears that way.

That's why it's important I get
in touch with him immediately

to get the facts
as he knows them.

Well, I'm sure you got nothing
to worry about, Mr. McGarrett.

We'll see.

Here's my card. You can
reach me here any time.

I guess his mama's worried
sick about all this, huh?

She is.

You know, in my day,

when a young man kidnapped
a girl, it was called kidnapping.

But today, I thought
it was called love?

I guess times haven't changed.

The times haven't
changed, the people have.

GEORGE: You're sure she's all right?
- She's okay.

How long was she being
held at this address?

Well, just the one night according
to the kid at the service station.

As far as I can tell,
nobody was holding her.

Does McGarrett know about this?

He must.

All right, we've gotta
get to that Kanaka first.

Make sure he says
the right things.

And as far as you and McGarrett
are concerned, she was kidnapped.

You understand?

I've tangled with McGarrett
before, and he's tough.

Well, we'll see who's tougher.

Hey, I told you, you work with me,
I'll make a good fisherman out of you.

You work hard, you make maybe two,
three hundred dollars in a single night.

If we're lucky.

See over there? City of Refuge.

Some were not so lucky.

In the days of the great
Kamehameha, the grounds were sacred.

I know that story.

But you forget, only the
haoles are kings now.

Only if you believe it.

Well, maybe your
father wasn't much.

But your mother's line goes way
back to the great Kamehameha.

You've got their
blood in you, David.

They were great people. Big,
strong, proud, noble people.

A lot of good it'll do me if
Debbie's father finds us.

There's always an answer, David.

Even there, after you
step in the king's shadow.

When you escape to the city.

Past the sharks, the reef.

Past the walls into
the City of Refuge.

You are forgiven, you
are purged of your sins.

You could walk in safety and pride
among your people for all your days.

Learn to walk with pride, David.

Ah, okay, 210-pound
yellow fin ahi.


But it's all right. Mm-hm.

What are we gonna
start? I say 90 cents.

- Ninety.
- Ninety.

- A dollar.
- A dollar.

- A dollar twenty.
- A dollar twenty.

- A dollar twenty-five.
- A dollar twenty-five, once.

A dollar twenty-seven.

Brother, you got it, go home.
Sashimi and all that stuff.

Thank you.


Well, here's your share.

Noah, that's more
than half. That's not fair.

- I mean, it's your boat, I...
- Oh, be quiet.

Pretty soon you're gonna
have three mouths to feed.

Any luck in Kona, Steve?

If Noah Kaluna knows
anything, he sure wasn't talking.

Well, I may have something.

Mrs. Jane Thompson?

What's this all about,
Danno? Mission Clinic?

- Miss, excuse me.
- Oh, I'm sorry, the clinic is closed.

The doctor's gone for the day.

Hawaii Five-0.

We just wanna know if you remember
this young lady being treated here.

I'm sorry, I am not
permitted to discuss patients.

Now, I'm not looking for privileged
information, or for her medical records,

I'd just like to know
if she came here.

I remember her.

- Mrs. Thompson.
- Thompson?

- Was anyone with her?
- No, she was only in the office twice.

And you're sure you never
saw her with this young man?

- Never.
- What was the nature of her illness?

I didn't say she was
ill, just that she came in.

Look, I'm afraid I've
said too much already.

- If you'll excuse me.
- Thank you.

Debbie Cameron wasn't sick.

- Doesn't mean much else, does it?
- Just the maternity ward, Danno.

Hey, Deb. Are you all right?

I just got a little too much
sun. I'll be fine tomorrow.

- You don't look good.
- I'm okay.

Everything's all right.



No, nothing is
gonna be all right.

- There's not enough money and...
- David.

I was a fool to bring you here.

I came. You didn't bring me.


Huh. Your father's right.

I am just a dumb Kanaka.

And you. Look what
I've done to you.

What we've done,
we've done together.

No. We can't do it, Deb.

We can't go through
with it. Not like this.

Davie, I told you. As long as
we're together, I don't mind.

I know what you told me.

And now I'm telling you that
we can't go through with it.

We can't.

Well, what am I supposed to do?

It's a good bet the
girl is pregnant, Sarah.

Now, if there's
anything you can tell me.

Sarah, I saw your brother
Noah. He wasn't any help.

Have you talked with him since?

Where are they? If you
know anything, please tell me.

Otherwise I can't help you.

- Did your brother call?
- Yes, Noah called.

He said that David is
working on the boat with him.

And that the girl got a job in
Mountain View at Noble's Nursery.

- Doing what?
- Picking hamelia.

Good. Thank you.

Thompson. Charles and Jane.

- Age?
- Um, we're both... We're both 18.

- Residence.
- Honaunau.

I'm a fisherman, we can pay.

May I...? May I ask how,
uh, long you've been married?

Um, a year.

You're sure you talked this
over and given it a lot of thought?

- Yes.
- Now, this is a major decision.

Now, some people have regrets.

Incidentally, this is Mrs.
Thompson's decision,

but I prefer that you both sign.

Right here, and here, and here.

- Um, when will you do it?
- Right away.

If you're certain.

Miss Fukuda?

Prep for D and C in
Room 2. I'm gonna scrub.

Well, I'll be with you.

And there's
nothing to it, he said.

- That's an important piece of paper.
- I know.


My kid is gonna have a father.
My kid is gonna know his father.

Yes, one moment please.

- What is it?
- There's a call.

The gentlemen won't leave his
name. But he says it's about Debbie.

Now, keep him talking.
I'll run a trace on him.

- How do you do that?
- I have my ways.

This is George Cameron
speaking. Who is this?

KUBOTA: A friend, Mr. Cameron.

I just talked to your
daughter yesterday afternoon.

Where is she?

KUBOTA: I'm calling
to relieve your mind.

I know you must be
terribly concerned.

Tell me. Where is she?

KUBOTA: She's alive and well.

And I must say, I
think she's quite happy.

I can't say anymore.

- Why not?
- I would be violating a confidence.

KUBOTA: Good day, sir.


- Well, did you get that?
- Close enough.

- It's the Big Island.
- Hilo.

- Kona.
- Kona?

PRIEST: I, Deborah Cameron.
DEBBIE: I, Deborah Cameron.

PRIEST: Take you, David Kaluna.
DEBBIE: Take you, David Kaluna.

PRIEST: To be my husband.
DEBBIE: To be my husband.

PRIEST: I promise to be true to you.
- I promise to be true to you.

PRIEST: In good times and in bad.
- In good times and in bad.

PRIEST: In sickness and in health.
DEBBIE: In sickness and in health.

- I will love you.
- I will love you.

PRIEST: And honor you.
- And honor you.

PRIEST: All the days of my life.
DEBBIE: All the days of my life.

May the Lord bless you both.

Keep your love as bright
and shining as it is on this day.

Welcome to our
family, little one.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

Steve, that's
Cameron's helicopter.

McGARRETT: Yeah. How
did he get here ahead of us?

Danno, get on the horn and see if
you can find out where he's staying.

- Fletcher. FLETCHER: Yes, sir.

Is all our information good?

I told them the boy's
mother is sick. It's good.

Uh, his uncle owns a
fishing boat, the Lily B.

Now, they're on it, and they were
last headed for Honaunau Bay.

The Lily B, all right.
Are we ready to go?

Your helicopter's
warming up on the pad.

- And my boat is ready.
- All right.

Now, I don't want any
foul-ups, you understand?

Yes, sir.

I'll keep in constant
touch with you by radio.

I hope so.

just left the hotel with another man.

The other man. Can
you describe him?

MAN: Blond, 35
to 40, six feet tall.

Approximately a hundred
and ninety pounds.

Thank you. Fletcher.

Has to be.

- Well?
- Well what?

What do you say? You
got a 200 pounder in there.

Well, what do you
want me to say?

Well, we got two more
like it. Aku and mahi.

Well, anyway, I told
you we'd catch up, boy.

That's 600 pounds,
a dollar ten a pound.

We're in business, boy.

They're waiting for
us in Hilo. Ha-ha-ha.

Helicopter to Fletcher.
Helicopter to Fletcher.

We sighted the Lily B.
Do you read me? Over.

Yes, sir. Where?

GEORGE: Yeah, they're
heading into Honaunau Bay.

Now, I want you to reach them
before they get into the harbor.

RADIO]: Do you read me?

I'm on my way.

That's Debbie's
father. I recognize him.

I wonder how he found us.

- I don't think your mama told him.
- My mother?

I had to tell her, Davie. She
was going out of her mind.

- But she promised not to tell anyone.
- Uncle Noah.

We're in this together, boy.
And we'll fight it out together.

Wait a minute, Danno.
That looks like her.

- Yeah.
- Miss Cameron?

RADIO]: Car Central to Five-0.

Miss Cameron, I'm a
friend of David's mother.

I'm sorry, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Please, there's no time
to waste. Come with me.

Who are you?

- McGarrett from Hawaii Five-0.
- The police?

Yes, but I'm also
here as a friend.

Now, I have to ask you.

- Did David bring you here by force?
- No.

- Could you swear to that?
- Yes.

Why do you ask?

Do you know your father
is here on the island?

- Daddy's here?
- Right here in Kona.

I don't have anything
to say to my father.

But you're going
to have to face him.

And what happens to David
depends entirely on how strong you are.

Mr. McGarrett, there's
something you don't know.

- What is that?
- I'm pregnant.

Well, you're not the first
one. Now, where's David?

Steve? Just came over the radio.

Cameron and Fletcher
are running down the Lily B.

My father threatened to kill
Davie if he didn't leave me alone.

- Where are they, Danno?
- Just offshore, City of Refuge.

Come on.

We have them in
sight. We're closing.

- Don't let him get away.
- Yes, sir.

- There they are, we can't make it.
- Oh, they'll never catch us.

Thanks for
everything, Uncle Noah.

What are you talking about?

- I can't let you do it.
- What?

I've hurt everybody.

NOAH: Even there, after
you step on the king's shadow,

as you escape through the city.

Past the sharks, the reef.

Past the wall into
the City of Refuge.

You are forgiven, you
are purged of your sins.

You can walk in safety and pride
among your people for all your days.

What are you doing?

Goodbye, Uncle Noah.


The kid went over the side.

- We'll try to head him off.
- No.

Okay, Bill, let's go down.

- Where's the girl?
- You go to hell.

I'm coming aboard.

Listen, you put foot on
this boat, I'll crack you one.

This boat is private property.

Okay, now, let's go down.


Where is she?
Where is my daughter?

McGARRETT: Cameron.

- Daddy. GEORGE:
Debbie, Debbie, ha, ha.

Oh, Debbie.

- Are you all right?
- Yes.

- Did he hurt you?
- No.

GEORGE: I wanna
take you away for good.

No, it's too late, Daddy.

I tried to tell you. You
wouldn't understand.

We'll talk about it when
we get to the house.

Daddy, no. Can't you understand?

Davie's my husband.

I'm carrying his child.

Daddy, I am home.

Davie, I love you.

It's gonna be all right now.

- What is she saying?
- She's talking about your grandchild.


Don't you see? David brought the
girl here trying to do the right thing.

Now, it takes a man to accept
that kind of responsibility.

- You don't expect me to accept that.
- No, I don't.

But they might.
The rest is up to you.

- Debbie.
- Hold it, Mr. Cameron.

Debbie is my wife.

Think he'll come around?

Yeah, in time, Danno. In time.

Wait till he sees
his first grandchild.